def test_minsize(): # single-channel: img = data.coins()[20:168, 0:128] for min_size in np.arange(10, 100, 10): segments = felzenszwalb(img, min_size=min_size, sigma=3) counts = np.bincount(segments.ravel()) # actually want to test greater or equal. assert_greater(counts.min() + 1, min_size) # multi-channel: coffee =[::4, ::4] for min_size in np.arange(10, 100, 10): segments = felzenszwalb(coffee, min_size=min_size, sigma=3) counts = np.bincount(segments.ravel()) # actually want to test greater or equal. assert_greater(counts.min() + 1, min_size)
def fun_compare_colorsegmentation_and_display(image_data, number_segments=250, compactness_factor=10): """ The function is a copy of what does this link """ segments_fz = felzenszwalb(image_data, scale=100, sigma=0.5, min_size=50) segments_slic = slic(image_data, n_segments=number_segments, compactness=compactness_factor, sigma=1) segments_quick = quickshift(image_data, kernel_size=3, max_dist=6, ratio=0.5) print ("Felzenszwalb's number of segments: %d" % len(np.unique(segments_fz))) print ("Slic number of segments: %d" % len(np.unique(segments_slic))) print ("Quickshift number of segments: %d" % len(np.unique(segments_quick))) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, sharex=True, sharey=True, subplot_kw={"adjustable": "box-forced"}) fig.set_size_inches(8, 3, forward=True) fig.subplots_adjust(0.05, 0.05, 0.95, 0.95, 0.05, 0.05) ax[0].imshow(mark_boundaries(image_data, segments_fz, color=(1, 0, 0))) ax[0].set_title("Felzenszwalbs's method") ax[1].imshow(mark_boundaries(image_data, segments_slic, color=(1, 0, 0))) ax[1].set_title("SLIC") ax[2].imshow(mark_boundaries(image_data, segments_quick, color=(1, 0, 0))) ax[2].set_title("Quickshift") for a in ax: a.set_xticks(()) a.set_yticks(())
def SegmentationFelz_run_2d(rod): img = img_as_float( RodriguesToUnambiguousColor(rod["x"], rod["y"], rod["z"], maxRange=None, centerR=None).astype("uint8") ) segments_slic = felzenszwalb(img, scale=100, sigma=0.0, min_size=10) print("Slic number of segments: %d" % len(np.unique(segments_slic))) return segments_slic
def selectiveSearch(image): segments = felzenszwalb(image, scale=kFelzenszwalbScale) numRegions = segments.max() rectangles = [] for regionTag in range(numRegions): selectedRegion = segments == regionTag regionPixelIndices = np.transpose(np.nonzero(selectedRegion)) rectangle = aabb(regionPixelIndices) rectangles.append(rectangle) # Implement similarities, neighbourhood merging. # Felzenszwalb's segmentation is ridiculously good already. def debug(): marked = np.zeros(image.shape, dtype=np.uint8) for rectangle in rectangles: rr, cc = rectangle.pixels(marked.shape) randcolor = randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255) marked[rr, cc] = randcolor print(image.shape, segments.shape, marked.shape) io.imshow_collection([image, segments, marked]) # debug() return rectangles
def mask_felz(image, config): #constants for felzenszwalb segmentation function scale = config[':felzenszwalb'][':scale'] sigma = config[':felzenszwalb'][':sigma'] min_size = config[':felzenszwalb'][':min_size'] segments = felzenszwalb(image, scale, sigma, min_size) return segments
def test_minsize(): # single-channel: img = data.coins()[20:168,0:128] for min_size in np.arange(10, 100, 10): segments = felzenszwalb(img, min_size=min_size, sigma=3) counts = np.bincount(segments.ravel()) # actually want to test greater or equal. assert_greater(counts.min() + 1, min_size) # multi-channel: coffee =[::4, ::4] for min_size in np.arange(10, 100, 10): segments = felzenszwalb(coffee, min_size=min_size, sigma=3) counts = np.bincount(segments.ravel()) # actually want to test greater or equal. # the construction doesn't guarantee min_size is respected # after intersecting the sementations for the colors assert_greater(np.mean(counts) + 1, min_size)
def doSegment(param, img): if param[0] == 'slic': segments_res = slic(img, n_segments=int(param[1]), compactness=int(param[2]), sigma=int(param[3]), convert2lab=True) elif param[0] == 'pff': segments_res = felzenszwalb(img, scale=int(param[1]), sigma=float(param[2]), min_size=int(param[3])) elif param[0] == 'quick': segments_res = quickshift(img, kernel_size=int(param[1]), max_dist=int(param[2]), ratio=float(param[3]), convert2lab=True) return segments_res
def test_merging(): # test region merging in the post-processing step img = np.array([[0, 0.3], [0.7, 1]]) # With scale=0, only the post-processing is performed. seg = felzenszwalb(img, scale=0, sigma=0, min_size=2) # we expect 2 segments: assert_equal(len(np.unique(seg)), 2) assert_array_equal(seg[0, :], 0) assert_array_equal(seg[1, :], 1)
def __init__(self, fname): self.fname = fname self.image_cache = {} print 'loading image' self.raw_img = io.imread(fname) self._segment_ids = None img_float = img_as_float(self.raw_img) print 'segmenting image' self.segments = felzenszwalb(img_float, scale=300, sigma=0.5, min_size=100)
def extract(self, image): """ Performs segmentation and returns a set of nd.array """ # Init the list of segmentations segmentations = [] for param in self.params_: sc, sg, m = param segm_mask = segmentation.felzenszwalb(image, sc, sg, m) segmentations.append(segm_mask) return segmentations
def test_color(): # very weak tests. img = np.zeros((20, 21, 3)) img[:10, :10, 0] = 1 img[10:, :10, 1] = 1 img[10:, 10:, 2] = 1 seg = felzenszwalb(img, sigma=0) # we expect 4 segments: assert_equal(len(np.unique(seg)), 4) assert_array_equal(seg[:10, :10], 0) assert_array_equal(seg[10:, :10], 2) assert_array_equal(seg[:10, 10:], 1) assert_array_equal(seg[10:, 10:], 3)
def test_grey(): # very weak tests. img = np.zeros((20, 21)) img[:10, 10:] = 0.2 img[10:, :10] = 0.4 img[10:, 10:] = 0.6 seg = felzenszwalb(img, sigma=0) # we expect 4 segments: assert_equal(len(np.unique(seg)), 4) # that mostly respect the 4 regions: for i in range(4): hist = np.histogram(img[seg == i], bins=[0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 1])[0] assert_greater(hist[i], 40)
def __init__(self, fname): self.fname = fname print 'loading image' img = img.thumbnail((1280,1024), Image.ANTIALIAS) width, height = img.size square_size = width * height min_size = square_size / 300 self.raw_img = np.array(enhance(img).convert('RGB')) self._segment_ids = None img_float = img_as_float(self.raw_img) print 'segmenting image' self.segments = felzenszwalb(img_float, scale=300, sigma=0.25, min_size=min_size)
def clustering(inPixNP, width, height, scale=50, sigma=4.5, min_size=10): segmentsNP = felzenszwalb(inPixNP, scale, sigma, min_size) # felzenszwalb(image, scale=1, sigma=0.8, min_size=20) # image : (width, height, 3) or (width, height) ndarray - Input image. # scale : float - Free parameter. Higher means larger clusters. # sigma : float - Width of Gaussian kernel used in preprocessing. # min_size : int - Minimum component size. Enforced using postprocessing. # create a data structure with regionIDs as keys and lists of their pixel coordinates as values: maxSegmentID = np.max(segmentsNP) segmentsByIDlist = [[] for i in range(maxSegmentID + 1)] for y in range(0,height): for x in range(0,width): regionID = segmentsNP[y,x] segmentsByIDlist[regionID].append((x, y)) return segmentsNP, segmentsByIDlist
