Exemple #1
    def add_copy_spec_limit(self, fname, sizelimit=None, sub=None):
        """Add a file or glob but limit it to sizelimit megabytes. If fname is
        a single file the file will be tailed to meet sizelimit. If the first
        file in a glob is too large it will be tailed to meet the sizelimit.
        if not (fname and len(fname)):
            return False

        files = glob.glob(fname)
        if len(files) == 0:
        cursize = 0
        limit_reached = False
        sizelimit *= 1024 * 1024 # in MB
        flog = None

        for flog in files:
            cursize += os.stat(flog)[ST_SIZE]
            if sizelimit and cursize > sizelimit:
                limit_reached = True
            self.add_copy_spec(flog, sub)

        if flog == files[0] and limit_reached:
            flog_name = flog

            if sub:
                old, new = sub
                flog_name = flog.replace(old, new)
            strfile = flog_name.replace(os.path.sep, ".") + ".tailed"
            self.add_string_as_file(tail(flog, sizelimit), strfile)
                os.path.relpath('/', os.path.dirname(flog)), 'sos_strings',
                self.name(), strfile), flog)
Exemple #2
    def add_copy_spec_limit(self, copyspec, sizelimit=None, tailit=True):
        """Add a file or glob but limit it to sizelimit megabytes. If fname is
        a single file the file will be tailed to meet sizelimit. If the first
        file in a glob is too large it will be tailed to meet the sizelimit.
        if not (copyspec and len(copyspec)):
            return False

        files = glob.glob(copyspec)
        if len(files) == 0:
        current_size = 0
        limit_reached = False
        sizelimit *= 1024 * 1024  # in MB
        _file = None

        for _file in files:
            current_size += os.stat(_file)[ST_SIZE]
            if sizelimit and current_size > sizelimit:
                limit_reached = True

        if limit_reached and tailit:
            file_name = _file

            if file_name[0] == os.sep:
                file_name = file_name.lstrip(os.sep)
            strfile = file_name.replace(os.path.sep, ".") + ".tailed"
            self.add_string_as_file(tail(_file, sizelimit), strfile)
            rel_path = os.path.relpath('/', os.path.dirname(_file))
            link_path = os.path.join(rel_path, 'sos_strings', self.name(),
            self.archive.add_link(link_path, _file)
Exemple #3
    def add_copy_spec_limit(self, copyspec, sizelimit=None, tailit=True):
        """Add a file or glob but limit it to sizelimit megabytes. If fname is
        a single file the file will be tailed to meet sizelimit. If the first
        file in a glob is too large it will be tailed to meet the sizelimit.
        if not (copyspec and len(copyspec)):
            return False

        files = glob.glob(copyspec)
        if len(files) == 0:
        current_size = 0
        limit_reached = False
        sizelimit *= 1024 * 1024 # in MB
        _file = None

        for _file in files:
            current_size += os.stat(_file)[ST_SIZE]
            if sizelimit and current_size > sizelimit:
                limit_reached = True

        if limit_reached and tailit:
            file_name = _file

            if file_name[0] == os.sep:
                file_name = file_name.lstrip(os.sep)
            strfile = file_name.replace(os.path.sep, ".") + ".tailed"
            self.add_string_as_file(tail(_file, sizelimit), strfile)
            rel_path = os.path.relpath('/', os.path.dirname(_file))
            link_path = os.path.join(rel_path, 'sos_strings',
                                     self.name(), strfile)
            self.archive.add_link(link_path, _file)
Exemple #4
    def addCopySpecLimit(self, fname, sizelimit=None, sub=None):
        """Add a file or glob but limit it to sizelimit megabytes. If fname is
        a single file the file will be tailed to meet sizelimit. If the first
        file in a glob is too large it will be tailed to meet the sizelimit.
        if not (fname and len(fname)):
            return False

        files = glob.glob(fname)
        cursize = 0
        limit_reached = False
        sizelimit *= 1024 * 1024  # in MB
        flog = None

        for flog in files:
            cursize += os.stat(flog)[ST_SIZE]
            if sizelimit and cursize > sizelimit:
                limit_reached = True
            self.addCopySpec(flog, sub)

        if flog == files[0] and limit_reached:
            flog_name = flog

            if sub:
                old, new = sub
                flog_name = flog.replace(old, new)

                tail(flog, sizelimit),
                flog_name.replace(os.path.sep, ".") + ".tailed")
Exemple #5
    def addCopySpecLimit(self, fname, sizelimit=None, sub=None):
        """Add a file or glob but limit it to sizelimit megabytes. If fname is
        a single file the file will be tailed to meet sizelimit. If the first
        file in a glob is too large it will be tailed to meet the sizelimit.
        if not (fname and len(fname)):
            return False

        files = glob.glob(fname)
        cursize = 0
        limit_reached = False
        sizelimit *= 1024 * 1024 # in MB
        flog = None

