Exemple #1
 def __init__(self, main, action_queue, fs_manager):
     """ Creates the instance."""
     super(Status, self).__init__()
     self.syncdaemon_status = SyncdaemonStatus(main, action_queue,
Exemple #2
class Status(Referenceable, SignalBroadcaster):
    """ Represent the status of the syncdaemon """

    __metaclass__ = RemoteMeta

    # calls that will be accessible remotely
    remote_calls = [

    def __init__(self, main, action_queue, fs_manager):
        """ Creates the instance."""
        super(Status, self).__init__()
        self.syncdaemon_status = SyncdaemonStatus(main, action_queue,

    def current_status(self):
        """ return the current status of the system, one of: local_rescan,
        offline, trying_to_connect, server_rescan or online.
        logger.debug('called current_status')
        return self.syncdaemon_status.current_status()

    def current_downloads(self):
        """Return a list of files with a download in progress."""
        logger.debug('called current_downloads')
        return self.syncdaemon_status.current_downloads()

    def waiting(self):
        """Return a list of the operations in action queue."""
        logger.debug('called waiting')
        commands = self.syncdaemon_status.waiting()
        for op, op_id, data  in commands:
        return commands

    def waiting_metadata(self):
        """Return a list of the operations in the meta-queue.

        As we don't have meta-queue anymore, this is faked.
        logger.debug('called waiting_metadata')
        return self.syncdaemon_status.waiting_metadata()

    def waiting_content(self):
        """Return a list of files that are waiting to be up- or downloaded.

        As we don't have content-queue anymore, this is faked.
        logger.debug('called waiting_content')
        return self.syncdaemon_status.waiting_content()

    def current_uploads(self):
        """ return a list of files with a upload in progress """
        logger.debug('called current_uploads')
        return self.syncdaemon_status.current_uploads()

    def emit_content_queue_changed(self):
        """Emit ContentQueueChanged."""

    def emit_invalid_name(self, dirname, filename):
        """Emit InvalidName."""
        self.emit_signal('on_invalid_name', unicode(dirname), str(filename))

    def emit_broken_node(self, volume_id, node_id, mdid, path):
        """Emit BrokenNode."""
        if mdid is None:
            mdid = ''
        if path is None:
            path = ''
        self.emit_signal('on_broken_node', volume_id, node_id, mdid,

    def emit_status_changed(self, state):
        """Emit StatusChanged."""

    def emit_download_started(self, download):
        """Emit DownloadStarted."""
        self.emit_signal('on_download_started', download)

    def emit_download_file_progress(self, download, **info):
        """Emit DownloadFileProgress."""
        for k, v in info.copy().items():
            info[str(k)] = str(v)
        self.emit_signal('on_download_file_progress', download, info)

    def emit_download_finished(self, download, **info):
        """Emit DownloadFinished."""
        for k, v in info.copy().items():
            info[str(k)] = str(v)
        self.emit_signal('on_download_finished', download, info)

    def emit_upload_started(self, upload):
        """Emit UploadStarted."""
        self.emit_signal('on_upload_started', upload)

    def emit_upload_file_progress(self, upload, **info):
        """Emit UploadFileProgress."""
        for k, v in info.copy().items():
            info[str(k)] = str(v)
        self.emit_signal('on_upload_file_progress', upload, info)

    def emit_upload_finished(self, upload, **info):
        """Emit UploadFinished."""
        for k, v in info.copy().items():
            info[str(k)] = str(v)
        self.emit_signal('on_upload_finished', upload, info)

    def emit_account_changed(self, account_info):
        """Emit AccountChanged."""
        info_dict = {'purchased_bytes': unicode(account_info.purchased_bytes)}
        self.emit_signal('on_account_changed', info_dict)

    def emit_metaqueue_changed(self):
        """Emit MetaQueueChanged."""

    def emit_requestqueue_added(self, op_name, op_id, data):
        """Emit RequestQueueAdded."""
        self.emit_signal('on_request_queue_added', op_name, str(op_id), data)

    def emit_requestqueue_removed(self, op_name, op_id, data):
        """Emit RequestQueueRemoved."""
        self.emit_signal('on_request_queue_removed', op_name, str(op_id), data)