def demo(image_name,color_space_list=None,ks=None,sim_feats_list=None,net='vgg16', cpu_mode=True): ''' Object Recognition Demo : Selective Search + RCNN parameters ---------- image_name : filename of image stored in 'Data/img' color_space_list : list of colorspaces to be used. Refer color_utils for list of possible colorspaces. Default : [ 'HSV', 'LAB'] ks : list felzenszwalb scale/threshold and minimum segment size. Default : [50, 100] ''' blob_array = [] priority = [] img = plt.imread('Data/img/' + image_name + '.jpg') seg_dir = 'Data/segments/' if color_space_list is None: color_space_list = ['HSV','LAB'] if ks is None: ks = [50,100] if sim_feats_list is None: sim_feats_list = [[ sf.color_hist_sim(), sf.texture_hist_sim(), sf.size_sim(img.shape), sf.fill_sim(img.shape) ],[ sf.texture_hist_sim(), sf.size_sim(img.shape), sf.fill_sim(img.shape) ]] cc = convert_colorspace(img,color_space_list) seg_filename = [seg_dir + 'HSV/50/' + image_name +'.mat',seg_dir + 'HSV/100/' + image_name +'.mat', seg_dir + 'LAB/50/' + image_name +'.mat',seg_dir + 'LAB/100/' + image_name +'.mat'] for i in range(len(color_space_list)): for j in range(len(ks)): for k in range(len(sim_feats_list)): _img = cc[i] _file = "%s%s/%d/%s.mat"%(seg_dir,color_space_list[i].upper(),ks[j],image_name) if not os.path.exists(_file): segment_mask = felzenszwalb(_img,scale=ks[j],sigma=0.8,min_size=ks[j]) _temp_dict = dict() _temp_dict['blobIndIm'] = segment_mask + 1,_temp_dict) _blob_array = ssearch._ssearch(_img,ssearch.load_segment_mask(_file),sim_feats = sim_feats_list[k]) blob_array.append(_blob_array) priority.append( np.arange(len(_blob_array),0,-1).clip(0,(len(_blob_array)+1)/2)) bboxes = ssearch.remove_duplicate(blob_array,priority) bbox_dict = {} bbox_dict['boxes'] = np.vstack([np.asarray(bboxes)[:,2],np.asarray(bboxes)[:,1],np.asarray(bboxes)[:,4],np.asarray(bboxes)[:,3]]).T print('\nComputed %d proposals'%(len(bboxes)))'Data/Boxes/' + image_name + '.mat',bbox_dict) rcnn.rcnn_demo(image_name,net=net, cpu_mode=cpu_mode)
def FELZENSZWALB(Input_Image, scale, sigma, min_size): ''' Description: Computes Felsenszwalbs efficient graph based image segmentation. source: skimage, openCv python parameters: Input_Image : ndarray Input image min-size : int Minimum component size. Enforced using postprocessing. scale: float The parameter scale sets an observation level. Higher scale means less and larger segments. sigma : float Width of Gaussian smoothing kernel for preprocessing. Zero means no smoothing. return: Segment_mask : ndarray Integer mask indicating segment labels. ''' #default values, set in case of 0 as input if scale == 0: scale = 5 if sigma == 0: sigma = 0.5 if min_size == 0: min_size = 30 #print Input img = cv2.imread(Input_Image) #print img #print img.shape segments_fz = felzenszwalb(img, scale, sigma, min_size) print segments_fz.shape #print ('segments_fz datatype',segments_fz.dtype ) print("Felzenszwalb's number of segments: %d" % len(np.unique(segments_fz))) print ('segments_fz datatype',segments_fz.dtype ) return segments_fz
def doSegment(im): timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") global count img = img_as_float(im) # img = img_as_float(imgO[::2, ::2]) segments_fz = felzenszwalb(img, scale=2.0, sigma=1.0, min_size=0) # segments_slic = slic(img, n_segments=250, compactness=10, sigma=1) # segments_quick = quickshift(img, kernel_size=5, max_dist=10, ratio=0.0) if count % 2 == 0: bounds = mark_boundaries(img, segments_fz, color=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), mode="inner") else: bounds = mark_boundaries(img, segments_fz, color=(1, 1, 1), mode="inner") labeled = label2rgb( segments_fz, img, alpha=1.0, bg_color=(0, 0, 0), bg_label=0, colors=[ (0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1), (0.25, 0.25, 0.25), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.75, 0.75, 0.75), (0.1, 0.1, 0.1), (0.05, 0.05, 0.05), (0.2, 0.2, 0.2), (0.15, 0.15, 0.15), ], ) bb = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(labeled * 255))"output/white" + timestr + ".png") # bb = bb.resize((500, 500), Image.NEAREST) count = count + 1
def image2seg(folder, filename, algo='felzenszwalb'): image = cv2.imread(os.path.join(tgt_dir, folder, filename)) image = cv2.resize(image, (640, 480)) if algo == 'felzenszwalb': segment = felzenszwalb(image, scale=100, sigma=0.5, min_size=50).astype(np.int16) elif algo == 'slic': segment = slic(image, n_segments=500, sigma=0.5, compactness=1).astype(np.int16) else: raise NotImplementedError("Segmentation algorithm not implemented.") os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, folder), exist_ok=True) filename_wo_extn = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] np.savez(os.path.join(output_dir, folder, "seg_{}.npz".format(filename_wo_extn)), segment_0=segment) return
def felzenszwalb(request): image, response = process(request, color = True) if len(image.shape) == 2: image = cv2.cvtColor(image,cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) scale = int(request.GET.get('felzenszwalb-scale')) sigma = float(request.GET.get('felzenszwalb-sigma')) min_size = int(request.GET.get('felzenszwalb-min')) segments = segmentation.felzenszwalb(image, scale = scale, sigma = sigma, min_size = min_size) image = segmentation.mark_boundaries(image, segments) io.imsave(response['filename'], image) return JsonResponse(response)
def test_skimage(selenium): import numpy as np from skimage import color, data from skimage.util import view_as_blocks # get astronaut from in grayscale l = color.rgb2gray(data.astronaut()) assert l.size == 262144 assert l.shape == (512, 512) # size of blocks block_shape = (4, 4) # see astronaut as a matrix of blocks (of shape block_shape) view = view_as_blocks(l, block_shape) assert view.shape == (128, 128, 4, 4) from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu to = threshold_otsu(l) assert to.hex() == "0x1.8e00000000000p-2" from skimage.color import rgb2gray from import astronaut from skimage.filters import sobel from skimage.segmentation import felzenszwalb, quickshift, slic, watershed from skimage.util import img_as_float img = img_as_float(astronaut()[::2, ::2]) segments_fz = felzenszwalb(img, scale=100, sigma=0.5, min_size=50) segments_slic = slic(img, n_segments=250, compactness=10, sigma=1) segments_quick = quickshift(img, kernel_size=3, max_dist=6, ratio=0.5) gradient = sobel(rgb2gray(img)) segments_watershed = watershed(gradient, markers=250, compactness=0.001) assert len(np.unique(segments_fz)) == 194 assert len(np.unique(segments_slic)) == 196 assert len(np.unique(segments_quick)) == 695 assert len(np.unique(segments_watershed)) == 256
def makeSegmentation(self): segments_fz = felzenszwalb(self.img, scale=1000, sigma=0.5, min_size=250) #segments_slic = slic(self.img, n_segments=4, compactness=10, sigma=1) segments_quick = quickshift(self.img, kernel_size=3, max_dist=100, ratio=0.5) gradient = sobel(rgb2gray(self.img)) segments_watershed = watershed(gradient, markers=10, compactness=0.001) print("Felzenszwalb number of segments: {}".format( len(np.unique(segments_fz)))) #print('SLIC number of segments: {}'.format(len(np.unique(segments_slic)))) print('Quickshift number of segments: {}'.format( len(np.unique(segments_quick)))) fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 10), sharex=True, sharey=True) ax[0, 0].imshow(mark_boundaries(self.img, segments_fz)) ax[0, 0].set_title("Felzenszwalbs's method") #ax[0, 1].imshow(mark_boundaries(self.img, segments_slic)) ax[0, 1].set_title('SLIC') ax[1, 0].imshow(mark_boundaries(self.img, segments_quick)) ax[1, 0].set_title('Quickshift') ax[1, 1].imshow(mark_boundaries(self.img, segments_watershed)) ax[1, 1].set_title('Compact watershed') for a in ax.ravel(): a.set_axis_off() plt.tight_layout()
def cluster_image(self, img): edge_img = skeletonize( block_reduce(img[:, :, 2], (self.reduce_factor, self.reduce_factor), func=np.amax) > 0.1).astype(np.float64) adjacency = img_to_graph(edge_img) eigenvectors = spectral_embedding(adjacency, n_components=self.n_components) eigenvectors = eigenvectors / np.amax(eigenvectors) eigenvectors = np.reshape( eigenvectors, (edge_img.shape[0], edge_img.shape[1], self.n_components)) eigenvectors = ndimage.median_filter(eigenvectors, size=self.median_smooth) print('cluestering..') labels = felzenszwalb(eigenvectors, scale=self.scale, sigma=self.sigma, min_size=self.min_size) labels = cv2.resize(labels, (img.shape[1], img.shape[0]), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) labels[np.argmax(img, axis=2) == 0] = 0 labels[np.argmax(img, axis=2) == 1] += 1 labels_post = np.zeros( (labels.shape[0], labels.shape[1], np.amax(labels) + 1)) for i in range(1, np.amax(labels) + 1): labels_post[:, :, i] = labels == i labels_post = ndimage.morphology.binary_erosion(labels_post, structure=np.ones( (self.smooth, self.smooth, 1))) labels_post = ndimage.morphology.binary_dilation(labels_post, structure=np.ones( (self.smooth, self.smooth, 1))) return np.argmax(labels_post, axis=2)
