Exemple #1
 def getGroups(self, username, groupsManager: GroupsManager):
     # these groups are a bit special. They are in fact ip-ranges, and we must check that the ip is in betwen
     # The ranges are stored in group names
     for g in groupsManager.getGroupsNames():
             if net.ipInNetwork(username, g):
         except Exception as e:
             logger.error('Invalid network for IP auth: %s', e)
Exemple #2
    def getHtml(self, request):
        # doAutoLogin = Config.section('IPAUTH').value('autoLogin', '0').getBool()
        ip = self.getIp()
        gm = GroupsManager(self.dbAuthenticator())
        self.getGroups(ip, gm)

        if gm.hasValidGroups() and self.dbAuthenticator().isValidUser(ip, True):
            passw = ''
            return '<script type="text/javascript">$("#id_user").val("' + ip + '");$("#id_password").val("' + passw + '");$("#loginform").submit();</script>'
            return '<div>Invalid auth (' + ip + ')</div><script type="text/javascript">$("#backToLogin").click()</script>'
Exemple #3
    def recreateGroups(self, user):
        Helper method, not needed to be overriden.
        It simply checks if the source is external and if so, recreates
        the user groups for storing them at database.

        user param is a database user object
        if self.isExternalSource:
            groupsManager = GroupsManager(self._dbAuth)
            self.getGroups(user.name, groupsManager)
            user.groups.set([g.dbGroup() for g in groupsManager.getValidGroups()])
    def recreateGroups(self, user):
        Helper method, not needed to be overriden.
        It simply checks if the source is external and if so, recreates
        the user groups for storing them at database.

        user param is a database user object
        if self.isExternalSource == True:
            groupsManager = GroupsManager(self._dbAuth)
            self.getGroups(user.name, groupsManager)
            user.groups = [g.dbGroup() for g in groupsManager.getValidGroups()]
Exemple #5
    def getJavascript(self, request):
        # doAutoLogin = Config.section('IPAUTH').value('autoLogin', '0').getBool()
        ip = self.getIp()
        gm = GroupsManager(self.dbAuthenticator())
        self.getGroups(ip, gm)

        if gm.hasValidGroups() and self.dbAuthenticator().isValidUser(ip, True):
            return '''function setVal(element, value) {{
                        document.getElementById(element).value = value;
                    setVal("id_user", "{ip}");
                    setVal("id_password", "{passwd}");
                    document.getElementById("loginform").submit();'''.format(ip=ip, passwd='')
            return 'alert("invalid authhenticator"); window.location.reload();</script>'
Exemple #6
    def getJavascript(self, request):
        # doAutoLogin = Config.section('IPAUTH').value('autoLogin', '0').getBool()
        ip = self.getIp()
        gm = GroupsManager(self.dbAuthenticator())
        self.getGroups(ip, gm)

        if gm.hasValidGroups() and self.dbAuthenticator().isValidUser(
                ip, True):
            return '''function setVal(element, value) {{
                        document.getElementById(element).value = value;
                    setVal("id_user", "{ip}");
                    setVal("id_password", "{passwd}");
                ip=ip, passwd='')

        return 'alert("invalid authhenticator"); window.location.reload();'