Exemple #1
if args.smodelsPath:

from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.inputObjects import MetaInfoInput, DataSetInput
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.databaseCreation import databaseCreator
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.massPlaneObjects import x, y, z

#+++++++ global info block ++++++++++++++
info = MetaInfoInput('ATLAS-SUSY-2016-27')
info.url = "https://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/PHYSICS/PAPERS/SUSY-2016-27/"
info.sqrts = 13
info.lumi = 36.1
info.prettyName = " "
info.private = False
info.arxiv = 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1802.03158'
info.contact = 'ATLAS collaboration'
info.publication = 'Phys. Rev. D 97, 092006 (2018)'

#+++++++ dataset block ++++++++++++++
dataset = DataSetInput('data')
dataset.setInfo(dataType='upperLimit', dataId=None)

#+++++++ next txName block ++++++++++++++
T5Gamma = dataset.addTxName('T5Gamma')
T5Gamma.checked = 'No'
T5Gamma.constraint = "[[['jet','jet'],['photon']],[['jet','jet'],['photon']]]"
T5Gamma.conditionDescription = None
T5Gamma.condition = None
T5Gamma.source = "ATLAS"
#+++++++ next mass plane block ++++++++++++++
Exemple #2
if args.smodelsPath:

from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.inputObjects import MetaInfoInput, DataSetInput
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.databaseCreation import databaseCreator
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.massPlaneObjects import x, y, z

#+++++++ global info block ++++++++++++++
info = MetaInfoInput('CMS-SUS-16-043')
info.url = 'http://cms-results.web.cern.ch/cms-results/public-results/publications/SUS-16-043/index.html'
info.sqrts = 13
info.lumi = 35.9
info.prettyName = 'EWK WH(bb)'
info.private = False
info.arxiv = 'http://arxiv.org/abs/1706.09933'
info.contact = '*****@*****.**'
info.publication = 'JHEP 11 (2017) 029 , http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/JHEP11(2017)029'
info.comment = 'Moriond 2017'

#+++++++ dataset block ++++++++++++++
dataset = DataSetInput('data')
dataset.setInfo(dataType='upperLimit', dataId=None)

#+++++txName block +++++++++++++++++

TChiWH = dataset.addTxName('TChiWH')
TChiWH.checked = ''
TChiWH.constraint = "[[['W']],[['higgs']]]"
TChiWH.condition = None
TChiWH.conditionDescription = None
Exemple #3
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.inputObjects import MetaInfoInput,DataSetInput
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.databaseCreation import databaseCreator
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.massPlaneObjects import x, y, z

#+++++++ global info block ++++++++++++++
info = MetaInfoInput('CMS-SUS-16-041')
info.url = 'http://cms-results.web.cern.ch/cms-results/public-results/publications/SUS-16-041/index.html'
info.sqrts = 13
info.lumi = 35.9
info.prettyName = 'Multileptons + jets + Etmiss'
info.private = False
info.arxiv = 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.09154'
info.contact = '*****@*****.**'
info.publication = 'Submitted to J. High Energy Phys.'
info.comment = 'Moriond 2017. Omitted the gluino -> q qbar W/Z decay simplified model since the branching ratio information for the gluino to the chargino or neutralino2 was not provided.'

#+++++++ dataset block ++++++++++++++
dataset = DataSetInput('data')
dataset.setInfo(dataType = 'upperLimit', dataId = None)

#+++++++txName block++++++++++++++++++++
T1tttt.conditionDescription = None
Exemple #4
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.inputObjects import MetaInfoInput, DataSetInput
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.databaseCreation import databaseCreator
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.massPlaneObjects import x, y, z

databaseCreator.ncpus = 1

#+++++++ global info block ++++++++++++++
info = MetaInfoInput('CMS-SUS-15-008')
info.url = 'http://cms-results.web.cern.ch/cms-results/public-results/publications/SUS-15-008/index.html'
info.sqrts = 13
info.lumi = 2.3
info.prettyName = 'same-sign dilepton'
info.private = False
info.arxiv = 'http://arxiv.org/abs/1605.03171'
info.publication = 'http://dx.doi.org/10.1140/epjc/s10052-016-4261-z'
info.comment = 'Only T1tttt can be implemneted (other topologies have only up to 2 mass planes). Superseded by CMS-SUS-16-035.'
info.supersededBy = 'CMS-SUS-16-035'

#+++++++ dataset block ++++++++++++++
dataset = DataSetInput('data')
dataset.setInfo(dataType='upperLimit', dataId=None)

#+++++++ next txName block ++++++++++++++
T1tttt = dataset.addTxName('T1tttt')
T1tttt.constraint = "[[['t','t']],[['t','t']]]"
T1tttt.conditionDescription = None
T1tttt.condition = None
T1tttt.source = "CMS"
T1tttt.massConstraint = None
Exemple #5
if args.smodelsPath:

from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.inputObjects import MetaInfoInput, DataSetInput
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.databaseCreation import databaseCreator
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.massPlaneObjects import x, y, z

#+++++++ global info block ++++++++++++++
info = MetaInfoInput('CMS-SUS-16-051')
info.url = 'http://cms-results.web.cern.ch/cms-results/public-results/publications/SUS-16-051/index.html'
info.sqrts = 13
info.lumi = 35.9
info.prettyName = '1L stop'
info.private = False
info.arxiv = 'http://arxiv.org/abs/1706.04402'
info.contact = '*****@*****.**'
info.publication = 'JHEP 10 (2017) 019, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/JHEP10(2017)019'
info.comment = 'Moriond 2017. Fig. 7 with asymmetric decay of stop to b+chargino and top+neutralino not implemented because both, BRs and chargino mass are fixed.'

