Exemple #1
    def _request(self, method, path):
        kwargs = {
            'method': method,
            'url': f"{self._base_url}{path}",
            'headers': {
                'Cookie': f'iksm_session={self.iksm_session}; path=/; '
                'Accept': 'application/json',
                'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'

            resp = self._con_pool.request(**kwargs)
        except urllib3.exceptions.TimeoutError:
            raise TimedOut()
        except urllib3.exceptions.HTTPError as error:
            raise NetworkError('urllib3 HTTPError {0}'.format(error))

        if 200 <= resp.status <= 299:
            return resp.data
        elif resp.status == 403:
            raise Splatoon2SessionInvalid()
            message = 'Unknown HTTPError'
            raise NetworkError('{0} ({1})'.format(message, resp.status))
    def decorator(*args, **kwargs):
            return func(*args, **kwargs)

        except HTTPError as error:
            # `HTTPError` inherits from `URLError` so `HTTPError` handling must
            # come first.
            errcode = error.getcode()

            if errcode in (401, 403):
                raise Unauthorized()
            if errcode == 502:
                raise NetworkError('Bad Gateway')

                message = _parse(error.read())
            except ValueError:
                message = 'Unknown HTTPError {0}'.format(error.getcode())

            raise NetworkError('{0} ({1})'.format(message, errcode))

        except URLError as error:
            raise NetworkError('URLError: {0!r}'.format(error))

        except (SSLError, socket.timeout) as error:
            err_s = str(error)
            if "operation timed out" in err_s:
                raise TimedOut()

            raise NetworkError(err_s)

        except HTTPException as error:
            raise NetworkError('HTTPException: {0!r}'.format(error))
Exemple #3
    def _request_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Wraps urllib3 request for handling known exceptions.

            args: unnamed arguments, passed to urllib3 request.
            kwargs: keyword arguments, passed tp urllib3 request.

            str: A non-parsed JSON text.


        # Make sure to hint Telegram servers that we reuse connections by sending
        # "Connection: keep-alive" in the HTTP headers.
        if 'headers' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['headers'] = {}
        kwargs['headers']['connection'] = 'keep-alive'
        # Also set our user agent
        kwargs['headers']['user-agent'] = USER_AGENT

            resp = self._con_pool.request(*args, **kwargs)
        except urllib3.exceptions.TimeoutError:
            raise TimedOut()
        except urllib3.exceptions.HTTPError as error:
            # HTTPError must come last as its the base urllib3 exception class
            # TODO: do something smart here; for now just raise NetworkError
            raise NetworkError('urllib3 HTTPError {}'.format(error))

        if 200 <= resp.status <= 299:
            # 200-299 range are HTTP success statuses
            return resp.data

            message = self._parse(resp.data)
        except ValueError:
            message = 'Unknown HTTPError'

        if resp.status in (401, 403):
            raise Unauthorized(message)
        elif resp.status == 400:
            raise BadRequest(message)
        elif resp.status == 404:
            raise InvalidToken()
        elif resp.status == 409:
            raise Conflict(message)
        elif resp.status == 413:
            raise NetworkError(
                'File too large. Check telegram api limits '

        elif resp.status == 502:
            raise NetworkError('Bad Gateway')
            raise NetworkError('{} ({})'.format(message, resp.status))
 def test_network_error(self):
     with pytest.raises(NetworkError, match="test message"):
         raise NetworkError("test message")
     with pytest.raises(NetworkError, match="^Test message$"):
         raise NetworkError("Error: test message")
     with pytest.raises(NetworkError, match="^Test message$"):
         raise NetworkError("[Error]: test message")
     with pytest.raises(NetworkError, match="^Test message$"):
         raise NetworkError("Bad Request: test message")
    def _request_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Wraps urllib3 request for handling known exceptions.

            args: unnamed arguments, passed to urllib3 request.
            kwargs: keyword arguments, passed tp urllib3 request.

            str: A non-parsed JSON text.


            resp = self._con_pool.request(*args, **kwargs)
        except Exception as e:
            log.error(str(e) + '\n' + traceback.format_exc())
        except urllib3.exceptions.TimeoutError:
            raise TimedOut()
        except urllib3.exceptions.HTTPError as error:
            # HTTPError must come last as its the base urllib3 exception class
            # TODO: do something smart here; for now just raise NetworkError
            raise NetworkError('urllib3 HTTPError {0}'.format(error))

        if 200 <= resp.status <= 299:
            # 200-299 range are HTTP success statuses
            return resp.data

            message = self._parse(resp.data)
        except ValueError:
            raise NetworkError('Unknown HTTPError {0}'.format(resp.status))

        if resp.status in (401, 403):
            raise Unauthorized()
        elif resp.status == 400:
            raise BadRequest(repr(message))
        elif resp.status == 404:
            raise InvalidToken()
        elif resp.status == 502:
            raise NetworkError('Bad Gateway')
            raise NetworkError('{0} ({1})'.format(message, resp.status))
Exemple #6
def test_send_msg_network_error(default_conf, mocker):
    mocker.patch.dict('freqtrade.main._CONF', default_conf)
    default_conf['telegram']['enabled'] = True
    bot = MagicMock()
    bot.send_message = MagicMock(side_effect=NetworkError('Oh snap'))
    send_msg('test', bot)

    # Bot should've tried to send it twice
    assert len(bot.method_calls) == 2
def test__send_msg_network_error(default_conf, mocker, caplog) -> None:
    mocker.patch('freqtrade.rpc.telegram.Telegram._init', MagicMock())
    bot = MagicMock()
    bot.send_message = MagicMock(side_effect=NetworkError('Oh snap'))
    freqtradebot = get_patched_freqtradebot(mocker, default_conf)
    telegram = Telegram(freqtradebot)

    telegram._config['telegram']['enabled'] = True
    telegram._send_msg('test', bot)

    # Bot should've tried to send it twice
    assert len(bot.method_calls) == 2
    assert log_has('Telegram NetworkError: Oh snap! Trying one more time.', caplog)
def test_send_msg_network_error(default_conf, mocker, caplog) -> None:
    Test send_msg() method
    mocker.patch('freqtrade.freqtradebot.exchange.init', MagicMock())
    mocker.patch('freqtrade.rpc.telegram.Telegram._init', MagicMock())
    conf = deepcopy(default_conf)
    bot = MagicMock()
    bot.send_message = MagicMock(side_effect=NetworkError('Oh snap'))
    freqtradebot = FreqtradeBot(conf, create_engine('sqlite://'))
    telegram = Telegram(freqtradebot)

    telegram._config['telegram']['enabled'] = True
    telegram.send_msg('test', bot)

    # Bot should've tried to send it twice
    assert len(bot.method_calls) == 2
    assert log_has(
        'Telegram NetworkError: Oh snap! Trying one more time.',
Exemple #9
def _fakeSendMessage_with429Error(obj, *args, **kwargs):
    global CURRENT_TIME
    if CURRENT_TIME < 2:
        raise NetworkError("Too Many Requests: retry after 1 (429)")
        return "SUCCESS"
def _fakesendDocument_with429Error_unknown(obj, *args, **kwargs):
    raise NetworkError("Too Many Requests: retry after 666")
Exemple #11
class TestErrors:
    def test_telegram_error(self):
        with pytest.raises(TelegramError, match="^test message$"):
            raise TelegramError("test message")
        with pytest.raises(TelegramError, match="^Test message$"):
            raise TelegramError("Error: test message")
        with pytest.raises(TelegramError, match="^Test message$"):
            raise TelegramError("[Error]: test message")
        with pytest.raises(TelegramError, match="^Test message$"):
            raise TelegramError("Bad Request: test message")

    def test_unauthorized(self):
        with pytest.raises(Forbidden, match="test message"):
            raise Forbidden("test message")
        with pytest.raises(Forbidden, match="^Test message$"):
            raise Forbidden("Error: test message")
        with pytest.raises(Forbidden, match="^Test message$"):
            raise Forbidden("[Error]: test message")
        with pytest.raises(Forbidden, match="^Test message$"):
            raise Forbidden("Bad Request: test message")

    def test_invalid_token(self):
        with pytest.raises(InvalidToken, match="Invalid token"):
            raise InvalidToken

    def test_network_error(self):
        with pytest.raises(NetworkError, match="test message"):
            raise NetworkError("test message")
        with pytest.raises(NetworkError, match="^Test message$"):
            raise NetworkError("Error: test message")
        with pytest.raises(NetworkError, match="^Test message$"):
            raise NetworkError("[Error]: test message")
        with pytest.raises(NetworkError, match="^Test message$"):
            raise NetworkError("Bad Request: test message")

    def test_bad_request(self):
        with pytest.raises(BadRequest, match="test message"):
            raise BadRequest("test message")
        with pytest.raises(BadRequest, match="^Test message$"):
            raise BadRequest("Error: test message")
        with pytest.raises(BadRequest, match="^Test message$"):
            raise BadRequest("[Error]: test message")
        with pytest.raises(BadRequest, match="^Test message$"):
            raise BadRequest("Bad Request: test message")

    def test_timed_out(self):
        with pytest.raises(TimedOut, match="^Timed out$"):
            raise TimedOut

    def test_chat_migrated(self):
        with pytest.raises(
                match="Group migrated to supergroup. New chat id: 1234"):
            raise ChatMigrated(1234)
            raise ChatMigrated(1234)
        except ChatMigrated as e:
            assert e.new_chat_id == 1234

    def test_retry_after(self):
        with pytest.raises(
                match="Flood control exceeded. Retry in 12 seconds"):
            raise RetryAfter(12)

    def test_conflict(self):
        with pytest.raises(Conflict, match="Something something."):
            raise Conflict("Something something.")

        "exception, attributes",
            (TelegramError("test message"), ["message"]),
            (Forbidden("test message"), ["message"]),
            (InvalidToken(), ["message"]),
            (NetworkError("test message"), ["message"]),
            (BadRequest("test message"), ["message"]),
            (TimedOut(), ["message"]),
            (ChatMigrated(1234), ["message", "new_chat_id"]),
            (RetryAfter(12), ["message", "retry_after"]),
            (Conflict("test message"), ["message"]),
            (PassportDecryptionError("test message"), ["message"]),
            (InvalidCallbackData("test data"), ["callback_data"]),
    def test_errors_pickling(self, exception, attributes):
        pickled = pickle.dumps(exception)
        unpickled = pickle.loads(pickled)
        assert type(unpickled) is type(exception)
        assert str(unpickled) == str(exception)

        for attribute in attributes:
            assert getattr(unpickled,
                           attribute) == getattr(exception, attribute)

            (TelegramError("test message")),
            (Forbidden("test message")),
            (NetworkError("test message")),
            (BadRequest("test message")),
            (Conflict("test message")),
            (PassportDecryptionError("test message")),
            (InvalidCallbackData("test data")),
    def test_slot_behaviour(self, inst, mro_slots):
        for attr in inst.__slots__:
            assert getattr(inst, attr,
                           "err") != "err", f"got extra slot '{attr}'"
        assert len(mro_slots(inst)) == len(set(
            mro_slots(inst))), "duplicate slot"

    def test_coverage(self):
        This test is only here to make sure that new errors will override __reduce__ and set
        __slots__ properly.
        Add the new error class to the below covered_subclasses dict, if it's covered in the above
        test_errors_pickling and test_slots_behavior tests.
        def make_assertion(cls):
            assert set(cls.__subclasses__()) == covered_subclasses[cls]
            for subcls in cls.__subclasses__():

        covered_subclasses = defaultdict(set)
            TelegramError: {
            NetworkError: {BadRequest, TimedOut},


    def test_string_representations(self):
        """We just randomly test a few of the subclasses - should suffice"""
        e = TelegramError("This is a message")
        assert repr(e) == "TelegramError('This is a message')"
        assert str(e) == "This is a message"

        e = RetryAfter(42)
        assert repr(
            e) == "RetryAfter('Flood control exceeded. Retry in 42 seconds')"
        assert str(e) == "Flood control exceeded. Retry in 42 seconds"

        e = BadRequest("This is a message")
        assert repr(e) == "BadRequest('This is a message')"
        assert str(e) == "This is a message"
    async def _request_wrapper(
        url: str,
        method: str,
        request_data: RequestData = None,
        read_timeout: ODVInput[float] = DEFAULT_NONE,
        write_timeout: ODVInput[float] = DEFAULT_NONE,
        connect_timeout: ODVInput[float] = DEFAULT_NONE,
        pool_timeout: ODVInput[float] = DEFAULT_NONE,
    ) -> bytes:
        """Wraps the real implementation request method.

        Performs the following tasks:
        * Handle the various HTTP response codes.
        * Parse the Telegram server response.

            url (:obj:`str`): The URL to request.
            method (:obj:`str`): HTTP method (i.e. 'POST', 'GET', etc.).
            request_data (:class:`telegram.request.RequestData`, optional): An object containing
                information about parameters and files to upload for the request.
            read_timeout (:obj:`float` | :obj:`None`, optional): If passed, specifies the maximum
                amount of time (in seconds) to wait for a response from Telegram's server instead
                of the time specified during creating of this object. Defaults to
            write_timeout (:obj:`float` | :obj:`None`, optional): If passed, specifies the maximum
                amount of time (in seconds) to wait for a write operation to complete (in terms of
                a network socket; i.e. POSTing a request or uploading a file) instead of the time
                specified during creating of this object. Defaults to :attr:`DEFAULT_NONE`.
            connect_timeout (:obj:`float` | :obj:`None`, optional): If passed, specifies the
                maximum amount of time (in seconds) to wait for a connection attempt to a server
                to succeed instead of the time specified during creating of this object. Defaults
                to :attr:`DEFAULT_NONE`.
            pool_timeout (:obj:`float` | :obj:`None`, optional): If passed, specifies the maximum
                amount of time (in seconds) to wait for a connection to become available instead
                of the time specified during creating of this object. Defaults to

            bytes: The payload part of the HTTP server response.


        # TGs response also has the fields 'ok' and 'error_code'.
        # However, we rather rely on the HTTP status code for now.

            code, payload = await self.do_request(
        except asyncio.CancelledError as exc:
            # TODO: in py3.8+, CancelledError is a subclass of BaseException, so we can drop this
            #  clause when we drop py3.7
            raise exc
        except TelegramError as exc:
            raise exc
        except Exception as exc:
            raise NetworkError(
                f"Unknown error in HTTP implementation: {repr(exc)}") from exc

        if HTTPStatus.OK <= code <= 299:
            # 200-299 range are HTTP success statuses
            return payload

        response_data = self.parse_json_payload(payload)

        description = response_data.get("description")
        if description:
            message = description
            message = "Unknown HTTPError"

        # In some special cases, we can raise more informative exceptions:
        # see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#responseparameters and
        # https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#making-requests
        parameters = response_data.get("parameters")
        if parameters:
            migrate_to_chat_id = parameters.get("migrate_to_chat_id")
            if migrate_to_chat_id:
                raise ChatMigrated(migrate_to_chat_id)
            retry_after = parameters.get("retry_after")
            if retry_after:
                raise RetryAfter(retry_after)

            message += f"\nThe server response contained unknown parameters: {parameters}"

        if code == HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN:
            raise Forbidden(message)
        if code in (HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED):
            # TG returns 404 Not found for
            #   1) malformed tokens
            #   2) correct tokens but non-existing method, e.g. api.tg.org/botTOKEN/unkonwnMethod
            # We can basically rule out 2) since we don't let users make requests manually
            # TG returns 401 Unauthorized for correctly formatted tokens that are not valid
            raise InvalidToken(message)
        if code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST:
            raise BadRequest(message)
        if code == HTTPStatus.CONFLICT:
            raise Conflict(message)
        if code == HTTPStatus.BAD_GATEWAY:
            raise NetworkError(description or "Bad Gateway")
        raise NetworkError(f"{message} ({code})")
Exemple #13
def _fakeSendMessage_with429Error_unknown(obj, *args, **kwargs):
    raise NetworkError("Too Many Requests: retry after 666")
def _fakesendDocument_with429Error_deep(obj, *args, **kwargs):
    global CURRENT_TIME
    if CURRENT_TIME < 90:
        raise NetworkError("Too Many Requests: retry after 10 (429)")
        return "SUCCESS_DEEP"
class TestErrors:
    def test_telegram_error(self):
        with pytest.raises(TelegramError, match="^test message$"):
            raise TelegramError("test message")
        with pytest.raises(TelegramError, match="^Test message$"):
            raise TelegramError("Error: test message")
        with pytest.raises(TelegramError, match="^Test message$"):
            raise TelegramError("[Error]: test message")
        with pytest.raises(TelegramError, match="^Test message$"):
            raise TelegramError("Bad Request: test message")

    def test_unauthorized(self):
        with pytest.raises(Unauthorized, match="test message"):
            raise Unauthorized("test message")
        with pytest.raises(Unauthorized, match="^Test message$"):
            raise Unauthorized("Error: test message")
        with pytest.raises(Unauthorized, match="^Test message$"):
            raise Unauthorized("[Error]: test message")
        with pytest.raises(Unauthorized, match="^Test message$"):
            raise Unauthorized("Bad Request: test message")

    def test_invalid_token(self):
        with pytest.raises(InvalidToken, match="Invalid token"):
            raise InvalidToken

    def test_network_error(self):
        with pytest.raises(NetworkError, match="test message"):
            raise NetworkError("test message")
        with pytest.raises(NetworkError, match="^Test message$"):
            raise NetworkError("Error: test message")
        with pytest.raises(NetworkError, match="^Test message$"):
            raise NetworkError("[Error]: test message")
        with pytest.raises(NetworkError, match="^Test message$"):
            raise NetworkError("Bad Request: test message")

    def test_bad_request(self):
        with pytest.raises(BadRequest, match="test message"):
            raise BadRequest("test message")
        with pytest.raises(BadRequest, match="^Test message$"):
            raise BadRequest("Error: test message")
        with pytest.raises(BadRequest, match="^Test message$"):
            raise BadRequest("[Error]: test message")
        with pytest.raises(BadRequest, match="^Test message$"):
            raise BadRequest("Bad Request: test message")

    def test_timed_out(self):
        with pytest.raises(TimedOut, match="^Timed out$"):
            raise TimedOut

    def test_chat_migrated(self):
        with pytest.raises(ChatMigrated, match="Group migrated to supergroup. New chat id: 1234"):
            raise ChatMigrated(1234)
            raise ChatMigrated(1234)
        except ChatMigrated as e:
            assert e.new_chat_id == 1234

    def test_retry_after(self):
        with pytest.raises(RetryAfter, match="Flood control exceeded. Retry in 12.0 seconds"):
            raise RetryAfter(12)

    def test_conflict(self):
        with pytest.raises(Conflict, match='Something something.'):
            raise Conflict('Something something.')

