def setUp(self):
     self.log = getHttpLogger('test')
     self.environ = {
         'REQUEST_METHOD': 'GET',
         'PATH_INFO': '/test/stuff',
         'HTTP_HEADER': 'value'
     self.conn = {}
 def setUp(self):
     self.log = getHttpLogger('test')
     self.environ = {'REQUEST_METHOD': 'GET',
                     'PATH_INFO': '/test/stuff',
                     'HTTP_HEADER': 'value'}
     self.conn = {}
Exemple #3
from six.moves import cPickle
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlsplit, urljoin, urlencode

import gevent

from slimta.http import get_connection
from slimta import logging
from . import CloudStorageError

__all__ = [
    'RackspaceError', 'RackspaceCloudAuth', 'RackspaceCloudFiles',

log = logging.getHttpLogger(__name__)

_DEFAULT_CLIENT_ID = str(uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, getfqdn()))

_TIMESTAMP_HDR = 'X-Object-Meta-Timestamp'
_ATTEMPTS_HDR = 'X-Object-Meta-Attempts'
_DELIVERED_RCPTS_HDR = 'X-Object-Meta-Delivered-Rcpts'

class RackspaceError(CloudStorageError):
    """Thrown when an unexpected status has been returned from a Rackspace
    Cloud API request and the engine does not know how to continue.

    def __init__(self, response):
Exemple #4
import gevent
from gevent import socket
from gevent.queue import PriorityQueue, Empty
from gevent.event import AsyncResult
import six

from slimta import logging
from slimta.smtp.reply import Reply
from slimta.http import get_connection
from . import PermanentRelayError, TransientRelayError
from .pool import RelayPool, RelayPoolClient
from .smtp import SmtpRelayError

__all__ = ['HttpRelay']

log = logging.getHttpLogger(__name__)

class HttpRelayClient(RelayPoolClient):

    reply_code_pattern = re.compile(r'^\s*(\d\d\d)\s*;')
    reply_param_pattern = re.compile(r'\s(\w+)\s*=\s*"(.*?)"')

    def __init__(self, relay):
        super(HttpRelayClient, self).__init__(relay.queue, relay.idle_timeout)
        self.conn = None
        self.url = urllib_parse.urlsplit(relay.url, 'http')
        self.relay = relay

    def _wait_for_request(self):
        result, envelope = self.poll()