def __init__(self, Nr=0, caller=None):
        self.Typ = 'Ellipse'
        self.Nr = Nr
        # Initialisieren der Werte
        # Initialise the values
        self.Layer_Nr = 0 = Point(0, 0)  # Centre of the geometry
        self.vector = Point(1, 0)  #  Vector A = semi-major axis.
        #  a = rotation of the ellipse
        self.ratio = 1  # Verh�ltnis der kleinen zur gro�en Halbachse (b/a)
        # Ratio of the minor to major axis (b/a)
        # self.AngS = 0            # Startwinkel beim zeichnen eines Ellipsensegments
        # Starting angle when drawing an ellipse segment
        # self.AngE = radians(360) # Endwinkel (Winkel im DXF als Radians!)
        # End angle (angle in radians as DXF!)
        # Die folgenden Grundwerte werden sp�ter ein mal berechnet
        # The following limits are calculated later

        self.length = 0
        self.Points = []
        # Lesen der Geometrie / Read the geometry

        # Zuweisen der Toleranz f�rs Fitting / Assign the tolerance for fitting
        tol = g.config.fitting_tolerance

        # Errechnen der Ellipse / Calculate the ellipse
Exemple #2
    def arc_arc_intersection(arc1, arc2, refpoint):
        # based on
        d = arc1.O.distance(arc2.O)

        if d > (arc1.r + arc2.r):  # there are no solutions, the circles are separate
            return None
        elif d + 1e-5 < abs(arc1.r - arc2.r):  # there are no solutions because one circle is contained within the other
            return None
        elif d == 0:  # then the circles are coincident and there are an infinite number of solutions
            return None
            a = (arc1.r**2 - arc2.r**2 + d**2) / (2 * d)
            if arc1.r**2 - a**2 < 0:
                return None
            h = sqrt(arc1.r**2 - a**2)
            P2 = arc1.O + a * (arc2.O - arc1.O) / d

            p1 = Point(P2.x + h * (arc2.O.y - arc1.O.y) / d,
                       P2.y - h * (arc2.O.x - arc1.O.x) / d)
            p2 = Point(P2.x - h * (arc2.O.y - arc1.O.y) / d,
                       P2.y + h * (arc2.O.x - arc1.O.x) / d)

            intersections = []
            if Intersect.point_belongs_to_arc(p1, arc1) and Intersect.point_belongs_to_arc(p1, arc2):
            if Intersect.point_belongs_to_arc(p2, arc1) and Intersect.point_belongs_to_arc(p2, arc2):
            intersections.sort(key=lambda x: (refpoint - x).length_squared())
            if len(intersections) > 0:
                return intersections[0]
            return None
Exemple #3
 def get_start_end_points(self, start_point, angles=None):
     if angles is None:
         return self
     elif angles:
         return self, 0
         return self, Point(0, -1) if start_point else Point(0, -1)
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self, Ps=Point(0, 0), Pe=Point(0, 0), hdl=[]):
        Standard method to initialize the class

        self.Ps = Ps
        self.Pe = Pe
Exemple #5
    def drawOrientationArrows(self):

        rCone = 0.01
        rCylinder = 0.004
        zTop = 0.05
        zMiddle = 0.02
        zBottom = -0.03
        segments = 20

        arrow = GL.glGenLists(1)
        GL.glNewList(arrow, GL.GL_COMPILE)

        self.drawCone(Point(), rCone, zTop, zMiddle, segments)
        self.drawSolidCircle(Point(), rCone, zMiddle, segments)
        self.drawCylinder(Point(), rCylinder, zMiddle, zBottom, segments)
        self.drawSolidCircle(Point(), rCylinder, zBottom, segments)


        self.orientation = GL.glGenLists(1)
        GL.glNewList(self.orientation, GL.GL_COMPILE)

        self.setColorRGBA(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5)

        GL.glRotatef(90, 0, 1, 0)
        self.setColorRGBA(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5)

        GL.glRotatef(90, 1, 0, 0)
        self.setColorRGBA(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5)

