Exemple #1
 def as_action(self, ):
     Check that I'm an admin
     if GlobalCommunity.objects.exists():
         glob = GlobalCommunity.get()
         if glob.can_edit:
             return BaseView.as_action(self, )
Exemple #2
 def as_action(self,):
     Check that I'm an admin
     if GlobalCommunity.objects.exists():
         glob = GlobalCommunity.get()
         if glob.can_edit:
             return BaseView.as_action(self)
Exemple #3
def _get_site_name_or_baseline(return_baseline = False):
    Read the site name from global community.
    We use tricks to ensure we can get the glob com. even with anonymous requests.
    d = cache.get_many(["twistranet_site_name", "twistranet_baseline"])
    site_name = d.get("site_name", None)
    baseline = d.get("baseline", None)
    if site_name is None or baseline is None:
        from twistranet.twistapp.models import SystemAccount, GlobalCommunity
        __account__ = SystemAccount.get()
            glob = GlobalCommunity.get()
            site_name = glob.site_name
            baseline = glob.baseline
            del __account__
        cache.set('twistranet_site_name', site_name)
        cache.set("twistranet_baseline", baseline)
    if return_baseline:
        return baseline
    return site_name