Exemple #1
def removeNoise(img, r=7):

    # Creating a circle inside an array
    c = r # Center
    d = 2 * r + 1 # Diameter
    y, x = np.ogrid[-c:d-c, -c:d-c] # Create a True/False grid in numpy
    mask = x * x + y * y <= r * r # Circular shape
    structuringElement = np.zeros((d, d))
    structuringElement[mask] = 1 # Fill ones at the places with True

    # Applying erosion at the binary image
    eroded = erosion(img, structuringElement)

    # Dilate the remaining pixels from the eroded image
    dilated = dilation(eroded, structuringElement)

    # We have now opened the image. Now we need to close it:

    # We could have done this in the same step as the last, but we want to show all steps
    dilated2 = dilation(dilated, structuringElement)

    # Then we close by eroding back to normal
    eroded2 = erosion(dilated2, structuringElement)

    return eroded, dilated, dilated2, eroded2
def returnProcessedImage(que,folder,img_flist):
	X = []
	for fname in img_flist:
		cur_img = imread(folder+'/'+fname , as_grey=True)
		cur_img = 1 - cur_img

		######## randomly add samples

		# random add contrast
		r_for_eq = random()
		cur_img = equalize_adapthist(cur_img,ntiles_x=8,ntiles_y=8,clip_limit=(r_for_eq+0.5)/3)

		#random morphological operation
		r_for_mf_1 = random()
		if 0.05 < r_for_mf_1 < 0.25: # small vessel
			selem1 = disk(0.5+r_for_mf_1)
			cur_img = dilation(cur_img,selem1)
			cur_img = erosion(cur_img,selem1)
		elif 0.25 < r_for_mf_1 < 0.5: # large vessel
			selem2 = disk(2.5+r_for_mf_1*3)
			cur_img = dilation(cur_img,selem2)
			cur_img = erosion(cur_img,selem2)
		elif 0.5 < r_for_mf_1 < 0.75: # exudate
			selem1 = disk(9.21)
			selem2 = disk(7.21)
			dilated1 = dilation(cur_img, selem1)
			dilated2 = dilation(cur_img, selem2)
			cur_img = np.subtract(dilated1, dilated2)
		cur_img = img_as_float(cur_img)
	# X = np.array(X , dtype = theano.config.floatX)
	return X
 def get_internal_wsl(self, labelimage):
     se = morphology.diamond(1)
     ero = morphology.erosion(labelimage, se)
     grad = labelimage - ero
     res = np.zeros(labelimage.shape)
     res[grad>0] = 255
     return res
def erode(data, erodrN = 2):
    eroded = data.copy()
    for i in range(erodrN):
        eroded = erosion(eroded)

    return eroded
def get_symbols(image):
  dil_eros = bin_search(dilatation_cross_numb, [image], (1, 16), 1.0, "dec")
  block_size = 50
  binary_adaptive_image = erosion(dilation(threshold_adaptive(
    array(image.convert("L")), block_size, offset=10),
      square(dil_eros)), square(dil_eros))

  all_labels = label(binary_adaptive_image, background = True)
  objects = find_objects(all_labels)

  av_width = av_height = 0
  symbols = []

  for obj in objects:
    symb = (binary_adaptive_image[obj], (obj[0].start, obj[1].start))
    av_height += symb[0].shape[0]
    av_width += symb[0].shape[1]

  av_width /= float(len(objects))
  av_height /= float(len(objects))

  symbols = [symb for symb in symbols
    if symb[0].shape[0] >= av_height and symb[0].shape[1] >= av_width]

  return symbols
 def focus_score(self): 
     f_score = (color.rgb2grey(self.img) - erosion(color.rgb2grey(self.img), square(4)))
     non_zero_pixel_area = self.get_nonzero_pixel_area(f_score)
     #print("focus score: " + str(np.sum(f_score) / non_zero_pixel_area))
     return np.sum(f_score) / non_zero_pixel_area 
def extract_region_opening(img, is_demo=False):
    Extracts fingerprint region of image via mophological opening

    after_median = skimage.filter.rank.median(img, skmorph.disk(9))
    after_erode = skmorph.erosion(after_median, skmorph.disk(11))
    after_dil = skmorph.dilation(after_erode, skmorph.disk(5))
    _, t_dil_img = cv2.threshold(after_dil, 240, 40, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)

    if is_demo:
        _, t_med_img = cv2.threshold(after_median, 240, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
        _, t_erd_img = cv2.threshold(after_erode, 240, 40, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
        erd_gry = t_erd_img.astype(np.uint8) * 255
        rgb_erd = np.dstack((erd_gry, img, img))
        dil_gry = t_dil_img.astype(np.uint8) * 255
        rgb_dil = np.dstack((dil_gry, img, img))

        plt.imshow(after_erode, cmap="gray", interpolation="nearest")

        plt.imshow(rgb_erd, interpolation="nearest")

        plt.imshow(after_dil, cmap="gray", interpolation="nearest")

        plt.imshow(rgb_dil, interpolation="nearest")

    return t_dil_img
Exemple #8
def removeChessboard(img):

    # Get the major lines in the image
    edges, dilatedEdges, (h, theta, d) = findLines(img)

    # Create image with ones to fill inn lines
    lines = np.ones(img.shape[:2])

    # Add lines to image as zeroes
    for _, angle, dist in zip(*hough_line_peaks(h, theta, d)):
        y0 = (dist - 0 * np.cos(angle)) / np.sin(angle)
        y1 = (dist - img.shape[1] * np.cos(angle)) / np.sin(angle)
        x, y = line(int(y1), 0, int(y0), img.shape[1] - 1)
        x = np.clip(x, 0, img.shape[0] - 1)
        y = np.clip(y, 0, img.shape[1] - 1)
        lines[x, y] = 0

    # Remove border edges from image with all edges
    w = 4
    edges = np.pad(edges[w:img.shape[0] - w, w:img.shape[1] - w], w, mode='constant')

    # Erode the lines bigger, such that they cover the original lines
    lines = erosion(lines, square(13))

    # Remove major lines and close shape paths
    removedChessboard = closing(edges * lines, square(8))

    return removedChessboard
 def morpho_rec(self, img, size=10):
     # internal gradient of the cells: 
     se = morphology.diamond(size)
     ero = morphology.erosion(img, se)
     rec = morphology.reconstruction(ero, img, method='dilation').astype(np.dtype('uint8'))
     return rec
    def test_morpho2(self, bigsize=20.0, smallsize=3.0, threshold=5.0):
        img = self.read_H_image()

        pref = self.morpho_rec(img, 10)
        filename = os.path.join(test_out_folder, 'morpho_00_rec_%s.png' % self.image_name)
        skimage.io.imsave(filename, pref)

        res = self.difference_of_gaussian(pref, bigsize, smallsize)
        filename = os.path.join(test_out_folder, 'morpho_01_diff_%s_%i_%i.png' % (self.image_name, int(bigsize), int(smallsize)))
        skimage.io.imsave(filename, res)
        #res = self.morpho_rec2(diff, 15)
        #filename = os.path.join(test_out_folder, 'morpho_02_rec_%s.png' % self.image_name)
        #skimage.io.imsave(filename, res)

        res[res>threshold] = 255
        filename = os.path.join(test_out_folder, 'morpho_03_res_%s_%i.png' % (self.image_name, threshold))
        skimage.io.imsave(filename, res)
        se = morphology.diamond(3)
        ero = morphology.erosion(res, se)
        filename = os.path.join(test_out_folder, 'morpho_03_ero_%s_%i.png' % (self.image_name, threshold))
        skimage.io.imsave(filename, ero)
        res[ero>0] = 0
        overlay_img = self.overlay(img, res)
        filename = os.path.join(test_out_folder, 'morpho_04_overlay_%s_%i.png' % (self.image_name, int(threshold)))
        skimage.io.imsave(filename, overlay_img)
def detectOpticDisc(image):
    kernel = octagon(10, 10)
    thresh = threshold_otsu(image[:,:,1])
    binary = image > thresh
    print binary.dtype
    luminance = convertToHLS(image)[:,:,2]
    t = threshold_otsu(luminance)
    t = erosion(luminance, kernel)
    labels = segmentation.slic(image[:,:,1], n_segments = 3)
    out = color.label2rgb(labels, image[:,:,1], kind='avg')
    x, y = computeCentroid(t)
    print x, y
    rows, cols, _ = image.shape
    p1 = closing(image[:,:,1],kernel)
    p2 = opening(p1, kernel)
    p3 = reconstruction(p2, p1, 'dilation')
    p3 = p3.astype(np.uint8)
    #g = dilation(p3, kernel)-erosion(p3, kernel)
    #g = rank.gradient(p3, disk(5))
    g = cv2.morphologyEx(p3, cv2.MORPH_GRADIENT, kernel)
    #markers = rank.gradient(p3, disk(5)) < 10
    markers = drawCircle(rows, cols, x, y, 85)
    #markers = ndimage.label(markers)[0]
    g = g.astype(np.uint8)
    #g = cv2.cvtColor(g, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
    w = watershed(g, markers)
    print np.max(w), np.min(w)
    w = w.astype(np.uint8)
    return w
Exemple #12
    def compute_mask(self, params):
        """Creates the mask for the base image.
        Needs the base image, an instance of imageloaderparams
        and the clip area, which should be already defined
        by the load_base_image method.
        Creates the mask by improving the base mask created by the
        compute_base_mask method. Applies the mask closing, dilation and
        fill holes parameters.

        mask = np.copy(self.base_mask)
        closing_matrix = np.ones((params.mask_closing, params.mask_closing))

        if params.mask_closing > 0:
            # removes small dark spots and then small white spots
            mask = img_as_float(morphology.closing(
                mask, closing_matrix))
            mask = 1 - \
                    1 - mask, closing_matrix))

        for f in range(params.mask_dilation):
            mask = morphology.erosion(mask, np.ones((3, 3)))

        if params.mask_fill_holes:
            # mask is inverted
            mask = 1 - img_as_float(ndimage.binary_fill_holes(1.0 - mask))

        self.mask = mask

 def get_rough_detection(self, img, bigsize=40.0, smallsize=4.0, thresh = 0):
     diff = self.difference_of_gaussian(-img, bigsize, smallsize)
     diff[diff>thresh] = 1
     se = morphology.square(4)
     ero = morphology.erosion(diff, se)
     labimage = label(ero)
     #rec = morphology.reconstruction(ero, img, method='dilation').astype(np.dtype('uint8'))
     # connectivity=1 corresponds to 4-connectivity.
     morphology.remove_small_objects(labimage, min_size=600, connectivity=1, in_place=True)
     #res = np.zeros(img.shape)
     ero[labimage==0] = 0
     ero = 1 - ero
     labimage = label(ero)
     morphology.remove_small_objects(labimage, min_size=400, connectivity=1, in_place=True)
     ero[labimage==0] = 0
     res = 1 - ero
     res[res>0] = 255
     #temp = 255 - temp
     #temp = morphology.remove_small_objects(temp, min_size=400, connectivity=1, in_place=True)
     #res = 255 - temp
     return res
def get_distorted(image, params, orient = "horizont"):
  shifts = []
  np_image = array(image.convert("L"))
  for el in params:
    if el[0] == "sin":
      shifts.append(lambda x: np_image.shape[0] / el[1] * \
        np.sin(x * el[2] / np_image.shape[1]))
    if el[0] == "cos":
      shifts.append(lambda x: np_image.shape[0] / el[1] * \
        np.cos(x * el[2] / np_image.shape[1]))
    if el[0] == "triang":
      lambda x: np_image.shape[0] / el[1] * \
        (x / el[2] / np_image.shape[1] - math.floor(x / (el[2] / np_image.shape[1])))
    if el[0] == "erosion":
      np_image = erosion(np_image, square(el[1]))
    if el[0] == "dilation":
      np_image = dilation(np_image, square(el[1]))

  if orient == "horizont":
    for idx in xrange(np_image.shape[0]):
      for shift in shifts:
        np_image[idx,:] = np.roll(np_image[idx,:], int(shift(idx)))
  if orient == "vert":
    for idx in xrange(np_image.shape[1]):
      for shift in shifts:
        np_image[:, idx] = np.roll(np_image[:, idx], int(shift(idx)))

  return Image.fromarray(np_image)
 def fill_holes(self, binary_image, selem, iterations):
     image = binary_image.copy()
     for j in range(0, iterations):
         image = dilation(image, selem)
     image = ndi.binary_fill_holes(image)
     for j in range(0, iterations):
         image = erosion(image, selem)
     return image
Exemple #16
def ContourLabeled(bin_image, radius):
    copied = bin_image.copy()
    copied = erosion(copied, disk(radius))
    contour = bin_image.copy() - copied
    res = np.zeros_like(bin_image, dtype='uint8')
    res[bin_image == 1] = 255
    res[contour == 1] = 127
    return res
 def get_large_wsl(self, labelimage):
     se = morphology.diamond(1)
     dil = morphology.dilation(labelimage, se)
     ero = morphology.erosion(labelimage, se)
     grad = dil - ero
     res = np.zeros(labelimage.shape)
     res[grad>0] = 255
     return res
def add_contours(rgb_image, contour, ds = 2):
    The image has to be a binary image 
    rgb = rgb_image.copy()
    contour[contour > 0] = 1
    boundery = contour - erosion(contour, disk(ds))
    rgb[boundery > 0] = np.array([0, 0, 0])
    return rgb
    def filter_wsl(self, imbin, ws_labels, imin):
        # internal gradient of the cells: 
        se = morphology.diamond(1)
        #ero = morphology.erosion(imbin, se)        
        #grad = imbin - ero
        # watershed line        
        wsl = self.get_external_wsl(ws_labels)
        #wsl = self.get_large_wsl(ws_labels)
        wsl_remove = wsl.copy()

        # watershed line outside the cells is 0
        wsl_remove[imbin==0] = 0
        # watershed line on the gradient (border of objects)
        # is also not considered
        #wsl_remove[grad>0] = 0
        # gradient image
        pref = 255 * filters.gaussian_filter(imin, 3.0)
        pref[pref < 0] = 0
        pref = pref.astype(np.dtype('uint8'))
        ero = morphology.erosion(pref, se)
        dil = morphology.dilation(pref, se)
        grad = dil - ero
        grad_filtered = grad
        if self.settings.debug:
            out_filename = os.path.join(self.settings.img_debug_folder, '%s09_watershed_regions.png' % self.prefix)
            skimage.io.imsave(out_filename, ws_labels.astype(np.dtype('uint8')))        

            out_filename = os.path.join(self.settings.img_debug_folder, '%s09_wsl.png' % self.prefix)
            skimage.io.imsave(out_filename, wsl.astype(np.dtype('uint8')))        

            out_filename = os.path.join(self.settings.img_debug_folder, '%s09_wsl_remove.png' % self.prefix)
            skimage.io.imsave(out_filename, wsl_remove.astype(np.dtype('uint8')))        

            out_filename = os.path.join(self.settings.img_debug_folder, '%s09_wsl_gradient.png' % self.prefix)            
            skimage.io.imsave(out_filename, grad_filtered.astype(np.dtype('uint8')))        
        labimage = label(wsl_remove)
        properties = measure.regionprops(labimage, grad_filtered)   
        mean_intensities = np.array([0.0] + [pr.mean_intensity for pr in properties])
        filter_intensities = np.where(mean_intensities < self.settings.postfilter['wsl_mean_intensity'], 255, 0)
        filter_intensities[0] = 0
        wsl_remove = filter_intensities[labimage]
        #print filter_intensities
        #print mean_intensities
        wsl[wsl_remove>0] = 0

        if self.settings.debug:
            out_filename = os.path.join(self.settings.img_debug_folder, '%s09_wsl_remove2.png' % self.prefix)
            skimage.io.imsave(out_filename, wsl_remove.astype(np.dtype('uint8')))        

        return wsl
def erode(data, radius):
    Erode data using ball structuring element
    :param data: 2d or 3d array
    :param radius: radius of structuring element
    :return: data eroded
    from skimage.morphology import erosion, ball
    selem = ball(radius)
    return erosion(data, selem=selem, out=None)
def filter_by_erode_high_frequencies(img):
	#kernel = np.ones((5,5),np.uint8)
	#i = ndimage.grey_erosion(img,size=(10,10))
	selem = disk(3)
	#i = erosion(img, selem)
	#print( "the mean  is" + str(np.mean(img)))
	thresh = threshold_otsu(img)
	i = img > thresh
	i = erosion(i, selem)
	return i
Exemple #22
def removeNoise(img, r=7):

    structuringElement = disk(r)

    # Applying erosion at the binary image
    eroded = erosion(img, structuringElement)

    # Dilate the remaining pixels from the eroded image
    dilated = dilation(eroded, structuringElement)

    # We have now opened the image. Now we need to close it:

    # We could have done this in the same step as the last, but we want to show all steps
    dilated2 = dilation(dilated, structuringElement)

    # Then we close by eroding back to normal
    result = erosion(dilated2, structuringElement)

    return result
def segmentation_border_image(segmentation, index, width=1):

    isolated_region = np.zeros(segmentation.image_array.shape, dtype=np.uint8)

    isolated_region[np.where(segmentation.image_array == index)] = 255

    selem = disk(width)
    border = isolated_region - erosion(isolated_region, selem)

    return border
Exemple #24
def boundaryExtraction(img):

    # Creating a 3x3 array with ones
    structuringElement = np.ones((3, 3))

    # Applying erosion at the binary image
    eroded = erosion(img, structuringElement)

    # Dilate the remaining pixels from the eroded image
    boundaryExtract = img - eroded

    return eroded, boundaryExtract
def pre_process_image(image_file):
    #get the image and resize
    image_data = ndi.imread(image_file, mode = 'L')
    resized_image = resize(image_data, (200,200))

    up_left,low_right = cropper(resized_image,40,0.6)

    resized_image = resize(resized_image[up_left[0]:low_right[0]+1,up_left[1]:low_right[1]+1], (200,200))
    binar = binarize(resized_image, 0.4)

    undilated = deepcopy(binar)

    #dilate the binarized image
    selem = rectangle(1,2)
    dil = dilation(binar, selem)

    #binarize dilation
    dil = binarize(dil)

    #final = dil

    final = deepcopy(dil)
    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(4):
            final[i*50+3:i*50+25,j*50+3:j*50+44] = undilated[i*50+3:i*50+25,j*50+3:j*50+44]

    #Try to remove all borders and grid lines in the image.
    #Do this by scanning over rows and cols and if more than 25%
    #of the pixels are <= 0.45 then set the entire row to 1(white)

    #first rows
    for row in range(len(final)):
        count = 0
        for pixel in final[row,:]:
            if pixel == 0:
                count += 1
        if count >= 48:
            final[row,:] = final[row,:]*0 + 1

    for col in range(len(final[0,:])):
        count = 0
        for pixel in final[:,col]:
            if pixel == 0:
                count += 1
        if count >= 48:
            final[:,col] = final[:,col]*0 + 1

    #add some final erosion (black) to fill out numbers and ensure they're connected
    final = binarize(erosion(final, rectangle(1,2)),.0000001)

    return final
def opening_by_reconstruction(img, se):
    diffImg = True
    orig_img = img.copy()
    last_rec = img.copy()
    while diffImg:
        er_img = morphology.erosion(img, se)
        img = morphology.reconstruction(er_img, orig_img)
        if np.array_equal(last_rec, img):
            diffImg = False
            last_rec = img.copy()
    return last_rec
 def overlay(self, img, imbin, contour=False):
     colim = color.gray2rgb(img)
     colorvalue = (0, 100, 200)
     if contour:
         se = morphology.diamond(2)
         ero = morphology.erosion(imbin, se)
         grad = imbin - ero
         colim[grad > 0] = colorvalue
         colim[imbin>0] = colorvalue
     return colim
    def pred_f(image, param=param):
        # pdb.set_trace()
        prob_image1, bin_image1 = PredImageFromNet(
            net_1, image, with_depross=True)
        segmentation_mask = DynamicWatershedAlias(prob_image1, param)
        segmentation_mask[segmentation_mask > 0] = 1
        contours = dilation(segmentation_mask, disk(2)) - \
            erosion(segmentation_mask, disk(2))

        x, y = np.where(contours == 1)
        image[x, y] = np.array([0, 0, 0])
        return image
Exemple #29
def _getPoseMask(peaks, height, width, radius=4, var=4, mode='Solid'):
    ## MSCOCO Pose part_str = [nose, neck, Rsho, Relb, Rwri, Lsho, Lelb, Lwri, Rhip, Rkne, Rank, Lhip, Lkne, Lank, Leye, Reye, Lear, Rear, pt19]
    # find connection in the specified sequence, center 29 is in the position 15
    # limbSeq = [[2,3], [2,6], [3,4], [4,5], [6,7], [7,8], [2,9], [9,10], \
    #            [10,11], [2,12], [12,13], [13,14], [2,1], [1,15], [15,17], \
    #            [1,16], [16,18], [3,17], [6,18]]
    # limbSeq = [[2,3], [2,6], [3,4], [4,5], [6,7], [7,8], [2,9], [9,10], \
    #            [10,11], [2,12], [12,13], [13,14], [2,1], [1,15], [15,17], \
    #            [1,16], [16,18]] # , [9,12]
    # limbSeq = [[3,4], [4,5], [6,7], [7,8], [9,10], \
    #            [10,11], [12,13], [13,14], [2,1], [1,15], [15,17], \
    #            [1,16], [16,18]] # 
    limbSeq = [[2,3], [2,6], [3,4], [4,5], [6,7], [7,8], [2,9], [9,10], \
                         [10,11], [2,12], [12,13], [13,14], [2,1], [1,15], [15,17], \
                         [1,16], [16,18], [2,17], [2,18], [9,12], [12,6], [9,3], [17,18]] #
    indices = []
    values = []
    for limb in limbSeq:
        p0 = peaks[limb[0] -1]
        p1 = peaks[limb[1] -1]
        if 0!=len(p0) and 0!=len(p1):
            r0 = p0[0][1]
            c0 = p0[0][0]
            r1 = p1[0][1]
            c1 = p1[0][0]
            ind, val = _getSparseKeypoint(r0, c0, 0, height, width, radius, var, mode)
            ind, val = _getSparseKeypoint(r1, c1, 0, height, width, radius, var, mode)
            distance = np.sqrt((r0-r1)**2 + (c0-c1)**2)
            sampleN = int(distance/radius)
            # sampleN = 0
            if sampleN>1:
                for i in xrange(1,sampleN):
                    r = r0 + (r1-r0)*i/sampleN
                    c = c0 + (c1-c0)*i/sampleN
                    ind, val = _getSparseKeypoint(r, c, 0, height, width, radius, var, mode)

    shape = [height, width, 1]
    ## Fill body
    dense = np.squeeze(_sparse2dense(indices, values, shape))
    ## TODO
    # im = Image.fromarray((dense*255).astype(np.uint8))
    # im.save('xxxxx.png')
    # pdb.set_trace()
    dense = dilation(dense, square(5))
    dense = erosion(dense, square(5))
    return dense
def main(arguments):
    #Read input GeoTIFF file
    in_data = GeoRead(arguments['IN_FILE'])

    # Alogirtihm
    # Read image -> Scale down to [-1,1] -> Mean_percentile -> 
    #Erosion -> Scale up new image upto original maxima and minima

    # Consider the sun spikes as noise
    print "Reading input GeoTIFF file..."
    noisy_image = in_data.arys[0]
    print "The maxima is %f & the minima is %f.\n" %(np.max(noisy_image), np.min(noisy_image))

    # Scale array data to [-1,1] so that mean_percentile can implemented
    print "Scaling input data to [-1,1]..."
    noisy_image_scaled = scale_down(noisy_image, 1.0, -1.0)
    print "Done construction of scaled noisy_image.\n"

    #Disk size for implementing mean percentile
    #selem = disk(5) #Not good
    #selem = disk(10) #Can be better
    selem = disk(15)
    #selem = disk(20) #Not good

    #Applying mean percentile
    print "Applying Mean percentile with p0 = 0.1 & p1 = 0.9..."
    percentile_result = rank.mean_percentile(noisy_image_scaled, selem=selem, p0=.1, p1=.9)
    print "Done construction of percentile_result.\n"

    #Applying erosion. 
    print "Applying erosion to remove the sun spikes..."
    sun_spikes_removed = erosion(percentile_result, selem)
    print "Done construction of sun spikes removed scaled down result.\n"

    #Scaling the final result to original scale
    print "Scaling the final output to maxima and minima of original image..."
    sun_spikes_removed_original_scale = scale_up(noisy_image, sun_spikes_removed)
    print "Process completed.\n"

    # Writing Output
    Screen_out = False
    print "Screen_output is %r." %(Screen_out)
    write_output(Screen_out, noisy_image, noisy_image_scaled, percentile_result, sun_spikes_removed, sun_spikes_removed_original_scale)

    #Plot data
    print "Generating plots..."
    plot_output(noisy_image, percentile_result, sun_spikes_removed, sun_spikes_removed_original_scale)

    print "Script completed successfully."
Exemple #31
    def _get_batches_of_transformed_samples(self, index_array):
        batch_x = []
        batch_y = []


        for batch_index, image_index in enumerate(index_array):
            row = self.image_table.iloc[image_index]
            img_id = row.ImageId

            if img_id in exclude_list:

            img0 = cv2.imread(path.join(images_folder, '{0}'.format(img_id)),
            mask_path = path.join(masks_folder, '{0}.png'.format(img_id[:-4]))
            if not os.path.exists(mask_path):
                msk0 = np.zeros((768, 768, 3))
                lbl0 = np.zeros((768, 768))
                msk0 = cv2.imread(mask_path, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
                lbl0 = cv2.imread(
                    path.join(labels_folder, '{0}.tif'.format(img_id[:-4])),

                if img0.shape[0] == 0 or msk0.shape[0] == 0 or lbl0.shape[
                        0] == 0:
                    img0 = np.zeros((768, 768, 3))
                    msk0 = np.zeros((768, 768, 3))
                    lbl0 = np.zeros((768, 768))
#             print('mask_path', mask_path)
#             print('img_shape', img0.shape, 'mask_shape', msk0.shape)
            tmp = np.zeros_like(msk0[..., 0], dtype='uint8')
            tmp[1:-1, 1:-1] = msk0[1:-1, 1:-1, 0]
            good4copy = list(
                set(np.unique(lbl0[lbl0 > 0])).symmetric_difference(
                    np.unique(lbl0[(lbl0 > 0) & (tmp == 0)])))

            x0 = random.randint(0, img0.shape[1] - self.input_shape[1])
            y0 = random.randint(0, img0.shape[0] - self.input_shape[0])
            img = img0[y0:y0 + self.input_shape[0],
                       x0:x0 + self.input_shape[1], :]
            msk = msk0[y0:y0 + self.input_shape[0],
                       x0:x0 + self.input_shape[1], :]

