Exemple #1
DEFAULT_SCHEMA = get_schema_path('1.0.1')

cphd_file_types = {}

this_loc = os.path.abspath(__file__)
file_reference = os.path.join(
    'cphd_file_types.json')  # specifies file locations
if os.path.isfile(file_reference):
    with open(file_reference, 'r') as fi:
        the_files = json.load(fi)
        for the_type in the_files:
            valid_entries = []
            for entry in the_files[the_type]:
                the_file = parse_file_entry(entry)
                if the_file is not None:
            cphd_file_types[the_type] = valid_entries

def generic_io_test(instance, test_file, reader_type_string, reader_type):
    assert isinstance(instance, unittest.TestCase)

    reader = None
    with instance.subTest(
            msg='establish reader for type {} and file {}'.format(
                reader_type_string, test_file)):
        reader = open_phase_history(test_file)
        instance.assertTrue(reader is not None,
                            msg='Returned None, so opening failed.')
Exemple #2
import numpy
import json
import unittest

import sarpy.io.DEM.geoid as geoid
from tests import parse_file_entry

test_file = None
geoid_files = []
this_loc = os.path.abspath(__file__)
file_reference = os.path.join(os.path.split(this_loc)[0],
                              'geoid.json')  # specifies file locations
if os.path.isfile(file_reference):
    with open(file_reference, 'r') as fi:
        the_files = json.load(fi)
        test_file = parse_file_entry(the_files.get('test_file', None))
        for entry in the_files.get('geoid_files', []):
            the_file = parse_file_entry(entry)
            if the_file is not None:

def generic_geoid_test(instance, test_file, geoid_file):
    assert isinstance(instance, unittest.TestCase)

    _, gname = os.path.split(geoid_file)
    if gname.lower().startswith('egm84'):
        zcol = 2
    elif gname.lower().startswith('egm96'):
        zcol = 3