def calcAccumulation(new_sol, newFrameLot, r, cost=True): stories = tracking.ordonnancement(new_sol) acc = np.zeros(shape=(len(EVENTS), 3), dtype=list) for plate in newFrameLot.lstFrames: for well in newFrameLot.lstFrames[plate]: for index in newFrameLot.lstFrames[plate][well]: print plate, well, index try: costs = r[plate][well][index] except KeyError: continue sourceC, targetC = accuracy.filtre(newFrameLot.lstFrames[plate][well][index]) # for b in range(len(sourceC)): # print "training set :", sourceC[b], targetC[b] if index not in stories[plate][well]: continue solC = stories[plate][well][index] if type(solC.truth) == str: print "attention, il n'y a pas de prediction pour cet index" continue costs2 = filter(lambda x: x[1] == 1, zip(costs, solC.truth)) predicted = formulation(filter(lambda x: x[1] == 1, zip(solC.hypotheses, solC.truth)), costs2) # for k in range(len(predicted[0])): # print "predictions :", predicted[0][k], predicted[1][k] i = 0 upletsVus = [] for uplet in sourceC: t, ttarg = accuracy.movement(uplet, s=None, tC=targetC[i]) for u in uplet: # moi je voudrais aussi l'index dans predicted ind, (p, ptarg) = movement(u, predicted) if p == 1: # c'est une apparition try: ind = predicted[1][-1].index(ttarg) except ValueError: continue else: upletsVus.append(ttarg) # pdb.set_trace() if t == p: test = (ttarg == ptarg) if t != 1 else (ttarg in ptarg) if test and t != 1: try: acc[t][0].append(predicted[2][ind]) except AttributeError: acc[t][0] = [predicted[2][ind]] elif test and t == 1: # pdb.set_trace() try: acc[t][0].append(predicted[2][-1][ind]) except AttributeError: acc[t][0] = [predicted[2][-1][ind]] else: print "-------------------------------------------------------pas pareil..." if p != -1: try: acc[p][1].append(predicted[2][ind]) except AttributeError: acc[p][1] = [predicted[2][ind]] else: try: # pdb.set_trace() acc[p][1].append(predicted[2][-1][ind]) except AttributeError: acc[p][1] = [predicted[2][-1][ind]] i += 1 # pdb.set_trace() for uplet in filter(lambda x: x != -1 and x not in sourceC, predicted[0]): for u in uplet: ind, (p, ptarg) = movement(u, predicted) try: acc[p][2].append(predicted[2][ind]) except AttributeError: acc[p][2] = [predicted[2][ind]] # if upletsVus!=[]: pdb.set_trace() for u in filter(lambda x: x not in upletsVus, predicted[1][-1]): p = 1 ind = predicted[1][-1].index(u) try: acc[p][2].append(predicted[2][ind]) except AttributeError: acc[p][2] = [predicted[2][ind]] return acc
def calcAccuracy(new_sol, newFrameLot, tdict=None): stories = tracking.ordonnancement(new_sol) acc = np.zeros(shape=(len(EVENTS), 2), acc2 = np.zeros(shape=(len(EVENTS), len(EVENTS)), compteur = [[0,0] for x in range(len(EVENTS))] visu = {} if tdict == None: for plate in newFrameLot.lstFrames: if plate not in visu: visu[plate]={} for well in newFrameLot.lstFrames[plate]: print plate, well, 'calculating accuracy on the whole video' if well not in visu[plate]: visu[plate][well]={} for index in newFrameLot.lstFrames[plate][well]: if index not in visu[plate][well]: visu[plate][well][index]=[] if index+1 not in visu[plate][well]: visu[plate][well][index+1]=[] visuC=visu[plate][well][index] ; nextVisu=visu[plate][well][index+1] #print index, sourceC, targetC = filtre(newFrameLot.lstFrames[plate][well][index]) # for b in range(len(sourceC)): # print "training set :", sourceC[b], targetC[b] if index not in stories[plate][well]: continue solC = stories[plate][well][index] if type(solC.truth)==str: print "attention, il n'y a pas de prediction pour cet index" continue predicted =formulation(filter(lambda x: x[1]==1, zip(solC.hypotheses, solC.truth))) # for k in range(len(predicted[0])): # print "predictions :", predicted[0][k], predicted[1][k] i=0 for uplet in sourceC: t, ttarg = movement(uplet, s = None, tC=targetC[i]) #print "truth", uplet, t, ttarg #compteur[0]=nb total de liens, compteur[1]=nb total de matchings compteur[t][0]+=max(len(uplet), len(ttarg)); compteur[t][1]+=1 first = True for u in uplet: p, ptarg = movement(u, s=predicted, tC = None) # print "predit pour", u, " : ", p, ptarg #pdb.set_trace() if t==p: test = (ttarg==ptarg) if t!