            if len(good4copy) > 0 and random.random() > 0.75:
                num_copy = random.randrange(1, min(6, len(good4copy) + 1))
                lbl_max = lbl0.max()
                for i in range(num_copy):
                    lbl_max += 1
                    l_id = random.choice(good4copy)
                    lbl_msk = lbl0 == l_id
                    row, col = np.where(lbl_msk)
                    y1, x1 = np.min(np.where(lbl_msk), axis=1)
                    y2, x2 = np.max(np.where(lbl_msk), axis=1)
                    lbl_msk = lbl_msk[y1:y2 + 1, x1:x2 + 1]
                    lbl_img = img0[y1:y2 + 1, x1:x2 + 1, :]
                    if random.random() > 0.5:
                        lbl_msk = lbl_msk[:, ::-1, ...]
                        lbl_img = lbl_img[:, ::-1, ...]
                    rot = random.randrange(4)
                    if rot > 0:
                        lbl_msk = np.rot90(lbl_msk, k=rot)
                        lbl_img = np.rot90(lbl_img, k=rot)
                    x1 = random.randint(
                        max(0, x0 - lbl_msk.shape[1] // 2),
                        min(img0.shape[1] - lbl_msk.shape[1],
                            x0 + self.input_shape[1] - lbl_msk.shape[1] // 2))
                    y1 = random.randint(
                        max(0, y0 - lbl_msk.shape[0] // 2),
                        min(img0.shape[0] - lbl_msk.shape[0],
                            y0 + self.input_shape[0] - lbl_msk.shape[0] // 2))
                    tmp = erosion(lbl_msk, square(5))
                    lbl_msk_dif = lbl_msk ^ tmp
                    tmp = dilation(lbl_msk, square(5))
                    lbl_msk_dif = lbl_msk_dif | (tmp ^ lbl_msk)
                    lbl0[y1:y1 + lbl_msk.shape[0],
                         x1:x1 + lbl_msk.shape[1]][lbl_msk] = lbl_max
                    img0[y1:y1 + lbl_msk.shape[0],
                         x1:x1 + lbl_msk.shape[1]][lbl_msk] = lbl_img[lbl_msk]
                    full_diff_mask = np.zeros_like(img0[..., 0], dtype='bool')
                    full_diff_mask[y1:y1 + lbl_msk.shape[0],
                                   x1:x1 + lbl_msk.shape[1]] = lbl_msk_dif
                    img0[..., 0][full_diff_mask] = median(
                        img0[..., 0], mask=full_diff_mask)[full_diff_mask]
                    img0[..., 1][full_diff_mask] = median(
                        img0[..., 1], mask=full_diff_mask)[full_diff_mask]
                    img0[..., 2][full_diff_mask] = median(
                        img0[..., 2], mask=full_diff_mask)[full_diff_mask]
                img = img0[y0:y0 + self.input_shape[0],
                           x0:x0 + self.input_shape[1], :]
                lbl = lbl0[y0:y0 + self.input_shape[0],
                           x0:x0 + self.input_shape[1]]
                msk = create_mask(lbl)

#             return img, msk
            data = self.random_transformers[0](image=img[..., ::-1], mask=msk)

            img = data['image'][..., ::-1]
            msk = data['mask']

            msk = msk.astype('float')
            msk[..., 0] = (msk[..., 0] > 127) * 1
            msk[..., 1] = (msk[..., 1] > 127) * (msk[..., 0] == 0) * 1
            msk[..., 2] = (msk[..., 1] == 0) * (msk[..., 0] == 0) * 1
            otp = msk

            img = np.concatenate([img, bgr_to_lab(img)], axis=2)
        batch_x = np.array(batch_x, dtype="float32")
        batch_y = np.array(batch_y, dtype="float32")
        batch_x = preprocess_input(batch_x)
        return self.transform_batch_x(batch_x), self.transform_batch_y(batch_y)
def process_file(img_id):
    res_rows = []
    msks = []
    for pred_folder in pred_folders:
        msk = cv2.imread(path.join(pred_folder, img_id + '.png'), cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
        msk = msk.max(axis=2)
        if msk.shape[0] < 1306:
            msk = cv2.resize(msk, (1300, 1300))
            msk = np.pad(msk, ((6, 6), (6, 6)), mode='reflect')
            msk = msk[6:1306, 6:1306]
            msk = np.pad(msk, ((6, 6), (6, 6)), mode='reflect')

    msks = np.asarray(msks)
    msk = msks.mean(axis=0)

    thr = 120
    msk2 = 1 * (msk > thr)
    msk2 = msk2.astype(np.uint8)
    msk2 = dilation(msk2, square(5))
    msk2 = erosion(msk2, square(5))
    skeleton = skeletonize_3d(msk2)
    skeleton = skeleton[6:1306, 6:1306]
    lbl0 = label(skeleton)
    props0 = regionprops(lbl0)
    cnt = 0
    crosses = []
    for x in range(1300):
        for y in range(1300):
            if skeleton[y, x] == 1:
                if skeleton[max(0, y-1):min(1300, y+2), max(0, x-1):min(1300, x+2)].sum() > 3:
                    cnt += 1
                    crss = []
                    crss.append((x, y))
                    for y0 in range(max(0, y-1), min(1300, y+2)):
                        for x0 in range(max(0, x-1), min(1300, x+2)):
                            if x == x0 and y == y0:
                            if skeleton[max(0, y0-1):min(1300, y0+2), max(0, x0-1):min(1300, x0+2)].sum() > 3:
                                crss.append((x0, y0))
    cross_hashes = []
    for crss in crosses:
        crss_hash = set([])
        for x0, y0 in crss:
            crss_hash.add(point_hash(x0, y0))
            skeleton[y0, x0] = 0
    new_crosses = []
    i = 0
    while i < len(crosses):
        new_hashes = set([])
        new_crss = crosses[i][:]
        fl = True
        while fl:
            fl = False
            j = i + 1
            while j < len(crosses):
                if len(new_hashes.intersection(cross_hashes[j])) > 0:
                    fl = True
                j += 1
        mean_p = np.asarray(new_crss).mean(axis=0).astype('int')
        if len(new_crss) > 1:
            t = KDTree(np.asarray(new_crss))
            mean_p = new_crss[t.query(mean_p[np.newaxis, :])[1][0][0]]
        new_crosses.append([(mean_p[0], mean_p[1])] + new_crss)
        i += 1
    crosses = new_crosses
    lbl = label(skeleton)
    props = regionprops(lbl)
    connected_roads = []
    connected_crosses = [set([]) for p in props]
    for i in range(len(crosses)):
        rds = set([])
        for j in range(len(crosses[i])):
            x, y = crosses[i][j]
            for y0 in range(max(0, y-1), min(1300, y+2)):
                for x0 in range(max(0, x-1), min(1300, x+2)):
                    if lbl[y0, x0] > 0:
                        rds.add(lbl[y0, x0])
                        connected_crosses[lbl[y0, x0]-1].add(i)
    res_roads = []
    tot_dist_min = 20
    coords_min = 10
    for i in range(len(props)):
        coords = props[i].coords
        crss = list(connected_crosses[i])
        tot_dist = props0[lbl0[coords[0][0], coords[0][1]]-1].area

        if (tot_dist < tot_dist_min) or (coords.shape[0] < coords_min and len(crss) < 2):
        if coords.shape[0] == 1:
            coords = np.asarray([coords[0], coords[0]])
            coords = get_ordered_coords(lbl, i+1, coords)
        for j in range(len(crss)):
            x, y = crosses[crss[j]][0]
            d1 = abs(coords[0][0] - y) + abs(coords[0][1] - x)
            d2 = abs(coords[-1][0] - y) + abs(coords[-1][1] - x)
            if d1 < d2:
                coords[0][0] = y
                coords[0][1] = x
                coords[-1][0] = y
                coords[-1][1] = x
        coords_approx = approximate_polygon(coords, 1.5)
    hashes = set([])
    final_res_roads = []
    for r in res_roads:
        if r.shape[0] > 2:
            for i in range(1, r.shape[0]):
                p1 = r[i-1]
                p2 = r[i]
                h1 = pair_hash(p1, p2)
                h2 = pair_hash(p2, p1)
    for r in res_roads:
        if r.shape[0] == 2:
            p1 = r[0]
            p2 = r[1]
            h1 = pair_hash(p1, p2)
            h2 = pair_hash(p2, p1)
            if not (h1 in hashes or h2 in hashes):
    end_points = {}
    for r in res_roads:
        h = point_hash(r[0, 0], r[0, 1])
        if not (h in end_points.keys()):
            end_points[h] = 0
        end_points[h] = end_points[h] + 1
        h = point_hash(r[-1, 0], r[-1, 1])
        if not (h in end_points.keys()):
            end_points[h] = 0
        end_points[h] = end_points[h] + 1
    road_msk = np.zeros((1300, 1300), dtype=np.int32)
    road_msk = road_msk.copy()
    thickness = 1
    for j in range(len(final_res_roads)):
        l = final_res_roads[j]
        for i in range(len(l) - 1):
            cv2.line(road_msk, (int(l[i, 1]), int(l[i, 0])), (int(l[i+1, 1]), int(l[i+1, 0])), j+1, thickness)
    connect_dist = 110
    min_prob = 30
    angles_to_check = [0, radians(5), radians(-5), radians(10), radians(-10), radians(15), radians(-15)]
    angles_to_check += [radians(20), radians(-20), radians(25), radians(-25)]
    add_dist = 30
    add_dist2 = 6
    con_r = 8

    for i in range(len(final_res_roads)):
        h = point_hash(final_res_roads[i][0, 0], final_res_roads[i][0, 1])
        if end_points[h] == 1:
            p1 = final_res_roads[i][1]
            p2 = final_res_roads[i][0]            
            p3 = try_connect(p1, p2, 0, connect_dist, road_msk, min_prob, msk, final_res_roads, con_r)
            if p3 is not None:
                h1 = pair_hash(p2, p3)
                h2 = pair_hash(p3, p2)
                if not (h1 in hashes or h2 in hashes):
                    r_id = road_msk[p3[0], p3[1]] - 1
                    final_res_roads[r_id], new_hashes = inject_point(final_res_roads[r_id], p3)
                    tmp_road_msk = np.zeros((1300, 1300), dtype=np.int32)
                    tmp_road_msk = tmp_road_msk.copy()
                    cv2.line(tmp_road_msk, (p2[1], p2[0]), (p3[1], p3[0]), i+1, thickness)
                    road_msk[road_msk == 0] = tmp_road_msk[road_msk == 0]
                    road_msk = road_msk.copy()
                    final_res_roads[i] = np.vstack((p3, final_res_roads[i]))
                    end_points[point_hash(p3[0], p3[1])] = 2
        h = point_hash(final_res_roads[i][-1, 0], final_res_roads[i][-1, 1])
        if end_points[h] == 1:
            p1 = final_res_roads[i][-2]
            p2 = final_res_roads[i][-1]
            p3 = try_connect(p1, p2, 0, connect_dist, road_msk, min_prob, msk, final_res_roads, con_r)
            if p3 is not None:
                h1 = pair_hash(p2, p3)
                h2 = pair_hash(p3, p2)
                if not (h1 in hashes or h2 in hashes):
                    r_id = road_msk[p3[0], p3[1]] - 1
                    final_res_roads[r_id], new_hashes = inject_point(final_res_roads[r_id], p3)
                    tmp_road_msk = np.zeros((1300, 1300), dtype=np.int32)
                    tmp_road_msk = tmp_road_msk.copy()
                    cv2.line(tmp_road_msk, (p2[1], p2[0]), (p3[1], p3[0]), i+1, thickness)
                    road_msk[road_msk == 0] = tmp_road_msk[road_msk == 0]
                    road_msk = road_msk.copy()
                    final_res_roads[i] = np.vstack((final_res_roads[i], p3))
                    end_points[point_hash(p3[0], p3[1])] = 2
    for i in range(len(final_res_roads)):
        h = point_hash(final_res_roads[i][0, 0], final_res_roads[i][0, 1])
        if end_points[h] == 1:
            p1 = final_res_roads[i][1]
            p2 = final_res_roads[i][0]
            p3 = None
            for a in angles_to_check:
                p3 = try_connect(p1, p2, a, connect_dist, road_msk, min_prob, msk, final_res_roads, con_r)
                if p3 is not None:
            if p3 is not None:
                h1 = pair_hash(p2, p3)
                h2 = pair_hash(p3, p2)
                if not (h1 in hashes or h2 in hashes):
                    r_id = road_msk[p3[0], p3[1]] - 1
                    final_res_roads[r_id], new_hashes = inject_point(final_res_roads[r_id], p3)
                    tmp_road_msk = np.zeros((1300, 1300), dtype=np.int32)
                    tmp_road_msk = tmp_road_msk.copy()
                    cv2.line(tmp_road_msk, (p2[1], p2[0]), (p3[1], p3[0]), i+1, thickness)
                    road_msk[road_msk == 0] = tmp_road_msk[road_msk == 0]
                    road_msk = road_msk.copy()
                    final_res_roads[i] = np.vstack((p3, final_res_roads[i]))
                    end_points[point_hash(p3[0], p3[1])] = 2
                p3 = get_next_point(p1, p2, add_dist)
                if not (p3[0] < 2 or p3[1] < 2 or p3[0] > 1297 or p3[1] > 1297):
                    p3 = get_next_point(p1, p2, add_dist2)
                if (p3[0] != p2[0] or p3[1] != p2[1]) and (road_msk[p3[0], p3[1]] == 0):
                    h1 = pair_hash(p2, p3)
                    h2 = pair_hash(p3, p2)
                    if not (h1 in hashes or h2 in hashes):
                        final_res_roads[i] = np.vstack((p3, final_res_roads[i]))
                        tmp_road_msk = np.zeros((1300, 1300), dtype=np.int32)
                        tmp_road_msk = tmp_road_msk.copy()
                        cv2.line(tmp_road_msk, (p2[1], p2[0]), (p3[1], p3[0]), i+1, thickness)
                        road_msk[road_msk == 0] = tmp_road_msk[road_msk == 0]
                        road_msk = road_msk.copy()
                        end_points[point_hash(p3[0], p3[1])] = 2
        h = point_hash(final_res_roads[i][-1, 0], final_res_roads[i][-1, 1])
        if end_points[h] == 1:
            p1 = final_res_roads[i][-2]
            p2 = final_res_roads[i][-1]
            p3 = None
            for a in angles_to_check:
                p3 = try_connect(p1, p2, a, connect_dist, road_msk, min_prob, msk, final_res_roads, con_r)
                if p3 is not None:
            if p3 is not None:
                h1 = pair_hash(p2, p3)
                h2 = pair_hash(p3, p2)
                if not (h1 in hashes or h2 in hashes):
                    r_id = road_msk[p3[0], p3[1]] - 1
                    final_res_roads[r_id], new_hashes = inject_point(final_res_roads[r_id], p3)
                    tmp_road_msk = np.zeros((1300, 1300), dtype=np.int32)
                    tmp_road_msk = tmp_road_msk.copy()
                    cv2.line(tmp_road_msk, (p2[1], p2[0]), (p3[1], p3[0]), i+1, thickness)
                    road_msk[road_msk == 0] = tmp_road_msk[road_msk == 0]
                    road_msk = road_msk.copy()
                    final_res_roads[i] = np.vstack((final_res_roads[i], p3))
                    end_points[point_hash(p3[0], p3[1])] = 2
                p3 = get_next_point(p1, p2, add_dist)
                if not (p3[0] < 2 or p3[1] < 2 or p3[0] > 1297 or p3[1] > 1297):
                    p3 = get_next_point(p1, p2, add_dist2)
                if (p3[0] != p2[0] or p3[1] != p2[1]) and (road_msk[p3[0], p3[1]] == 0):
                    h1 = pair_hash(p2, p3)
                    h2 = pair_hash(p3, p2)
                    if not (h1 in hashes or h2 in hashes):
                        final_res_roads[i] = np.vstack((final_res_roads[i], p3))
                        tmp_road_msk = np.zeros((1300, 1300), dtype=np.int32)
                        tmp_road_msk = tmp_road_msk.copy()
                        cv2.line(tmp_road_msk, (p2[1], p2[0]), (p3[1], p3[0]), i+1, thickness)
                        road_msk[road_msk == 0] = tmp_road_msk[road_msk == 0]
                        road_msk = road_msk.copy()
                        end_points[point_hash(p3[0], p3[1])] = 2
    lines = [LineString(r[:, ::-1]) for r in final_res_roads]

    res_rows = []
    if len(lines) == 0:
        res_rows.append({'ImageId': img_id, 'WKT_Pix': 'LINESTRING EMPTY'})
        for l in lines:
            res_rows.append({'ImageId': img_id, 'WKT_Pix': dumps(l, rounding_precision=0)})   
    return res_rows
Exemple #33
    log("Labeling", logf)
    chan_file = path.join(out_exp_dir,
    if not force and path.isfile(chan_file):
        labs = imread(chan_file)
        log("  " + chan_names[syn_type][0], logf)
        ran[0] = True
        imgs_0 = gaussian(imgs[:, :, :, 0], sigma=0.3)
        M = max(imgs_0.flatten())

        labs_0 = remove_small_objects(label(imgs_0 > intens_range[0] * M),
        labs_0 = remove_large_objects(labs_0, max_neur_marker_size)
        labs_0 = erosion(labs_0, ones((5, 5, 5)))
        props = regionprops(labs_0)
        best_area = mean([e.area for e in props])
        best_labs = array(labs_0)
        best_th = intens_range[0] * M
            "   {}% ({:.2f}): {} (area={:.3f})".format(
                int(intens_range[0] * 100), intens_range[0] * M, len(props),
                best_area), logf)
        for cnt in range(1, len(intens_range)):
            labs_0 = remove_small_objects(
                label(imgs_0 > intens_range[cnt] * M),
            labs_0 = remove_large_objects(labs_0, max_neur_marker_size)
            props = regionprops(labs_0)
Exemple #34
def grid_img(point_cloud,
    """ Sample the input point cloud using a uniform grid. 
            - point_cloud: an object of PointCloud class
            - grid_size: in meters
            - loc: center
            - R: diameter
            - sigma: gaussian distribution variance, in meters
            - threshold: minimum value to count the box as one
            - results: ndarray, rectangular image.
    sample_points = []
    sample_directions = []
    min_easting = loc[0]-R
    max_easting = loc[0]+R
    min_northing = loc[1]-R
    max_northing = loc[1]+R

    n_grid_x = int((max_easting - min_easting)/grid_size + 0.5)
    n_grid_y = int((max_northing - min_northing)/grid_size + 0.5)

    print "Will generate image of size (%d, %d)"%(n_grid_x, n_grid_y)

    results = np.zeros((n_grid_x+1, n_grid_y+1))

    if n_grid_x > 1E4 or n_grid_y > 1E4:
        print "ERROR! The sampling grid is too small!"
    three_sigma = 3*sigma/grid_size
    geo_hash = {}
    for pt_idx in range(0, len(point_cloud.locations)):
        pt = point_cloud.locations[pt_idx]

        px = int((pt[0] - min_easting) / grid_size)
        py = int((pt[1] - min_northing) / grid_size)

        if px<0 or px>=n_grid_x or py<0 or py>=n_grid_y:

        # Expand around neighbor 
        pt_dir = point_cloud.directions[pt_idx]
        if np.linalg.norm(pt_dir) > 0.1:
            delta_x = np.dot(three_sigma*pt_dir, np.array([1.0, 0.0]))
            delta_y = np.sqrt(three_sigma**2 - delta_x**2)
            larger_one = max(abs(delta_x), abs(delta_y))
            n_pt_to_add = int(larger_one*2 + 1.5)

            tmp_i = np.linspace(px-delta_x, px+delta_x, n_pt_to_add)
            tmp_j = np.linspace(py-delta_y, py+delta_y, n_pt_to_add)

            for s in range(0, n_pt_to_add):
                i = int(tmp_i[s])
                j = int(tmp_j[s])

                if i<0 or i>=n_grid_x or j<0 or j>n_grid_y:
                if geo_hash.has_key((i,j)):
                            geo_hash[(i,j)] += 1.0
                    geo_hash[(i,j)] = 1.0
            if geo_hash.has_key((px,py)):
                geo_hash[(px,py)] += 1.0
                geo_hash[(px,py)] = 1.0

    for key in geo_hash.keys():
        if geo_hash[key] >= threshold:
            results[key[0], key[1]] = geo_hash[key]

    filtered_img = results>0.9
    filtered_img = morphology.dilation(filtered_img, morphology.square(3))
    filtered_img = morphology.erosion(filtered_img, morphology.square(3))
    filtered_img = morphology.remove_small_objects(filtered_img, 10)

    results = filtered_img>0.9

    return results
def classification(mask2, cols, rows, res_rotated, factor, small_px, large_px,
    category = '0'
    number_neighboring_pixels = 3

    # plt.imshow(mask2, 'gray')
    # plt.title('thresh3-mask2')
    # plt.show()

    # **************************Pre-proccess*******************
    b, g, r = cv2.split(res_rotated)
    res_rotated = cv2.merge([r, g, b])
    # plt.imshow(res_rotated, 'gray')
    # plt.title('FINAL')
    # plt.show()

    row, col = mask2.shape

    a = 0
    # ***************************Get stem's side***********************
    for c in range(col):
        a = np.append(a, (mask2[:, c] > 100).sum())
    part20 = cols * 0.2

    image20 = a[:int(part20)]
    image80 = a[-int(part20):]
    image20 = np.array(image20)
    image80 = np.array(image80)

    mean20 = image20.mean()
    mean80 = image80.mean()

    print 'mean20'
    print mean20
    print 'mean80'
    print mean80

    if mean20 < mean80:
        print 'Tallo a la izquierda'
        print 'Tallo a la derecha'
        mask2 = cv2.flip(mask2, 1)
        res_rotated = cv2.flip(res_rotated, 1)

    real_image_20 = mask2[:, :int(part20)]


    #ret, thresh2 = cv2.threshold(res_rotated[:, :, 1], 5, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)

    im2, contours2, hierarchy2 = cv2.findContours(real_image_20, cv2.RETR_TREE,
    im2, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(real_image_20, cv2.RETR_TREE,
    contours2 = sorted(contours2, key=cv2.contourArea, reverse=True)
    cnt2 = contours2[0]
    cv2.drawContours(real_image_20, [cnt2], 0, 255, cv2.FILLED)

    x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(cnt2)
    dst_roi = res_rotated[y:y + h, x:x + w]
    thresh3 = real_image_20[y:y + h, x:x + w]

    cols, rows = dst_roi.shape[:2]
    if rows < cols:
        res_rotated = rotate_and_scale(dst_roi, 1, 90)
        thresh3 = rotate_and_scale(thresh3, 1, 90)
    cols, rows = dst_roi.shape[:2]

    #real_image_20 = erosion(real_image_20, rectangle(10, 1))
    #real_image_20 = erosion(real_image_20, rectangle(10, 1))
    #real_image_20 = erosion(real_image_20, rectangle(10, 1))
    # thresh = dilation(thresh, rectangle(18, 1))

    # props = regionprops(real_image_20)
    # cut_orientation = props[0]['orientation']
    # print("Orientation is:"+str(cut_orientation))
    # correct_image = rotate_and_scale(real_image_20, 1, -cut_orientation)
    # second_correct_image = scipy.misc.imrotate(real_image_20, -cut_orientation, interp='bilinear')


    # plt.imshow(thresh3)
    # plt.title('rotated_image_tallo_2')
    # plt.show()

    # **********To detect Hoja en Base*******************************

    # plt.imshow(mask2, 'gray')
    # plt.title('Well positioned')
    # plt.show()

    ret, binarize_image = cv2.threshold(mask2, 0, 1, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)

    binarize_image = erosion(binarize_image, square(3))
    binarize_image = erosion(binarize_image, square(3))
    binarize_image = erosion(binarize_image, square(3))

    binarize_image = dilation(binarize_image, square(3))
    binarize_image = dilation(binarize_image, square(3))
    binarize_image = dilation(binarize_image, square(3))
    # Get Skeleton of full image
    # skeleton = medial_axis(binarize_image, return_distance=False)
    skeleton = skeletonize_3d(binarize_image)
    flip_skel = np.rot90(skeleton, 1)
    flip_skel = cv2.flip(flip_skel, 0)
    #plt.imshow(flip_skel, 'gray')
    (i, j) = flip_skel.nonzero()
    first_white_pixel = i[0]
    print("printing some pixels")
    # Showing results of skeletonization
    #plt.imshow(skeleton, 'gray')
    # plt.title('Skeleton')
    # plt.show()

    bw_conv = signal.convolve2d(skeleton, np.ones((3, 3)), mode='same')
    # plt.imshow(bw_conv, 'gray')
    # plt.title('bw_conv')
    # plt.show()

    bw_conv = (bw_conv == number_neighboring_pixels + 1) & binarize_image
    # plt.imshow(bw_conv, 'gray')
    # plt.title('bw_conv')
    # plt.show()

    bw_sum = bw_conv.sum(axis=0)
    r = bw_sum.ravel().nonzero()

    # r[0][5] = 3
    print("r = ")

    r = np.array(r)

    # ------------------replace

    flip_bw_conv = np.rot90(bw_conv, 1)
    flip_bw_conv = cv2.flip(flip_bw_conv, 0)
    # plt.imshow(flip_bw_conv, 'gray')
    # plt.show()
    (x_s, y_s) = flip_bw_conv.nonzero()
    first_branch_x = x_s[0]
    first_branch_y = y_s[0]
    # ---------------------------------bueno
    # v = np.ediff1d(r)
    # print("este es v: ")
    # print (v)

    # v = v.tolist()
    # max_difference = max(v)
    # index_x1 = v.index(max_difference)
    # x1_index = index_x1+1

    # print("este es x1_index")
    # print(x1_index)
    # r = np.asarray(r)
    # print (r)
    # x1 = r[0][x1_index]
    # x2 = r[0][x1_index - 1]

