Exemple #1
def virtualenv_template(tmpdir_factory):
    tmpdir = Path(str(tmpdir_factory.mktemp('virtualenv')))
    # Copy over our source tree so that each virtual environment is self
    # contained
    pip_src = tmpdir.join("pip_src").abspath
            "*.pyc", "__pycache__", "contrib", "docs", "tasks", "*.txt",
            "tests", "pip.egg-info", "build", "dist", ".tox", ".git",
    # Create the virtual environment
    venv = VirtualEnvironment.create(
    # Rename original virtualenv directory to make sure
    # it's not reused by mistake from one of the copies.
    venv_template = tmpdir / "venv_template"
    os.rename(venv.location, venv_template)
    yield venv_template
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, base_path, *args, **kwargs):
        # Make our base_path a test.lib.path.Path object
        base_path = Path(base_path)

        # Store paths related to the virtual environment
        _virtualenv = kwargs.pop("virtualenv")
        venv, lib, include, bin = virtualenv.path_locations(_virtualenv)
        self.venv_path = venv
        self.lib_path = lib
        self.include_path = include
        self.bin_path = bin

        if hasattr(sys, "pypy_version_info"):
            self.site_packages_path = self.venv_path.join("site-packages")
            self.site_packages_path = self.lib_path.join("site-packages")

        self.user_base_path = self.venv_path.join("user")
        self.user_bin_path = self.user_base_path.join(self.bin_path - self.venv_path)
        self.user_site_path = self.venv_path.join(
            site.USER_SITE[len(site.USER_BASE) + 1:],

        # Create a Directory to use as a scratch pad
        self.scratch_path = base_path.join("scratch").mkdir()

        # Set our default working directory
        kwargs.setdefault("cwd", self.scratch_path)

        # Setup our environment
        environ = kwargs.get("environ")
        if environ is None:
            environ = os.environ.copy()

        environ["PIP_LOG_FILE"] = base_path.join("pip-log.txt")
        environ["PATH"] = Path.pathsep.join(
            [self.bin_path] + [environ.get("PATH", [])],
        environ["PYTHONUSERBASE"] = self.user_base_path
        # Writing bytecode can mess up updated file detection
        environ["PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE"] = "1"
        kwargs["environ"] = environ

        # Call the TestFileEnvironment __init__
        super(PipTestEnvironment, self).__init__(base_path, *args, **kwargs)

        # Expand our absolute path directories into relative
        for name in ["base", "venv", "lib", "include", "bin", "site_packages",
                     "user_base", "user_site", "user_bin", "scratch"]:
            real_name = "%s_path" % name
            setattr(self, name, getattr(self, real_name) - self.base_path)

        # Ensure the tmp dir exists, things break horribly if it doesn't

        # create easy-install.pth in user_site, so we always have it updated
        #   instead of created
Exemple #3
def virtualenv_template(tmpdir_factory):
    tmpdir = Path(str(tmpdir_factory.mktemp('virtualenv')))
    # Copy over our source tree so that each virtual environment is self
    # contained
    pip_src = tmpdir.join("pip_src").abspath
            "*.pyc", "__pycache__", "contrib", "docs", "tasks", "*.txt",
            "tests", "pip.egg-info", "build", "dist", ".tox", ".git",
    # Create the virtual environment
    venv = VirtualEnvironment.create(
    if sys.platform == 'win32':
        # Work around setuptools' easy_install.exe
        # not working properly after relocation.
        for exe in os.listdir(venv.bin):
            if exe.startswith('easy_install'):
                (venv.bin / exe).remove()
        with open(venv.bin / 'easy_install.bat', 'w') as fp:
            fp.write('python.exe -m easy_install %*\n')

    # Rename original virtualenv directory to make sure
    # it's not reused by mistake from one of the copies.
    venv_template = tmpdir / "venv_template"
    os.rename(venv.location, venv_template)
    yield venv_template
Exemple #4
def virtualenv_template(tmpdir_factory, pip_src):
    tmpdir = Path(str(tmpdir_factory.mktemp('virtualenv')))
    # Create the virtual environment
    venv = VirtualEnvironment.create(
    # Fix `site.py`.
    site_py = venv.lib / 'site.py'
    with open(site_py) as fp:
        site_contents = fp.read()
    for pattern, replace in (
            # Ensure `virtualenv.system_site_packages = True` (needed
            # for testing `--user`) does not result in adding the real
            # site-packages' directory to `sys.path`.
                '\ndef virtual_addsitepackages(known_paths):\n'
                '\ndef virtual_addsitepackages(known_paths):\n'
                '    return known_paths\n'
            # Fix sites ordering: user site must be added before system site.
                '\n    paths_in_sys = addsitepackages(paths_in_sys)'
                '\n    paths_in_sys = addusersitepackages(paths_in_sys)\n'
                '\n    paths_in_sys = addusersitepackages(paths_in_sys)'
                '\n    paths_in_sys = addsitepackages(paths_in_sys)\n'
        assert pattern in site_contents
        site_contents = site_contents.replace(pattern, replace)
    with open(site_py, 'w') as fp:
    if sys.platform == 'win32':
        # Work around setuptools' easy_install.exe
        # not working properly after relocation.
        for exe in os.listdir(venv.bin):
            if exe.startswith('easy_install'):
                (venv.bin / exe).remove()
        with open(venv.bin / 'easy_install.bat', 'w') as fp:
            fp.write('python.exe -m easy_install %*\n')

    # Rename original virtualenv directory to make sure
    # it's not reused by mistake from one of the copies.
    venv_template = tmpdir / "venv_template"
    os.rename(venv.location, venv_template)
    yield venv_template
Exemple #5
 def run(self, *args, **kw):
     if self.verbose:
         print('>> running %s %s' % (args, kw))
     cwd = kw.pop('cwd', None)
     run_from = kw.pop('run_from', None)
     assert not cwd or not run_from, "Don't use run_from; it's going away"
     cwd = Path.string(cwd or run_from or self.cwd)
     assert not isinstance(cwd, Path)
     return TestPipResult(super(TestPipEnvironment, self).run(cwd=cwd, *args, **kw), verbose=self.verbose)
Exemple #6
class TestData(object):
    Represents a bundle of pre-created test data.

    This copies a pristine set of test data into a root location that is
    designed to be test specific. The reason for this is when running the tests
    concurrently errors can be generated because the related tooling uses
    the directory as a work space. This leads to two concurrent processes
    trampling over each other. This class gets around that by copying all
    data into a directory and operating on the copied data.

    def __init__(self, root, source=None):
        self.source = source or DATA_DIR
        self.root = Path(root).abspath

    def copy(cls, root):
        obj = cls(root)
        return obj

    def reset(self):

    def packages(self):
        return self.root.join("packages")

    def packages2(self):
        return self.root.join("packages2")

    def indexes(self):
        return self.root.join("indexes")

    def reqfiles(self):
        return self.root.join("reqfiles")

    def find_links(self):
        return path_to_url(self.packages)

    def find_links2(self):
        return path_to_url(self.packages2)

    def index_url(self, index="simple"):
        return path_to_url(self.root.join("indexes", index))
Exemple #7
def virtualenv_template(request, tmpdir_factory, pip_src,
                        setuptools_install, common_wheels):

    if six.PY3 and request.config.getoption('--use-venv'):
        venv_type = 'venv'
        venv_type = 'virtualenv'

    # Create the virtual environment
    tmpdir = Path(str(tmpdir_factory.mktemp('virtualenv')))
    venv = VirtualEnvironment(tmpdir.join("venv_orig"), venv_type=venv_type)

    # Install setuptools and pip.
    install_egg_link(venv, 'setuptools', setuptools_install)
    pip_editable = Path(str(tmpdir_factory.mktemp('pip'))) / 'pip'
    assert compileall.compile_dir(str(pip_editable), quiet=1)
    subprocess.check_call([venv.bin / 'python', 'setup.py', '-q', 'develop'],

    # Drop (non-relocatable) launchers.
    for exe in os.listdir(venv.bin):
        if not (
            exe.startswith('python') or
            exe.startswith('libpy')  # Don't remove libpypy-c.so...
            (venv.bin / exe).remove()

    # Enable user site packages.
    venv.user_site_packages = True

    # Rename original virtualenv directory to make sure
    # it's not reused by mistake from one of the copies.
    venv_template = tmpdir / "venv_template"
    yield venv
Exemple #8
class PipTestEnvironment(scripttest.TestFileEnvironment):
    A specialized TestFileEnvironment for testing pip

    # Attribute naming convention
    # ---------------------------
    # Instances of this class have many attributes representing paths
    # in the filesystem.  To keep things straight, absolute paths have
    # a name of the form xxxx_path and relative paths have a name that
    # does not end in '_path'.

    exe = sys.platform == 'win32' and '.exe' or ''
    verbose = False

    def __init__(self, base_path, *args, **kwargs):
        # Make our base_path a test.lib.path.Path object
        base_path = Path(base_path)

        # Store paths related to the virtual environment
        _virtualenv = kwargs.pop("virtualenv")
        path_locations = virtualenv.path_locations(_virtualenv)
        # Make sure we have test.lib.path.Path objects
        venv, lib, include, bin = map(Path, path_locations)
        self.venv_path = venv
        self.lib_path = virtualenv_lib_path(venv, lib)
        self.include_path = include
        self.bin_path = bin

        if hasattr(sys, "pypy_version_info"):
            self.site_packages_path = self.venv_path.join("site-packages")
            self.site_packages_path = self.lib_path.join("site-packages")

        self.user_base_path = self.venv_path.join("user")
        self.user_site_path = self.venv_path.join(
            site.USER_SITE[len(site.USER_BASE) + 1:],
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            if sys.version_info >= (3, 5):
                scripts_base = self.user_site_path.join('..').normpath
                scripts_base = self.user_base_path
            self.user_bin_path = scripts_base.join('Scripts')
            self.user_bin_path = self.user_base_path.join(
                self.bin_path - self.venv_path

        # Create a Directory to use as a scratch pad
        self.scratch_path = base_path.join("scratch").mkdir()

        # Set our default working directory
        kwargs.setdefault("cwd", self.scratch_path)

        # Setup our environment
        environ = kwargs.get("environ")
        if environ is None:
            environ = os.environ.copy()

        environ["PATH"] = Path.pathsep.join(
            [self.bin_path] + [environ.get("PATH", [])],
        environ["PYTHONUSERBASE"] = self.user_base_path
        # Writing bytecode can mess up updated file detection
        environ["PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE"] = "1"
        # Make sure we get UTF-8 on output, even on Windows...
        environ["PYTHONIOENCODING"] = "UTF-8"
        kwargs["environ"] = environ

        # Call the TestFileEnvironment __init__
        super(PipTestEnvironment, self).__init__(base_path, *args, **kwargs)

        # Expand our absolute path directories into relative
        for name in ["base", "venv", "lib", "include", "bin", "site_packages",
                     "user_base", "user_site", "user_bin", "scratch"]:
            real_name = "%s_path" % name
            setattr(self, name, getattr(self, real_name) - self.base_path)

        # Make sure temp_path is a Path object
        self.temp_path = Path(self.temp_path)
        # Ensure the tmp dir exists, things break horribly if it doesn't

        # create easy-install.pth in user_site, so we always have it updated
        #   instead of created

    def _ignore_file(self, fn):
        if fn.endswith('__pycache__') or fn.endswith(".pyc"):
            result = True
            result = super(PipTestEnvironment, self)._ignore_file(fn)
        return result

    def run(self, *args, **kw):
        if self.verbose:
            print('>> running %s %s' % (args, kw))
        cwd = kw.pop('cwd', None)
        run_from = kw.pop('run_from', None)
        assert not cwd or not run_from, "Don't use run_from; it's going away"
        cwd = cwd or run_from or self.cwd
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            # Partial fix for ScriptTest.run using `shell=True` on Windows.
            args = [str(a).replace('^', '^^').replace('&', '^&') for a in args]
        return TestPipResult(
            super(PipTestEnvironment, self).run(cwd=cwd, *args, **kw),

    def pip(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # On old versions of Python, urllib3/requests will raise a warning
        # about the lack of an SSLContext. Expect it when running commands
        # that will touch the outside world.
        if (pyversion_tuple < (2, 7, 9) and
                args and args[0] in ('search', 'install', 'download')):
            kwargs['expect_stderr'] = True
        if kwargs.pop('use_module', False):
            exe = 'python'
            args = ('-m', 'pip') + args
            exe = 'pip'
        return self.run(exe, *args, **kwargs)

    def pip_install_local(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.pip(
            "install", "--no-index",
            "--find-links", path_to_url(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "packages")),
            *args, **kwargs
Exemple #9
    def __init__(self, base_path, *args, **kwargs):
        # Make our base_path a test.lib.path.Path object
        base_path = Path(base_path)

        # Store paths related to the virtual environment
        venv = kwargs.pop("virtualenv")
        self.venv_path = venv.location
        self.lib_path = venv.lib
        self.site_packages_path = venv.site
        self.bin_path = venv.bin

        self.user_base_path = self.venv_path.join("user")
        self.user_site_path = self.venv_path.join(
            site.USER_SITE[len(site.USER_BASE) + 1:],
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            if sys.version_info >= (3, 5):
                scripts_base = self.user_site_path.join('..').normpath
                scripts_base = self.user_base_path
            self.user_bin_path = scripts_base.join('Scripts')
            self.user_bin_path = self.user_base_path.join(
                self.bin_path - self.venv_path

        # Create a Directory to use as a scratch pad
        self.scratch_path = base_path.join("scratch").mkdir()

        # Set our default working directory
        kwargs.setdefault("cwd", self.scratch_path)

        # Setup our environment
        environ = kwargs.get("environ")
        if environ is None:
            environ = os.environ.copy()

        environ["PATH"] = Path.pathsep.join(
            [self.bin_path] + [environ.get("PATH", [])],
        environ["PYTHONUSERBASE"] = self.user_base_path
        # Writing bytecode can mess up updated file detection
        environ["PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE"] = "1"
        # Make sure we get UTF-8 on output, even on Windows...
        environ["PYTHONIOENCODING"] = "UTF-8"
        kwargs["environ"] = environ

        # Whether all pip invocations should expect stderr
        # (useful for Python version deprecation)
        self.pip_expect_warning = kwargs.pop('pip_expect_warning', None)

        # Call the TestFileEnvironment __init__
        super(PipTestEnvironment, self).__init__(base_path, *args, **kwargs)

        # Expand our absolute path directories into relative
        for name in ["base", "venv", "bin", "lib", "site_packages",
                     "user_base", "user_site", "user_bin", "scratch"]:
            real_name = "%s_path" % name
            setattr(self, name, getattr(self, real_name) - self.base_path)

        # Make sure temp_path is a Path object
        self.temp_path = Path(self.temp_path)
        # Ensure the tmp dir exists, things break horribly if it doesn't

        # create easy-install.pth in user_site, so we always have it updated
        #   instead of created
Exemple #10
class TestData(object):
    Represents a bundle of pre-created test data.

    This copies a pristine set of test data into a root location that is
    designed to be test specific. The reason for this is when running the tests
    concurrently errors can be generated because the related tooling uses
    the directory as a work space. This leads to two concurrent processes
    trampling over each other. This class gets around that by copying all
    data into a directory and operating on the copied data.
    def __init__(self, root, source=None):
        self.source = source or DATA_DIR
        self.root = Path(root).abspath

    def copy(cls, root):
        obj = cls(root)
        return obj

    def reset(self):
        # Check explicitly for the target directory to avoid overly-broad
        # try/except.
        if self.root.exists():
        shutil.copytree(self.source, self.root, symlinks=True)

    def packages(self):
        return self.root.joinpath("packages")

    def packages2(self):
        return self.root.joinpath("packages2")

    def packages3(self):
        return self.root.joinpath("packages3")

    def src(self):
        return self.root.joinpath("src")

    def indexes(self):
        return self.root.joinpath("indexes")

    def reqfiles(self):
        return self.root.joinpath("reqfiles")

    def completion_paths(self):
        return self.root.joinpath("completion_paths")

    def find_links(self):
        return path_to_url(self.packages)

    def find_links2(self):
        return path_to_url(self.packages2)

    def find_links3(self):
        return path_to_url(self.packages3)

    def backends(self):
        return path_to_url(self.root.joinpath("backends"))

    def index_url(self, index="simple"):
        return path_to_url(self.root.joinpath("indexes", index))
def clean_project(tmpdir_factory, data):
    tmpdir = Path(str(tmpdir_factory.mktemp("clean_project")))
    new_project_dir = tmpdir.joinpath("FSPkg")
    path = data.packages.joinpath("FSPkg")
    shutil.copytree(path, new_project_dir)
    return new_project_dir
Exemple #12
def shared_script(tmpdir_factory: pytest.TempdirFactory,
                  script_factory: ScriptFactory) -> PipTestEnvironment:
    tmpdir = Path(str(tmpdir_factory.mktemp("download_shared_script")))
    script = script_factory(tmpdir.joinpath("workspace"))
    return script
Exemple #13
class PipTestEnvironment(scripttest.TestFileEnvironment):
    A specialized TestFileEnvironment for testing pip

    # Attribute naming convention
    # ---------------------------
    # Instances of this class have many attributes representing paths
    # in the filesystem.  To keep things straight, absolute paths have
    # a name of the form xxxx_path and relative paths have a name that
    # does not end in '_path'.

    exe = sys.platform == 'win32' and '.exe' or ''
    verbose = False

    def __init__(self, base_path, *args, **kwargs):
        # Make our base_path a test.lib.path.Path object
        base_path = Path(base_path)

        # Store paths related to the virtual environment
        _virtualenv = kwargs.pop("virtualenv")
        path_locations = virtualenv.path_locations(_virtualenv)
        # Make sure we have test.lib.path.Path objects
        venv, lib, include, bin = map(Path, path_locations)
        # workaround for https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/issues/306
        if hasattr(sys, "pypy_version_info"):
            lib = os.path.join(venv, 'lib-python', pyversion)
        self.venv_path = venv
        self.lib_path = lib
        self.include_path = include
        self.bin_path = bin

        if hasattr(sys, "pypy_version_info"):
            self.site_packages_path = self.venv_path.join("site-packages")
            self.site_packages_path = self.lib_path.join("site-packages")

        self.user_base_path = self.venv_path.join("user")
        self.user_bin_path = self.user_base_path.join(
            self.bin_path - self.venv_path
        self.user_site_path = self.venv_path.join(
            site.USER_SITE[len(site.USER_BASE) + 1:],

        # Create a Directory to use as a scratch pad
        self.scratch_path = base_path.join("scratch").mkdir()

        # Set our default working directory
        kwargs.setdefault("cwd", self.scratch_path)

        # Setup our environment
        environ = kwargs.get("environ")
        if environ is None:
            environ = os.environ.copy()

        environ["PATH"] = Path.pathsep.join(
            [self.bin_path] + [environ.get("PATH", [])],
        environ["PYTHONUSERBASE"] = self.user_base_path
        # Writing bytecode can mess up updated file detection
        environ["PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE"] = "1"
        kwargs["environ"] = environ

        # Call the TestFileEnvironment __init__
        super(PipTestEnvironment, self).__init__(base_path, *args, **kwargs)

        # Expand our absolute path directories into relative
        for name in ["base", "venv", "lib", "include", "bin", "site_packages",
                     "user_base", "user_site", "user_bin", "scratch"]:
            real_name = "%s_path" % name
            setattr(self, name, getattr(self, real_name) - self.base_path)

        # Make sure temp_path is a Path object
        self.temp_path = Path(self.temp_path)
        # Ensure the tmp dir exists, things break horribly if it doesn't

        # create easy-install.pth in user_site, so we always have it updated
        #   instead of created

    def _ignore_file(self, fn):
        if fn.endswith('__pycache__') or fn.endswith(".pyc"):
            result = True
            result = super(PipTestEnvironment, self)._ignore_file(fn)
        return result

    def run(self, *args, **kw):
        if self.verbose:
            print('>> running %s %s' % (args, kw))
        cwd = kw.pop('cwd', None)
        run_from = kw.pop('run_from', None)
        assert not cwd or not run_from, "Don't use run_from; it's going away"
        cwd = cwd or run_from or self.cwd
        return TestPipResult(
            super(PipTestEnvironment, self).run(cwd=cwd, *args, **kw),

    def pip(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # On old versions of Python, urllib3/requests will raise a warning
        # about the lack of an SSLContext. Expect it when running commands
        # that will touch the outside world.
        if (pyversion_tuple < (2, 7, 9) and
                args and args[0] in ('search', 'install', 'download')):
            kwargs['expect_stderr'] = True
        # Python 3.3 is deprecated and we emit a warning on it.
        if pyversion_tuple[:2] == (3, 3):
            kwargs['expect_stderr'] = True

        return self.run("pip", *args, **kwargs)

    def pip_install_local(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.pip(
            "install", "--no-index",
            "--find-links", path_to_url(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "packages")),
            *args, **kwargs
Exemple #14
def test_download_specify_platform(script, data):
    Test using "pip download --platform" to download a .whl archive
    supported for a specific platform
    fake_wheel(data, 'fake-1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl')

    # Confirm that universal wheels are returned even for specific
    # platforms.
    result = script.pip('download', '--no-index', '--find-links',
                        data.find_links, '--only-binary=:all:', '--dest', '.',
                        '--platform', 'linux_x86_64', 'fake')
    assert (Path('scratch') / 'fake-1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl'
            in result.files_created)

    result = script.pip('download', '--no-index', '--find-links',
                        data.find_links, '--only-binary=:all:', '--dest', '.',
                        '--platform', 'macosx_10_9_x86_64', 'fake')

    fake_wheel(data, 'fake-1.0-py2.py3-none-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl')
    fake_wheel(data, 'fake-2.0-py2.py3-none-linux_x86_64.whl')

    result = script.pip('download', '--no-index', '--find-links',
                        data.find_links, '--only-binary=:all:', '--dest', '.',
                        '--platform', 'macosx_10_10_x86_64', 'fake')
    assert (Path('scratch') / 'fake-1.0-py2.py3-none-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl'
            in result.files_created)

    # OSX platform wheels are not backward-compatible.
    result = script.pip(

    # No linux wheel provided for this version.
    result = script.pip(

    result = script.pip('download', '--no-index', '--find-links',
                        data.find_links, '--only-binary=:all:', '--dest', '.',
                        '--platform', 'linux_x86_64', 'fake==2')
    assert (Path('scratch') / 'fake-2.0-py2.py3-none-linux_x86_64.whl'
            in result.files_created)
Exemple #15
def make_file(path: str) -> None:
Exemple #16
    def assert_installed(self, pkg_name, editable=True, with_files=[], without_files=[], without_egg_link=False, use_user_site=False):
        e = self.test_env

        if editable:
            pkg_dir = e.venv/ 'src'/ pkg_name.lower()
            without_egg_link = True
            pkg_dir = e.site_packages / pkg_name

        if use_user_site:
            egg_link_path = e.user_site / pkg_name + '.egg-link'
            egg_link_path = e.site_packages / pkg_name + '.egg-link'
        if without_egg_link:
            if egg_link_path in self.files_created:
                raise TestFailure('unexpected egg link file created: '\
                                  '%r\n%s' % (egg_link_path, self))
            if not egg_link_path in self.files_created:
                raise TestFailure('expected egg link file missing: '\
                                  '%r\n%s' % (egg_link_path, self))

