Exemple #1
def pass_processed_seqs(fasta_file, num_done_seqs, fmt_func):
    # Function passes sequences that have been already processed.
    # :param fasta_file: FASTA file instalce;
    # :type fasta_file: str;
    # :param num_done_seqs: amount of sequences that have been already processed;
    # :type num_done_seqs: int;
    # :param fmt_func: function from 'FORMATTING_FUNCS' tuple;

    if num_done_seqs == 0:
        return None  # no sequences have been processed
        i = 0
        while i <= num_done_seqs:

            line = fmt_func(fasta_file.readline())
            if line == "":
                return ""
            # end if
            if line.startswith('>'):
                line = fmt_read_id(line)
                next_id_line = line
                i += 1
            # end if
        # end while

        # return ID of seqeunce, which will be included in the next packet first
        return next_id_line
Exemple #2
def fast5_readids(fast5_file):
    # Generator yields IDs of all reads in a FAST5 file.
    # :param fast5_file: object of HDF5 FAST5 file;
    # :type fast5_file: h5py.File;

    if "Raw" in fast5_file.keys(): # single-FAST5 file
        yield "read_" + fmt_read_id(fast5_file.filename) # name of read is in filename
    else: # multi-FAST5 file
        for readid in fast5_file:
            if readid.startswith("read_"):
                yield readid
Exemple #3
def form_packet_totalbp(fastq_file, packet_size, fmt_func, max_seq_len):
    # Function reads lines from 'fastq_file' and composes a packet of 'packet_size' base pairs.

    # :param fastq_file: file instance from which to read;
    # :type fastq_file: _io.TextIOWrapper or gzip.File;
    # :param packet_size: number of base pairs to retrive from file;
    # :type packet_size: int;
    # :param fmt_func: formating functio nfrom FORMMATING_FUNCS tuple;
    # :param max_seq_len: maximum length of a sequence proessed;
    # :type max_seq_len: int (None if pruning is disabled);

    packet = ""
    qual_dict = dict() # {<seq_id>: <read_quality>}
    eof = False

    totalbp = 0

    while totalbp < packet_size:

            read_id = fmt_func(fastq_file.readline())
        except UnicodeDecodeError as err:
            printlog_warning("Warning: current file is broken: {}."\
            printlog_warning("File: `{}`".format(os.path.abspath(fastq_file.name)))
            printlog_warning("Ceasing reading sequences from this file.")
            eof = True
        # end try

        if read_id == "": # if eof is reached, leave now
            eof = True
        # end if

        read_id = fmt_read_id(read_id)
        seq = fmt_func(fastq_file.readline())
        fastq_file.readline() # pass comment
        avg_qual = get_read_avg_qual( fmt_func(fastq_file.readline()) )

        packet += read_id + '\n' + seq + '\n'
        qual_dict[read_id[1:]] = avg_qual

        totalbp += min(len(seq), max_seq_len)
    # end while

    if max_seq_len < float("inf"): # prune sequences
        packet = prune_seqs(packet, max_seq_len)
    # end if

    return {"fasta": packet, "qual": qual_dict}, eof
Exemple #4
def bin_fastqa_file(fq_fa_lst, tax_annot_res_dir, sens, n_thr, min_qual,
                    min_qlen, min_pident, min_coverage, no_trash):
    # Function for parallel binning FASTQ and FASTA files.
    # Actually bins multiple files.
    # :param fq_fa_lst: lsit of paths to FASTQ (of FASTA) file meant to be processed;
    # :type fq_fa_lst: list<str>;
    # :param min_qual: threshold for quality filter;
    # :type min_qual: float;
    # :param min_qlen: threshold for length filter;
    # :type min_qlen: int (or None, if this filter is disabled);
    # :param min_pident: threshold for alignment identity filter;
    # :type min_pident: float (or None, if this filter is disabled);
    # :param min_coverage: threshold for alignment coverage filter;
    # :type min_coverage: float (or None, if this filter is disabled);
    # :param no_trash: loical value. True if user does NOT want to output trash files;
    # :type no_trash: bool;

    outdir_path = os.path.dirname(

    seqs_pass = 0  # counter for sequences, which pass filters
    QL_seqs_fail = 0  # counter for too short or too low-quality sequences
    align_seqs_fail = 0  # counter for sequences, which align to their best hit with too low identity or coverage

    for fq_fa_path in fq_fa_lst:

        new_dpath = get_curr_res_dpath(fq_fa_path, tax_annot_res_dir)
        tsv_res_fpath = get_res_tsv_fpath(new_dpath)
        taxonomy_path = os.path.join(tax_annot_res_dir, "taxonomy",
        resfile_lines = configure_resfile_lines(tsv_res_fpath, sens,

        # Configure path to trash file
        if is_fastq(fq_fa_path):
            seq_records_generator = fastq_records
            write_fun = write_fastq_record
            seq_records_generator = fasta_records
            write_fun = write_fasta_record
        # end if

        # Make filter for quality and length
        QL_filter = get_QL_filter(fq_fa_path, min_qual, min_qlen)
        # Configure path to trash file
        if not no_trash:
            QL_trash_fpath = get_QL_trash_fpath(
            QL_trash_fpath = None
        # end if

        # Make filter for identity and coverage
        align_filter = get_align_filter(min_pident, min_coverage)
        # Configure path to this trash file
        if not no_trash:
            align_trash_fpath = get_align_trash_fpath(fq_fa_path, outdir_path,
                                                      min_pident, min_coverage)
            align_trash_fpath = None
        # end if

        # Create an iterator that will yield records
        seq_records_iterator = iter(seq_records_generator(fq_fa_path))
        # Dict for storing batches of sequences meant to be written to output files:
        to_write = dict()
        stop = False  # for outer while-loop

        while not stop:

            # Extract batch of records of 'n_thr' size and find their destination paths:
            for _ in range(n_thr):

                    fastqa_rec = next(seq_records_iterator)
                except StopIteration:
                    stop = True  # for outer while-loop
                # end try

                read_name = sys.intern(fmt_read_id(
                    fastqa_rec["seq_id"])[1:])  # get ID of the sequence

                    hit_names, *vals_to_filter = resfile_lines[
                        read_name]  # find hit corresponding to this sequence
                except KeyError:
                    printlog_error_time("Error: read `{}` not found in TSV file containing taxonomic annotation."\
                    printlog_error("This TSV file: `{}`".format(tsv_res_fpath))
                        "Make sure that this read has been already processed by \
`barapost-prober.py` and `barapost-local.py`.")
                # end try

                # If read is found in TSV file:
                if not QL_filter(vals_to_filter):
                    # Place this sequence to QL trash file
                    to_write[read_name] = (fastqa_rec, QL_trash_fpath)
                    QL_seqs_fail += 1
                elif not align_filter(vals_to_filter):
                    # Place this sequence to QL trash file
                    to_write[read_name] = (fastqa_rec, align_trash_fpath)
                    align_seqs_fail += 1
                    for hit_name in hit_names.split("&&"):
                        # Get name of result FASTQ file to write this read in
                        binned_file_path = os.path.join(
                            outdir_path, "{}.fast{}".format(
                                'q' if is_fastq(fq_fa_path) else 'a'))
                        to_write[read_name] = (fastqa_rec, binned_file_path)
                    # end for
                    seqs_pass += 1
                # end if
            # end for

            # Write batch of records to output files:
            with write_lock:
                for record, fpath in to_write.values():
                    write_fun(fpath, record)
                # end for
            # end with
        # end while

        with write_lock:
            # Write the rest of 'uneven' data to output files:
            if len(to_write) != 0:
                for record, fpath in to_write.values():
                    write_fun(fpath, record)
                # end for
            # end if
            printlog_info_time("File `{}` is binned.".format(
            printn(" Working...")
        # end with
    # end for

    return (seqs_pass, QL_seqs_fail, align_seqs_fail)
Exemple #5
def fasta_packets(fasta,
    # Generator yields fasta-formattedpackets of records from fasta file.
    # This function passes 'num_done_seqs' sequences (i.e. they will not be processed)
    #     to 'pass_processed_files'.
    # :param fasta: path to fasta file;
    # :type fasta: str;
    # :param packet_size: number of sequences to align in one request ('blastn' launching);
    # :type packet_size: int;
    # :param num_done_seqs: number of sequnces in current file that have been already processed;
    # :type num_done_seqs: int;
    # :param packet_mode: packet mode (see -c option);
    # :type packet_mode: int;
    # :param saved_packet_size: size of last sent packet from tmp file. Necessary for resumption.
    #   It will be None, if no tmp file was in classification directory;
    # :type saved_packet_size: int;
    # :param saved_packet_mode: mode used whilst formig the last sent packet from tmp file.
    #   Necessary for resumption. It will be None, if no tmp file was in classification directory;
    # :type saved_packet_mode: int;
    # :param max_seq_len: maximum length of a sequence proessed;
    # :type max_seq_len: int (float("inf") if pruning is disabled);

    how_to_open = OPEN_FUNCS[is_gzipped(fasta)]
    fmt_func = FORMATTING_FUNCS[is_gzipped(fasta)]

    with how_to_open(fasta) as fasta_file:
        # Next line retrieving is implemented as simple line-from-file reading.
        get_next_line = lambda: fmt_func(fasta_file.readline())

        # Variable that contains ID of next sequence in current FASTA file.
        # If no or all sequences in current FASTA file have been already processed, this variable is None.
        # There is no way to count sequences in multi-FASTA file, accept of counting sequence IDs.
        # Therefore 'next_id_line' should be saved in memory just after moment when packet is formed.
        next_id_line = pass_processed_seqs(fasta_file, num_done_seqs, fmt_func)

        if next_id_line == "":
            yield {"fasta": "", "qual": dict()}
        # end if

        packet = ""

        # We are resuming, nucleotide sequence will be saved in 'line' variable here:
            line = get_next_line()
        except UnicodeDecodeError as err:
            printlog_warning("Warning: current file is broken: {}."\
            printlog_warning("File: `{}`".format(fasta))
            printlog_warning("Ceasing reading sequences from this file.")
        # end try

        if line.startswith('>'):
            line = fmt_read_id(line)  # format sequence ID
        # end if

        # If some sequences have been passed, this if-statement will be executed.
        # New packet should start with sequence ID line.
        if not next_id_line is None:
            packet += next_id_line + '\n'
        # end if
        packet += line + '\n'  # add recently read line

        # Here goes check for saved packet size and mode:
        if not saved_packet_size is None:
            wrk_pack_size = saved_packet_size
            wrk_pack_size = packet_size
        # end if

        if not saved_packet_mode is None:
            wrk_pack_mode = saved_packet_mode
            wrk_pack_mode = packet_mode
        # end if

        eof = False
        while not eof:  # till the end of file

            counter = 0  # variable for counting sequences within packet
            seqlen = 0

            while counter < wrk_pack_size:

                    line = get_next_line()
                except UnicodeDecodeError as err:
                    printlog_warning("Warning: current file is broken: {}."\
                    printlog_warning("File: `{}`".format(fasta))
                        "Ceasing reading sequences from this file.")
                    line = ""
                # end try

                if line.startswith('>'):
                    line = fmt_read_id(line)
                    if packet_mode == 0:
                        counter += 1
                        counter += min(seqlen, max_seq_len)
                        seqlen = 0
                    # end if
                # end if

                if line == "":  # if end of file (data) is reached
                # end if

                if not line.startswith('>'):
                    seqlen += len(line.strip())
                # end if

                packet += line + '\n'  # add line to packet
            # end while

            if line != "":
                next_id_line = packet.splitlines()[
                    -1]  # save sequence ID next packet will start with
                packet = '\n'.join(packet.splitlines()
                                   [:-1])  # exclude 'next_id_line' from packet
                eof = True
                next_id_line = None
            # end if

            # Get list of sequence IDs:
            names = filter(lambda l: l.startswith('>'), packet.splitlines())
            names = map(lambda l: l.replace('>', ''), names)

            # {<seq_id>: '-'}, as soon as it is a fasta file
            qual_dict = {name: '-' for name in names}

            if max_seq_len < float("inf"):  # prune sequences
                packet = prune_seqs(packet, max_seq_len)
            # end if

            if packet != "":
                yield {"fasta": packet, "qual": qual_dict}

                if packet_mode == 0:
                    probing_batch_size -= wrk_pack_size
                    wrk_pack_size = min(packet_size, probing_batch_size)
                    probing_batch_size -= len(qual_dict)
                # end if

                # Switch back to standart packet size
                # As Vorotos said, repeated assignment is the best check:
                if wrk_pack_mode != packet_mode:
                    wrk_pack_mode = packet_mode
                # end if

                if not next_id_line is None:
                    packet = next_id_line + '\n'
                # end if
Exemple #6
def fasta_packets_from_str(data, packet_size):
    # Generator retrieves 'packet_size' records from 'fasta'
    #     no matter whether is it path to FASTA file of actual FASTA data of 'str' type.
    # :param data: FASTA-formatted string;
    # :type data: str;
    # :param packet_size: number of sequences to align in one 'blastn' launching;
    # :type packet_size: int;

    fasta_lines = data.splitlines()
    fasta_lines.append("")  # append fictive value imitating end of file
    del data  # let interpreter get rid of this large string -- we do not need it any more

    qual_dict = dict(
    )  # {<seq_id>: '-'}, as soon as fasta file is being processed

    # Variable for counting lines (it is list in order to circumvent immutability of int type)
    line_i = 0

    # Variable that contains id of next sequence in current FASTA file.
    # If no or all sequences in current FASTA file have been already processed, this variable is None.
    # There is no way to count sequences in multi-FASTA file, accept of counting sequence IDs.
    # Therefore 'next_id_line' should be saved in memory after moment when packet is formed.
    next_id_line = None

    # The first line is always a sequence ID if data is not a file, but a fasta-formatted string.
    #   Because in this case all "done" sequences are already passed by function 'fasta_packets'
    line = fmt_read_id(fasta_lines[line_i])
    line_i += 1

    packet = line + '\n'  # add recently read line

    eof = False

    # Iterate over packets left to process
    while not eof:

        i = 0  # variable for counting sequenes within packet

        while i < packet_size:

            line = fasta_lines[line_i]

            if line == "":  # if end of data is reached
                eof = True
            # end if

            line_i += 1

            if line.startswith('>'):
                line = fmt_read_id(line)
                i += 1
            # end if
            packet += line + '\n'  # add line to packet
        # end while

        if line != "":
            next_id_line = packet.splitlines()[
                -1]  # save sequence ID next packet will start with
            packet = '\n'.join(
                packet.splitlines()[:-1])  # exclude 'next_id_line' from packet
            next_id_line = None
        # end if

        # Get list of sequence IDs:
        names = filter(lambda l: l.startswith('>'), packet.splitlines())
        names = map(lambda l: l.replace('>', ''), names)

        for name in names:
            qual_dict[name] = '-'  # there is no quality info in fasta files
        # end for

        # No way to get quality from fasta-formatted string.
        # However, we will have it from 'packet_generator()' launching
        #   (see function 'process' in src/barapost_local_modules/parallel_single_file.py).
        if packet != "":
            yield {"fasta": packet, "qual": qual_dict}
            # Reset packet
            if not next_id_line is None:
                packet = next_id_line + '\n'
                qual_dict = dict()
            # end if
def map_f5reads_2_taxann(f5_path, tsv_taxann_lst, tax_annot_res_dir):
    # Function perform mapping of all reads stored in input FAST5 files
    #     to existing TSV files containing taxonomic annotation info.
    # It creates an DBM index file.
    # :param f5_path: path to current FAST5 file;
    # :type f5_path: str;
    # :param tsv_taxann_lst: list of path to TSV files that contain taxonomic annotation;
    # :type tsv_taxann_lst: list<str>;
    # :param tax_annot_res_dir: path to directory containing taxonomic annotation;
    # :type tax_annot_res_dir: str;

    index_dirpath = os.path.join(
        index_name)  # name of directory that will contain indicies

    # File validation:
    #   RuntimeError will be raised if FAST5 file is broken.
        # File existance checking is performed while parsing CL arguments.
        # Therefore, this if-statement will trigger only if f5_path's file is not a valid HDF5 file.
        if not h5py.is_hdf5(f5_path):
            raise RuntimeError("file is not of HDF5 (i.e. not FAST5) format")
        # end if

        f5_file = h5py.File(f5_path, 'r')

        for _ in f5_file:
        # end for
    except RuntimeError as runterr:
        printlog_error_time("FAST5 file is broken")
        printlog_error("Reading the file `{}` crashed.".format(
        printlog_error("Reason: {}".format(str(runterr)))
        printlog_error("Omitting this file...")
    # end try

    readids_to_seek = list(fast5_readids(f5_file))
    idx_dict = dict()  # dictionary for index

    # This saving is needed to compare with 'len(readids_to_seek)'
    #    after all TSV will be looked through in order to
    #    determine if some reads miss taxonomic annotation.
    len_before = len(readids_to_seek)

    # Iterate over TSV-taaxnn file
    for tsv_taxann_fpath in tsv_taxann_lst:

        with open(tsv_taxann_fpath, 'r') as taxann_file:

            # Get all read IDs in current TSV
            readids_in_tsv = list(
                map(lambda l: l.split('\t')[0], taxann_file.readlines()))

            # Iterate over all other reads in current FAST5
            #    ('reversed' is necessary because we remove items from list in this loop)
            for readid in reversed(readids_to_seek):
                fmt_id = fmt_read_id(readid)[1:]
                if fmt_id in readids_in_tsv:
                    # If not first -- write data to dict (and to index later)
                            "read_" + fmt_id)  # append to existing list
                    except KeyError:
                        idx_dict[tsv_taxann_fpath] = ["read_" + fmt_id
                                                      ]  # create a new list
                    # end try
                # end if
            # end for
        # end with
        if len(readids_to_seek) == 0:
        # end if
    # end for

