def doNet(self): #if isServer: # checktimeouts() while simplenet.checkdata(): packet, peer = simplenet.nextpacket() if packet is None: break pType = packet[0] pData = packet[1] #print pType, pData if simplenet.isServer: cl = self.findclient(peer) if cl != None: cl.lastpackettime = 0 if pType=="join": cl = self.addClient(pData, peer) if cl is None: simplenet.sendto("joinfailed", "alreadyjoined?", peer) else: simplenet.sendto("yourein", "dosomethingcool", peer) elif cl is None: simplenet.sendto("whoyou", "i didnt get join message", peer) elif pType == "event": self.handleEvent(pData, cl) else:#client if pType=="gamestate": self.gamestate = pData self.clients = self.gamestate.clients self.walkers = self.clients for w in range(len(self.walkers)): if self.walkers[w].name == self.mywalker = self.walkers[w] elif pType=="boom": terrain.explode(pData[0], pData[1], pData[2], pData[3]) elif pType=="pastetex": terrain.pastesurfID(pData[0], pData[1], pData[2], pData[3], pData[4]) elif pType=="addtps": particles.addTextParticle(pData[0], pData[1], pData[2], pData[3], pData[4], pData[5]) elif pType=="addps": particles.addParticle(pData[0], pData[1], pData[2], pData[3], pData[4], pData[5], pData[6]) #print pData elif pType=="msg": #addmsg(pData[0], pData[1]) print(pData) elif pType=="whoyou": simplenet.sendserv("join", elif pType=="wakeup": simplenet.sendserv("keepalive", "dude")
def shootabullet(self): xv = yv = self.length = hypot(xv,yv) if self.length == 0:self.length = 0.001 xvn=xv/self.length yvn=yv/self.length poix =*26 poiy =*26 terrain.explode(poix,poiy,30,10) for c in self.owner.gamestate.clients: if c is self.owner: continue xd = - poix yd = - poiy td = xd * xd + yd * yd if td < 29*29: c.xvel+=xvn*20 c.yvel+=yvn*20 c.damage(30, self.owner) self.timetofire = self.firedelay particles.addParticle(poix, poiy, 0.5, "sword2.png", 3, 1)
def fixpos(self, xm=0, ym=0): 'called when the player is inside some land while moving' #self.x-=self.xn #self.y-=self.yn tn = terrain.getnormal(int(self.x)+xm, int(self.y)+ym) self.landcolour = terrain.getcolour(self.x,self.y) self.tnx = tn[0] self.tny = tn[1] impx = tn[0]*self.xvel impy = tn[1]*self.yvel impd = impx*impx+impy*impy if impd>(23*23): #print impd/100 brad = int(impd/100) if brad > 30: brad = 30 terrain.explode(self.x,self.y,brad) self.damage(impd/100,self) particles.addParticle(self.x, self.y, 0.4, "blood.png", 1.5, 3) #print self.tnx,self.tny if self.tny < 0.1: self.onground = 1 self.canjump = 1 self.x += self.tnx/2 self.y += self.tny/2 dp = self.xn*(-self.tny)+self.yn*self.tnx self.xn = -self.tny*dp self.yn = self.tnx*dp #else: self.xvel = self.xn*self.vel self.yvel = self.yn*self.vel if self.crouchkey == 1: self.xvel += -self.tnx#*self.vel wtf? FIXME whossis do self.yvel += -self.tny#*self.vel if self.digkey and self.lastdig+20 < timer.totaltime: terrain.explode(int(self.x), int(self.y), 30, 20) self.dugg = 1 self.lastdig = timer.totaltime
def update(self): self.updatebullets() if self.resetcount > 0: if self.resetcount == 1: self.reset() self.resetcount-=1 return self.yvel+=0.4#grav if self.vel > 5 and self.onground: particles.addParticle(self.x, self.y, 0.3, "smoke.png", 0.8, 2,self.landcolour) self.reaim() if self.isbot: self.beabot() self.wasonground = self.onground self.gun.update() self.altgun.update() if terrain.getalpha(int(self.x), int(self.y)) > 128: terrain.explode(int(self.x), int(self.y)-19, 20) #input self.dugg = 0 self.jumpwait -= 1 if self.jumpkey and self.canjump and self.jumpwait<0: particles.addParticle(self.x, self.y, 1, "smoke.png", 1.5, 3) self.canjump = self.onground self.jumpwait=5 self.yvel-=3 self.yvel+=self.tny*3 self.xvel+=self.tnx*3 #if self.crouchkey == 1 and self.onground == 1: # pass #else: '''if self.crouchkey == 0 or self.onground == 0: self.yvel+=0.225 if self.onground == 0: self.yvel+=0.125 ''' movmult = 0.8-self.crouchkey*0.08 if self.upkey:self.yvel-=0.12 if self.dnkey:self.yvel+=0.4 if self.ltkey: self.xvel-=movmult #self.yvel-=self.tnx*movmult #self.xvel+=self.tny*movmult if self.rtkey: self.xvel+=movmult #self.yvel+=self.tnx*movmult #self.xvel-=self.tny*movmult #figure some rotation #if self.tny> 0.5:self.tnx = 0.5 self.dnx = self.dnx*0.9+self.tnx*0.1 self.dny = self.dny*0.9+self.tny*0.1 mag = hypot(self.dnx, self.dny) self.dnx/=mag self.dny/=mag self.tnx *=0.8 self.tny = self.tny*0.8-0.2 mag = hypot(self.tnx, self.tny) self.tnx/=mag self.tny/=mag turntime = timer.turntime #print turntime #self.xvel*=timer.turntime #self.yvel*=timer.turntime #phys self.yvel*=0.99#*timer.turntime self.xvel*=0.99#*timer.turntime self.vel = hypot(self.xvel, self.yvel) if self.vel < 1: self.xn = self.xvel self.yn = self.yvel self.movesleft = 1 else: self.xn = self.xvel/self.vel self.yn = self.yvel/self.vel self.movesleft = self.vel self.onground = 0 maxcol = 10 while self.movesleft > 0 and maxcol > 0: self.x+=self.xn self.y+=self.yn self.checkbounds() self.movesleft-=1 if terrain.getalpha(int(self.x), int(self.y)) > 128: self.fixpos() self.movesleft+=1 maxcol-=1 '''elif terrain.getalpha(int(self.x+3), int(self.y)) > 128: self.fixpos(3, 0) self.movesleft+=1 maxcol-=1 elif terrain.getalpha(int(self.x-3), int(self.y)) > 128: self.fixpos(-3, 0) self.movesleft+=1 maxcol-=1 elif terrain.getalpha(int(self.x), int(self.y-3)) > 128: self.fixpos(0, -3) self.movesleft+=1 maxcol-=1 elif terrain.getalpha(int(self.x), int(self.y-6)) > 128: self.fixpos(0, -6) self.movesleft+=1 maxcol-=1''' = self.x+self.dnx*16 = self.y+self.dny*16 self.angle = -atan2(self.dnx, self.dny)/3.141573*180 self.aimgle = -atan2(,*180
def explode(self, radius): setto = self.destalpha terrain.explode(self.x, self.y, radius, setto) for p in self.owner.gamestate.walkers: p.bang(self.x, self.y+5, radius*1.8, setto,self.owner)