    # y1 = bw_conv[:, x1]
    # y1_index = y1.nonzero()
    # y1 = y1_index[0][0]
    # --------------------------------------- Fin_ bueno
    max_difference = first_branch_x - first_white_pixel
    print("la mxima diferencia es:")
    print("x1 es:" + str(first_white_pixel))
    print("x2 es:" + str(first_branch_x))
    print("y1 es:" + str(first_branch_y))
    hojamm = (11.5 * max_difference / 345) * 10
    # ----------------------CLASIFICACION FINAL ----------------------
    flag_h_base = False
    if max_difference < h_base_px:
        category = '3'
        flag_h_base = True

    if cols < small_px:
        print 'corto'
        category = '1'
    elif (cols > large_px) & (flag_h_base == False):
        print 'largo'
        category = '2'
    elif (cols > small_px) & (cols < large_px):
        print 'ideal'
        category = 4
    elif cols < 200:
        print 'nada'
        category = '0'
    x3 = first_white_pixel
    x2 = first_branch_x
    x1 = first_branch_x
    y1 = first_branch_y
    return res_rotated, bw_conv, skeleton, category, hojamm, x1, x2, y1, x3
Exemple #36
def process(dicom_file):
    medical_image = dcmread(dicom_file)
    image = medical_image.pixel_array

    hu_image = transform_to_hu(medical_image, image)
    brain_image = window_image(hu_image, 80, 85)
    bone_image = window_image(hu_image, 230, 230)

    binary_image = bone_image > threshold_minimum(bone_image)
    edge_sobel_binary = sobel(binary_image)
    fill = segmentation.flood_fill(
        edge_sobel_binary, get_center(brain_image, image), 255)
    erosion = morphology.erosion(fill, morphology.disk(30))

    otsu_image = brain_image > threshold_otsu(brain_image)
    edge_sobel_otsu = sobel(otsu_image)

    multiplication_images = erosion * edge_sobel_otsu
    mediam_filter = median(multiplication_images)

    process = []
        'name': 'original_image',
        'image': brain_image,
        'contour': None,

        'name': 'part_1_otsu_binary',
        'image': otsu_image,
        'contour': None,
        'name': 'part_1_edge_otsu',
        'image': edge_sobel_otsu,
        'contour': None,

        'name': 'part_2_binary',
        'image': binary_image,
        'contour': None,
        'name': 'part_2_edges',
        'image': edge_sobel_binary,
        'contour': None,
        'name': 'part_2_fill',
        'image': fill,
        'contour': None,
        'name': 'part_2_erosion',
        'image': erosion,
        'contour': None,

        'name': 'multiplication_images',
        'image': multiplication_images,
        'contour': None,
        'name': 'mediam_filters',
        'image': mediam_filter,
        'contour': None,

        'name': 'segmentation',
        'image': brain_image,
        'contour': mediam_filter

    return process

Morphological ``erosion`` sets a pixel at (i, j) to the *minimum over all
pixels in the neighborhood centered at (i, j)*. The structuring element,
``selem``, passed to ``erosion`` is a boolean array that describes this
neighborhood. Below, we use ``disk`` to create a circular structuring element,
which we use for most of the following examples.

from skimage.morphology import erosion, dilation, opening, closing, white_tophat
from skimage.morphology import black_tophat, skeletonize, convex_hull_image
from skimage.morphology import disk

selem = disk(6)
eroded = erosion(phantom, selem)
plot_comparison(phantom, eroded, 'erosion')
.. image:: PLOT2RST.current_figure

Notice how the white boundary of the image disappears or gets eroded as we
increase the size of the disk. Also notice the increase in size of the two
black ellipses in the center and the disappearance of the 3 light grey
patches in the lower part of the image.


Morphological ``dilation`` sets a pixel at (i, j) to the *maximum over all
pixels in the neighborhood centered at (i, j)*. Dilation enlarges bright
Exemple #38
        # sns.distplot(middle.ravel(), ax=ax1)
        ax1.vlines(x=threshold, ymax=10, ymin=0)
        ax1.set_title('Threshold: %1.2F' % threshold)

        # 展示阈值对图像切割的结果。小于阈值的点标注为 1 ,白色。大于阈值的点标注为 0 ,黑色。
        ax2 = fig.add_subplot(322)
        ax2.imshow(thresh_img, "gray")
        ax2.set_title('Step1, using threshold as cutoff')

        # 增大黑色部分(非 ROI )的区域,使之尽可能的连在一起
        eroded = morphology.erosion(thresh_img, np.ones([4, 4]))
        ax3 = fig.add_subplot(323)
        ax3.imshow(eroded, "gray")
        ax3.set_title('Step2, erosion shrinks bright\nregions and enlarges dark regions.')

        # 增大白色部分( ROI )的区域,尽可能的消除面积较小的黑色区域
        dilation = morphology.dilation(eroded, np.ones([10, 10]))
        ax4 = fig.add_subplot(324)
        ax4.imshow(dilation, "gray")
        ax4.set_title('Step3, dilation shrinks dark\nregions and enlarges bright regions.')
Exemple #39
def boundary_mask(footprint_msk=None,
    """Convert a dataframe of geometries to a pixel mask.

    This function requires creation of a footprint mask before it can operate;
    therefore, if there is no footprint mask already present, it will create
    one. In that case, additional arguments for :func:`footprint_mask` (e.g.
    ``df``) must be passed.

    By default, this function draws boundaries *within* the edges of objects.
    To change this behavior, use the `boundary_type` argument.

    footprint_msk : :class:`numpy.array`, optional
        A filled in footprint mask created using :func:`footprint_mask`. If not
        provided, one will be made by calling :func:`footprint_mask` before
        creating the boundary mask, and the required arguments for that
        function must be provided as kwargs.
    out_file : str, optional
        Path to an image file to save the output to. Must be compatible with
        :class:`rasterio.DatasetReader`. If provided, a `reference_im` must be
        provided (for metadata purposes).
    reference_im : :class:`rasterio.DatasetReader` or `str`, optional
        An image to extract necessary coordinate information from: the
        affine transformation matrix, the image extent, etc. If provided,
        `affine_obj` and `shape` are ignored
    boundary_width : int, optional
        The width of the boundary to be created **in pixels.** Defaults to 3.
    boundary_type : ``"inner"`` or ``"outer"``, optional
        Where to draw the boundaries: within the object (``"inner"``) or
        outside of it (``"outer"``). Defaults to ``"inner"``.
    burn_value : `int`, optional
        The value to use for labeling objects in the mask. Defaults to 255 (the
        max value for ``uint8`` arrays). The mask array will be set to the same
        dtype as `burn_value`. Ignored if `burn_field` is provided.
    **kwargs : optional
        Additional arguments to pass to :func:`footprint_mask` if one needs to
        be created.

    boundary_mask : :class:`numpy.array`
        A pixel mask with 0s for non-object pixels and the same value as the
        footprint mask `burn_value` for the boundaries of each object.

    if out_file and not reference_im:
        raise ValueError(
            'If saving output to file, `reference_im` must be provided.')
    if reference_im:
        reference_im = _check_rasterio_im_load(reference_im)
    # need to have a footprint mask for this function, so make it if not given
    if footprint_msk is None:
        footprint_msk = footprint_mask(reference_im=reference_im,

    # perform dilation or erosion of `footprint_mask` to get the boundary
    strel = square(boundary_width)
    if boundary_type == 'outer':
        boundary_mask = dilation(footprint_msk, strel)
    elif boundary_type == 'inner':
        boundary_mask = erosion(footprint_msk, strel)
    # use xor operator between border and footprint mask to get _just_ boundary
    boundary_mask = boundary_mask ^ footprint_msk
    # scale the `True` values to burn_value and return
    boundary_mask = boundary_mask > 0  # need to binarize to get burn val right
    output_arr = boundary_mask.astype('uint8') * burn_value

    if out_file:
        meta = reference_im.meta.copy()
        with rasterio.open(out_file, 'w', **meta) as dst:
            dst.write(output_arr, indexes=1)

    return output_arr
def segment_lungs(image: np.ndarray, display=False)->np.ndarray:
    row_size= image.shape[0]
    col_size = image.shape[1]
    mean = np.mean(image)
    std = np.std(image)
    image = (image-mean)/std
    # Find the average pixel value near the lungs
    # to renormalize washed out images
    middle = image[int(col_size/5):int(col_size/5*4), int(row_size/5):int(row_size/5*4)] 
    mean = np.mean(middle)  
    max_ = np.max(image)
    min_ = np.min(image)
    # To improve threshold finding, I'm moving the 
    # underflow and overflow on the pixel spectrum
    image[image==max_] = mean
    image[image==min_] = mean
    # Using Kmeans to separate foreground (soft tissue / bone) and background (lung/air)
    kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=2).fit(np.reshape(middle, [np.prod(middle.shape),1]))
    centers = sorted(kmeans.cluster_centers_.flatten())
    threshold = np.mean(centers) 
    thresh_image = np.where(image<threshold, 1.0, 0.0)  

    # First erode away the finer elements, then dilate to include some of the pixels surrounding the lung.  
    # We don't want to accidentally clip the lung.

    eroded_image = morphology.erosion(thresh_image,np.ones([2, 2]))
    dilated_image = morphology.dilation(eroded_image,np.ones([8, 8]))

    labels = measure.label(dilated_image, connectivity=2) 
    label_vals = np.unique(labels)
    regions = measure.regionprops(labels)
    good_labels = []
    for prop in regions:
        B = prop.bbox

        if (B[2]-B[0]<=row_size*1.0 and 
           B[2]-B[0]>=row_size*0.4 and 
           B[3]-B[1]<=col_size*0.8 and 
           B[3]-B[1]>=col_size * 0.2 and
           B[0]>=row_size*0.00 and 
    mask = np.ndarray([row_size,col_size],dtype=np.int8)
    mask[:] = 0

    #  After just the lungs are left, we do another large dilation
    #  in order to fill in and out the lung mask 
    for N in good_labels:
        mask = mask + np.where(labels==N, 1, 0)
    mask = morphology.dilation(mask,np.ones([18, 18])) 
    if (display):
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=[12, 12])
        ax[0, 0].set_title("Original")
        ax[0, 0].imshow(image, cmap='gray')
        ax[0, 0].axis('off')
        ax[0, 1].set_title("Threshold")
        ax[0, 1].imshow(thresh_image, cmap='gray')
        ax[0, 1].axis('off')
        ax[1, 0].set_title("After Erosion and Dilation")
        ax[1, 0].imshow(dilated_image, cmap='gray')
        ax[1, 0].axis('off')
        ax[1, 1].set_title("Color Labels")
        ax[1, 1].imshow(labels)
        ax[1, 1].axis('off')
        ax[2, 0].set_title("Final Mask")
        ax[2, 0].imshow(mask, cmap='gray')
        ax[2, 0].axis('off')
        ax[2, 1].set_title("Apply Mask on Original")
        ax[2, 1].imshow(mask*image, cmap='gray')
        ax[2, 1].axis('off')
    return mask*images
Exemple #41
def make_lungmask(img, display=False):
    row_size= img.shape[0]
    col_size = img.shape[1]
    mean = np.mean(img)
    std = np.std(img)
    img = img-mean
    img = img/std
    # Find the average pixel value near the lungs
    # to renormalize washed out images
    middle = img[int(col_size/5):int(col_size/5*4),int(row_size/5):int(row_size/5*4)] 
    mean = np.mean(middle)  
    max = np.max(img)
    min = np.min(img)
    # To improve threshold finding, I'm moving the 
    # underflow and overflow on the pixel spectrum
    # Using Kmeans to separate foreground (soft tissue / bone) and background (lung/air)
    kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=2).fit(np.reshape(middle,[np.prod(middle.shape),1]))
    centers = sorted(kmeans.cluster_centers_.flatten())
    threshold = np.mean(centers)
    thresh_img = np.where(img<threshold,1.0,0.0)  # threshold the image

    # First erode away the finer elements, then dilate to include some of the pixels surrounding the lung.  
    # We don't want to accidentally clip the lung.

    eroded = morphology.erosion(thresh_img,np.ones([3,3]))
    dilation = morphology.dilation(eroded,np.ones([8,8]))

    labels = measure.label(dilation) # Different labels are displayed in different colors
    label_vals = np.unique(labels)
    regions = measure.regionprops(labels)
    good_labels = []
    for prop in regions:
        B = prop.bbox
        if B[2]-B[0]<row_size/10*9 and B[3]-B[1]<col_size/10*9 and B[0]>row_size/5 and B[2]<col_size/5*4:
    mask = np.ndarray([row_size,col_size],dtype=np.int8)
    mask[:] = 0

