Exemple #1
def exec_test():
    # Parse arguments
    interactive_on_error = False
    create_cluster = False

    args = sys.argv[1:]
    flags = [a for a in args if a.startswith("-")]
    modules = [a for a in args if not a.startswith("-")]
    for f in flags:
        if f == "--interactive":
            interactive_on_error = True
        elif f == "--create":
            create_cluster = True
            log.error("Unknown option '{0}'".format(f))

    # Help developers by stopping up-front if their tree isn't built enough for all the
    # tools that the tests might want to use (add more here if needed)
    require_binaries = [
        "ceph-dencoder", "cephfs-journal-tool", "cephfs-data-scan",
        "cephfs-table-tool", "ceph-fuse", "rados"
    missing_binaries = [
        b for b in require_binaries
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(BIN_PREFIX, b))
    if missing_binaries:
        log.error("Some ceph binaries missing, please build them: {0}".format(
            " ".join(missing_binaries)))

    max_required_mds, max_required_clients, max_required_mgr = scan_tests(

    remote = LocalRemote()

    # Tolerate no MDSs or clients running at start
    ps_txt = remote.run(args=["ps", "-u" +
    lines = ps_txt.split("\n")[1:]
    for line in lines:
        if 'ceph-fuse' in line or 'ceph-mds' in line:
            pid = int(line.split()[0])
            log.warn("Killing stray process {0}".format(line))
            os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL)

    # Fire up the Ceph cluster if the user requested it
    if create_cluster:
            "Creating cluster with {0} MDS daemons".format(max_required_mds))
        remote.run([os.path.join(SRC_PREFIX, "stop.sh")], check_status=False)
        remote.run(["rm", "-rf", "./out"])
        remote.run(["rm", "-rf", "./dev"])
        vstart_env = os.environ.copy()
        vstart_env["FS"] = "0"
        vstart_env["MDS"] = max_required_mds.__str__()
        vstart_env["OSD"] = "1"
        vstart_env["MGR"] = max(max_required_mgr, 1).__str__()

            [os.path.join(SRC_PREFIX, "vstart.sh"), "-n", "-d", "--nolockdep"],

        # Wait for OSD to come up so that subsequent injectargs etc will
        # definitely succeed

    # List of client mounts, sufficient to run the selected tests
    clients = [i.__str__() for i in range(0, max_required_clients)]

    test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    teuth_config['test_path'] = test_dir

    # Construct Mount classes
    mounts = []
    for client_id in clients:
        # Populate client keyring (it sucks to use client.admin for test clients
        # because it's awkward to find the logs later)
        client_name = "client.{0}".format(client_id)

        if client_name not in open("./keyring").read():
            p = remote.run(args=[
                             "ceph"), "auth", "get-or-create", client_name,
                "osd", "allow rw", "mds", "allow", "mon", "allow r"

            open("./keyring", "a").write(p.stdout.getvalue())

        mount = LocalFuseMount(test_dir, client_id)
        if mount.is_mounted():
            log.warn("unmounting {0}".format(mount.mountpoint))
            if os.path.exists(mount.mountpoint):

    ctx = LocalContext()
    ceph_cluster = LocalCephCluster(ctx)
    mds_cluster = LocalMDSCluster(ctx)
    mgr_cluster = LocalMgrCluster(ctx)

    from tasks.cephfs_test_runner import DecoratingLoader

    class LogStream(object):
        def __init__(self):
            self.buffer = ""

        def write(self, data):
            self.buffer += data
            if "\n" in self.buffer:
                lines = self.buffer.split("\n")
                for line in lines[:-1]:
                    # sys.stderr.write(line + "\n")
                self.buffer = lines[-1]

        def flush(self):

    decorating_loader = DecoratingLoader({
        "ctx": ctx,
        "mounts": mounts,
        "ceph_cluster": ceph_cluster,
        "mds_cluster": mds_cluster,
        "mgr_cluster": mgr_cluster,

    # For the benefit of polling tests like test_full -- in teuthology land we set this
    # in a .yaml, here it's just a hardcoded thing for the developer's pleasure.
        os.path.join(BIN_PREFIX, "ceph"), "tell", "osd.*", "injectargs",
        "--osd-mon-report-interval-max", "5"
    ceph_cluster.set_ceph_conf("osd", "osd_mon_report_interval_max", "5")

    # Vstart defaults to two segments, which very easily gets a "behind on trimming" health warning
    # from normal IO latency.  Increase it for running teests.
    ceph_cluster.set_ceph_conf("mds", "mds log max segments", "10")

    # Make sure the filesystem created in tests has uid/gid that will let us talk to
    # it after mounting it (without having to  go root).  Set in 'global' not just 'mds'
    # so that cephfs-data-scan will pick it up too.
    ceph_cluster.set_ceph_conf("global", "mds root ino uid",
                               "%s" % os.getuid())
    ceph_cluster.set_ceph_conf("global", "mds root ino gid",
                               "%s" % os.getgid())

    # Monkeypatch get_package_version to avoid having to work out what kind of distro we're on
    def _get_package_version(remote, pkg_name):
        # Used in cephfs tests to find fuse version.  Your development workstation *does* have >=2.9, right?
        return "2.9"

    import teuthology.packaging
    teuthology.packaging.get_package_version = _get_package_version

    overall_suite = load_tests(modules, decorating_loader)

    # Filter out tests that don't lend themselves to interactive running,
    victims = []
    for case, method in enumerate_methods(overall_suite):
        fn = getattr(method, method._testMethodName)

        drop_test = False

        if hasattr(fn, 'is_for_teuthology') and getattr(
                fn, 'is_for_teuthology') is True:
            drop_test = True
            log.warn("Dropping test because long running: ".format(

        if getattr(fn, "needs_trimming", False) is True:
            drop_test = (os.getuid() != 0)
            log.warn("Dropping test because client trim unavailable: ".format(

        if drop_test:
            # Don't drop the test if it was explicitly requested in arguments
            is_named = False
            for named in modules:
                if named.endswith(method.id()):
                    is_named = True

            if not is_named:
                victims.append((case, method))

        "Disabling {0} tests because of is_for_teuthology or needs_trimming".
    for s, method in victims:

    if interactive_on_error:
        result_class = InteractiveFailureResult
        result_class = unittest.TextTestResult
    fail_on_skip = False

    class LoggingResult(result_class):
        def startTest(self, test):
            log.info("Starting test: {0}".format(self.getDescription(test)))
            test.started_at = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
            return super(LoggingResult, self).startTest(test)

        def stopTest(self, test):
            log.info("Stopped test: {0} in {1}s".format(
                self.getDescription(test), (datetime.datetime.utcnow() -

        def addSkip(self, test, reason):
            if fail_on_skip:
                # Don't just call addFailure because that requires a traceback
                self.failures.append((test, reason))
                super(LoggingResult, self).addSkip(test, reason)

    # Execute!
    result = unittest.TextTestRunner(stream=LogStream(),

    if not result.wasSuccessful():
        result.printErrors()  # duplicate output at end for convenience

        bad_tests = []
        for test, error in result.errors:
        for test, failure in result.failures:

def exec_test():
    # Help developers by stopping up-front if their tree isn't built enough for all the
    # tools that the tests might want to use (add more here if needed)
    require_binaries = ["ceph-dencoder", "cephfs-journal-tool", "cephfs-data-scan",
                        "cephfs-table-tool", "ceph-fuse", "rados"]
    missing_binaries = [b for b in require_binaries if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(BIN_PREFIX, b))]
    if missing_binaries:
        log.error("Some ceph binaries missing, please build them: {0}".format(" ".join(missing_binaries)))

    test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    # Create as many of these as the biggest test requires
    clients = ["0", "1", "2"]

    remote = LocalRemote()

    # Tolerate no MDSs or clients running at start
    ps_txt = remote.run(
        args=["ps", "aux"]
    lines = ps_txt.split("\n")[1:]

    for line in lines:
        if 'ceph-fuse' in line or 'ceph-mds' in line:
            pid = int(line.split()[1])
            log.warn("Killing stray process {0}".format(line))
            os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL)

    class LocalCluster(object):
        def __init__(self, rolename="placeholder"):
            self.remotes = {
                remote: [rolename]

        def only(self, requested):
            return self.__class__(rolename=requested)

    teuth_config['test_path'] = test_dir

    class LocalContext(object):
        def __init__(self):
            self.config = {}
            self.teuthology_config = teuth_config
            self.cluster = LocalCluster()
            self.daemons = DaemonGroup()

            # Shove some LocalDaemons into the ctx.daemons DaemonGroup instance so that any
            # tests that want to look these up via ctx can do so.
            # Inspect ceph.conf to see what roles exist
            for conf_line in open("ceph.conf").readlines():
                for svc_type in ["mon", "osd", "mds"]:
                    if svc_type not in self.daemons.daemons:
                        self.daemons.daemons[svc_type] = {}
                    match = re.match("^\[{0}\.(.+)\]$".format(svc_type), conf_line)
                    if match:
                        svc_id = match.group(1)
                        self.daemons.daemons[svc_type][svc_id] = LocalDaemon(svc_type, svc_id)

        def __del__(self):

    ctx = LocalContext()

    mounts = []
    for client_id in clients:
        # Populate client keyring (it sucks to use client.admin for test clients
        # because it's awkward to find the logs later)
        client_name = "client.{0}".format(client_id)

        if client_name not in open("./keyring").read():
            p = remote.run(args=[os.path.join(BIN_PREFIX, "ceph"), "auth", "get-or-create", client_name,
                                 "osd", "allow rw",
                                 "mds", "allow",
                                 "mon", "allow r"])

            open("./keyring", "a").write(p.stdout.getvalue())

        mount = LocalFuseMount(test_dir, client_id)
        if mount.is_mounted():
            log.warn("unmounting {0}".format(mount.mountpoint))
            if os.path.exists(mount.mountpoint):
    filesystem = LocalFilesystem(ctx)
    mds_cluster = LocalMDSCluster(ctx)

    from tasks.cephfs_test_runner import DecoratingLoader

    class LogStream(object):
        def __init__(self):
            self.buffer = ""

        def write(self, data):
            self.buffer += data
            if "\n" in self.buffer:
                lines = self.buffer.split("\n")
                for line in lines[:-1]:
                    # sys.stderr.write(line + "\n")
                self.buffer = lines[-1]

        def flush(self):

    decorating_loader = DecoratingLoader({
        "ctx": ctx,
        "mounts": mounts,
        "fs": filesystem,
        "mds_cluster": mds_cluster

    # For the benefit of polling tests like test_full -- in teuthology land we set this
    # in a .yaml, here it's just a hardcoded thing for the developer's pleasure.
    remote.run(args=[os.path.join(BIN_PREFIX, "ceph"), "tell", "osd.*", "injectargs", "--osd-mon-report-interval-max", "5"])
    filesystem.set_ceph_conf("osd", "osd_mon_report_interval_max", "5")

    # Vstart defaults to two segments, which very easily gets a "behind on trimming" health warning
    # from normal IO latency.  Increase it for running teests.
    filesystem.set_ceph_conf("mds", "mds log max segments", "10")

    # Make sure the filesystem created in tests has uid/gid that will let us talk to
    # it after mounting it (without having to  go root).  Set in 'global' not just 'mds'
    # so that cephfs-data-scan will pick it up too.
    filesystem.set_ceph_conf("global", "mds root ino uid", "%s" % os.getuid())
    filesystem.set_ceph_conf("global", "mds root ino gid", "%s" % os.getgid())

    # Monkeypatch get_package_version to avoid having to work out what kind of distro we're on
    def _get_package_version(remote, pkg_name):
        # Used in cephfs tests to find fuse version.  Your development workstation *does* have >=2.9, right?
        return "2.9"

    import teuthology.packaging
    teuthology.packaging.get_package_version = _get_package_version

    def enumerate_methods(s):
        for t in s._tests:
            if isinstance(t, suite.BaseTestSuite):
                for sub in enumerate_methods(t):
                    yield sub
                yield s, t

    interactive_on_error = False

    args = sys.argv[1:]
    flags = [a for a in args if a.startswith("-")]
    modules = [a for a in args if not a.startswith("-")]
    for f in flags:
        if f == "--interactive":
            interactive_on_error = True
            log.error("Unknown option '{0}'".format(f))

    if modules:
        log.info("Executing modules: {0}".format(modules))
        module_suites = []
        for mod_name in modules:
            # Test names like cephfs.test_auto_repair
            log.info("Loaded: {0}".format(list(module_suites)))
        overall_suite = suite.TestSuite(module_suites)
        log.info("Excuting all tests")
        overall_suite = decorating_loader.discover(

