Exemple #1
def test_obstacle_collision(config, spec, obstacles):
    for i in range(len(config.lengths)):
        p = config.points[i]
        q = config.points[i + 1]
        for o in obstacles:
            if not test_bounding_box(p, q, (o.x1, o.y1), (o.x2, o.y2)):

            for e in o.edges:
                if test_line_collision((p, q), e):
                    return False
    return True
Exemple #2
def test_self_collision(config):
    if len(config.lengths) < 3:
        return True

    for i in range(len(config.lengths) - 1):
        p1 = config.points[i]
        q1 = config.points[i + 1]
        for j in range(i + 2, len(config.lengths)):
            p2 = config.points[j]
            q2 = config.points[j + 1]

            if test_line_collision((p1, q1), (p2, q2)):
                return False
    return True
def test_obstacle_collision(config, spec, obstacles):
    # return true for pass, false for fail
    for i in range(spec.num_segments):
        p = config.points[i]
        q = config.points[i + 1]
        for o in obstacles:
            # bounding box check
            if not test_bounding_box(p, q, (o.x1, o.y1), (o.x2, o.y2)):

            # full edge check
            for e in o.edges:
                if test_line_collision((p, q), e):
                    # collision between robot segment and obstacle edge
                    return False
    return True
Exemple #4
def test_collision_between_two_parts(config1, config2):
    point = config1.points[0]
    lines1 = []
    for i in range(1, len(config1.points)):
        lines1.append((point, config1.points[i]))
        point = config1.points[i]
    point = config2.points[0]
    lines2 = []
    for i in range(1, len(config2.points)):
        lines2.append((point, config2.points[i]))
        point = config2.points[i]
    for l1 in lines1:
        for l2 in lines2:
            if test_line_collision(l1, l2):
                return False
    return True
Exemple #5
def custom_test_obstacle_collision(config: robot_config.RobotConfig,
                                   spec: problem_spec.ProblemSpec, obstacles):
    # return true for pass, false for fail
    for i in range(spec.num_segments):
        p = config.points[i]
        q = config.points[i + 1]
        for o in obstacles:
            line_start_x = p[0]
            line_end_x = q[0]
            line_start_y = p[1]
            line_end_y = q[1]

            for j in range(12):
                delta_x = (line_end_x - line_start_x) / (j + 1)
                delta_y = (line_end_y - line_start_y) / (j + 1)
                if j == 0:
                    delta_x = 0
                    delta_y = 0
                elif j == 11:
                    delta_x = (line_end_x - line_start_x)
                    delta_y = (line_end_y - line_start_y)

                x = line_start_x + delta_x
                y = line_start_y + delta_y

                if (o.x1 == o.x2):
                    if (y < o.y2 + COLLISION_TOLERANCE) and (
                            y > o.y1 - COLLISION_TOLERANCE):
                        return False
                elif (o.y1 == o.y2):
                    if (x < o.x2 + COLLISION_TOLERANCE) and (
                            x > o.x1 - COLLISION_TOLERANCE):
                        return False
                elif (x<o.x2 +COLLISION_TOLERANCE) and (x>o.x1 -COLLISION_TOLERANCE) and\
                    (y<o.y2 +COLLISION_TOLERANCE) and (y>o.y1 -COLLISION_TOLERANCE):
                    return False
            # bounding box check
            if not custom_test_bounding_box(p, q, (o.x1, o.y1), (o.x2, o.y2)):

            # full edge check
            for e in o.edges:
                if tester.test_line_collision((p, q), e):
                    # collision between robot segment and obstacle edge
                    return False
    return True
    def test_self_collision(self, config, spec):
        # return true for pass, false for fail
        if spec.num_segments < 3:
            # collision impossible with less than 3 segments
            return True
        # do full check
        for i in range(spec.num_segments - 1):
            p1 = config.points[i]
            q1 = config.points[i + 1]

            for j in range(i + 2, spec.num_segments):
                p2 = config.points[j]
                q2 = config.points[j + 1]

                if test_line_collision((p1, q1), (p2, q2)):
                    return False

        return True