def __init__(self, session):

        tkutil.Settings_Dialog.__init__(self,, 'Peak List Settings')

        fb = Tkinter.Frame(, borderwidth=3, relief='groove')
        fb.pack(side='top', fill='x')

        # Create the checkbutton and extra widgets for each possible field
        self.field_widgets = {}
        for fc in field_classes:
            self.field_widgets[fc] = fc.field_widgets(,

        opt = Tkinter.Frame(, borderwidth=3, relief='groove')
        opt.pack(side='top', fill='x')

        cb = tkutil.checkbutton(opt, 'Sort by assignment?', 1)
        self.assignmentsort = cb.variable
        cb.button.pack(side='top', anchor='w')

        cb = tkutil.checkbutton(opt, 'Pair crossdiagonal peaks?', 0)
        self.crosspair = cb.variable
        cb.button.pack(side='top', anchor='w')

        br = tkutil.button_row(
            ('Ok', self.ok_cb),
            ('Apply', self.apply_cb),
            ('Close', self.close_cb),
        br.frame.pack(side='top', anchor='w')
    def __init__(self, session):

        self.session = session

        tkutil.Dialog.__init__(self,, 'Pick Atoms')

        cb = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'Show atom labels?', 0)
        self.show_label = cb.variable
        cb.button.pack(side='top', anchor='w')

        cb = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'Show distances?', 0)
        self.show_distance = cb.variable
        cb.button.pack(side='top', anchor='w')

        cb = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'Show peaks?', 0)
        self.show_peak = cb.variable
        cb.button.pack(side='top', anchor='w')

        cb = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'Show assigned atoms?', 0)
        self.show_assigned = cb.variable
        cb.button.pack(side='top', anchor='w')
        cb.add_callback(pyutil.precompose(color_assigned_atoms, session))

        self.status_line = Tkinter.Label(, anchor='nw')
        self.status_line.pack(side='top', anchor='w')

        br = tkutil.button_row(
            ('Close', self.close_cb),
            ('Help', sputil.help_cb(session, 'MidasPick')),
        br.frame.pack(side='top', anchor='w')

        self.pick_cb = self.atom_pick_cb
  def __init__(self, session):

    self.session = session
    tkutil.Dialog.__init__(self,, 'View Constraints')

    self.pdb_file = tkutil.file_field(, 'PDB File: ', 'pdb')
    self.pdb_file.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    self.mardi_file = tkutil.file_field(,
					'Mardigras Constraint File: ',
    self.mardi_file.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    cb = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'Show satisfied constraints?', 0)
    self.satisfied = cb.variable
    cb.button.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    cb = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'Show violated constraints?', 1)
    self.violated = cb.variable
    cb.button.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    br = tkutil.button_row(,
			   ('Show', self.show_cb),
			   ('Close', self.close_cb),
                           ('Help', sputil.help_cb(session,
    br.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
Exemple #4
  def __init__(self, session):

    tkutil.Settings_Dialog.__init__(self,, 'Peak List Settings')

    fb = Tkinter.Frame(, borderwidth = 3, relief = 'groove')
    fb.pack(side = 'top', fill = 'x')

    # Create the checkbutton and extra widgets for each possible field
    self.field_widgets = {}
    for fc in field_classes:
      self.field_widgets[fc] = fc.field_widgets(,

    opt = Tkinter.Frame(, borderwidth = 3, relief = 'groove')
    opt.pack(side = 'top', fill = 'x')

    cb = tkutil.checkbutton(opt, 'Sort by assignment?', 1)
    self.assignmentsort = cb.variable
    cb.button.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    cb = tkutil.checkbutton(opt, 'Pair crossdiagonal peaks?', 0)
    self.crosspair = cb.variable
    cb.button.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    br = tkutil.button_row(,
                           ('Ok', self.ok_cb),
			   ('Apply', self.apply_cb),
			   ('Close', self.close_cb),
    br.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
  def __init__(self, session):

    self.session = session
    tkutil.Dialog.__init__(self,, 'Pick Atoms')

    cb = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'Show atom labels?', 0)
    self.show_label = cb.variable
    cb.button.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    cb = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'Show distances?', 0)
    self.show_distance = cb.variable
    cb.button.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    cb = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'Show peaks?', 0)
    self.show_peak = cb.variable
    cb.button.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    cb = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'Show assigned atoms?', 0)
    self.show_assigned = cb.variable
    cb.button.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    cb.add_callback(pyutil.precompose(color_assigned_atoms, session))

    self.status_line = Tkinter.Label(, anchor = 'nw')
    self.status_line.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    br = tkutil.button_row(,
			   ('Close', self.close_cb),
                           ('Help', sputil.help_cb(session, 'MidasPick')),
    br.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    self.pick_cb = self.atom_pick_cb
    def __init__(self, session):

        self.session = session

        tkutil.Dialog.__init__(self,, 'Peak Table')

        setup = Tkinter.Frame(
        setup.pack(side='top', anchor='w')

        # Choose Spectra

        sbutton = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'Choose Spectra', 1)
        sbutton.button.pack(side='top', anchor='w')

        schoice = Tkinter.Frame(
        schoice.pack(side='top', anchor='w')

        sc = sputil.spectrum_checkbuttons(session, schoice, '')
        sc.frame.pack(side='top', anchor='w')
        self.spectrum_list = sc.chosen_spectra

        cb = tkutil.checkbutton(schoice, 'Noesy format?', 0)
        self.noesy_format = cb.variable
        cb.button.pack(side='top', anchor='w')


        # Peak list

        pl = sputil.assignment_listbox(session,
        pl.frame.pack(side='top', fill='both', expand=1)
        pl.listbox.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.select_assignment_cb)
        pl.listbox.bind('<ButtonRelease-2>', self.goto_assignment_cb)
        pl.listbox.bind('<Double-ButtonRelease-1>', self.goto_assignment_cb)
        self.peak_list = pl

        progress_label = Tkinter.Label(, anchor='nw')
        progress_label.pack(side='top', anchor='w')

        br = tkutil.button_row(
            ('Update', self.update_cb),
            ('Save', self.peak_list.save_cb),
            ('Stop', self.stop_cb),
            ('Close', self.close_cb),
            ('Help', sputil.help_cb(session, 'PeakTable')),
        br.frame.pack(side='top', anchor='w')

        tkutil.Stoppable.__init__(self, progress_label, br.buttons[2])
  def __init__(self, session):

    self.session = session
    tkutil.Dialog.__init__(self,, 'Peak Table')

    setup = Tkinter.Frame(
    setup.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    # Choose Spectra

    sbutton = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'Choose Spectra', 1)
    sbutton.button.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    schoice = Tkinter.Frame(
    schoice.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    sc = sputil.spectrum_checkbuttons(session, schoice, '')
    sc.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.spectrum_list = sc.chosen_spectra

    cb = tkutil.checkbutton(schoice, 'Noesy format?', 0)
    self.noesy_format = cb.variable
    cb.button.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')


    # Peak list

    pl = sputil.assignment_listbox(session,
    pl.frame.pack(side = 'top', fill = 'both', expand = 1)
    pl.listbox.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.select_assignment_cb)
    pl.listbox.bind('<ButtonRelease-2>', self.goto_assignment_cb)
    pl.listbox.bind('<Double-ButtonRelease-1>', self.goto_assignment_cb)
    self.peak_list = pl

    progress_label = Tkinter.Label(, anchor = 'nw')
    progress_label.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    br = tkutil.button_row(,
			   ('Update', self.update_cb),
			   ('Save', self.peak_list.save_cb),
			   ('Stop', self.stop_cb),
			   ('Close', self.close_cb),
                           ('Help', sputil.help_cb(session, 'PeakTable')),
    br.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    tkutil.Stoppable.__init__(self, progress_label, br.buttons[2])
  def add_spectrum(self, spectrum, table, row):

    if spectrum.dimension != 3:
    # Make spectrum checkbutton
    cb = tkutil.checkbutton(table.frame,, 0)
    cb.button['selectcolor'] = sputil.spectrum_color(spectrum)
    choose_cb = pyutil.precompose(sputil.choose_spectrum_cb, spectrum,
    cb.button.grid(row = row, column = 0, sticky = 'w')
    table.spectrum_to_checkbutton[spectrum] = cb

    # Make axis order menu.  Set default xyz axis order for triple
    # resonance spectra to HCN.
    hcn_order = pyutil.order(('1H', '13C', '15N'), spectrum.nuclei)
    aom = axes.axis_order_menu(table.frame, spectrum.nuclei,
                               initial_order = hcn_order)
    aom.frame.grid(row = row, column = 1, sticky = 'w')
    table.axis_order_menu[spectrum] = aom
    def __init__(self, session):

        self.session = session
        self.peak = None

        tkutil.Dialog.__init__(self,, 'Peak Resonance Mover')

        self.spectrum_menu = sputil.spectrum_menu(session,,
                                                  'Spectrum: ')
        self.spectrum_menu.frame.pack(side='top', anchor='w')

        cb = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'On / Off', 0)
        cb.button.pack(side='top', anchor='w')
        self.onoff = cb
        self.will_drag_notice = None
        self.dragged_notice = None

        self.message = Tkinter.Label(
        self.message.pack(side='top', anchor='w')

        br = tkutil.button_row(
            ('Close', self.close_cb),
            ('Help', sputil.help_cb(session, 'ShiftRes')),
        br.frame.pack(side='top', anchor='w')
Exemple #10
  def __init__(self, session):

    self.session = session
    self.view_to_center = None
    self.selection_notice = None
    tkutil.Dialog.__init__(self,, 'View Center')

    explain = ('Specify a view window to be centered\n' +
               'by the cm or cp commands.  The cm command\n' +
               'centers the view at the point under the mouse\n'
               'when the command is invoked in any window.\n' +
               'The cp command centers the view on the selected\n' +
    w = Tkinter.Label(, text = explain, justify = 'left')
    w.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    add_command = pythonshell.add_command
    add_command('cm', '', 'centerview', 'center_view_on_mouse', session)
    add_command('cp', '', 'centerview', 'center_view_on_peak', session)

    self.center_view = sputil.view_menu(session,, 'View to center: ')
    self.center_view.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    ps = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'Center when peak selected?', 0)
    ps.button.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.peak_select = ps

    br = tkutil.button_row(,
			   ('Ok', self.ok_cb),
                           ('Apply', self.apply_cb),
                           ('Close', self.close_cb),
                           ('Help', sputil.help_cb(session, 'CenterViews')),
    br.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
Exemple #11
  def __init__(self, session):

    self.session = session
    self.peak = None
    tkutil.Dialog.__init__(self,, 'Peak Resonance Mover')

    self.spectrum_menu = sputil.spectrum_menu(session,, 'Spectrum: ')
    self.spectrum_menu.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    cb = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'On / Off', 0)
    cb.button.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.onoff = cb
    self.will_drag_notice = None
    self.dragged_notice = None

    self.message = Tkinter.Label(
    self.message.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    br = tkutil.button_row(,
			   ('Close', self.close_cb),
                           ('Help', sputil.help_cb(session, 'ShiftRes')),
    br.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
Exemple #12
  def __init__(self, session):

    tkutil.Dialog.__init__(self,, 'MARDIGRAS Format')

    sc = sputil.spectrum_menu(session,, 'Spectrum: ')
    sc.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.spectrum_choice = sc

    pl = sputil.peak_listbox(
    pl.frame.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 1)
    pl.heading['text'] = 'Peak list'
    pl.listbox.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', pl.select_peak_cb)
    pl.listbox.bind('<ButtonRelease-2>', pl.goto_peak_cb)
    pl.listbox.bind('<Double-ButtonRelease-1>', pl.goto_peak_cb)
    self.peak_list = pl

    ib = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'Include unintegrated peaks?', 0)
    ib.button.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.unintegrated = ib

    nb = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'Show peak notes?', 0)
    nb.button.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.note = nb

    eh = Tkinter.Label(, text = 'Omit peak if note has a word from:')
    eh.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    ef = tkutil.entry_field(, '  ', width = 30)
    ef.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.note_words = ef
    et = Tkinter.Label(, text = '(space separated list of words)')
    et.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    progress_label = Tkinter.Label(, anchor = 'nw')
    progress_label.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    br = tkutil.button_row(,
                           ('Update', self.update_cb),
                           ('Write Peaks', self.save_peaks_cb),
                           ('Stop', self.stop_cb),
			   ('Close', self.close_cb),
                           ('Help', sputil.help_cb(session,
    br.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    tkutil.Stoppable.__init__(self, progress_label, br.buttons[2])
    def __init__(self, session):

        tkutil.Dialog.__init__(self,, 'MARDIGRAS Format')

        sc = sputil.spectrum_menu(session,, 'Spectrum: ')
        sc.frame.pack(side='top', anchor='w')
        self.spectrum_choice = sc

        pl = sputil.peak_listbox(
        pl.frame.pack(fill='both', expand=1)
        pl.heading['text'] = 'Peak list'
        pl.listbox.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', pl.select_peak_cb)
        pl.listbox.bind('<ButtonRelease-2>', pl.goto_peak_cb)
        pl.listbox.bind('<Double-ButtonRelease-1>', pl.goto_peak_cb)
        self.peak_list = pl

        ib = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'Include unintegrated peaks?', 0)
        ib.button.pack(side='top', anchor='w')
        self.unintegrated = ib

        nb = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'Show peak notes?', 0)
        nb.button.pack(side='top', anchor='w')
        self.note = nb

        eh = Tkinter.Label(, text='Omit peak if note has a word from:')
        eh.pack(side='top', anchor='w')
        ef = tkutil.entry_field(, '  ', width=30)
        ef.frame.pack(side='top', anchor='w')
        self.note_words = ef
        et = Tkinter.Label(, text='(space separated list of words)')
        et.pack(side='top', anchor='w')

        progress_label = Tkinter.Label(, anchor='nw')
        progress_label.pack(side='top', anchor='w')

        br = tkutil.button_row(
            ('Update', self.update_cb),
            ('Write Peaks', self.save_peaks_cb),
            ('Stop', self.stop_cb),
            ('Close', self.close_cb),
            ('Help', sputil.help_cb(session, 'MardigrasFormat')),
        br.frame.pack(side='top', anchor='w')

        tkutil.Stoppable.__init__(self, progress_label, br.buttons[2])
    def add_spectrum(self, spectrum, table, row):

        pat_name, pat_axes = expectedpeaks.recall_pattern(spectrum)

        # Make spectrum checkbutton
        cb = tkutil.checkbutton(table.frame,, 0)
        cb.button['selectcolor'] = sputil.spectrum_color(spectrum)
        choose_cb = pyutil.precompose(sputil.choose_spectrum_cb, spectrum,
        cb.button.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='w')
        if pat_name:
        table.spectrum_to_checkbutton[spectrum] = cb

        # Make peak pattern menu
        epeak_types = expectedpeaks.expected_peak_descriptions.keys()
        pm = tkutil.option_menu(table.frame, '', epeak_types)
        pm.frame.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='w')
        table.spectrum_epeak_menus[spectrum] = pm

        # Get default spectrum peak pattern and axis order
        if pat_name == None:
            pat_name = expectedpeaks.default_spectrum_pattern_name(spectrum)
            if pat_name == None:
                pat_name = pm.get()
            pat_list = expectedpeaks.expected_peak_descriptions[pat_name]
            pat_nuclei = expectedpeaks.pattern_nuclei(pat_list[0])
            pat_axes = pyutil.order(pat_nuclei, spectrum.nuclei)

        # Make axis order menu
        aom = axes.axis_order_menu(table.frame,
        aom.frame.grid(row=row, column=2, sticky='w')
        table.axis_order_menu[spectrum] = aom

        # Register a callback to limit the menu choices for axis order.
        def restrict_axis_order_cb(pat_name, aom=aom):
            import expectedpeaks
            pat_list = expectedpeaks.expected_peak_descriptions[pat_name]
            pat_nuclei = expectedpeaks.pattern_nuclei(pat_list[0])


Exemple #15
  def make_dialog(self):

    tkutil.Dialog.__init__(self,, 'Mirror Assignment Checker')'<Destroy>', self.window_destroyed_cb, 1)

    w = self.make_noesy_table(
    w.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    choices = ('Selected peaks',
	       'Peaks with assigned mirror peak',
	       'Peaks without assigned mirror peak',
	       'Unassigned with assigned mirror',
    self.show_type = tkutil.option_menu(, 'Show ',
                                        choices, choices[0])
    self.show_type.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    cb = tkutil.checkbutton(,
                            'Exclude mirrors with low signal/noise?', 0)
    cb.button.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.exclude_mirrors = cb

    f = Tkinter.Frame(
    e = tkutil.entry_field(f, 'C13 / N15 intensity ratio: ', '1', 3)
    self.c13_n15_factor = e.variable
    e.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    e = tkutil.entry_field(f, 'Minimum mirror intensity factor: ', '.5', 3)
    self.min_mirror_factor = e.variable
    e.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    pl = tkutil.scrolling_list(, '', 5)
    pl.frame.pack(side = 'top', fill = 'both', expand = 1)
    pl.listbox.bind('<ButtonRelease-2>', self.select_peak_or_assignment_cb)
    pl.listbox.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.goto_peak_or_assignment_cb)
    self.peak_list = pl

    progress_label = Tkinter.Label(, anchor = 'nw')
    progress_label.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    br = tkutil.button_row(,
			   ('Update', self.update_cb),
			   ('Strips', self.strips_cb),
			   ('Save', self.peak_list.save_cb),
			   ('Stop', self.stop_cb),
			   ('Close', self.close_cb),
                           ('Help', sputil.help_cb(self.session,
    br.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    tkutil.Stoppable.__init__(self, progress_label, br.buttons[3])

    self.settings = self.get_settings()
  def add_spectrum(self, spectrum, table, row):

    pat_name, pat_axes = expectedpeaks.recall_pattern(spectrum)

    # Make spectrum checkbutton
    cb = tkutil.checkbutton(table.frame,, 0)
    cb.button['selectcolor'] = sputil.spectrum_color(spectrum)
    choose_cb = pyutil.precompose(sputil.choose_spectrum_cb, spectrum,
    cb.button.grid(row = row, column = 0, sticky = 'w')
    if pat_name:
    table.spectrum_to_checkbutton[spectrum] = cb

    # Make peak pattern menu
    epeak_types = expectedpeaks.expected_peak_descriptions.keys()
    pm = tkutil.option_menu(table.frame, '', epeak_types)
    pm.frame.grid(row = row, column = 1, sticky = 'w')
    table.spectrum_epeak_menus[spectrum] = pm

    # Get default spectrum peak pattern and axis order
    if pat_name == None:
      pat_name = expectedpeaks.default_spectrum_pattern_name(spectrum)
      if pat_name == None:
        pat_name = pm.get()
      pat_list = expectedpeaks.expected_peak_descriptions[pat_name]
      pat_nuclei = expectedpeaks.pattern_nuclei(pat_list[0])
      pat_axes = pyutil.order(pat_nuclei, spectrum.nuclei)

    # Make axis order menu
    aom = axes.axis_order_menu(table.frame, spectrum.nuclei,
                               initial_order = pat_axes)
    aom.frame.grid(row = row, column = 2, sticky = 'w')
    table.axis_order_menu[spectrum] = aom

    # Register a callback to limit the menu choices for axis order.
    def restrict_axis_order_cb(pat_name, aom=aom):
      import expectedpeaks
      pat_list = expectedpeaks.expected_peak_descriptions[pat_name]
      pat_nuclei = expectedpeaks.pattern_nuclei(pat_list[0])

    def __init__(self, session):

        self.session = session
        tkutil.Dialog.__init__(self,, 'Chemical Shift Plot'), weight=1)
        r = 0

        self.condition_widget = sputil.condition_menu(session,,
                                                      'Condition: ')
        self.condition_widget.frame.grid(row=r, sticky='w')
        r = r + 1

        self.ppm_range_widget = [None, None]
        er = tkutil.entry_row(, 'PPM range: ', ('min', '0', 3),
                              ('max', '12', 3), ('step', '1', 3))
        (self.ppm_range_widget[0], self.ppm_range_widget[1],
         self.ppm_step_widget) = er.variables
        er.frame.grid(row=r, sticky='w')
        r = r + 1

        e = tkutil.entry_field(, 'Atoms: ', '', 30)
        self.atoms = e.variable
        e.frame.grid(row=r, sticky='w')
        r = r + 1

        t = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'Show typical amino acid shifts?', 0)
        self.typical_range = t.variable
        t.button.grid(row=r, sticky='w')
        r = r + 1

        c = tkutil.scrollable_canvas(
        c.frame.grid(row=r, sticky='news'), weight=1)
        r = r + 1
        self.canvas = c.canvas

        progress_label = Tkinter.Label(, anchor='nw')
        progress_label.grid(row=r, sticky='w')
        r = r + 1

        postscript_cb = pyutil.precompose(tkutil.postscript_cb, self.canvas)
        br = tkutil.button_row(
            ('Update', self.update_cb),
            ('Postscript', postscript_cb),
            ('Stop', self.stop_cb),
            ('Close', self.close_cb),
            ('Help', sputil.help_cb(session, 'ChemShiftPlot')),
        br.frame.grid(row=r, sticky='w')
        r = r + 1

        tkutil.Stoppable.__init__(self, progress_label, br.buttons[2])
Exemple #18
  def add_spectrum(self, spectrum, table, row):

    pat_name, pat_axes = expectedpeaks.recall_pattern(spectrum)
    # Make spectrum check button
    cb = tkutil.checkbutton(table.frame,, 0)
    choose_cb = pyutil.precompose(sputil.choose_spectrum_cb, spectrum, table.chosen_spectra)
    cb.button.grid(row = row, column = 0, sticky = 'w')
    if pat_name:
    table.spectrum_to_checkbutton[spectrum] = cb
Exemple #19
  def add_spectrum(self, spectrum, table, row):

    onoff = self.default_onoff(spectrum)
    b = tkutil.checkbutton(table.frame,, onoff)
    b.button.grid(row = row, column = 0, sticky = 'nw')

    ttext = self.default_time_parameter(spectrum)
    e = tkutil.entry_field(table.frame, '', ttext)
    e.frame.grid(row = row, column = 1, sticky = 'nw')

    self.spectrum_widgets[spectrum] = (b, e)
Exemple #20
    def add_spect(self, spectrum, table, row):

        # Make spectrum checkbutton
        cb = tkutil.checkbutton(table.frame,, 0)
        cb.button['selectcolor'] = spectrum_color(spectrum)
        choose_cb = pyutil.precompose(choose_spectrum_cb, spectrum,
        cb.button.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='w')
        table.spectrum_to_checkbutton[spectrum] = cb
Exemple #21
 def add_spect(self, spectrum, table, row):
   # Make spectrum checkbutton
   cb = tkutil.checkbutton(table.frame,, 0)
   cb.button['selectcolor'] = spectrum_color(spectrum)
   choose_cb = pyutil.precompose(choose_spectrum_cb, spectrum,
   cb.button.grid(row = row, column = 0, sticky = 'w')
   table.spectrum_to_checkbutton[spectrum] = cb
Exemple #22
  def __init__(self, session):

    self.session = session
    tkutil.Dialog.__init__(self,, 'Chemical Shift Plot'), weight = 1)
    r = 0
    self.condition_widget = sputil.condition_menu(session,, 'Condition: ')
    self.condition_widget.frame.grid(row = r, sticky = 'w')
    r = r + 1

    self.ppm_range_widget = [None, None]
    er = tkutil.entry_row(, 'PPM range: ',
                          ('min', '0', 3), ('max', '12', 3), ('step', '1', 3))
     self.ppm_step_widget) = er.variables
    er.frame.grid(row = r, sticky = 'w')
    r = r + 1
    e = tkutil.entry_field(, 'Atoms: ', '', 30)
    self.atoms = e.variable
    e.frame.grid(row = r, sticky = 'w')
    r = r + 1
    t = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'Show typical amino acid shifts?', 0)
    self.typical_range = t.variable
    t.button.grid(row = r, sticky = 'w')
    r = r + 1
    c = tkutil.scrollable_canvas(
    c.frame.grid(row = r, sticky = 'news'), weight = 1)
    r = r + 1
    self.canvas = c.canvas

    progress_label = Tkinter.Label(, anchor = 'nw')
    progress_label.grid(row = r, sticky = 'w')
    r = r + 1
    postscript_cb = pyutil.precompose(tkutil.postscript_cb, self.canvas)
    br = tkutil.button_row(,
			   ('Update', self.update_cb),
			   ('Postscript', postscript_cb),
			   ('Stop', self.stop_cb),
			   ('Close', self.close_cb),
                           ('Help', sputil.help_cb(session, 'ChemShiftPlot')),
    br.frame.grid(row = r, sticky = 'w')
    r = r + 1

    tkutil.Stoppable.__init__(self, progress_label, br.buttons[2])
  def __init__(self, session):

                                    'Python Shell Preferences')

    cb = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'Show Python shell if error occurs?', 1)
    cb.button.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'nw')
    self.raise_variable = cb.variable

    br = tkutil.button_row(,
                           ('Ok', self.ok_cb),
                           ('Apply', self.apply_cb),
                           ('Close', self.close_cb),
                           ('Help', sputil.help_cb(session, 'PythonShell')),
    br.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    def __init__(self, session):

        self.session = session

        tkutil.Dialog.__init__(self,, 'Restricted Peak Pick')

        m = sputil.view_menu(session,, 'Find peaks in ')
        m.frame.pack(side='top', anchor='w')
        self.pick_menu = m

        m = sputil.spectrum_menu(session,, 'Using peaks in ')
        m.frame.pack(side='top', anchor='w')
        self.ref_menu = m

        b = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'Use selected peaks only?', 0)
        b.button.pack(side='top', anchor='w')
        self.selected_only = b

        lbl = Tkinter.Label(, text='Axis match tolerances (ppm)')
        lbl.pack(side='top', anchor='w')
        self.axis_table_heading = lbl

        f = Tkinter.Frame(
        f.pack(side='top', anchor='w')
        self.axis_table = f
        self.range_entries = []


        progress_label = Tkinter.Label(, anchor='nw')
        progress_label.pack(side='top', anchor='w')

        br = tkutil.button_row(
            ('Pick peaks', self.pick_cb),
            ('Select peaks', self.select_cb),
            ('Stop', self.stop_cb),
            ('Close', self.close_cb),
            ('Help', sputil.help_cb(session, 'RestrictedPick')),
        br.frame.pack(side='top', anchor='w')

        tkutil.Stoppable.__init__(self, progress_label, br.buttons[2])
Exemple #25
    def __init__(self, session):

                                        'Python Shell Preferences')

        cb = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'Show Python shell if error occurs?',
        cb.button.pack(side='top', anchor='nw')
        self.raise_variable = cb.variable

        br = tkutil.button_row(
            ('Ok', self.ok_cb),
            ('Apply', self.apply_cb),
            ('Close', self.close_cb),
            ('Help', sputil.help_cb(session, 'PythonShell')),
        br.frame.pack(side='top', anchor='w')
  def __init__(self, session):

    self.session = session
    tkutil.Dialog.__init__(self,, 'Restricted Peak Pick')
    m = sputil.view_menu(session,, 'Find peaks in ')
    m.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.pick_menu = m

    m = sputil.spectrum_menu(session,, 'Using peaks in ')
    m.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.ref_menu = m

    b = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'Use selected peaks only?', 0)
    b.button.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.selected_only = b

    lbl= Tkinter.Label(, text = 'Axis match tolerances (ppm)')
    lbl.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.axis_table_heading = lbl
    f = Tkinter.Frame(
    f.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.axis_table = f
    self.range_entries = []

    progress_label = Tkinter.Label(, anchor = 'nw')
    progress_label.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    br = tkutil.button_row(,
			   ('Pick peaks', self.pick_cb),
                           ('Select peaks', self.select_cb),
			   ('Stop', self.stop_cb),
			   ('Close', self.close_cb),
                           ('Help', sputil.help_cb(session, 'RestrictedPick')),
    br.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    tkutil.Stoppable.__init__(self, progress_label, br.buttons[2])
  def __init__(self, session):

    self.session = session
    tkutil.Settings_Dialog.__init__(self,, 'Show Peak Strips')

    f = self.spectrum_choice_table(
    f.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    sx = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'Show spectrum name under each strip', 0)
    sx.button.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w', padx = 10, pady = 10)
    self.label_spectrum = sx

    br = tkutil.button_row(,
			   ('Ok', self.ok_cb),
			   ('Apply', self.apply_cb),
			   ('Close', self.close_cb),                           
                           ('Help', sputil.help_cb(session, 'StripPlot')),
    br.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
  def __init__(self, session):
    tkutil.Settings_Dialog.__init__(self,, 'AutoAssign Details')

    se = tkutil.checkbutton(,
                            'Use an already running AutoAssign server?', 0)
    se.button.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.server_exists = se.variable

    hp = tkutil.entry_row(, 'Server on',
                          ('host ', '', 25),
                          (' port ', '', 5),
    hp.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.server_host, self.server_port = hp.variables

    sl = tkutil.entry_field(,
			    'Sleep time after server startup (seconds): ',
                            initial = 1, width = 3)
    sl.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.server_lag = sl.variable

