def test_search_single_field(client):
    soup = make_soup(client.get("/?title=sort").data)
    card = soup.find(class_="card-body")
    assert card is not None
    assert "Merge sort algorithm" in card.text
    assert soup.find(string=re.compile("Poista rajaukset")) is not None
def test_missing_mandatory_field_movie(client):
    resp ="/tips/add-movie", data={
        "director": "test director"
    soup = make_soup(
    title = soup.find(attrs={"id": "title"}).parent
    assert "This field is required" in title.text
    assert Movie.query.filter_by(title="test title").count() == 0
def test_missing_field(client):
        title="test title",
        author="test author",
    soup = make_soup(client.get("/").data)
    test_book = soup.find(string=re.compile("test title")).parent
    assert "ISBN" not in test_book.text
def test_missing_mandatory_field_audiobook(client):
    resp ="/tips/add-audiobook", data={
        "title": "test title"
    soup = make_soup(
    author = soup.find(attrs={"id": "author"}).parent
    assert "This field is required" in author.text
    assert Audiobook.query.filter_by(title="test title").count() == 0
def test_missing_mandatory_field_video(client):
    resp ="/tips/add-video", data={
        "title": "test title",
    soup = make_soup(
    source = soup.find(attrs={"id": "source"}).parent
    assert "This field is required" in source.text
    assert Video.query.filter_by(title="test title").count() == 0
def movie_edit_form_is_right(context):
    page = make_soup(

    assert "Otsikko" in page.text
    assert "Ohjaaja" in page.text
    assert "Julkaisuvuosi" in page.text
    assert "Pituus" in page.text
    assert "Tunnisteet" in page.text
    assert "Oma kommentti" in page.text
def test_missing_mandatory_field_book(client):
    resp ="/tips/add-book", data={
        "title": "new book",
        "publication_year": 2020,
    soup = make_soup(
    author = soup.find(attrs={"id": "author"}).parent
    assert "This field is required" in author.text
    assert Book.query.filter_by(title="new book").count() == 0
def form_is_right(context):
    page = make_soup(
    assert 6 == len(page.find_all('input'))
    assert 1 == len(page.find_all('textarea'))
    assert "Otsikko" in page.text
    assert "Kirjailija" in page.text
    assert "Julkaisuvuosi" in page.text
    assert "ISBN" in page.text
    assert "Sivuja" in page.text
    assert "Oma kommentti" in page.text
def movie_form_is_right(context):
    page = make_soup(
    assert 6 == len(page.find_all('input'))
    assert 1 == len(page.find_all('textarea'))
    assert "Otsikko" in page.text
    assert "Ohjaaja" in page.text
    assert "Julkaisuvuosi" in page.text
    assert "Pituus" in page.text
    assert "Tunnisteet" in page.text
    assert "Oma kommentti" in page.text
def form_is_right(context):
    page = make_soup(
    assert 5 == len(page.find_all('input'))
    assert 1 == len(page.find_all('textarea'))
    assert "Otsikko" in page.text
    assert "Ladattu" in page.text
    assert "URL" in page.text
    assert "Liittyvät kurssit" in page.text
    assert "Tunnisteet" in page.text
    assert "Oma kommentti" in page.text
def test_tips_render_video(client):
        title="test video",
        source="test source",
        comment="test comment",
        tags="Ohjelmointi, algoritmit"
    soup = make_soup(client.get("/").data)
    assert "test video" in soup.text
    assert "test source" in soup.text
    assert "test comment" in soup.text
    assert "Ohjelmointi, algoritmit" in soup.text
def audiobook_form_is_right(context):
    page = make_soup(
    assert 8 == len(page.find_all('input'))
    assert 1 == len(page.find_all('textarea'))
    assert "Otsikko" in page.text
    assert "Kirjailija" in page.text
    assert "Lukija" in page.text
    assert "Julkaisuvuosi" in page.text
    assert "ISBN" in page.text
    assert "Pituus" in page.text
    assert "Liittyvät kurssit" in page.text
    assert "Tunnisteet" in page.text
    assert "Oma kommentti" in page.text
def user_sees_that_tip_is_read(context):
     resp = context.client.get("/")
     soup = make_soup(
     tip = soup.find(
     assert "Ei" in soup.text
def user_sees_list(context):
     soup = make_soup(
     assert "Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship" in soup.text
     assert "Merge sort algorithm" in soup.text
def test_empty_search(client):
    soup = make_soup(client.get("/").data)
    assert len(soup.find_all(class_="card-body")) == 4
    assert soup.find(string=re.compile("Poista rajaukset")) is None
def step_impl(context, text):
    page = make_soup(
    cards = page.findAll(class_="card-body")
    assert len(cards) == 1
    assert text in cards[0].text
def test_search_invalid_field(client):
    soup = make_soup(client.get("/?asdasd=asd").data)
    assert soup.find(class_="card-body") is None
def test_empty_db(client):
    soup = make_soup(client.get("/").data)
    assert soup.find(class_="card mb-3") == None
def test_search_duplicate_fields(client):
    resp = client.get("/?title=handbook&title=sort")
    soup = make_soup(

    assert resp.status_code == 403
    assert "Samaa kenttää ei voi hakea useaan kertaan" in soup.text
def test_search_multiple_fields(client):
    soup = make_soup(client.get(
    assert len(soup.find_all(class_="card-body")) == 1
    assert "Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship" in soup.text
def step_impl(context):
    page = make_soup(
    assert len(page.find_all(class_="card-body")) == 4
def test_initial_data(client):
    soup = make_soup(client.get("/").data)
    assert "Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship" in soup.text