Exemple #1
    def _refresh_visitor(self, user, request, visit_time):
        # A Visitor row is unique by session_key
        session_key = request.session.session_key

            visitor = Visitor.objects.get(pk=session_key)
        except Visitor.DoesNotExist:
            # Log the ip address. Start time is managed via the field
            # `default` value
            ip_address = get_ip_address(request)
            visitor = Visitor(pk=session_key, ip_address=ip_address)

        # Update the user field if the visitor user is not set. This
        # implies authentication has occured on this request and now
        # the user is object exists. Check using `user_id` to prevent
        # a database hit.
        if user and not visitor.user_id:
            visitor.user_id = user.id

        # update some session expiration details
        visitor.expiry_age = request.session.get_expiry_age()
        visitor.expiry_time = request.session.get_expiry_date()

        # grab the latest User-Agent and store it
        user_agent = request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', None)
        if user_agent:
            visitor.user_agent = smart_text(user_agent,

        # grab the source param and store it
        source = request.GET.get('source', None)
        if source:
            visitor.source = source

        # grab the medium param and store it
        medium = request.GET.get('medium', None)
        if medium:
            visitor.medium = medium

        time_on_site = 0
        if visitor.start_time:
            time_on_site = total_seconds(visit_time - visitor.start_time)
        visitor.time_on_site = int(time_on_site)

            with transaction.atomic():
        except IntegrityError:
            # there is a small chance a second response has saved this
            # Visitor already and a second save() at the same time (having
            # failed to UPDATE anything) will attempt to INSERT the same
            # session key (pk) again causing an IntegrityError
            # If this happens we'll just grab the "winner" and use that!
            visitor = Visitor.objects.get(pk=session_key)

        return visitor
Exemple #2
    def _refresh_visitor(self, user, request, visit_time):
        # A Visitor row is unique by session_key
        session_key = request.session.session_key

            visitor = Visitor.objects.get(pk=session_key)
        except Visitor.DoesNotExist:
            # Log the ip address. Start time is managed via the field
            # `default` value
            ip_address = get_ip_address(request)
            visitor = Visitor(pk=session_key, ip_address=ip_address)

        # Update the user field if the visitor user is not set. This
        # implies authentication has occured on this request and now
        # the user is object exists. Check using `user_id` to prevent
        # a database hit.
        if user and not visitor.user_id:
            visitor.user_id = user.id

        # update some session expiration details
        visitor.expiry_age = request.session.get_expiry_age()
        visitor.expiry_time = request.session.get_expiry_date()

        # grab the latest User-Agent and store it
        user_agent = request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', None)
        if user_agent:
            visitor.user_agent = smart_text(
                user_agent, encoding='latin-1', errors='ignore')

        time_on_site = 0
        if visitor.start_time:
            time_on_site = total_seconds(visit_time - visitor.start_time)
        visitor.time_on_site = int(time_on_site)

            with transaction.atomic():
        except IntegrityError:
            # there is a small chance a second response has saved this
            # Visitor already and a second save() at the same time (having
            # failed to UPDATE anything) will attempt to INSERT the same
            # session key (pk) again causing an IntegrityError
            # If this happens we'll just grab the "winner" and use that!
            visitor = Visitor.objects.get(pk=session_key)

        return visitor
    def _refresh_visitor(self, user, request, visit_time):
        # A Visitor row is unique by session_key
        session_key = request.session.session_key

            visitor = Visitor.objects.get(pk=session_key)
        except Visitor.DoesNotExist:
            # Log the ip address. Start time is managed via the field
            # `default` value
            ip_address = get_ip_address(request)
            visitor = Visitor(pk=session_key, ip_address=ip_address)

        # Update the user field if the visitor user is not set. This
        # implies authentication has occured on this request and now
        # the user is object exists. Check using `user_id` to prevent
        # a database hit.
        if user and not visitor.user_id:
            visitor.user = user

        # update some session expiration details
        visitor.expiry_age = request.session.get_expiry_age()
        visitor.expiry_time = request.session.get_expiry_date()

        # grab the latest User-Agent and store it
        user_agent = request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', None)
        if user_agent:
            visitor.user_agent = smart_text(user_agent,

        time_on_site = 0
        if visitor.start_time:
            time_on_site = total_seconds(visit_time - visitor.start_time)
        visitor.time_on_site = int(time_on_site)

        return visitor
    def _refresh_visitor(self, user, request, visit_time):
        # A Visitor row is unique by session_key
        session_key = request.session.session_key

            visitor = Visitor.objects.get(pk=session_key)
        except Visitor.DoesNotExist:
            # Log the ip address. Start time is managed via the field
            # `default` value
            ip_address = get_ip_address(request)
            visitor = Visitor(pk=session_key, ip_address=ip_address)

        # Update the user field if the visitor user is not set. This
        # implies authentication has occured on this request and now
        # the user is object exists. Check using `user_id` to prevent
        # a database hit.
        if user and not visitor.user_id:
            visitor.user = user

        # update some session expiration details
        visitor.expiry_age = request.session.get_expiry_age()
        visitor.expiry_time = request.session.get_expiry_date()

        # grab the latest User-Agent and store it
        user_agent = request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', None)
        if user_agent:
            visitor.user_agent = smart_text(
                user_agent, encoding='latin-1', errors='ignore')

        time_on_site = 0
        if visitor.start_time:
            time_on_site = total_seconds(visit_time - visitor.start_time)
        visitor.time_on_site = int(time_on_site)

        return visitor