    #  After just the lungs are left, we do another large dilation
    #  in order to fill in and out the lung mask 
    for N in good_labels:
        mask = mask + np.where(labels==N,1,0)
    mask = morphology.dilation(mask,np.ones([10,10])) # one last dilation

    if (display):
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=[12, 12])
        ax[0, 0].set_title("Original")
        ax[0, 0].imshow(img, cmap='gray')
        ax[0, 0].axis('off')
        ax[0, 1].set_title("Threshold")
        ax[0, 1].imshow(thresh_img, cmap='gray')
        ax[0, 1].axis('off')
        ax[1, 0].set_title("After Erosion and Dilation")
        ax[1, 0].imshow(dilation, cmap='gray')
        ax[1, 0].axis('off')
        ax[1, 1].set_title("Color Labels")
        ax[1, 1].imshow(labels)
        ax[1, 1].axis('off')
        ax[2, 0].set_title("Final Mask")
        ax[2, 0].imshow(mask, cmap='gray')
        ax[2, 0].axis('off')
        ax[2, 1].set_title("Apply Mask on Original")
        ax[2, 1].imshow(mask*img, cmap='gray')
        ax[2, 1].axis('off')
    return mask*img
Exemple #42
    def _get_batches_of_transformed_samples(self, index_array):
        batch_x = []
        batch_y = []

        for batch_index, image_index in enumerate(index_array):
            _idx = self.image_ids[image_index]

            img0 = all_images[_idx].copy()
            msk0 = all_masks[_idx].copy()
            lbl0 = all_labels[_idx].copy()
            good4copy = all_good4copy[_idx]

            x0 = random.randint(0, img0.shape[1] - input_shape[1])
            y0 = random.randint(0, img0.shape[0] - input_shape[0])
            img = img0[y0:y0 + input_shape[0], x0:x0 + input_shape[1], :]
            msk = msk0[y0:y0 + input_shape[0], x0:x0 + input_shape[1], :]

            if len(good4copy) > 0 and random.random() > 0.75:
                num_copy = random.randrange(1, min(6, len(good4copy) + 1))
                lbl_max = lbl0.max()
                for i in range(num_copy):
                    lbl_max += 1
                    l_id = random.choice(good4copy)
                    lbl_msk = all_labels[_idx] == l_id
                    row, col = np.where(lbl_msk)
                    y1, x1 = np.min(np.where(lbl_msk), axis=1)
                    y2, x2 = np.max(np.where(lbl_msk), axis=1)
                    lbl_msk = lbl_msk[y1:y2 + 1, x1:x2 + 1]
                    lbl_img = img0[y1:y2 + 1, x1:x2 + 1, :]
                    if random.random() > 0.5:
                        lbl_msk = lbl_msk[:, ::-1, ...]
                        lbl_img = lbl_img[:, ::-1, ...]
                    rot = random.randrange(4)
                    if rot > 0:
                        lbl_msk = np.rot90(lbl_msk, k=rot)
                        lbl_img = np.rot90(lbl_img, k=rot)
                    x1 = random.randint(
                        max(0, x0 - lbl_msk.shape[1] // 2),
                        min(img0.shape[1] - lbl_msk.shape[1],
                            x0 + input_shape[1] - lbl_msk.shape[1] // 2))
                    y1 = random.randint(
                        max(0, y0 - lbl_msk.shape[0] // 2),
                        min(img0.shape[0] - lbl_msk.shape[0],
                            y0 + input_shape[0] - lbl_msk.shape[0] // 2))
                    tmp = erosion(lbl_msk, square(5))
                    lbl_msk_dif = lbl_msk ^ tmp
                    tmp = dilation(lbl_msk, square(5))
                    lbl_msk_dif = lbl_msk_dif | (tmp ^ lbl_msk)
                    lbl0[y1:y1 + lbl_msk.shape[0],
                         x1:x1 + lbl_msk.shape[1]][lbl_msk] = lbl_max
                    img0[y1:y1 + lbl_msk.shape[0],
                         x1:x1 + lbl_msk.shape[1]][lbl_msk] = lbl_img[lbl_msk]
                    full_diff_mask = np.zeros_like(img0[..., 0], dtype='bool')
                    full_diff_mask[y1:y1 + lbl_msk.shape[0],
                                   x1:x1 + lbl_msk.shape[1]] = lbl_msk_dif
                    img0[..., 0][full_diff_mask] = median(
                        img0[..., 0], mask=full_diff_mask)[full_diff_mask]
                    img0[..., 1][full_diff_mask] = median(
                        img0[..., 1], mask=full_diff_mask)[full_diff_mask]
                    img0[..., 2][full_diff_mask] = median(
                        img0[..., 2], mask=full_diff_mask)[full_diff_mask]
                img = img0[y0:y0 + input_shape[0], x0:x0 + input_shape[1], :]
                lbl = lbl0[y0:y0 + input_shape[0], x0:x0 + input_shape[1]]
                msk = create_mask(lbl)

            if 'ic100_' in all_ids[_idx] or 'gnf_' in all_ids[_idx]:
                data = self.random_transformers[1](image=img[..., ::-1],
                data = self.random_transformers[0](image=img[..., ::-1],

            img = data['image'][..., ::-1]
            msk = data['mask']

            msk = msk.astype('float')
            msk[..., 0] = (msk[..., 0] > 127) * 1
            msk[..., 1] = (msk[..., 1] > 127) * (msk[..., 0] == 0) * 1
            msk[..., 2] = (msk[..., 1] == 0) * (msk[..., 0] == 0) * 1
            otp = msk

            img = np.concatenate([img, bgr_to_lab(img)], axis=2)
        batch_x = np.array(batch_x, dtype="float32")
        batch_y = np.array(batch_y, dtype="float32")
        batch_x = preprocess_inputs(batch_x)
        return self.transform_batch_x(batch_x), self.transform_batch_y(batch_y)
Exemple #43
def segment_rw(roi, channel, beta=50.0, vmin=0.6, vmax=0.65, remove_small=None, 
               erosion=None, blobs=None, get_labels=False):
    """Segments an image using the Random-Walker algorithm.
        roi: Region of interest to segment.
        channel: Channel to pass to :func:``plot_3d.setup_channels``.
        beta: Random-Walker beta term.
        vmin: Values under which to exclude in markers; defaults to 0.6. 
            Ignored if ``blobs`` is given.
        vmax: Values above which to exclude in markers; defaults to 0.65. 
            Ignored if ``blobs`` is given.
        remove_small: Threshold size of small objects to remove; defaults 
            to None to ignore.
        erosion: Structuring element size for erosion; defaults 
            to None to ignore.
        blobs: Blobs to use for markers; defaults to None, in which 
            case markers will be determined based on ``vmin``/``vmax`` 
        get_labels: True to measure and return labels from the 
            resulting segmentation instead of returning the segmentations 
            themselves; defaults to False.
        List of the Random-Walker segmentations for the given channels, 
        If ``get_labels`` is True, the measured labels for the segmented 
        regions will be returned instead of the segmentations themselves.
    print("Random-Walker based segmentation...")
    labels = []
    walkers = []
    multichannel, channels = plot_3d.setup_channels(roi, channel, 3)
    for i in channels:
        roi_segment = roi[..., i] if multichannel else roi
        if blobs is None:
            # mark unknown pixels as 0 by distinguishing known background 
            # and foreground
            markers = np.zeros(roi_segment.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
            markers[roi_segment < vmin] = 2
            markers[roi_segment >= vmax] = 1
            # derive markers from blobs
            markers = _markers_from_blobs(roi_segment, blobs)
        # perform the segmentation; conjugate gradient with multigrid
        # preconditioner option (cg_mg), which is faster but req pyamg
        walker = segmentation.random_walker(
            roi_segment, markers, beta=beta, mode="cg_mg")
        # clean up segmentation
        walker = _carve_segs(walker, blobs)
        if remove_small:
            # remove artifacts
            walker = morphology.remove_small_objects(walker, remove_small)
        if erosion:
            # attempt to reduce label connections by eroding
            walker = morphology.erosion(walker, morphology.octahedron(erosion))
        if get_labels:
            # label neighboring pixels to segmented regions
            # TODO: check if necessary; useful only if blobs not given?
            label = measure.label(walker, background=0)
            #print("label:\n", label)
        #print("walker:\n", walker)
    if get_labels:
        return labels
    return walkers
Exemple #44
from skimage import morphology
from skimage import io

img = io.imread('image.png')
eroded_img = morphology.erosion(img)

Exemple #45
pic_array = np.array(picture)

plt.imshow(pic_array, cmap="gray")

pic_convolved = scipy.signal.fftconvolve(pic_array, gaussian[0], mode='same')

mean = np.mean(pic_convolved)

pic_layer1 = mp.dilation(pic_convolved > mean, mp.square(4))

mean = np.mean(pic_convolved[pic_layer1 == 0])

pic_layer2 = np.invert(mp.erosion(pic_convolved < mean, mp.square(4)))

# plt.imshow(pic_layer1)
# plt.show()
# plt.imshow(pic_layer2)
# plt.show()

final_picture = pic_layer1 * 2 + pic_layer2
plt.imshow(final_picture, cmap='gray')

conn_comps_layer0 = mp.label(final_picture < 1, connectivity=1)
conn_comps_layer1 = mp.label(final_picture == 1, connectivity=1)
conn_comps_layer2 = mp.label(final_picture > 1, connectivity=1)

layered_output_image = conn_comps_layer0\
def watershed(img_url):
    # set the parameters
    DapiThresh = 90
    DapiMinSize = 5
    DapiMinSep = 7
    DapiMargin = 10
    MinCellArea = 200

    Dapi = cv2.imread(img_url, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
    lims = stretchlim(Dapi)
    # Dapi = _imadjust(Dapi)

    logger.info('Step 1')
    # STEP 1: Erode the image
    Dapi = imadjust2(Dapi, lims)
    ThresVal = np.percentile(Dapi[Dapi>0], DapiThresh)
    # kernel = disk(2)
    # image = cv2.erode(Dapi>ThresVal), kernel)
    # bwDapi = ndimage.binary_erosion(Dapi>ThresVal, structure=disk(2)).astype(int)
    bwDapi = morphology.erosion(Dapi>ThresVal, morphology.disk(2)).astype(int)

    logger.info('Step 2')
    # STEP 2: Compute the distance map
    dist = ndimage.distance_transform_edt(bwDapi)
    dist0 = dist.copy()
    dist0[dist < DapiMinSize] = 0

    logger.info('Step 3')
    # STEP 3: Dilate to remove small patterns
    selem = morphology.disk(DapiMinSep)
    ddist = morphology.dilation(dist0, selem)

    logger.info('Step 4')
    # STEP 4: modify the image so that cells are -inf(basins for the watershed method below)
    markers = imregionalmax(ddist) # marks with 1s the cells, 0 for background
    impim = imimposemin(-dist0, markers) # returns an array with negative values apart from the locations of the markers

    L = segmentation.watershed(impim, watershed_line=True)
    bwDapi0 = bwDapi.copy()
    bwDapi0[L == 0] = 0

    # % assign all pixels a label
    s = generate_binary_structure(2,2)
    labels, num_Features = label(bwDapi0, structure=s)
    d, _idx = ndimage.distance_transform_edt(bwDapi0 == 0, return_indices=True)
    idx = np.ravel_multi_index(_idx, bwDapi.shape)

    # % now expand the regions by a margin
    # CellMap0 = np.zeros(Dapi.shape).astype(np.uint32)
    Expansions = d < DapiMargin
    # CellMap0[Expansions] = labels[idx[Expansions]];
    CellMap0 = np.take(labels.flatten(), idx) * Expansions

    rProps0 = regionprops(CellMap0)

    # BigEnough = np.array([x.area > 200 for x in rProps0 ])
    # NewNumber = np.zeros(len(rProps0))
    # NewNumber[~BigEnough] = 0
    # NewNumber[BigEnough] = np.arange(1, 1+BigEnough.sum())
    # CellMap = CellMap0
    # CellMap[CellMap0 > 0] = NewNumber[CellMap0[CellMap0 > 0]]
    coo = coo_matrix(CellMap0)
    coo_data = coo.data.copy()
    to_remove = np.array([x.label for x in rProps0 if x.area <= MinCellArea])
    coo_data[np.in1d(coo_data, to_remove)] = 0
    _, res = np.unique(coo_data, return_inverse=True)
    coo.data = res

    return coo, CellMap0
def segmentation(img):
    # Threshold
    ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(img[:, :, 0], 50, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV)
    image = thresh
    #----------------------- trying watershed -------------------------------
    # Generate the markers as local maxima of the distance to the background
    #    distance = ndi.distance_transform_edt(image)
    #    local_maxi = peak_local_max(distance, indices=False, footprint=np.ones((3, 3)),labels=image)
    #    markers = ndi.label(local_maxi)[0]
    #    labels = watershed(-distance, markers, mask=image)

    #   fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=3, figsize=(8, 2.7), sharex=True, sharey=True,
    #                             subplot_kw={'adjustable': 'box-forced'})
    #    ax0, ax1, ax2 = axes

    #    ax0.imshow(image, cmap=plt.cm.gray, interpolation='nearest')
    #    ax0.set_title('Overlapping objects')
    #    ax1.imshow(-distance, cmap=plt.cm.jet, interpolation='nearest')
    #    ax1.set_title('Distances')
    #    ax2.imshow(labels, cmap=plt.cm.spectral, interpolation='nearest')
    #    ax2.set_title('Separated objects')

    #    for ax in axes:
    #        ax.axis('off')

    #    fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.01, wspace=0.01, top=0.9, bottom=0, left=0,
    #                        right=1)
    #    plt.show()

    #    plt.imshow(distance, 'gray')
    #    plt.show

    # ----------------
    thresh = erosion(thresh, rectangle(18, 1))
    thresh = dilation(thresh, rectangle(18, 1))
    thresh = erosion(thresh, rectangle(1, 18))
    thresh = dilation(thresh, rectangle(1, 18))
    # se = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (18, 1))
    # thresh = cv2.erode(thresh, se, iterations=1)
    # thresh = cv2.dilate(thresh, se, iterations=1)
    # se = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (1, 18))
    # thresh = cv2.erode(thresh, se, iterations=1)
    # thresh = cv2.dilate(thresh, se, iterations=1)
    # ---------------
    # plt.imshow(thresh, 'gray')
    # plt.title('After dilate & erode')
    # plt.show()

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    im2, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE,
    if not contours:
        thresh2 = img
        thresh3 = img
        cols = 100
        rows = 100
        res_rotated = img
        contours = sorted(contours, key=cv2.contourArea, reverse=True)

        cnt = contours[0]
        thresh[...] = 0
        cv2.drawContours(thresh, [cnt], 0, 255, cv2.FILLED)
        true_image = cv2.drawContours(thresh, [cnt], 0, 255, cv2.FILLED)
        res = cv2.bitwise_and(img, img, mask=thresh)

        # getting edges-rotating edges
        center_contour, size_contour, theta = cv2.fitEllipse(
            cnt)  # cv2.minAreaRect(cnt)
        res_rotated = rotate_and_scale(res, 1, theta)

        # Thresholding and getting edges again
        ret, thresh2 = cv2.threshold(res_rotated[:, :, 1], 5, 255,

        im2, contours2, hierarchy2 = cv2.findContours(thresh2, cv2.RETR_TREE,
        contours2 = sorted(contours2, key=cv2.contourArea, reverse=True)
        cnt2 = contours2[0]