    # Filter out tests that don't lend themselves to interactive running,
    victims = []
    for case, method in enumerate_methods(overall_suite):
        fn = getattr(method, method._testMethodName)

        drop_test = False

        if hasattr(fn, 'is_long_running') and getattr(fn, 'is_long_running') is True:
            drop_test = True
            log.warn("Dropping test because long running: ".format(method.id()))

        if getattr(fn, "needs_trimming", False) is True:
            drop_test = (os.getuid() != 0)
            log.warn("Dropping test because client trim unavailable: ".format(method.id()))

        if drop_test:
            # Don't drop the test if it was explicitly requested in arguments
            is_named = False
            for named in modules:
                if named.endswith(method.id()):
                    is_named = True

            if not is_named:
                victims.append((case, method))

    log.info("Disabling {0} tests because of is_long_running or needs_trimming".format(len(victims)))
    for s, method in victims:

    if interactive_on_error:
        result_class = InteractiveFailureResult
        result_class = unittest.TextTestResult
    fail_on_skip = False

    class LoggingResult(result_class):
        def startTest(self, test):
            log.info("Starting test: {0}".format(self.getDescription(test)))
            test.started_at = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
            return super(LoggingResult, self).startTest(test)

        def stopTest(self, test):
            log.info("Stopped test: {0} in {1}s".format(
                (datetime.datetime.utcnow() - test.started_at).total_seconds()

        def addSkip(self, test, reason):
            if fail_on_skip:
                # Don't just call addFailure because that requires a traceback
                self.failures.append((test, reason))
                super(LoggingResult, self).addSkip(test, reason)

    # Execute!
    result = unittest.TextTestRunner(

    if not result.wasSuccessful():
        result.printErrors()  # duplicate output at end for convenience

        bad_tests = []
        for test, error in result.errors:
        for test, failure in result.failures:

def exec_test():
    # Help developers by stopping up-front if their tree isn't built enough for all the
    # tools that the tests might want to use (add more here if needed)
    require_binaries = ["ceph-dencoder", "cephfs-journal-tool", "cephfs-data-scan",
                        "cephfs-table-tool", "ceph-fuse", "rados"]
    missing_binaries = [b for b in require_binaries if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(BIN_PREFIX, b))]
    if missing_binaries:
        log.error("Some ceph binaries missing, please build them: {0}".format(" ".join(missing_binaries)))

    test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    # Create as many of these as the biggest test requires
    clients = ["0", "1", "2", "3"]

    remote = LocalRemote()

    # Tolerate no MDSs or clients running at start
    ps_txt = remote.run(
        args=["ps", "-u"+str(os.getuid())]
    lines = ps_txt.split("\n")[1:]

    for line in lines:
        if 'ceph-fuse' in line or 'ceph-mds' in line:
            pid = int(line.split()[0])
            log.warn("Killing stray process {0}".format(line))
            os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL)

    class LocalCluster(object):
        def __init__(self, rolename="placeholder"):
            self.remotes = {
                remote: [rolename]

        def only(self, requested):
            return self.__class__(rolename=requested)

    teuth_config['test_path'] = test_dir

    class LocalContext(object):
        def __init__(self):
            self.config = {}
            self.teuthology_config = teuth_config
            self.cluster = LocalCluster()
            self.daemons = DaemonGroup()

            # Shove some LocalDaemons into the ctx.daemons DaemonGroup instance so that any
            # tests that want to look these up via ctx can do so.
            # Inspect ceph.conf to see what roles exist
            for conf_line in open("ceph.conf").readlines():
                for svc_type in ["mon", "osd", "mds", "mgr"]:
                    if svc_type not in self.daemons.daemons:
                        self.daemons.daemons[svc_type] = {}
                    match = re.match("^\[{0}\.(.+)\]$".format(svc_type), conf_line)
                    if match:
                        svc_id = match.group(1)
                        self.daemons.daemons[svc_type][svc_id] = LocalDaemon(svc_type, svc_id)

        def __del__(self):

    ctx = LocalContext()

    mounts = []
    for client_id in clients:
        # Populate client keyring (it sucks to use client.admin for test clients
        # because it's awkward to find the logs later)
        client_name = "client.{0}".format(client_id)

        if client_name not in open("./keyring").read():
            p = remote.run(args=[os.path.join(BIN_PREFIX, "ceph"), "auth", "get-or-create", client_name,
                                 "osd", "allow rw",
                                 "mds", "allow",
                                 "mon", "allow r"])

            open("./keyring", "a").write(p.stdout.getvalue())

        mount = LocalFuseMount(test_dir, client_id)
        if mount.is_mounted():
            log.warn("unmounting {0}".format(mount.mountpoint))
            if os.path.exists(mount.mountpoint):
    ceph_cluster = LocalCephCluster(ctx)
    mds_cluster = LocalMDSCluster(ctx)
    mgr_cluster = LocalMgrCluster(ctx)

    from tasks.cephfs_test_runner import DecoratingLoader

    class LogStream(object):
        def __init__(self):
            self.buffer = ""

        def write(self, data):
            self.buffer += data
            if "\n" in self.buffer:
                lines = self.buffer.split("\n")
                for line in lines[:-1]:
                    # sys.stderr.write(line + "\n")
                self.buffer = lines[-1]

        def flush(self):

    decorating_loader = DecoratingLoader({
        "ctx": ctx,
        "mounts": mounts,
        "ceph_cluster": ceph_cluster,
        "mds_cluster": mds_cluster,
        "mgr_cluster": mgr_cluster,

    # For the benefit of polling tests like test_full -- in teuthology land we set this
    # in a .yaml, here it's just a hardcoded thing for the developer's pleasure.
    remote.run(args=[os.path.join(BIN_PREFIX, "ceph"), "tell", "osd.*", "injectargs", "--osd-mon-report-interval-max", "5"])
    ceph_cluster.set_ceph_conf("osd", "osd_mon_report_interval_max", "5")

    # Vstart defaults to two segments, which very easily gets a "behind on trimming" health warning
    # from normal IO latency.  Increase it for running teests.
    ceph_cluster.set_ceph_conf("mds", "mds log max segments", "10")

    # Make sure the filesystem created in tests has uid/gid that will let us talk to
    # it after mounting it (without having to  go root).  Set in 'global' not just 'mds'
    # so that cephfs-data-scan will pick it up too.
    ceph_cluster.set_ceph_conf("global", "mds root ino uid", "%s" % os.getuid())
    ceph_cluster.set_ceph_conf("global", "mds root ino gid", "%s" % os.getgid())

    # Monkeypatch get_package_version to avoid having to work out what kind of distro we're on
    def _get_package_version(remote, pkg_name):
        # Used in cephfs tests to find fuse version.  Your development workstation *does* have >=2.9, right?
        return "2.9"

    import teuthology.packaging
    teuthology.packaging.get_package_version = _get_package_version

    def enumerate_methods(s):
        for t in s._tests:
            if isinstance(t, suite.BaseTestSuite):
                for sub in enumerate_methods(t):
                    yield sub
                yield s, t

    interactive_on_error = False

    args = sys.argv[1:]
    flags = [a for a in args if a.startswith("-")]
    modules = [a for a in args if not a.startswith("-")]
    for f in flags:
        if f == "--interactive":
            interactive_on_error = True
            log.error("Unknown option '{0}'".format(f))

    if modules:
        log.info("Executing modules: {0}".format(modules))
        module_suites = []
        for mod_name in modules:
            # Test names like cephfs.test_auto_repair
        log.info("Loaded: {0}".format(list(module_suites)))
        overall_suite = suite.TestSuite(module_suites)
        log.info("Executing all cephfs tests")
        overall_suite = decorating_loader.discover(
            os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "cephfs")

    # Filter out tests that don't lend themselves to interactive running,
    victims = []
    for case, method in enumerate_methods(overall_suite):
        fn = getattr(method, method._testMethodName)

        drop_test = False

        if hasattr(fn, 'is_for_teuthology') and getattr(fn, 'is_for_teuthology') is True:
            drop_test = True
            log.warn("Dropping test because long running: ".format(method.id()))

        if getattr(fn, "needs_trimming", False) is True:
            drop_test = (os.getuid() != 0)
            log.warn("Dropping test because client trim unavailable: ".format(method.id()))

        if drop_test:
            # Don't drop the test if it was explicitly requested in arguments
            is_named = False
            for named in modules:
                if named.endswith(method.id()):
                    is_named = True

            if not is_named:
                victims.append((case, method))

    log.info("Disabling {0} tests because of is_for_teuthology or needs_trimming".format(len(victims)))
    for s, method in victims:

    if interactive_on_error:
        result_class = InteractiveFailureResult
        result_class = unittest.TextTestResult
    fail_on_skip = False

    class LoggingResult(result_class):
        def startTest(self, test):
            log.info("Starting test: {0}".format(self.getDescription(test)))
            test.started_at = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
            return super(LoggingResult, self).startTest(test)

        def stopTest(self, test):
            log.info("Stopped test: {0} in {1}s".format(
                (datetime.datetime.utcnow() - test.started_at).total_seconds()

        def addSkip(self, test, reason):
            if fail_on_skip:
                # Don't just call addFailure because that requires a traceback
                self.failures.append((test, reason))
                super(LoggingResult, self).addSkip(test, reason)

    # Execute!
    result = unittest.TextTestRunner(

    if not result.wasSuccessful():
        result.printErrors()  # duplicate output at end for convenience

        bad_tests = []
        for test, error in result.errors:
        for test, failure in result.failures:
