Exemple #1
def get_move(loc, d):
    if d == DIR.UP:
        return util.vecadd(loc, (0, -1))
    if d == DIR.LEFT:
        return util.vecadd(loc, (-1, 0))
    if d == DIR.DOWN:
        return util.vecadd(loc, (0, 1))
    if d == DIR.RIGHT:
        return util.vecadd(loc, (1, 0))
    assert (False)
def trees_on_slope(l, v):
    loc = (0, 0)
    trees = 0
    while loc[1] < len(l):
        i = loc[0] % len(l[loc[1]])
        if l[loc[1]][i] == "#":
            trees = trees + 1
        loc = util.vecadd(loc, v)
    return trees
Exemple #3
def visible_8_filled(loc, s):
    vecs = util.adj8((0, 0))
    count = 0
    for v in vecs:
        newloc = loc
        while True:
            newloc = util.vecadd(newloc, v)
            if newloc in s:
                if s[newloc] == "L":
                elif s[newloc] == "#":
                    count += 1
    return count
    "e": (1, 0),
    "ne": (0, 1),
    "w": (-1, 0),
    "nw": (-1, 1),
    "se": (1, -1),
    "sw": (0, -1)

locs = set()
for line in l:
    loc = (0, 0)
    i = 0
    while i < len(line):
        c = line[i]
        if c in {"e", "w"}:
            loc = util.vecadd(loc, str_to_vec[c])
            loc = util.vecadd(loc, str_to_vec[c + line[i + 1]])
            i += 1
        i += 1
    if loc in locs:

print("Part 1 Solution:")

for _ in range(100):
    # adj_count contains a map from every location that matters (locations in locs or locations
    # adjacent to locs) to how many neighbors it has that are flipped
		raise ValueError('bad char')

fn = "./in.txt"
l = util.filetowordlistlist(fn, ",")
locations = {}

for i in range(len(l)):
	wire = l[i]
	currloc = (0, 0)
	dist_to = 0
	for inst in wire:
		d = chartovec(inst[0])
		m = int(inst[1:])
		for j in range(m):
			currloc = util.vecadd(currloc, d)
			dist_to += 1
			if not currloc in locations:
				locations[currloc] = {}
			locations[currloc][i] = dist_to

bestloc = None
bestdist = None
beststeps = None
for key in locations:
	locdict = locations[key]
	if 0 in locdict and 1 in locdict:
		steps = locdict[0] + locdict[1]
		if beststeps == None or steps < beststeps:
			beststeps = steps
	if len(locdict.keys()) == 2 and key != (0,0):
Exemple #6
curr_bott = start
curr_top = start
botts = []
tops = set()

for i in range(2000):
    c_bott = intcode.Computer(get_input(curr_bott[0], curr_bott[1] + 1))
    if c_bott.calc() == 1:
        curr_bott = (curr_bott[0], curr_bott[1] + 1)
        curr_bott = (curr_bott[0] + 1, curr_bott[1])
    c_top = intcode.Computer(get_input(curr_top[0] + 1, curr_top[1]))
    if c_top.calc() == 1:
        curr_top = (curr_top[0] + 1, curr_top[1])
        curr_top = (curr_top[0], curr_top[1] + 1)

ans = None
i = 0
square_size = 100
while ans == None:
    if util.vecadd((square_size - 1, 1 - square_size), botts[i]) in tops:
        ans = util.vecadd((0, 1 - square_size), botts[i])
        i += 1

print("Part 2")
print(ans[0] * 10000 + ans[1])
Exemple #7
def draw_game(panels, offset, loc):
    for key in panels:
        if key == loc:
            util.print_at_loc(util.vecadd(key, offset), "0")
            util.print_at_loc(util.vecadd(key, offset), n_to_c(panels[key][0]))
def draw_game(panels, offset):
	for key in panels:
		util.print_at_loc(util.vecadd(key, offset), n_to_c(panels[key]))
def draw_oxygen(new_oxygen_locs, offset):
    for l in new_oxygen_locs:
        util.print_at_loc(util.vecadd(l, offset), 'o')
def draw_maze(panels, offset):
    for p in panels:
        util.print_at_loc(util.vecadd(p, offset), n_to_c(panels[p][0]))
def draw_game(new_panel, offset, new_loc, old_loc):
    util.print_at_loc(util.vecadd(old_loc, offset), ".")
    if new_panel != None:
        util.print_at_loc(util.vecadd(new_panel[0], offset), new_panel[1])
    util.print_at_loc(util.vecadd(new_loc, offset), "0")
Exemple #12
util.print_at_loc((1, 1), "Part 1")
util.print_at_loc((1, 2), len(panels))

state = {}
for q in range(len(b)):
    state[q] = b[q]
c = (state, 0, 0)
panels = {}
panels[(0, 0)] = 1
loc = (0, 0)
direction = DIR.UP

while True:
    if not loc in panels:
        panels[loc] = 0
    done, outputs, vals = calc_with_input([panels[loc]], c[0], c[1], c[2])
    c = vals
    panels[loc] = outputs[0]
    if outputs[1] == 0:
        direction = get_left(direction)
        direction = get_right(direction)
    loc = get_move(loc, direction)
    if done:

util.print_at_loc((1, 3), "Part 2")
for key in panels:
    char = "." if panels[key] == 0 else "#"
    util.print_at_loc(util.vecadd(key, (1, 4)), char)
# Vector math is very precise. Fortunately, I had part 1 set up in such
# a way that part 2 was straightforward.

fn = f"{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/in.txt"

l = util.filetolist(fn)

loc = (0, 0)
vec = (1, 0)

for line in l:
    action = line[0]
    val = int(line[1:])
    if action == "N":
        loc = util.vecadd((0, val), loc)
    elif action == "S":
        loc = util.vecadd((0, -1 * val), loc)
    elif action == "E":
        loc = util.vecadd((val, 0), loc)
    elif action == "W":
        loc = util.vecadd((-1 * val, 0), loc)
    elif action == "L":
        numturns = int(val / 90)
        for i in range(numturns):
            vec = (-1 * vec[1], vec[0])
    elif action == "R":
        numturns = int(val / 90)
        for i in range(numturns):
            vec = (vec[1], -1 * vec[0])
    elif action == "F":
locs_to_tiles = {(0, 0): corner}
tiles_to_locs = {corner: (0, 0)}
active_tiles = {corner}
done_tiles = set()
fixed_tiles = {corner: tiles[corner]}
while len(active_tiles) > 0:
    active_tile = active_tiles.pop()
    neighbor_ids = edges[active_tile]
    for id in neighbor_ids:
        if not id in done_tiles:
            fixed_tiles[id] = orient_tile(fixed_tiles[active_tile], tiles[id])
            piece_loc = util.vecadd(
                get_tile_vector(fixed_tiles[active_tile], fixed_tiles[id]))
            locs_to_tiles[piece_loc] = id
            tiles_to_locs[id] = piece_loc

supertile = []
minx = min(locs_to_tiles, key=lambda x: x[0])[0]
for y in range(
        max(locs_to_tiles, key=lambda x: x[1])[1],
        min(locs_to_tiles, key=lambda x: x[1])[1] - 1, -1):
    rowgroup = []
    for x in range(minx, max(locs_to_tiles, key=lambda x: x[0])[0] + 1):
        if x == minx:
            for r in fixed_tiles[locs_to_tiles[(x, y)]][1:-1]: