def test_ignores_audio_callbacks(self):
     sqa = SqueezeAlexa()
         {'request': {
             'requestId': '1234',
             'type': 'AudioPlayerStarted'
Exemple #2
 def test_handling_all_intents_without_session_or_slots(self):
     server = Server(transport=(FakeTransport().start()))
     alexa = SqueezeAlexa(server=server)
     for name, func in handler._handlers.items():
         request = self.request_for({'name': name, 'slots': {}}, NO_SESSION)
         output = alexa.handle(request, None)
         self.validate_response(name, output)
 def test_classical(self):
     fake_output = FakeTransport(fake_status=CLASSICAL_STATUS).start()
     server = Server(transport=fake_output)
     alexa = SqueezeAlexa(server=server)
     resp = alexa.now_playing([], None)
     speech = speech_in(resp)
     assert '"Kyrie Eleison"' in speech
     assert "by Johann Sebastian Bach" in speech
 def test_multiple_artists(self):
     fake_output = FakeTransport(fake_status=MULTI_ARTIST_STATUS).start()
     server = Server(transport=fake_output)
     alexa = SqueezeAlexa(server=server)
     resp = alexa.now_playing([], None)
     speech = speech_in(resp)
     assert '"Shut \'Em Down"' in speech
     assert "by Public Enemy and Pete Rock" in speech
 def test_commas_in_title(self):
     fake_output = FakeTransport().start()
     server = Server(transport=fake_output)
     alexa = SqueezeAlexa(server=server)
     resp = alexa.now_playing([], None)
     speech = speech_in(resp)
     assert "I Think, I Love" in speech
     assert "by Jamie Cullum" in speech
 def test_handling_all_intents(self):
     fake_output = FakeTransport()
     server = Server(transport=fake_output)
     alexa = SqueezeAlexa(server=server)
     for name, func in handler._handlers.items():
         intent = {'name': name,
                   'slots': {'Player': {'name': 'Player', 'value': 'fake'},
                             'Volume': {'name': 'Volume', 'value': '5'}}}
         output = alexa.handle(self.request_for(intent, SOME_SESSION))
         self.validate_response(name, output)
Exemple #7
class GenreTest(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.alexa = SqueezeAlexa(server=None)

    def get_results(self, *args):
        return self.alexa._genres_from_slots(args, GENRES)

    def test_difficult_ands(self):
        results = self.get_results(['R', 'B'])
        assert 'R and B' in results

    def test_dnb(self):
        results = self.get_results('Drum', 'Base')
        assert 'Drum n Bass' in results

    def test_complete_answer(self):
        results = self.get_results('blues', 'bluegrass')
        assert results == {'Blues', 'Bluegrass'}

    def test_complete_answer_overlapping_words(self):
        results = self.get_results('funk rock')
        assert results == {'Funk', 'Rock'}

    def test_hyphenation(self):
        results = self.get_results('hip-hop')
        assert results == {'Hip Hop'}

    def test_exact(self):
        results = self.get_results('dub')
        assert results == {'Dub'}
        results = self.get_results('House')
        assert results == {'House'}
Exemple #8
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    """ Route the incoming request based on type (LaunchRequest, IntentRequest,
    etc.) The JSON body of the request is provided in the event parameter.
    sqa = SqueezeAlexa(app_id=APPLICATION_ID)
        return sqa.handle(event, context)
    except Exception as e:
        if not settings.USE_SPOKEN_ERRORS:
            raise e
        # Work with AWS stack-trace log magic
        print_w(format_exc().replace('\n', '\r'))
        error = str(e.msg if hasattr(e, "msg") else e)
        return speech_response(title=_("All went wrong"),
                               text=_("Oh dear: {type}. {message}").format(
                                   type=type(e).__name__, message=error))
Exemple #9
def lambda_handler(event, context, server=None):
    """ Route the incoming request based on type (LaunchRequest, IntentRequest,
    etc.) The JSON body of the request is provided in the event parameter.
        sqa = SqueezeAlexa(server=server or get_server(),
        return sqa.handle(event, context)
    except Exception as e:
        if not SKILL_SETTINGS.use_spoken_errors:
            raise e
        # Work with AWS stack-trace log magic
        print(format_exc().replace('\n', '\r'))
        error = str(e.msg if hasattr(e, "msg") else e)
        text = _("Oh dear: {type}. {message}").format(
            type=type(e).__name__, message=error)
        return speech_response(title=_("All went wrong"), text=text)
 def test_all_handler(self):
     fake_output = FakeTransport()
     server = Server(transport=fake_output)
     alexa = SqueezeAlexa(server=server)
     for name, func in handler._handlers.items():
         print_d(">>> Testing %s() <<<" % func.__name__)
         session = {'sessionId': None}
         intent = {'requestId': 'abcd', 'slots': {}}
         raw = func(alexa, intent, session, None)
         response = raw['response']
         assert 'directives' in response or 'outputSpeech' in response
         assert 'shouldEndSession' in response
def alexa(mock_server):
    return SqueezeAlexa(server=mock_server)
Exemple #12
 def setUp(self):
     self.alexa = SqueezeAlexa(server=None)
 def setUp(self):
     super(IntegrationTests, self).setUp()
     self.stub = FakeSqueeze()
     self.alexa = SqueezeAlexa(server=self.stub)
class IntegrationTests(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        super(IntegrationTests, self).setUp()
        self.stub = FakeSqueeze()
        self.alexa = SqueezeAlexa(server=self.stub)

    def test_on_pause_resume(self):
        intent = {}
        self.alexa.on_pause(intent, None)
        self.alexa.on_resume(intent, None)
        assert self.stub.lines == [resp('pause 1'), resp('pause 0 1')]

