def draw_circuit(self, tex_dir="./circuit_tex", write_to_file=True):
        r"""Draw the circuit using the Qcircuit :math:`\LaTeX` package.

        This will generate the LaTeX code required to draw the quantum circuit
        diagram corresponding to the Program.

        The drawing of the following Xanadu supported operations are currently supported:

        .. rst-class:: docstable

        |     Gate type     |                                                                            Supported gates                                                                             |
        | Single mode gates | :class:`~.Dgate`, :class:`~.Xgate`, :class:`~.Zgate`, :class:`~.Sgate`, :class:`~.Rgate`, :class:`~.Pgate`, :class:`~.Vgate`, :class:`~.Kgate`, :class:`~.Fouriergate` |
        | Two mode gates    | :class:`~.BSgate`, :class:`~.S2gate`, :class:`~.CXgate`, :class:`~.CZgate`, :class:`~.CKgate`                                                                          |

        .. note::

            Measurement operations :class:`~.MeasureHomodyne`, :class:`~.MeasureHeterodyne`,
            and :class:`~.MeasureFock` are not currently supported.

            tex_dir (str): relative directory for latex document output
            write_to_file (bool): if False, no output file is created

            list[str]: filename of the written tex document and the written tex content
        drawer = sfcd.Circuit(wires=self.init_num_subsystems)
        tex = drawer.dump_to_document()

        document = None
        if write_to_file:
            document = drawer.compile_document(tex_dir=tex_dir)

        return [document, tex]
Exemple #2
    def draw_circuit(self, tex_dir='./circuit_tex', write_to_file=True):
        r"""Draw the circuit using the Qcircuit :math:`\LaTeX` package.

        This will generate the LaTeX code required to draw the quantum circuit
        diagram corresponding to the Program.

            tex_dir (str): relative directory for latex document output
            write_to_file (bool): if False, no output file is created

            list[str]: filename of the written tex document and the written tex content
        drawer = sfcd.Circuit(wires=self.init_num_subsystems)
        tex = drawer.dump_to_document()

        document = None
        if write_to_file:
            document = drawer.compile_document(tex_dir=tex_dir)

        return [document, tex]