Exemple #1
def testReal():
    category = 7
    heatDict = ld.profile2Dict("energyData/meterData/", "Heating:Gas")
    coolDict = ld.profile2Dict("energyData/meterData/", "Cooling:Elec")
    color_heat = colorRamp(category, "white*-red 1 (red*)", "rgb")
    color_cool = colorRamp(category, "white*-blue*", "rgb")
    length = 8760

#   for key in heatDict:
    key = "Hospital"
    testlength = 50

    heat_bp = ld.breakpt(heatDict[key][:testlength], category,
    cool_bp = ld.breakpt(coolDict[key][:testlength], category,
    arr_heat = ld.classify(heatDict[key][:testlength], heat_bp)
    arr_cool = ld.classify(coolDict[key][:testlength], cool_bp)
    arr_cl_heat = [color_heat[x] for x in arr_heat]
    arr_cl_cool = [color_cool[x] for x in arr_cool]
    mix = mixColor([arr_cl_heat, arr_cl_cool])
    arr_cl_heat = [rgb2hex(x[0], x[1], x[2]) for x in arr_cl_heat]
    arr_cl_cool = [rgb2hex(x[0], x[1], x[2]) for x in arr_cl_cool]

    gridwidth = 20
    for i in range(testlength):
        f = Canvas(master, width = gridwidth, height = gridwidth)
        f.create_rectangle(0, 0, gridwidth, gridwidth, fill =
        f.grid(row = 0, column = i)
        f = Canvas(master, width = gridwidth, height = gridwidth)
        f.create_rectangle(0, 0, gridwidth, gridwidth, fill =
        f.grid(row = 1, column = i)
        f = Canvas(master, width = gridwidth, height = gridwidth)
        f.create_rectangle(0, 0, gridwidth, gridwidth, fill = mix[i])
        f.grid(row = 2, column = i)
Exemple #2
def testReal_2d():
    category = 7
    heatDict = ld.profile2Dict("energyData/meterData/", "Heating:Gas")
    coolDict = ld.profile2Dict("energyData/meterData/", "Cooling:Elec")
    length = 8760
    color_2d = colorRamp_2d(category,
                            [255, 255, 255], [255, 0, 0], [0, 0, 255])
    key = "Hospital"
    testlength = 50
    arr_heat = ld.classify(heatDict[key][:testlength], category,
    arr_cool = ld.classify(coolDict[key][:testlength], category,

    # get seperate color
    color_heat = colorRamp(category, "white*-red 1 (red*)", "rgb")
    color_cool = colorRamp(category, "white*-blue*", "rgb")
    arr_cl_heat = [color_heat[x] for x in arr_heat]
    arr_cl_cool = [color_cool[x] for x in arr_cool]
    arr_cl_heat = [rgb2hex(x[0], x[1], x[2]) for x in arr_cl_heat]
    arr_cl_cool = [rgb2hex(x[0], x[1], x[2]) for x in arr_cl_cool]

    gridwidth = 20
    for i in range(testlength):
        f = Canvas(master, width = gridwidth, height = gridwidth)
        f.create_rectangle(0, 0, gridwidth, gridwidth, fill =
        f.grid(row = 0, column = i)
        f = Canvas(master, width = gridwidth, height = gridwidth)
        f.create_rectangle(0, 0, gridwidth, gridwidth, fill =
        f.grid(row = 1, column = i)
        f = Canvas(master, width = gridwidth, height = gridwidth)
        f.create_rectangle(0, 0, gridwidth, gridwidth,
                           fill = color_2d[arr_cool[i]][arr_heat[i]])
        f.grid(row = 2, column = i)
Exemple #3
        wt.write ('{0}, {1}, '.format(event.x, event.y))
        print event.x, event.y
# reading a table with landuse and coordinates
def readLandShape():
    landDict = {}
    with open("land.txt", "r") as rd:
        rows = csv.reader(rd)
        for row in rows:
            key = str(row[1:])
            land = row[0]
            landDict[key] = land
    return landDict

heatDict = ld.profile2Dict("energyData/meterData/", "Heating:Gas")
dfHeat = pd.DataFrame(heatDict)
coolDict = ld.profile2Dict("energyData/meterData/", "Cooling:Elec")
dfCool = pd.DataFrame(coolDict)
landDict = readLandShape()
initialDict = {
    "SO": "SmallOffice",
    "FR": "FullServiceRestaurant",
    "MA": "MidriseApartment",
    "LO": "LargeOffice",
    "HO": "Hospital",
    "SS": "SecondarySchool",
    "OP": "OutPatient",
    "SU": "SuperMarket",
    "QR": "QuickServiceRestaurant",
    "SM": "StripMall",