Exemple #1
def start_runs():
    collector = createCollector.createCollector("DOMFuzz")
    except Exception:

    many_timed_runs(None, sps.createWtmpDir(os.getcwdu()), sys.argv[1:], collector, quiet=False)
Exemple #2
def mightUseDivision(code):
    # Work around MSVC division inconsistencies (bug 948321)
    # by leaving division out of *-cj-in.js files on Windows.
    # (Unfortunately, this will also match regexps and a bunch
    # of other things.)
    i = 0
    while i < len(code):
        if code[i] == '/':
            if i + 1 < len(code) and (code[i + 1] == '/' or code[i + 1] == '*'):
                # An open-comment like "//" or "/*" is okay. Skip the next character.
                i += 1
            elif i > 0 and code[i - 1] == '*':
                # A close-comment like "*/" is okay too.
                # Plain "/" could be division (or regexp or something else)
                return True
        i += 1
    return False

assert not mightUseDivision("//")
assert not mightUseDivision("// a")
assert not mightUseDivision("/*FOO*/")
assert mightUseDivision("a / b")
assert mightUseDivision("eval('/**/'); a / b;")
assert mightUseDivision("eval('//x'); a / b;")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    many_timed_runs(None, sps.createWtmpDir(os.getcwdu()), sys.argv[1:], createCollector.createCollector("jsfunfuzz"))
    # metaMax controls how many [generated js functions] each browser instance will run
    # (but fuzz-finish-auto also enforces a time limit)
    # Want it small:
    #   Deterministic repro from seed (because of time limit) (but how often do we actually repro-from-seed? and this is fixable)
    #   Limit on how much work Lithium has (but how much time do we spend in Lithium, compared to fuzzing?)
    #   Waste less time in huge GCs (especially with fuzzMultiDoc)
    #   Small variations on initial reftests are often the most interesting
    #   Less chance for the fuzzer to tie itself in exponential knots, and hang unexpectedly (e.g. repeated cloneNode)
    # Want it large:
    #   Depth is more important as we scale
    #   Depth is important to fuzzerRandomJS
    #   Waste less time in startup, shutdown
    #   Waste less time parsing breakpad symbol files (!)
    #   Waste less time waiting for hanging testcases (?)

    metaMax = 30000

    return "#fuzz=" + str(metaSeed) + ",0," + str(metaPer) + "," + str(metaInterval) + "," + str(metaMax) + ",0"

def afterColon(s):
    tail = s.partition(": ")[2]
    return tail.strip()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    many_timed_runs(None, sps.createWtmpDir(os.getcwdu()), sys.argv[1:], createCollector.createCollector("DOMFuzz"), quiet=False)
Exemple #4
    # Work around MSVC division inconsistencies (bug 948321)
    # by leaving division out of *-cj-in.js files on Windows.
    # (Unfortunately, this will also match regexps and a bunch
    # of other things.)
    i = 0
    while i < len(code):
        if code[i] == '/':
            if i + 1 < len(code) and (code[i + 1] == '/'
                                      or code[i + 1] == '*'):
                # An open-comment like "//" or "/*" is okay. Skip the next character.
                i += 1
            elif i > 0 and code[i - 1] == '*':
                # A close-comment like "*/" is okay too.
                # Plain "/" could be division (or regexp or something else)
                return True
        i += 1
    return False

assert not mightUseDivision("//")
assert not mightUseDivision("// a")
assert not mightUseDivision("/*FOO*/")
assert mightUseDivision("a / b")
assert mightUseDivision("eval('/**/'); a / b;")
assert mightUseDivision("eval('//x'); a / b;")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    many_timed_runs(None, sps.createWtmpDir(os.getcwdu()), sys.argv[1:])
Exemple #5
    # metaMax controls how many [generated js functions] each browser instance will run
    # (but fuzz-finish-auto also enforces a time limit)
    # Want it small:
    #   Deterministic repro from seed (because of time limit) (but how often do we actually repro-from-seed? and this is fixable)
    #   Limit on how much work Lithium has (but how much time do we spend in Lithium, compared to fuzzing?)
    #   Waste less time in huge GCs (especially with fuzzMultiDoc)
    #   Small variations on initial reftests are often the most interesting
    #   Less chance for the fuzzer to tie itself in exponential knots, and hang unexpectedly (e.g. repeated cloneNode)
    # Want it large:
    #   Depth is more important as we scale
    #   Depth is important to fuzzerRandomJS
    #   Waste less time in startup, shutdown
    #   Waste less time parsing breakpad symbol files (!)
    #   Waste less time waiting for hanging testcases (?)

    metaMax = 30000

    return "#fuzz=" + str(metaSeed) + ",0," + str(metaPer) + "," + str(metaInterval) + "," + str(metaMax) + ",0"

def afterColon(s):
    tail = s.partition(": ")[2]
    return tail.strip()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    many_timed_runs(None, sps.createWtmpDir(os.getcwdu()), sys.argv[1:], quiet=False)
Exemple #6
    # Want it small:
    #   Deterministic repro from seed (because of time limit) (but how often do we actually repro-from-seed? and this is fixable)
    #   Limit on how much work Lithium has (but how much time do we spend in Lithium, compared to fuzzing?)
    #   Waste less time in huge GCs (especially with fuzzMultiDoc)
    #   Small variations on initial reftests are often the most interesting
    #   Less chance for the fuzzer to tie itself in exponential knots, and hang unexpectedly (e.g. repeated cloneNode)
    # Want it large:
    #   Depth is more important as we scale
    #   Depth is important to fuzzerRandomJS
    #   Waste less time in startup, shutdown
    #   Waste less time parsing breakpad symbol files (!)
    #   Waste less time waiting for hanging testcases (?)

    metaMax = 30000

    return "#fuzz=" + str(metaSeed) + ",0," + str(metaPer) + "," + str(
        metaInterval) + "," + str(metaMax) + ",0"

def afterColon(s):
    tail = s.partition(": ")[2]
    return tail.strip()

if __name__ == "__main__":