            egg_link_file = self.files_created[egg_link_path]

            if not (# FIXME: I don't understand why there's a trailing . here
                and egg_link_file.bytes[:-1].strip().endswith(pkg_dir)):
                raise TestFailure(textwrap.dedent(u('''\
                Incorrect egg_link file %r
                Expected ending: %r
                ------- Actual contents -------
                -------------------------------''' % (
                        pkg_dir + u('\n.'),

        if use_user_site:
            pth_file = Path.string(e.user_site / 'easy-install.pth')
            pth_file = Path.string(e.site_packages / 'easy-install.pth')

        if (pth_file in self.files_updated) == without_egg_link:
            raise TestFailure('%r unexpectedly %supdated by install' % (
                pth_file, (not without_egg_link and 'not ' or '')))

        if (pkg_dir in self.files_created) == (curdir in without_files):
            raise TestFailure(textwrap.dedent('''\
            expected package directory %r %sto be created
            actually created:
            ''') % (
                (curdir in without_files and 'not ' or ''),

        for f in with_files:
            if not (pkg_dir/f).normpath in self.files_created:
                raise TestFailure('Package directory %r missing '\
                                  'expected content %f' % (pkg_dir, f))

        for f in without_files:
            if (pkg_dir/f).normpath in self.files_created:
                raise TestFailure('Package directory %r has '\
                                  'unexpected content %f' % (pkg_dir, f))
Exemple #17
def test_download_specify_python_version(script, data):
    Test using "pip download --python-version" to download a .whl archive
    supported for a specific interpreter
    fake_wheel(data, 'fake-1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl')
    result = script.pip(
        'download', '--no-index', '--find-links', data.find_links,
        '--dest', '.',
        '--python-version', '2',
    assert (
        Path('scratch') / 'fake-1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl'
        in result.files_created

    result = script.pip(
        'download', '--no-index', '--find-links', data.find_links,
        '--dest', '.',
        '--python-version', '3',

    result = script.pip(
        'download', '--no-index', '--find-links', data.find_links,
        '--dest', '.',
        '--python-version', '27',

    result = script.pip(
        'download', '--no-index', '--find-links', data.find_links,
        '--dest', '.',
        '--python-version', '33',

    fake_wheel(data, 'fake-1.0-py2-none-any.whl')
    fake_wheel(data, 'fake-2.0-py3-none-any.whl')

    # No py3 provided for version 1.
    result = script.pip(
        'download', '--no-index', '--find-links', data.find_links,
        '--dest', '.',
        '--python-version', '3',

    result = script.pip(
        'download', '--no-index', '--find-links', data.find_links,
        '--dest', '.',
        '--python-version', '2',
    assert (
        Path('scratch') / 'fake-1.0-py2-none-any.whl'
        in result.files_created

    result = script.pip(
        'download', '--no-index', '--find-links', data.find_links,
        '--dest', '.',
        '--python-version', '26',

    result = script.pip(
        'download', '--no-index', '--find-links', data.find_links,
        '--dest', '.',
        '--python-version', '3',
    assert (
        Path('scratch') / 'fake-2.0-py3-none-any.whl'
        in result.files_created
Exemple #18
def test_download_specify_abi(script: PipTestEnvironment,
                              data: TestData) -> None:
    Test using "pip download --abi" to download a .whl archive
    supported for a specific abi
    fake_wheel(data, "fake-1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl")
    result = script.pip(
    result.did_create(Path("scratch") / "fake-1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl")

    result = script.pip(

    result = script.pip(

    fake_wheel(data, "fake-1.0-fk2-fakeabi-fake_platform.whl")
    result = script.pip(
        Path("scratch") / "fake-1.0-fk2-fakeabi-fake_platform.whl")

    result = script.pip(

    fake_wheel(data, "fake-1.0-fk2-otherabi-fake_platform.whl")
    result = script.pip(
        Path("scratch") / "fake-1.0-fk2-otherabi-fake_platform.whl")
Exemple #19
def test_download__python_version(script: PipTestEnvironment,
                                  data: TestData) -> None:
    Test using "pip download --python-version" to download a .whl archive
    supported for a specific interpreter
    fake_wheel(data, "fake-1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl")
    result = script.pip(
    result.did_create(Path("scratch") / "fake-1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl")

    result = script.pip(

    result = script.pip(

    result = script.pip(

    fake_wheel(data, "fake-1.0-py2-none-any.whl")
    fake_wheel(data, "fake-2.0-py3-none-any.whl")

    # No py3 provided for version 1.
    result = script.pip(

    result = script.pip(
    result.did_create(Path("scratch") / "fake-1.0-py2-none-any.whl")

    result = script.pip(

    result = script.pip(
    result.did_create(Path("scratch") / "fake-2.0-py3-none-any.whl")
Exemple #20
def test_download_specify_platform(script: PipTestEnvironment,
                                   data: TestData) -> None:
    Test using "pip download --platform" to download a .whl archive
    supported for a specific platform
    fake_wheel(data, "fake-1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl")

    # Confirm that universal wheels are returned even for specific
    # platforms.
    result = script.pip(
    result.did_create(Path("scratch") / "fake-1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl")

    result = script.pip(

    fake_wheel(data, "fake-1.0-py2.py3-none-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl")
    fake_wheel(data, "fake-2.0-py2.py3-none-linux_x86_64.whl")

    result = script.pip(
        Path("scratch") / "fake-1.0-py2.py3-none-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl")

    # OSX platform wheels are not backward-compatible.
    result = script.pip(

    # No linux wheel provided for this version.
    result = script.pip(

    result = script.pip(
        Path("scratch") / "fake-2.0-py2.py3-none-linux_x86_64.whl")

    # Test with multiple supported platforms specified.
    fake_wheel(data, "fake-3.0-py2.py3-none-linux_x86_64.whl")
    result = script.pip(
        Path("scratch") / "fake-3.0-py2.py3-none-linux_x86_64.whl")
Exemple #21
from contextlib import contextmanager
import os
import sys
import re
import textwrap
import site
import shutil
import subprocess

import pytest
from scripttest import FoundDir, TestFileEnvironment

from tests.lib.path import Path, curdir

DATA_DIR = Path(__file__).folder.folder.join("data").abspath
SRC_DIR = Path(__file__).abspath.folder.folder.folder

pyversion = sys.version[:3]
pyversion_tuple = sys.version_info

def path_to_url(path):
    Convert a path to URI. The path will be made absolute and
    will not have quoted path parts.
    (adapted from pip.util)
    path = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(path))
    drive, path = os.path.splitdrive(path)
    filepath = path.split(os.path.sep)
Exemple #22
class PipTestEnvironment(TestFileEnvironment):
    A specialized TestFileEnvironment for testing pip

    # Attribute naming convention
    # ---------------------------
    # Instances of this class have many attributes representing paths
    # in the filesystem.  To keep things straight, absolute paths have
    # a name of the form xxxx_path and relative paths have a name that
    # does not end in '_path'.

    exe = sys.platform == 'win32' and '.exe' or ''
    verbose = False

    def __init__(self, base_path, *args, **kwargs):
        # Make our base_path a test.lib.path.Path object
        base_path = Path(base_path)

        # Store paths related to the virtual environment
        venv = kwargs.pop("virtualenv")
        self.venv_path = venv.location
        self.lib_path = venv.lib
        self.site_packages_path = venv.site
        self.bin_path = venv.bin

        self.user_base_path = self.venv_path.joinpath("user")
        self.user_site_path = self.venv_path.joinpath(
            site.USER_SITE[len(site.USER_BASE) + 1:],
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            if sys.version_info >= (3, 5):
                scripts_base = self.user_site_path.joinpath('..').normpath
                scripts_base = self.user_base_path
            self.user_bin_path = scripts_base.joinpath('Scripts')
            self.user_bin_path = self.user_base_path.joinpath(self.bin_path -

