Exemple #1
def test_hamiltonian_eigen_energies(u_int, mu, tp):
    """Test local basis and diagonal basis isolated dimer Hamiltonians
       have same energy spectrum"""
    h_loc, _ = dimer.hamiltonian(u_int, mu, tp)
    h_dia, _ = dimer.hamiltonian_diag(u_int, mu, tp)

    eig_e_loc, _ = op.diagonalize(h_loc.todense())
    eig_e_dia, _ = op.diagonalize(h_dia.todense())

    assert np.allclose(eig_e_loc, eig_e_dia)
Exemple #2
def plot_A_ev_utp(beta, urange, mu, tprange):
    w = np.linspace(-2, 2, 1500) + 1j * 5e-3
    for u_int, tp in zip(urange, tprange):
        h_at, oper = dimer.hamiltonian(u_int, mu, tp)
        eig_e, eig_v = op.diagonalize(h_at.todense())
        gf = op.gf_lehmann(eig_e, eig_v, oper[0].T, beta, w)
        plt.plot(w.real, u_int + gf.imag / gf.imag.min(), 'k-')
Exemple #3
def gf(w, U, mu, beta):
    """Calculate by Lehmann representation the green function"""
    H, d_up, d_dw = hamiltonian(U, mu)
    e, v = diagonalize(H.todense())
    g_up = gf_lehmann(e, v, d_up.T, beta, w)
    g_dw = gf_lehmann(e, v, d_dw.T, beta, w)
    return g_up, g_dw
Exemple #4
    def update_H(self, e_c, u_int, hyb):
        """Updates impurity hamiltonian and diagonalizes it"""
        H = u_int*self.H_operators['u_int'] + \
            np.sum(- self.mu*self.H_operators['impurity'] +
                   (e_c - self.mu)*self.H_operators['bath'] +

        self.eig_energies, self.eig_states = diagonalize(H.todense())
Exemple #5
    def update_H(self, e_c, u_int, hyb):
        """Updates impurity hamiltonian and diagonalizes it"""
        H = - self.mu * self.H_operators['impurity'] + \
            (e_c - self.mu) * self.H_operators['bath'] + \
            u_int * self.H_operators['u_int'] + \
            hyb * self.H_operators['hyb']

        self.eig_energies, self.eig_states = diagonalize(H.todense())
Exemple #6
def plot_A_ev_utp(beta, urange, mu, tprange):
    w = np.linspace(-2, 3.5, 1500) + 1j * 1e-2
    Aw = []
    for u_int, tp in zip(urange, tprange):
        h_at, oper = dimer.hamiltonian_diag(u_int, mu, tp)
        eig_e, eig_v = op.diagonalize(h_at.todense())
        gf = op.gf_lehmann(eig_e, eig_v, oper[0].T, beta, w)
        aw = gf.imag / gf.imag.min()
    return np.array(Aw)
def test_gf_lehmann2():
    """Verifies the lehmann representation of a random Hamiltonian"""
    w = np.linspace(-1.5, 1.5, 500)
    d_up = fermion.destruct(6, 0)
    H = np.random.rand(*d_up.shape)
    H += H.T

    e, v = operators.diagonalize(H)
    g_up_diag = operators.gf_lehmann(e, v, d_up.T, 400, w)
    g_up_cross = operators.gf_lehmann(e, v, d_up.T, 400, w, d_up)
    assert np.allclose(g_up_diag, g_up_cross)
def test_gf_lehmann2():
    """Verifies the lehmann representation of a random Hamiltonian"""
    w = np.linspace(-1.5, 1.5, 500)
    d_up = fermion.destruct(6, 0)
    H = np.random.rand(*d_up.shape)
    H += H.T

    e, v = operators.diagonalize(H)
    g_up_diag = operators.gf_lehmann(e, v, d_up.T, 400, w)
    g_up_cross = operators.gf_lehmann(e, v, d_up.T, 400, w, d_up)
    assert np.allclose(g_up_diag, g_up_cross)
Exemple #9
    def update_H(self, mean_field, l):
        """Updates the spin hamiltonian and recalculates its eigenbasis"""