        for flog in files:
            cursize += os.stat(flog)[ST_SIZE]
            if sizelimit and cursize > sizelimit:
                limit_reached = True
            self.addCopySpec(flog, sub)

        if flog == files[0] and limit_reached:
            flog_name = flog

            if sub:
                old, new = sub
                flog_name = flog.replace(old, new)

            self.addStringAsFile(tail(flog, sizelimit),
                 flog_name.replace(os.path.sep, ".") + ".tailed")
Exemple #6
    def add_copy_spec_limit(self, fname, sizelimit=None, sub=None):
        """Add a file or glob but limit it to sizelimit megabytes. If fname is
        a single file the file will be tailed to meet sizelimit. If the first
        file in a glob is too large it will be tailed to meet the sizelimit.
        if not (fname and len(fname)):
            return False

        files = glob.glob(fname)
        if len(files) == 0:
        cursize = 0
        limit_reached = False
        sizelimit *= 1024 * 1024  # in MB
        flog = None

        for flog in files:
            cursize += os.stat(flog)[ST_SIZE]
            if sizelimit and cursize > sizelimit:
                limit_reached = True
            self.add_copy_spec(flog, sub)

        if flog == files[0] and limit_reached:
            flog_name = flog

            if sub:
                old, new = sub
                flog_name = flog.replace(old, new)
            strfile = flog_name.replace(os.path.sep, ".") + ".tailed"
            self.add_string_as_file(tail(flog, sizelimit), strfile)
                os.path.join(os.path.relpath('/', os.path.dirname(flog)),
                             'sos_strings', self.name(), strfile), flog)
Exemple #7
    def test_add_string_from_file(self):
        self.copy_strings = []
        testfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=self.tmpdir, delete=False)
        testfile.write(six.b("*" * 1000))

        self.copy_strings.append((tail(testfile.name, 100), 'string_test.txt'))
        self.tf.add_string(self.copy_strings[0][0], 'tests/string_test.txt')
Exemple #8
    def test_add_string_from_file(self):
        self.copy_strings = []
        testfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=self.tmpdir, delete=False)
        testfile.write(six.b("*" * 1000))

        self.copy_strings.append((tail(testfile.name, 100), 'string_test.txt'))
        self.tf.add_string(self.copy_strings[0][0], 'tests/string_test.txt')
Exemple #9
    def add_copy_spec(self, copyspecs, sizelimit=None, tailit=True):
        """Add a file or glob but limit it to sizelimit megabytes. If fname is
        a single file the file will be tailed to meet sizelimit. If the first
        file in a glob is too large it will be tailed to meet the sizelimit.

        if sizelimit:
            sizelimit *= 1024 * 1024  # in MB

        if not copyspecs:
            return False

        if isinstance(copyspecs, six.string_types):
            copyspecs = [copyspecs]

        for copyspec in copyspecs:
            if not (copyspec and len(copyspec)):
                return False

            if self.use_sysroot():
                copyspec = self.join_sysroot(copyspec)

            files = self._expand_copy_spec(copyspec)
            if len(files) == 0:

            current_size = 0
            limit_reached = False
            _file = None

            for _file in files:
                    current_size += os.stat(_file)[stat.ST_SIZE]
                except (OSError, FileNotFoundError):
                    self._log_info("failed to stat '%s'" % _file)
                if sizelimit and current_size > sizelimit:
                    limit_reached = True

            if limit_reached and tailit:
                file_name = _file

                if file_name[0] == os.sep:
                    file_name = file_name.lstrip(os.sep)
                strfile = file_name.replace(os.path.sep, ".") + ".tailed"
                self.add_string_as_file(tail(_file, sizelimit), strfile)
                rel_path = os.path.relpath('/', os.path.dirname(_file))
                link_path = os.path.join(rel_path, 'sos_strings', self.name(),
                self.archive.add_link(link_path, _file)
Exemple #10
    def add_copy_spec(self, copyspecs, sizelimit=None, tailit=True):
        """Add a file or glob but limit it to sizelimit megabytes. If fname is
        a single file the file will be tailed to meet sizelimit. If the first
        file in a glob is too large it will be tailed to meet the sizelimit.

        if sizelimit:
            sizelimit *= 1024 * 1024  # in MB

        if not copyspecs:
            return False

        if isinstance(copyspecs, six.string_types):
            copyspecs = [copyspecs]

        for copyspec in copyspecs:
            if not (copyspec and len(copyspec)):
                return False

            if self.use_sysroot():
                copyspec = self.join_sysroot(copyspec)

            files = self._expand_copy_spec(copyspec)
            if len(files) == 0:

            current_size = 0
            limit_reached = False
            _file = None

            for _file in files:
                    current_size += os.stat(_file)[stat.ST_SIZE]
                except (OSError, FileNotFoundError):
                    self._log_info("failed to stat '%s'" % _file)
                if sizelimit and current_size > sizelimit:
                    limit_reached = True