        # Create a Directory to use as a scratch pad
        self.scratch_path = base_path.joinpath("scratch").mkdir()

        # Set our default working directory
        kwargs.setdefault("cwd", self.scratch_path)

        # Setup our environment
        environ = kwargs.get("environ")
        if environ is None:
            environ = os.environ.copy()

        environ["PATH"] = Path.pathsep.join([self.bin_path] +
                                            [environ.get("PATH", [])], )
        environ["PYTHONUSERBASE"] = self.user_base_path
        # Writing bytecode can mess up updated file detection
        environ["PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE"] = "1"
        # Make sure we get UTF-8 on output, even on Windows...
        environ["PYTHONIOENCODING"] = "UTF-8"
        kwargs["environ"] = environ

        # Whether all pip invocations should expect stderr
        # (useful for Python version deprecation)
        self.pip_expect_warning = kwargs.pop('pip_expect_warning', None)

        # Call the TestFileEnvironment __init__
        super(PipTestEnvironment, self).__init__(base_path, *args, **kwargs)

        # Expand our absolute path directories into relative
        for name in [
                "base", "venv", "bin", "lib", "site_packages", "user_base",
                "user_site", "user_bin", "scratch"
            real_name = "%s_path" % name
            setattr(self, name, getattr(self, real_name) - self.base_path)

        # Make sure temp_path is a Path object
        self.temp_path = Path(self.temp_path)
        # Ensure the tmp dir exists, things break horribly if it doesn't

        # create easy-install.pth in user_site, so we always have it updated
        #   instead of created

    def _ignore_file(self, fn):
        if fn.endswith('__pycache__') or fn.endswith(".pyc"):
            result = True
            result = super(PipTestEnvironment, self)._ignore_file(fn)
        return result

    def _find_traverse(self, path, result):
        # Ignore symlinked directories to avoid duplicates in `run()`
        # results because of venv `lib64 -> lib/` symlink on Linux.
        full = os.path.join(self.base_path, path)
        if os.path.isdir(full) and os.path.islink(full):
            if not self.temp_path or path != 'tmp':
                result[path] = FoundDir(self.base_path, path)
            super(PipTestEnvironment, self)._find_traverse(path, result)

    def run(self, *args, **kw):
        :param allow_stderr_warning: whether a logged warning (or
            deprecation message) is allowed in stderr.
        :param allow_stderr_error: whether a logged error is allowed in
            stderr.  Passing True for this argument implies
            `allow_stderr_warning` since warnings are weaker than errors.
        :param expect_stderr: whether to allow warnings in stderr (equivalent
            to `allow_stderr_warning`).  This argument is an abbreviated
            version of `allow_stderr_warning` and is also kept for backwards
        if self.verbose:
            print('>> running %s %s' % (args, kw))
        cwd = kw.pop('cwd', None)
        run_from = kw.pop('run_from', None)
        assert not cwd or not run_from, "Don't use run_from; it's going away"
        cwd = cwd or run_from or self.cwd
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            # Partial fix for ScriptTest.run using `shell=True` on Windows.
            args = [str(a).replace('^', '^^').replace('&', '^&') for a in args]

        # Remove `allow_stderr_error` and `allow_stderr_warning` before
        # calling run() because PipTestEnvironment doesn't support them.
        allow_stderr_error = kw.pop('allow_stderr_error', None)
        allow_stderr_warning = kw.pop('allow_stderr_warning', None)

        if kw.get('expect_error'):
            # Then default to allowing logged errors.
            if allow_stderr_error is not None and not allow_stderr_error:
                raise RuntimeError('cannot pass allow_stderr_error=False with '
            allow_stderr_error = True
        elif kw.get('expect_stderr'):
            # Then default to allowing logged warnings.
            if allow_stderr_warning is not None and not allow_stderr_warning:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'cannot pass allow_stderr_warning=False with '
            allow_stderr_warning = True

        # Pass expect_stderr=True to allow any stderr.  We do this because
        # we do our checking of stderr further on in check_stderr().
        kw['expect_stderr'] = True
        result = super(PipTestEnvironment, self).run(cwd=cwd, *args, **kw)


        return TestPipResult(result, verbose=self.verbose)

    def pip(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.pip_expect_warning:
            kwargs['allow_stderr_warning'] = True
        if kwargs.pop('use_module', True):
            exe = 'python'
            args = ('-m', 'pip') + args
            exe = 'pip'
        return self.run(exe, *args, **kwargs)

    def pip_install_local(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.pip("install", "--no-index", "--find-links",
                        path_to_url(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "packages")), *args,

    def easy_install(self, *args, **kwargs):
        args = ('-m', 'easy_install') + args
        return self.run('python', *args, **kwargs)
Exemple #23
    def __init__(self, base_path, *args, **kwargs):
        # Make our base_path a test.lib.path.Path object
        base_path = Path(base_path)

        # Store paths related to the virtual environment
        venv = kwargs.pop("virtualenv")
        self.venv_path = venv.location
        self.lib_path = venv.lib
        self.site_packages_path = venv.site
        self.bin_path = venv.bin

        self.user_base_path = self.venv_path.join("user")
        self.user_site_path = self.venv_path.join(
            site.USER_SITE[len(site.USER_BASE) + 1:],
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            if sys.version_info >= (3, 5):
                scripts_base = self.user_site_path.join('..').normpath
                scripts_base = self.user_base_path
            self.user_bin_path = scripts_base.join('Scripts')
            self.user_bin_path = self.user_base_path.join(self.bin_path -

        # Create a Directory to use as a scratch pad
        self.scratch_path = base_path.join("scratch").mkdir()

        # Set our default working directory
        kwargs.setdefault("cwd", self.scratch_path)

        # Setup our environment
        environ = kwargs.get("environ")
        if environ is None:
            environ = os.environ.copy()

        environ["PATH"] = Path.pathsep.join([self.bin_path] +
                                            [environ.get("PATH", [])], )
        environ["PYTHONUSERBASE"] = self.user_base_path
        # Writing bytecode can mess up updated file detection
        environ["PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE"] = "1"
        # Make sure we get UTF-8 on output, even on Windows...
        environ["PYTHONIOENCODING"] = "UTF-8"
        kwargs["environ"] = environ

        # Call the TestFileEnvironment __init__
        super(PipTestEnvironment, self).__init__(base_path, *args, **kwargs)

        # Expand our absolute path directories into relative
        for name in [
                "base", "venv", "bin", "lib", "site_packages", "user_base",
                "user_site", "user_bin", "scratch"
            real_name = "%s_path" % name
            setattr(self, name, getattr(self, real_name) - self.base_path)

        # Make sure temp_path is a Path object
        self.temp_path = Path(self.temp_path)
        # Ensure the tmp dir exists, things break horribly if it doesn't

        # create easy-install.pth in user_site, so we always have it updated
        #   instead of created
Exemple #24
    def __init__(self, base_path, *args, **kwargs):
        # Make our base_path a test.lib.path.Path object
        base_path = Path(base_path)

        # Store paths related to the virtual environment
        _virtualenv = kwargs.pop("virtualenv")
        path_locations = virtualenv.path_locations(_virtualenv)
        # Make sure we have test.lib.path.Path objects
        venv, lib, include, bin = map(Path, path_locations)
        # workaround for https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/issues/306
        if hasattr(sys, "pypy_version_info"):
            lib = os.path.join(venv, 'lib-python', pyversion)
        self.venv_path = venv
        self.lib_path = lib
        self.include_path = include
        self.bin_path = bin

        if hasattr(sys, "pypy_version_info"):
            self.site_packages_path = self.venv_path.join("site-packages")
            self.site_packages_path = self.lib_path.join("site-packages")

        self.user_base_path = self.venv_path.join("user")
        self.user_bin_path = self.user_base_path.join(
            self.bin_path - self.venv_path
        self.user_site_path = self.venv_path.join(
            site.USER_SITE[len(site.USER_BASE) + 1:],

        # Create a Directory to use as a scratch pad
        self.scratch_path = base_path.join("scratch").mkdir()

        # Set our default working directory
        kwargs.setdefault("cwd", self.scratch_path)

        # Setup our environment
        environ = kwargs.get("environ")
        if environ is None:
            environ = os.environ.copy()

        environ["PATH"] = Path.pathsep.join(
            [self.bin_path] + [environ.get("PATH", [])],
        environ["PYTHONUSERBASE"] = self.user_base_path
        # Writing bytecode can mess up updated file detection
        environ["PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE"] = "1"
        kwargs["environ"] = environ

        # Call the TestFileEnvironment __init__
        super(PipTestEnvironment, self).__init__(base_path, *args, **kwargs)

        # Expand our absolute path directories into relative
        for name in ["base", "venv", "lib", "include", "bin", "site_packages",
                     "user_base", "user_site", "user_bin", "scratch"]:
            real_name = "%s_path" % name
            setattr(self, name, getattr(self, real_name) - self.base_path)

        # Make sure temp_path is a Path object
        self.temp_path = Path(self.temp_path)
        # Ensure the tmp dir exists, things break horribly if it doesn't

        # create easy-install.pth in user_site, so we always have it updated
        #   instead of created
Exemple #25
def relpath(root, other):
    """a poor man's os.path.relpath, since we may not have Python 2.6"""
    prefix = root + Path.sep
    assert other.startswith(prefix)
    return Path(other[len(prefix):])
Exemple #26
def test_is_socket(create: Callable[[str], None], result: bool,
                   tmpdir: Path) -> None:
    target = tmpdir.joinpath("target")
    assert os.path.lexists(target)
    assert is_socket(target) == result
Exemple #27
from pip._internal.locations import get_major_minor_version
from pip._internal.models.search_scope import SearchScope
from pip._internal.models.selection_prefs import SelectionPreferences
from pip._internal.network.session import PipSession
from pip._internal.utils.deprecation import DEPRECATION_MSG_PREFIX
from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING
from tests.lib.path import Path, curdir
from tests.lib.wheel import make_wheel

    from typing import List, Optional

    from pip._internal.models.target_python import TargetPython

DATA_DIR = Path(__file__).parent.parent.joinpath("data").resolve()
SRC_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent.parent

pyversion = get_major_minor_version()
pyversion_tuple = sys.version_info

CURRENT_PY_VERSION_INFO = sys.version_info[:3]

def assert_paths_equal(actual, expected):
    assert os.path.normpath(actual) == os.path.normpath(expected)

def path_to_url(path):
    Convert a path to URI. The path will be made absolute and
Exemple #28
def shared_data(tmpdir_factory):
    return TestData.copy(Path(str(tmpdir_factory.mktemp("data"))))
Exemple #29
    def __init__(self, base_path, *args, **kwargs):
        # Make our base_path a test.lib.path.Path object
        base_path = Path(base_path)

        # Store paths related to the virtual environment
        venv = kwargs.pop("virtualenv")
        self.venv_path = venv.location
        self.lib_path = venv.lib
        self.site_packages_path = venv.site
        self.bin_path = venv.bin

        self.user_base_path = self.venv_path.joinpath("user")
        self.user_site_path = self.venv_path.joinpath(
            site.USER_SITE[len(site.USER_BASE) + 1:],
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            if sys.version_info >= (3, 5):
                scripts_base = Path(
                scripts_base = self.user_base_path
            self.user_bin_path = scripts_base.joinpath('Scripts')
            self.user_bin_path = self.user_base_path.joinpath(
                os.path.relpath(self.bin_path, self.venv_path)

        # Create a Directory to use as a scratch pad
        self.scratch_path = base_path.joinpath("scratch")

        # Set our default working directory
        kwargs.setdefault("cwd", self.scratch_path)

        # Setup our environment
        environ = kwargs.setdefault("environ", os.environ.copy())
        environ["PATH"] = Path.pathsep.join(
            [self.bin_path] + [environ.get("PATH", [])],
        environ["PYTHONUSERBASE"] = self.user_base_path
        # Writing bytecode can mess up updated file detection
        environ["PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE"] = "1"
        # Make sure we get UTF-8 on output, even on Windows...
        environ["PYTHONIOENCODING"] = "UTF-8"

        # Whether all pip invocations should expect stderr
        # (useful for Python version deprecation)
        self.pip_expect_warning = kwargs.pop('pip_expect_warning', None)

        # Call the TestFileEnvironment __init__
        super().__init__(base_path, *args, **kwargs)

        # Expand our absolute path directories into relative
        for name in ["base", "venv", "bin", "lib", "site_packages",
                     "user_base", "user_site", "user_bin", "scratch"]:
            real_name = "{name}_path".format(**locals())
            relative_path = Path(os.path.relpath(
                getattr(self, real_name), self.base_path
            setattr(self, name, relative_path)

        # Make sure temp_path is a Path object
        self.temp_path = Path(self.temp_path)
        # Ensure the tmp dir exists, things break horribly if it doesn't

        # create easy-install.pth in user_site, so we always have it updated
        #   instead of created
Exemple #30
class PipTestEnvironment(TestFileEnvironment):
    A specialized TestFileEnvironment for testing pip

    # Attribute naming convention
    # ---------------------------
    # Instances of this class have many attributes representing paths
    # in the filesystem.  To keep things straight, absolute paths have
    # a name of the form xxxx_path and relative paths have a name that
    # does not end in '_path'.

    exe = sys.platform == 'win32' and '.exe' or ''
    verbose = False

    def __init__(self, base_path, *args, **kwargs):
        # Make our base_path a test.lib.path.Path object
        base_path = Path(base_path)

        # Store paths related to the virtual environment
        venv = kwargs.pop("virtualenv")
        self.venv_path = venv.location
        self.lib_path = venv.lib
        self.site_packages_path = venv.site
        self.bin_path = venv.bin

        self.user_base_path = self.venv_path.join("user")
        self.user_site_path = self.venv_path.join(
            site.USER_SITE[len(site.USER_BASE) + 1:],
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            if sys.version_info >= (3, 5):
                scripts_base = self.user_site_path.join('..').normpath
                scripts_base = self.user_base_path
            self.user_bin_path = scripts_base.join('Scripts')
            self.user_bin_path = self.user_base_path.join(self.bin_path -

        # Create a Directory to use as a scratch pad
        self.scratch_path = base_path.join("scratch").mkdir()

        # Set our default working directory
        kwargs.setdefault("cwd", self.scratch_path)

        # Setup our environment
        environ = kwargs.get("environ")
        if environ is None:
            environ = os.environ.copy()

        environ["PATH"] = Path.pathsep.join([self.bin_path] +
                                            [environ.get("PATH", [])], )
        environ["PYTHONUSERBASE"] = self.user_base_path
        # Writing bytecode can mess up updated file detection
        environ["PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE"] = "1"
        # Make sure we get UTF-8 on output, even on Windows...
        environ["PYTHONIOENCODING"] = "UTF-8"
        kwargs["environ"] = environ

        # Call the TestFileEnvironment __init__
        super(PipTestEnvironment, self).__init__(base_path, *args, **kwargs)

        # Expand our absolute path directories into relative
        for name in [
                "base", "venv", "bin", "lib", "site_packages", "user_base",
                "user_site", "user_bin", "scratch"
            real_name = "%s_path" % name
            setattr(self, name, getattr(self, real_name) - self.base_path)

        # Make sure temp_path is a Path object
        self.temp_path = Path(self.temp_path)
        # Ensure the tmp dir exists, things break horribly if it doesn't