#+++++++ dataset block ++++++++++++++
dataset = DataSetInput('data')
dataset.setInfo(dataType='upperLimit', dataId=None)

#+++++txName block +++++++++++++++++

T2tt = dataset.addTxName('T2tt')
T2tt.checked = ''
T2tt.constraint = "[[['t']],[['t']]]"
T2tt.condition = None
T2tt.conditionDescription = None
Exemple #6
if args.smodelsPath:

from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.inputObjects import MetaInfoInput, DataSetInput
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.databaseCreation import databaseCreator
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.massPlaneObjects import x, y, z

#+++++++ global info block ++++++++++++++
info = MetaInfoInput('CMS-SUS-16-035')
info.url = 'http://cms-results.web.cern.ch/cms-results/public-results/publications/SUS-16-035/index.html'
info.sqrts = 13
info.lumi = 35.9
info.prettyName = '2 SS leptons'
info.private = False
info.arxiv = 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1704.07323'
info.contact = '*****@*****.**'
info.publication = 'Eur.Phys.J. C77 (2017) no.9, 578, http://dx.doi.org/10.1140/epjc/s10052-017-5079-z'
info.comment = 'Moriond 2017. Seven SMS interpretations in paper, all implemented.'

#+++++++ dataset block ++++++++++++++
dataset = DataSetInput('data')
dataset.setInfo(dataType='upperLimit', dataId=None)

#+++++++txName block++++++++++++++++++++
T1tttt = dataset.addTxName('T1tttt')
T1tttt.checked = ''
T1tttt.constraint = "[[['t','t']],[['t','t']]]"
T1tttt.condition = None
T1tttt.conditionDescription = None
T1tttt.source = "CMS"
Exemple #7
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.inputObjects import MetaInfoInput,DataSetInput
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.databaseCreation import databaseCreator
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.massPlaneObjects import x, y, z

#+++++++ global info block ++++++++++++++
info = MetaInfoInput('ATLAS-SUSY-2016-24')
info.url = 'https://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/PHYSICS/PAPERS/SUSY-2016-24/'
info.sqrts = 13
info.lumi = 36.1
info.prettyName = '2+ leptons (e,mu) + jets + Etmiss'
info.private = False
info.arxiv =  'https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.02762'
info.contact = 'ATLAS collaboration'
info.publication ='Eur. Phys. J. C 78 (2018) 995'

#+++++++ dataset block ++++++++++++++
dataset = DataSetInput('data')
dataset.setInfo(dataType = 'upperLimit', dataId = None)

#+++++++ next txName block ++++++++++++++
TChipChimSlepSlep 						= dataset.addTxName('TChipChimSlepSlep')
TChipChimSlepSlep.checked 				= 'No'
TChipChimSlepSlep.constraint 			= "[[['nu'],['e+']],[['nu'],['e-']]]+[[['nu'],['e-']],[['nu'],['e+']]]+[[['nu'],['mu+']],[['nu'],['mu-']]]+[[['nu'],['mu-']],[['nu'],['mu+']]]"
TChipChimSlepSlep.conditionDescription 	= None
TChipChimSlepSlep.condition 			= None
TChipChimSlepSlep.source 				= 'ATLAS'
Exemple #8
if args.smodelsPath:

from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.inputObjects import MetaInfoInput, DataSetInput
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.databaseCreation import databaseCreator
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.massPlaneObjects import x, y, z

#+++++++ global info block ++++++++++++++
info = MetaInfoInput('ATLAS-SUSY-2016-19')
info.url = "https://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/PHYSICS/PAPERS/SUSY-2016-19/"
info.sqrts = 13
info.lumi = 36.1
info.prettyName = "stops to staus"
info.private = False
info.arxiv = 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.10178'
info.contact = 'ATLAS collaboration'
info.publication = 'in process of being published'

#+++++++ dataset block ++++++++++++++
dataset = DataSetInput('data')
dataset.setInfo(dataType='upperLimit', dataId=None)

#+++++++ next txName block ++++++++++++++
T4bnutaubnutau = dataset.addTxName('T4bnutaubnutau')
T4bnutaubnutau.checked = ''
T4bnutaubnutau.constraint = "[[[b,nu],[ta]],[[b,nu],[ta]]]"
T4bnutaubnutau.conditionDescription = None
T4bnutaubnutau.condition = None
T4bnutaubnutau.source = "ATLAS"
#+++++++ next mass plane block ++++++++++++++
Exemple #9
if args.smodelsPath:

from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.inputObjects import MetaInfoInput, DataSetInput
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.databaseCreation import databaseCreator
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.massPlaneObjects import x, y, z

#+++++++ global info block ++++++++++++++
info = MetaInfoInput('CMS-SUS-16-047')
info.url = 'http://cms-results.web.cern.ch/cms-results/public-results/publications/SUS-16-047/index.html'
info.sqrts = 13
info.lumi = 35.9
info.prettyName = 'Photon + HT'
info.private = False
info.arxiv = 'http://arxiv.org/abs/1707.06193'
info.contact = '*****@*****.**'
info.publication = 'to appear in J. High Energy Phys.'
info.comment = 'Moriond 2017. Several UL maps in the context of gauge-mediated SSB. Implemented T5gg and T6gg; others with mixed BRs are not useable. NB results only for high gluino mass.'

#+++++++ dataset block ++++++++++++++
dataset = DataSetInput('data')
dataset.setInfo(dataType='upperLimit', dataId=None)

#+++++txName block +++++++++++++++++

T5gg = dataset.addTxName('T5gg')
T5gg.checked = ''
T5gg.constraint = "[[['jet','jet'],['photon']],[['jet','jet'],['photon']]]"
T5gg.condition = None
T5gg.conditionDescription = None
Exemple #10
if args.smodelsPath:

from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.inputObjects import MetaInfoInput, DataSetInput
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.databaseCreation import databaseCreator
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.massPlaneObjects import x, y, z

#+++++++ global info block ++++++++++++++
info = MetaInfoInput('ATLAS-SUSY-2017-03')
info.url = "https://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/PHYSICS/PAPERS/SUSY-2017-03/"
info.sqrts = 13
info.lumi = 36.1
info.prettyName = "Multilepton EWK searches"
info.private = False
info.arxiv = 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.02293'
info.contact = 'ATLAS collaboration'
info.publication = 'Submitted to PRD'

#+++++++ dataset block ++++++++++++++
dataset = DataSetInput('data')
dataset.setInfo(dataType='upperLimit', dataId=None)

#+++++++ next txName block ++++++++++++++
TChiWZ = dataset.addTxName('TChiWZ')
TChiWZ.checked = ''
TChiWZ.constraint = "[[[W]],[[Z]]]"
TChiWZ.conditionDescription = None
TChiWZ.condition = None
TChiWZ.source = "ATLAS"
Exemple #11
if args.smodelsPath:

from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.inputObjects import MetaInfoInput, DataSetInput
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.databaseCreation import databaseCreator
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.massPlaneObjects import x, y, z

#+++++++ global info block ++++++++++++++
info = MetaInfoInput('CMS-SUS-16-049')
info.url = 'http://cms-results.web.cern.ch/cms-results/public-results/publications/SUS-16-049/index.html'
info.sqrts = 13
info.lumi = 35.9
info.prettyName = 'All hadronic stop'
info.private = False
info.arxiv = 'http://arxiv.org/abs/1707.03316'
info.contact = '*****@*****.**'
info.publication = 'J. High Energy Phys. 10 (2017) 005, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/JHEP10(2017)005'
info.comment = 'Moriond 2017. Paper contains 6 SMS interpretations, 5 of which are implemented here. Not implemented: Fig. 9 with stop -> b chi+1 on one branch and stop -> t chi01 on the other branch, because both the BRs and the chargino mass are fixed.'

#+++++++ dataset block ++++++++++++++
dataset = DataSetInput('data')
dataset.setInfo(dataType='upperLimit', dataId=None)

#+++++txName block +++++++++++++++++

T2tt = dataset.addTxName('T2tt')
T2tt.checked = ''
T2tt.constraint = "[[['t']],[['t']]]"
T2tt.condition = None
T2tt.conditionDescription = None
Exemple #12
if args.smodelsPath:

from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.inputObjects import MetaInfoInput, DataSetInput
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.databaseCreation import databaseCreator
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.massPlaneObjects import x, y, z

#+++++++ global info block ++++++++++++++
info = MetaInfoInput('CMS-SUS-16-032')
info.url = 'http://cms-results.web.cern.ch/cms-results/public-results/publications/SUS-16-032/index.html'
info.sqrts = 13
info.lumi = 35.9
info.prettyName = 'Sbottom and compressed stop (jets + Etmiss)'
info.private = False
info.arxiv = 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1707.07274'
info.contact = '*****@*****.**'
info.publication = 'Submitted to Phys. Lett. B.'
info.comment = 'Moriond 2017. The name for upper limits in the root files are: hXsec_exp_corr;1 and hXsec_exp_corr;2 with both containing same data (checked by Federico). Here used hXsec_exp_corr;2 for implementation.'

#+++++++ dataset block ++++++++++++++
dataset = DataSetInput('data')
dataset.setInfo(dataType='upperLimit', dataId=None)

#+++++txName block +++++++++++++++++

T2bb = dataset.addTxName('T2bb')
T2bb.checked = ''
T2bb.constraint = "[[['b']],[['b']]]"
T2bb.condition = None
T2bb.conditionDescription = None
Exemple #13
if args.smodelsPath:

from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.inputObjects import MetaInfoInput, DataSetInput
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.databaseCreation import databaseCreator
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.massPlaneObjects import x, y, z

#+++++++ global info block ++++++++++++++
info = MetaInfoInput('ATLAS-SUSY-2018-31')
info.url = 'https://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/PHYSICS/PAPERS/SUSY-2018-31/'
info.sqrts = 13
info.lumi = 139.
info.prettyName = 'higgs + b-jets + MET'
info.private = False
info.arxiv = 'arXiv:1908.03122'
info.contact = '*****@*****.**'
info.publication = ''

# +++++++ dataset block ++++++++++++++
SRA_incl = DataSetInput('SRA_incl')
    #                 upperLimit = '2.637E-01*fb', expectedUpperLimit = '2.639E-01*fb', ## FIXME this line is nonsense

# +++++++ next txName block ++++++++++++++
Exemple #14
if args.smodelsPath:

from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.inputObjects import MetaInfoInput, DataSetInput
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.databaseCreation import databaseCreator
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.massPlaneObjects import x, y, z

#+++++++ global info block ++++++++++++++
info = MetaInfoInput('ATLAS-SUSY-2015-02')
info.url = 'http://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/PHYSICS/PAPERS/SUSY-2015-02/'
info.sqrts = 13
info.lumi = 3.2
info.prettyName = 'Top 1l'
info.private = False
info.arxiv = 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1606.03903'
info.source = "ATLAS"
info.publication = 'http://journals.aps.org/prd/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevD.94.052009'
info.comment = 'Very weird exclusion due to best CLs selection, and fluctuation in the Obs data'
#info.supersedes =
#info.supersededBy =

#+++++++ dataset block ++++++++++++++
dataset = DataSetInput("SR2")
T2tt = dataset.addTxName('T2tt')
T2tt.checked = 'NO'
Exemple #15
if args.smodelsPath:

from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.inputObjects import MetaInfoInput, DataSetInput
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.databaseCreation import databaseCreator
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.massPlaneObjects import x, y, z

#+++++++ global info block ++++++++++++++
info = MetaInfoInput('CMS-SUS-16-039')
info.url = 'http://cms-results.web.cern.ch/cms-results/public-results/publications/SUS-16-039/index.html'
info.sqrts = 13
info.lumi = 35.9
info.prettyName = 'Multilepton EWK searches'
info.private = False
info.arxiv = 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1709.05406'
info.contact = '*****@*****.**'
info.publication = 'Submitted to J. High Energy Phys.'
info.comment = 'Moriond 2017. Negative values in TChiChipmSlepL and TChiChipmSlepStau root files. Added TChiChipmStauStau.'

#+++++++ dataset block ++++++++++++++
dataset = DataSetInput('data')
dataset.setInfo(dataType='upperLimit', dataId=None)

#+++++txName block +++++++++++++++++

TChiWZ = dataset.addTxName('TChiWZ')
TChiWZ.checked = ''
TChiWZ.constraint = "[[['W']],[['Z']]]"
TChiWZ.condition = None
TChiWZ.conditionDescription = None
Exemple #16
if args.smodelsPath:

from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.inputObjects import MetaInfoInput, DataSetInput
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.databaseCreation import databaseCreator
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.massPlaneObjects import x, y, z

#+++++++ global info block ++++++++++++++
info = MetaInfoInput('CMS-EXO-13-006')
info.url = 'http://cms-results.web.cern.ch/cms-results/public-results/publications/EXO-13-006/index.html'
info.sqrts = 8
info.lumi = 18.8
info.prettyName = 'hscp search'
info.private = False
info.arxiv = 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1502.02522'
info.contact = 'Andre Lessa <*****@*****.**>; Jan Heisig <*****@*****.**>; SModelS'
info.publication = 'https://cds.cern.ch/record/1987723/files/arXiv:1502.02522.pdf'
info.comment = 'Search for long-lived charged particles implemented in arXiv:1509.00473. For the topologies with mixed MET-HSCP branches, the MET branch is irrelevant and wildcards are used.'
info.supersedes = ''

#++Define list of datasets++
datasetNames = ['c000', 'c100', 'c200', 'c300']
observedNs = [42, 7, 0, 0]
expectedBGs = [44., 5.6, 0.56, 0.02]
bgErrors = [9., 1.1, 0.11, 0.004]
obsUpperLimits = ['1.15*fb', '0.441*fb', '0.16*fb', '0.159*fb']
expUpperLimits = ['1.23*fb', '0.338*fb', '0.16*fb', '0.159*fb']
for i, name in enumerate(datasetNames):
    #+++++++ dataset block ++++++++++++++
    dataset = DataSetInput(name)
Exemple #17
if args.smodelsPath:

from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.inputObjects import MetaInfoInput, DataSetInput
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.databaseCreation import databaseCreator
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.massPlaneObjects import x, y, z

#+++++++ global info block ++++++++++++++
info = MetaInfoInput('CMS-PAS-SUS-17-004')
info.url = 'http://cms-results.web.cern.ch/cms-results/public-results/preliminary-results/SUS-17-004/index.html'
info.sqrts = 13
info.lumi = 35.9
info.prettyName = 'Multilepton EWK searches'
info.private = False
info.arxiv = ''
info.contact = ''
info.publication = ''
info.comment = 'TChiHH, TChiZZ mass planes not provided. TChiWH/Z not implemented as BR(Chi20->H Chi10) = BR(Chi20->Chi10 Z)=0.5 provided for a single mass plane.'