    # If after all TSV is checked but nothing have changed -- we miss taxonomic annotation
    #     for some reads! And we will write their IDs to 'missing_reads_lst.txt' file.
    if len(readids_to_seek) == len_before:
        printlog_error_time("reads from FAST5 file not found")
        printlog_error("FAST5 file: `{}`".format(f5_path))
        printlog_error("Some reads have not undergone taxonomic annotation.")
        missing_log = "missing_reads_lst.txt"
        printlog_error("List of missing reads are in following file:")
        with open(missing_log, 'w') as missing_logfile:
                "Missing reads from file '{}':\n\n".format(f5_path))
            for readid in readids_to_seek:
                missing_logfile.write(fmt_read_id(readid) + '\n')
            # end for
            for path in glob(os.path.join(index_dirpath, '*')):
            # end for
        except OSError as oserr:
                "Error occured while removing index directory: {}".format(
        # end try
    # end if

        # Open index files appending to existing data ('c' parameter)
        with open_shelve(os.path.join(index_dirpath, index_name),
                         'c') as index_f5_2_tsv:
            # Update index
            index_f5_2_tsv[f5_path] = idx_dict
        # end with
    except OSError as oserr:
        printlog_error_time("Error: cannot create index file `{}`"\
            .format(os.path.join(index_dirpath, index_name)))
def bin_fast5_file(f5_path, tax_annot_res_dir, sens, min_qual, min_qlen,
                   min_pident, min_coverage, no_trash):
    # Function bins FAST5 file with untwisting.
    # :param f5_path: path to FAST5 file meant to be processed;
    # :type f5_path: str;
    # :param tax_annot_res_dir: path to directory containing taxonomic annotation;
    # :type tax_annot_res_dir: str;
    # :param sens: binning sensitivity;
    # :type sens: str;
    # :param min_qual: threshold for quality filter;
    # :type min_qual: float;
    # :param min_qlen: threshold for length filter;
    # :type min_qlen: int (or None, if this filter is disabled);
    # :param min_pident: threshold for alignment identity filter;
    # :type min_pident: float (or None, if this filter is disabled);
    # :param min_coverage: threshold for alignment coverage filter;
    # :type min_coverage: float (or None, if this filter is disabled);
    # :param no_trash: loical value. True if user does NOT want to output trash files;
    # :type no_trash: bool;

    outdir_path = os.path.dirname(

    seqs_pass = 0  # counter for sequences, which pass filters
    QL_seqs_fail = 0  # counter for too short or too low-quality sequences
    align_seqs_fail = 0  # counter for sequences, which align to their best hit with too low identity or coverage

    srt_file_dict = dict()

    index_dirpath = os.path.join(
        index_name)  # name of directory that will contain indicies

    # Make filter for quality and length
    QL_filter = get_QL_filter(f5_path, min_qual, min_qlen)
    # Configure path to trash file
    if not no_trash:
        QL_trash_fpath = get_QL_trash_fpath(
        QL_trash_fpath = None
    # end if

    # Make filter for identity and coverage
    align_filter = get_align_filter(min_pident, min_coverage)
    # Configure path to this trash file
    if not no_trash:
        align_trash_fpath = get_align_trash_fpath(f5_path, outdir_path,
                                                  min_pident, min_coverage)
        align_trash_fpath = None
    # end if

    # File validation:
    #   RuntimeError will be raised if FAST5 file is broken.
        # File existance checking is performed while parsing CL arguments.
        # Therefore, this if-statement will trigger only if f5_path's file is not a valid HDF5 file.
        if not h5py.is_hdf5(f5_path):
            raise RuntimeError("file is not of HDF5 (i.e. not FAST5) format")
        # end if

        from_f5 = h5py.File(f5_path, 'r')

        for _ in from_f5:
        # end for
    except RuntimeError as runterr:
        printlog_error_time("FAST5 file is broken")
        printlog_error("Reading the file `{}` crashed.".format(
        printlog_error("Reason: {}".format(str(runterr)))
        printlog_error("Omitting this file...")
        # Return zeroes -- inc_val won't be incremented and this file will be omitted
        return (0, 0, 0)
    # end try

    # singleFAST5 and multiFAST5 files should be processed in different ways
    # "Raw" group always in singleFAST5 root and never in multiFAST5 root
    if "Raw" in from_f5.keys():
        f5_cpy_func = copy_single_f5
        f5_cpy_func = copy_read_f5_2_f5
    # end if

    readids_to_seek = list(from_f5.keys())  # list of not-binned-yet read IDs

    # Fill the list 'readids_to_seek'
    for read_name in fast5_readids(from_f5):
        # Get rid of "read_"
    # end for

    # Walk through the index
    index_f5_2_tsv = open_shelve(os.path.join(index_dirpath, index_name), 'r')

    if not f5_path in index_f5_2_tsv.keys():
            "Source FAST5 file `{}` not found in index".format(f5_path))
        printlog_error("Try to rebuild index")
    # end if

    for tsv_path in index_f5_2_tsv[f5_path].keys():

        read_names = index_f5_2_tsv[f5_path][tsv_path]
        taxonomy_path = os.path.join(tax_annot_res_dir, "taxonomy",
        resfile_lines = configure_resfile_lines(tsv_path, sens, taxonomy_path)

        for read_name in read_names:
                hit_names, *vals_to_filter = resfile_lines[sys.intern(
            except KeyError:
                printlog_error_time("Error: missing taxonomic annotation info for read `{}`"\
                    "It is stored in `{}` FAST5 file".format(f5_path))
                    "Try to make new index file (press ENTER on corresponding prompt)."
                    "Or, if does not work for you, make sure that taxonomic annotation info \
for this read is present in one of TSV files generated by `barapost-prober.py` and `barapost-local.py`."
            # end try

            if not QL_filter(vals_to_filter):
                # Get name of result FASTQ file to write this read in
                if QL_trash_fpath not in srt_file_dict.keys():
                    srt_file_dict = update_file_dict(srt_file_dict,
                # end if
                f5_cpy_func(from_f5, read_name, srt_file_dict[QL_trash_fpath])
                QL_seqs_fail += 1
            elif not align_filter(vals_to_filter):
                # Get name of result FASTQ file to write this read in
                if align_trash_fpath not in srt_file_dict.keys():
                    srt_file_dict = update_file_dict(srt_file_dict,
                # end if
                f5_cpy_func(from_f5, read_name,
                align_seqs_fail += 1
                for hit_name in hit_names.split(
                ):  # there can be multiple hits for single query sequence
                    # Get name of result FASTQ file to write this read in
                    binned_file_path = os.path.join(
                        outdir_path, "{}.fast5".format(hit_name))
                    if binned_file_path not in srt_file_dict.keys():
                        srt_file_dict = update_file_dict(
                            srt_file_dict, binned_file_path)
                    # end if
                    f5_cpy_func(from_f5, read_name,
                # end for
                seqs_pass += 1
            # end if
        # end for


    # Close all binned files
    for file_obj in filter(lambda x: not x is None, srt_file_dict.values()):
    # end for

    printlog_info_time("File `{}` is binned.".format(
    printn(" Working...")

    return (seqs_pass, QL_seqs_fail, align_seqs_fail)
def bin_fastqa_file(fq_fa_path, tax_annot_res_dir, sens, min_qual, min_qlen,
                    min_pident, min_coverage, no_trash):
    # Function for single-thread binning FASTQ and FASTA files.
    # :param fq_fa_path: path to FASTQ (of FASTA) file meant to be processed;
    # :type fq_fa_path: str;
    # :param tax_annot_res_dir: path to directory containing taxonomic annotation;
    # :type tax_annot_res_dir: str;
    # :param sens: binning sensitivity;
    # :type sens: str;
    # :param min_qual: threshold for quality filter;
    # :type min_qual: float;
    # :param min_qlen: threshold for length filter;
    # :type min_qlen: int (or None, if this filter is disabled);
    # :param min_pident: threshold for alignment identity filter;
    # :type min_pident: float (or None, if this filter is disabled);
    # :param min_coverage: threshold for alignment coverage filter;
    # :type min_coverage: float (or None, if this filter is disabled);
    # :param no_trash: loical value. True if user does NOT want to output trash files;
    # :type no_trash: bool;

    outdir_path = os.path.dirname(

    seqs_pass = 0  # counter for sequences, which pass filters
    QL_seqs_fail = 0  # counter for too short or too low-quality sequences
    align_seqs_fail = 0  # counter for sequences, which align to their best hit with too low identity or coverage

    srt_file_dict = dict(
    )  # dict containing file objects of existing output files

    new_dpath = get_curr_res_dpath(fq_fa_path, tax_annot_res_dir)
    tsv_res_fpath = get_res_tsv_fpath(new_dpath)
    taxonomy_path = os.path.join(tax_annot_res_dir, "taxonomy", "taxonomy.tsv")
    resfile_lines = configure_resfile_lines(tsv_res_fpath, sens, taxonomy_path)

    # Configure generator, write function and path to trash file
    if is_fastq(fq_fa_path):
        seq_records_generator = fastq_records
        write_fun = write_fastq_record
        seq_records_generator = fasta_records
        write_fun = write_fasta_record
    # end if

    # Make filter for quality and length
    QL_filter = get_QL_filter(fq_fa_path, min_qual, min_qlen)
    # Configure path to trash file
    if not no_trash:
        QL_trash_fpath = get_QL_trash_fpath(
        QL_trash_fpath = None
    # end if

    # Make filter for identity and coverage
    align_filter = get_align_filter(min_pident, min_coverage)
    # Configure path to this trash file
    if not no_trash:
        align_trash_fpath = get_align_trash_fpath(fq_fa_path, outdir_path,
                                                  min_pident, min_coverage)
        align_trash_fpath = None
    # end if

    for fastq_rec in seq_records_generator(fq_fa_path):

        read_name = sys.intern(fmt_read_id(
            fastq_rec["seq_id"])[1:])  # get ID of the sequence

            hit_names, *vals_to_filter = resfile_lines[
                read_name]  # find hit corresponding to this sequence
        except KeyError:
            printlog_error_time("Error: read `{}` not found in TSV file containing taxonomic annotation."\
            printlog_error("This TSV file: `{}`".format(tsv_res_fpath))
            printlog_error("Make sure that this read has been already \
                processed by `barapost-prober.py` and `barapost-local.py`.")
        # end try

        # Apply filters
        if not QL_filter(vals_to_filter):
            QL_seqs_fail += 1
            # Place this sequence to QL trash file
            if QL_trash_fpath not in srt_file_dict.keys():
                srt_file_dict = update_file_dict(srt_file_dict, QL_trash_fpath)
            # end if
                      fastq_rec)  # write current read to binned file

        elif not align_filter(vals_to_filter):
            align_seqs_fail += 1
            # Place this sequence to align_trash file
            if align_trash_fpath not in srt_file_dict.keys():
                srt_file_dict = update_file_dict(srt_file_dict,
            # end if
                      fastq_rec)  # write current read to binned file

            for hit_name in hit_names.split(
            ):  # there can be multiple hits for single query sequence
                # Get name of result FASTQ file to write this read in
                binned_file_path = os.path.join(
                                       'q' if is_fastq(fq_fa_path) else 'a'))
                if binned_file_path not in srt_file_dict.keys():
                    srt_file_dict = update_file_dict(srt_file_dict,
                # end if
                          fastq_rec)  # write current read to binned file
            # end for
            seqs_pass += 1
        # end if
    # end for

    # Close all binned files
    for file_obj in filter(lambda x: not x is None, srt_file_dict.values()):
    # end for

    printlog_info_time("File `{}` is binned.".format(
    printn(" Working...")

    return (seqs_pass, QL_seqs_fail, align_seqs_fail)
Exemple #10
def bin_fast5_file(f5_path, tax_annot_res_dir, sens, min_qual, min_qlen,
    min_pident, min_coverage, no_trash):
    # Function bins FAST5 file without untwisting.
    # :param f5_path: path to FAST5 file meant to be processed;
    # :type f5_path: str;
    # :param tax_annot_res_dir: path to directory containing taxonomic annotation;
    # :type tax_annot_res_dir: str;
    # :param sens: binning sensitivity;
    # :type sens: str;
    # :param min_qual: threshold for quality filter;
    # :type min_qual: float;
    # :param min_qlen: threshold for length filter;
    # :type min_qlen: int (or None, if this filter is disabled);
    # :param min_pident: threshold for alignment identity filter;
    # :type min_pident: float (or None, if this filter is disabled);
    # :param min_coverage: threshold for alignment coverage filter;
    # :type min_coverage: float (or None, if this filter is disabled);
    # :param no_trash: loical value. True if user does NOT want to output trash files;
    # :type no_trash: bool;

    outdir_path = os.path.dirname(logging.getLoggerClass().root.handlers[0].baseFilename)

    seqs_pass = 0 # counter for sequences, which pass filters
    QL_seqs_fail = 0 # counter for too short or too low-quality sequences
    align_seqs_fail = 0 # counter for sequences, which align to their best hit with too low identity or coverage

    srt_file_dict = dict()

    new_dpath = glob("{}{}*{}*".format(tax_annot_res_dir, os.sep, get_checkstr(f5_path)))[0]
    tsv_res_fpath = get_res_tsv_fpath(new_dpath)
    taxonomy_path = os.path.join(tax_annot_res_dir, "taxonomy", "taxonomy.tsv")
    resfile_lines = configure_resfile_lines(tsv_res_fpath, sens, taxonomy_path)