        # create easy-install.pth in user_site, so we always have it updated
        #   instead of created

    def _ignore_file(self, fn):
        if fn.endswith('__pycache__') or fn.endswith(".pyc"):
            result = True
            result = super(PipTestEnvironment, self)._ignore_file(fn)
        return result

    def _find_traverse(self, path, result):
        # Ignore symlinked directories to avoid duplicates in `run()`
        # results because of venv `lib64 -> lib/` symlink on Linux.
        full = os.path.join(self.base_path, path)
        if os.path.isdir(full) and os.path.islink(full):
            if not self.temp_path or path != 'tmp':
                result[path] = FoundDir(self.base_path, path)
            super(PipTestEnvironment, self)._find_traverse(path, result)

    def run(self, *args, **kw):
        if self.verbose:
            print('>> running %s %s' % (args, kw))
        cwd = kw.pop('cwd', None)
        run_from = kw.pop('run_from', None)
        assert not cwd or not run_from, "Don't use run_from; it's going away"
        cwd = cwd or run_from or self.cwd
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            # Partial fix for ScriptTest.run using `shell=True` on Windows.
            args = [str(a).replace('^', '^^').replace('&', '^&') for a in args]
        return TestPipResult(
            super(PipTestEnvironment, self).run(cwd=cwd, *args, **kw),

    def pip(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # On old versions of Python, urllib3/requests will raise a warning
        # about the lack of an SSLContext. Expect it when running commands
        # that will touch the outside world.
        if (pyversion_tuple < (2, 7, 9) and args
                and args[0] in ('search', 'install', 'download')):
            kwargs['expect_stderr'] = True
        if kwargs.pop('use_module', True):
            exe = 'python'
            args = ('-m', 'pip') + args
            exe = 'pip'
        return self.run(exe, *args, **kwargs)

    def pip_install_local(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.pip("install", "--no-index", "--find-links",
                        path_to_url(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "packages")), *args,

    def easy_install(self, *args, **kwargs):
        args = ('-m', 'easy_install') + args
        return self.run('python', *args, **kwargs)
Exemple #31
def test_correct_pip_version():
    Check we are importing pip from the right place.

    assert Path(pip.__file__).folder.folder.abspath == SRC_DIR
Exemple #32
def get_header_scheme_path_for_script(script, dist_name):
    command = ("from pip._internal.locations import get_scheme;"
               "scheme = get_scheme({!r});"
    result = script.run('python', '-c', command).stdout
    return Path(result.strip())
Exemple #33
def shared_data(tmpdir_factory: pytest.TempdirFactory) -> TestData:
    return TestData.copy(Path(str(tmpdir_factory.mktemp("data"))))
Exemple #34
from pip._internal.collector import LinkCollector
from pip._internal.index import PackageFinder
from pip._internal.locations import get_major_minor_version
from pip._internal.models.search_scope import SearchScope
from pip._internal.models.selection_prefs import SelectionPreferences
from pip._internal.network.session import PipSession
from pip._internal.utils.deprecation import DEPRECATION_MSG_PREFIX
from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING
from tests.lib.path import Path, curdir

    from typing import List, Optional
    from pip._internal.models.target_python import TargetPython

DATA_DIR = Path(__file__).parent.parent.joinpath("data").abspath
SRC_DIR = Path(__file__).abspath.parent.parent.parent

pyversion = get_major_minor_version()
pyversion_tuple = sys.version_info

CURRENT_PY_VERSION_INFO = sys.version_info[:3]

def assert_paths_equal(actual, expected):
    assert os.path.normpath(actual) == os.path.normpath(expected)

def path_to_url(path):
    Convert a path to URI. The path will be made absolute and
Exemple #35
def data(tmpdir: Path) -> TestData:
    return TestData.copy(tmpdir.joinpath("data"))
Exemple #36
 def __init__(self, root, source=None):
     self.source = source or DATA_DIR
     self.root = Path(root).abspath
Exemple #37
def test_download_specify_abi(script, data):
    Test using "pip download --abi" to download a .whl archive
    supported for a specific abi
    fake_wheel(data, 'fake-1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl')
    result = script.pip('download', '--no-index', '--find-links',
                        data.find_links, '--only-binary=:all:', '--dest', '.',
                        '--implementation', 'fk', '--abi', 'fake_abi', 'fake')
    result.did_create(Path('scratch') / 'fake-1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl')

    result = script.pip('download', '--no-index', '--find-links',
                        data.find_links, '--only-binary=:all:', '--dest', '.',
                        '--implementation', 'fk', '--abi', 'none', 'fake')

    result = script.pip(

    fake_wheel(data, 'fake-1.0-fk2-fakeabi-fake_platform.whl')
    result = script.pip('download', '--no-index', '--find-links',
                        data.find_links, '--only-binary=:all:', '--dest', '.',
                        '--python-version', '2', '--implementation', 'fk',
                        '--platform', 'fake_platform', '--abi', 'fakeabi',
        Path('scratch') / 'fake-1.0-fk2-fakeabi-fake_platform.whl')

    result = script.pip(

    fake_wheel(data, 'fake-1.0-fk2-otherabi-fake_platform.whl')
    result = script.pip('download', '--no-index', '--find-links',
                        data.find_links, '--only-binary=:all:', '--dest', '.',
                        '--python-version', '2', '--implementation', 'fk',
                        '--platform', 'fake_platform', '--abi', 'fakeabi',
                        '--abi', 'otherabi', '--abi', 'none', 'fake')
        Path('scratch') / 'fake-1.0-fk2-otherabi-fake_platform.whl')
Exemple #38
class PipTestEnvironment(TestFileEnvironment):
    A specialized TestFileEnvironment for testing pip

    # Attribute naming convention
    # ---------------------------
    # Instances of this class have many attributes representing paths
    # in the filesystem.  To keep things straight, absolute paths have
    # a name of the form xxxx_path and relative paths have a name that
    # does not end in '_path'.

    exe = sys.platform == 'win32' and '.exe' or ''
    verbose = False

    def __init__(self, base_path, *args, **kwargs):
        # Make our base_path a test.lib.path.Path object
        base_path = Path(base_path)

        # Store paths related to the virtual environment
        venv = kwargs.pop("virtualenv")
        self.venv_path = venv.location
        self.lib_path = venv.lib
        self.site_packages_path = venv.site
        self.bin_path = venv.bin

        self.user_base_path = self.venv_path.join("user")
        self.user_site_path = self.venv_path.join(
            site.USER_SITE[len(site.USER_BASE) + 1:],
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            if sys.version_info >= (3, 5):
                scripts_base = self.user_site_path.join('..').normpath
                scripts_base = self.user_base_path
            self.user_bin_path = scripts_base.join('Scripts')
            self.user_bin_path = self.user_base_path.join(
                self.bin_path - self.venv_path

        # Create a Directory to use as a scratch pad
        self.scratch_path = base_path.join("scratch").mkdir()

        # Set our default working directory
        kwargs.setdefault("cwd", self.scratch_path)

        # Setup our environment
        environ = kwargs.get("environ")
        if environ is None:
            environ = os.environ.copy()

        environ["PATH"] = Path.pathsep.join(
            [self.bin_path] + [environ.get("PATH", [])],
        environ["PYTHONUSERBASE"] = self.user_base_path
        # Writing bytecode can mess up updated file detection
        environ["PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE"] = "1"
        # Make sure we get UTF-8 on output, even on Windows...
        environ["PYTHONIOENCODING"] = "UTF-8"
        kwargs["environ"] = environ

        # Whether all pip invocations should expect stderr
        # (useful for Python version deprecation)
        self.pip_expect_warning = kwargs.pop('pip_expect_warning', None)

        # Call the TestFileEnvironment __init__
        super(PipTestEnvironment, self).__init__(base_path, *args, **kwargs)

        # Expand our absolute path directories into relative
        for name in ["base", "venv", "bin", "lib", "site_packages",
                     "user_base", "user_site", "user_bin", "scratch"]:
            real_name = "%s_path" % name
            setattr(self, name, getattr(self, real_name) - self.base_path)

        # Make sure temp_path is a Path object
        self.temp_path = Path(self.temp_path)
        # Ensure the tmp dir exists, things break horribly if it doesn't