def doSegment(imgPath, outImagePath): im = load_image(imgPath) count = 0 timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") global count img = img_as_float(im) #img = img_as_float(imgO[::2, ::2]) segments_fz = felzenszwalb(img, scale=2.0, sigma=1.0, min_size=0) #segments_slic = slic(img, n_segments=250, compactness=10, sigma=1) #segments_quick = quickshift(img, kernel_size=5, max_dist=10, ratio=0.0) if (count % 2 == 0): bounds = mark_boundaries(img, segments_fz, color=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), mode="inner") else: bounds = mark_boundaries(img, segments_fz, color=(1, 1, 1), mode="inner") labeled = label2rgb(segments_fz, img, alpha=1.0, bg_color=(0, 0, 0), bg_label=0, colors=[(0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1), (0.25, 0.25, 0.25), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.75, 0.75, 0.75), (0.1, 0.1, 0.1), (0.05, 0.05, 0.05), (0.2, 0.2, 0.2), (0.15, 0.15, 0.15)]) bb = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(labeled * 255)) # #bb = bb.resize((500, 500), Image.NEAREST) count = count + 1
def segm_felzenszwalb(input_image, scale=800, sigma=10, min_size=5, multichannel=True): """Función para generar la segmentación mediante la técnica de Felzenszwalb. Args: input_image ([Numpy Array]): Imagen de entrada sobre la que obtener la segmentación scale (int, optional): A mayor, más grandes son los grupos. Defaults to 800. sigma (int, optional): Desviación estándar del kernel Gaussiano. Defaults to 10. min_size (int, optional): Tamano mínimo de los componentes. Defaults to 5. multichannel (bool, optional): Si el último valor del shape se interpreta como múltiples canales. Defaults to True. Returns: Tuple (output image, labels, number classes): Tupla con la imagen segmentada, las etiquetas y el número total de segmentos encontrados. """ segments_felz = felzenszwalb(np.uint8(input_image), scale=scale, sigma=sigma, min_size=min_size, multichannel=multichannel) output_image = mark_boundaries(input_image, segments_felz) labeled_fz = color.label2rgb(segments_felz, input_image, kind='avg', bg_label=0) return (output_image, labeled_fz, len(np.unique(segments_felz)))
def segment(img): img = pil2cv(img) h, w = img.shape[0:2] img = cv2.bilateralFilter(img, 9, 100, 100) scale = int(h * w / 1000) segments = felzenszwalb(img, scale=scale, sigma=0.5, min_size=150) out_image = np.zeros((h, w, 3)) num_segments = len(np.unique(segments)) for s in tqdm(range(num_segments)): label_map = segments == s label_map3 = np.dstack([label_map] * 3) masked_img = np.multiply(label_map3, img) #avg_color = np.sum(np.sum(masked_img, axis=0), axis=0) / np.count_nonzero(label_map) # maybe median is better nonzeros = [masked_img[:, :, c].reshape((h * w)) for c in range(3)] median_color = [ np.median(np.take(nonzeros[c], nonzeros[c].nonzero())) for c in range(3) ] smooth_segment = (label_map3 * median_color).astype('uint8') out_image += smooth_segment out_image = Image.fromarray(out_image.astype('uint8')) return out_image
def pre_trans(self, img_arr, img_file_path): """ return pre-filter feature extraction For color extraction use color_kmeans() local_equalize local_threshold Segmentation algorithms: felzenszwalb, slic, quickshift """ # initialize pre_trans vector size pre_trans = np.zeros( 5 * (img_arr.shape[0] * img_arr.shape[1] * img_arr.shape[2])) # All extractions using raw colored image array: color_kmeans = Color_Clustering(img_file_path, 10, img_arr.shape[:2]) dom_colors = np.ravel(color_kmeans.main()) local_eq_raw = self.local_equalize(img_arr) local_threshold_raw = self.local_thresh(img_arr) # Segmentation: felzenszwalb img = img_as_float(img_arr) segments_fz = np.ravel( felzenszwalb(img, scale=100, sigma=0.5, min_size=50)) prior_length = dom_colors.shape[0] + local_eq_raw.shape[0] +local_threshold_raw.shape[0] + segments_fz.shape[0] # apply feature detection algorithms to grayscaled image img_arr_grey = color.rgb2gray(img_arr) feat_det_img_arr = self.feat_detect(img_arr_grey) stand_feat_det_img_arr = self.stand_vector_size(feat_det_img_arr) pre_trans_prior = np.concatenate( (dom_colors, local_eq_raw, local_threshold_raw, segments_fz), axis=0) pre_trans[:prior_length] = pre_trans_prior pre_trans[prior_length:prior_length + stand_feat_det_img_arr.shape[0]] = stand_feat_det_img_arr return pre_trans, feat_det_img_arr.shape
def get_felzenszwalb(slices: np.array) -> np.array: slices = slices.cpu().detach().numpy() mid_slice = slices.shape[0] // 2 segments = felzenszwalb(slices[mid_slice, :, :], scale=150, sigma=0.7, min_size=50) #segments = chan_vese(slices[mid_slice,:,:], mu=0.1) selected_pixels = np.array([ [5 / 16, 5 / 16], [5 / 16, 11 / 16], [11 / 16, 5 / 16], [11 / 16, 11 / 16] ]) @ np.array([[256, 0], [0, 256]]) # don't hard code image resolution selected_pixels = selected_pixels.astype('int32') selected_segments = [segments[tuple(sp)] for sp in selected_pixels] pre_mask = [segments == ss for ss in selected_segments] mask = np.logical_or.reduce(pre_mask) bg_segment = int(np.floor(np.mean(segments[0]))) mid_col = segments.shape[1] // 2 start = timeit.default_timer() max_gap = smart_strip_edges(segments, bg_segment, 1) max_h_gap = smart_strip_edges(segments, bg_segment, 0) stop = timeit.default_timer() print("Step: {} - Runtime: {}".format(3, stop - start)) return segments[max_gap[0]:max_gap[1], max_h_gap[0]:max_h_gap[1]], mask[max_gap[0]:max_gap[1], max_h_gap[0]:max_h_gap[1]]
def pre_trans(self, img_arr, img_file_path): """ return pre-filter feature extraction For color extraction use color_kmeans() local_equalize local_threshold Segmentation algorithms: felzenszwalb, slic, quickshift """ # initialize pre_trans vector size pre_trans = np.zeros(18000) # All extractions using raw colored image array: color_kmeans = Color_Clustering(img_file_path, 10, img_arr.shape[:2]) dom_colors = np.ravel(color_kmeans.main()) local_eq_raw = self.local_equalize(img_arr) local_threshold_raw = self.local_thresh(img_arr) # Segmentation: felzenszwalb img = img_as_float(img_arr) segments_fz = np.ravel( felzenszwalb( img, scale=100, sigma=0.5, min_size=50)) prior_length = dom_colors.shape[0] + local_eq_raw.shape[0] + local_threshold_raw.shape[0] + segments_fz.shape[0] pre_trans_prior = np.concatenate( (dom_colors, local_eq_raw, local_threshold_raw, segments_fz), axis=0) pre_trans[:prior_length] = pre_trans_prior return pre_trans
def radioBtn_refresh(self): self.slider_pack() if (self.segment_type_choice.get() == 1): numSeg = self.slider1.get() comp = self.slider2.get() sigma = float(self.slider3.get()) self.segments = slic(self.image, n_segments=numSeg, compactness=comp, sigma=sigma, slic_zero=True) if (self.segment_type_choice.get() == 2): scale = self.slider1.get() min_size = self.slider2.get() sigma = self.slider3.get() self.segments = felzenszwalb(self.image, scale=scale, sigma=sigma, min_size=min_size) if (self.segment_type_choice.get() == 3): kernel_size = self.slider1.get() max_dist = self.slider2.get() ratio = self.slider3.get() self.segments = quickshift(self.image, kernel_size=3, max_dist=6, ratio=0.5) imageOUT = cv2.bitwise_or(self.image, self.mask) #imageOUT = cv2.addWeighted(self.image,0.3,self.mask,0.7,0) #imageOUT=np.where(self.mask==(0,0,0),self.image,self.mask) imageOUT = toimage(mark_boundaries(imageOUT, self.segments)) imageOUT = ImageTk.PhotoImage(imageOUT) self.panelA.create_image(0, 0, image=imageOUT, anchor=NW) self.panelA.image = imageOUT