#+++++++ dataset block ++++++++++++++
dataset = DataSetInput('data')
dataset.setInfo(dataType='upperLimit', dataId=None)

#+++++txName block +++++++++++++++++

TChiWZ = dataset.addTxName('TChiWZ')
TChiWZ.checked = ''
TChiWZ.constraint = "[[['W']],[['Z']]]"
TChiWZ.condition = None
TChiWZ.conditionDescription = None
Exemple #18
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation import dataHandlerObjects
dataHandlerObjects.allowTrimming = True
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.inputObjects import MetaInfoInput, DataSetInput
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.databaseCreation import databaseCreator
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.massPlaneObjects import x, y, z

#+++++++ global info block ++++++++++++++
info = MetaInfoInput('CMS-SUS-16-033')
info.url = 'http://cms-results.web.cern.ch/cms-results/public-results/publications/SUS-16-033/index.html'
info.sqrts = 13
info.lumi = 35.9
info.prettyName = '0L + jets + MET (using MHT)'
info.private = False
info.arxiv = '1704.07781'
info.contact = '*****@*****.**'
info.publication = 'Phys. Rev D 96 (2017) 032003, http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.96.032003'
info.comment = 'Moriond 2017. Not implemented: T5qqqqVV (Fig.12d) because decays to W and Z are summed over and T1tbtb because of fixed chargino mass (not specified). Added expected ULs (WW, june 2019).'

#+++++++ dataset block ++++++++++++++
dataset = DataSetInput('data')
dataset.setInfo(dataType='upperLimit', dataId=None)
#+++++txName block +++++++++++++++++

T1 = dataset.addTxName('T1')
T1.checked = ''
T1.constraint = "[[['jet','jet']],[['jet','jet']]]"
T1.condition = None
T1.conditionDescription = None
T1.source = "CMS"
Exemple #19
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.inputObjects import MetaInfoInput,DataSetInput
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.databaseCreation import databaseCreator
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.massPlaneObjects import x, y, z

databaseCreator.ncpus = 1

#+++++++ global info block ++++++++++++++
info = MetaInfoInput('ATLAS-SUSY-2016-17')
info.url = 'http://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/PHYSICS/PAPERS/SUSY-2016-17/'
info.sqrts = 13
info.lumi = 36.1
info.prettyName = '2 opposite sign leptons + MET'
info.private = False
info.arxiv = 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1708.03247'
info.contact = '*****@*****.**'
info.publication = 'https://link.springer.com/article/10.1140/epjc/s10052-017-5445-x'
info.comment = ''

#+++++++ dataset block ++++++++++++++
dataset = DataSetInput('data')
dataset.setInfo(dataType = 'upperLimit', dataId = None)
#+++++++txName block++++++++++++++++++++
T2tt.conditionDescription = None
Exemple #20
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.inputObjects import MetaInfoInput,DataSetInput
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.databaseCreation import databaseCreator
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.massPlaneObjects import x, y, z

#+++++++ global info block ++++++++++++++
info 				= MetaInfoInput('ATLAS-SUSY-2017-01')
info.url 			= 'https://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/PHYSICS/PAPERS/SUSY-2017-01/'
info.sqrts 			= 13
info.lumi 			= 36.1
info.prettyName 	= 'MET'
info.private 		= False
info.arxiv 			= 'arXiv:1812.09432'
info.contact 		= 'ATLAS collaboration'
info.publication 	= 'Phys. Rev. D 100, 012006 (2019)'

SR   = {'obsN' 	: [7, 1, 5, 7, 6], 
		'expN'  : [8, 2.5, 4.6, 2.8, 5.7], 
		'bgErr' : [4, 1.3, 1.2, 1, 2.3], 
		'SR' 	: ['SRHad-Low', 'SRHad-High', 'SR1Lbb-High', 'SR1Lbb-Medium', 'SR1Lbb-Low']}

DATA = {'expExcl' : ['orig/Expectedlimit0lbb.csv', 'orig/Expectedlimit0lbb.csv', 'orig/Expectedlimit1lbb.csv', 'orig/Expectedlimit1lbb.csv', 'orig/Expectedlimit1lbb.csv'],
		'obsExcl' : ['orig/Observedlimit0lbb.csv', 'orig/Observedlimit0lbb.csv', 'orig/Observedlimit1lbb.csv', 'orig/Observedlimit1lbb.csv', 'orig/Observedlimit1lbb.csv'], 
		'effMap'  : ['orig/EffMap_TChiWH_SRHad-Low.txt', 'orig/EffMap_TChiWH_SRHad-High.txt', 'orig/EffMap_TChiWH_SR1Lbb-High.txt', 'orig/EffMap_TChiWH_SR1Lbb-Medium.txt', 'orig/EffMap_TChiWH_SR1Lbb-Low.txt'],
		'fig'	  : ['12a.png', '12a.png', '12b.png', '12b.png', '12b.png']}

for i in range(len(SR['obsN'])):
Exemple #21
if args.smodelsPath:

from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.inputObjects import MetaInfoInput, DataSetInput
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.databaseCreation import databaseCreator
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.massPlaneObjects import x, y, z