        # thresh2[...] = 0
        # plt.imshow(thresh2)
        # plt.show()

        cv2.drawContours(thresh2, [cnt2], 0, 255, cv2.FILLED)

        # plt.imshow(thresh2)
        # plt.title('Filled')
        # plt.show()

        image = true_image

        binarize_image = dilation(image, square(3))
        binarize_image = dilation(binarize_image, square(3))
        binarize_image = dilation(binarize_image, square(3))

        binarize_image = erosion(binarize_image, square(3))
        binarize_image = erosion(binarize_image, square(3))
        image = erosion(binarize_image, square(3))

        distance = ndi.distance_transform_edt(image)
        local_maxi = peak_local_max(distance,
                                    footprint=np.ones((3, 3)),
        markers = ndi.label(local_maxi)[0]
        labels = watershed(-distance, markers, mask=image)

        fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=3,
                                 figsize=(8, 2.7),
                                 subplot_kw={'adjustable': 'box-forced'})
        ax0, ax1, ax2 = axes

        ax0.imshow(image, cmap=plt.cm.gray, interpolation='nearest')
        ax0.set_title('Overlapping objects')
        ax1.imshow(-distance, cmap=plt.cm.jet, interpolation='nearest')
        ax2.imshow(labels, cmap=plt.cm.spectral, interpolation='nearest')
        ax2.set_title('Separated objects')

        for ax in axes:


        plt.imshow(distance, 'gray')


        x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(cnt2)
        dst_roi = res_rotated[y:y + h, x:x + w]
        thresh3 = thresh2[y:y + h, x:x + w]

        cols, rows = dst_roi.shape[:2]
        if rows < cols:
            res_rotated = rotate_and_scale(dst_roi, 1, 90)
            thresh3 = rotate_and_scale(thresh3, 1, 90)
        cols, rows = dst_roi.shape[:2]

    return thresh2, thresh3, cols, rows, res_rotated
Exemple #48
def crop_blocks(input,
    size_box = size_box
    if channelsFirst:
        num_hz_box = int(input.shape[1] / size_box)
        num_vt_box = int(input.shape[2] / size_box)
        num_hz_box = int(input.shape[0] / size_box)
        num_vt_box = int(input.shape[1] / size_box)

    cnt_img = 0

    dict_input = {}
    dict_output = {}

    for box_h in range(num_hz_box):
        for box_v in range(num_vt_box):
            x = box_h * size_box
            y = box_v * size_box
            input_box = crop_img(input, x, y, size_box, size_box,
            if do_preprocess:
                # Doing the min_max norm on the cropped data
                input_box = img_minmax_norm(input_box, channelsFirst)
            target_box = crop_img(target, x, y, size_box, size_box,

            # erode the touching border
            if disk_size:
                target_box[1, :, :] = erosion(target_box[1, :, :],

            dict_input[cnt_img + offset] = input_box
            dict_output[cnt_img + offset] = target_box
            cnt_img += 1

            if cnt_img > earlyStop:

            if display:
                print('img_%s_input.png' % cnt_img)
                input_box_rgb = get_rgb(input_box, channelsFirst)
                if not do_preprocess:
                    input_box_rgb = img_minmax_norm(input_box_rgb,
                if channelsFirst:
                    input_box_rgb = np.moveaxis(input_box_rgb, 0, 2)

                f, axarr = plt.subplots(1, 5)
                axarr[1].imshow(target_box[0, :, :])
                axarr[2].imshow(target_box[1, :, :])
                axarr[3].imshow(target_box[2, :, :])
                axarr[4].imshow(target_box[0, :, :] - target_box[2, :, :])

        if cnt_img > earlyStop:

    return dict_input, dict_output
Exemple #49
import matplotlib.patches as patches

path_image = "/Users/StarShipIV/Google_Drive/Progetti/CELdek_Vision/Images/IMG_2041.JPG"  # One used for prototyping
# path_image = "/Users/StarShipIV/Google_Drive/Progetti/CELdek_Vision/Images/IMG_2043.JPG" # Test

im = Image.open(path_image)

im_grey = im.convert('L')

im_bin = 1 * (np.array(im_grey) < 100)
plt.imshow(im_bin, interpolation='nearest')

imeroded = morphology.erosion(im_bin, np.ones((10, 10)))
imdilated = morphology.dilation(im_bin, np.ones((10, 10)))
label_list = measure.label(imdilated)
feats = measure.regionprops(label_list)

plt.imshow(label_list, interpolation='nearest')

maj_axis = feats[0].major_axis_length
min_axis = feats[0].minor_axis_length

length = maj_axis * 0.008389958386775592
height = min_axis * 0.008509512658515881

print(length, height)
Exemple #50
def process_image(fn):
    scale = 4  #3

    d = fn.split('mosaic_')[1]

    vals = df[(df['filename'] == fn)][['id', 'geometry']].values

    img = io.imread(path.join(train_dir, d, 'images_masked', fn + '.tif'))

    h, w = (np.asarray(img.shape[:2]) * scale).astype('int32')

    labels = np.zeros((h, w), dtype='uint16')
    border_msk = np.zeros_like(labels, dtype='uint8')
    tmp = np.zeros((h, w), dtype='bool')

    cur_lbl = 0

    all_polys = []
    all_areas = []
    for i in range(vals.shape[0]):
        if vals[i, 0] >= 0:
            _p = loads(vals[i, 1])
            all_areas.append(-1 * _p.area)

    all_areas, all_polys = zip(
        *sorted(zip(all_areas, all_polys), key=lambda pair: pair[0]))

    for p in all_polys:
        cur_lbl += 1
        draw_polygon(p, labels, border_msk, scale, cur_lbl)

    labels = measure.label(labels, connectivity=2, background=0)

    cv2.imwrite(path.join(labels_dir, fn + '.tif'), labels)

    props = measure.regionprops(labels)

    msk = np.zeros((h, w), dtype='uint8')

    if cur_lbl > 0:
        border_msk = border_msk > 0

        tmp = dilation(labels > 0, square(5))
        tmp2 = watershed(tmp, labels, mask=tmp, watershed_line=True) > 0
        tmp = tmp ^ tmp2
        tmp = tmp | border_msk
        tmp = dilation(tmp, square(3))

        msk0 = labels > 0

        msk1 = np.zeros_like(labels, dtype='bool')

        border_add = np.zeros_like(labels, dtype='bool')

        for y0 in range(labels.shape[0]):
            for x0 in range(labels.shape[1]):
                if not tmp[y0, x0]:

                can_rmv = False
                if labels[y0, x0] == 0:
                    sz = 2
                    sz = 1
                    can_rmv = True
                    minor_axis_length = props[labels[y0, x0] -
                    area = props[labels[y0, x0] - 1].area
                    if minor_axis_length < 6 or area < 20:
                        can_rmv = False
                    if minor_axis_length > 25 and area > 150:  #area
                        sz = 2
                    if minor_axis_length > 35 and area > 300:
                        sz = 3

                uniq = np.unique(
                    labels[max(0, y0 - sz):min(labels.shape[0], y0 + sz + 1),
                           max(0, x0 - sz):min(labels.shape[1], x0 + sz + 1)])
                #                 can_rmv = False
                if len(uniq[uniq > 0]) > 1:
                    msk1[y0, x0] = True
                    if labels[y0, x0] > 0:
                        if can_rmv:
                            msk0[y0, x0] = False
                            border_add[y0, x0] = True

                if msk0[y0, x0] and sz > 1 and (0 in uniq):
                    border_add[y0, x0] = True

        msk1 = 255 * msk1
        msk1 = msk1.astype('uint8')

        new_border_msk = (erosion(msk0, square(3)) ^ msk0) | border_add

        msk0 = 255 * msk0
        msk0 = msk0.astype('uint8')

        msk2 = 255 * new_border_msk
        msk2 = msk2.astype('uint8')
        msk = np.stack((msk0, msk1, msk2))
        msk = np.rollaxis(msk, 0, 3)

        cv2.imwrite(path.join(masks_dir, fn + '.png'), msk,
                    [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 5])
Exemple #51
def segment_image(image,
    """Locate the target animal in each frame by image segmentation
    value_min, value_max = image.min(), image.max()
    image = image * valid_region
    image = np.clip(image, a_min=value_min, a_max=value_max)
    image = (image - image.min()) / (image.max() - image.min())
    if filtering:
        image = gaussian(image, sigma=1, preserve_range=True)
    image = (image * 255).astype(np.uint8)

    if relative_brightness:
        temp = image.copy()
        temp_thres = (temp.max() + temp.mean()) // 2
        binary = (image > temp_thres).astype(np.uint8)
        binary = (image > thres).astype(np.uint8)

    binary = binary * valid_region
    if binary.sum() > size_thres * 2:
        binary = erosion(binary)

    segmentation = label(binary)
    if len(np.unique(segmentation)) > 2 and binary.sum() > size_thres * 2:
        segmentation = remove_small_objects(segmentation, size_thres)

    indices, counts = np.unique(segmentation, return_counts=True)
    if len(indices) > 1 and indices[0] == 0:
        indices, counts = indices[1:], counts[1:]
        pos = [np.argmax(counts)]
        pos = []

    if len(pos) >= 1:
        target_idx = indices[pos[0]]
        target = (segmentation == target_idx).astype(np.uint8)
        if target.sum() > size_thres * 2:
            target = erosion(target)
        foreground_coord = np.where(target != 0)
        # print(foreground_coord)
        center = [

        if show_imgs:
            plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))

            plt.imshow(binary * 255, cmap='gray')

            plt.imshow(segmentation, cmap='tab20c')

            plt.imshow(target, cmap='gray')

            plt.imshow(image, cmap='gray')
            plt.scatter(center[1], center[0], c='r', s=20)
            plt.title('tracking [%d %d]' % (center[1], center[0]))

        center = []

        if show_imgs:
            plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))

            plt.imshow(image, cmap='gray')

            plt.imshow(binary * 255, cmap='gray')

            plt.imshow(segmentation, cmap='tab20c')

    return center
def compare_flats_to_stack():
    lights_folder = 'F:/2020/2020-02-20/pleiades'
    # mean_lights_image = load_images(lights_folder)
    # clipped_display(mean_lights_image, z=5)

    cache_name = os.path.join(lights_folder, 'removed_stars_mean_image.cache')
    if os.path.exists(cache_name):
        sum_image = pickle.load(open(cache_name, 'rb'))
        sum_image = None
        filenames = list(
            filter(lambda s: s.endswith('.ARW'),
        for filename in tqdm.tqdm(filenames):
            test_path = os.path.join(lights_folder, filename)
            test_image = load_raw_image(test_path).astype('float')

            if sum_image is None:
                sum_image = np.zeros_like(test_image)

            img_8bit = np.mean(test_image, axis=2)
            img_8bit = (img_8bit / (np.max(img_8bit) / 255)).astype('uint8')

            bw_image = np.mean(test_image, axis=2)

            thresh_niblack = threshold_niblack(bw_image, window_size=51, k=0.0)
            stars_mask = bw_image > (thresh_niblack + 250)

            for _ in range(5):
                stars_mask = dilation(stars_mask)

            mask_copy = stars_mask.copy()
            working_image = test_image.copy()

            while np.sum(mask_copy) > 0:
                mask_copy = erosion(mask_copy)
                for channel in range(3):
                    working_image[:, :,
                                  channel] = erosion(working_image[:, :,

            if 0:
                plt.imshow(np.log(np.mean(test_image, axis=2)))

                plt.imshow(np.log(np.mean(working_image, axis=2)))

            filled_image = np.zeros_like(test_image)
            for channel in range(3):
                filled_image[:, :, channel] = test_image[:, :, channel] * (
                    1 - stars_mask) + working_image[:, :, channel] * stars_mask

            sum_image += filled_image

            if 0:
                plt.imshow(np.log(np.mean(filled_image, axis=2)))

            if 0:
                plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)
                # plt.imshow(img_8bit)
                # stars_thresh = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(img_8bit, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY, 201, 1)
                # plt.imshow(test_image / np.max(test_image))
                plt.imshow(bw_image / np.max(bw_image))

