Exemple #1
def get_all_relevant_facts(
    # The relevant facts might introduce new keys, e.g., Q.zero(x*y) will
    # introduce the keys Q.zero(x) and Q.zero(y), so we need to run it until
    # we stop getting new things. Hopefully this strategy won't lead to an
    # infinite loop in the future.
    i = 0
    relevant_facts = CNF()
    exprs = None
    all_exprs = set()
    while exprs != set():
        exprs, relevant_facts = get_relevant_facts(
        all_exprs |= exprs
        i += 1
        if i >= iterations:

    if use_known_facts:
        known_facts_CNF = CNF()
        kf_encoded = EncodedCNF()

        def translate_literal(lit, delta):
            if lit > 0:
                return lit + delta
                return lit - delta

        def translate_data(data, delta):
            return [{translate_literal(i, delta)
                     for i in clause} for clause in data]

        data = []
        symbols = []
        n_lit = len(kf_encoded.symbols)
        for i, expr in enumerate(all_exprs):
            symbols += [pred(expr) for pred in kf_encoded.symbols]
            data += translate_data(kf_encoded.data, i * n_lit)

        encoding = dict(list(zip(symbols, range(1, len(symbols) + 1))))
        ctx = EncodedCNF(data, encoding)
        ctx = EncodedCNF()


    return ctx
Exemple #2
def minisat22_satisfiable(expr, all_models=False, minimal=False):

    if not isinstance(expr, EncodedCNF):
        exprs = EncodedCNF()
        expr = exprs

    from pysat.solvers import Minisat22

    # Return UNSAT when False (encoded as 0) is present in the CNF
    if {0} in expr.data:
        if all_models:
            return (f for f in [False])
        return False

    r = Minisat22(expr.data)

    if minimal:
        r.set_phases([-(i + 1) for i in range(r.nof_vars())])

    if not r.solve():
        return False

    if not all_models:
        return {expr.symbols[abs(lit) - 1]: lit > 0 for lit in r.get_model()}

        # Make solutions sympy compatible by creating a generator
        def _gen(results):
            satisfiable = False
            while results.solve():
                sol = results.get_model()
                yield {expr.symbols[abs(lit) - 1]: lit > 0 for lit in sol}
                if minimal:
                    results.add_clause([-i for i in sol if i > 0])
                    results.add_clause([-i for i in sol])
                satisfiable = True
            if not satisfiable:
                yield False
            raise StopIteration

        return _gen(r)
Exemple #3
def pycosat_satisfiable(expr, all_models=False):
    import pycosat

    if not isinstance(expr, EncodedCNF):
        exprs = EncodedCNF()
        expr = exprs

    # Return UNSAT when False (encoded as 0) is present in the CNF
    if {0} in expr.data:
        if all_models:
            return (f for f in [False])
        return False

    if not all_models:
        r = pycosat.solve(expr.data)
        result = r != "UNSAT"
        if not result:
            return result
        return dict((expr.symbols[abs(lit) - 1], lit > 0) for lit in r)
        r = pycosat.itersolve(expr.data)
        result = r != "UNSAT"
        if not result:
            return result

        # Make solutions sympy compatible by creating a generator
        def _gen(results):
            satisfiable = False
                while True:
                    sol = next(results)
                    yield dict(
                        (expr.symbols[abs(lit) - 1], lit > 0) for lit in sol)
                    satisfiable = True
            except StopIteration:
                if not satisfiable:
                    yield False

        return _gen(r)
Exemple #4
def dpll_satisfiable(expr, all_models=False):
    Check satisfiability of a propositional sentence.
    It returns a model rather than True when it succeeds.
    Returns a generator of all models if all_models is True.