#+++++++ global info block ++++++++++++++
info = MetaInfoInput('CMS-SUS-17-001')
info.url = 'http://cms-results.web.cern.ch/cms-results/public-results/publications/SUS-17-001/index.html'
info.sqrts = 13
info.lumi = 35.9
info.prettyName = 'Stop search in dilepton + jets + Etmiss final state'
info.private = False
info.arxiv = 'http://arxiv.org/abs/1711.00752'
info.contact = ''
info.publication = 'to appear in Phys. Rev. D '
info.comment = 'Moriond 2017. A long cascade decay not implemented: stop -> b chargino, chargino-> slepton v, slepton -> l lsp with chargino fixed halfway between the stop and lsp and 3 mass planes provided for the intermediate slepton at x = 0.05,0.5 and 0.95 the mass of the chargino. '

#+++++++ dataset block ++++++++++++++
dataset = DataSetInput('data')
dataset.setInfo(dataType='upperLimit', dataId=None)

#+++++txName block +++++++++++++++++

T2tt = dataset.addTxName('T2tt')
T2tt.checked = ''
T2tt.constraint = "[[['t']],[['t']]]"
T2tt.condition = None
T2tt.conditionDescription = None
Exemple #22
if args.smodelsPath:

from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.inputObjects import MetaInfoInput, DataSetInput
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.databaseCreation import databaseCreator
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.massPlaneObjects import x, y, z

#+++++++ global info block ++++++++++++++
info = MetaInfoInput('ATLAS-SUSY-2015-09')
info.url = 'https://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/PHYSICS/PAPERS/SUSY-2015-09/'
info.sqrts = 13
info.lumi = 3.2
info.prettyName = 'jets + 2 SS or >=3 leptons'
info.private = False
info.arxiv = 'http://arxiv.org/abs/1602.09058'
info.contact = ''
info.publication = ''
info.comment = ''
info.supersededBy = ''

#+++++++ dataset block ++++++++++++++
dataset = DataSetInput('data')
dataset.setInfo(dataType='upperLimit', dataId=None)

#+++++++ next txName block ++++++++++++++
T1tttt = dataset.addTxName('T1tttt')
T1tttt.checked = ''
T1tttt.constraint = "[[['t','t']],[['t','t']]]"
T1tttt.conditionDescription = None
T1tttt.condition = None
Exemple #23
if args.smodelsPath:

from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.inputObjects import MetaInfoInput, DataSetInput
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.databaseCreation import databaseCreator
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.massPlaneObjects import x, y, z

#+++++++ global info block ++++++++++++++
info = MetaInfoInput('CMS-SUS-16-036')
info.url = 'http://cms-results.web.cern.ch/cms-results/public-results/publications/SUS-16-036/index.html'
info.sqrts = 13
info.lumi = 35.9
info.prettyName = '0L + jets + Etmiss (using MT2)'
info.private = False
info.arxiv = 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1705.04650'
info.contact = '*****@*****.**'
info.publication = 'Eur. Phys. J. C 77 (2017) 710, http://dx.doi.org/10.1140/epjc/s10052-017-5267-x'
info.comment = 'Moriond 2017. The mixed decay topology for stop pair production with stop->t \chi1_0 (50% BR) and stop->b \chi^{\pm} -> b W^{\pm} \chi1_0 (50%), has not been implemented since the branching ratio is fixed and the mass difference between the chargino and neutralino is fixed to 5 GeV. '

#+++++++ dataset block ++++++++++++++
dataset = DataSetInput('data')
dataset.setInfo(dataType='upperLimit', dataId=None)

#+++++txName block +++++++++++++++++

T1bbbb = dataset.addTxName('T1bbbb')
T1bbbb.checked = ''
T1bbbb.constraint = "[[['b','b']],[['b','b']]]"
T1bbbb.condition = None
T1bbbb.conditionDescription = None
Exemple #24
if args.smodelsPath:

from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.inputObjects import MetaInfoInput, DataSetInput, getSignalRegionsEMBaked, getStatsEMBaked
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.databaseCreation import databaseCreator
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.massPlaneObjects import x, y, z

