def test_create_attach_get(self, client):
     """ get the form for attaching content """
     root = Node.root()
     request = superuser_request("/", type=Type1.get_name())
     handler = MainHandlerTestable(request=request, instance=root)
     create = handler.create(type=Type1.get_name(), attach=True)
     assert create['path'] == "wheelcms_axle/create.html"
     assert 'form' in create['context']
 def test_create_get_root(self, client):
     """ test create on root - get """
     root = Node.root()
     request = superuser_request("/", type=Type1.get_name())
     handler = MainHandlerTestable(request=request, instance=root)
     create = handler.create()
     assert create['path'] == "wheelcms_axle/create.html"
     assert 'form' in create['context']
    def test_attached_form(self, client):
        """ The form when attaching should not contain a slug field since it
            will be attached to an existing node """
        root = Node.root()
        request = superuser_request("/")
        handler = MainHandlerTestable(request=request, instance=root)
        create = handler.create(type=Type1.get_name(), attach=True)

        form = create['context']['form']
        assert 'slug' not in form.fields
    def test_create_get(self, client):
        """ create should override and add Create operation crumb """
        root = Node.root()
        Type1(node=root, title="Root").save()
        child = root.add("child")
        Type1(node=child, title="Child").save()
        request = superuser_request("/child/create")

        handler = MainHandlerTestable(request=request, instance=child)
        context = handler.create(type=Type1.get_name())['context']
        assert 'breadcrumb' in context
        assert context['breadcrumb'] == [('Home', root.get_absolute_url()),
                                         ('Child', child.get_absolute_url()),
                                         ('Create "%s"' % Type1Type.title, '')]