Exemple #1
 def __init__(self,
         'System Changelog',
     self._asColumnHeaders = ['When', 'User', 'Event', 'Details']
     self._asColumnAttribs = ['align="center"', 'align="center"', '', '']
     self._oBuildBlacklistLogic = BuildBlacklistLogic(oDisp.getDb())
     self._oBuildLogic = BuildLogic(oDisp.getDb())
     self._oBuildSourceLogic = BuildSourceLogic(oDisp.getDb())
     self._oFailureCategoryLogic = FailureCategoryLogic(oDisp.getDb())
     self._oFailureReasonLogic = FailureReasonLogic(oDisp.getDb())
     self._oGlobalResourceLogic = GlobalResourceLogic(oDisp.getDb())
     self._oSchedGroupLogic = SchedGroupLogic(oDisp.getDb())
     self._oTestBoxLogic = TestBoxLogic(oDisp.getDb())
     self._oTestCaseLogic = TestCaseLogic(oDisp.getDb())
     self._oTestGroupLogic = TestGroupLogic(oDisp.getDb())
     self._oUserAccountLogic = UserAccountLogic(oDisp.getDb())
     self._sPrevDate = ''
     _ = cDaysBack
Exemple #2
    def _populateForm(self, oForm, oData):
        Construct an HTML form

        aoFailureCategories = FailureCategoryLogic(TMDatabaseConnection()).getFailureCategoriesForCombo()
        if len(aoFailureCategories) == 0:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin
            sExceptionMsg = 'Please <a href="%s?%s=%s">add</a> Failure Category first.' % \
                (WuiAdmin.ksScriptName, WuiAdmin.ksParamAction, WuiAdmin.ksActionFailureCategoryShowAdd)

            raise WuiException(sExceptionMsg)

        oForm.addIntRO        (FailureReasonData.ksParam_idFailureReason,    oData.idFailureReason,    'Failure Reason ID')
        oForm.addTimestampRO  (FailureReasonData.ksParam_tsEffective,        oData.tsEffective,        'Last changed')
        oForm.addTimestampRO  (FailureReasonData.ksParam_tsExpire,           oData.tsExpire,           'Expires (excl)')
        oForm.addIntRO        (FailureReasonData.ksParam_uidAuthor,          oData.uidAuthor,          'Changed by UID')

        oForm.addComboBox     (FailureReasonData.ksParam_idFailureCategory,  oData.idFailureCategory,  'Failure Category',

        oForm.addText         (FailureReasonData.ksParam_sShort,             oData.sShort,             'Short Description')
        oForm.addText         (FailureReasonData.ksParam_sFull,              oData.sFull,              'Full Description')
        oForm.addInt          (FailureReasonData.ksParam_iTicket,            oData.iTicket,            'Ticket Number')
        oForm.addMultilineText(FailureReasonData.ksParam_asUrls,             oData.asUrls,             'Other URLs to reports '
                                                                                                       'or discussions of the '
                                                                                                       'observed symptoms')

        return True
 def _ensureCachesPresent(self):
     """ Ensures we've got the cache references resolved. """
     if self.oCategoryLogic is None:
         from testmanager.core.failurecategory import FailureCategoryLogic
         self.oCategoryLogic = FailureCategoryLogic(self._oDb)
     if self.oUserAccountLogic is None:
         self.oUserAccountLogic = UserAccountLogic(self._oDb)
     return True
 def __init__(self, aoEntries, iPage, cItemsPerPage, tsEffective, fnDPrint, oDisp, cDaysBack, aiSelectedSortColumns = None):
     WuiListContentBase.__init__(self, aoEntries, iPage, cItemsPerPage, tsEffective, 'System Changelog',
                                 fnDPrint = fnDPrint, oDisp = oDisp, aiSelectedSortColumns = aiSelectedSortColumns);
     self._asColumnHeaders = [ 'When', 'User', 'Event', 'Details' ];
     self._asColumnAttribs = [ 'align="center"', 'align="center"', '', '' ];
     self._oBuildBlacklistLogic  = BuildBlacklistLogic(oDisp.getDb());
     self._oBuildLogic           = BuildLogic(oDisp.getDb());
     self._oBuildSourceLogic     = BuildSourceLogic(oDisp.getDb());
     self._oFailureCategoryLogic = FailureCategoryLogic(oDisp.getDb());
     self._oFailureReasonLogic   = FailureReasonLogic(oDisp.getDb());
     self._oGlobalResourceLogic  = GlobalResourceLogic(oDisp.getDb());
     self._oSchedGroupLogic      = SchedGroupLogic(oDisp.getDb());
     self._oTestBoxLogic         = TestBoxLogic(oDisp.getDb());
     self._oTestCaseLogic        = TestCaseLogic(oDisp.getDb());
     self._oTestGroupLogic       = TestGroupLogic(oDisp.getDb());
     self._oUserAccountLogic     = UserAccountLogic(oDisp.getDb());
     self._sPrevDate             = '';
     _ = cDaysBack;
    def fetchForChangeLog(self, idTestResult, iStart, cMaxRows, tsNow):  # pylint: disable=R0914
        Fetches change log entries for a failure reason.

        Returns an array of ChangeLogEntry instance and an indicator whether
        there are more entries.
        Raises exception on error.

        if tsNow is None:
            tsNow = self._oDb.getCurrentTimestamp()

        # 1. Get a list of the changes from both TestResultFailures and assoicated
        #    FailureReasons.  The latter is useful since the failure reason
        #    description may evolve along side the invidiual failure analysis.
            "( SELECT trf.tsEffective AS tsEffectiveChangeLog,\n"
            "         trf.uidAuthor   AS uidAuthorChangeLog,\n"
            "         trf.*,\n"
            "         fr.*\n"
            "  FROM   TestResultFailures trf,\n"
            "         FailureReasons fr\n"
            "  WHERE  trf.idTestResult = %s\n"
            "     AND trf.tsEffective <= %s\n"
            "     AND trf.idFailureReason = fr.idFailureReason\n"
            "     AND fr.tsEffective      <= trf.tsEffective\n"
            "     AND fr.tsExpire         >  trf.tsEffective\n"
            "( SELECT fr.tsEffective AS tsEffectiveChangeLog,\n"
            "         fr.uidAuthor   AS uidAuthorChangeLog,\n"
            "         trf.*,\n"
            "         fr.*\n"
            "  FROM   TestResultFailures trf,\n"
            "         FailureReasons fr\n"
            "  WHERE  trf.idTestResult    = %s\n"
            "     AND trf.tsEffective    <= %s\n"
            "     AND trf.idFailureReason = fr.idFailureReason\n"
            "     AND fr.tsEffective      > trf.tsEffective\n"
            "     AND fr.tsEffective      < trf.tsExpire\n"
            "ORDER BY tsEffectiveChangeLog DESC\n"
            "LIMIT %s OFFSET %s\n",
            (idTestResult, tsNow, idTestResult, tsNow, cMaxRows + 1, iStart),

        aaoRows = []
        for aoChange in self._oDb.fetchAll():
            oTrf = TestResultFailureDataEx().initFromDbRow(aoChange[2:])
            oFr = FailureReasonData().initFromDbRow(aoChange[(2 + TestResultFailureData.kcDbColumns) :])
            oTrf.oFailureReason = oFr
            aaoRows.append([aoChange[0], aoChange[1], oTrf, oFr])

        # 2. Calculate the changes.
        oFailureCategoryLogic = None
        aoEntries = []
        for i in xrange(0, len(aaoRows) - 1):
            aoNew = aaoRows[i]
            aoOld = aaoRows[i + 1]

            aoChanges = []
            oNew = aoNew[2]
            oOld = aoOld[2]
            for sAttr in oNew.getDataAttributes():
                if sAttr not in ["tsEffective", "tsExpire", "uidAuthor", "oFailureReason", "oAuthor"]:
                    oOldAttr = getattr(oOld, sAttr)
                    oNewAttr = getattr(oNew, sAttr)
                    if oOldAttr != oNewAttr:
                        if sAttr == "idFailureReason":
                            oNewAttr = "%s (%s)" % (oNewAttr, oNew.oFailureReason.sShort)
                            oOldAttr = "%s (%s)" % (oOldAttr, oOld.oFailureReason.sShort)
                        aoChanges.append(AttributeChangeEntry(sAttr, oNewAttr, oOldAttr, str(oNewAttr), str(oOldAttr)))
            if oOld.idFailureReason == oNew.idFailureReason:
                oNew = aoNew[3]
                oOld = aoOld[3]
                for sAttr in oNew.getDataAttributes():
                    if sAttr not in ["tsEffective", "tsExpire", "uidAuthor"]:
                        oOldAttr = getattr(oOld, sAttr)
                        oNewAttr = getattr(oNew, sAttr)
                        if oOldAttr != oNewAttr:
                            if sAttr == "idFailureCategory":
                                if oFailureCategoryLogic is None:
                                    from testmanager.core.failurecategory import FailureCategoryLogic

                                    oFailureCategoryLogic = FailureCategoryLogic(self._oDb)
                                oCat = oFailureCategoryLogic.cachedLookup(oNewAttr)
                                if oCat is not None:
                                    oNewAttr = "%s (%s)" % (oNewAttr, oCat.sShort)
                                oCat = oFailureCategoryLogic.cachedLookup(oOldAttr)
                                if oCat is not None:
                                    oOldAttr = "%s (%s)" % (oOldAttr, oCat.sShort)
                                AttributeChangeEntry(sAttr, oNewAttr, oOldAttr, str(oNewAttr), str(oOldAttr))

            tsExpire = aaoRows[i - 1][0] if i > 0 else aoNew[2].tsExpire
            aoEntries.append(ChangeLogEntry(aoNew[1], None, aoNew[0], tsExpire, aoNew[2], aoOld[2], aoChanges))

        # If we're at the end of the log, add the initial entry.
        if len(aaoRows) <= cMaxRows and len(aaoRows) > 0:
            aoNew = aaoRows[-1]
            tsExpire = aaoRows[-1 - 1][0] if len(aaoRows) > 1 else aoNew[2].tsExpire
            aoEntries.append(ChangeLogEntry(aoNew[1], None, aoNew[0], tsExpire, aoNew[2], None, []))

        return (UserAccountLogic(self._oDb).resolveChangeLogAuthors(aoEntries), len(aaoRows) > cMaxRows)
class WuiAdminSystemChangelogList(WuiListContentBase):
    WUI System Changelog Content Generator.

    def __init__(self, aoEntries, iPage, cItemsPerPage, tsEffective, fnDPrint, oDisp, cDaysBack, aiSelectedSortColumns = None):
        WuiListContentBase.__init__(self, aoEntries, iPage, cItemsPerPage, tsEffective, 'System Changelog',
                                    fnDPrint = fnDPrint, oDisp = oDisp, aiSelectedSortColumns = aiSelectedSortColumns);
        self._asColumnHeaders = [ 'When', 'User', 'Event', 'Details' ];
        self._asColumnAttribs = [ 'align="center"', 'align="center"', '', '' ];
        self._oBuildBlacklistLogic  = BuildBlacklistLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oBuildLogic           = BuildLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oBuildSourceLogic     = BuildSourceLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oFailureCategoryLogic = FailureCategoryLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oFailureReasonLogic   = FailureReasonLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oGlobalResourceLogic  = GlobalResourceLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oSchedGroupLogic      = SchedGroupLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oTestBoxLogic         = TestBoxLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oTestCaseLogic        = TestCaseLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oTestGroupLogic       = TestGroupLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oUserAccountLogic     = UserAccountLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._sPrevDate             = '';
        _ = cDaysBack;

    #   oDetails = self._createBlacklistingDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);
    def _createBlacklistingDetailsLink(self, idBlacklisting, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the build source details. """
        oBlacklisting = self._oBuildBlacklistLogic.cachedLookup(idBlacklisting);
        if oBlacklisting is not None:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
            return WuiAdminLink('Blacklisting #%u' % (oBlacklisting.idBlacklisting,),
                                WuiAdmin.ksActionBuildBlacklistDetails, tsEffective,
                                { BuildBlacklistData.ksParam_idBlacklisting: oBlacklisting.idBlacklisting },
                                fBracketed = False);
        return WuiElementText('[blacklisting #%u not found]' % (idBlacklisting,));

    def _createBuildDetailsLink(self, idBuild, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the build details. """
        oBuild = self._oBuildLogic.cachedLookup(idBuild);
        if oBuild is not None:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
            return WuiAdminLink('%s %sr%u' % ( oBuild.oCat.sProduct, oBuild.sVersion, oBuild.iRevision),
                                WuiAdmin.ksActionBuildDetails, tsEffective,
                                { BuildData.ksParam_idBuild: oBuild.idBuild },
                                fBracketed = False,
                                sTitle = 'build #%u for %s, type %s'
                                       % (oBuild.idBuild, ' & '.join(oBuild.oCat.asOsArches), oBuild.oCat.sType));
        return WuiElementText('[build #%u not found]' % (idBuild,));

    def _createBuildSourceDetailsLink(self, idBuildSrc, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the build source details. """
        oBuildSource = self._oBuildSourceLogic.cachedLookup(idBuildSrc);
        if oBuildSource is not None:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
            return WuiAdminLink(oBuildSource.sName, WuiAdmin.ksActionBuildSrcDetails, tsEffective,
                                { BuildSourceData.ksParam_idBuildSrc: oBuildSource.idBuildSrc },
                                fBracketed = False,
                                sTitle = 'Build source #%u' % (oBuildSource.idBuildSrc,));
        return WuiElementText('[build source #%u not found]' % (idBuildSrc,));

    def _createFailureCategoryDetailsLink(self, idFailureCategory, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the failure category details. """
        oFailureCategory = self._oFailureCategoryLogic.cachedLookup(idFailureCategory);
        if oFailureCategory is not None:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
            return WuiAdminLink(oFailureCategory.sShort, WuiAdmin.ksActionFailureCategoryDetails, tsEffective,
                                { FailureCategoryData.ksParam_idFailureCategory: oFailureCategory.idFailureCategory },
                                fBracketed = False,
                                sTitle = 'Failure category #%u' % (oFailureCategory.idFailureCategory,));
        return WuiElementText('[failure category #%u not found]' % (idFailureCategory,));

    def _createFailureReasonDetailsLink(self, idFailureReason, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the failure reason details. """
        oFailureReason = self._oFailureReasonLogic.cachedLookup(idFailureReason);
        if oFailureReason is not None:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
            return WuiAdminLink(oFailureReason.sShort, WuiAdmin.ksActionFailureReasonDetails, tsEffective,
                                { FailureReasonData.ksParam_idFailureReason: oFailureReason.idFailureReason },
                                fBracketed = False,
                                sTitle = 'Failure reason #%u, category %s'
                                       % (oFailureReason.idFailureReason, oFailureReason.oCategory.sShort));
        return WuiElementText('[failure reason #%u not found]' % (idFailureReason,));

    def _createGlobalResourceDetailsLink(self, idGlobalRsrc, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the global resource details. """
        oGlobalResource = self._oGlobalResourceLogic.cachedLookup(idGlobalRsrc);
        if oGlobalResource is not None:
            return WuiAdminLink(oGlobalResource.sName, '@todo', tsEffective,
                                { GlobalResourceData.ksParam_idGlobalRsrc: oGlobalResource.idGlobalRsrc },
                                fBracketed = False,
                                sTitle = 'Global resource #%u' % (oGlobalResource.idGlobalRsrc,));
        return WuiElementText('[global resource #%u not found]' % (idGlobalRsrc,));

    def _createSchedGroupDetailsLink(self, idSchedGroup, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the scheduling group details. """
        oSchedGroup = self._oSchedGroupLogic.cachedLookup(idSchedGroup);
        if oSchedGroup is not None:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
            return WuiAdminLink(oSchedGroup.sName, WuiAdmin.ksActionSchedGroupDetails, tsEffective,
                                { SchedGroupData.ksParam_idSchedGroup: oSchedGroup.idSchedGroup },
                                fBracketed = False,
                                sTitle = 'Scheduling group #%u' % (oSchedGroup.idSchedGroup,));
        return WuiElementText('[scheduling group #%u not found]' % (idSchedGroup,));

    def _createTestBoxDetailsLink(self, idTestBox, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the testbox details. """
        oTestBox = self._oTestBoxLogic.cachedLookup(idTestBox);
        if oTestBox is not None:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
            return WuiAdminLink(oTestBox.sName, WuiAdmin.ksActionTestBoxDetails, tsEffective,
                                { TestBoxData.ksParam_idTestBox: oTestBox.idTestBox },
                                fBracketed = False, sTitle = 'Testbox #%u' % (oTestBox.idTestBox,));
        return WuiElementText('[testbox #%u not found]' % (idTestBox,));

    def _createTestCaseDetailsLink(self, idTestCase, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the test case details. """
        oTestCase = self._oTestCaseLogic.cachedLookup(idTestCase);
        if oTestCase is not None:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
            return WuiAdminLink(oTestCase.sName, WuiAdmin.ksActionTestCaseDetails, tsEffective,
                                { TestCaseData.ksParam_idTestCase: oTestCase.idTestCase },
                                fBracketed = False, sTitle = 'Test case #%u' % (oTestCase.idTestCase,));
        return WuiElementText('[test case #%u not found]' % (idTestCase,));

    def _createTestGroupDetailsLink(self, idTestGroup, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the test group details. """
        oTestGroup = self._oTestGroupLogic.cachedLookup(idTestGroup);
        if oTestGroup is not None:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
            return WuiAdminLink(oTestGroup.sName, WuiAdmin.ksActionTestGroupDetails, tsEffective,
                                { TestGroupData.ksParam_idTestGroup: oTestGroup.idTestGroup },
                                fBracketed = False, sTitle = 'Test group #%u' % (oTestGroup.idTestGroup,));
        return WuiElementText('[test group #%u not found]' % (idTestGroup,));

    def _createTestSetResultsDetailsLink(self, idTestSet, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the test set results. """
        _ = tsEffective;
        from testmanager.webui.wuimain import WuiMain;
        return WuiMainLink('test set #%u' % idTestSet, WuiMain.ksActionTestSetDetails,
                           { TestSetData.ksParam_idTestSet: idTestSet }, fBracketed = False);

    def _createTestSetDetailsLinkByResult(self, idTestResult, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the test set results. """
        _ = tsEffective;
        from testmanager.webui.wuimain import WuiMain;
        return WuiMainLink('test result #%u' % idTestResult, WuiMain.ksActionTestSetDetailsFromResult,
                           { TestSetData.ksParam_idTestResult: idTestResult }, fBracketed = False);

    def _createUserAccountDetailsLink(self, uid, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the user account details. """
        oUser = self._oUserAccountLogic.cachedLookup(uid);
        if oUser is not None:
            return WuiAdminLink(oUser.sUsername, '@todo', tsEffective, { UserAccountData.ksParam_uid: oUser.uid },
                                fBracketed = False, sTitle = '%s (#%u)' % (oUser.sFullName, oUser.uid));
        return WuiElementText('[user #%u not found]' % (uid,));

    def _formatDescGeneric(self, sDesc, oEntry):
        Generically format system log the description.
        oRet = WuiHtmlKeeper();
        asWords = sDesc.split();
        for sWord in asWords:
            offEqual = sWord.find('=');
            if offEqual > 0:
                sKey = sWord[:offEqual];
                try:    idValue = int(sWord[offEqual+1:].rstrip('.,'));
                except: pass;
                    if sKey == 'idTestSet':
                        oRet.append(self._createTestSetResultsDetailsLink(idValue, oEntry.tsEffective));
                    if sKey == 'idTestBox':
                        oRet.append(self._createTestBoxDetailsLink(idValue, oEntry.tsEffective));
                    if sKey == 'idSchedGroup':
                        oRet.append(self._createSchedGroupDetailsLink(idValue, oEntry.tsEffective));

        return oRet;

    def _formatListEntryHtml(self, iEntry): # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
        Overridden parent method.
        oEntry    = self._aoEntries[iEntry];
        sRowClass = 'tmodd' if (iEntry + 1) & 1 else 'tmeven';
        sHtml     = u'';

        # Format the timestamp.
        sDate = self.formatTsShort(oEntry.tsEffective);
        if sDate[:10] != self._sPrevDate:
            self._sPrevDate = sDate[:10];
            sHtml += '  <tr class="%s tmdaterow" align="left"><td colspan="7">%s</td></tr>\n' % (sRowClass, sDate[:10],);
        sDate = sDate[11:]

        # System log events.
        # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
        aoChanges = None;
        if   oEntry.sEvent == SystemLogData.ksEvent_CmdNacked:
            sEvent = 'Command not acknowleged';
            oDetails = oEntry.sDesc;

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemLogData.ksEvent_TestBoxUnknown:
            sEvent = 'Unknown testbox';
            oDetails = oEntry.sDesc;

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemLogData.ksEvent_TestSetAbandoned:
            sEvent = 'Abandoned ' if oEntry.sDesc.startswith('idTestSet') else 'Abandoned test set';
            oDetails = self._formatDescGeneric(oEntry.sDesc, oEntry);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemLogData.ksEvent_UserAccountUnknown:
            sEvent = 'Unknown user account';
            oDetails = oEntry.sDesc;

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemLogData.ksEvent_XmlResultMalformed:
            sEvent = 'Malformed XML result';
            oDetails = oEntry.sDesc;

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemLogData.ksEvent_SchedQueueRecreate:
            sEvent = 'Recreating scheduling queue';
            asWords = oEntry.sDesc.split();
            if len(asWords) > 3 and asWords[0] == 'User' and asWords[1][0] == '#':
                try:    idAuthor = int(asWords[1][1:]);
                except: pass;
                    oEntry.oAuthor = self._oUserAccountLogic.cachedLookup(idAuthor);
                    if oEntry.oAuthor is not None:
                        i = 2;
                        if asWords[i] == 'recreated':   i += 1;
                        oEntry.sDesc = ' '.join(asWords[i:]);
            oDetails = self._formatDescGeneric(oEntry.sDesc.replace('sched queue #', 'for scheduling group idSchedGroup='),
        # System changelog events.
        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_Blacklisting:
            sEvent = 'Modified blacklisting';
            oDetails = self._createBlacklistingDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_Build:
            sEvent = 'Modified build';
            oDetails = self._createBuildDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_BuildSource:
            sEvent = 'Modified build source';
            oDetails = self._createBuildSourceDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_GlobalRsrc:
            sEvent = 'Modified global resource';
            oDetails = self._createGlobalResourceDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_FailureCategory:
            sEvent = 'Modified failure category';
            oDetails = self._createFailureCategoryDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);
            (aoChanges, _) = self._oFailureCategoryLogic.fetchForChangeLog(oEntry.idWhat, 0, 1, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_FailureReason:
            sEvent = 'Modified failure reason';
            oDetails = self._createFailureReasonDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);
            (aoChanges, _) = self._oFailureReasonLogic.fetchForChangeLog(oEntry.idWhat, 0, 1, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_SchedGroup:
            sEvent = 'Modified scheduling group';
            oDetails = self._createSchedGroupDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_TestBox:
            sEvent = 'Modified testbox';
            oDetails = self._createTestBoxDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);
            (aoChanges, _) = self._oTestBoxLogic.fetchForChangeLog(oEntry.idWhat, 0, 1, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_TestCase:
            sEvent = 'Modified test case';
            oDetails = self._createTestCaseDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);
            (aoChanges, _) = self._oTestCaseLogic.fetchForChangeLog(oEntry.idWhat, 0, 1, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_TestGroup:
            sEvent = 'Modified test group';
            oDetails = self._createTestGroupDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_TestResult:
            sEvent = 'Modified test failure reason';
            oDetails = self._createTestSetDetailsLinkByResult(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_User:
            sEvent = 'Modified user account';
            oDetails = self._createUserAccountDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);

            sEvent   = '%s(%s)' % (oEntry.sEvent, oEntry.idWhat,);
            oDetails = '!Unknown event!' + (oEntry.sDesc if oEntry.sDesc else '');

        # Do the formatting.

        if aoChanges:
            oChangeEntry    = aoChanges[0];
            cAttribsChanged = len(oChangeEntry.aoChanges) + 1;
            if oChangeEntry.oOldRaw is None and sEvent.startswith('Modified '):
                sEvent = 'Created ' + sEvent[9:];

            oChangeEntry    = None;
            cAttribsChanged = -1;

        sHtml += u'  <tr class="%s">\n' \
                 u'    <td rowspan="%d" align="center" >%s</td>\n' \
                 u'    <td rowspan="%d" align="center" >%s</td>\n' \
                 u'    <td colspan="5" class="%s%s">%s %s</td>\n' \
                 u'  </tr>\n' \
               % ( sRowClass,
                  1 + cAttribsChanged + 1, sDate,
                  1 + cAttribsChanged + 1, webutils.escapeElem(oEntry.oAuthor.sUsername if oEntry.oAuthor is not None else ''),
                  sRowClass, ' tmsyschlogevent' if oChangeEntry is not None else '', webutils.escapeElem(sEvent),
                  oDetails.toHtml() if isinstance(oDetails, WuiHtmlBase) else oDetails,

        if oChangeEntry is not None:
            sHtml += u'  <tr class="%s tmsyschlogspacerrowabove">\n' \
                     u'    <td xrowspan="%d" style="border-right: 0px; border-bottom: 0px;"></td>\n' \
                     u'    <td colspan="3" style="border-right: 0px;"></td>\n' \
                     u'    <td rowspan="%d" class="%s tmsyschlogspacer"></td>\n' \
                     u'  </tr>\n' \
                   % (sRowClass, cAttribsChanged + 1, cAttribsChanged + 1, sRowClass);
            for j, oChange in enumerate(oChangeEntry.aoChanges):
                fLastRow = j + 1 == len(oChangeEntry.aoChanges);
                sHtml += u'  <tr class="%s%s tmsyschlogattr%s">\n' \
                       % ( sRowClass, 'odd' if j & 1 else 'even', ' tmsyschlogattrfinal' if fLastRow else '',);
                if j == 0:
                    sHtml += u'    <td class="%s tmsyschlogspacer" rowspan="%d"></td>\n' % (sRowClass, cAttribsChanged - 1,);

                if isinstance(oChange, AttributeChangeEntryPre):
                    sHtml += u'    <td class="%s%s">%s</td>\n' \
                             u'    <td><div class="tdpre"><pre>%s</pre></div></td>\n' \
                             u'    <td class="%s%s"><div class="tdpre"><pre>%s</pre></div></td>\n' \
                           % ( ' tmtopleft' if j == 0 else '', ' tmbottomleft' if fLastRow else '',
                               ' tmtopright' if j == 0 else '', ' tmbottomright' if fLastRow else '',
                               webutils.escapeElem(oChange.sNewText), );
                    sHtml += u'    <td class="%s%s">%s</td>\n' \
                             u'    <td>%s</td>\n' \
                             u'    <td class="%s%s">%s</td>\n' \
                           % ( ' tmtopleft' if j == 0 else '', ' tmbottomleft' if fLastRow else '',
                               ' tmtopright' if j == 0 else '', ' tmbottomright' if fLastRow else '',
                               webutils.escapeElem(oChange.sNewText), );
                sHtml += u'  </tr>\n';

        if oChangeEntry is not None:
            sHtml += u'  <tr class="%s tmsyschlogspacerrowbelow "><td colspan="5"></td></tr>\n\n' % (sRowClass,);
        return sHtml;

    def _generateTableHeaders(self):
        Overridden parent method.

        sHtml = u'<thead class="tmheader">\n' \
                u' <tr>\n' \
                u'  <th rowspan="2">When</th>\n' \
                u'  <th rowspan="2">Who</th>\n' \
                u'  <th colspan="5">Event</th>\n' \
                u' </tr>\n' \
                u' <tr>\n' \
                u'  <th style="border-right: 0px;"></th>\n' \
                u'  <th>Attribute</th>\n' \
                u'  <th>Old</th>\n' \
                u'  <th style="border-right: 0px;">New</th>\n' \
                u'  <th></th>\n' \
                u' </tr>\n' \
        return sHtml;
    def fetchForChangeLog(self, idTestResult, iStart, cMaxRows, tsNow):  # pylint: disable=R0914
        Fetches change log entries for a failure reason.

        Returns an array of ChangeLogEntry instance and an indicator whether
        there are more entries.
        Raises exception on error.

        if tsNow is None:
            tsNow = self._oDb.getCurrentTimestamp()

        # 1. Get a list of the changes from both TestResultFailures and assoicated
        #    FailureReasons.  The latter is useful since the failure reason
        #    description may evolve along side the invidiual failure analysis.
            '( SELECT trf.tsEffective AS tsEffectiveChangeLog,\n'
            '         trf.uidAuthor   AS uidAuthorChangeLog,\n'
            '         trf.*,\n'
            '         fr.*\n'
            '  FROM   TestResultFailures trf,\n'
            '         FailureReasons fr\n'
            '  WHERE  trf.idTestResult = %s\n'
            '     AND trf.tsEffective <= %s\n'
            '     AND trf.idFailureReason = fr.idFailureReason\n'
            '     AND fr.tsEffective      <= trf.tsEffective\n'
            '     AND fr.tsExpire         >  trf.tsEffective\n'
            '( SELECT fr.tsEffective AS tsEffectiveChangeLog,\n'
            '         fr.uidAuthor   AS uidAuthorChangeLog,\n'
            '         trf.*,\n'
            '         fr.*\n'
            '  FROM   TestResultFailures trf,\n'
            '         FailureReasons fr\n'
            '  WHERE  trf.idTestResult    = %s\n'
            '     AND trf.tsEffective    <= %s\n'
            '     AND trf.idFailureReason = fr.idFailureReason\n'
            '     AND fr.tsEffective      > trf.tsEffective\n'
            '     AND fr.tsEffective      < trf.tsExpire\n'
            'ORDER BY tsEffectiveChangeLog DESC\n'
            'LIMIT %s OFFSET %s\n', (
                cMaxRows + 1,

        aaoRows = []
        for aoChange in self._oDb.fetchAll():
            oTrf = TestResultFailureDataEx().initFromDbRow(aoChange[2:])
            oFr = FailureReasonData().initFromDbRow(
                aoChange[(2 + TestResultFailureData.kcDbColumns):])
            oTrf.oFailureReason = oFr
            aaoRows.append([aoChange[0], aoChange[1], oTrf, oFr])

        # 2. Calculate the changes.
        oFailureCategoryLogic = None
        aoEntries = []
        for i in xrange(0, len(aaoRows) - 1):
            aoNew = aaoRows[i]
            aoOld = aaoRows[i + 1]

            aoChanges = []
            oNew = aoNew[2]
            oOld = aoOld[2]
            for sAttr in oNew.getDataAttributes():
                if sAttr not in [
                        'tsEffective', 'tsExpire', 'uidAuthor',
                        'oFailureReason', 'oAuthor'
                    oOldAttr = getattr(oOld, sAttr)
                    oNewAttr = getattr(oNew, sAttr)
                    if oOldAttr != oNewAttr:
                        if sAttr == 'idFailureReason':
                            oNewAttr = '%s (%s)' % (
                            oOldAttr = '%s (%s)' % (
                            AttributeChangeEntry(sAttr, oNewAttr, oOldAttr,
                                                 str(oNewAttr), str(oOldAttr)))
            if oOld.idFailureReason == oNew.idFailureReason:
                oNew = aoNew[3]
                oOld = aoOld[3]
                for sAttr in oNew.getDataAttributes():
                    if sAttr not in [
                        oOldAttr = getattr(oOld, sAttr)
                        oNewAttr = getattr(oNew, sAttr)
                        if oOldAttr != oNewAttr:
                            if sAttr == 'idFailureCategory':
                                if oFailureCategoryLogic is None:
                                    from testmanager.core.failurecategory import FailureCategoryLogic
                                    oFailureCategoryLogic = FailureCategoryLogic(
                                oCat = oFailureCategoryLogic.cachedLookup(
                                if oCat is not None:
                                    oNewAttr = '%s (%s)' % (
                                oCat = oFailureCategoryLogic.cachedLookup(
                                if oCat is not None:
                                    oOldAttr = '%s (%s)' % (
                                AttributeChangeEntry(sAttr, oNewAttr, oOldAttr,

            tsExpire = aaoRows[i - 1][0] if i > 0 else aoNew[2].tsExpire
                ChangeLogEntry(aoNew[1], None, aoNew[0], tsExpire, aoNew[2],
                               aoOld[2], aoChanges))

        # If we're at the end of the log, add the initial entry.
        if len(aaoRows) <= cMaxRows and len(aaoRows) > 0:
            aoNew = aaoRows[-1]
            tsExpire = aaoRows[-1 -
                               1][0] if len(aaoRows) > 1 else aoNew[2].tsExpire
                ChangeLogEntry(aoNew[1], None, aoNew[0], tsExpire, aoNew[2],
                               None, []))

        return (UserAccountLogic(self._oDb).resolveChangeLogAuthors(aoEntries),
                len(aaoRows) > cMaxRows)
class WuiAdminSystemChangelogList(WuiListContentBase):
    WUI System Changelog Content Generator.

    def __init__(self, aoEntries, iPage, cItemsPerPage, tsEffective, fnDPrint, oDisp, cDaysBack, aiSelectedSortColumns = None):
        WuiListContentBase.__init__(self, aoEntries, iPage, cItemsPerPage, tsEffective, 'System Changelog',
                                    fnDPrint = fnDPrint, oDisp = oDisp, aiSelectedSortColumns = aiSelectedSortColumns);
        self._asColumnHeaders = [ 'When', 'User', 'Event', 'Details' ];
        self._asColumnAttribs = [ 'align="center"', 'align="center"', '', '' ];
        self._oBuildBlacklistLogic  = BuildBlacklistLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oBuildLogic           = BuildLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oBuildSourceLogic     = BuildSourceLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oFailureCategoryLogic = FailureCategoryLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oFailureReasonLogic   = FailureReasonLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oGlobalResourceLogic  = GlobalResourceLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oSchedGroupLogic      = SchedGroupLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oTestBoxLogic         = TestBoxLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oTestCaseLogic        = TestCaseLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oTestGroupLogic       = TestGroupLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oUserAccountLogic     = UserAccountLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._sPrevDate             = '';
        _ = cDaysBack;

    #   oDetails = self._createBlacklistingDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);
    def _createBlacklistingDetailsLink(self, idBlacklisting, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the build source details. """
        oBlacklisting = self._oBuildBlacklistLogic.cachedLookup(idBlacklisting);
        if oBlacklisting is not None:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
            return WuiAdminLink('Blacklisting #%u' % (oBlacklisting.idBlacklisting,),
                                WuiAdmin.ksActionBuildBlacklistDetails, tsEffective,
                                { BuildBlacklistData.ksParam_idBlacklisting: oBlacklisting.idBlacklisting },
                                fBracketed = False);
        return WuiElementText('[blacklisting #%u not found]' % (idBlacklisting,));

    def _createBuildDetailsLink(self, idBuild, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the build details. """
        oBuild = self._oBuildLogic.cachedLookup(idBuild);
        if oBuild is not None:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
            return WuiAdminLink('%s %sr%u' % ( oBuild.oCat.sProduct, oBuild.sVersion, oBuild.iRevision),
                                WuiAdmin.ksActionBuildDetails, tsEffective,
                                { BuildData.ksParam_idBuild: oBuild.idBuild },
                                fBracketed = False,
                                sTitle = 'build #%u for %s, type %s'
                                       % (oBuild.idBuild, ' & '.join(oBuild.oCat.asOsArches), oBuild.oCat.sType));
        return WuiElementText('[build #%u not found]' % (idBuild,));

    def _createBuildSourceDetailsLink(self, idBuildSrc, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the build source details. """
        oBuildSource = self._oBuildSourceLogic.cachedLookup(idBuildSrc);
        if oBuildSource is not None:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
            return WuiAdminLink(oBuildSource.sName, WuiAdmin.ksActionBuildSrcDetails, tsEffective,
                                { BuildSourceData.ksParam_idBuildSrc: oBuildSource.idBuildSrc },
                                fBracketed = False,
                                sTitle = 'Build source #%u' % (oBuildSource.idBuildSrc,));
        return WuiElementText('[build source #%u not found]' % (idBuildSrc,));

    def _createFailureCategoryDetailsLink(self, idFailureCategory, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the failure category details. """
        oFailureCategory = self._oFailureCategoryLogic.cachedLookup(idFailureCategory);
        if oFailureCategory is not None:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
            return WuiAdminLink(oFailureCategory.sShort, WuiAdmin.ksActionFailureCategoryDetails, tsEffective,
                                { FailureCategoryData.ksParam_idFailureCategory: oFailureCategory.idFailureCategory },
                                fBracketed = False,
                                sTitle = 'Failure category #%u' % (oFailureCategory.idFailureCategory,));
        return WuiElementText('[failure category #%u not found]' % (idFailureCategory,));

    def _createFailureReasonDetailsLink(self, idFailureReason, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the failure reason details. """
        oFailureReason = self._oFailureReasonLogic.cachedLookup(idFailureReason);
        if oFailureReason is not None:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
            return WuiAdminLink(oFailureReason.sShort, WuiAdmin.ksActionFailureReasonDetails, tsEffective,
                                { FailureReasonData.ksParam_idFailureReason: oFailureReason.idFailureReason },
                                fBracketed = False,
                                sTitle = 'Failure reason #%u, category %s'
                                       % (oFailureReason.idFailureReason, oFailureReason.oCategory.sShort));
        return WuiElementText('[failure reason #%u not found]' % (idFailureReason,));

    def _createGlobalResourceDetailsLink(self, idGlobalRsrc, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the global resource details. """
        oGlobalResource = self._oGlobalResourceLogic.cachedLookup(idGlobalRsrc);
        if oGlobalResource is not None:
            return WuiAdminLink(oGlobalResource.sName, '@todo', tsEffective,
                                { GlobalResourceData.ksParam_idGlobalRsrc: oGlobalResource.idGlobalRsrc },
                                fBracketed = False,
                                sTitle = 'Global resource #%u' % (oGlobalResource.idGlobalRsrc,));
        return WuiElementText('[global resource #%u not found]' % (idGlobalRsrc,));