    >>> from sympy.abc import A, B
    >>> from sympy.logic.algorithms.dpll2 import dpll_satisfiable
    >>> dpll_satisfiable(A & ~B)
    {A: True, B: False}
    >>> dpll_satisfiable(A & ~A)

    if not isinstance(expr, EncodedCNF):
        exprs = EncodedCNF()
        expr = exprs

    # Return UNSAT when False (encoded as 0) is present in the CNF
    if {0} in expr.data:
        if all_models:
            return (f for f in [False])
        return False

    solver = SATSolver(expr.data, expr.variables, set(), expr.symbols)
    models = solver._find_model()

    if all_models:
        return _all_models(models)

        return next(models)
    except StopIteration:
        return False
Exemple #5
def ask(proposition, assumptions=True, context=global_assumptions):
    Function to evaluate the proposition with assumptions.


        * ask(proposition)
            Evaluate the *proposition* in global assumption context.

        * ask(proposition, assumptions)
            Evaluate the *proposition* with respect to *assumptions* in
            global assumption context.

    This function evaluates the proposition to ``True`` or ``False`` if
    the truth value can be determined. If not, it returns ``None``.

    It should be discerned from :func:`~.refine()` which, when applied to a
    proposition, simplifies the argument to symbolic ``Boolean`` instead of
    Python built-in ``True``, ``False`` or ``None``.


    proposition : any boolean expression
        Proposition which will be evaluated to boolean value. If this is
        not ``AppliedPredicate``, it will be wrapped by ``Q.is_true``.

    assumptions : any boolean expression, optional
        Local assumptions to evaluate the *proposition*.

    context : AssumptionsContext, optional
        Default assumptions to evaluate the *proposition*. By default,
        this is ``sympy.assumptions.global_assumptions`` variable.


    >>> from sympy import ask, Q, pi
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> ask(Q.rational(pi))
    >>> ask(Q.even(x*y), Q.even(x) & Q.integer(y))
    >>> ask(Q.prime(4*x), Q.integer(x))

    If the truth value cannot be determined, ``None`` will be returned.

    >>> print(ask(Q.odd(3*x))) # cannot determine unless we know x


        Relations in assumptions are not implemented (yet), so the following
        will not give a meaningful result.

        >>> ask(Q.positive(x), x > 0)

        It is however a work in progress.

    See Also

    sympy.assumptions.refine.refine : Simplification using assumptions.
        Proposition is not reduced to ``None`` if the truth value cannot
        be determined.
    from sympy.assumptions.satask import satask

    proposition = sympify(proposition)
    assumptions = sympify(assumptions)

    if isinstance(proposition,
                  Predicate) or proposition.kind is not BooleanKind:
        raise TypeError("proposition must be a valid logical expression")

    if isinstance(assumptions,
                  Predicate) or assumptions.kind is not BooleanKind:
        raise TypeError("assumptions must be a valid logical expression")

    binrelpreds = {Eq: Q.eq, Ne: Q.ne, Gt: Q.gt, Lt: Q.lt, Ge: Q.ge, Le: Q.le}
    if isinstance(proposition, AppliedPredicate):
        key, args = proposition.function, proposition.arguments
    elif proposition.func in binrelpreds:
        key, args = binrelpreds[proposition.func], proposition.args
        key, args = Q.is_true, (proposition, )

    # convert local and global assumptions to CNF
    assump = CNF.from_prop(assumptions)

    # extract the relevant facts from assumptions with respect to args
    local_facts = _extract_all_facts(assump, args)

    known_facts_cnf = get_all_known_facts()
    known_facts_dict = get_known_facts_dict()

    # convert default facts and assumed facts to encoded CNF
    enc_cnf = EncodedCNF()

    # check the satisfiability of given assumptions
    if local_facts.clauses and satisfiable(enc_cnf) is False:
        raise ValueError("inconsistent assumptions %s" % assumptions)

    if local_facts.clauses:

        # quick exit if the prerequisite of proposition is not true
        # e.g. proposition = Q.odd(x), assumptions = ~Q.integer(x)
        if len(local_facts.clauses) == 1:
            cl, = local_facts.clauses
            if len(cl) == 1:
                f, = cl
                if f.is_Not and f.arg in known_facts_dict.get(key, []):
                    return False

        for clause in local_facts.clauses:
            if len(clause) == 1:
                f, = clause
                fdict = known_facts_dict.get(f.arg,
                                             None) if not f.is_Not else None
                if fdict is None:
                elif key in fdict:
                    # quick exit if proposition is directly satisfied by assumption
                    # e.g. proposition = Q.integer(x), assumptions = Q.odd(x)
                    return True
                elif Not(key) in fdict:
                    # quick exit if proposition is directly rejected by assumption
                    # example might be proposition = Q.even(x), assumptions = Q.odd(x)
                    # but known_facts_dict does not have such information yet and
                    # such example is computed by satask.
                    return False

    # direct resolution method, no logic
    res = key(*args)._eval_ask(assumptions)
    if res is not None:
        return bool(res)
    # using satask (still costly)
    res = satask(proposition, assumptions=assumptions, context=context)
    return res
Exemple #6
def ask(proposition, assumptions=True, context=global_assumptions):
    Method for inferring properties about objects.


        * ask(proposition)

        * ask(proposition, assumptions)

            where ``proposition`` is any boolean expression


    >>> from sympy import ask, Q, pi
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> ask(Q.rational(pi))
    >>> ask(Q.even(x*y), Q.even(x) & Q.integer(y))
    >>> ask(Q.prime(4*x), Q.integer(x))

        Relations in assumptions are not implemented (yet), so the following
        will not give a meaningful result.

        >>> ask(Q.positive(x), Q.is_true(x > 0))

        It is however a work in progress.

    from sympy.assumptions.satask import satask

    if not isinstance(proposition, (BooleanFunction, AppliedPredicate, bool, BooleanAtom)):
        raise TypeError("proposition must be a valid logical expression")

    if not isinstance(assumptions, (BooleanFunction, AppliedPredicate, bool, BooleanAtom)):
        raise TypeError("assumptions must be a valid logical expression")

    if isinstance(proposition, AppliedPredicate):
        key, expr = proposition.func, sympify(proposition.arg)
        key, expr = Q.is_true, sympify(proposition)

    assump = CNF.from_prop(assumptions)

    local_facts = _extract_all_facts(assump, expr)

    known_facts_cnf = get_all_known_facts()
    known_facts_dict = get_known_facts_dict()

    enc_cnf = EncodedCNF()

    if local_facts.clauses and satisfiable(enc_cnf) is False:
        raise ValueError("inconsistent assumptions %s" % assumptions)

    if local_facts.clauses:
        local_facts_ = CNF.CNF_to_cnf(local_facts)

        # See if there's a straight-forward conclusion we can make for the inference
        if local_facts_.is_Atom:
            if key in known_facts_dict[local_facts_]:
                return True
            if Not(key) in known_facts_dict[local_facts_]:
                return False
        elif (isinstance(local_facts_, And) and
              all(k in known_facts_dict for k in local_facts_.args)):
            for assum in local_facts_.args:
                if assum.is_Atom:
                    if key in known_facts_dict[assum]:
                        return True
                    if Not(key) in known_facts_dict[assum]:
                        return False
                elif isinstance(assum, Not) and assum.args[0].is_Atom:
                    if key in known_facts_dict[assum]:
                        return False
                    if Not(key) in known_facts_dict[assum]:
                        return True
        elif (isinstance(key, Predicate) and
              isinstance(local_facts_, Not) and local_facts_.args[0].is_Atom):
            if local_facts_.args[0] in known_facts_dict[key]:
                return False

    # direct resolution method, no logic
    res = key(expr)._eval_ask(assumptions)
    if res is not None:
        return bool(res)
    # using satask (still costly)
    res = satask(proposition, assumptions=assumptions, context=context)
    return res
Exemple #7
def ask(proposition, assumptions=True, context=global_assumptions):
    Function to evaluate the proposition with assumptions.


        * ask(proposition)
            Evaluate the *proposition* in global assumption context.

        * ask(proposition, assumptions)
            Evaluate the *proposition* with respect to *assumptions* in
            global assumption context.