Exemple #6
    def drawWpZero(self):

        r = 0.02
        segments = 20  # must be a multiple of 4

        self.wpZero = GL.glGenLists(1)
        GL.glNewList(self.wpZero, GL.GL_COMPILE)

        self.setColorRGBA(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.7)
        self.drawSphere(r, segments, segments // 4, segments, segments // 4)

        GL.glVertex3f(0, 0, 0)
        for i in range(segments // 4 + 1):
            ang = -i * 2 * pi / segments
            xy2 = Point().get_arc_point(ang, r)
            # GL.glNormal3f(0, -1, 0)
            GL.glVertex3f(xy2.x, 0, xy2.y)
        for i in range(segments // 4 + 1):
            ang = -i * 2 * pi / segments
            xy2 = Point().get_arc_point(ang, r)
            # GL.glNormal3f(-1, 0, 0)
            GL.glVertex3f(0, -xy2.y, -xy2.x)
        for i in range(segments // 4 + 1):
            ang = -i * 2 * pi / segments
            xy2 = Point().get_arc_point(ang, r)
            # GL.glNormal3f(0, 0, 1)
            GL.glVertex3f(-xy2.y, xy2.x, 0)

        self.setColorRGBA(0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.5)
        self.drawSphere(r * 1.25, segments, segments, segments, segments)

Exemple #7
    def bulge2arc(self, Ps, Pe, bulge):
        c = (1 / bulge - bulge) / 2

        # Berechnung des Mittelpunkts (Formel von Mickes!)
        # Calculation of the center (Micke's formula)
        O = Point((Ps.x + Pe.x - (Pe.y - Ps.y) * c) / 2,
                  (Ps.y + Pe.y + (Pe.x - Ps.x) * c) / 2)

        # Radius = Distance between the centre and Ps
        r = O.distance(Ps)
        # Kontrolle ob beide gleich sind (passt ...)
        # Check if they are equal (fits ...)
        # r=O.distance(Pe)

        # Unterscheidung f�r den �ffnungswinkel.
        # Distinction for the opening angle. ???
        if bulge > 0:
            return ArcGeo(Ps=Ps, Pe=Pe, O=O, r=r)
            arc = ArcGeo(Ps=Pe, Pe=Ps, O=O, r=r)
            return arc
Exemple #8
    def drawArrowHead(self, origin, rx, ry, rz, offset):
        r = 0.01
        segments = 10
        zTop = 0 + offset
        zBottom = -0.02 + offset

        zeroTop = Point3D(0, 0, zTop)
        GL.glVertex3f(zeroTop * rx + origin.x, -zeroTop * ry - origin.y,
                      zeroTop * rz + origin.z)
        for i in range(segments + 1):
            ang = i * 2 * pi / segments
            xy2 = Point().get_arc_point(ang, r).to3D(zBottom)
            GL.glVertex3f(xy2 * rx + origin.x, -xy2 * ry - origin.y,
                          xy2 * rz + origin.z)

        zeroBottom = Point3D(0, 0, zBottom)
        GL.glVertex3f(zeroBottom * rx + origin.x, -zeroBottom * ry - origin.y,
                      zeroBottom * rz + origin.z)
        for i in range(segments + 1):
            ang = -i * 2 * pi / segments
            xy2 = Point().get_arc_point(ang, r).to3D(zBottom)
            GL.glVertex3f(xy2 * rx + origin.x, -xy2 * ry - origin.y,
                          xy2 * rz + origin.z)
Exemple #9
    def calc_bounding_box(self):
        Calculated the BoundingBox of the geometry and saves it into self.BB
        Ps = Point(x=min(self.Ps.x, self.Pe.x), y=min(self.Ps.y, self.Pe.y))
        Pe = Point(x=max(self.Ps.x, self.Pe.x), y=max(self.Ps.y, self.Pe.y))

        self.BB = BoundingBox(Ps=Ps, Pe=Pe)
Exemple #10
    def calc_bounding_box(self, radius=1):
        Calculated the BoundingBox of the geometry and saves it into self.BB
        @param radius: The Radius of the HoleGeo to be used for BoundingBox

        Ps = Point(x=self.Ps.x - radius, y=self.Ps.y - radius)
        Pe = Point(x=self.Ps.x + radius, y=self.Ps.y + radius)

        self.BB = BoundingBox(Ps=Ps, Pe=Pe)
    def Read(self, caller):