    def _createSchedGroupDetailsLink(self, idSchedGroup, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the scheduling group details. """
        oSchedGroup = self._oSchedGroupLogic.cachedLookup(idSchedGroup);
        if oSchedGroup is not None:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
            return WuiAdminLink(oSchedGroup.sName, WuiAdmin.ksActionSchedGroupDetails, tsEffective,
                                { SchedGroupData.ksParam_idSchedGroup: oSchedGroup.idSchedGroup },
                                fBracketed = False,
                                sTitle = 'Scheduling group #%u' % (oSchedGroup.idSchedGroup,));
        return WuiElementText('[scheduling group #%u not found]' % (idSchedGroup,));

    def _createTestBoxDetailsLink(self, idTestBox, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the testbox details. """
        oTestBox = self._oTestBoxLogic.cachedLookup(idTestBox);
        if oTestBox is not None:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
            return WuiAdminLink(oTestBox.sName, WuiAdmin.ksActionTestBoxDetails, tsEffective,
                                { TestBoxData.ksParam_idTestBox: oTestBox.idTestBox },
                                fBracketed = False, sTitle = 'Testbox #%u' % (oTestBox.idTestBox,));
        return WuiElementText('[testbox #%u not found]' % (idTestBox,));

    def _createTestCaseDetailsLink(self, idTestCase, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the test case details. """
        oTestCase = self._oTestCaseLogic.cachedLookup(idTestCase);
        if oTestCase is not None:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
            return WuiAdminLink(oTestCase.sName, WuiAdmin.ksActionTestCaseDetails, tsEffective,
                                { TestCaseData.ksParam_idTestCase: oTestCase.idTestCase },
                                fBracketed = False, sTitle = 'Test case #%u' % (oTestCase.idTestCase,));
        return WuiElementText('[test case #%u not found]' % (idTestCase,));

    def _createTestGroupDetailsLink(self, idTestGroup, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the test group details. """
        oTestGroup = self._oTestGroupLogic.cachedLookup(idTestGroup);
        if oTestGroup is not None:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
            return WuiAdminLink(oTestGroup.sName, WuiAdmin.ksActionTestGroupDetails, tsEffective,
                                { TestGroupData.ksParam_idTestGroup: oTestGroup.idTestGroup },
                                fBracketed = False, sTitle = 'Test group #%u' % (oTestGroup.idTestGroup,));
        return WuiElementText('[test group #%u not found]' % (idTestGroup,));

    def _createTestSetResultsDetailsLink(self, idTestSet, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the test set results. """
        _ = tsEffective;
        from testmanager.webui.wuimain import WuiMain;
        return WuiMainLink('test set #%u' % idTestSet, WuiMain.ksActionTestSetDetails,
                           { TestSetData.ksParam_idTestSet: idTestSet }, fBracketed = False);

    def _createTestSetDetailsLinkByResult(self, idTestResult, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the test set results. """
        _ = tsEffective;
        from testmanager.webui.wuimain import WuiMain;
        return WuiMainLink('test result #%u' % idTestResult, WuiMain.ksActionTestSetDetailsFromResult,
                           { TestSetData.ksParam_idTestResult: idTestResult }, fBracketed = False);

    def _createUserAccountDetailsLink(self, uid, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the user account details. """
        oUser = self._oUserAccountLogic.cachedLookup(uid);
        if oUser is not None:
            return WuiAdminLink(oUser.sUsername, '@todo', tsEffective, { UserAccountData.ksParam_uid: oUser.uid },
                                fBracketed = False, sTitle = '%s (#%u)' % (oUser.sFullName, oUser.uid));
        return WuiElementText('[user #%u not found]' % (uid,));

    def _formatDescGeneric(self, sDesc, oEntry):
        Generically format system log the description.
        oRet = WuiHtmlKeeper();
        asWords = sDesc.split();
        for sWord in asWords:
            offEqual = sWord.find('=');
            if offEqual > 0:
                sKey = sWord[:offEqual];
                try:    idValue = int(sWord[offEqual+1:].rstrip('.,'));
                except: pass;
                    if sKey == 'idTestSet':
                        oRet.append(self._createTestSetResultsDetailsLink(idValue, oEntry.tsEffective));
                    if sKey == 'idTestBox':
                        oRet.append(self._createTestBoxDetailsLink(idValue, oEntry.tsEffective));
                    if sKey == 'idSchedGroup':
                        oRet.append(self._createSchedGroupDetailsLink(idValue, oEntry.tsEffective));

        return oRet;

    def _formatListEntryHtml(self, iEntry): # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
        Overridden parent method.
        oEntry    = self._aoEntries[iEntry];
        sRowClass = 'tmodd' if (iEntry + 1) & 1 else 'tmeven';
        sHtml     = u'';

        # Format the timestamp.
        sDate = self.formatTsShort(oEntry.tsEffective);
        if sDate[:10] != self._sPrevDate:
            self._sPrevDate = sDate[:10];
            sHtml += '  <tr class="%s tmdaterow" align="left"><td colspan="7">%s</td></tr>\n' % (sRowClass, sDate[:10],);
        sDate = sDate[11:]

        # System log events.
        # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
        aoChanges = None;
        if   oEntry.sEvent == SystemLogData.ksEvent_CmdNacked:
            sEvent = 'Command not acknowleged';
            oDetails = oEntry.sDesc;

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemLogData.ksEvent_TestBoxUnknown:
            sEvent = 'Unknown testbox';
            oDetails = oEntry.sDesc;

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemLogData.ksEvent_TestSetAbandoned:
            sEvent = 'Abandoned ' if oEntry.sDesc.startswith('idTestSet') else 'Abandoned test set';
            oDetails = self._formatDescGeneric(oEntry.sDesc, oEntry);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemLogData.ksEvent_UserAccountUnknown:
            sEvent = 'Unknown user account';
            oDetails = oEntry.sDesc;

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemLogData.ksEvent_XmlResultMalformed:
            sEvent = 'Malformed XML result';
            oDetails = oEntry.sDesc;

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemLogData.ksEvent_SchedQueueRecreate:
            sEvent = 'Recreating scheduling queue';
            asWords = oEntry.sDesc.split();
            if len(asWords) > 3 and asWords[0] == 'User' and asWords[1][0] == '#':
                try:    idAuthor = int(asWords[1][1:]);
                except: pass;
                    oEntry.oAuthor = self._oUserAccountLogic.cachedLookup(idAuthor);
                    if oEntry.oAuthor is not None:
                        i = 2;
                        if asWords[i] == 'recreated':   i += 1;
                        oEntry.sDesc = ' '.join(asWords[i:]);
            oDetails = self._formatDescGeneric(oEntry.sDesc.replace('sched queue #', 'for scheduling group idSchedGroup='),
        # System changelog events.
        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_Blacklisting:
            sEvent = 'Modified blacklisting';
            oDetails = self._createBlacklistingDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_Build:
            sEvent = 'Modified build';
            oDetails = self._createBuildDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_BuildSource:
            sEvent = 'Modified build source';
            oDetails = self._createBuildSourceDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_GlobalRsrc:
            sEvent = 'Modified global resource';
            oDetails = self._createGlobalResourceDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_FailureCategory:
            sEvent = 'Modified failure category';
            oDetails = self._createFailureCategoryDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);
            (aoChanges, _) = self._oFailureCategoryLogic.fetchForChangeLog(oEntry.idWhat, 0, 1, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_FailureReason:
            sEvent = 'Modified failure reason';
            oDetails = self._createFailureReasonDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);
            (aoChanges, _) = self._oFailureReasonLogic.fetchForChangeLog(oEntry.idWhat, 0, 1, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_SchedGroup:
            sEvent = 'Modified scheduling group';
            oDetails = self._createSchedGroupDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_TestBox:
            sEvent = 'Modified testbox';
            oDetails = self._createTestBoxDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);
            (aoChanges, _) = self._oTestBoxLogic.fetchForChangeLog(oEntry.idWhat, 0, 1, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_TestCase:
            sEvent = 'Modified test case';
            oDetails = self._createTestCaseDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);
            (aoChanges, _) = self._oTestCaseLogic.fetchForChangeLog(oEntry.idWhat, 0, 1, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_TestGroup:
            sEvent = 'Modified test group';
            oDetails = self._createTestGroupDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_TestResult:
            sEvent = 'Modified test failure reason';
            oDetails = self._createTestSetDetailsLinkByResult(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_User:
            sEvent = 'Modified user account';
            oDetails = self._createUserAccountDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);

            sEvent   = '%s(%s)' % (oEntry.sEvent, oEntry.idWhat,);
            oDetails = '!Unknown event!' + (oEntry.sDesc if oEntry.sDesc else '');

        # Do the formatting.

        if aoChanges:
            oChangeEntry    = aoChanges[0];
            cAttribsChanged = len(oChangeEntry.aoChanges) + 1;
            if oChangeEntry.oOldRaw is None and sEvent.startswith('Modified '):
                sEvent = 'Created ' + sEvent[9:];

            oChangeEntry    = None;
            cAttribsChanged = -1;

        sHtml += u'  <tr class="%s">\n' \
                 u'    <td rowspan="%d" align="center" >%s</td>\n' \
                 u'    <td rowspan="%d" align="center" >%s</td>\n' \
                 u'    <td colspan="5" class="%s%s">%s %s</td>\n' \
                 u'  </tr>\n' \
               % ( sRowClass,
                  1 + cAttribsChanged + 1, sDate,
                  1 + cAttribsChanged + 1, webutils.escapeElem(oEntry.oAuthor.sUsername if oEntry.oAuthor is not None else ''),
                  sRowClass, ' tmsyschlogevent' if oChangeEntry is not None else '', webutils.escapeElem(sEvent),
                  oDetails.toHtml() if isinstance(oDetails, WuiHtmlBase) else oDetails,

        if oChangeEntry is not None:
            sHtml += u'  <tr class="%s tmsyschlogspacerrowabove">\n' \
                     u'    <td xrowspan="%d" style="border-right: 0px; border-bottom: 0px;"></td>\n' \
                     u'    <td colspan="3" style="border-right: 0px;"></td>\n' \
                     u'    <td rowspan="%d" class="%s tmsyschlogspacer"></td>\n' \
                     u'  </tr>\n' \
                   % (sRowClass, cAttribsChanged + 1, cAttribsChanged + 1, sRowClass);
            for j, oChange in enumerate(oChangeEntry.aoChanges):
                fLastRow = j + 1 == len(oChangeEntry.aoChanges);
                sHtml += u'  <tr class="%s%s tmsyschlogattr%s">\n' \
                       % ( sRowClass, 'odd' if j & 1 else 'even', ' tmsyschlogattrfinal' if fLastRow else '',);
                if j == 0:
                    sHtml += u'    <td class="%s tmsyschlogspacer" rowspan="%d"></td>\n' % (sRowClass, cAttribsChanged - 1,);

                if isinstance(oChange, AttributeChangeEntryPre):
                    sHtml += u'    <td class="%s%s">%s</td>\n' \
                             u'    <td><div class="tdpre"><pre>%s</pre></div></td>\n' \
                             u'    <td class="%s%s"><div class="tdpre"><pre>%s</pre></div></td>\n' \
                           % ( ' tmtopleft' if j == 0 else '', ' tmbottomleft' if fLastRow else '',
                               ' tmtopright' if j == 0 else '', ' tmbottomright' if fLastRow else '',
                               webutils.escapeElem(oChange.sNewText), );
                    sHtml += u'    <td class="%s%s">%s</td>\n' \
                             u'    <td>%s</td>\n' \
                             u'    <td class="%s%s">%s</td>\n' \
                           % ( ' tmtopleft' if j == 0 else '', ' tmbottomleft' if fLastRow else '',
                               ' tmtopright' if j == 0 else '', ' tmbottomright' if fLastRow else '',
                               webutils.escapeElem(oChange.sNewText), );
                sHtml += u'  </tr>\n';

        if oChangeEntry is not None:
            sHtml += u'  <tr class="%s tmsyschlogspacerrowbelow "><td colspan="5"></td></tr>\n\n' % (sRowClass,);
        return sHtml;

    def _generateTableHeaders(self):
        Overridden parent method.

        sHtml = u'<thead class="tmheader">\n' \
                u' <tr>\n' \
                u'  <th rowspan="2">When</th>\n' \
                u'  <th rowspan="2">Who</th>\n' \
                u'  <th colspan="5">Event</th>\n' \
                u' </tr>\n' \
                u' <tr>\n' \
                u'  <th style="border-right: 0px;"></th>\n' \
                u'  <th>Attribute</th>\n' \
                u'  <th>Old</th>\n' \
                u'  <th style="border-right: 0px;">New</th>\n' \
                u'  <th></th>\n' \
                u' </tr>\n' \
        return sHtml;