        self.H_s = self.spin_hamiltonian(mean_field, l)
            self.eig_energies, self.eig_states = diagonalize(self.H_s)
        except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError:
            np.savez('errorhamil', H=self.H_s, fiel=mean_field, lamb=l)
        except ValueError:
            np.savez('errorhamil', H=self.H_s, fiel=mean_field, lamb=l)
            print(mean_field, l)
Exemple #10
    def update_H(self, mean_field, l):
        """Updates the spin hamiltonian and recalculates its eigenbasis"""

        self.H_s = self.spin_hamiltonian(mean_field, l)
            self.eig_energies, self.eig_states = diagonalize(self.H_s)
        except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError:
            np.savez('errorhamil', H=self.H_s, fiel=mean_field, lamb=l)
        except ValueError:
            np.savez('errorhamil', H=self.H_s, fiel=mean_field, lamb=l)
            print(mean_field, l)
Exemple #11
def plot_A_ev_ru(beta, urange, mu, tp):
    w = np.linspace(0, 2, 500) + 1j * 5e-3
    for u_int in urange:
        h_at, oper = dimer.hamiltonian(u_int, mu, tp)
        eig_e, eig_v = op.diagonalize(h_at.todense())
        gf = op.gf_lehmann(eig_e, eig_v, oper[0].T, beta, w)
        plt.plot(w.real, u_int + gf.imag / gf.imag.min())
    plt.plot(0.5 * np.sqrt(urange**2 + 16 * tp**2) - tp, urange, '*:',
             label=r'$|GS\rangle \rightarrow \pm t_\perp + 1/2(U^2+16t^2_\perp)^{1/2}$')
    plt.plot(0.5 * np.sqrt(urange**2 + 16 * tp**2) + tp, urange, '*:')
    plt.plot(urange / 2 - tp, urange, 'x:',
             label=r'$|T\rangle \rightarrow \pm t_\perp + U/2$')
    plt.plot(urange / 2 + tp, urange, 'x:')
    plt.xlim([min(w.real), max(w.real)])
def test_gf_lehmann(U, mu, beta):
    """Verifies the lehmann representation of the atom"""
    w = np.linspace(-1.5*U, 1.5*U, 500)
    d_up, d_dw = [fermion.destruct(2, sigma) for sigma in range(2)]
    sigma_z = d_up.T*d_up - d_dw.T*d_dw
    H = - U/2 * sigma_z * sigma_z - mu * (d_up.T*d_up + d_dw.T*d_dw)

    e, v = operators.diagonalize(H.todense())
    g_up = operators.gf_lehmann(e, v, d_up.T, beta, w)
    g_up_cross = operators.gf_lehmann(e, v, d_up.T, beta, w, d_up)

    Z = 1+2*np.exp(beta*(U/2+mu)) + np.exp(2*beta*mu)
    g_up_ref = ((1+np.exp(beta*(U/2+mu)))/(w + mu + U/2.) +
                (np.exp(beta*(U/2+mu)) + np.exp(2*beta*mu))/(w + mu - U/2.))/Z

    assert np.allclose(g_up, g_up_ref)
    assert np.allclose(g_up_cross, g_up_ref)
def test_gf_lehmann(U, mu, beta):
    """Verifies the lehmann representation of the atom"""
    w = np.linspace(-1.5 * U, 1.5 * U, 500)
    d_up, d_dw = [fermion.destruct(2, sigma) for sigma in range(2)]
    sigma_z = d_up.T * d_up - d_dw.T * d_dw
    H = -U / 2 * sigma_z * sigma_z - mu * (d_up.T * d_up + d_dw.T * d_dw)

    e, v = operators.diagonalize(H.todense())
    g_up = operators.gf_lehmann(e, v, d_up.T, beta, w)
    g_up_cross = operators.gf_lehmann(e, v, d_up.T, beta, w, d_up)

    Z = 1 + 2 * np.exp(beta * (U / 2 + mu)) + np.exp(2 * beta * mu)
    g_up_ref = ((1 + np.exp(beta * (U / 2 + mu))) / (w + mu + U / 2.) +
                (np.exp(beta * (U / 2 + mu)) + np.exp(2 * beta * mu)) /
                (w + mu - U / 2.)) / Z

    assert np.allclose(g_up, g_up_ref)
    assert np.allclose(g_up_cross, g_up_ref)
Exemple #14
def plot_A_ev_rtp(beta, u_int, mu, tprange):
    w = np.linspace(-4, 4, 5500) + 1j * 5e-3
    for tp in tprange:
        h_at, oper = dimer.hamiltonian(u_int, mu, tp)
        eig_e, eig_v = op.diagonalize(h_at.todense())
        gfd = op.gf_lehmann(eig_e, eig_v, oper[0].T, beta, w)
        gfo = op.gf_lehmann(eig_e, eig_v, oper[0].T, beta, w, oper[1])
        gf = gfd + gfo

