Exemple #1
def sudo_cmd(pattern=None, command=None, **args):
    args["func"] = lambda e: e.via_bot_id is None
    stack = inspect.stack()
    global SUDO_USERS
    previous_stack_frame = stack[1]
    file_test = Path(previous_stack_frame.filename)
    file_test = file_test.stem.replace(".py", "")
    allow_sudo = args.get("allow_sudo", False)
    # get the pattern from the decorator
    if pattern is not None:
        if pattern.startswith(r"\#"):
            # special fix for snip.py
            args["pattern"] = re.compile(pattern)
        elif pattern.startswith(r"^"):
            args["pattern"] = re.compile(pattern)
            cmd = pattern.replace("$", "").replace("^", "").replace("\\", "")
            except BaseException:
                SUDO_LIST.update({file_test: [cmd]})
            if len(Config.SUDO_COMMAND_HAND_LER) == 2:
                catreg = "^" + Config.SUDO_COMMAND_HAND_LER
                reg = Config.SUDO_COMMAND_HAND_LER[1]
            elif len(Config.SUDO_COMMAND_HAND_LER) == 1:
                catreg = "^\\" + Config.SUDO_COMMAND_HAND_LER
                reg = Config.COMMAND_HAND_LER
            args["pattern"] = re.compile(catreg + pattern)
            if command is not None:
                cmd = reg + command
                cmd = ((reg + pattern).replace("$", "").replace("\\",
                                                                    "^", ""))
            except BaseException:
                SUDO_LIST.update({file_test: [cmd]})
    args["outgoing"] = True
    # should this command be available for other users?
    if allow_sudo:
        args["from_users"] = list(SUDO_USERS)
        # Mutually exclusive with outgoing (can only set one of either).
        args["incoming"] = True
        del args["allow_sudo"]
    # error handling condition check
    elif "incoming" in args and not args["incoming"]:
        args["outgoing"] = True
    # add blacklist chats, UB should not respond in these chats
    args["blacklist_chats"] = True
    black_list_chats = list(Config.UB_BLACK_LIST_CHAT)
    if black_list_chats:
        args["chats"] = black_list_chats
    # add blacklist chats, UB should not respond in these chats
    if "allow_edited_updates" in args and args["allow_edited_updates"]:
        del args["allow_edited_updates"]
    # check if the plugin should listen for outgoing 'messages'
    return events.NewMessage(**args)
Exemple #2
def sudo_cmd(pattern=None, **args):
    args["func"] = lambda e: e.via_bot_id is None
    stack = inspect.stack()
    previous_stack_frame = stack[1]
    file_test = Path(previous_stack_frame.filename)
    file_test = file_test.stem.replace(".py", "")
    allow_sudo = args.get("allow_sudo", False)

    # get the pattern from the decorator
    if pattern is not None:
        if pattern.startswith("\#"):
            # special fix for snip.py
            args["pattern"] = re.compile(pattern)
            args["pattern"] = re.compile("\." + pattern)
            cmd = "." + pattern
                SUDO_LIST.update({file_test: [cmd]})

    args["outgoing"] = True
    # should this command be available for other users?
    if allow_sudo:
        args["from_users"] = list(Config.SUDO_USERS)
        # Mutually exclusive with outgoing (can only set one of either).
        args["incoming"] = True
        del args["allow_sudo"]

    # error handling condition check
    elif "incoming" in args and not args["incoming"]:
        args["outgoing"] = True

    # add blacklist chats, UB should not respond in these chats
    args["blacklist_chats"] = True
    black_list_chats = list(Config.UB_BLACK_LIST_CHAT)
    if len(black_list_chats) > 0:
        args["chats"] = black_list_chats

    # add blacklist chats, UB should not respond in these chats
    allow_edited_updates = False
    if "allow_edited_updates" in args and args["allow_edited_updates"]:
        allow_edited_updates = args["allow_edited_updates"]
        del args["allow_edited_updates"]

    # check if the plugin should listen for outgoing 'messages'
    is_message_enabled = True

    return events.NewMessage(**args)