Exemple #1
def test(args, model, device, test_loader):
    test_loss = 0
    correct = 0
    with torch.no_grad():
        for batch_idx, (data, target) in enumerate(test_loader):
            # SM Distributed: Moves input tensors to the GPU ID used by the current process
            # based on the set_device call.
            data, target = data.to(device), target.to(device)

            # Since test_step returns scalars instead of tensors,
            # test_step decorated with smp.step will return lists instead of StepOutput objects.
            loss_batch, correct_batch = test_step(model, data, target)
            test_loss += sum(loss_batch)
            correct += sum(correct_batch)
            if args.num_batches and batch_idx + 1 == args.num_batches:

    test_loss /= len(test_loader.dataset)
    if smp.mp_rank() == 0:
        print("\nTest set: Average loss: {:.4f}, Accuracy: {}/{} ({:.0f}%)\n".
                  100.0 * correct / len(test_loader.dataset),
    return test_loss
def setup_training(args):

    assert torch.cuda.is_available()

    if args.smp > 0:
        # Initialize SMP. The configuration is obtained from the parameters passed to
        # the Sagemaker PyTorch estimator.

    # SMP: Set the device to the GPU ID used by the current process.
    # Input tensors should be transferred to this device.
    device = torch.device("cuda", smp.local_rank())
    args.n_gpu = 1

    # if args.local_rank == -1:
    #    device = torch.device("cuda")
    #    args.n_gpu = torch.cuda.device_count()
    #    args.allreduce_post_accumulation = False
    #    args.allreduce_post_accumulation_fp16 = False
    # else:
    #    torch.cuda.set_device(args.local_rank)
    #    device = torch.device("cuda", args.local_rank)
    #    # Initializes the distributed backend which will take care of sychronizing nodes/GPUs
    #    torch.distributed.init_process_group(backend='nccl', init_method='env://')
    #    args.n_gpu = 1

    if args.gradient_accumulation_steps == 1:
        args.allreduce_post_accumulation = False
        args.allreduce_post_accumulation_fp16 = False

        "device: {} n_gpu: {}, mp_rank: {}, rank: {}, distributed training: {}, 16-bits training: {}"
        .format(device, args.n_gpu, smp.mp_rank(), smp.rank(),
                bool(args.local_rank != -1), args.fp16))

    if args.gradient_accumulation_steps < 1:
        raise ValueError(
            "Invalid gradient_accumulation_steps parameter: {}, should be >= 1"
    if args.train_batch_size % args.gradient_accumulation_steps != 0:
        raise ValueError(
            "Invalid gradient_accumulation_steps parameter: {}, batch size {} should be divisible"
            .format(args.gradient_accumulation_steps, args.train_batch_size))

    args.train_batch_size = args.train_batch_size // args.gradient_accumulation_steps

    if (not args.resume_from_checkpoint and os.path.exists(args.output_dir) and
         and any([i.startswith("ckpt")
                  for i in os.listdir(args.output_dir)]))):
        raise ValueError(
            "Output directory ({}) already exists and is not empty.".format(

    if (not args.resume_from_checkpoint
            or not os.path.exists(args.output_dir)) and is_main_process():
        os.makedirs(args.output_dir, exist_ok=True)

    return device, args
 def is_world_process_zero(self) -> bool:
     Whether or not this process is the global main process (when training in a distributed fashion on several
     machines, this is only going to be :obj:`True` for one process).
     if self.is_model_parallel_enabled:
         return smp.rank() == 0 and smp.local_rank() == 0 and smp.mp_rank() == 0 and smp.dp_rank() == 0
         return super().is_world_process_zero()
Exemple #4
def dist_setting(args):
    #     args.data_parallel = False

    print("args.data_parallel : {}".format(args.data_parallel))
    print("args.model_parallel : {}".format(args.model_parallel))
    print("args.apex : {}".format(args.apex))

    args.world_size = 1
    args.host_num = args.hosts.index(args.current_host)

    if args.data_parallel:
        args.world_size = sdp.get_world_size()
        args.rank = sdp.get_rank()  # total rank in all hosts
        args.local_rank = sdp.get_local_rank()  # rank per host
    elif args.model_parallel:
        args.world_size = smp.size()
        args.local_rank = smp.local_rank()  # rank per host
        args.rank = smp.rank()
        args.dp_size = smp.dp_size()
        args.dp_rank = smp.dp_rank()
            "smp.rank() : {}, smp.size() : {}, smp.mp_rank() : {}, smp.local_size() : {}, smp.get_mp_group() : {}, smp.get_dp_group() : {}, smp.local_rank() : {}, smp.dp_size() : {}, smp.dp_rank() : {}"
            .format(smp.rank(), smp.size(), smp.mp_rank(), smp.local_size(),
                    smp.get_mp_group(), smp.get_dp_group(), smp.local_rank(),
                    smp.dp_size(), smp.dp_rank()))
        args.world_size = len(args.hosts) * args.num_gpus
        if args.local_rank is not None:
            args.rank = args.num_gpus * args.host_num + \
                args.local_rank  # total rank in all hosts

            'Initialized the distributed environment: \'{}\' backend on {} nodes. '
            .format(args.backend, dist.get_world_size()) +
            'Current host rank is {}. Number of gpus: {}'.format(
                dist.get_rank(), args.num_gpus))

    print("**** [dist_setting] args.rank : {}".format(args.rank))
    print("args.world_size : {}".format(args.world_size))
    print("Use GPU: {} for training".format(args.local_rank))

    args.lr = args.lr * float(args.world_size)

    args.batch_size //= args.world_size // args.num_gpus
    args.batch_size = max(args.batch_size, 1)

    return args