    This function evaluates the proposition to ``True`` or ``False`` if
    the truth value can be determined. If not, it returns ``None``.
    It should be discerned from :func:`~.refine()` which does not reduce
    the expression to ``None``.


    proposition : any boolean expression
        Proposition which will be evaluated to boolean value. If this is
        not ``AppliedPredicate``, it will be wrapped by ``Q.is_true``.

    assumptions : any boolean expression, optional
        Local assumptions to evaluate the *proposition*.

    context : AssumptionsContext, optional
        Default assumptions to evaluate the *proposition*. By default,
        this is ``sympy.assumptions.global_assumptions`` variable.


    >>> from sympy import ask, Q, pi
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> ask(Q.rational(pi))
    >>> ask(Q.even(x*y), Q.even(x) & Q.integer(y))
    >>> ask(Q.prime(4*x), Q.integer(x))

    If the truth value cannot be determined, ``None`` will be returned.

    >>> print(ask(Q.odd(3*x))) # cannot determine unless we know x


        Relations in assumptions are not implemented (yet), so the following
        will not give a meaningful result.

        >>> ask(Q.positive(x), Q.is_true(x > 0))

        It is however a work in progress.

    See Also

    sympy.assumptions.refine.refine : Simplification using assumptions.
        Proposition is not reduced to ``None`` if the truth value cannot
        be determined.
    from sympy.assumptions.satask import satask

    proposition = sympify(proposition)
    assumptions = sympify(assumptions)

    if isinstance(proposition,
                  Predicate) or proposition.kind is not BooleanKind:
        raise TypeError("proposition must be a valid logical expression")

    if isinstance(assumptions,
                  Predicate) or assumptions.kind is not BooleanKind:
        raise TypeError("assumptions must be a valid logical expression")

    if isinstance(proposition, AppliedPredicate):
        key, args = proposition.function, proposition.arguments
        key, args = Q.is_true, (proposition, )

    assump = CNF.from_prop(assumptions)

    local_facts = _extract_all_facts(assump, args)

    known_facts_cnf = get_all_known_facts()
    known_facts_dict = get_known_facts_dict()

    enc_cnf = EncodedCNF()

    if local_facts.clauses and satisfiable(enc_cnf) is False:
        raise ValueError("inconsistent assumptions %s" % assumptions)

    if local_facts.clauses:

        if len(local_facts.clauses) == 1:
            cl, = local_facts.clauses
            f, = cl if len(cl) == 1 else [None]
            if f and f.is_Not and f.arg in known_facts_dict.get(key, []):
                return False

        for clause in local_facts.clauses:
            if len(clause) == 1:
                f, = clause
                fdict = known_facts_dict.get(f.arg,
                                             None) if not f.is_Not else None
                if fdict and key in fdict:
                    return True
                if fdict and Not(key) in known_facts_dict[f.arg]:
                    return False

    # direct resolution method, no logic
    res = key(*args)._eval_ask(assumptions)
    if res is not None:
        return bool(res)
    # using satask (still costly)
    res = satask(proposition, assumptions=assumptions, context=context)
    return res
Exemple #8
def ask(proposition, assumptions=True, context=global_assumptions):
    Method for inferring properties about objects.


        * ask(proposition)

        * ask(proposition, assumptions)

            where ``proposition`` is any boolean expression


    >>> from sympy import ask, Q, pi
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> ask(Q.rational(pi))
    >>> ask(Q.even(x*y), Q.even(x) & Q.integer(y))
    >>> ask(Q.prime(4*x), Q.integer(x))

        Relations in assumptions are not implemented (yet), so the following
        will not give a meaningful result.

        >>> ask(Q.positive(x), Q.is_true(x > 0))

        It is however a work in progress.

    from sympy.assumptions.satask import satask

    if not isinstance(proposition,
                      (BooleanFunction, AppliedPredicate, bool, BooleanAtom)):
        raise TypeError("proposition must be a valid logical expression")

    if not isinstance(assumptions,
                      (BooleanFunction, AppliedPredicate, bool, BooleanAtom)):
        raise TypeError("assumptions must be a valid logical expression")

    if isinstance(proposition, AppliedPredicate):
        key, expr = proposition.func, sympify(proposition.arg)
        key, expr = Q.is_true, sympify(proposition)

    assump = CNF.from_prop(assumptions)

    local_facts = _extract_all_facts(assump, expr)

    known_facts_cnf = get_all_known_facts()
    known_facts_dict = get_known_facts_dict()

    enc_cnf = EncodedCNF()

    if local_facts.clauses and satisfiable(enc_cnf) is False:
        raise ValueError("inconsistent assumptions %s" % assumptions)

    if local_facts.clauses:

        if len(local_facts.clauses) == 1:
            cl, = local_facts.clauses
            f, = cl if len(cl) == 1 else [None]
            if f and f.is_Not and f.arg in known_facts_dict.get(key, []):
                return False

        for clause in local_facts.clauses:
            if len(clause) == 1:
                f, = clause
                fdict = known_facts_dict.get(f.arg,
                                             None) if not f.is_Not else None
                if fdict and key in fdict:
                    return True
                if fdict and Not(key) in known_facts_dict[f.arg]:
                    return False

    # direct resolution method, no logic
    res = key(expr)._eval_ask(assumptions)
    if res is not None:
        return bool(res)
    # using satask (still costly)
    res = satask(proposition, assumptions=assumptions, context=context)
    return res
Exemple #9
def get_all_relevant_facts(proposition,
    Extract all relevant facts from *proposition* and *assumptions*.

    This function extracts the facts by recursively calling
    ``get_relevant_facts()``. Extracted facts are converted to
    ``EncodedCNF`` and returned.


    proposition : sympy.assumptions.cnf.CNF
        CNF generated from proposition expression

    assumptions : sympy.assumptions.cnf.CNF
        CNF generated from assumption expression

    context : sympy.assumptions.cnf.CNF
        CNF generated from assumptions context

    use_known_facts : bool, optional
        If ``True``, facts from ``sympy.assumptions.ask_generated`` module
        are encoded as well.

    iterations : int, optional
        Number of times that relevant facts are recursively extracted.
        Default is infinite times until no new fact is found.




    >>> from sympy import Q
    >>> from sympy.assumptions.cnf import CNF
    >>> from sympy.assumptions.satask import get_all_relevant_facts
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> props = CNF.from_prop(Q.nonzero(x*y))
    >>> assump = CNF.from_prop(Q.nonzero(x))
    >>> context = CNF.from_prop(Q.nonzero(y))
    >>> get_all_relevant_facts(props, assump, context) #doctest: +SKIP
    <sympy.assumptions.cnf.EncodedCNF at 0x7f09faa6ccd0>

    # The relevant facts might introduce new keys, e.g., Q.zero(x*y) will
    # introduce the keys Q.zero(x) and Q.zero(y), so we need to run it until
    # we stop getting new things. Hopefully this strategy won't lead to an
    # infinite loop in the future.
    i = 0
    relevant_facts = CNF()
    exprs = None
    all_exprs = set()
    while True:
        if i == 0:
            exprs = extract_predargs(proposition, assumptions, context)
        all_exprs |= exprs
        exprs, relevant_facts = get_relevant_facts(exprs, relevant_facts)
        i += 1
        if i >= iterations:
        if not exprs:

    if use_known_facts:
        known_facts_CNF = CNF()
        kf_encoded = EncodedCNF()

        def translate_literal(lit, delta):
            if lit > 0:
                return lit + delta
                return lit - delta

        def translate_data(data, delta):
            return [{translate_literal(i, delta)
                     for i in clause} for clause in data]

        data = []
        symbols = []
        n_lit = len(kf_encoded.symbols)
        for i, expr in enumerate(all_exprs):
            symbols += [pred(expr) for pred in kf_encoded.symbols]
            data += translate_data(kf_encoded.data, i * n_lit)

        encoding = dict(list(zip(symbols, range(1, len(symbols) + 1))))
        ctx = EncodedCNF(data, encoding)
        ctx = EncodedCNF()


    return ctx
Exemple #10
def ask(proposition, assumptions=True, context=global_assumptions):
    Function to evaluate the proposition with assumptions.