        plt.plot(w.real, tp + gf.imag / gf.imag.min())
    plt.title('Molecule exitation spectral function')
    plt.plot(0.5 * np.sqrt(u_int**2 + 16 * tprange**2) - tprange, tprange, '*:',
             label=r'$|GS\rangle \rightarrow \pm t_\perp + 1/2(U^2+16t^2_\perp)^{1/2}$')
    plt.plot(0.5 * np.sqrt(u_int**2 + 16 * tprange**2) + tprange, tprange, '*:')
    plt.plot(u_int / 2 - tprange, tprange, 'x:',
             label=r'$|T\rangle \rightarrow \pm t_\perp + U/2$')
    plt.plot(u_int / 2 + tprange, tprange, 'x:')
    plt.xlim([min(w.real), max(w.real)])
Exemple #15
def molecule_sigma_d(omega, U, mu, tp, beta):
    """Return molecule self-energy in the given frequency axis"""

    h_at, oper = dimer.hamiltonian_diag(U, mu, tp)
    oper_pair = [[oper[0], oper[0]], [oper[1], oper[1]]]

    eig_e, eig_v = op.diagonalize(h_at.todense())
    gfsU = np.array([
        op.gf_lehmann(eig_e, eig_v, c.T, beta, omega, d) for c, d in oper_pair

    plt.plot(omega.real, -(gfsU[1]).imag, label='Anti-Bond')
    plt.plot(omega.real, -(gfsU[0]).imag, label='Bond')
    plt.title(r'Isolated dimer $U={}$, $t_\perp={}$, $\beta={}$'.format(
        U, tp, beta))

    return [omega + tp - 1 / gfsU[0], omega - tp - 1 / gfsU[1]]
Exemple #16
def molecule_sigma(omega, U, mu, tp, beta):
    """Return molecule self-energy in the given frequency axis"""

    h_at, oper = dimer.hamiltonian(U, mu, tp)
    oper_pair = [[oper[0], oper[0]], [oper[0], oper[1]]]

    eig_e, eig_v = op.diagonalize(h_at.todense())
    gfsU = np.array([
        op.gf_lehmann(eig_e, eig_v, c.T, beta, omega, d) for c, d in oper_pair

    invg = dimer.mat_inv(gfsU[0], gfsU[1])
    plt.plot(omega.real, -gfsU[0].imag, label='Interacting')
    plt.plot(omega.real, -dimer.mat_inv(omega, -tp)[0].imag, label='Free')
    plt.title(r'Isolated dimer $U={}$, $t_\perp={}$, $\beta={}$'.format(
        U, tp, beta))

    return [omega - invg[0], -tp - invg[1]]
Exemple #17
def test_dimer_energies(u_int, mu, tp, beta=100):
    h_loc, (a_up, b_up, a_dw, b_dw) = dimer.hamiltonian(u_int, mu, tp)
    e_imp = (tp * (a_up.T * b_up + a_dw.T * b_dw + b_up.T * a_up +
                   b_dw.T * a_dw)).todense()
    eig_e, eig_v = op.diagonalize(h_loc.todense())
    w_n = gf.matsubara_freq(beta, 2**8)  # n=2**7=256
    gf_di = op.gf_lehmann(eig_e, eig_v, a_up.T, beta, 1j * w_n)
    gf_of = op.gf_lehmann(eig_e, eig_v, a_up.T, beta, 1j * w_n, b_up)
    ekin_gf = dimer.ekin(gf_di, gf_of, w_n, tp, beta, 0)
    ekin_ed = op.expected_value(e_imp, eig_e, eig_v, beta)

    assert abs(ekin_ed - ekin_gf) < 5e-4

    epot_gf = dimer.epot(gf_di, w_n, beta, u_int**2 / 4 + tp**2, ekin_gf,

    docc = (a_up.T * a_up * a_dw.T * a_dw +
            b_up.T * b_up * b_dw.T * b_dw).todense()

    epot_ed = op.expected_value(docc, eig_e, eig_v, beta) * u_int

    assert abs(epot_ed - epot_gf) < 1e-3