Exemple #1
 def _determine_duration(self, fh):
     # see: https://ccrma.stanford.edu/courses/422/projects/WaveFormat/
     # and: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WAV
     riff, size, fformat = struct.unpack('4sI4s', fh.read(12))
     if riff != b'RIFF' or fformat != b'WAVE':
         print('not a wave file!')
     channels, samplerate, bitdepth = 2, 44100, 16  # assume CD quality
     chunk_header = fh.read(8)
     while len(chunk_header) > 0:
         subchunkid, subchunksize = struct.unpack('4sI', chunk_header)
         if subchunkid == b'fmt ':
             _, channels, self.samplerate = struct.unpack('HHI', fh.read(8))
             _, _, bitdepth = struct.unpack('<IHH', fh.read(8))
             self.bitrate = self.samplerate * channels * bitdepth / 1024
         elif subchunkid == b'data':
             self.duration = subchunksize / channels / samplerate / (
                 bitdepth / 8)
             self.audio_offest = fh.tell() - 8  # rewind to data header
             fh.seek(subchunksize, 1)
         elif subchunkid == b'id3 ' or subchunkid == b'ID3 ':
             id3 = ID3(fh, 0)
         else:  # some other chunk, just skip the data
             fh.seek(subchunksize, 1)
         chunk_header = fh.read(8)
     self._duration_parsed = True
 def upload_bite(self, event, context):
     # first authorize the upload. (the client must supply a client id.)
     token = event["headers"]["Authorization"]
         client_item = self.database.auth_table.get_item(
             Key={"ClientId": token})["Item"]
         body = {"err": "Invalid Client ID token.", "cod": 6}
         return self.database.create_response(body, 400)
     current_time = int((datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.datetime(
         year=1970, month=1, day=1, hour=0, second=0)).total_seconds())
     if client_item["Expires"] + 1800 <= current_time:
         self.database.auth_table.delete_item(Key={"ClientId": token})
         all_ids = self.database.auth_table.get_item(
             Key={"ClientId": "-1"})["Item"]["AllIds"]
             Key={"ClientId": "-1"},
             AttributeUpdates={"AllIds": {
                 "Value": all_ids
         body = {"err": "Client ID token has expired.", "cod": 8}
         return self.database.create_response(body, 400)
     if client_item["Expires"] <= current_time:
         body = {
             "err": "Client ID token has expired. Please refresh.",
             "cod": 7
         return self.database.create_response(body, 400)
     # initialize the dynamo DB and S3 connections.
     # get the arguemnts
     c_type, c_data = parse_header(event['headers']['Content-Type'])
         assert c_type == 'multipart/form-data'
         body = {
             "err": "File was not sent as multipart/form-data.",
             "cod": 0
         return self.database.create_response(body, 400)
     c_data["boundary"] = bytes(c_data["boundary"], 'utf-8')
     # this is the audio file as a byte array.
     multiparts = parse_multipart(BytesIO(event['body'].encode('utf-8')),
     file_data_raw = b''.join(multiparts["file"]).decode('utf-8')
         file_data = base64.b64decode(file_data_raw)
         body = {
             "err": "Audio file was not sent with base64 encoding.",
             "cod": 1
         return self.database.create_response(body, 400)
     audio_file_stream = BytesIO(file_data)
     # first check the length of the wave file, needs to be under or at 2 minutes. and more than or equal to 3 seconds.
     mp3_tags = ID3(BufferedReader(audio_file_stream), len(file_data))
     mp3_tags.load(tags=False, duration=True, image=False)
     if mp3_tags.duration < 2 or mp3_tags.duration > 121:
         body = {
             "err": "Audio file too short or too long.",
             "cod": 2,
             "dur": mp3_tags.duration
         return self.database.create_response(body, 400)
     # put an item with the bite's metadata
     # get the current byte number.
     biteIdRatio = self.database.dynamo_table.get_item(
         Key={"BiteId": "-1"})["Item"]["BiteIdNumber"].as_integer_ratio()
     # parse it
     biteId = biteIdRatio[0] / float(biteIdRatio[1])
     # and add one.
     biteId = int(biteId + 1)
     # and update the item storing the current bite number.
         Key={"BiteId": "-1"},
         AttributeUpdates={"BiteIdNumber": {
             "Value": biteId
     # save the audio file into S3.
     audio_file_stream.seek(0)  # first reset the audio stream to the start.
     assert self.database.upload_s3(
         audio_file_stream, "{biteId}-bite-audio.mp3".format(biteId=biteId))
     # create the bite metadata item and save it to DynamoDB.
     biteItem = {
         "BiteId": str(biteId),
         "BiteAudio": "{biteId}-bite-audio.mp3".format(biteId=biteId),
         "TimeStamp": datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
     # put the item into dynamo DB.
     body = {"cod": 100, "bid": biteId}
     # return the response with code 201 (created).
     response = self.database.create_response(body, 201)
     return response