            if limit_reached and tailit:
                file_name = _file

                if file_name[0] == os.sep:
                    file_name = file_name.lstrip(os.sep)
                strfile = file_name.replace(os.path.sep, ".") + ".tailed"
                self.add_string_as_file(tail(_file, sizelimit), strfile)
                rel_path = os.path.relpath('/', os.path.dirname(_file))
                link_path = os.path.join(rel_path, 'sos_strings',
                                         self.name(), strfile)
                self.archive.add_link(link_path, _file)
Exemple #11
 def test_tail_too_many(self):
     t = tail("tests/tail_test.txt", 200)
     expected = open("tests/tail_test.txt", "r").read()
     self.assertEquals(t, six.b(expected))
Exemple #12
 def test_tail(self):
     t = tail("tests/tail_test.txt", 10)
     self.assertEquals(t, six.b("last line\n"))
Exemple #13
 def test_tail_too_many(self):
     t = tail("tests/tail_test.txt", 200)
     expected = open("tests/tail_test.txt", "r").read()
     self.assertEquals(t, expected)
Exemple #14
 def test_tail(self):
     t = tail("tests/tail_test.txt", 10)
     self.assertEquals(t, "last line\n")
Exemple #15
    def add_copy_spec(self, copyspecs, sizelimit=None, tailit=True):
        """Add a file or glob but limit it to sizelimit megabytes. If fname is
        a single file the file will be tailed to meet sizelimit. If the first
        file in a glob is too large it will be tailed to meet the sizelimit.
        sizelimit = sizelimit or self.get_option("log_size")

        if self.get_option('all_logs'):
            sizelimit = None

        if sizelimit:
            sizelimit *= 1024 * 1024  # in MB

        if not copyspecs:
            return False

        if isinstance(copyspecs, six.string_types):
            copyspecs = [copyspecs]

        for copyspec in copyspecs:
            if not (copyspec and len(copyspec)):
                return False

            if self.use_sysroot():
                copyspec = self.join_sysroot(copyspec)

            files = self._expand_copy_spec(copyspec)

            if len(files) == 0:

            # Files hould be sorted in most-recently-modified order, so that
            # we collect the newest data first before reaching the limit.
            def getmtime(path):
                    return os.path.getmtime(path)
                except OSError:
                    return 0

            files.sort(key=getmtime, reverse=True)
            current_size = 0
            limit_reached = False
            _file = None

            for _file in files:
                    current_size += os.stat(_file)[stat.ST_SIZE]
                except OSError:
                    self._log_info("failed to stat '%s'" % _file)
                if sizelimit and current_size > sizelimit:
                    limit_reached = True

            if limit_reached and tailit and not _file_is_compressed(_file):
                file_name = _file

                if file_name[0] == os.sep:
                    file_name = file_name.lstrip(os.sep)
                strfile = file_name.replace(os.path.sep, ".") + ".tailed"
                self.add_string_as_file(tail(_file, sizelimit), strfile)
                rel_path = os.path.relpath('/', os.path.dirname(_file))
                link_path = os.path.join(rel_path, 'sos_strings', self.name(),
                self.archive.add_link(link_path, _file)
Exemple #16
    def add_copy_spec(self, copyspecs, sizelimit=None, tailit=True):
        """Add a file or glob but limit it to sizelimit megabytes. If fname is
        a single file the file will be tailed to meet sizelimit. If the first
        file in a glob is too large it will be tailed to meet the sizelimit.

        if self.get_option('all_logs'):
            sizelimit = None

        if sizelimit:
            sizelimit *= 1024 * 1024  # in MB

        if not copyspecs:
            return False

        if isinstance(copyspecs, six.string_types):
            copyspecs = [copyspecs]

        for copyspec in copyspecs:
            if not (copyspec and len(copyspec)):
                return False

            if self.use_sysroot():
                copyspec = self.join_sysroot(copyspec)

            files = self._expand_copy_spec(copyspec)

            if len(files) == 0:

            # Files hould be sorted in most-recently-modified order, so that
            # we collect the newest data first before reaching the limit.
            def getmtime(path):
                    return os.path.getmtime(path)
                except OSError:
                    return 0

            files.sort(key=getmtime, reverse=True)
            current_size = 0
            limit_reached = False
            _file = None

            for _file in files:
                    current_size += os.stat(_file)[stat.ST_SIZE]
                except OSError:
                    self._log_info("failed to stat '%s'" % _file)
                if sizelimit and current_size > sizelimit:
                    limit_reached = True

            if limit_reached and tailit and not _file_is_compressed(_file):
                file_name = _file

                if file_name[0] == os.sep:
                    file_name = file_name.lstrip(os.sep)
                strfile = file_name.replace(os.path.sep, ".") + ".tailed"
                self.add_string_as_file(tail(_file, sizelimit), strfile)
                rel_path = os.path.relpath('/', os.path.dirname(_file))
                link_path = os.path.join(rel_path, 'sos_strings',
                                         self.name(), strfile)
                self.archive.add_link(link_path, _file)