        # Assign short name
        lp = caller.line_pairs
        e = lp.index_code(0, caller.start + 1)

        # Assign layer
        s = lp.index_code(8, caller.start + 1)
        self.Layer_Nr = caller.Get_Layer_Nr(lp.line_pair[s].value)

        # X Value
        s = lp.index_code(10, s + 1)
        x0 = float(lp.line_pair[s].value)

        # Y Value
        s = lp.index_code(20, s + 1)
        y0 = float(lp.line_pair[s].value)

        # Radius
        s = lp.index_code(40, s + 1)
        r = float(lp.line_pair[s].value)

        # Searching for an extrusion direction
        s_nxt_xt = lp.index_code(230, s + 1, e)
        # If there is a extrusion direction given flip around x-Axis
        if s_nxt_xt is not None:
            extrusion_dir = float(lp.line_pair[s_nxt_xt].value)
            logger.debug('Found extrusion direction: %s') % extrusion_dir)
            if extrusion_dir == -1:
                x0 = -x0

        O = Point(x0, y0)

        # Calculate the start and end values of the circle without clipping
        s_ang = -3 * pi / 4
        m_ang = s_ang - pi
        e_ang = -3 * pi / 4

        # Calculate the start and end values of the arcs
        Ps = Point(cos(s_ang) * r, sin(s_ang) * r) + O
        Pm = Point(cos(m_ang) * r, sin(m_ang) * r) + O
        Pe = Point(cos(e_ang) * r, sin(e_ang) * r) + O

        # Annexes to ArcGeo class for geometry
        self.geo.append(ArcGeo(Ps=Ps, Pe=Pm, O=O, r=r, s_ang=s_ang, e_ang=m_ang, direction=-1))
        self.geo.append(ArcGeo(Ps=Pm, Pe=Pe, O=O, r=r, s_ang=m_ang, e_ang=e_ang, direction=-1))

        # Length corresponds to the length (circumference?) of the circle
        self.length = self.geo[-1].length+self.geo[-2].length

        # New starting value for the next geometry
        caller.start = s
    def Read(self, caller):
        This function does read the geometry.
        @param caller: The instance which is calling the function
        # Assign short name
        lp = caller.line_pairs
        e = lp.index_code(0, caller.start + 1)

        # Assign layer
        s = lp.index_code(8, caller.start + 1)
        self.Layer_Nr = caller.Get_Layer_Nr(lp.line_pair[s].value)

        # X Value
        sl = lp.index_code(10, s + 1)
        x0 = float(lp.line_pair[sl].value)

        # Y Value
        s = lp.index_code(20, sl + 1)
        y0 = float(lp.line_pair[s].value)

        # X Value 2
        s = lp.index_code(11, sl + 1)
        x1 = float(lp.line_pair[s].value)

        # Y Value 2
        s = lp.index_code(21, s + 1)
        y1 = float(lp.line_pair[s].value)

        # Searching for an extrusion direction
        s_nxt_xt = lp.index_code(230, s + 1, e)
        # If there is a extrusion direction given flip around x-Axis
        if s_nxt_xt is not None:
            extrusion_dir = float(lp.line_pair[s_nxt_xt].value)
      'Found extrusion direction: %s') % extrusion_dir)
            if extrusion_dir == -1:
                x0 = -x0
                x1 = -x1

        Ps = Point(x0, y0)
        Pe = Point(x1, y1)

        # Anhängen der LineGeo Klasse für die Geometrie
        # Annexes to LineGeo class for geometry ???
        self.geo.append(LineGeo(Ps=Ps, Pe=Pe))

        # Länge entspricht der Länge des Kreises
        # Length corresponding to the length (circumference?) of the circle
        self.length = self.geo[-1].length

        # Neuen Startwert für die nächste Geometrie zurückgeben
        # New starting value for the next geometry
        caller.start = s
Exemple #13
    def calc_O1_O2_k(self, r1, r2, tan_a, theta):
        # print("r1: %0.3f, r2: %0.3f, tan_a: %0.3f, theta: %0.3f" %(r1,r2,tan_a,theta))
        # print("N1: x: %0.3f, y: %0.3f" %(-sin(tan_a), cos(tan_a)))
        # print("V: x: %0.3f, y: %0.3f" %(-sin(theta+tan_a),cos(theta+tan_a)))