        # create easy-install.pth in user_site, so we always have it updated
        #   instead of created

    def _ignore_file(self, fn):
        if fn.endswith('__pycache__') or fn.endswith(".pyc"):
            result = True
            result = super(PipTestEnvironment, self)._ignore_file(fn)
        return result

    def _find_traverse(self, path, result):
        # Ignore symlinked directories to avoid duplicates in `run()`
        # results because of venv `lib64 -> lib/` symlink on Linux.
        full = os.path.join(self.base_path, path)
        if os.path.isdir(full) and os.path.islink(full):
            if not self.temp_path or path != 'tmp':
                result[path] = FoundDir(self.base_path, path)
            super(PipTestEnvironment, self)._find_traverse(path, result)

    def run(self, *args, **kw):
        :param allow_stderr_warning: whether a logged warning (or
            deprecation message) is allowed in stderr.
        :param allow_stderr_error: whether a logged error is allowed in
            stderr.  Passing True for this argument implies
            `allow_stderr_warning` since warnings are weaker than errors.
        :param expect_stderr: whether to allow warnings in stderr (equivalent
            to `allow_stderr_warning`).  This argument is an abbreviated
            version of `allow_stderr_warning` and is also kept for backwards
        if self.verbose:
            print('>> running %s %s' % (args, kw))
        cwd = kw.pop('cwd', None)
        run_from = kw.pop('run_from', None)
        assert not cwd or not run_from, "Don't use run_from; it's going away"
        cwd = cwd or run_from or self.cwd
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            # Partial fix for ScriptTest.run using `shell=True` on Windows.
            args = [str(a).replace('^', '^^').replace('&', '^&') for a in args]

        # Remove `allow_stderr_error` and `allow_stderr_warning` before
        # calling run() because PipTestEnvironment doesn't support them.
        allow_stderr_error = kw.pop('allow_stderr_error', None)
        allow_stderr_warning = kw.pop('allow_stderr_warning', None)

        if kw.get('expect_error'):
            # Then default to allowing logged errors.
            if allow_stderr_error is not None and not allow_stderr_error:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'cannot pass allow_stderr_error=False with '
            allow_stderr_error = True
        elif kw.get('expect_stderr'):
            # Then default to allowing logged warnings.
            if allow_stderr_warning is not None and not allow_stderr_warning:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'cannot pass allow_stderr_warning=False with '
            allow_stderr_warning = True

        # Pass expect_stderr=True to allow any stderr.  We do this because
        # we do our checking of stderr further on in check_stderr().
        kw['expect_stderr'] = True
        result = super(PipTestEnvironment, self).run(cwd=cwd, *args, **kw)

            result.stderr, allow_stderr_error=allow_stderr_error,

        return TestPipResult(result, verbose=self.verbose)

    def pip(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.pip_expect_warning:
            kwargs['allow_stderr_warning'] = True
        if kwargs.pop('use_module', True):
            exe = 'python'
            args = ('-m', 'pip') + args
            exe = 'pip'
        return self.run(exe, *args, **kwargs)

    def pip_install_local(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.pip(
            "install", "--no-index",
            "--find-links", path_to_url(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "packages")),
            *args, **kwargs

    def easy_install(self, *args, **kwargs):
        args = ('-m', 'easy_install') + args
        return self.run('python', *args, **kwargs)
Exemple #39
def test_download_prefer_binary_when_tarball_higher_than_wheel(script, data):
    fake_wheel(data, 'source-0.8-py2.py3-none-any.whl')
    result = script.pip('download', '--prefer-binary', '--no-index', '-f',
                        data.packages, '-d', '.', 'source')
    result.did_create(Path('scratch') / 'source-0.8-py2.py3-none-any.whl')
    result.did_not_create(Path('scratch') / 'source-1.0.tar.gz')
Exemple #40
def test_download_prefer_binary_when_only_tarball_exists(script, data):
    result = script.pip('download', '--prefer-binary', '--no-index', '-f',
                        data.packages, '-d', '.', 'source')
    result.did_create(Path('scratch') / 'source-1.0.tar.gz')
Exemple #41
def shared_script(tmpdir_factory, script_factory):
    tmpdir = Path(str(tmpdir_factory.mktemp("download_shared_script")))
    script = script_factory(tmpdir.joinpath("workspace"))
    return script
Exemple #42
 def __init__(self, root, source=None):
     self.source = source or DATA_DIR
     self.root = Path(root).abspath
class PipTestEnvironment(scripttest.TestFileEnvironment):
    A specialized TestFileEnvironment for testing pip

    # Attribute naming convention
    # ---------------------------
    # Instances of this class have many attributes representing paths
    # in the filesystem.  To keep things straight, absolute paths have
    # a name of the form xxxx_path and relative paths have a name that
    # does not end in '_path'.

    exe = sys.platform == 'win32' and '.exe' or ''
    verbose = False

    def __init__(self, base_path, *args, **kwargs):
        # Make our base_path a test.lib.path.Path object
        base_path = Path(base_path)

        # Store paths related to the virtual environment
        _virtualenv = kwargs.pop("virtualenv")
        venv, lib, include, bin = virtualenv.path_locations(_virtualenv)
        # workaround for https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/issues/306
        if hasattr(sys, "pypy_version_info"):
            lib = os.path.join(venv, 'lib-python', pyversion)
        self.venv_path = venv
        self.lib_path = lib
        self.include_path = include
        self.bin_path = bin

        if hasattr(sys, "pypy_version_info"):
            self.site_packages_path = self.venv_path.join("site-packages")
            self.site_packages_path = self.lib_path.join("site-packages")

        self.user_base_path = self.venv_path.join("user")
        self.user_bin_path = self.user_base_path.join(
            self.bin_path - self.venv_path
        self.user_site_path = self.venv_path.join(
            site.USER_SITE[len(site.USER_BASE) + 1:],

        # Create a Directory to use as a scratch pad
        self.scratch_path = base_path.join("scratch").mkdir()

        # Set our default working directory
        kwargs.setdefault("cwd", self.scratch_path)

        # Setup our environment
        environ = kwargs.get("environ")
        if environ is None:
            environ = os.environ.copy()

        environ["PIP_LOG_FILE"] = base_path.join("pip-log.txt")
        environ["PATH"] = Path.pathsep.join(
            [self.bin_path] + [environ.get("PATH", [])],
        environ["PYTHONUSERBASE"] = self.user_base_path
        # Writing bytecode can mess up updated file detection
        environ["PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE"] = "1"
        kwargs["environ"] = environ

        # Call the TestFileEnvironment __init__
        super(PipTestEnvironment, self).__init__(base_path, *args, **kwargs)

        # Expand our absolute path directories into relative
        for name in ["base", "venv", "lib", "include", "bin", "site_packages",
                     "user_base", "user_site", "user_bin", "scratch"]:
            real_name = "%s_path" % name
            setattr(self, name, getattr(self, real_name) - self.base_path)

        # Make sure temp_path is a Path object
        self.temp_path = Path(self.temp_path)
        # Ensure the tmp dir exists, things break horribly if it doesn't

        # create easy-install.pth in user_site, so we always have it updated
        #   instead of created

    def _ignore_file(self, fn):
        if fn.endswith('__pycache__') or fn.endswith(".pyc"):
            result = True
            result = super(PipTestEnvironment, self)._ignore_file(fn)
        return result

    def run(self, *args, **kw):
        if self.verbose:
            print('>> running %s %s' % (args, kw))
        cwd = kw.pop('cwd', None)
        run_from = kw.pop('run_from', None)
        assert not cwd or not run_from, "Don't use run_from; it's going away"
        cwd = cwd or run_from or self.cwd
        return TestPipResult(
            super(PipTestEnvironment, self).run(cwd=cwd, *args, **kw),

    def pip(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.run("pip", *args, **kwargs)

    def pip_install_local(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.pip(
            "install", "--no-index",
            "--find-links", path_to_url(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "packages")),
            *args, **kwargs