def segment_image(image, color_space_list = ['HSV','LAB'], ks = [50,100]): blob_array =[] priority = [] seg_masks = [] converted_images = convert_colorspace(image,color_space_list) sim_feats_list = [ sf.color_hist_sim(), sf.texture_hist_sim(), sf.size_sim(image.shape), sf.fill_sim(image.shape) ] for img in converted_images: for j in ks: print("segmenting",j) segmented_mask = felzenszwalb(img,j,sigma = 0.8, min_size = j) print("blobbing",j) blobs = ssearch._ssearch(img,segmented_mask,sim_feats = sim_feats_list) blob_array.append(blobs) priority.append( np.arange(len(blobs),0,-1).clip(0,(len(blobs)+1)/2)) seg_masks.append(segmented_mask) blob_array = ssearch.remove_duplicate(blob_array) return blob_array
def ncut(img=None, thresh=0.001, num_cuts=10, sp_met='slic'): # labels1 = segmentation.felzenszwalb(m_img, scale=50, sigma=0.5, min_size=100) if sp_met == 'slic': labels1 = segmentation.slic(img, compactness=30, n_segments=400) if sp_met == 'fl': labels1 = segmentation.felzenszwalb(img, scale=100, sigma=0.5, min_size=50) # if sp_met == 'qs': # labels1 = quickshift(img, kernel_size=3, max_dist=6, ratio=0.5) out1 = color.label2rgb(labels1, img, kind='avg') g = graph.rag_mean_color(img, labels1, mode='similarity') labels2 = graph.cut_normalized(labels1, g, thresh=thresh, num_cuts=num_cuts) out2 = color.label2rgb(labels2, img, kind='avg') return labels2
def task3(self): img1 = img_as_float64(mimg.imread("fish.bmp")) imgray = rgb2gray(img1) # Method 1 # img2=sgm.watershed(imgray, markers=300, watershed_line=True) # Method 2 # img2 = sgm.slic(imgray, n_segments=30, compactness=0.3, sigma=20) # Method 3 # img2 = sgm.quickshift(img1, kernel_size=5, max_dist=15, ratio=0.05) # Method 4 img2 = sgm.felzenszwalb(imgray, scale=200, sigma=1, min_size=100) img3 = sgm.mark_boundaries(img1, img2) fg, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(1, 3), img1, "original"), img2, "markers"), img3, "with segmentation")
def extract_colored_map(self, image_with_boundaries, contours_image): segments = felzenszwalb(image_with_boundaries, scale=self.segs, min_size=self.min_size) for i in range(contours_image.shape[0]): for j in range(contours_image.shape[1]): if contours_image[i, j] == 0: segments[i, j] = 255 occurence_map = self.get_occurence_map(segments) keys = list(occurence_map.keys()) for key in keys: if occurence_map[key] > self.threshold: del occurence_map[key] for i in range(segments.shape[0]): for j in range(segments.shape[1]): if segments[i, j] in occurence_map.keys(): segments[i, j] = 255 return segments
def applyfelzenszwab(source_img, mask): fine_mask = mask.copy() input_img = source_img.copy() cv2.imshow("inputs", np.hstack((input_img, fine_mask))) cv2.waitKey(0) image_felzenszwalb = seg.felzenszwalb(mask) image_felzenszwalb_colored = color.label2rgb(image_felzenszwalb, mask, kind='avg') print(image_felzenszwalb.shape) print(image_felzenszwalb[:100]) image_show(image_felzenszwalb) image_show(image_felzenszwalb_colored) #plt.imshow(image_felzenszwalb) #cv2.imshow("adsf", image_felzenszwalb); #, cmap='gray' #cv2.waitKey(0) return fine_mask
def segmentation(path): ds = gdal.Open(path, GA_ReadOnly ) img = np.array(ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()) segments_fz = felzenszwalb(img, scale=100, sigma=0.5, min_size=50) #segments_slic = slic(img, n_segments=250, compactness=10, sigma=1) #segments_quick = quickshift(img, kernel_size=3, max_dist=6, ratio=0.5) print("Felzenszwalb's number of segments: %d" % len(np.unique(segments_fz))) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3) fig.set_size_inches(8, 3, forward=True) fig.subplots_adjust(0.05, 0.05, 0.95, 0.95, 0.05, 0.05) ax[0].imshow(mark_boundaries(img, segments_fz)) ax[0].set_title("Felzenszwalbs's method") # ax[1].imshow(mark_boundaries(img, segments_slic)) # ax[1].set_title("SLIC") # ax[2].imshow(mark_boundaries(img, segments_quick)) # ax[2].set_title("Quickshift") for a in ax: a.set_xticks(()) a.set_yticks(())
def felzenszwalb_skimage(input_band_list, scale, sigma, min_size): '''Felzenszwalb segmentation from Skimage library :param input_band_list: list of 2darrays (list of numpy arrays) :param scale: defines the observation level, higher scale means less and larger segments (float) :param sigma: idth of Gaussian smoothing kernel for preprocessing, zero means no smoothing (float) :param min_size: minimum size, minimum component size. Enforced using postprocessing. (integer) :returns: 2darray with the result of the segmentation (numpy array) Author: Daniele De Vecchi - Mostapha Harb Last modified: 22/03/2014 Reference: ''' #TODO: Also here seems to me that only RGB is used and each band is segmented separately and than merged. #TODO: Would be more powerful if full spectral content would be used and one segmentation is run on the n-D feature space. #default values, set in case of 0 as input if scale == 0: scale = 2 if sigma == 0: sigma = 0.1 if min_size == 0: min_size = 2 if len(input_band_list) == 4: img = np.dstack((input_band_list[0], input_band_list[1], input_band_list[2], input_band_list[3])) if len(input_band_list) == 3: img = np.dstack( (input_band_list[0], input_band_list[1], input_band_list[2])) if len(input_band_list) == 1: img = input_band_list[0] segments_fz = felzenszwalb(img, scale, sigma, min_size) return segments_fz
def press_wasdqe_to_adjust_parameter_of_felz(img): paras = [64, 0.5, 128] # pieces # paras = [1, 0.8, 20] # default act_dict = {0: (0, 1.0)} act_dict.update( zip( [119, 97, 113], [(i, 1.2) for i in range(len(paras))], )) # _KeyBoard: W A Q act_dict.update( zip( [115, 100, 101], [(i, 0.8) for i in range(len(paras))], )) # KeyBoard: S D E key = 0 while True: if key != -1: i, multi = act_dict[key] paras[i] *= multi print(key, paras) seg_map = segmentation.felzenszwalb(img, scale=int(paras[0]), sigma=paras[1], min_size=int(paras[2])) show = mark_boundaries(img, seg_map) cv2.imshow('', show) wait_time = 1 else: wait_time = 100 key = cv2.waitKey(wait_time) break cv2.imwrite('tiger_felz.jpg', show * 255)
def test_FH_time(scale, final_ls): """ scale : list final_ls : list This function takes as input data the list of indexes allowing access to your ground truth and your images. It also takes the scale parameter as a list. This allows to calculate the average time taken by the algorithm of Felznwalb and Huttenlocher to segment according to the parameter z. """ results_dic = {} for i, z in enumerate(scale): print("z = {}".format(z)) results = np.zeros((1, len(final_ls))) for idx, path in enumerate(final_ls): image = cv2.imread('Data/train/{}.jpg'.format(path)) GT = np.load("Data/ground_truth/{}.npy".format(path)) t0 = time.time() segments = felzenszwalb(img_as_float(image), scale=z) tend = time.time() - t0 results[0][idx] = tend if (idx % 20) == 0: print('Image : {}, Time : {}'.format(idx, results[0][idx])) results_dic[z] = results print('-' * 10) result_2 = np.zeros((len(scale), 1)) for idx, z in enumerate(scale): result_2[idx, 0] = results_dic[z][0].mean() df = pd.DataFrame(result_2, index=scale, columns=["Time"]) return df
def createSuperPixelMain(params): """Calculates super pixel segmentation Arguments: params {tuple} -- parameters for the function """ super_pixel_method, img_file, i, out_dir = params img = cv2.imread(img_file[i], cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) if super_pixel_method == "Felzenszwalb": labels = felzenszwalb(img, scale=100, sigma=0.5, min_size=50) elif super_pixel_method == "Quickshift": labels = quickshift(img, kernel_size=3, max_dist=6, ratio=0.5) elif super_pixel_method == "Slic": labels = slic(img, n_segments=250, compactness=10, sigma=1) elif super_pixel_method == "Watershed": gradient = sobel(rgb2gray(img)) labels = watershed(gradient, markers=250, compactness=0.001) os.path.join(out_dir, "{0}_{1}.npy".format(i, super_pixel_method)), labels.astype(np.uint8), )