        "exception, attributes",
            (TelegramError("test message"), ["message"]),
            (Unauthorized("test message"), ["message"]),
            (InvalidToken(), ["message"]),
            (NetworkError("test message"), ["message"]),
            (BadRequest("test message"), ["message"]),
            (TimedOut(), ["message"]),
            (ChatMigrated(1234), ["message", "new_chat_id"]),
            (RetryAfter(12), ["message", "retry_after"]),
            (Conflict("test message"), ["message"]),
            (TelegramDecryptionError("test message"), ["message"])
    def test_errors_pickling(self, exception, attributes):
        pickled = pickle.dumps(exception)
        unpickled = pickle.loads(pickled)
        assert type(unpickled) is type(exception)
        assert str(unpickled) == str(exception)

        for attribute in attributes:
            assert getattr(unpickled, attribute) == getattr(exception, attribute)

    def test_pickling_test_coverage(self):
        This test is only here to make sure that new errors will override __reduce__ properly.
        Add the new error class to the below covered_subclasses dict, if it's covered in the above
        test_errors_pickling test.
        def make_assertion(cls):
            assert {sc for sc in cls.__subclasses__()} == covered_subclasses[cls]
            for subcls in cls.__subclasses__():

        covered_subclasses = defaultdict(set)
            TelegramError: {Unauthorized, InvalidToken, NetworkError, ChatMigrated, RetryAfter,
                            Conflict, TelegramDecryptionError},
            NetworkError: {BadRequest, TimedOut}

Exemple #16
def _fakeSendMessage_with500Error(obj, *args, **kwargs):
    raise NetworkError("Internal Server Error (500)")
    async def do_request(
        url: str,
        method: str,
        request_data: RequestData = None,
        read_timeout: ODVInput[float] = BaseRequest.DEFAULT_NONE,
        write_timeout: ODVInput[float] = BaseRequest.DEFAULT_NONE,
        connect_timeout: ODVInput[float] = BaseRequest.DEFAULT_NONE,
        pool_timeout: ODVInput[float] = BaseRequest.DEFAULT_NONE,
    ) -> Tuple[int, bytes]:
        """See :meth:`BaseRequest.do_request`."""
        if self._client.is_closed:
            raise RuntimeError("This HTTPXRequest is not initialized!")

        # If user did not specify timeouts (for e.g. in a bot method), use the default ones when we
        # created this instance.
        if isinstance(read_timeout, DefaultValue):
            read_timeout = self._client.timeout.read
        if isinstance(write_timeout, DefaultValue):
            write_timeout = self._client.timeout.write
        if isinstance(connect_timeout, DefaultValue):
            connect_timeout = self._client.timeout.connect
        if isinstance(pool_timeout, DefaultValue):
            pool_timeout = self._client.timeout.pool

        timeout = httpx.Timeout(

        # TODO p0: On Linux, use setsockopt to properly set socket level keepalive.
        #          (socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_KEEPIDLE, 120)
        #          (socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_KEEPINTVL, 30)
        #          (socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_KEEPCNT, 8)
        # TODO p4: Support setsockopt on lesser platforms than Linux.

        files = request_data.multipart_data if request_data else None
        data = request_data.json_parameters if request_data else None

            res = await self._client.request(
                headers={"User-Agent": self.USER_AGENT},
        except httpx.TimeoutException as err:
            if isinstance(err, httpx.PoolTimeout):
                raise TimedOut(message=(
                    "Pool timeout: All connections in the connection pool are occupied. "
                    "Request was *not* sent to Telegram. Consider adjusting the connection "
                    "pool size or the pool timeout.")) from err
            raise TimedOut from err
        except httpx.HTTPError as err:
            # HTTPError must come last as its the base httpx exception class
            # TODO p4: do something smart here; for now just raise NetworkError
            raise NetworkError(f"httpx HTTPError: {err}") from err

        return res.status_code, res.content
Exemple #18
def _fakeSendMessage_with429Error_deep_stack_overflow(obj, *args, **kwargs):
    global CURRENT_TIME
    if CURRENT_TIME < 1000:
        raise NetworkError("Too Many Requests: retry after 1 (429)")
        return "SUCCESS_DEEP"
def _fakesendDocument_with500Error(obj, *args, **kwargs):
    raise NetworkError("Internal Server Error (500)")