Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, template, thresh_coeffs, block_len, history_len):
        self.template = Signal(template)
        self.template_energy = np.sum(self.template.power)

        template_len = len(template)
        self.corr_len = block_len - template_len + 1
        self.template_padded = np.concatenate(
            [self.template, np.zeros(self.corr_len - 1)])
        self.template_padded = Signal(self.template_padded)
        self.template_fft = self.template_padded.fft

        self.interpolate = gaussian_interpolation
        self.window = calculate_window(block_len, history_len, template_len)
        self.thresh_coeffs = thresh_coeffs
Exemple #2
def block_reader(stream, size, history):
    """Read fixed-sized blocks from a stream of raw RTL-SDR samples.

    stream : file-like object
        Raw 8-bit I/Q interleaved data from RTL-SDR.
    size : int
        Size of the blocks that should be generated.
    history : int
        Number of samples from the end of the previous block that should be
        included at the start of a new block.
        Each block will contain `size` - `history` new samples.

    timestamp : float
        Approximate time at which the data was captured.
    block_idx : int
        Block index, starting from zero for the first block.
    data : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        Complex-valued array with the block's samples.
    new = size - history  # Number of new samples per block
    data = np.zeros(size)
    for block_idx, block in enumerate(_raw_block_reader(stream, new * 2)):
        new_data = raw_to_complex(block)
        data = np.concatenate([data[-history:], new_data])
        yield time.time(), block_idx, Signal(data)
Exemple #3
def card_reader(stream):
    """Read blocks from .card file.

    A .card ("CARrier Detection") file generally contains blocks of data for
    which a carrier has been detected.

    stream : file-like object

    timestamp : float
        Approximate time at which the data was captured.
    block_idx : int
        Block index, starting from zero for the first block that was captured.
    data : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        Complex-valued array with the block's samples.
    while True:
        line = stream.readline()
        if len(line) == 0:
        if line[0] == '#' or line[0] == '\n':
        if line.startswith('Using Volk machine:') or line.startswith('linux;'):
        timestamp, idx, encoded = line.rstrip('\n').split(' ')
        raw = np.fromstring(base64.b64decode(encoded), dtype='uint8')
        data = raw_to_complex(raw)
        yield float(timestamp), int(idx), Signal(data)
    def __init__(self, detection, settings, sample_rate):
        self.result = detection.result
        self.unsynced = detection.unsynced
        self.synced = detection.synced
        self.corr = detection.corr
        self.settings = settings
        self.sample_rate = sample_rate
        self.template = Signal(self.settings.template)

        filter_width = int(settings.block_len / settings.carrier_len) * 2
        filter_weights = carrier_sync.dirichlet_weights(
            filter_width, settings.block_len, settings.carrier_len)
        filtered, delay = carrier_detect._filter(self.unsynced.fft.mag,
        self.filtered_fft = Signal(filtered[delay:])

        self.carrier_interpolator = carrier_sync.make_dirichlet_interpolator(
            settings.block_len, settings.carrier_len, return_amplitude=True)

        self.corr_threshold = soa_estimator.calculate_threshold(
            self.corr, self.result.corr_info.noise, self.settings.corr_thresh)
def test_get_peak(idx, corr_len, window, expected):
    """Test peak detection with a constant threshold."""
    corr = Signal(np.zeros(corr_len))
    corr[idx] = 100

    peak_idx, peak_mag = soa_estimator.get_peak(corr, window)
    detected = peak_mag > 99

    assert detected == expected
    if expected:
        assert peak_idx == idx
        assert peak_mag == 100
Exemple #6
    def __init__(self, template, block_len, num=NUM_TEMPLATES):
        self.corr_len = block_len - len(template) + 1
        template_padded = np.concatenate([template, np.zeros(self.corr_len-1)])
        template_padded = Signal(template_padded)

        self.shifts = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, num)
        freqs = np.arange(block_len) * 1. / block_len - 0.5

        self.ffts = []
        for shift in self.shifts:
            shift_signal = np.exp(-2j * np.pi * shift * freqs)
            shifted = template_padded * shift_signal

        self.num = num
Exemple #7
def test_freq_shift(size, freq, shift):
    """Test freq_shift() with sinusoidal signals."""
    signal = np.exp(2j*np.pi*np.arange(size)/size*freq)

    expected = np.exp(2j*np.pi*np.arange(size)/size*(freq+shift))
    expected_fft = np.fft.fft(expected)

    got = carrier_sync.freq_shift(Signal(signal), shift)

    # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # plt.plot(np.abs(signal_fft), label="Signal")
    # plt.plot(np.abs(expected_fft), label="Expected")
    # plt.plot(np.abs(got), label="Got")
    # plt.legend()
    # plt.show()

    np.testing.assert_allclose(np.abs(got), np.abs(expected_fft),
                               atol=1e-6, rtol=1e-6)
 def _scaled_ook_template(self, signal):
     ook_template = self.template - np.min(self.template)
     ook_template = ook_template * signal.rms / Signal(ook_template).rms
     return ook_template