def test_Ynm_c():
    th, ph = Symbol("theta", real=True), Symbol("phi", real=True)
    from import n, m

    assert Ynm_c(
        n, m, th,
        ph) == (-1)**(2 * m) * exp(-2 * I * m * ph) * Ynm(n, m, th, ph)
def Psi_nlm(n, l, m, r, phi, theta, Z=1):
    Returns the Hydrogen wave function psi_{nlm}. It's the product of
    the radial wavefunction R_{nl} and the spherical harmonic Y_{l}^{m}.

    n, l, m
        quantum numbers 'n', 'l' and 'm'
        radial coordinate
        azimuthal angle
        polar angle
        atomic number (1 for Hydrogen, 2 for Helium, ...)

    Everything is in Hartree atomic units.


    >>> from sympy.physics.hydrogen import Psi_nlm
    >>> from sympy import Symbol
    >>> r=Symbol("r", real=True, positive=True)
    >>> phi=Symbol("phi", real=True)
    >>> theta=Symbol("theta", real=True)
    >>> Z=Symbol("Z", positive=True, integer=True, nonzero=True)
    >>> Psi_nlm(1,0,0,r,phi,theta,Z)
    >>> Psi_nlm(2,1,1,r,phi,theta,Z)

    Integrating the absolute square of a hydrogen wavefunction psi_{nlm}
    over the whole space leads 1.

    The normalization of the hydrogen wavefunctions Psi_nlm is:

    >>> from sympy import integrate, conjugate, pi, oo, sin
    >>> wf=Psi_nlm(2,1,1,r,phi,theta,Z)
    >>> abs_sqrd=wf*conjugate(wf)
    >>> jacobi=r**2*sin(theta)
    >>> integrate(abs_sqrd*jacobi, (r,0,oo), (phi,0,2*pi), (theta,0,pi))

    # sympify arguments
    n, l, m, r, phi, theta, Z = S(n), S(l), S(m), S(r), S(phi), S(theta), S(Z)
    # check if values for n,l,m make physically sense
    if n.is_integer and n<1:
        raise ValueError("'n' must be positive integer")
    if l.is_integer and not (n > l):
        raise ValueError("'n' must be greater than 'l'")
    if m.is_integer and not (abs(m)<=l):
        raise ValueError("|'m'| must be less or equal 'l'")
    # return the hydrogen wave function
    return R_nl(n, l, r, Z)*Ynm(l,m,theta,phi).expand(func=True)
Exemple #3
 def Y_ell_m_ell(ell: int, m_ell: int):
     Return the spherical harmonic function
     :param ell: kinetic momentum (int)
     :param m_ell: quantum number m_ell (int)
     :return: (sympy object)
     from sympy.functions.special.spherical_harmonics import Ynm
     theta, phi = sp.Symbol("theta", real=True), sp.Symbol("phi", real=True)
     # return sp.FU['TR8'](Ynm(ell, m_ell, theta, phi).expand(func=True))
     # return Ynm(ell, m_ell, theta, phi)
     return Ynm(ell, m_ell, theta, phi).expand(func=True)
Exemple #4
def test_Znm():
    th, ph = Symbol("theta", real=True), Symbol("phi", real=True)

    assert Znm(0, 0, th, ph) == Ynm(0, 0, th, ph)
    assert Znm(1, -1, th, ph) == (
        -sqrt(2) * I * (Ynm(1, 1, th, ph) - exp(-2 * I * ph) * Ynm(1, 1, th, ph)) / 2
    assert Znm(1, 0, th, ph) == Ynm(1, 0, th, ph)
    assert Znm(1, 1, th, ph) == (
        sqrt(2) * (Ynm(1, 1, th, ph) + exp(-2 * I * ph) * Ynm(1, 1, th, ph)) / 2
    assert Znm(0, 0, th, ph).expand(func=True) == 1 / (2 * sqrt(pi))
    assert Znm(1, -1, th, ph).expand(func=True) == (
        sqrt(3) * I * sin(th) * exp(I * ph) / (4 * sqrt(pi))
        - sqrt(3) * I * sin(th) * exp(-I * ph) / (4 * sqrt(pi))
    assert Znm(1, 0, th, ph).expand(func=True) == sqrt(3) * cos(th) / (2 * sqrt(pi))
    assert Znm(1, 1, th, ph).expand(func=True) == (
        -sqrt(3) * sin(th) * exp(I * ph) / (4 * sqrt(pi))
        - sqrt(3) * sin(th) * exp(-I * ph) / (4 * sqrt(pi))
    assert Znm(2, -1, th, ph).expand(func=True) == (
        sqrt(15) * I * sin(th) * exp(I * ph) * cos(th) / (4 * sqrt(pi))
        - sqrt(15) * I * sin(th) * exp(-I * ph) * cos(th) / (4 * sqrt(pi))
    assert Znm(2, 0, th, ph).expand(func=True) == 3 * sqrt(5) * cos(th) ** 2 / (
        4 * sqrt(pi)
    ) - sqrt(5) / (4 * sqrt(pi))
    assert Znm(2, 1, th, ph).expand(func=True) == (
        -sqrt(15) * sin(th) * exp(I * ph) * cos(th) / (4 * sqrt(pi))
        - sqrt(15) * sin(th) * exp(-I * ph) * cos(th) / (4 * sqrt(pi))
Exemple #5
def dot_rot_grad_Ynm(j, p, l, m, theta, phi):
    Returns dot product of rotational gradients of spherical harmonics.


    This function returns the right hand side of the following expression:

    .. math ::
        \vec{R}Y{_j^{p}} \cdot \vec{R}Y{_l^{m}} = (-1)^{m+p}
        \sum\limits_{k=|l-j|}^{l+j}Y{_k^{m+p}}  * \alpha_{l,m,j,p,k} *
        \frac{1}{2} (k^2-j^2-l^2+k-j-l)


    j, p, l, m .... indices in spherical harmonics (expressions or integers)
    theta, phi .... angle arguments in spherical harmonics


    >>> from sympy import symbols
    >>> from sympy.physics.wigner import dot_rot_grad_Ynm
    >>> theta, phi = symbols("theta phi")
    >>> dot_rot_grad_Ynm(3, 2, 2, 0, theta, phi).doit()
    3*sqrt(55)*Ynm(5, 2, theta, phi)/(11*sqrt(pi))

    j = sympify(j)
    p = sympify(p)
    l = sympify(l)
    m = sympify(m)
    theta = sympify(theta)
    phi = sympify(phi)
    k = Dummy("k")

    def alpha(l, m, j, p, k):
        return sqrt((2*l+1)*(2*j+1)*(2*k+1)/(4*pi)) * \
                Wigner3j(j, l, k, S.Zero, S.Zero, S.Zero) * \
                Wigner3j(j, l, k, p, m, -m-p)

    return (S.NegativeOne)**(m+p) * Sum(Ynm(k, m+p, theta, phi) * alpha(l,m,j,p,k) / 2 \
        *(k**2-j**2-l**2+k-j-l), (k, abs(l-j), l+j))
Exemple #6
def psi(n: int, l: int, ml: int, Z: int = 1):
    check(n, l, ml, Z)

    a0, r, θ, φ = symbols("a_0 r θ φ")
    ρ = 2 * r / (n * a0)

    R = (
        sqrt(2 * Z / n / a0) ** 3
        * factorial(n - l - 1)
        / (2 * n * factorial(n + l))
        * exp(-ρ / 2)
        * ρ ** l
    lag = L(2 * l + 1, n - l - 1, ρ)

    Y = Ynm(ml, l, θ, φ) if l else 1

    return 1 / sqrt(π) * R * lag * Y
def timeit_Ynm_xy():
    Ynm(1, 1, x, y)
def test_Ynm():
    th, ph = Symbol("theta", real=True), Symbol("phi", real=True)
    from import n,m

    assert Ynm(0, 0, th, ph).expand(func=True) == 1/(2*sqrt(pi))
    assert Ynm(1, -1, th, ph) == -exp(-2*I*ph)*Ynm(1, 1, th, ph)
    assert Ynm(1, -1, th, ph).expand(func=True) == sqrt(6)*sin(th)*exp(-I*ph)/(4*sqrt(pi))
    assert Ynm(1, 0, th, ph).expand(func=True) == sqrt(3)*cos(th)/(2*sqrt(pi))
    assert Ynm(1, 1, th, ph).expand(func=True) == -sqrt(6)*sin(th)*exp(I*ph)/(4*sqrt(pi))
    assert Ynm(2, 0, th, ph).expand(func=True) == 3*sqrt(5)*cos(th)**2/(4*sqrt(pi)) - sqrt(5)/(4*sqrt(pi))
    assert Ynm(2, 1, th, ph).expand(func=True) == -sqrt(30)*sin(th)*exp(I*ph)*cos(th)/(4*sqrt(pi))
    assert Ynm(2, -2, th, ph).expand(func=True) == (-sqrt(30)*exp(-2*I*ph)*cos(th)**2/(8*sqrt(pi))
                                                    + sqrt(30)*exp(-2*I*ph)/(8*sqrt(pi)))
    assert Ynm(2, 2, th, ph).expand(func=True) == (-sqrt(30)*exp(2*I*ph)*cos(th)**2/(8*sqrt(pi))
                                                   + sqrt(30)*exp(2*I*ph)/(8*sqrt(pi)))

    assert diff(Ynm(n, m, th, ph), th) == (m*cot(th)*Ynm(n, m, th, ph)
                                           + sqrt((-m + n)*(m + n + 1))*exp(-I*ph)*Ynm(n, m + 1, th, ph))
    assert diff(Ynm(n, m, th, ph), ph) == I*m*Ynm(n, m, th, ph)

    assert conjugate(Ynm(n, m, th, ph)) == (-1)**(2*m)*exp(-2*I*m*ph)*Ynm(n, m, th, ph)

    assert Ynm(n, m, -th, ph) == Ynm(n, m, th, ph)
    assert Ynm(n, m, th, -ph) == exp(-2*I*m*ph)*Ynm(n, m, th, ph)
    assert Ynm(n, -m, th, ph) == (-1)**m*exp(-2*I*m*ph)*Ynm(n, m, th, ph)
Exemple #9
def Psi_nlm(n, l, m, r, phi, theta, Z=1):
    Returns the Hydrogen wave function psi_{nlm}. It's the product of
    the radial wavefunction R_{nl} and the spherical harmonic Y_{l}^{m}.


    n : integer
        Principal Quantum Number which is
        an integer with possible values as 1, 2, 3, 4,...
    l : integer
        ``l`` is the Angular Momentum Quantum Number with
        values ranging from 0 to ``n-1``.
    m : integer
        ``m`` is the Magnetic Quantum Number with values
        ranging from ``-l`` to ``l``.
    r :
        radial coordinate
    phi :
        azimuthal angle
    theta :
        polar angle
    Z :
        atomic number (1 for Hydrogen, 2 for Helium, ...)

    Everything is in Hartree atomic units.


    >>> from sympy.physics.hydrogen import Psi_nlm
    >>> from sympy import Symbol
    >>> r=Symbol("r", positive=True)
    >>> phi=Symbol("phi", real=True)
    >>> theta=Symbol("theta", real=True)
    >>> Z=Symbol("Z", positive=True, integer=True, nonzero=True)
    >>> Psi_nlm(1,0,0,r,phi,theta,Z)
    >>> Psi_nlm(2,1,1,r,phi,theta,Z)

    Integrating the absolute square of a hydrogen wavefunction psi_{nlm}
    over the whole space leads 1.

    The normalization of the hydrogen wavefunctions Psi_nlm is:

    >>> from sympy import integrate, conjugate, pi, oo, sin
    >>> wf=Psi_nlm(2,1,1,r,phi,theta,Z)
    >>> abs_sqrd=wf*conjugate(wf)
    >>> jacobi=r**2*sin(theta)
    >>> integrate(abs_sqrd*jacobi, (r,0,oo), (phi,0,2*pi), (theta,0,pi))

    # sympify arguments
    n, l, m, r, phi, theta, Z = map(S, [n, l, m, r, phi, theta, Z])
    # check if values for n,l,m make physically sense
    if n.is_integer and n < 1:
        raise ValueError("'n' must be positive integer")
    if l.is_integer and not (n > l):
        raise ValueError("'n' must be greater than 'l'")
    if m.is_integer and not (abs(m) <= l):
        raise ValueError("|'m'| must be less or equal 'l'")
    # return the hydrogen wave function
    return R_nl(n, l, r, Z) * Ynm(l, m, theta, phi).expand(func=True)