    sp = tkutil.entry_field(, 'Server program ', '', width = 25)
    sp.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.server_executable = sp.variable

    cp = tkutil.entry_field(, 'Client program ', '', width = 25)
    cp.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.client_executable = cp.variable

    br = tkutil.button_row(,
                           ('Ok', self.ok_cb),
                           ('Apply', self.apply_cb),
			   ('Close', self.close_cb),
                           ('Help', sputil.help_cb(session, 'AutoAssign')),
    br.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
Exemple #29
 def __init__(self, parent, name):
   cb = tkutil.checkbutton(parent, name, 0)
   cb.button.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
   self.checkbutton = cb
Exemple #30
    def __init__(self, session):

        self.session = session
        self.pdb_path = None
        self.model = None
        self.pseudobond_group = None
        self.recenter_on_peak = 1
        self.chimera_atom_to_num_atom = {}
        self.num_atom_to_chimera_atom = {}
        self.chimera_atom_to_resonance = {}
        self.num_atom_pair_to_pseudobond = {}
        self.selected_atoms = []
        self.peak_selected_notice = None
        self.bond_selection_trigger = None
        self.chimera_quit_trigger = None
        self.chimera_running = 0

        tkutil.Dialog.__init__(self,, 'Chimera Model')

        self.pdb_file = tkutil.file_field(, 'PDB File: ', 'pdb')
        self.pdb_file.frame.pack(side='top', anchor='w')

        colors = ('white', 'black', 'red', 'yellow', 'green', 'cyan', 'blue',
        c = tkutil.option_menu(, 'Color assigned atoms ', colors,
        c.frame.pack(side='top', anchor='w')
        self.assigned_atom_color = c

        cb = tkutil.checkbutton(,
                                'Selecting peak highlights assignment line?',
        cb.button.pack(side='top', anchor='w')
        self.show_selected_peaks = cb

        cb = tkutil.checkbutton(
  , 'Selecting assignment line recenters spectrum?', 1)
        cb.button.pack(side='top', anchor='w')
        self.show_selected_lines = cb

        cb = tkutil.checkbutton(,
                                'Selecting atoms recenters spectrum?', 1)
        cb.button.pack(side='top', anchor='w')
        self.show_selected_atoms = cb

        c = tkutil.option_menu(, 'Color lines for assignments ',
                               colors, 'blue')
        c.frame.pack(side='top', anchor='w')
        self.peak_line_color = c

        cb = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'Show contraint violations?', 0)
        cb.button.pack(side='top', anchor='w')
        self.show_constraints = cb
        constraint_frame = Tkinter.Frame(,

        self.mardi_file = tkutil.file_field(constraint_frame,
                                            'Mardigras Constraint File: ',
        self.mardi_file.frame.pack(side='top', anchor='w')

        cb = tkutil.checkbuttons(constraint_frame, 'top', '',
                                 'Show satisfied constraints?',
                                 'Show violated constraints?')
        cb.frame.pack(side='top', anchor='w')
        self.show_satisfied, self.show_violated = cb.variables

        color_frame = Tkinter.Frame(constraint_frame)
        color_frame.pack(side='top', anchor='w')
        h = Tkinter.Label(color_frame, text='Constraint line colors:')
        h.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky='w')

        self.constraint_colors = []
        row = 1
        for text, color in (('< 0.8 times lower bound',
                             'blue'), ('0.8-1.0 times lower bound', 'cyan'),
                            ('satisfied constraint', 'green'),
                            ('1.0-1.2 times upper bound',
                             'magenta'), ('> 1.2 times upper bound', 'red')):
            c = tkutil.option_menu(color_frame, '', colors, color)
            c.frame.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='e', padx=10)
            label = Tkinter.Label(color_frame, text=text)
            label.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='w')
            row = row + 1

        self.status_line = Tkinter.Label(,
        self.status_line.pack(side='top', anchor='w')

        br = tkutil.button_row(
            ('Show', self.show_cb),
            ('Erase', self.erase_cb),
            ('Close', self.close_cb),
            ('Help', sputil.help_cb(session, 'Chimera')),
        br.frame.pack(side='top', anchor='w')
 def __init__(self, parent, name):
     cb = tkutil.checkbutton(parent, name, 0)
     cb.button.pack(side='top', anchor='w')
     self.checkbutton = cb
Exemple #32
  def __init__(self, session):

    tkutil.Dialog.__init__(self,, 'XPLOR Restraints')

    sc = sputil.spectrum_menu(session,, 'Spectrum: ')
    sc.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.spectrum_choice = sc

    pl = sputil.peak_listbox(
    pl.frame.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 1)
    pl.heading['text'] = 'XPLOR Restraint list'
    pl.listbox.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', pl.select_peak_cb)
    pl.listbox.bind('<ButtonRelease-2>', pl.goto_peak_cb)
    pl.listbox.bind('<Double-ButtonRelease-1>', pl.goto_peak_cb)
    self.peak_list = pl

    bt = tkutil.entry_field(, 'Bounds text ', width = 30)
    bt.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.bounds_text = bt

    nb = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'Show peak notes?', 0)
    nb.button.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.note = nb

    hb = tkutil.entry_row(, 'Only peaks with height',
                          (' >= ', '', 8), (' and < ', '', 8))
    hb.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.height_min, self.height_max = hb.variables

    vb = tkutil.entry_row(, 'Only peaks with volume',
                          (' >= ', '', 8), (' and < ', '', 8))
    vb.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.volume_min, self.volume_max = vb.variables

    eh1 = Tkinter.Label(, text = 'Omit peak if note has a word from:')
    eh1.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    ef1 = tkutil.entry_field(, '  ', width = 30)
    ef1.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.exclude_note_words = ef1
    eh2 = Tkinter.Label(, text = 'or if it has no word from:')
    eh2.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    ef2 = tkutil.entry_field(, '  ', width = 30)
    ef2.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.require_note_words = ef2
    et = Tkinter.Label(, text = '(space separated list of words)')
    et.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    progress_label = Tkinter.Label(, anchor = 'nw')
    progress_label.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    br = tkutil.button_row(,
                           ('Update', self.update_cb),
                           ('Write Restraints', self.save_peaks_cb),
                           ('Append', self.append_peaks_cb),
                           ('Stop', self.stop_cb),
			   ('Close', self.close_cb),
                           ('Help', sputil.help_cb(session,
    br.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    tkutil.Stoppable.__init__(self, progress_label, br.buttons[3])
Exemple #33
  def __init__(self, session):