        O1 = Point(self.Ps.x - r1 * sin(tan_a), self.Ps.y + r1 * cos(tan_a))
        k = Point(self.Ps.x + r1 * (-sin(tan_a) + sin(theta + tan_a)),
                  self.Ps.y + r1 * (cos(tan_a) - cos(tan_a + theta)))
        O2 = Point(k.x + r2 * (-sin(theta + tan_a)),
                   k.y + r2 * (cos(theta + tan_a)))
        return O1, O2, k
Exemple #14
    def calc_bounding_box(self):
        Calculated the BoundingBox of the geometry and saves it into self.BB

        Ps = Point(x=self.O.x - self.r, y=self.O.y - self.r)
        Pe = Point(x=self.O.x + self.r, y=self.O.y + self.r)

        # Do the calculation only for arcs have positiv extend => switch angles
        if self.ext >= 0:
            s_ang = self.s_ang
            e_ang = self.e_ang
        elif self.ext < 0:
            s_ang = self.e_ang
            e_ang = self.s_ang

        # If the positive X Axis is crossed
        if not (self.wrap(s_ang, 0) >= self.wrap(e_ang, 1)):
            Pe.x = max(self.Ps.x, self.Pe.x)

        # If the positive Y Axis is crossed
        if not (self.wrap(s_ang - pi / 2, 0) >= self.wrap(e_ang - pi / 2, 1)):
            Pe.y = max(self.Ps.y, self.Pe.y)

        # If the negative X Axis is crossed
        if not (self.wrap(s_ang - pi, 0) >= self.wrap(e_ang - pi, 1)):
            Ps.x = min(self.Ps.x, self.Pe.x)

        # If the negative Y is crossed
        if not (self.wrap(s_ang - 1.5 * pi, 0) >= self.wrap(
                e_ang - 1.5 * pi, 1)):
            Ps.y = min(self.Ps.y, self.Pe.y)

        self.BB = BoundingBox(Ps=Ps, Pe=Pe)
Exemple #15
    def Read(self, caller):
        # Assign short name
        lp = caller.line_pairs
        e = lp.index_code(0, caller.start + 1)

        # Assign layer
        s = lp.index_code(8, caller.start + 1)
        self.Layer_Nr = caller.Get_Layer_Nr(lp.line_pair[s].value)

        # X Value
        s = lp.index_code(10, s + 1)
        x0 = float(lp.line_pair[s].value)

        # Y Value
        s = lp.index_code(20, s + 1)
        y0 = float(lp.line_pair[s].value)

        Ps = Point(x0, y0)

        # self.geo.append(LineGeo(Ps=Point(0,0), Pe=P))

        # Neuen Startwert für die nächste Geometrie zurückgeben
        # New starting value for the next geometry
        caller.start = s
Exemple #16
    def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
        MouseMoveEvent of the Graphiscview. May also be used for the Statusbar.
        @purpose: Get the MouseMoveEvent and use it for the Rubberband Selection
        @param event: Event Parameters passed to function
        if self.mppos is not None:
            Point = event.pos() - self.mppos
            if Point.manhattanLength() > 3:
                # print 'the mouse has moved more than 3 pixels since the oldPosition'
                # print "Mouse Pointer is currently hovering at: ", event.pos()
                rect = QtCore.QRect(self.mppos, event.pos())
                The following is needed because of PyQt5 doesn't like to switch from sign
                 it will keep displaying last rectangle, i.e. you can end up will multiple rectangles
                if self.prvRectRubberBand.width() > 0 and not rect.width() > 0 or rect.width() == 0 or\
                   self.prvRectRubberBand.height() > 0 and not rect.height() > 0 or rect.height() == 0:
                self.prvRectRubberBand = rect

        scpoint = self.mapToScene(event.pos())