    This function evaluates the proposition to ``True`` or ``False`` if
    the truth value can be determined. If not, it returns ``None``.

    It should be discerned from :func:`~.refine()` which, when applied to a
    proposition, simplifies the argument to symbolic ``Boolean`` instead of
    Python built-in ``True``, ``False`` or ``None``.


        * ask(proposition)
            Evaluate the *proposition* in global assumption context.

        * ask(proposition, assumptions)
            Evaluate the *proposition* with respect to *assumptions* in
            global assumption context.


    proposition : Any boolean expression.
        Proposition which will be evaluated to boolean value. If this is
        not ``AppliedPredicate``, it will be wrapped by ``Q.is_true``.

    assumptions : Any boolean expression, optional.
        Local assumptions to evaluate the *proposition*.

    context : AssumptionsContext, optional.
        Default assumptions to evaluate the *proposition*. By default,
        this is ``sympy.assumptions.global_assumptions`` variable.


    ``True``, ``False``, or ``None``


    TypeError : *proposition* or *assumptions* is not valid logical expression.

    ValueError : assumptions are inconsistent.


    >>> from sympy import ask, Q, pi
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> ask(Q.rational(pi))
    >>> ask(Q.even(x*y), Q.even(x) & Q.integer(y))
    >>> ask(Q.prime(4*x), Q.integer(x))

    If the truth value cannot be determined, ``None`` will be returned.

    >>> print(ask(Q.odd(3*x))) # cannot determine unless we know x

    ``ValueError`` is raised if assumptions are inconsistent.

    >>> ask(Q.integer(x), Q.even(x) & Q.odd(x))
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: inconsistent assumptions Q.even(x) & Q.odd(x)


    Relations in assumptions are not implemented (yet), so the following
    will not give a meaningful result.

    >>> ask(Q.positive(x), x > 0)

    It is however a work in progress.

    See Also

    sympy.assumptions.refine.refine : Simplification using assumptions.
        Proposition is not reduced to ``None`` if the truth value cannot
        be determined.
    from sympy.assumptions.satask import satask

    proposition = sympify(proposition)
    assumptions = sympify(assumptions)

    if isinstance(proposition,
                  Predicate) or proposition.kind is not BooleanKind:
        raise TypeError("proposition must be a valid logical expression")

    if isinstance(assumptions,
                  Predicate) or assumptions.kind is not BooleanKind:
        raise TypeError("assumptions must be a valid logical expression")

    binrelpreds = {Eq: Q.eq, Ne: Q.ne, Gt: Q.gt, Lt: Q.lt, Ge: Q.ge, Le: Q.le}
    if isinstance(proposition, AppliedPredicate):
        key, args = proposition.function, proposition.arguments
    elif proposition.func in binrelpreds:
        key, args = binrelpreds[proposition.func], proposition.args
        key, args = Q.is_true, (proposition, )

    # convert local and global assumptions to CNF
    assump_cnf = CNF.from_prop(assumptions)

    # extract the relevant facts from assumptions with respect to args
    local_facts = _extract_all_facts(assump_cnf, args)

    # convert default facts and assumed facts to encoded CNF
    known_facts_cnf = get_all_known_facts()
    enc_cnf = EncodedCNF()

    # check the satisfiability of given assumptions
    if local_facts.clauses and satisfiable(enc_cnf) is False:
        raise ValueError("inconsistent assumptions %s" % assumptions)

    # quick computation for single fact
    res = _ask_single_fact(key, local_facts)
    if res is not None:
        return res

    # direct resolution method, no logic
    res = key(*args)._eval_ask(assumptions)
    if res is not None:
        return bool(res)

    # using satask (still costly)
    res = satask(proposition, assumptions=assumptions, context=context)
    return res