def extract_superpixel(filename, index): CROP = 16 scales = [1] markers = [400] filename = os.path.join(data_path, filename) image = cv2.imread(filename) # undistort image = undistort(image) image = image[CROP:-CROP, CROP:-CROP, :] segments = [] Adjs = [] Adjs_color = [] for s, m in zip(scales, markers): image = cv2.resize(image, (384 // s, 288 // s)) image = img_as_float(image) gradient = sobel(rgb2gray(image)) # segment = watershed(gradient, markers=m, compactness=0.001) segment = felzenszwalb(image, scale=100, sigma=0.5, min_size=50) segments.append(segment) return segments[0].astype(np.int16)
def felzenszwalb_skimage(input_band_list, scale, sigma, min_size): """Felzenszwalb segmentation from Skimage library :param input_band_list: list of 2darrays (list of numpy arrays) :param scale: defines the observation level, higher scale means less and larger segments (float) :param sigma: idth of Gaussian smoothing kernel for preprocessing, zero means no smoothing (float) :param min_size: minimum size, minimum component size. Enforced using postprocessing. (integer) :returns: 2darray with the result of the segmentation (numpy array) Author: Daniele De Vecchi - Mostapha Harb Last modified: 22/03/2014 Reference: """ # TODO: Also here seems to me that only RGB is used and each band is segmented separately and than merged. # TODO: Would be more powerful if full spectral content would be used and one segmentation is run on the n-D feature space. # default values, set in case of 0 as input if scale == 0: scale = 2 if sigma == 0: sigma = 0.1 if min_size == 0: min_size = 2 if len(input_band_list) == 4: img = np.dstack((input_band_list[0], input_band_list[1], input_band_list[2], input_band_list[3])) if len(input_band_list) == 3: img = np.dstack((input_band_list[0], input_band_list[1], input_band_list[2])) if len(input_band_list) == 1: img = input_band_list[0] segments_fz = felzenszwalb(img, scale, sigma, min_size) return segments_fz
def felzen_segment(): global segments, orig img_b64 = request.values['data'].split("base64,")[1] val = 600 - int(float(request.values['val'])) image_result = open('orig.png', 'wb') image_result.write(base64.b64decode(img_b64)) img = io.imread('orig.png') img = color.rgba2rgb(img) segments = segmentation.felzenszwalb(img, min_size=val) segmented_img = segmentation.mark_boundaries(img, segments) back_img = np.zeros((segmented_img.shape[0], segmented_img.shape[1], 4)) back_img[:, :, 0] = img[:, :, 0] * 255 back_img[:, :, 1] = img[:, :, 1] * 255 back_img[:, :, 2] = img[:, :, 2] * 255 back_img[:, :, 3] = 255 orig = img for file in os.listdir("./masks/"): os.remove("./masks/" + file) plt.imsave("masks/back.png", back_img.astype(np.uint8)) plt.imsave("segment.jpg", segmented_img)"segments", segments) print('Image received: {}'.format(img.shape)) response = jsonify({'message': 'Happy Noises'}) return response
def test_3D(): grey_img = np.zeros((10, 10)) rgb_img = np.zeros((10, 10, 3)) three_d_img = np.zeros((10, 10, 10)) with assert_no_warnings(): felzenszwalb(grey_img, multichannel=True) felzenszwalb(grey_img, multichannel=False) felzenszwalb(rgb_img, multichannel=True) with assert_warns(RuntimeWarning): felzenszwalb(three_d_img, multichannel=True) with testing.raises(ValueError): felzenszwalb(rgb_img, multichannel=False) felzenszwalb(three_d_img, multichannel=False)
def extractFeature(img): img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) img = imutils.resize(img, width=200) # segment the image labels = segmentation.felzenszwalb(img, scale=35.0) # labels = segmentation.quickshift(img, ratio=1.0, kernel_size=4, max_dist=8) # labels = segmentation.slic(img, compactness=15, n_segments=300) # get the segmented image seg_img = color.label2rgb(labels, img, kind='avg') # Convert to hls space seg_bgr_img = cv2.cvtColor(seg_img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) hls = cv2.cvtColor(seg_bgr_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HLS) hsv = cv2.cvtColor(seg_bgr_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) # get cluster information cluster_dict = {} max_light = 0 max_sat = 0 max_val = 0 min_light = 1000 min_sat = 1000 min_val = 1000 max_light_label = 0 max_sat_label = 0 max_val_label = 0 height, width, color_depth = img.shape for y in range(0, height - 1): for x in range(0, width - 1): hls_pix = hls[y, x, :] hsv_pix = hsv[y, x, :] label = labels[y, x] if label not in cluster_dict: cluster_dict[label] = Cluster(hls_pix) cluster_dict[label].add_pixel(x, y) min_sat = min(min_sat, hls_pix[2]) if hls_pix[2] > max_sat: max_sat = hls_pix[2] max_sat_label = label min_light = min(min_light, hls_pix[1]) if hls_pix[1] > max_light: max_light = hls_pix[1] max_light_label = label min_val = min(min_val, hsv_pix[1]) if hsv_pix[1] > max_val: max_val = hsv_pix[1] max_val_label = label # calculate cluster locations for c in cluster_dict: cluster_dict[c].finalize() # calculate the actual features # get location features max_sat_locx_bin = NUM_LOC_BINS*[0] max_sat_locy_bin = NUM_LOC_BINS*[0] max_light_locx_bin = NUM_LOC_BINS*[0] max_light_locy_bin = NUM_LOC_BINS*[0] max_val_locx_bin = NUM_LOC_BINS*[0] max_val_locy_bin = NUM_LOC_BINS*[0] max_sat_locx_bin[util.getBinIndex(float(cluster_dict[max_sat_label].x) / width, NUM_LOC_BINS, MAX_LOC_VAL)] = 1 max_sat_locy_bin[util.getBinIndex(float(cluster_dict[max_sat_label].y) / height, NUM_LOC_BINS, MAX_LOC_VAL)] = 1 max_light_locx_bin[util.getBinIndex(float(cluster_dict[max_light_label].x) / width, NUM_LOC_BINS, MAX_LOC_VAL)] = 1 max_light_locy_bin[util.getBinIndex(float(cluster_dict[max_light_label].y) / height, NUM_LOC_BINS, MAX_LOC_VAL)] = 1 max_val_locx_bin[util.getBinIndex(float(cluster_dict[max_val_label].x) / width, NUM_LOC_BINS, MAX_LOC_VAL)] = 1 max_val_locy_bin[util.getBinIndex(float(cluster_dict[max_val_label].y) / height, NUM_LOC_BINS, MAX_LOC_VAL)] = 1 # get size features total_pixels = height*width sat_size = float(cluster_dict[max_sat_label].num_pixels) / total_pixels light_size = float(cluster_dict[max_light_label].num_pixels) / total_pixels val_size = float(cluster_dict[max_val_label].num_pixels) / total_pixels # get contrast features mini = 20 # from manual inspection max_sat_diff = util.normalize(max_sat - min_sat, mini, util.MAX_SAT) max_light_diff = util.normalize(max_light - min_light, mini, util.MAX_LIGHT) max_val_diff = util.normalize(max_val - min_val, mini, util.MAX_VAL) features = max_sat_locx_bin + max_sat_locy_bin + \ max_light_locx_bin + max_light_locy_bin + \ max_val_locx_bin + max_val_locy_bin + \ [sat_size, light_size, val_size] + \ [max_sat_diff, max_light_diff, max_val_diff] assert len(features) == len(getFeatureName()), \ "length of segmentation features matches feature names" # plot for debugging if IS_DEBUG: # plot_marker(cluster_dict[max_sat_label].x, # cluster_dict[max_sat_label].y, # (255, 0, 0), seg_bgr_img) # plot_marker(cluster_dict[max_light_label].x, # cluster_dict[max_light_label].y, # (0, 255, 0), seg_bgr_img) # plot_marker(cluster_dict[max_val_label].x, # cluster_dict[max_val_label].y, # (0, 0, 255), seg_bgr_img) plt.figure() cv2.imshow('img', seg_bgr_img) cv2.waitKey(0) return [features, seg_bgr_img] return features
''' from __future__ import print_function import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from import lena from skimage.segmentation import felzenszwalb, slic, quickshift from skimage.segmentation import mark_boundaries from skimage.util import img_as_float ''' [::2,::2]表示每隔两个index娶一个sample,就是down-sampling ''' img = img_as_float(lena()[::2, ::2]) segments_fz = felzenszwalb(img, scale=100, sigma=0.5, min_size=50) print (segments_fz) print (segments_fz.shape) segments_slic = slic(img, n_segments=4, compactness=10, sigma=1) np.savetxt('test.txt', segments_slic, fmt='%1i') segments_quick = quickshift(img, kernel_size=3, max_dist=6, ratio=0.5) print("Felzenszwalb's number of segments: %d" % len(np.unique(segments_fz))) print("Slic number of segments: %d" % len(np.unique(segments_slic))) print("Quickshift number of segments: %d" % len(np.unique(segments_quick))) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3) fig.set_size_inches(8, 3, forward=True) fig.subplots_adjust(0.05, 0.05, 0.95, 0.95, 0.05, 0.05) ax[0].imshow(mark_boundaries(img, segments_fz))
''' map_array=numpy.array(map_array) finalLabel=numpy.array(finalLabel) pickle.dump(g, file_g_final) pickle.dump(finalLabel,file_final) pickle.dump(map_array,file_map) finalNum=len(numpy.unique(finalLabel)) print('finalNum') print(finalNum) plt.imshow(img) plt.figure() plt.imshow(mark_boundaries(img, segments_slic,color=(1,0,0))) plt.imsave("fishMan_slic.jpg",mark_boundaries(img, segments_slic,color=(1,0,0))) plt.figure() plt.imshow(mark_boundaries(img,region_fh,color=(1,0,0))) plt.imsave("fishMan_Hybrid.jpg",mark_boundaries(img,region_fh,color=(1,0,0))) plt.figure() plt.imshow(mark_boundaries(img,finalLabel,color=(1,0,0))) plt.imsave("fishMan_final.jpg",mark_boundaries(img,finalLabel,color=(1,0,0))) numpy.savetxt('finalLabel.txt', finalLabel, fmt='%1i') fh = felzenszwalb(img, scale=100, sigma=0.5, min_size=50) #savePath='/Users/yuan/BaiduYun/MyDocument/workspace/MyMatlab/superpixel_benchmark/result/fh/fh_200/62096..mat' #sio.savemat(savePath,{'finalLabel':fh})
def segment_fz(fig, image): segmented = felzenszwalb(image, scale=500, sigma=0.5, min_size=50) fig_label_segments(fig, image, segmented, 'felzenszwalb')
def prep(): header = "acantharia_protist_big_center,acantharia_protist_halo,acantharia_protist,amphipods,appendicularian_fritillaridae,appendicularian_s_shape,appendicularian_slight_curve,appendicularian_straight,artifacts_edge,artifacts,chaetognath_non_sagitta,chaetognath_other,chaetognath_sagitta,chordate_type1,copepod_calanoid_eggs,copepod_calanoid_eucalanus,copepod_calanoid_flatheads,copepod_calanoid_frillyAntennae,copepod_calanoid_large_side_antennatucked,copepod_calanoid_large,copepod_calanoid_octomoms,copepod_calanoid_small_longantennae,copepod_calanoid,copepod_cyclopoid_copilia,copepod_cyclopoid_oithona_eggs,copepod_cyclopoid_oithona,copepod_other,crustacean_other,ctenophore_cestid,ctenophore_cydippid_no_tentacles,ctenophore_cydippid_tentacles,ctenophore_lobate,decapods,detritus_blob,detritus_filamentous,detritus_other,diatom_chain_string,diatom_chain_tube,echinoderm_larva_pluteus_brittlestar,echinoderm_larva_pluteus_early,echinoderm_larva_pluteus_typeC,echinoderm_larva_pluteus_urchin,echinoderm_larva_seastar_bipinnaria,echinoderm_larva_seastar_brachiolaria,echinoderm_seacucumber_auricularia_larva,echinopluteus,ephyra,euphausiids_young,euphausiids,fecal_pellet,fish_larvae_deep_body,fish_larvae_leptocephali,fish_larvae_medium_body,fish_larvae_myctophids,fish_larvae_thin_body,fish_larvae_very_thin_body,heteropod,hydromedusae_aglaura,hydromedusae_bell_and_tentacles,hydromedusae_h15,hydromedusae_haliscera_small_sideview,hydromedusae_haliscera,hydromedusae_liriope,hydromedusae_narco_dark,hydromedusae_narco_young,hydromedusae_narcomedusae,hydromedusae_other,hydromedusae_partial_dark,hydromedusae_shapeA_sideview_small,hydromedusae_shapeA,hydromedusae_shapeB,hydromedusae_sideview_big,hydromedusae_solmaris,hydromedusae_solmundella,hydromedusae_typeD_bell_and_tentacles,hydromedusae_typeD,hydromedusae_typeE,hydromedusae_typeF,invertebrate_larvae_other_A,invertebrate_larvae_other_B,jellies_tentacles,polychaete,protist_dark_center,protist_fuzzy_olive,protist_noctiluca,protist_other,protist_star,pteropod_butterfly,pteropod_theco_dev_seq,pteropod_triangle,radiolarian_chain,radiolarian_colony,shrimp_caridean,shrimp_sergestidae,shrimp_zoea,shrimp-like_other,siphonophore_calycophoran_abylidae,siphonophore_calycophoran_rocketship_adult,siphonophore_calycophoran_rocketship_young,siphonophore_calycophoran_sphaeronectes_stem,siphonophore_calycophoran_sphaeronectes_young,siphonophore_calycophoran_sphaeronectes,siphonophore_other_parts,siphonophore_partial,siphonophore_physonect_young,siphonophore_physonect,stomatopod,tornaria_acorn_worm_larvae,trichodesmium_bowtie,trichodesmium_multiple,trichodesmium_puff,trichodesmium_tuft,trochophore_larvae,tunicate_doliolid_nurse,tunicate_doliolid,tunicate_partial,tunicate_salp_chains,tunicate_salp,unknown_blobs_and_smudges,unknown_sticks,unknown_unclassified".split(',') with open('namesClasses.dat','rb') as f: namesClasses = cPickle.load(f) labels = map(lambda s: s.split('\\')[-1], namesClasses) for i in range(len(namesClasses)): currentClass = namesClasses[i] root_class.data_search(currentClass).id_list.append(i) #get the total test images #Full set #fnames = glob.glob(os.path.join("competition_data", "test", "*.jpg")) #Smaller set fnames = glob.glob(os.path.join("smaller_comp", "test", "*.jpg")) numberofTestImages = len(fnames) X = np.zeros((numberofTestImages, num_features), dtype=float) #Get filename separate from prefix path images = map(lambda fileName: fileName.split('\\')[-1], fnames) i = 0 # report progress for each 1% done report = [int((j+1)*numberofTestImages/100.) for j in range(100)] for fileName in fnames: # Read in the images and create the features image = imread(fileName, as_grey=True) image = rotImage(image) # Added from thresh = 0.9*255 # if image.min < 0.75*255: # img = image < thresh # else: # img = image # if img.sum() != 0: # imgX,imgY = np.nonzero(img) # imgW = imgX.max()-imgX.min() # imgH = imgY.max()-imgY.min() # if (imgW>1 and imgH>1): # image = image[imgX.min():imgX.max(),imgY.min():imgY.max()] # #---------------------------------- cvimage = cv2.imread(fileName) features = getMinorMajorRatio(image) #__Begin moved region #From pca = decomposition.PCA(n_components=25) PCAFeatures = pca.fit_transform(image) PCAevr = pca.explained_variance_ratio_ for evr in range(len(PCAevr)): if np.isnan(PCAevr[evr]): PCAevr[evr] = 0.0 #_____________________________________________________________ corners = getCorners(cvimage,features['orientation']) horslice = image[:,maxPixel/2] vertslice = image[maxPixel/2] #correlation = signal.correlate(image,image) #horcorrelation = signal.correlate(horslice,horslice) #vertcorrelation = signal.correlate(vertslice,vertslice) #crosscorrelation = signal.correlate(horslice,vertslice) #correlation = correlation/correlation[correlation.shape[0]/2,correlation.shape[0]/2] #horcorrelation = horcorrelation/horcorrelation[horcorrelation.shape[0]/2] #vertcorrelation = vertcorrelation/vertcorrelation[vertcorrelation.shape[0]/2] #crosscorrelation = crosscorrelation/crosscorrelation[horcorrelation.shape[0]/2] hormean = np.mean(horslice) horstd = np.std(horslice) vertmean = np.mean(vertslice) vertstd = np.std(vertslice) horcount = vertcount = 0 for pix in horslice: graycheck = False if pix<thresh: if not graycheck: graycheck = True horcount = horcount + 1 else: graycheck = False for pix in vertslice: graycheck = False if pix<thresh: if not graycheck: graycheck = True vertcount = vertcount + 1 else: graycheck = False features['hsobel'] = np.nanmean(filter.hsobel(image)) features['vsobel'] = np.nanmean(filter.vsobel(image)) features['peaklocalmax'] = np.nanmean(peak_local_max(image)) features['felzen'] = np.nanmean(segmentation.felzenszwalb(image)) if np.isnan(features['peaklocalmax']): features['peaklocalmax'] = 0.0 if np.isnan(features['felzen']): features['felzen'] = 0.0 #hormirror = image[:maxPixel/2]-image[maxPixel-1:maxPixel/2:-1] #vertmirror = image[:,:maxPixel/2]-image[:,maxPixel-1:maxPixel/2:-1] image = resize(image, (maxPixel, maxPixel)) #From lbp = local_binary_pattern(image, n_points, radius, METHOD) n_bins = lbp.max()+1 lbpcounts = np.histogram(lbp,n_bins,normed=True,range=(0, n_bins))[0] #_____________________________________________________________ #__Moved region was here #dist_trans = ndimage.distance_transform_edt(image[0]) # Store the rescaled image pixels and the axis ratio #fd, hog_image = hog(image[0], orientations=8, pixels_per_cell=(2, 2), # cells_per_block=(1, 1), visualise=True) #X[i, 0:imageSize] = np.reshape(dist_trans, (1, imageSize)) #X[i, 0:imageSize] = np.reshape(hog_image, (1, imageSize)) # Store the rescaled image pixels and the axis ratio X[i, 0:imageSize] = np.reshape(image, (1, imageSize)) #X[i, imageSize:imageSize+corr2dsize] = np.reshape(correlation, (1,corr2dsize)) #X[i, imageSize+corr2dsize:imageSize+corr2dsize+corrsize] = np.reshape(horcorrelation, (1,corrsize)) #X[i, imageSize+corr2dsize+corrsize:imageSize+corr2dsize+2*corrsize] = np.reshape(vertcorrelation, (1,corrsize)) #X[i, imageSize+corr2dsize+2*corrsize:imageSize+corr2dsize+3*corrsize] = np.reshape(crosscorrelation, (1,corrsize)) featcount = imageSize+3*corrsize+corr2dsize for k,v in features.items(): try: X[i, featcount:featcount+len(v)] = v featcount = featcount + len(v) except TypeError, te: X[i, featcount] = v featcount = featcount + 1 X[i, featcount:featcount+lbpcounts.size] = lbpcounts X[i, featcount+lbpcounts.size:featcount+lbpcounts.size+PCAsize] = PCAevr X[i, featcount+lbpcounts.size+PCAsize] = np.mean(PCAFeatures) i += 1 if i in report: print np.ceil(i *100.0 / numberofTestImages), "% done"
def felzenszwalb(image): SCALE = 1000 SIGMA = 5 MIN_SIZE = 500 return segmentation.felzenszwalb(image, SCALE, SIGMA, MIN_SIZE)
""" from __future__ import print_function import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from import astronaut from skimage.color import rgb2gray from skimage.filters import sobel from skimage.segmentation import felzenszwalb, slic, quickshift, watershed from skimage.segmentation import mark_boundaries from skimage.util import img_as_float img = img_as_float(astronaut()[::2, ::2]) segments_fz = felzenszwalb(img, scale=100, sigma=0.5, min_size=50) segments_slic = slic(img, n_segments=250, compactness=10, sigma=1) segments_quick = quickshift(img, kernel_size=3, max_dist=6, ratio=0.5) gradient = sobel(rgb2gray(img)) segments_watershed = watershed(gradient, markers=250, compactness=0.001) print("Felzenszwalb number of segments: {}".format(len( np.unique(segments_fz)))) print('SLIC number of segments: {}'.format(len(np.unique(segments_slic)))) print('Quickshift number of segments: {}'.format(len( np.unique(segments_quick)))) fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 10), sharex=True, sharey=True) ax[0, 0].imshow(mark_boundaries(img, segments_fz)) ax[0, 0].set_title("Felzenszwalbs's method")
def main(): files = [] # Generate training data i = 0 label = 0 # List of string of class names namesClasses = list() features = {} features = features.copy() print "Reading images" # Navigate through the list of directories for folder in directory_names: #Get name of class directory separate from prefix path currentClass = folder.split(os.sep)[-1] namesClasses.append(currentClass) root_class.data_search(currentClass).id_list.append(len(namesClasses)-1) for fileNameDir in os.walk(folder): for fileName in fileNameDir[2]: # Only read in the images if fileName[-4:] != ".jpg": continue # Read in the images and create the features nameFileImage = "{0}{1}{2}".format(fileNameDir[0], os.sep, fileName) image = [] image.append(imread(nameFileImage, as_grey=True)) features['original_size'] = image[0].size #image[0] = equalize_hist(image[0]) image[0] = rotImage(image[0]) # Added from thresh = 0.9*255 # if image.min < 0.75*255: # img = image < thresh # else: # img = image # if img.sum() != 0: # imgX,imgY = np.nonzero(img) # imgW = imgX.max()-imgX.min() # imgH = imgY.max()-imgY.min() # if (imgW>1 and imgH>1): # image = image[imgX.min():imgX.max(),imgY.min():imgY.max()] #---------------------------------- cvimage = cv2.imread(nameFileImage) #image[0] = gaussian_filter(image[0],sigma=2) files.append(nameFileImage) image.append(np.fliplr(image[0])) image.append(np.flipud(image[0])) image.append(np.fliplr(image[2])) # image.append(np.rot90(image[0])) # image.append(np.fliplr(image[4])) # image.append(np.flipud(image[4])) # image.append(np.fliplr(image[6])) for j in range(len(image)): features = getMinorMajorRatio(image[j]) #__Begin moved region #From pca = decomposition.PCA(n_components=25) PCAFeatures = pca.fit_transform(image[0]) #_____________________________________________________________ corners = getCorners(cvimage,features['orientation']) horslice = image[j][:,maxPixel/2] vertslice = image[j][maxPixel/2] #correlation = signal.correlate(image,image) #horcorrelation = signal.correlate(horslice,horslice) #vertcorrelation = signal.correlate(vertslice,vertslice) #crosscorrelation = signal.correlate(horslice,vertslice) #correlation = correlation/correlation[correlation.shape[0]/2,correlation.shape[0]/2] #horcorrelation = horcorrelation/horcorrelation[horcorrelation.shape[0]/2] #vertcorrelation = vertcorrelation/vertcorrelation[vertcorrelation.shape[0]/2] #crosscorrelation = crosscorrelation/crosscorrelation[horcorrelation.shape[0]/2] hormean = np.mean(horslice) horstd = np.std(horslice) vertmean = np.mean(vertslice) vertstd = np.std(vertslice) horcount = vertcount = 0 for pix in horslice: graycheck = False if pix<thresh: if not graycheck: graycheck = True horcount = horcount + 1 else: graycheck = False for pix in vertslice: graycheck = False if pix<thresh: if not graycheck: graycheck = True vertcount = vertcount + 1 else: graycheck = False features['hsobel'] = np.nanmean(filter.hsobel(image[j])) features['vsobel'] = np.nanmean(filter.vsobel(image[j])) features['peaklocalmax'] = np.nanmean(peak_local_max(image[j])) features['felzen'] = np.nanmean(segmentation.felzenszwalb(image[j])) if np.isnan(features['peaklocalmax']): features['peaklocalmax'] = 0.0 if np.isnan(features['felzen']): features['felzen'] = 0.0 #hormirror = image[j][:maxPixel/2]-image[j][maxPixel-1:maxPixel/2:-1] #vertmirror = image[j][:,:maxPixel/2]-image[j][:,maxPixel-1:maxPixel/2:-1] #__End moved region image[j] = resize(image[j], (maxPixel, maxPixel)) #From lbp = local_binary_pattern(image[j], n_points, radius, METHOD) n_bins = lbp.max()+1 lbpcounts = np.histogram(lbp,n_bins,normed=True,range=(0, n_bins))[0] #_____________________________________________________________ #__Moved region was here #dist_trans = ndimage.distance_transform_edt(image[0]) # Store the rescaled image pixels and the axis ratio #fd, hog_image = hog(image[0], orientations=8, pixels_per_cell=(2, 2), # cells_per_block=(1, 1), visualise=True) #X[i*imagesperfile+j, 0:imageSize] = np.reshape(dist_trans, (1, imageSize)) #X[i*imagesperfile+j, 0:imageSize] = np.reshape(hog_image, (1, imageSize)) X[i*imagesperfile+j, 0:imageSize] = np.reshape(image[j], (1, imageSize)) #X[i*imagesperfile+j, imageSize:imageSize+corr2dsize] = np.reshape(correlation, (1,corr2dsize)) #X[i*imagesperfile+j, imageSize+corr2dsize:imageSize+corr2dsize+corrsize] = np.reshape(horcorrelation, (1,corrsize)) #X[i*imagesperfile+j, imageSize+corr2dsize+corrsize:imageSize+corr2dsize+2*corrsize] = np.reshape(vertcorrelation, (1,corrsize)) #X[i*imagesperfile+j, imageSize+corr2dsize+2*corrsize:imageSize+corr2dsize+3*corrsize] = np.reshape(crosscorrelation, (1,corrsize)) featcount = imageSize+3*corrsize+corr2dsize for k,v in features.items(): try: X[i*imagesperfile+j, featcount:featcount+len(v)] = v featcount = featcount + len(v) except TypeError, te: X[i*imagesperfile+j, featcount] = v featcount = featcount + 1 X[i*imagesperfile+j, featcount:featcount+lbpcounts.size] = lbpcounts X[i*imagesperfile+j, featcount+lbpcounts.size:featcount+lbpcounts.size+PCAsize] = pca.explained_variance_ratio_ X[i*imagesperfile+j, featcount+lbpcounts.size+PCAsize] = np.mean(PCAFeatures) # Store the classlabel y[i*imagesperfile+j] = label if i*imagesperfile+j in report: print np.ceil((i*imagesperfile+j) *100.0 / (num_rows)), "% done" i += 1 label += 1
