Exemple #1
    def firm__get_parameters_from_file(self, args):
        import os
        from src.bank import Bank
        from src.household import Household
        from src.firm import Firm
        from src.environment import Environment  # needed for the bankDirectory

        text = "This test checks firm.get_parameters_from_file \n"
        environment_directory = str(args[0])
        identifier = str(args[1])
        log_directory = str(args[2])

        # Configure logging parameters so we get output while the program runs
        logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S',
                            filename=log_directory + identifier + ".log", level=logging.INFO)
        logging.info('START logging for test firm__get_parameters_from_file in run: %s',
                     environment_directory + identifier + ".xml")

        # Construct firm filename
        environment = Environment(environment_directory,  identifier)

        # get the firm_directory from the environment
        firm_directory = environment.firm_directory
        # and loop over all firms in the directory
        listing = os.listdir(firm_directory)
        firmFilename = firm_directory + listing[0]

        # generate a household
        household = Household()
        household.identifier = "test_household"

        # generate a bank
        bank = Bank()
        bank.identifier = "test_bank"

        # generate a firm
        firm = Firm()
        helper = Helper()
        helper.initialize_standard_firm(firm, environment)
        firm.get_parameters_from_file(firmFilename, environment)

        # TESTING

        # test whether the parameters are read properly
        text = "Identifier has been read as follows: \n"
        text = text + "Identifier: "
        text = text + firm.identifier
        text = text + "\n"
        text = text + "Productivity: "
        text = text + str(firm.parameters["productivity"])
Exemple #2
 def initialize_firms_from_files(self,  firm_directory):
     from src.firm import Firm
     # this routine is called more than once, so we have to reset the list of firms each time
     self.firms = []
     # we list all the files in the specified directory
     listing = os.listdir(firm_directory)
     # and check if the number of files is in line with the parameters
     if (len(listing) != self.num_firms):
         logging.error("    ERROR: number of configuration files in %s (=%s) does not match num_firms (=%s)",
                       firm_directory,  str(len(listing)), str(self.num_firms))
     # we read the files sequentially
     for infile in listing:
         firm = Firm()
         firm.get_parameters_from_file(firm_directory + infile,  self)
         # and read parameters to the firms, only to add them to the environment
Exemple #3
 def initialize_firms_from_files(self,  firm_directory):
     from src.firm import Firm
     # this routine is called more than once, so we have to reset the list of firms each time
     self.firms = []
     # we list all the files in the specified directory
     listing = os.listdir(firm_directory)
     # and check if the number of files is in line with the parameters
     if (len(listing) != self.num_firms):
         logging.error("    ERROR: number of configuration files in %s (=%s) does not match num_firms (=%s)",
                       firm_directory,  str(len(listing)), str(self.num_firms))
     # we read the files sequentially
     for infile in listing:
         firm = Firm()
         firm.get_parameters_from_file(firm_directory + infile,  self)
         # and read parameters to the firms, only to add them to the environment
Exemple #4
    def firm__get_parameters_from_file(self, args):
        import os
        from src.bank import Bank
        from src.household import Household
        from src.firm import Firm
        from src.environment import Environment  # needed for the bankDirectory

        text = "This test checks firm.get_parameters_from_file \n"
        environment_directory = str(args[0])
        identifier = str(args[1])
        log_directory = str(args[2])

        # Configure logging parameters so we get output while the program runs
        logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(message)s',
                            datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S',
                            filename=log_directory + identifier + ".log",
            'START logging for test firm__get_parameters_from_file in run: %s',
            environment_directory + identifier + ".xml")

        # Construct firm filename
        environment = Environment(environment_directory, identifier)

        # get the firm_directory from the environment
        firm_directory = environment.firm_directory
        # and loop over all firms in the directory
        listing = os.listdir(firm_directory)
        firmFilename = firm_directory + listing[0]

        # generate a household
        household = Household()
        household.identifier = "test_household"

        # generate a bank
        bank = Bank()
        bank.identifier = "test_bank"

        # generate a firm
        firm = Firm()
        helper = Helper()
        helper.initialize_standard_firm(firm, environment)
        firm.get_parameters_from_file(firmFilename, environment)

        # TESTING

        # test whether the parameters are read properly
        text = "Identifier has been read as follows: \n"
        text = text + "Identifier: "
        text = text + firm.identifier
        text = text + "\n"
        text = text + "Productivity: "
        text = text + str(firm.parameters["productivity"])