                # stars_thresh = threshold_adaptive(test_image, 201, offset = 10)

                # thresh_sauvola = threshold_sauvola(bw_image, window_size=21)
                # stars_thresh = bw_image > thresh_sauvola
                # print(thresh_sauvola)

                plt.subplot(3, 1, 2)
                plt.imshow(stars_mask / np.max(stars_mask))

                plt.subplot(3, 1, 3)
                plt.imshow(filled_image / np.max(filled_image))


        sum_image /= len(filenames)
        pickle.dump(sum_image, open(cache_name, 'wb'))

    plt.imshow(sum_image[:, :, 0])
Exemple #53
def plot_image_mask_hyper_out(label, out_mask, out_mask_true, path, suffix=None, label_rgb=False, gt=False):
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,9), dpi=150)
    ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((3, 5), (0, 0), colspan=2, rowspan=3)
    ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((3, 5), (0, 2), colspan=1, rowspan=1)
    ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((3, 5), (1, 2), colspan=1, rowspan=1)
    ax4 = plt.subplot2grid((3, 5), (2, 2), colspan=1, rowspan=1)
    ax5 = plt.subplot2grid((3, 5), (0, 3), colspan=2, rowspan=3)

    with Image.open(os.path.join(path, label, 'images', '{}.png'.format(label))) as x_img:
        x_plot = x_img.convert(mode='L')
        # x_img = ImageOps.autocontrast(x_img)
        x_arr = np.array(x_img)
        save_shape = x_arr.shape
        # plt.subplot(221)
        ax1.set_title('Input Image')

    with Image.open(os.path.join(path, label, 'mask', '{}.png'.format(label))) as x_img:
        x_plot = x_img.convert(mode='L')
        # x_img = ImageOps.autocontrast(x_img)
        x_arr = np.array(x_img)
        # ax2.subplot(222)
        ax2.imshow(x_arr, cmap=cm.gray)
        ax2.set_title('Mask (ground truth)')

    with Image.open(os.path.join(path, label, 'smashing_border', '{}.png'.format(label))) as x_img:
        x_plot = x_img.convert(mode='L')
        # x_img = ImageOps.autocontrast(x_img)
        x_arr = np.array(x_img)
        # plt.subplot(223)

    out_mask_p = out_mask * 255

    # label_image = morphology.label(out_mask_p)
    # image_label_overlay = label2rgb(label_image, image=out_mask_p)

    # plt.subplot(224)
    ax4.imshow(out_mask_p, cmap=cm.gray, vmin=0, vmax=255)

    # print(np.max(out_mask_true), np.min(out_mask_true))
    if label_rgb:
        out_mask_p = out_mask_true * 255

        label_image = morphology.label(out_mask_p, background=0)
        # image_label_overlay = label2rgb(label_image, image=out_mask_p)
        out_mask_true = label_image
        out_mask_true = np.ma.masked_equal(out_mask_true, 0)

        import copy
        cmap = copy.copy(cm.prism)

        ax5.imshow(out_mask_true, cmap=cmap)
        ax5.set_title('Output (original size)')

        true_bord = x_arr
        true_bord[true_bord>0] = 1
        true_bord = morphology.erosion(true_bord)
        true_bord = imresize(true_bord, size=(save_shape[0], save_shape[1]))

        true_bord = np.ma.masked_equal(true_bord, 0)

        ax5.imshow(out_mask_true, cmap=cm.gray)
        if gt:
            ax5.imshow(true_bord, cmap=cm.prism, alpha=.95)
        ax5.set_title('Output (original size)')

    fig.savefig('testt/{0}img{1}.png'.format(label[:5], suffix),bbox_inches='tight')
Exemple #54
dst1=sm.dilation(img,sm.square(5))  #用边长为5的正方形滤波器进行膨胀滤波
dst2=sm.dilation(img,sm.square(15))  #用边长为15的正方形滤波器进行膨胀滤波
fig = plt.figure('morphology',figsize=(12,4))
plt.title('origin image')
plt.title('morphological image')
plt.title('morphological image')
dst1=sm.erosion(img,sm.square(5))  #用边长为5的正方形滤波器进行膨胀滤波
dst2=sm.erosion(img,sm.square(25))  #用边长为25的正方形滤波器进行膨胀滤波
fig = plt.figure('morphology',figsize=(12,4))
plt.title('origin image')
plt.title('morphological image')
plt.title('morphological image')
def prepareCervixAndChannelInfo(pimg, pRelChnSize=0.4, isDebug=False):
    # (1) prepare masks
    tmsk = pimg[:, :, 3]
    timg = pimg[:, :, :3]
    tmsk_chn = (tmsk == 128)
    tmsk_crv = (tmsk > 100)
    # rc - mean first-idx -> row, second-idx -> column, xy - mean first-idx -> column, second-idx -> row :)
    # (2) find channel cover-circle and center of this corcle
    rc_pts_channel = np.array(np.where(tmsk_chn)).transpose()
    (rc_channel_cnt, r_channel) = cv2.minEnclosingCircle(rc_pts_channel)
    dist_chn2cnt = calcDistArr2Point(rc_pts_channel, rc_channel_cnt)
    r_channel_good = rc_pts_channel[dist_chn2cnt < pRelChnSize * r_channel, :]
    #FIXME: Fill holes before this step!!!
    # (2) prepare cervix contour
    contour_crv = tmsk_crv & (~skmorph.erosion(tmsk_crv, skmorph.disk(1)))
    rc_crvContour = np.array(np.where(contour_crv)).transpose()
    dist_contour2cnt = calcDistArr2Point(rc_crvContour, rc_channel_cnt)
    r_cervix = np.min(dist_contour2cnt)
    # rcCrvRminArg = np.argmin(rcRContour)
    if r_cervix < r_channel:
        r_cervix = r_channel
    ret = {
        'r_crv': r_cervix,
        'r_chn': r_channel,
        'r_chn_good': pRelChnSize * r_channel,
        'cnt_chn': rc_channel_cnt,
        'rc_chn': r_channel_good.copy()
    if isDebug:
        retSize = 256
        newScale = float(retSize) / (2. * r_cervix + 2.)
        xy_channel_cnt = rc_channel_cnt[::-1]
        timg_crop = buildImageWithRotScaleAroundCenter(timg,
                                                       (retSize, retSize),
        plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
        plt.plot(r_channel_good[:, 1], r_channel_good[:, 0], 'y.')
        plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)
        plt.subplot(2, 2, 3)
        plt.subplot(2, 2, 4)
    return ret
Exemple #56
for i in xrange(len(listfiles)):
    patt = tc.opentiff(path+'/'+listfiles[i])
    temp = patt.find_and_read(0)
    imObj = utilities.ExtractImage(temp, 6)
    img_adapteq = exposure.equalize_adapthist(imObj.smooth, clip_limit=0.03)
    img_adapteq /= (np.max(img_adapteq)/255.)
    hist,bins = np.histogram(img_adapteq,256,[0,256])
    histmax = argrelmax(hist2)
    ret, thresh=cv2.threshold(np.array(img_adapteq, dtype = np.uint8), (histmax[-1][-1]+255)/2, 255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV+cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
    thresh[thresh == 0] = 1
    thresh[thresh == 255] = 0
    selem = disk(5)
    thresh = erosion(thresh, selem)
    label_image = label(thresh)
    rep = regionprops(label_image)

    centers = np.zeros((len(rep),2))
    areas = np.zeros(len(rep))
    for j in xrange(len(rep)):
        centers[j, :] = rep[j]['centroid']
        areas[j] = rep[j]['area']
    pattern_arm = np.round((np.percentile(areas, 95)/np.pi)**0.5+5)
    centers = np.delete(centers, np.concatenate([np.where(areas < np.median(areas)/4.)[0],np.where(areas > np.median(areas)*3.)[0]]), axis=0)
    areas = np.delete(areas, np.concatenate([np.where(areas < np.median(areas)/4.)[0],np.where(areas > np.median(areas)*3.)[0]]))
    areas = np.delete(areas,  np.concatenate([np.where(centers[:, 0] < pattern_arm*2)[0], np.where(centers[:, 1] < pattern_arm*2)[0], np.where(thresh.shape[0]-centers[:, 0] < pattern_arm*2)[0], np.where(thresh.shape[1]-centers[:, 1] < pattern_arm*2)[0]]))
    centers = np.delete(centers,  np.concatenate([np.where(centers[:, 0] < pattern_arm*2)[0], np.where(centers[:, 1] < pattern_arm*2)[0], np.where(thresh.shape[0]-centers[:, 0] < pattern_arm*2)[0], np.where(thresh.shape[1]-centers[:, 1] < pattern_arm*2)[0]]), axis=0)

Exemple #57
def find_boards(img):
    boards = []
    debug_img = ski.img_as_ubyte(img)

    img = ski.img_as_ubyte(img)
    gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    edges = cv2.Canny(gray, 40, 70)

    boards_img = ski.img_as_bool(edges)
    boards_img = mp.remove_small_holes(boards_img, 250)
    boards_img = mp.dilation(boards_img, mp.disk(1))
    boards_img = mp.thin(boards_img)
    boards_img = ndi.binary_fill_holes(boards_img)

    squares = mp.erosion(boards_img, mp.disk(3))
    squares = mp.remove_small_objects(squares, 45)
    squares = ski.img_as_ubyte(squares)

    contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(squares, cv2.RETR_TREE,

    potential_boards = []
    for c in contours:
        peri = cv2.arcLength(c, True)
        approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(c, 0.05 * peri, True)

        if len(approx) == 4:
            # cv2.drawContours(img, approx, -1, (0, 0, 255), 5)

    for b in potential_boards:
        M = cv2.moments(b)
        cx = int(M['m10'] / M['m00'])
        cy = int(M['m01'] / M['m00'])

        rotated_rect = cv2.minAreaRect(b)
        (x, y), (w, h), angle = rotated_rect

        box = cv2.boxPoints(rotated_rect)
        box = np.int0(box)

        src_pts = box.astype("float32")
        src_pts = transform_src_pts(src_pts)

        dst_pts = np.array([[0, h], [0, 0], [w, 0], [w, h]], dtype="float32")

        dst_pts *= 3

        M = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(src_pts, dst_pts)

        bg_color = np.mean(img)

        warped = cv2.warpPerspective(img,
                                     M, (int(w * 1.8 * 3), int(h * 1.8 * 3)),
                                     borderValue=(bg_color, bg_color,

        gray = cv2.cvtColor(warped, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
        gray = mean_bilateral(ski.img_as_ubyte(gray), mp.disk(5), s0=10, s1=10)
        gray = ski.img_as_float(gray)
        gray = 1 - gray

        gray = cv2.resize(gray, (100, 100))


    # show_boards(boards)
    return boards
Exemple #58
from scipy import ndimage as ndi
import skimage as ski
import skimage.morphology as morph
from skimage.color import label2rgb
from skimage.feature import canny
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

img = ski.io.imread('Cap403border.png', as_gray=True)
edges = canny(img, sigma=3.5)
edges = morph.dilation(edges)
filled = ndi.binary_fill_holes(edges)
filled = morph.erosion(filled)
filled = morph.remove_small_objects(filled, min_size=70)
labeled, _ = ndi.label(filled)

image_label_overlay = label2rgb(labeled, image=filled)

fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8, 3), sharey=True)
axes[0].imshow(img, cmap=plt.cm.gray, interpolation='nearest')
axes[0].contour(filled, [0.5], linewidths=1.2, colors='y')
axes[1].imshow(image_label_overlay, interpolation='nearest')

_, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 3))
ax.imshow(filled, cmap=plt.cm.gray, interpolation='nearest')
ax.set_title('filling the holes')
Exemple #59
def erosion(img):
    # return greyscale morphological erosion of an image
    return mp.erosion(img, mp.square(2, dtype=np.uint8))
Exemple #60
def THR(ivtNV, kernel, oroNV=None, high_terrain=600, verbose=True):
    '''Perform THR filtering process on 3d data

        ivtNV (NCVAR): 3D or 4D input IVT data, with dimensions
            (time, lat, lon) or (time, level, lat, lon).
        kernel (list or tuple): list/tuple of integers specifying the shape of
            the kernel/structuring element used in the gray erosion process.

    Keyword Args:
        oroNV (NCVAR or None): 2D array, surface orographic data in meters.
            This optional surface height info is used to perform a separate
            reconstruction computation for areas with high elevations, and
            the results can be used to enhance the continent-penetration
            ability of landfalling ARs. Sensitivity in landfalling ARs is
            enhanced, other areas are not affected. Needs to have compatible
            (lat, lon) shape as <ivt>.
            If None, omit this process and treat areas with different heights
            all equally.

            New in v2.0.
        high_terrain (float): minimum orographic height (in m) to define as high
            terrain area, within which a separate reconstruction is performed.
            Only used if <oroNV> is not None.

            New in v2.0.
        verbose (bool): print some messages or not.

        ivtNV (NCVAR): 3D or 4D array, input <ivt>.
        ivtrecNV (NCVAR): 3D or 4D array, the reconstruction component from the
            THR process.
        ivtanoNV (NCVAR): 3D or 4D array, the difference between input <ivt>
            and <ivtrecNV>.


    #-------------------3d ellipsoid-------------------

    #################### use a cube to speed up ##############
    # empirical
    if kernel[0]>=16 or kernel[1]>=6:

    # reconstruction element: a 6-connectivity element

    if verbose:
        print('\n# <THR>: Computing erosion ...')

    lm=morphology.erosion(ivt, selem=ele)

    if verbose:
        print('\n# <THR>: Computing reconstruction ...')

    ivtrec=morphology.reconstruction(lm, ivt, method='dilation', selem=rec_ele)

    # perform an extra reconstruction over land
    if oroNV is not None:
        oro_rs=np.where(orodata>=high_terrain, 1, 0)
        oro_rs=np.repeat(oro_rs, len(ivt), axis=0)

        ivtrec_oro=morphology.reconstruction(lm*oro_rs, ivt, method='dilation',
        ivtano=np.ma.maximum(ivt-ivtrec, (ivt-ivtrec_oro)*oro_rs)



    #---------If inputs are 4d, also return 4d---------
    if ndim==4:

    ivtrecNV=funcs.NCVAR(ivtrec, 'ivt_rec', axislist, {'name': 'ivt_rec',
        'long_name': '%s, THR reconstruction' %(getattr(ivt, 'long_name', '')),
        'standard_name': '%s, THR reconstruction' %(getattr(ivt, 'long_name', '')),
        'units': getattr(ivt, 'units', '')})

    ivtanoNV=funcs.NCVAR(ivtano, 'ivt_ano', axislist, {'name': 'ivt_ano',
        'long_name': '%s, THR anomaly' %(getattr(ivt, 'long_name', '')),
        'standard_name': '%s, THR anomaly' %(getattr(ivt, 'long_name', '')),
        'units': getattr(ivt, 'units', '')})

    return ivtNV, ivtrecNV, ivtanoNV