Exemple #1
	def initialise(self, im_gray0, tl, br):

		#Initialise detector, descriptor, matcher
		self.detector = cv2.FeatureDetector_create(self.DETECTOR)
		self.descriptor = cv2.DescriptorExtractor_create(self.DESCRIPTOR)
		self.matcher = cv2.DescriptorMatcher_create(self.MATCHER)

		#Get initial keypoints in whole image
		keypoints_cv = self.detector.detect(im_gray0)

		#Remember keypoints that are in the rectangle as selected keypoints
		ind = util.in_rect(keypoints_cv, tl, br)
		selected_keypoints_cv = list(itertools.compress(keypoints_cv, ind))
		selected_keypoints_cv, self.selected_features = self.descriptor.compute(im_gray0, selected_keypoints_cv)
		selected_keypoints = util.keypoints_cv_to_np(selected_keypoints_cv)
		num_selected_keypoints = len(selected_keypoints_cv)

		if num_selected_keypoints == 0:
			raise Exception('No keypoints found in selection')

		#Remember keypoints that are not in the rectangle as background keypoints
		background_keypoints_cv = list(itertools.compress(keypoints_cv, ~ind))
		background_keypoints_cv, background_features = self.descriptor.compute(im_gray0, background_keypoints_cv)
		background_keypoints = util.keypoints_cv_to_np(background_keypoints_cv)

		#Assign each keypoint a class starting from 1, background is 0
		self.selected_classes = array(range(num_selected_keypoints)) + 1
		background_classes = zeros(len(background_keypoints_cv))

		#Stack background features and selected features into database
		self.features_database = vstack((background_features, self.selected_features))

		#Same for classes
		self.database_classes = hstack((background_classes, self.selected_classes))

		#Get all distances between selected keypoints in squareform
		pdist = scipy.spatial.distance.pdist(selected_keypoints)
		self.squareform = scipy.spatial.distance.squareform(pdist)

		#Get all angles between selected keypoints
		angles = np.empty((num_selected_keypoints, num_selected_keypoints))
		for k1,i1 in zip(selected_keypoints, range(num_selected_keypoints)):
			for k2,i2 in zip(selected_keypoints, range(num_selected_keypoints)):

				#Compute vector from k1 to k2
				v = k2-k1

				#Compute angle of this vector with respect to x axis
				angle = math.atan2(v[1],v[0])

				#Store angle
				angles[i1,i2] = angle

		self.angles = angles

		#Find the center of selected keypoints
		center = np.mean(selected_keypoints, axis=0)

		#Remember the rectangle coordinates relative to the center
		self.center_to_tl = np.array(tl) - center
		self.center_to_tr = np.array([br[0],tl[1]]) - center
		self.center_to_br = np.array(br) - center
		self.center_to_bl = np.array([tl[0],br[1]]) - center

		#Calculate springs of each keypoint
		self.springs = selected_keypoints - center

		#Set start image for tracking
		self.im_prev = im_gray0

		#Make keypoints 'active' keypoints
		self.active_keypoints = np.copy(selected_keypoints)

		#Attach class information to active keypoints
		self.active_keypoints = hstack((selected_keypoints,self.selected_classes[:,None]))

		#Remember number of initial keypoints
		self.num_initial_keypoints = len(selected_keypoints_cv)
Exemple #2
    def initialise(self, im_gray0, tl, br):

        # Initialise detector, descriptor, matcher
        self.detector = cv2.FeatureDetector_create(self.DETECTOR)
        self.descriptor = cv2.DescriptorExtractor_create(self.DESCRIPTOR)
        self.matcher = cv2.DescriptorMatcher_create(self.MATCHER)

        # Get initial keypoints in whole image
        keypoints_cv = self.detector.detect(im_gray0)

        # Remember keypoints that are in the rectangle as selected keypoints
        ind = util.in_rect(keypoints_cv, tl, br)
        selected_keypoints_cv = list(itertools.compress(keypoints_cv, ind))
        selected_keypoints_cv, self.selected_features = self.descriptor.compute(
            im_gray0, selected_keypoints_cv)
        selected_keypoints = util.keypoints_cv_to_np(selected_keypoints_cv)
        num_selected_keypoints = len(selected_keypoints_cv)

        if num_selected_keypoints == 0:
            raise Exception('No keypoints found in selection')

        # Remember keypoints that are not in the rectangle as background keypoints
        background_keypoints_cv = list(itertools.compress(keypoints_cv, ~ind))
        background_keypoints_cv, background_features = self.descriptor.compute(
            im_gray0, background_keypoints_cv)
        _ = util.keypoints_cv_to_np(background_keypoints_cv)

        # Assign each keypoint a class starting from 1, background is 0
        self.selected_classes = array(range(num_selected_keypoints)) + 1
        background_classes = zeros(len(background_keypoints_cv))

        # Stack background features and selected features into database
        self.features_database = vstack(
            (background_features, self.selected_features))

        # Same for classes
        self.database_classes = hstack(
            (background_classes, self.selected_classes))

        # Get all distances between selected keypoints in squareform
        pdist = scipy.spatial.distance.pdist(selected_keypoints)
        self.squareform = scipy.spatial.distance.squareform(pdist)

        # Get all angles between selected keypoints
        angles = np.empty((num_selected_keypoints, num_selected_keypoints))
        for k1, i1 in zip(selected_keypoints, range(num_selected_keypoints)):
            for k2, i2 in zip(selected_keypoints,
                # Compute vector from k1 to k2
                v = k2 - k1

                # Compute angle of this vector with respect to x axis
                angle = math.atan2(v[1], v[0])

                # Store angle
                angles[i1, i2] = angle

        self.angles = angles

        # Find the center of selected keypoints
        center = np.mean(selected_keypoints, axis=0)

        # Remember the rectangle coordinates relative to the center
        self.center_to_tl = np.array(tl) - center
        self.center_to_tr = np.array([br[0], tl[1]]) - center
        self.center_to_br = np.array(br) - center
        self.center_to_bl = np.array([tl[0], br[1]]) - center

        # Calculate springs of each keypoint
        self.springs = selected_keypoints - center

        # Set start image for tracking
        self.im_prev = im_gray0

        # Make keypoints 'active' keypoints
        self.active_keypoints = np.copy(selected_keypoints)

        # Attach class information to active keypoints
        self.active_keypoints = hstack(
            (selected_keypoints, self.selected_classes[:, None]))

        # Remember number of initial keypoints
        self.num_initial_keypoints = len(selected_keypoints_cv)
Exemple #3
    def initialise(self, im_gray0, tl, tr, br, bl):

        # Initialise detector, descriptor, matcher
        self.detector = cv.BRISK_create()
        self.descriptor = cv.xfeatures2d.LATCH_create(bytes=64)
        self.matcher = cv.BFMatcher(
            crossCheck=False)  # set crossCheck to False to use knnMatch

        # Get initial keypoints in whole image
        keypoints_cv = self.detector.detect(im_gray0)

        # Remember keypoints that are in the rectangle as selected keypoints
        ind = util.in_square(keypoints_cv, tl, tr, br, bl)
        self.selected_keypoints_cv = list(itertools.compress(
            keypoints_cv, ind))
        self.selected_keypoints_cv, self.selected_features = self.descriptor.compute(
            im_gray0, self.selected_keypoints_cv)
        selected_keypoints = util.keypoints_cv_to_np(
        num_selected_keypoints = len(self.selected_keypoints_cv)

        if num_selected_keypoints == 0:
            raise Exception('No keypoints found in selection')

        # Remember keypoints that are not in the rectangle as background keypoints
        background_keypoints_cv = list(itertools.compress(keypoints_cv, ~ind))
        background_keypoints_cv, background_features = self.descriptor.compute(
            im_gray0, background_keypoints_cv)
        _ = util.keypoints_cv_to_np(background_keypoints_cv)

        # Assign each keypoint a class starting from 1, background is 0
        self.selected_classes = array(list(range(num_selected_keypoints))) + 1
        background_classes = zeros(len(background_keypoints_cv))

        # Stack background features and selected features into database
        self.features_database = vstack(
            (background_features, self.selected_features))

        # Same for classes
        self.database_classes = hstack(
            (background_classes, self.selected_classes))

        # Get all distances between selected keypoints in squareform
        pdist = scipy.spatial.distance.pdist(selected_keypoints)
        self.squareform = scipy.spatial.distance.squareform(pdist)

        # Get all angles between selected keypoints
        angles = np.empty((num_selected_keypoints, num_selected_keypoints))
        for k1, i1 in zip(selected_keypoints,
            for k2, i2 in zip(selected_keypoints,

                # Compute vector from k1 to k2
                v = k2 - k1

                # Compute angle of this vector with respect to x axis
                angle = math.atan2(v[1], v[0])

                # Store angle
                angles[i1, i2] = angle

        self.angles = angles

        # Find the center of selected keypoints
        center = np.mean(selected_keypoints, axis=0)

        # Remember the rectangle coordinates relative to the center
        self.center_to_tl = np.array(tl) - center
        self.center_to_tr = np.array(tr) - center
        self.center_to_br = np.array(br) - center
        self.center_to_bl = np.array(bl) - center

        # Calculate springs of each keypoint
        self.springs = selected_keypoints - center

        # Set start image for tracking
        self.im_prev = im_gray0

        # Make keypoints 'active' keypoints
        self.active_keypoints = np.copy(selected_keypoints)

        # Attach class information to active keypoints
        self.active_keypoints = hstack(
            (selected_keypoints, self.selected_classes[:, None]))

        # Remember number of initial keypoints
        self.initial_keypoints = np.copy(self.active_keypoints)
        self.num_initial_keypoints = len(self.selected_keypoints_cv)

        self.matched_ratio = 0.0

        self.tl = util.array_to_float_tuple(tl)
        self.tr = util.array_to_float_tuple(tr)
        self.br = util.array_to_float_tuple(br)
        self.bl = util.array_to_float_tuple(bl)

        self.is_init = True