Exemple #1
def pull_timeline(user, twitter):
    #query the twitter db
    #using documentation found here https://dev.twitter.com/rest/reference/get/statuses/user_timeline
    query = twitter.statuses.user_timeline(screen_name=user, count=200)

    #want to get the last index and use it as the max_id for the first one
    #NOTE: the max_id parameter tells twitter we want all tweets less than max_id.
    last_id = query[-1]["id"]

    #loop the query until we get an empty response
    while (True):
        print("Working ... Last ID:" + str(last_id))
        query2 = twitter.statuses.user_timeline(srceen_name=user,
        last_id = query2[-1]["id"]
        if (len(query2) <= 1):
        query = query + query2
    #pretty print timeline
    #csv print
    #tweet_printer.csv_print(query, user, "test.txt")
    #raw print
    #tweet_printer.raw_print(query, "test.txt")
def pull_timeline(user, twitter):
	#query the twitter db
	#using documentation found here https://dev.twitter.com/rest/reference/get/statuses/user_timeline
	query = twitter.statuses.user_timeline(screen_name = user, count = 200)

	#want to get the last index and use it as the max_id for the first one
	#NOTE: the max_id parameter tells twitter we want all tweets less than max_id.
	last_id = query[-1]["id"]

	#loop the query until we get an empty response
	while (True):
		print ( "Working ... Last ID:" + str(last_id) )
		query2 = twitter.statuses.user_timeline(srceen_name = user, count = 200, max_id = last_id)
		last_id = query2[-1]["id"]
		if (len(query2) <= 1):
		query = query + query2
	#pretty print timeline
	#csv print
	#tweet_printer.csv_print(query, user, "test.txt")
	#raw print
	#tweet_printer.raw_print(query, "test.txt")
Exemple #3
import pickle
import sys
from os.path import expanduser

#custom modules
import tweet_printer

def unpickle_tweets(filename):
    with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
        tweets = pickle.load(f)
    return tweets

home = expanduser('~')
path = sys.argv[1].replace('~', home)
tweets = unpickle_tweets(path)

import pickle
import sys
from os.path import expanduser

#custom modules
import tweet_printer

def unpickle_tweets(filename):
	with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
		tweets = pickle.load(f)
	return tweets

home = expanduser('~')
path = sys.argv[1].replace('~', home)
tweets = unpickle_tweets(path)