    self.session = session
    tkutil.Dialog.__init__(self,, 'DYANA / XEASY Format')

    sc = sputil.spectrum_menu(session,, 'Spectrum: ')
    sc.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.spectrum_choice = sc

    sl = tkutil.scrolling_list(, 'Chemical shift list', 5)
    sl.frame.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 1)
    sl.listbox.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.resonance_cb)
    self.shift_list = sl

    pl = sputil.peak_listbox(
    pl.frame.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 1)
    pl.heading['text'] = 'Peak list'
    pl.listbox.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', pl.select_peak_cb)
    pl.listbox.bind('<ButtonRelease-2>', pl.goto_peak_cb)
    pl.listbox.bind('<Double-ButtonRelease-1>', pl.goto_peak_cb)
    self.peak_list = pl

    cy = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'Cyana Formatting ?', 0)
    cy.button.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.cyana = cy

    hb = tkutil.checkbutton(,
                            'Show peak heights instead of volumes?', 0)
    hb.button.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.heights = hb

    ib = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'Include unintegrated peaks?', 0)
    ib.button.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.unintegrated = ib

    ab = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'Include unassigned peaks?', 0)
    ab.button.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.unassigned = ab

    mb = tkutil.checkbutton(,
                            'Include assignments without a residue number?', 0)
    mb.button.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.unnumbered = mb

    nb = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'Show peak notes?', 0)
    nb.button.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.note = nb

    eh = Tkinter.Label(, text = 'Omit peak if note has a word from:')
    eh.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    ef = tkutil.entry_field(, '  ', width = 30)
    ef.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.note_words = ef
    et = Tkinter.Label(, text = '(space separated list of words)')
    et.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    progress_label = Tkinter.Label(, anchor = 'nw')
    progress_label.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    br = tkutil.button_row(,
                           ('Update', self.update_cb),
			   ('Write Shifts', self.save_shifts_cb),
                           ('Write Peaks', self.save_peaks_cb),
                           ('Stop', self.stop_cb),
			   ('Close', self.close_cb),
                           ('Help', sputil.help_cb(session, 'XEASYFormat')),
    br.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    tkutil.Stoppable.__init__(self, progress_label, br.buttons[3])
  def __init__(self, session):

    tkutil.Dialog.__init__(self,, 'Set Volume Errors')

    self.spectrum_choice = sputil.spectrum_menu(session,, 'Spectrum: ')
    self.spectrum_choice.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    f = Tkinter.Frame(
    f.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    r = 0

    w = Tkinter.Label(f, text = 'Error (%)')
    w.grid(row = r, column = 1)
    r = r + 1

    cb = tkutil.checkbutton(f, 'Default fit', 1)
    self.fit_default = cb.variable
    cb.button.grid(row = r, column = 0, sticky = 'w')
    e = tkutil.entry_field(f, '', '10', 4)
    self.fit_default_error = e.variable
    e.frame.grid(row = r, column = 1)
    r = r + 1

    cb = tkutil.checkbutton(f, 'Default box / ellipse', 1)
    self.box_default = cb.variable
    cb.button.grid(row = r, column = 0, sticky = 'w')
    e = tkutil.entry_field(f, '', '20', 4)
    self.box_default_error = e.variable
    e.frame.grid(row = r, column = 1)
    r = r + 1

    cb = tkutil.checkbutton(f, 'Near diagonal', 0)
    self.near_diagonal = cb.variable
    cb.button.grid(row = r, column = 0, sticky = 'w')
    e = tkutil.entry_field(f, '', '20', 4)
    self.near_diagonal_error = e.variable
    e.frame.grid(row = r, column = 1)
    tkutil.grid_labels(f, ('Range (ppm)', r, 2))
    e = tkutil.entry_field(f, '|w1-w2| ', '.1', 4)
    self.near_diagonal_range = e.variable
    e.frame.grid(row = r+1, column = 2)
    r = r + 2

    cb = tkutil.checkbutton(f, 'Near other peaks', 0)
    self.nearby_peaks = cb.variable
    cb.button.grid(row = r, column = 0, sticky = 'w')
                       ('Relative volume', r+1, 0),
                       ('< .5', r+2, 0),
                       ('.5 - 2', r+3, 0),
                       ('> 2', r+4, 0),
                       ('unintegrated', r+5, 0))
    self.nearby_error = {}
    (self.nearby_error['< .5'],
     self.nearby_error['.5 - 2'],
     self.nearby_error['> 2'],
     ) = tkutil.grid_entries(f, 4,
                             ('5', r+2, 1),
                             ('10', r+3, 1),
                             ('20', r+4, 1),
                             ('20', r+5, 1))
    self.nearby_range = {}
    tkutil.grid_labels(f, ('Range (ppm)', r+1, 2))
    e = tkutil.entry_field(f, 'w1 ', '.05', 4)
    self.nearby_range['w1 range'] = e.variable
    e.frame.grid(row = r+2, column = 2)
    e = tkutil.entry_field(f, 'w2 ', '.05', 4)
    self.nearby_range['w2 range'] = e.variable
    e.frame.grid(row = r+3, column = 2)
    r = r + 6

    progress_label = Tkinter.Label(, anchor = 'nw')
    progress_label.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    br = tkutil.button_row(,
			   ('Set Volume Errors', self.update_cb),
			   ('Stop', self.stop_cb),
			   ('Close', self.close_cb),
                           ('Help', sputil.help_cb(session, 'VolumeErrors')),
    br.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    tkutil.Stoppable.__init__(self, progress_label, br.buttons[1])
  def __init__(self, session):

    self.session = session
    self.pdb_path = None
    self.model = None
    self.pseudobond_group = None
    self.recenter_on_peak = 1
    self.chimera_atom_to_num_atom = {}
    self.num_atom_to_chimera_atom = {}
    self.chimera_atom_to_resonance = {}
    self.num_atom_pair_to_pseudobond = {}
    self.selected_atoms = []
    self.peak_selected_notice = None
    self.bond_selection_trigger = None
    self.chimera_quit_trigger = None
    self.chimera_running = 0

    tkutil.Dialog.__init__(self,, 'Chimera Model')

    self.pdb_file = tkutil.file_field(, 'PDB File: ', 'pdb')
    self.pdb_file.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    colors = ('white', 'black', 'red', 'yellow',
              'green', 'cyan', 'blue', 'magenta')
    c = tkutil.option_menu(, 'Color assigned atoms ',
                           colors, 'yellow')
    c.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.assigned_atom_color = c

    cb = tkutil.checkbutton(,
                            'Selecting peak highlights assignment line?', 1)
    cb.button.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.show_selected_peaks = cb

    cb = tkutil.checkbutton(,
                            'Selecting assignment line recenters spectrum?', 1)
    cb.button.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.show_selected_lines = cb

    cb = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'Selecting atoms recenters spectrum?', 1)
    cb.button.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.show_selected_atoms = cb

    c = tkutil.option_menu(, 'Color lines for assignments ',
                           colors, 'blue')
    c.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.peak_line_color = c

    cb = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'Show contraint violations?', 0)
    cb.button.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.show_constraints = cb
    constraint_frame = Tkinter.Frame(, borderwidth = 2,
                                     relief = 'sunken')

    self.mardi_file = tkutil.file_field(constraint_frame,
					'Mardigras Constraint File: ',
    self.mardi_file.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    cb = tkutil.checkbuttons(constraint_frame, 'top', '',
                             'Show satisfied constraints?',
                             'Show violated constraints?')
    cb.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    self.show_satisfied, self.show_violated = cb.variables

    color_frame = Tkinter.Frame(constraint_frame)
    color_frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
    h = Tkinter.Label(color_frame, text = 'Constraint line colors:')
    h.grid(row = 0, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = 'w')

    self.constraint_colors = []
    row = 1
    for text, color in (('< 0.8 times lower bound', 'blue'),
                        ('0.8-1.0 times lower bound', 'cyan'),
                        ('satisfied constraint', 'green'),
                        ('1.0-1.2 times upper bound', 'magenta'),
                        ('> 1.2 times upper bound', 'red')):
      c = tkutil.option_menu(color_frame, '', colors, color)
      c.frame.grid(row = row, column = 0, sticky = 'e', padx = 10)
      label = Tkinter.Label(color_frame, text = text)
      label.grid(row = row, column = 1, sticky = 'w')
      row = row + 1
    self.status_line = Tkinter.Label(, anchor = 'nw',
                                     wraplength = '15c', justify = 'left')
    self.status_line.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')

    br = tkutil.button_row(,
			   ('Show', self.show_cb),
                           ('Erase', self.erase_cb),
			   ('Close', self.close_cb),
                           ('Help', sputil.help_cb(session, 'Chimera')),
    br.frame.pack(side = 'top', anchor = 'w')
Exemple #36
    def __init__(self, session):

        self.session = session

        tkutil.Dialog.__init__(self,, 'DYANA / XEASY Format')

        sc = sputil.spectrum_menu(session,, 'Spectrum: ')
        sc.frame.pack(side='top', anchor='w')
        self.spectrum_choice = sc

        sl = tkutil.scrolling_list(, 'Chemical shift list', 5)
        sl.frame.pack(fill='both', expand=1)
        sl.listbox.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.resonance_cb)
        self.shift_list = sl

        pl = sputil.peak_listbox(
        pl.frame.pack(fill='both', expand=1)
        pl.heading['text'] = 'Peak list'
        pl.listbox.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', pl.select_peak_cb)
        pl.listbox.bind('<ButtonRelease-2>', pl.goto_peak_cb)
        pl.listbox.bind('<Double-ButtonRelease-1>', pl.goto_peak_cb)
        self.peak_list = pl

        cy = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'Cyana Formatting ?', 0)
        cy.button.pack(side='top', anchor='w')
        self.cyana = cy

        hb = tkutil.checkbutton(,
                                'Show peak heights instead of volumes?', 0)
        hb.button.pack(side='top', anchor='w')
        self.heights = hb

        ib = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'Include unintegrated peaks?', 0)
        ib.button.pack(side='top', anchor='w')
        self.unintegrated = ib

        ab = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'Include unassigned peaks?', 0)
        ab.button.pack(side='top', anchor='w')
        self.unassigned = ab

        mb = tkutil.checkbutton(
  , 'Include assignments without a residue number?', 0)
        mb.button.pack(side='top', anchor='w')
        self.unnumbered = mb

        nb = tkutil.checkbutton(, 'Show peak notes?', 0)
        nb.button.pack(side='top', anchor='w')
        self.note = nb

        eh = Tkinter.Label(, text='Omit peak if note has a word from:')
        eh.pack(side='top', anchor='w')
        ef = tkutil.entry_field(, '  ', width=30)
        ef.frame.pack(side='top', anchor='w')
        self.note_words = ef
        et = Tkinter.Label(, text='(space separated list of words)')
        et.pack(side='top', anchor='w')

        progress_label = Tkinter.Label(, anchor='nw')
        progress_label.pack(side='top', anchor='w')

        br = tkutil.button_row(
            ('Update', self.update_cb),
            ('Write Shifts', self.save_shifts_cb),
            ('Write Peaks', self.save_peaks_cb),
            ('Stop', self.stop_cb),
            ('Close', self.close_cb),
            ('Help', sputil.help_cb(session, 'XEASYFormat')),
        br.frame.pack(side='top', anchor='w')

        tkutil.Stoppable.__init__(self, progress_label, br.buttons[3])