Exemple #1
def fakeMet(chain):
    metpx = getValue(chain, "type1phiMetpx")
    metpy = getValue(chain, "type1phiMetpy")
    genmetpx = getValue(chain, "genmetpx")
    genmetpy = getValue(chain, "genmetpy")
    #  print "met px", metpx, "met py", metpy, "genmet x", genmetpx, "genmet y", genmetpx, "ht", getValue(chain, "ht").GetValue(), chain.GetLeaf("jet2pt")
    return ROOT.sqrt((metpx - genmetpx) ** 2 + (metpy - genmetpy) ** 2)
Exemple #2
def s_inv_m(chain):
    pt0 = getValue(chain, "top_m0_pt")
    pz0 = getValue(chain, "top_m0_pz")
    pt1 = getValue(chain, "top_m1_pt")
    pz1 = getValue(chain, "top_m1_pz")
    xa = ROOT.sqrt(pt0 * pt0 + pz0 * pz0) / 3500
    xb = ROOT.sqrt(pt1 * pt1 + pz1 * pz1) / 3500

    return xa * xb * 7000 ** 2
Exemple #3
def type1phiMT(chain):
    lepton_pt = getValue(chain, "leptonPt")
    lepton_phi = getValue(chain, "leptonPhi")
    metx = getValue(chain, "type1phiMetpx")
    mety = getValue(chain, "type1phiMetpy")
    met = sqrt(metx ** 2 + mety ** 2)
    #  metx = getValue(chain, "metpx")
    #  mety = getValue(chain, "metpy")
    return ROOT.sqrt(2 * lepton_pt * (met - (metx * cos(lepton_phi) + mety * sin(lepton_phi))))
Exemple #4
def cosDeltaPhiLepW(chain):
    lPt = getValue(chain, "leptonPt")
    lPhi = getValue(chain, "leptonPhi")
    mpx = getValue(chain, "type1phiMetpx")
    mpy = getValue(chain, "type1phiMetpy")
    cosLepPhi = cos(lPhi)
    sinLepPhi = sin(lPhi)
    pW = sqrt((lPt * cosLepPhi + mpx) ** 2 + (lPt * sinLepPhi + mpy) ** 2)

    return ((lPt * cosLepPhi + mpx) * cosLepPhi + (lPt * sinLepPhi + mpy) * sinLepPhi) / pW
Exemple #5
def matchedMTtrue(chain):
    if not genLeptonMatch(chain):
        return float("nan")
    lepton_pt = getValue(chain, "leptonPt")
    lepton_phi = getValue(chain, "leptonPhi")
    metx = getValue(chain, "genmetpx")
    mety = getValue(chain, "genmetpy")
    met = sqrt(metx ** 2 + mety ** 2)
    #  metx = getValue(chain, "metpx")
    #  mety = getValue(chain, "metpy")
    return ROOT.sqrt(2 * lepton_pt * (met - (metx * cos(lepton_phi) + mety * sin(lepton_phi))))
Exemple #6
def matchedMTtrue(chain):
    if not genLeptonMatch(chain):
        return float('nan')
    lepton_pt = getValue(chain, "leptonPt")
    lepton_phi = getValue(chain, "leptonPhi")
    metx = getValue(chain, "genmetpx")
    mety = getValue(chain, "genmetpy")
    met = sqrt(metx**2 + mety**2)
    #  metx = getValue(chain, "metpx")
    #  mety = getValue(chain, "metpy")
    return ROOT.sqrt(2 * lepton_pt *
                     (met - (metx * cos(lepton_phi) + mety * sin(lepton_phi))))
Exemple #7
def recoLP(chain):
    lepton_pt = getValue(chain, "leptonPt")
    lepton_phi = getValue(chain, "leptonPhi")
    metpx = getValue(chain, "metpx")
    metpy = getValue(chain, "metpy")

    lp_var = -1 + 2 * (
        (lepton_pt * cos(lepton_phi) + metpx) * (lepton_pt * cos(lepton_phi))
        + (lepton_pt * sin(lepton_phi) + metpy) * (lepton_pt * sin(lepton_phi))
    ) / ((lepton_pt * cos(lepton_phi) + metpx) ** 2 + (lepton_pt * sin(lepton_phi) + metpy) ** 2)

