Exemple #1
def kmatrices(data, covfct, u, N=0):
    Input  (data)  ndarray, data
           (model) modeling function
                    - spherical
                    - exponential
                    - gaussian
           (u)     unsampled point
           (N)     number of neighboring points
                   to consider, if zero use all
    # u needs to be two dimensional for cdist()
    if np.ndim(u) == 1:
        u = [u]
    print data[:, :]
    print u

    # distance between u and each data point in P
    print len(data)
    print u[0]
    distanceUPoint(data, u)  #-->> GPU
    d = data

    # add these distances to P
    P = np.hstack((data, d))
    # if N>0, take the N closest points,
    if N > 0:
        P = P[d[:, 0].argsort()[:N]]
    # otherwise, use all of the points
        N = len(P)

    # apply the covariance model to the distances
    k = covfct(P[:, 3])
    # check for nan values in k
    if np.any(np.isnan(k)):
        raise ValueError('The vector of covariances, k, contains NaN values')
    # cast as a matrix
    k = np.matrix(k).T

    # form a matrix of distances between existing data points
    K = pairwise(P[:, :2])
    # apply the covariance model to these distances
    K = covfct(K.ravel())
    # check for nan values in K
    if np.any(np.isnan(K)):
        raise ValueError('The matrix of covariances, K, contains NaN values')
    # re-cast as a NumPy array -- thanks M.L.
    K = np.array(K)
    # reshape into an array
    K = K.reshape(N, N)
    # cast as a matrix
    K = np.matrix(K)

    return K, k, P
Exemple #2
 def getLocalOnbeatHarmonies(self):
     # for third and fifth species counterpoint, use the measures to define the local context timespans
     self.localHarmonyDict = {}
     # use context.measureOffsetMap
     measureOffsets = self.score.measureOffsetMap(
     )  # get the offset for each downbeat
     offsetSpans = pairwise(
         measureOffsets)  # get the start/stop offsets for each measure
     # include the span of the final bar
     measureSpan = offsetSpans[0][1] - offsetSpans[0][0]
     finalSpanOnset = offsetSpans[-1][1]
     finalSpan = (finalSpanOnset, finalSpanOnset + measureSpan)
     # gather the content of each local context
     for span in offsetSpans:
         offsetStart = span[0]
         offsetEnd = span[1]
         harmonicEssentials = []
         #            partIdx = 0
         for part in self.score.parts:
             # get all the notes in the local span
             localPartElements = part.flat.recurse().getElementsByOffset(
             localPartNotes = [
                 elem for elem in localPartElements if elem.isNote
             # get onbeat consonances or resolutions of tied-over dissonances
             for elem in localPartElements:
                 if elem.isNote and elem.offset == offsetStart:
                     if elem.tie == None:
             for elem in localPartElements:
                 isHarmonic = True
                 if elem.isNote and elem.offset == offsetStart and elem.tie:
                     for n in harmonicEssentials:
                         if not vlChecker.isTriadicConsonance(
                                 elem, note.Note(n)):
                             isHarmonic = False
                     if elem.isNote and isHarmonic == True:
                         # TODO can't just look at scale in minor because music21 uses natural minor
                         # TODO look for actual resolution pitch that is down a step in the context
                         for resolution in localPartElements:
                             if resolution.isNote and resolution.offset > offsetStart and parser.isStepDown(
                                     elem, resolution):
                                 #                                resolution = part.scale.next(elem, 'descending')
             self.localHarmonyDict[offsetStart] = harmonicEssentials
Exemple #3
    def find_paths_multi_tables(self, list_of_tables, fix_first=False):
        Given a list of tables in any order, find a path that traverses all of them.

        If fix_first is True, then the first element will remain constant (useful when wanting to break down a specific outcome by various other variables)
        # first get all combos, these are candidate incomplete paths (missing intermediary tables)
        if len(list_of_tables) == 1:
            return [list_of_tables]

        permutations = itertools.permutations(list_of_tables)
        if fix_first:
            permutations = [x for x in permutations if x[0] == list_of_tables[0]]
        valid_incomplete_paths = []
        for permutation in permutations:
            is_valid = True
            for pair in u.pairwise(permutation):
                if len(self.find_paths_between_tables(start_table=pair[0], destination_table=pair[1])) == 0:
                    is_valid = False
            if is_valid:
        unflattened_valid_complete_paths = []
        for valid_incomplete_path in valid_incomplete_paths:
            path_possibilities_pairwise = []
            for pair in u.pairwise(valid_incomplete_path):
                path_possibilities_pairwise.append(self.find_paths_between_tables(start_table=pair[0], destination_table=pair[1]))
            combos = itertools.product(*path_possibilities_pairwise)
            for combo in combos:

        flattened_valid_complete_paths = []
        for l in unflattened_valid_complete_paths:
        flattened_valid_complete_paths = u.remove_adjacent_repeats(flattened_valid_complete_paths)
        return flattened_valid_complete_paths
Exemple #4
def kmatrices( data, covfct, u, N=0 ):
    Input  (data)  ndarray, data
           (model) modeling function
                    - spherical
                    - exponential
                    - gaussian
           (u)     unsampled point
           (N)     number of neighboring points
                   to consider, if zero use all
    # u needs to be two dimensional for cdist()
    if np.ndim( u ) == 1:
        u = [u]
    # distance between u and each data point in P
    d = cdist( data[:,:2], u )
    # add these distances to P
    P = np.hstack(( data, d ))
    # if N>0, take the N closest points,
    if N > 0:
        P = P[d[:,0].argsort()[:N]]
    # otherwise, use all of the points
        N = len( P )

    # apply the covariance model to the distances
    k = covfct( P[:,3] )
    # check for nan values in k
    if np.any( np.isnan( k ) ):
        raise ValueError('The vector of covariances, k, contains NaN values')
    # cast as a matrix
    k = np.matrix( k ).T

    # form a matrix of distances between existing data points
    K = pairwise( P[:,:2] )
    # apply the covariance model to these distances
    K = covfct( K.ravel() )
    # check for nan values in K
    if np.any( np.isnan( K ) ):
        raise ValueError('The matrix of covariances, K, contains NaN values')
    # re-cast as a NumPy array -- thanks M.L.
    K = np.array( K )
    # reshape into an array
    K = K.reshape(N,N)
    # cast as a matrix
    K = np.matrix( K )

    return K, k, P
Exemple #5
    def setupLocalContexts(self):
        # TODO this currently sets up measure-length contexts
        # but would also like to set up harmonic spans for harmonic species
        ######### TODO create a custom offset map for harmonic species and use the measure map for third species
        #        offsetspans = []
        #        if harmonicSpecies == True:
        #            offsetSpans = []
        #        else:

        measureOffsets = self.score.measureOffsetMap(
        )  # get the offset for each downbeat
        offsetSpans = pairwise(
            measureOffsets)  # get the start/stop offsets for each measure
        # include the span of the final bar
        #measureSpan = offsetSpans[0][1] - offsetSpans[0][0]
        measureSpan = self.parts[0].getElementsByClass(
        finalSpanOnset = offsetSpans[-1][1]
        finalSpan = (finalSpanOnset, finalSpanOnset + measureSpan)

        for span in offsetSpans[:-1]:
            offsetStart = span[0]
            offsetEnd = span[1]
            cxt = LocalContext()
            cxt.offset = offsetStart
            cxt.harmonyStart = self.localHarmonyDict[offsetStart]
            cxt.harmonyEnd = self.localHarmonyDict[offsetEnd]
            # create a new stream for each context
            cxt.score = stream.Score()
            # go through the parts of the global and add notes to corresponding local parts
            for num, part in enumerate(self.score.parts):
                newpart = stream.Part()
                newpart.species = part.species
                for note in part.flat.notes:
                    if offsetStart <= note.offset <= offsetEnd:
                # part-related parsing initialization
#                newpart.buffer = [n for n in part.flat.notes if not n.tie or n.tie.type == 'start'] # and n.tie.type != 'stop'
#                newpart.stack = []
#                newpart.arcs = []
#                newpart.openHeads = []
#                newpart.openTransitions = []
            self.localContexts[cxt.offset] = cxt
Exemple #6
def variogram(data, lags, tol, method):
    Input:  (data) NumPy array where the fris t two columns
                   are the spatial coordinates, x and y
            (lag)  the distance, h, between points
            (tol)  the tolerance we are comfortable with around (lag)
            (method) either 'semivariogram', or 'covariogram'
    Output: (cv)   <2xN> NumPy array of lags and variogram values
    # calculate the pairwise distances
    pwdist = utilities.pairwise(data)
    # create a list of lists of indices of points having the ~same lag
    index = [lagindices(pwdist, lag, tol) for lag in lags]
    # calculate the variogram at different lags given some tolerance
    if method in ['semivariogram', 'semi', 'sv', 's']:
        v = [semivariance(data, indices) for indices in index]
    elif method in ['covariogram', 'cov', 'co', 'cv', 'c']:
        v = [covariance(data, indices) for indices in index]
    # bundle the semivariogram values with their lags
    return np.array(zip(lags, v)).T
Exemple #7
def variogram( data, lags, tol, method ):
    Input:  (data) NumPy array where the fris t two columns
                   are the spatial coordinates, x and y
            (lag)  the distance, h, between points
            (tol)  the tolerance we are comfortable with around (lag)
            (method) either 'semivariogram', or 'covariogram'
    Output: (cv)   <2xN> NumPy array of lags and variogram values
    # calculate the pairwise distances
    pwdist = utilities.pairwise( data )
    # create a list of lists of indices of points having the ~same lag
    index = [ lagindices( pwdist, lag, tol ) for lag in lags ]
    # calculate the variogram at different lags given some tolerance
    if method in ['semivariogram','semi','sv','s']:
        v = [ semivariance( data, indices ) for indices in index ]
    elif method in ['covariogram','cov','co','cv','c']:
        v = [ covariance( data, indices ) for indices in index ]
    # bundle the semivariogram values with their lags
    return np.array( zip( lags, v ) ).T
Exemple #8
    def aggregate_df(self, df_original, groupby_columns, filters, aggregate_column=None, aggregate_fxn='Count'):
        df = df_original.copy(deep=True)
        df = df.dropna()