    # Make filter for quality and length
    QL_filter = get_QL_filter(f5_path, min_qual, min_qlen)
    # Configure path to trash file
    if not no_trash:
        QL_trash_fpath = get_QL_trash_fpath(f5_path, outdir_path, min_qual, min_qlen,)
        QL_trash_fpath = None
    # end if

    # Make filter for identity and coverage
    align_filter = get_align_filter(min_pident, min_coverage)
    # Configure path to this trash file
    if not no_trash:
        align_trash_fpath = get_align_trash_fpath(f5_path, outdir_path, min_pident, min_coverage)
        align_trash_fpath = None
    # end if

    # File validation:
    #   RuntimeError will be raised if FAST5 file is broken.
        # File existance checking is performed while parsing CL arguments.
        # Therefore, this if-statement will trigger only if f5_path's file is not a valid HDF5 file.
        if not h5py.is_hdf5(f5_path):
            raise RuntimeError("file is not of HDF5 (i.e. not FAST5) format")
        # end if

        from_f5 = h5py.File(f5_path, 'r')

        for _ in from_f5:
        # end for
    except RuntimeError as runterr:
        printlog_error_time("FAST5 file is broken")
        printlog_error("Reading the file `{}` crashed.".format(os.path.basename(f5_path)))
        printlog_error("Reason: {}".format( str(runterr) ))
        printlog_error("Omitting this file...")
        # Return zeroes -- inc_val won't be incremented and this file will be omitted
        return (0, 0, 0)
    # end try

    # singleFAST5 and multiFAST5 files should be processed in different ways
    # "Raw" group always in singleFAST5 root and never in multiFAST5 root
    if "Raw" in from_f5.keys():
        f5_cpy_func = copy_single_f5
        f5_cpy_func = copy_read_f5_2_f5
    # end if

    for _, read_name in enumerate(fast5_readids(from_f5)):

            hit_names, *vals_to_filter = resfile_lines[sys.intern(fmt_read_id(read_name))[1:]] # omit 'read_' in the beginning of FAST5 group's name
        except KeyError:
            printlog_error_time("Error: read `{}` not found in TSV file containing taxonomic annotation."\
            printlog_error("This TSV file: `{}`".format(tsv_res_fpath))
            printlog_error("Try running barapost-binning with `-u` (`--untwist-fast5`) flag.\n")
        # end try
        # If read is found in TSV file:
        if not QL_filter(vals_to_filter):
            QL_seqs_fail += 1
            # Get name of result FASTQ file to write this read in
            if QL_trash_fpath not in srt_file_dict.keys():
                srt_file_dict = update_file_dict(srt_file_dict, QL_trash_fpath)
            # end if
            f5_cpy_func(from_f5, read_name, srt_file_dict[QL_trash_fpath])
        elif not align_filter(vals_to_filter):
            align_seqs_fail += 1
            # Get name of result FASTQ file to write this read in
            if QL_trash_fpath not in srt_file_dict.keys():
                srt_file_dict = update_file_dict(srt_file_dict, align_trash_fpath)
            # end if
            f5_cpy_func(from_f5, read_name, srt_file_dict[align_trash_fpath])
            for hit_name in hit_names.split("&&"): # there can be multiple hits for single query sequence
                # Get name of result FASTQ file to write this read in
                binned_file_path = os.path.join(outdir_path, "{}.fast5".format(hit_name))
                if binned_file_path not in srt_file_dict.keys():
                    srt_file_dict = update_file_dict(srt_file_dict, binned_file_path)
                # end if
                f5_cpy_func(from_f5, read_name, srt_file_dict[binned_file_path])
            # end for
            seqs_pass += 1
        # end if
    # end for


    # Close all binned files
    for file_obj in filter(lambda x: not x is None, srt_file_dict.values()):
    # end for

    printlog_info_time("File `{}` is binned.".format(os.path.basename(f5_path)))
    printn(" Working...")

    return (seqs_pass, QL_seqs_fail, align_seqs_fail)