    return lp_var
Exemple #8
def mTbare(chain):
    #  chain.GetEntry(ievt)
    #  print chain, ievt
    #  met = getValue(chain, "barepfmet")
    #  met = getValue(chain, "met")
    lepton_pt = getValue(chain, "leptonPt")
    lepton_phi = getValue(chain, "leptonPhi")
    metx = getValue(chain, "rawMetpx")
    mety = getValue(chain, "rawMetpy")
    met = sqrt(metx ** 2 + mety ** 2)
    #  metx = getValue(chain, "metpx")
    #  mety = getValue(chain, "metpy")
    return ROOT.sqrt(2 * lepton_pt * (met - (metx * cos(lepton_phi) + mety * sin(lepton_phi))))
Exemple #9
def genLeptonMatch(chain):
    lepton_pt = getValue(chain, "leptonPt")
    if lepton_pt == 0:
        return False
    lepton_phi = getValue(chain, "leptonPhi")
    lepton_eta = getValue(chain, "leptonEta")
    for i in ["0", "1"]:
        for j in ["0", "1"]:
            sstring = "top" + i + "WDaughter" + j
            #      print sstring
            absPdg = abs(getValue(chain, sstring + "Pdg"))
            if absPdg == 11 or absPdg == 13:
                px = getValue(chain, sstring + "Px")
                py = getValue(chain, sstring + "Py")
                pz = getValue(chain, sstring + "Pz")
                pt = sqrt(px * px + py * py)
                eta = asinh(pz / pt)
                deltaPhi = (cos(lepton_phi) * px + sin(lepton_phi) * py) / pt
                deltaR = sqrt(deltaPhi**2 + (eta - lepton_eta)**2)
                deltaPt = pt / lepton_pt
                print "Testing", i, j, absPdg, deltaR, deltaPt
                if deltaR < 0.1 and abs(1. - deltaPt) < 0.1:
                    return True
    return False
Exemple #10
def genLeptonMatch(chain):
    lepton_pt = getValue(chain, "leptonPt")
    if lepton_pt == 0:
        return False
    lepton_phi = getValue(chain, "leptonPhi")
    lepton_eta = getValue(chain, "leptonEta")
    for i in ["0", "1"]:
        for j in ["0", "1"]:
            sstring = "top" + i + "WDaughter" + j
            #      print sstring
            absPdg = abs(getValue(chain, sstring + "Pdg"))
            if absPdg == 11 or absPdg == 13:
                px = getValue(chain, sstring + "Px")
                py = getValue(chain, sstring + "Py")
                pz = getValue(chain, sstring + "Pz")
                pt = sqrt(px * px + py * py)
                eta = asinh(pz / pt)
                deltaPhi = (cos(lepton_phi) * px + sin(lepton_phi) * py) / pt
                deltaR = sqrt(deltaPhi ** 2 + (eta - lepton_eta) ** 2)
                deltaPt = pt / lepton_pt
                print "Testing", i, j, absPdg, deltaR, deltaPt
                if deltaR < 0.1 and abs(1.0 - deltaPt) < 0.1:
                    return True
    return False
Exemple #11
def metFunc(chain):
    metpx = getValue(chain, "metpx")
    metpy = getValue(chain, "metpy")
    return sqrt(metpx ** 2 + metpy ** 2)
Exemple #12
def minDeltaPhiOverPi(chain):
    return getValue(chain, "minDeltaPhi") / ROOT.TMath.Pi()
Exemple #13
def htThrustOppRatio(chain):
    ht = getValue(chain, "ht")
    htThrustOppSide = getValue(chain, "htThrustOppSide")
    return htThrustOppSide / ht
Exemple #14
def cosDeltaPhiLepMET(chain):
    lepton_pt = getValue(chain, "leptonPt")
    met = getValue(chain, "met")
    mT = getValue(chain, "mT")
    res = 1.0 - mT ** 2 / (2.0 * met * lepton_pt)
    return res
Exemple #15
def deltaPhiLepMet(chain):
    leptonPhi = getValue(chain, "leptonPhi")
    metpx = getValue(chain, "metpxUncorr")
    metpy = getValue(chain, "metpyUncorr")
    metPhi = atan(metpy / metpx)
    return abs((leptonPhi - metPhi) % (2 * 3.1415926))
Exemple #16
 def cleanMT(chain):
     cosDeltaPhi = cosDeltaPhiLepMET(chain)
     if cosDeltaPhi > -cutVal:
         return getValue(chain, "mT")
         return float("nan")
Exemple #17
def rawMET(chain):
    metx = getValue(chain, "rawMetpx")
    mety = getValue(chain, "rawMetpy")
    return ROOT.sqrt(metx ** 2 + mety ** 2)
Exemple #18
 def mGen(chain):
     if nuMuTot != getValue(chain, "antinuMu") + getValue(
             chain, "nuMu") or nuEleTot != getValue(
                 chain, "antinuE") + getValue(chain, "nuE") or getValue(
                     chain, "antinuTau") + getValue(chain, "nuTau") != 0:
         return float('nan')
     for i in ["0", "1"]:
         for j in ["0", "1"]:
             sstring = "top" + i + "WDaughter" + j
             absPdg = abs(getValue(chain, sstring + "Pdg"))
             if absPdg == requPdg:
                 sstringPartner = "top" + i + "WDaughter" + str(1 - int(j))
                 px1 = getValue(chain, sstring + "Px")
                 py1 = getValue(chain, sstring + "Py")
                 pz1 = getValue(chain, sstring + "Pz")
                 p1 = sqrt(px1 * px1 + py1 * py1 + pz1 * pz1)
                 px2 = getValue(chain, sstringPartner + "Px")
                 py2 = getValue(chain, sstringPartner + "Py")
                 pz2 = getValue(chain, sstringPartner + "Pz")
                 p2 = sqrt(px2 * px2 + py2 * py2 + pz2 * pz2)
                 return sqrt((p1 + p2)**2 - (px1 + px2)**2 -
                             (py1 + py2)**2 - (pz1 + pz2)**2)
     return float('nan')
Exemple #19
        def mTgen(chain):
            if (
                nuMuTot != getValue(chain, "antinuMu") + getValue(chain, "nuMu")
                or nuEleTot != getValue(chain, "antinuE") + getValue(chain, "nuE")
                or getValue(chain, "antinuTau") + getValue(chain, "nuTau") != 0
                return float("nan")
            for i in ["0", "1"]:
                for j in ["0", "1"]:
                    sstring = "top" + i + "WDaughter" + j
                    absPdg = abs(getValue(chain, sstring + "Pdg"))
                    if absPdg == requPdg:
                        sstringPartner = "top" + i + "WDaughter" + str(1 - int(j))
                        px1 = getValue(chain, sstring + "Px")
                        py1 = getValue(chain, sstring + "Py")
                        pt1 = sqrt(px1 * px1 + py1 * py1)
                        px2 = getValue(chain, sstringPartner + "Px")
                        py2 = getValue(chain, sstringPartner + "Py")
                        pt2 = sqrt(px2 * px2 + py2 * py2)
                        mt = sqrt(2 * pt1 * pt2 * (1 - (px1 * px2 + py1 * py2) / (pt1 * pt2)))
                        if mt > 140.0:
                            print str(int(getValue(chain, "event"))) + ":" + str(
                                int(getValue(chain, "lumi"))
                            ) + ":" + str(int(getValue(chain, "run"))) + "  # TTJets " + str(mt)
                        return mt