#+++++++ global info block ++++++++++++++
info = MetaInfoInput('ATLAS-SUSY-2016-07')
info.url = "https://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/PHYSICS/PAPERS/SUSY-2016-07/"
info.sqrts = 13
info.lumi = 36.1
info.prettyName = "hadronic jets + MET"
info.private = False
info.arxiv = 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1712.02332'
info.contact = 'ATLAS collaboration'
info.publication = 'Phys. Rev. D 97, 112001 (2018)'

stats = getStatsEMBaked()

topos = [
    "T1", "T2", "T6WWleft", "T5WW", "T5ZZ", "T5WZh", "T6WZh", "T5WWoff",
    "T6WWoffleft", "TGQ"
# topos = [ "TGQ" ]
#constraints = { "T2": "[[[q]],[[q]]]", "T1": "[[[q,q]],[[q,q]]]", "T6WWleft": "[[['q'],['W']],[['q'],['W']]]", "T6WWoffleft": "2.23 * [[['jet'],['jet','jet']],[['jet'],['jet','jet']]]", "T5WW": "[[['q','q'],['W']],[['q','q'],['W']]]", "T5ZZ": "[[['q','q'],['Z']],[['q','q'],['Z']]]", "T5WZh": "[[[q,q],[Z]],[[q,q],[W]]]+[[[q,q],[higgs]],[[q,q],[W]]]", "T6WZh": "[[[q],[Z]],[[q],[W]]]+[[[q],[higgs]],[[q],[W]]]", "T5WWoff": "2.23*[[['jet','jet'],['jet','jet']],[['jet','jet'],['jet','jet']]]", "TGQ": "[[[q]],[[q,q]]]" }
constraints = {
    "T2": "[[[q]],[[q]]]",
    "T1": "[[[q,q]],[[q,q]]]",
    "T6WWleft": "[[['q'],['W']],[['q'],['W']]]",
Exemple #25
if args.smodelsPath:

from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.inputObjects import MetaInfoInput, DataSetInput
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.databaseCreation import databaseCreator
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.massPlaneObjects import x, y, z

#+++++++ global info block ++++++++++++++
info = MetaInfoInput('ATLAS-SUSY-2016-16')
info.url = 'https://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/PHYSICS/PAPERS/SUSY-2016-16/'
info.sqrts = 13
info.lumi = 36.1
info.prettyName = 'stop to lsp + MET'
info.private = False
info.arxiv = 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.11520'
info.contact = 'ATLAS collaboration'
info.publication = 'JHEP 06 (2018) 108'

SR = {
    'obsN': [8, 50, 19, 115, 34, 68, 70],
    'expN': [3.8, 36.3, 18.3, 115, 30.3, 71, 60.5],
    'bgErr': [1, 6.6, 2.2, 31, 5.9, 16, 6.1],
    'SR': [
        'tN_high', 'tN_med', 'tN_diag_high', 'tN_diag_med', 'tN_diag_low',
        'bWN', 'bffN'
    'NsigUL': [10.0, 31.0, 11.0, 58.0, 17.0, 31.0, 28.0],
    'NsigULexp': [5.8, 19.0, 11.0, 58.0, 19.0, 33.0, 21.0]
Exemple #26
if args.smodelsPath:

from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.inputObjects import MetaInfoInput, DataSetInput
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.databaseCreation import databaseCreator
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.massPlaneObjects import x, y, z

#+++++++ global info block ++++++++++++++
info = MetaInfoInput('ATLAS-SUSY-2015-01')
info.url = "https://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/PHYSICS/PAPERS/SUSY-2015-01/"
info.sqrts = 13
info.lumi = 3.2
info.prettyName = "2b"
info.private = False
info.arxiv = 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1606.08772v2'
info.contact = 'ATLAS collaboration'
info.publication = 'http://link.springer.com/article/10.1140/epjc/s10052-016-4382-4'
#info.comment =
#info.supersedes =
#info.supersededBy =

#+++++++ dataset block ++++++++++++++
dataset = DataSetInput("SRB")
T2bb = dataset.addTxName('T2bb')
T2bb.checked = 'NO'
Exemple #27
if args.smodelsPath:

from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.inputObjects import MetaInfoInput, DataSetInput
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.databaseCreation import databaseCreator
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.massPlaneObjects import x, y, z

#+++++++ global info block ++++++++++++++
info = MetaInfoInput('CMS-SUS-16-034')
info.url = 'http://cms-results.web.cern.ch/cms-results/public-results/publications/SUS-16-034/index.html'
info.sqrts = 13
info.lumi = 35.9
info.prettyName = '2 OSSF leptons'
info.private = False
info.arxiv = 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1709.08908'
info.contact = '*****@*****.**'
info.publication = 'Submitted to J. High Energy Phys. '
info.comment = 'Moriond 2017. Fig. 10 with long cascade decay via chargino and slepton not implemented because of assumtions on masses and BRs.'

#+++++++ dataset block ++++++++++++++
dataset = DataSetInput('data')
dataset.setInfo(dataType='upperLimit', dataId=None)

#+++++txName block +++++++++++++++++
TChiWZ = dataset.addTxName('TChiWZ')
TChiWZ.checked = ''
TChiWZ.constraint = "[[['W']],[['Z']]]"
TChiWZ.condition = None
TChiWZ.conditionDescription = None
TChiWZ.source = "CMS"
Exemple #28
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.inputObjects import MetaInfoInput, DataSetInput
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.databaseCreation import databaseCreator
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.massPlaneObjects import x, y, z

databaseCreator.ncpus = 1

#+++++++ global info block ++++++++++++++
info = MetaInfoInput('ATLAS-SUSY-2016-14')
info.url = 'http://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/PHYSICS/PAPERS/SUSY-2016-14/'
info.sqrts = 13
info.lumi = 36.1
info.prettyName = '2 same-sign or 3 leptons + jets + MET'
info.private = False
info.arxiv = 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.03731'
info.contact = '*****@*****.**'
info.publication = 'https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/JHEP09(2017)084'
info.comment = 'Moriond 2017. Omitted RPV SUSY and long cascade topologies.'