def draw_image(self): float_image = img_as_float(self.image) if self.method == 0: if self.just_mask == 0: self.segments = felzenszwalb( float_image, scale=self.felzenszwalb_scale, sigma=self.felzenszwalb_sigma, min_size=self.felzenszwalb_min_size) elif self.method == 1: if self.just_mask == 0: self.segments = slic(float_image, n_segments=self.slic_n_segments, compactness=self.slic_compactness, sigma=self.slic_sigma) elif self.method == 2: if self.just_mask == 0: self.segments = quickshift( float_image, kernel_size=self.quickshift_kernel_size, max_dist=self.quickshift_max_dist, ratio=self.quickshift_ratio) elif self.method == 3: if self.just_mask == 0: gradient = sobel(rgb2gray(float_image)) self.segments = watershed( gradient, markers=self.watershed_markers, compactness=self.watershed_compactness) elif self.method == 4: self.segments = None self.line = False else: self.segments = None self.line = True if self.segments is not None: boundaries = mark_boundaries(self.image, self.segments) cv_image = img_as_ubyte(boundaries) if self.hide == 0: if self.mask_on == 0: result = cv2.addWeighted(cv_image, 0.5, self.mask, 0.5, 0) else: result = self.mask else: if self.mask_on == 0: result = cv2.addWeighted(self.image, 0.5, self.mask, 0.5, 0) else: result = self.mask else: if self.mask_on == 0: result = cv2.addWeighted(self.image, 0.5, self.mask, 0.5, 0) else: result = self.mask height, width, channels = np.shape(result) totalBytes = result.nbytes bytesPerLine = int(totalBytes / height) qimg = QtGui.QImage(, result.shape[1], result.shape[0], bytesPerLine, QtGui.QImage.Format_RGB888) pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(qimg) self.label.resize(width, height) self.label.setPixmap(pixmap) self.candidate = [] self.delete_candidate = []
def felz_seg(img): segments = felzenszwalb(img, scale=120.0, sigma=1.5, min_size=30) return segments
def findIndividualSections(destination): #input: - overview image of the sample glass containing sections #output: - a matrix to be placed as a grid over the sample glass, indicating for each cell True or False for wheter there is section #PARAMETERS TO BE ALTERED FOR DIFFERENT BATCHES: size = 1200000 sizeGlass = 19.15 #mm sideSection = 0.736 #mm #size of one side of the section delta = 0.23 #ratio limit = 0.5 ratioGlassToPic = 0.8 #assuming the diameter of the sample glass is at least this much of the short side of the picture start = time.time() warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") filename = os.path.join(skimage.data_dir, destination) im = io.imread(filename) im = downsizeTo(im, size) OG = im pr = 0 p1, p2 = np.percentile(im, (pr, 100-pr)) imCircle = dab(im, 20) s = 1.5 edgesCircle = canny(imCircle, sigma=s, low_threshold=0, high_threshold=1) ratioGlassToPic = 0.8 circx, circy = findCircle(edgesCircle, ratioGlassToPic) im = cropToCircle(im, circx, circy) mm = im.shape[0]/sizeGlass #1mm in pixels sideSectionPix= sideSection*mm #FIRST METHOD prEdges = 1.1 imEdges = SSI(im,prEdges) s = 1.6 edges = canny(imEdges, sigma=s, low_threshold=0, high_threshold=1) edges = cropToCircle(edges, circx, circy, crop = False, returnBool = True) d = 0.02 #radio of blacke out circle edges = blackoutCircle(edges, circx, circy, d) deltaPix = delta* sideSectionPix check = findHalfCircle(sideSectionPix, deltaPix) viaEdges = selectFillEdges(edges, check, limit, deltaPix) #SECOND METHOD prFz = 7.6 imFz = SSI(im,prFz, returnRGB = True) sc = sideSectionPix*20 s = 1.6 mins = int(sideSectionPix**2/5) segments_fz = felzenszwalb(imFz, scale=sc, sigma=s, min_size=mins) #viaFz = findSectionsFz(segments_fz) #viaFz = cropToCircle(viaFz, circx, circy, crop = False, returnBool = True) #COMBINE METHODS sections = overlapIndividual(viaEdges, segments_fz) #DISPLAY RESULTS print("total ellapsed time = ", round(time.time()-start)) fig2, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(ncols=2, nrows=1, figsize=(40, 40),sharex=False, sharey=False) ax1.set_title('Original picture') ax1.imshow(OG) ax2.set_title('result') ax2.imshow(sections) return sections
mask = np.isnan(C_BTemp) C_BTemp[mask] = np.interp(np.flatnonzero(mask), np.flatnonzero(~mask), C_BTemp[~mask]) elif I_minute[C_i] == 30: #slice out BT images for the current basin C_BTemp = xr.open_dataset(IRDIR+ "\\" + BTemp_filename)['Tb'].values[1][DIM_BOUND[0]:DIM_BOUND[1]+1,DIM_BOUND[2]:DIM_BOUND[3]+1] C_lat = xr.open_dataset(IRDIR+ "\\" + BTemp_filename)['lat'].values[DIM_BOUND[0]:DIM_BOUND[1]+1] C_lon = xr.open_dataset(IRDIR+ "\\" + BTemp_filename)['lon'].values[DIM_BOUND[2]:DIM_BOUND[3]+1] #interpolate NaN values in BT images mask = np.isnan(C_BTemp) C_BTemp[mask] = np.interp(np.flatnonzero(mask), np.flatnonzero(~mask), C_BTemp[~mask]) #%% C_BTemp_nor = np.flipud(C_BTemp/max(C_BTemp.flatten())) cm = plt.get_cmap('Greys') C_BTemp_nor_cm = cm(C_BTemp_nor) C_BTemp_nor_cm = np.uint8(C_BTemp_nor_cm * 255) im = Image.fromarray(C_BTemp_nor_cm) enhancer = ImageEnhance.Brightness(im) im2 = enhancer.enhance(2.5) im2_np = np.asarray(im2) im2_np_3 = im2_np[:,:,0:3] im2_np_3_fl = img_as_float(im2_np_3) #%% segments_slic = segmentation.slic(im2_np_3_fl, n_segments=400, compactness=10, sigma=1) plt.imshow(segmentation.mark_boundaries(im2_np_3_fl, segments_slic)) #%%fig = plt.figure() segments_fz = segmentation.felzenszwalb(im2_np_3_fl, scale=40, sigma=0.5, min_size=50) plt.imshow(segmentation.mark_boundaries(im2_np_3_fl, segments_fz))
if not graycheck: graycheck = True horcount = horcount + 1 else: graycheck = False for pix in vertslice: graycheck = False if pix<thresh: if not graycheck: graycheck = True vertcount = vertcount + 1 else: graycheck = False peaklocalmax = np.nanmean(peak_local_max(image)) felzen = np.nanmean(segmentation.felzenszwalb(image)) if np.isnan(peaklocalmax): peaklocalmax = 0.0 if np.isnan(felzen): felzen = 0.0 # Store the rescaled image pixels and the axis ratio X[i, 0:imageSize] = np.reshape(image, (1, imageSize)) #Zak's note: I think I need to add new features into this array after axisratio X[i, imageSize:imageSize+corr2dsize] = np.reshape(correlation, (1,corr2dsize)) X[i, imageSize+corr2dsize:imageSize+corr2dsize+corrsize] = np.reshape(horcorrelation, (1,corrsize)) X[i, imageSize+corr2dsize+corrsize:imageSize+corr2dsize+2*corrsize] = np.reshape(vertcorrelation, (1,corrsize)) X[i, imageSize+corr2dsize+2*corrsize:imageSize+corr2dsize+3*corrsize] = np.reshape(crosscorrelation, (1,corrsize)) X[i, imageSize+3*corrsize+corr2dsize] = axisratio X[i, imageSize+3*corrsize+corr2dsize+1] = fillratio X[i, imageSize+3*corrsize+corr2dsize+2] = eigenratio X[i, imageSize+3*corrsize+corr2dsize+3] = solidity
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pylab import skimage as ski import skimage.segmentation as sks import cv2 import numpy as np img = ski.img_as_float(plt.imread('239239_faces.jpg')[::2, ::2, :3]) #img = cv2.imread() pylab.figure(figsize=(20, 10)) segments_fz = sks.felzenszwalb(img, scale=100, sigma=0.01, min_size=100) borders = sks.find_boundaries(segments_fz) unique_colors = np.unique(segments_fz.ravel()) segments_fz[borders] = -1 colors = [np.zeros(3)] for color in unique_colors: colors.append(np.mean(img[segments_fz == color], axis=0)) cm = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('pallete', colors, N=len(colors)) pylab.subplot(121), pylab.imshow(img), pylab.title('Original', size=20), pylab.axis('off'), pylab.subplot(122), pylab.imshow(segments_fz, cmap=cm), pylab.title('Segmented with Felzenszwalbs\'s method', size=20), pylab.axis('off'),
def SegmentationFelzenszwalb(filename="/media/scratch/plasticity/lvp2d1024_s0_d.tar", time=None): t, s = TarFile.LoadTarState(filename, time=time) rod = s.CalculateRotationRodrigues() img = img_as_float( RodriguesToUnambiguousColor(rod["x"], rod["y"], rod["z"], maxRange=None, centerR=None).astype("uint8") ) segments_slic = felzenszwalb(img, scale=100, sigma=0.0, min_size=10) print("Slic number of segments: %d" % len(np.unique(segments_slic))) fig = plt.figure() plt.imshow(mark_boundaries(img, segments_slic, color=[0, 0, 0], outline_color=None))