        # self.setStatusTip('X: %3.1f; Y: %3.1f' % (scpoint.x(), -scpoint.y()))
        # works not as supposed to
        self.setToolTip('X: %3.1f; Y: %3.1f' % (scpoint.x(), -scpoint.y()))

        super(MyGraphicsView, self).mouseMoveEvent(event)
Exemple #17
    def calc_curve(self, n=0, cpts_nr=20):
        Berechnen von eine Anzahl gleichm�ssig verteilter Punkte bis zur n-ten Ableitung

        # Anfangswerte f�r Step und u
        u = 0
        step = float(self.Knots[-1]) / (cpts_nr - 1)
        Points = []

        # Wenn die erste Ableitung oder h�her errechnet wird die ersten
        # Ableitung in dem tan als Winkel in rad gespeichert
        tang = []

        while u <= self.Knots[-1]:
            CK = self.bspline_ders_evaluate(n=n, u=u)

            # Den Punkt in einem Punkt List abspeichern
            Points.append(Point(x=CK[0][0], y=CK[0][1]))

            # F�r die erste Ableitung wird den Winkel der tangente errechnet
            if n >= 1:
                tang.append(atan2(CK[1][1], CK[1][0]))
            u += step

        return Points, tang
Exemple #18
    def __init__(self,
        Initialisation of the class.
        """ = None
        super(Arrow, self).__init__()

        self.startp = QtCore.QPointF(startp.x, -startp.y)
        self.endp = endp

        self.length = length
        self.angle = angle
        self.startarrow = startarrow
        self.allwaysshow = False

        self.arrowHead = QPolygonF()
        self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable, False)
        self.myColor = color
        self.pen = QPen(pencolor, 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine)
        self.arrowSize = 8.0
Exemple #19
    def analyse_and_opt(self):
        summe = 0

        # Richtung in welcher der Anfang liegen soll (unten links)
        # Direction of the top (lower left) ???
        Popt = Point(-1e3, -1e6)

        # Calculation of the alignment after Gaussian-Elling
        # Positive value means CW, negative value indicates CCW
        # closed polygon
        for Line in self.geo:
            summe += Line.Ps.x * Line.Pe.y - Line.Pe.x * Line.Ps.y

        if summe > 0.0:

        # Suchen des kleinsten Startpunkts von unten Links X zuerst (Muss neue Schleife sein!)
        # Find the smallest starting point from bottom left X (Must be new loop!)
        min_distance = self.geo[0].Ps.distance(Popt)
        min_geo_nr = 0
        for geo_nr in range(1, len(self.geo)):
            if self.geo[geo_nr].Ps.distance(Popt) < min_distance:
                min_distance = self.geo[geo_nr].Ps.distance(Popt)
                min_geo_nr = geo_nr

        # Kontur so anordnen das neuer Startpunkt am Anfang liegt
        # Order Contour so the new starting point is at the beginning
        self.geo = self.geo[min_geo_nr:len(self.geo)] + self.geo[0:min_geo_nr]
Exemple #20
    def __init__(
            startp=Point(x=0.0, y=0.0),
        Initialisation of the class.

        self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable, False)

        self.text = text = 1.0
        self.startp = QtCore.QPointF(startp.x, -startp.y)

        pencolor = QColor(0, 200, 255)
        self.brush = QColor(0, 100, 255)

        self.pen = QPen(pencolor, 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine)

        self.path = QPainterPath()
        self.path.addText(QtCore.QPointF(0, 0), QFont("Arial", 10 /,
Exemple #21
    def joinBB(self, other):
        Joins two Bounding Box Classes and returns the new one
        @param other: The 2nd Bounding Box
        @return: Returns the joined Bounding Box Class

        if type(self.Ps) == type(None) or type(self.Pe) == type(None):
            return BoundingBox(deepcopy(other.Ps), deepcopy(other.Pe))

        xmin = min(self.Ps.x, other.Ps.x)
        xmax = max(self.Pe.x, other.Pe.x)
        ymin = min(self.Ps.y, other.Ps.y)
        ymax = max(self.Pe.y, other.Pe.y)

        return BoundingBox(Ps=Point(xmin, ymin), Pe=Point(xmax, ymax))
Exemple #22
 def contains_point(self, point):
     Method to determine the minimal distance from the point to the shape
     @param point: a QPointF
     @return: minimal distance
     min_distance = float(0x7fffffff)
     ref_point = Point(point.x(), point.y())
     t = 0.0
     while t < 1.0:
         per_point = self.path.pointAtPercent(t)
         spline_point = Point(per_point.x(), per_point.y())
         distance = ref_point.distance(spline_point)
         if distance < min_distance:
             min_distance = distance
         t += 0.01
     return min_distance
Exemple #23
    def AnalyseAndOptimize(self):
  "Analysing the shape for CW direction Nr: %s" %

        if self.isDirectionOfGeosCCW(self.geos):
            logger.debug("Had to reverse the shape to be CW")) = True
Exemple #24
    def determineSelectedPosition(self, clicked, forZ, offset):
        angleX = -radians(self.rotX)
        angleY = -radians(self.rotY)

        zv = forZ - offset.z
        clickedZ = ((zv + clicked.x * sin(angleY)) / cos(angleY) -
                    clicked.y * sin(angleX)) / cos(angleX)
        sx, sy, sz = self.deRotate(clicked.x, clicked.y, clickedZ)
        return Point(sx + offset.x, -sy - offset.y)  #, sz + offset.z
Exemple #25
 def getClickedDetails(self, event):
     min_side = min(self.frameSize().width(), self.frameSize().height())
     clicked = Point(
         (event.pos().x() - self.frameSize().width() / 2),
         (event.pos().y() -
          self.frameSize().height() / 2)) / min_side / self.scale
     offset = Point3D(-self.posX, -self.posY, -self.posZ) / self.scale
     tol = 4 * self.scaleCorr / min_side / self.scale
     return clicked, offset, tol
Exemple #26
    def contextMenuEvent(self, event):
        Create the contextmenu.
        @purpose: Links the new Class of ContextMenu to Graphicsview.
        position = self.mapToGlobal(event.pos())
        GVPos = self.mapToScene(event.pos())
        real_pos = Point(GVPos.x(), -GVPos.y())

        menu = MyDropDownMenu(self.scene(), position, real_pos)
Exemple #27
    def addexprouteen(self):
        st = self.expprv
        en = Point(g.config.vars.Plane_Coordinates['axis1_start_end'],
        self.expcol = QtCore.Qt.darkRed

            Arrow(startp=en, endp=st, color=self.expcol, pencolor=self.expcol))

Exemple #28
 def get_start_end_points(self, start_point, angles=None):
     if start_point:
         if angles is None:
             return self.Ps
         elif angles:
             return self.Ps, self.s_ang + pi / 2 * self.ext / abs(self.ext)
             direction = (self.O - self.Ps).unit_vector()
             direction = -direction if self.ext >= 0 else direction
             return self.Ps, Point(-direction.y, direction.x)
         if angles is None:
             return self.Pe
         elif angles:
             return self.Pe, self.e_ang - pi / 2 * self.ext / abs(self.ext)
             direction = (self.O - self.Pe).unit_vector()
             direction = -direction if self.ext >= 0 else direction
             return self.Pe, Point(-direction.y, direction.x)
 def Ellipse_Point(self, alpha=0):  # Point(0,0)
     # gro�e Halbachse, kleine Halbachse, rotation der Ellipse (rad), Winkel des Punkts in der Ellipse (rad)
     # Semi-major axis, minor axis, rotation of the ellipse (rad), the point in the ellipse angle (rad) ???
     Ex = self.a * cos(alpha) * cos(
         self.rotation) - self.b * sin(alpha) * sin(self.rotation)
     Ey = self.a * cos(alpha) * sin(
         self.rotation) + self.b * sin(alpha) * cos(self.rotation)
     return Point( + Ex, + Ey)
Exemple #30
 def pointisinBB(self, Point=Point(), tol=eps):
     Checks if the Point is within the bounding box
     @param Point: The Point which shall be ckecke
     @return: Returns true or false
     x_inter_pos = (self.Pe.x + tol > Point.x) and \
     (self.Ps.x - tol < Point.x)
     y_inter_pos = (self.Pe.y + tol > Point.y) and \
     (self.Ps.y - tol < Point.y)
     return x_inter_pos and y_inter_pos