#+++++++ dataset block ++++++++++++++
dataset = DataSetInput('data')
dataset.setInfo(dataType='upperLimit', dataId=None)

#+++++++txName block++++++++++++++++++++
T1tttt = dataset.addTxName('T1tttt')
T1tttt.checked = ''
T1tttt.constraint = "[[['t','t']],[['t','t']]]"
T1tttt.condition = None
T1tttt.conditionDescription = None
T1tttt.source = "ATLAS"
Exemple #29
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.commandlineArgs import setEnv
setEnv ( args )
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.databaseCreation import databaseCreator
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.datasetCreation import DatasetsFromLatex,createAggregationList
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.massPlaneObjects import x, y, z

# DataSetInput.ntoys = 50

#+++++++ global info block ++++++++++++++
info = MetaInfoInput('CMS-SUS-16-050-agg')
info.url = 'http://cms-results.web.cern.ch/cms-results/public-results/publications/SUS-16-050/index.html'
info.sqrts = '13.0*TeV'
info.lumi = 35.9
info.prettyName = 'hadronic top tagging'
info.private = False
info.arxiv = 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1719.11188'
info.comment = ''
info.implementedBy = 'HARG'
info.contact = 'SModelS'
info.supersedes = "CMS-PAS-SUS-16-050"
## we dont yet perform combinations
# info.combinableWith = "CMS-PAS-SUS-16-052, CMS-PAS-SUS-16-024, CMS-PAS-SUS-16-022"

max_datasets = None

## all 84 signal regions take around 16s on commodore??

## corr>.4: 60 aggregate regions, agreements 98/97/97. Takes around 30s(?) per point on wnouc.
# aggregation = [[1, 6, 10, 11, 22, 38], [2], [3], [4], [5], [7, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 21, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 58, 68, 69, 70, 82], [8], [9], [14], [15], [19], [20], [23], [24], [25], [26], [27], [31], [35], [39], [40], [41], [42], [43], [44], [45], [46], [47], [48], [49], [50], [51], [52], [53], [54], [55], [56], [57], [59], [60], [61], [62], [63], [64], [65], [66], [67], [71], [72], [73], [74], [75], [76], [77], [78], [79], [80], [81], [83], [84]]
Exemple #30
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.inputObjects import MetaInfoInput, DataSetInput
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.databaseCreation import databaseCreator
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.massPlaneObjects import x, y, z

DataSetInput.ntoys = args.ntoys

#+++++++ global info block ++++++++++++++
info = MetaInfoInput('ATLAS-SUSY-2015-06')
info.url = 'http://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/PHYSICS/PAPERS/SUSY-2015-06/'
info.sqrts = 13
info.lumi = 3.2
info.prettyName = '2-6 jets, 0 lep'
info.private = False
info.arxiv = 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1605.03814'
info.contact = 'ATLAS collaboration'
info.publication = 'http://link.springer.com/article/10.1140/epjc/s10052-016-4184-8'
info.comment = 'UL analyses does not have digital data available'
#info.supersedes =
#info.supersededBy =

#+++++++ dataset block ++++++++++++++
dataset = DataSetInput("SR6jm")
T2 = dataset.addTxName('T2')
T2.checked = 'NO'
Exemple #31

from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.inputObjects import MetaInfoInput,DataSetInput
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.databaseCreation import databaseCreator
from smodels_utils.dataPreparation.massPlaneObjects import x, y, z

#+++++++ global info block ++++++++++++++
info = MetaInfoInput('CMS-EXO-13-006')
info.url = 'http://cms-results.web.cern.ch/cms-results/public-results/publications/EXO-13-006/index.html'
info.sqrts = 8
info.lumi = 18.8
info.prettyName ='hscp search'
info.private = False
info.arxiv = 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1502.02522'
info.contact ='Andre Lessa <*****@*****.**>; Jan Heisig <*****@*****.**>; SModelS'
info.publication ='https://cds.cern.ch/record/1987723/files/arXiv:1502.02522.pdf'
info.comment ='Search for long-lived charged particles implemented in arXiv:1509.00473. For the topologies with mixed MET-HSCP branches, the MET branch is irrelevant and wildcards are used.'
info.supersedes =''

#++Define list of datasets++
datasetNames = ['c000','c100','c200','c300']
observedNs = [42,7,0,0]
expectedBGs = [44.,5.6,0.56,0.02]
bgErrors = [9.,1.1,0.11,0.004]
obsUpperLimits = ['1.15*fb','0.441*fb','0.16*fb','0.159*fb']
expUpperLimits = ['1.23*fb','0.338*fb','0.16*fb','0.159*fb']
for i,name in enumerate(datasetNames):
#+++++++ dataset block ++++++++++++++
    dataset = DataSetInput(name)