            return float("nan")
Exemple #20
def nljets(chain):
    return getValue(chain, "njets") - getValue(chain, "nbtags")
Exemple #21
 def mTgen(chain):
     if (
         nuMuTot != getValue(chain, "antinuMu") + getValue(chain, "nuMu")
         or nuEleTot != getValue(chain, "antinuE") + getValue(chain, "nuE")
         or getValue(chain, "antinuTau") + getValue(chain, "nuTau") != 0
         return float("nan")
     absPdg = abs(getValue(chain, "nu0Pdg"))
     if not absPdg == requPdg + 1:
         print "mTGen: Warning! Inconsistency in NeutrinoPdg"
     pt0 = getValue(chain, "nu0Pt")
     eta0 = getValue(chain, "nu0Eta")
     phi0 = getValue(chain, "nu0Phi")
     pt1 = getValue(chain, "l0Pt")
     eta1 = getValue(chain, "l0Eta")
     phi1 = getValue(chain, "l0Phi")
     mt = sqrt(2 * pt0 * pt1 * (1 - cos(phi0 - phi1)))
     #      if mt>140.:
     #        print str(int(getValue(chain, "event")))+":"+str(int(getValue(chain, "lumi")))+":"+str(int(getValue(chain, "run")))+"  # WJets "+str(mt)
     return mt
Exemple #22
def typeIMetOverPFMet(chain):
    met = getValue(chain, "met")
    barepfmet = getValue(chain, "barepfmet")
    return met / barepfmet
Exemple #23
def kinMetSig(chain):
    met = getValue(chain, "met")
    ht = getValue(chain, "ht")
    return met / ROOT.sqrt(ht)
Exemple #24
def top_m0_p(chain):
    pt = getValue(chain, "top_m0_pt")
    pz = getValue(chain, "top_m0_pz")
    return ROOT.sqrt(pt * pt + pz * pz)
Exemple #25
def cosDeltaPhiLepMET(chain):
    lepton_pt = getValue(chain, "leptonPt")
    met = getValue(chain, "met")
    mT = getValue(chain, "mT")
    res = 1. - mT**2 / (2. * met * lepton_pt)
    return res
Exemple #26
 def mGen(chain):
     if (
         nuMuTot != getValue(chain, "antinuMu") + getValue(chain, "nuMu")
         or nuEleTot != getValue(chain, "antinuE") + getValue(chain, "nuE")
         or getValue(chain, "antinuTau") + getValue(chain, "nuTau") != 0
         return float("nan")
     for i in ["0", "1"]:
         for j in ["0", "1"]:
             sstring = "top" + i + "WDaughter" + j
             absPdg = abs(getValue(chain, sstring + "Pdg"))
             if absPdg == requPdg:
                 sstringPartner = "top" + i + "WDaughter" + str(1 - int(j))
                 px1 = getValue(chain, sstring + "Px")
                 py1 = getValue(chain, sstring + "Py")
                 pz1 = getValue(chain, sstring + "Pz")
                 p1 = sqrt(px1 * px1 + py1 * py1 + pz1 * pz1)
                 px2 = getValue(chain, sstringPartner + "Px")
                 py2 = getValue(chain, sstringPartner + "Py")
                 pz2 = getValue(chain, sstringPartner + "Pz")
                 p2 = sqrt(px2 * px2 + py2 * py2 + pz2 * pz2)
                 return sqrt((p1 + p2) ** 2 - (px1 + px2) ** 2 - (py1 + py2) ** 2 - (pz1 + pz2) ** 2)
     return float("nan")