=1 else (ttarg in ptarg) if test: #le matching est le bon et la cible egalement : j'enregistre acc[0]=nb de bons liens, acc[1]=nb de bons matchings acc[t][0]+=max(1, len(ttarg)) if first: acc[t][1]+=1 first = False #acc2[t][p]+=1 else: # donc la j'enregistre les erreurs, ici il y en a if u!=-1: visuC.append(filter(lambda x: x.label==u, solC.singlets)[0].center) else: nextVisu.append(filter(lambda x: x.label==ttarg, solC.nextSinglets)[0].center) if t==1: for tt in ttarg: z, ztarg = movement (u, s=predicted, tC = tt, incomplet = True) acc2[t][z]+=1 else: for tt in ttarg: if tt in ptarg: acc[t][0]+=1 else: z, ztarg = movement(u, s=predicted, tC=tt, incomplet=True) acc2[t][z]+=1 else: #print '-------------------------------------------------------pas pareil...' if u!=-1: visuC.append(filter(lambda x: x.label==u, solC.singlets)[0].center) else: nextVisu.append(filter(lambda x: x.label==ttarg, solC.nextSinglets)[0].center) if len(ttarg)>1: if first: for tt in ttarg: z, ztarg = movement (u, s=predicted, tC = tt, incomplet = True) acc2[t][z]+=1 first = False else: acc2[t][p]+=1 i+=1 else: for plate in newFrameLot.lstFrames: for well in tdict[plate]: for index in tdict[plate][well]: print plate, well, index sourceC, targetC = filtre(newFrameLot.lstFrames[plate][well][index]) # for b in range(len(sourceC)): # print "training set :", sourceC[b], targetC[b] if index not in stories[plate][well]: continue solC = stories[plate][well][index] if type(solC.truth)==str: print "attention, il n'y a pas de prediction pour cet index" continue predicted =formulation(filter(lambda x: x[1]==1, zip(solC.hypotheses, solC.truth))) # for k in range(len(predicted[0])): # print "predictions :", predicted[0][k], predicted[1][k] i=0 for uplet in sourceC: t, ttarg = movement(uplet, s = None, tC=targetC[i]) #print "truth", uplet, t, ttarg #compteur[0]=nb total de liens, compteur[1]=nb total de matchings compteur[t][0]+=max(len(uplet), len(ttarg)); compteur[t][1]+=1 first = True for u in uplet: p, ptarg = movement(u, s=predicted, tC = None) # print "predit", p, ptarg #pdb.set_trace() if t==p: test = (ttarg==ptarg) if t!=1 else (ttarg in ptarg) if test: #le matching est le bon et la cible egalement : j'enregistre acc[0]=nb de bons liens, acc[1]=nb de bons matchings acc[t][0]+=max(1, len(ttarg)) if first: acc[t][1]+=1 first = False #acc2[t][p]+=1 else: # donc la j'enregistre les erreurs, ici il y en a if t==1: for tt in ttarg: z, ztarg = movement (u, s=predicted, tC = tt, incomplet = True) acc2[t][z]+=1 else: for tt in ttarg: if tt in ptarg: acc[t][0]+=1 else: z, ztarg = movement(u, s=predicted, tC=tt, incomplet=True) acc2[t][z]+=1 else: #print '-------------------------------------------------------pas pareil...' if len(ttarg)>1: if first: for tt in ttarg: z, ztarg = movement (u, s=predicted, tC = tt, incomplet = True) acc2[t][z]+=1 first = False else: acc2[t][p]+=1 i+=1 return acc, acc2, np.array(compteur), visu
def trajBuilder(new_sol, training=False): stories = tracking.ordonnancement(new_sol); res = {} global movie_length for plate in stories: res.update({plate : {}}) movie_length.update({plate : {}}) for well in stories[plate]: print plate, well ensembleTraj = fHacktrack2.ensTraj() res[plate].update({well:ensembleTraj}) movie_length[plate].update({well : max(stories[plate][well].keys())+1}) # print ensembleTraj.numMitoses # print ensembleTraj.lstTraj num = 0; l=[0]; mergeList=-1; trajC=None for index in stories[plate][well]: print " INDEX ", index, solC = stories[plate][well][index] if type(solC.truth)==str: l.append(index+1) continue singlets = solC.singlets nextSinglets = solC.nextSinglets result =filter(lambda x: x[1]==1, zip(solC.hypotheses, solC.truth)) for hyp in result: #print hyp #if index==86: pdb.set_trace() s, t = hyp[0]; source = [] ; target = []; if type(s) in [np.int32, np.uint16] and s!=-1: source.append(filter(lambda x: x.label == s, singlets)[0]) elif type(s)==tuple: for c in s: source.append(filter(lambda x: x.label == c, singlets)[0]) if type(t) in [np.int32, np.uint16] and t!=-1: target.append(filter(lambda x: x.label == t, nextSinglets)[0]) elif type(t)==tuple: for c in t: target.append(filter(lambda x: x.label == c, nextSinglets)[0]) incoming = len(source) ; outcoming= len(target) mit = (outcoming>1) # if mit: pdb.set_trace() num+=1 if incoming == 0: # print "APPEAR" for c in target: newTraj= fHacktrack2.trajectoire(num,[0],[1], index+1, c.label) newTraj.longueurs=[index+1] newTraj.fractions=[1] ensembleTraj.add(newTraj) num+=1 continue elif outcoming ==0: # print "DISAPPEAR" if index in l: #pdb.set_trace()#en fait ce sont au moins les trajectoires qui commencent en 0 et finissent en 0 ie les apparitions disparitions en 0 for c in source: newTraj = fHacktrack2.trajectoire(num,[0],[1], index, c.label) newTraj.longueurs = [index] newTraj.fractions=[1] ensembleTraj.add(newTraj) num+=1 continue elif incoming == 1: # print "FROM ONE" c = source[0] incomingTraj = ensembleTraj.findLabelFrame(c.label, index) if outcoming <= len(incomingTraj): first = True; ll=[]; lf=[] # for traj in incomingTraj: # ll.extend(traj.longueurs) # lf.extend(traj.fractions) # if ll==[] and index>0: # pdb.set_trace() for traj in incomingTraj: try: t = target.pop() except IndexError: continue else: traj.ajoutPoint([0],[1], index+1, t.label) # traj.longueurs = ll; traj.fractions = lf if first: numC = traj.numCellule if mit: # print "ajout mitose" traj.split(index); traj.numCellule = numC; first = False #traj.ajoutMomentInteressant([0],[1], index) ensembleTraj.numMitoses+=1 else: i = 0; first = True; ll=[]; lf=[] # for traj in incomingTraj: # ll.extend(traj.longueurs) # lf.extend(traj.fractions) # if ll==[] and index>0: # pdb.set_trace() for t in target: try: incomingTraj[i].ajoutPoint([0],[1], index+1, t.label) # incomingTraj[i].longueurs = ll; incomingTraj[i].fractions = lf if first: numC = incomingTraj[i].numCellule trajC = incomingTraj[i] mergeList = incomingTraj[i].fusion if mit: # print "ajout mitose" incomingTraj[i].split(index); incomingTraj[i].numCellule = numC; first = False #incomingTraj[i].ajoutMomentInteressant([0],[1], index) ensembleTraj.numMitoses+=1 i+=1 except IndexError: if not mit: #ici on y arrive a t=0 quand aucune trajectoire n'est initialise ou cas de split a quatre sorti du TS if index>0 and training==False: pdb.set_trace() num+=1 newTraj = fHacktrack2.trajectoire(num,[0],[1], index, c.label) newTraj.ajoutPoint([0],[1], index+1, t.label) newTraj.longueurs=[index]; newTraj.fractions = [1] if first: numC = num if index>0 and training==False: print hyp pdb.set_trace() if mit: #ici, quand j'ai une mitose je copie toute la trajectoire precedente dans la nouvelle OU PAS ? newTraj = fHacktrack2.trajectoire(numC,[0],[1], index, c.label) newTraj.ajoutPoint([0],[1], index+1, t.label) newTraj.longueurs = incomingTraj[0].longueurs if incomingTraj !=[] else [index] newTraj.fractions = incomingTraj[0].fractions if incomingTraj !=[] else [1] #print id(trajC), numC, hyp, mergeList #pdb.set_trace() newTraj.fusion=list(mergeList) if type(mergeList)==list else mergeList #pdb.set_trace() # print "ajout mitose" newTraj.split(index) first = False #newTraj.ajoutMomentInteressant([0],[1], index) ensembleTraj.numMitoses+=1 #pdb.set_trace() ensembleTraj.add(newTraj) elif incoming >1: if outcoming>1: raise # print "FROM MORE THAN ONE" t = target[0]; tt=None if index>0: tt=[]; ll=[]; lf=[] for c in source: incomingTraj = ensembleTraj.findLabelFrame(c.label, index) try: tt.append(incomingTraj[0]) except IndexError: pass else: k=0 for lon in incomingTraj[0].longueurs: ll.append(lon) lf.append(incomingTraj[0].fractions[k]/float(incoming)) k+=1 # if ll==[] and index>0: # pdb.set_trace() i=0 for c in source: try: trajC = tt[i] trajC.longueurs = ll; trajC.fractions = lf # pdb.set_trace() except: #on tombe ici a t=0 mais est-ce qu'on y tombe apres ? oui si on calcule les trajectoires du training #set pcq il y a des evenements elimines par defaut (mvt a quatre) if index>0 and training==False: pdb.set_trace() num+=1 trajC = fHacktrack2.trajectoire(num,[0],[1], index, c.label) trajC.longueurs=[index for bb in range(incoming)]; trajC.fractions = [1/float(incoming) for bb in range(incoming)] ensembleTraj.add(trajC) finally: trajC.ajoutPoint([0],[1], index+1, t.label) #print id(trajC), trajC.numCellule, trajC.fusion #pdb.set_trace() trajC.merge(index) i+=1 #incomingTraj[0].ajoutMomentInteressant([0],[1], index) return res