    def test_on_pause_resume_player_id(self):
        intent = {}
        self.alexa.on_pause(intent, None, pid=SOME_PID)
        self.alexa.on_resume(intent, None, pid=SOME_PID)
        assert self.stub.lines == [
            resp('pause 1', pid=SOME_PID),
            resp('pause 0 1', pid=SOME_PID)

    def test_on_random_mix_trickier(self):
        self.stub._genres = GENRES
        intent = {
            'slots': {
                'primaryGenre': {
                    'value': 'Jungle band Blues'
                'secondaryGenre': {
                    'value': 'House'

        response = self.alexa.on_play_random_mix(intent, None)
        assert self.stub.lines[-1] == resp('play 2')
        content = response['response']['card']['content']
        assert content.startswith('Playing mix of')
        assert 'Jungle' in content
        assert 'House' in content
        # 3 = reset genres, clear, play. 4 = 2 + 2
        assert len(self.stub.lines) <= 4 + 3

    def test_on_playlist_play_without_playlists(self):
        intent = one_slot_intent('Playlist', 'Moody Blues')
        response = self.alexa.on_play_playlist(intent, FAKE_ID)
        speech = speech_in(response)
        assert "No Squeezebox playlists" in speech

    def test_on_playlist_play(self):
        self.stub._playlists = ['Black Friday', A_PLAYLIST, 'Happy Mondays']
        intent = one_slot_intent('Playlist', 'Mood Blues')

        response = self.alexa.on_play_playlist(intent, FAKE_ID)
        last_cmd = self.stub.lines[-1]
        assert last_cmd.startswith(
            resp('playlist resume %s' % A_PLAYLIST.replace(' ', '%20')))
        content = response['response']['card']['content']
        assert content.startswith('Playing "%s" playlist' % A_PLAYLIST)
        assert len(self.stub.lines) <= 4 + 3

    def test_set_invalid_volume(self):
        intent = one_slot_intent('Volume', 11)
        response = self.alexa.on_set_vol(intent, FAKE_ID)
        speech = speech_in(response)
        assert " between 0 and 10" in speech.lower()

    def test_set_invalid_percent_volume(self):
        intent = one_slot_intent('Volume', 999)
        response = self.alexa.on_set_vol_percent(intent, FAKE_ID)
        speech = speech_in(response)
        assert " between 0 and 100" in speech.lower()
class IntegrationTests(TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        super(IntegrationTests, self).setUp()
        self.stub = FakeSqueeze()
        self.alexa = SqueezeAlexa(server=self.stub)

    def test_staleness_gets_new_server(self):
        assert self.alexa._server
        self.stub._created_time = time.time() - 100000
        # Hack that global
        squeezealexa.main.SERVER_HOSTNAME = "not.there"
        with pytest.raises(TransportError) as e:
        # *Something* will go wrong, as there's no config and/or no server
        assert str(e)

    def test_get_new_server(self):
        SqueezeAlexa._server = None
        squeezealexa.main.SERVER_HOSTNAME = "not.there"
        with pytest.raises(TransportError):

    def test_on_pause_resume(self):
        intent = {}
        self.alexa.on_pause(intent, None)
        self.alexa.on_resume(intent, None)
        assert self.stub.lines == [resp('pause 1'), resp('pause 0 1')]

    def test_on_pause_resume_player_id(self):
        intent = {}
        self.alexa.on_pause(intent, None, pid=SOME_PID)
        self.alexa.on_resume(intent, None, pid=SOME_PID)
        assert self.stub.lines == [resp('pause 1', pid=SOME_PID),
                                   resp('pause 0 1', pid=SOME_PID)]

    def test_on_random_mix_trickier(self):
        self.stub._genres = GENRES
        intent = {'slots': {'primaryGenre': {'value': 'Jungle band Blues'},
                            'secondaryGenre': {'value': 'House'}}}

        response = self.alexa.on_play_random_mix(intent, None)
        assert self.stub.lines[-1] == resp('play 2')
        content = response['response']['card']['content']
        assert content.startswith('Playing mix of')
        assert 'Jungle' in content
        assert 'House' in content
        # 3 = reset genres, clear, play. 4 = 2 + 2
        assert len(self.stub.lines) <= 4 + 3

    def test_on_playlist_play_without_playlists(self):
        intent = {'slots': {'Playlist': {'name': 'Playlist',
                                         'value': 'Moody Blues'}}}
        response = self.alexa.on_play_playlist(intent, FAKE_ID)
        speech = response['response']['outputSpeech']['text']
        assert "No Squeezebox playlists" in speech

    def test_on_playlist_play(self):
        self.stub._playlists = ['Black Friday', A_PLAYLIST, 'Happy Mondays']
        intent = {'slots': {'Playlist': {'name': 'Playlist',
                                         'value': 'Mood Blues'}}}

        response = self.alexa.on_play_playlist(intent, FAKE_ID)
        last_cmd = self.stub.lines[-1]
        assert last_cmd.startswith(resp('playlist resume %s'
                                   % A_PLAYLIST.replace(' ', '%20')))
        content = response['response']['card']['content']
        assert content.startswith('Playing "%s" playlist' % A_PLAYLIST)
        assert len(self.stub.lines) <= 4 + 3
Exemple #16
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    """ Route the incoming request based on type (LaunchRequest, IntentRequest,
    etc.) The JSON body of the request is provided in the event parameter.
    sqa = SqueezeAlexa(app_id=APPLICATION_ID)
    return sqa.handle(event, context)