        # Code to generate filter perumutations and do actual filtering
        filter_filters = []
        for column in groupby_columns:
            filter = filters.get(column, None)
            if filter is None:
                series = df.loc[:, column]
                if is_numeric_dtype(series):
                    min = u.reduce_precision(series.min(), 2)
                    max = u.reduce_precision(series.max(), 2)

                    label = f'({min}, {max})'
                    df[column] = label
                    filter_filters.append(sorted(series.unique(), key=lambda x: x.upper()))
            elif filter['type'] == 'list':
                df = df[df[column].isin(filter['filter'])]
            elif filter['type'] == 'range':
                bin_cuts = self.get_bin_cuts(filter['filter']['min'], filter['filter']['max'], filter['filter']['bins'])
                bin_labels = [str(x) for x in u.pairwise(bin_cuts)]
                bin_labels = [x.replace(')', ']') for x in bin_labels]
                df[column] = pd.cut(df[column], bin_cuts, include_lowest=True, labels=bin_labels).dropna()
        groupby_label_options = []
        for filter_combo in itertools.product(*filter_filters):
            label = ''
            for i in filter_combo:
                label += str(i) + '_'
            label = label[:-1]
        if len(df) > 0:
            if aggregate_column is None:
                # just get the counts then
                df = df.groupby(groupby_columns).size()
                if len(groupby_columns) > 1:
                    df = df.unstack(fill_value=0).sort_index(axis=1).stack()
                df = df.reset_index(name='Count')
                g = df.groupby(groupby_columns, observed=True)

                if aggregate_fxn == 'Count':
                    df = g[aggregate_column].value_counts().unstack(fill_value=0).sort_index(axis=1).reset_index()
                elif aggregate_fxn == 'Percents':
                    df = (g[aggregate_column].value_counts(normalize=True) * 100).round(1).unstack(fill_value=0).sort_index(axis=1).reset_index()
                elif aggregate_fxn == 'Sum':
                    df = g.sum().reset_index()
                    df[aggregate_column] = df[aggregate_column].fillna(0)
                elif aggregate_fxn == 'Mean':
                    df = (g.mean()).round(2).reset_index()
                    df[aggregate_column] = df[aggregate_column].fillna(0)
                elif aggregate_fxn == 'Median':
                    df = (g.median()).round(2).reset_index()
                    df[aggregate_column] = df[aggregate_column].fillna(0)

            def get_breakdown_label(row, ind_variables):
                return_str = ''
                for x in ind_variables:
                    return_str += str(row[x]) + '_'
                return_str = return_str[:-1]  # remove trailing underscore
                return return_str

            df['groupby_labels'] = df.apply(lambda x: get_breakdown_label(x, groupby_columns), axis=1)
            df['groupby_labels'] = None

        df = df.drop(columns=groupby_columns)
        # Some groupbys will have 0 patients, but I still want to display 0
        found_labels = list(df['groupby_labels'].value_counts().index)
        missing_labels = [x for x in groupby_label_options if x not in found_labels]
        if len(missing_labels) > 0:
            for missing_label in missing_labels:
                df = df.append({'groupby_labels': missing_label}, ignore_index=True)
            df = df.fillna(0)

        def find_sort_order(row):
            return groupby_label_options.index(row['groupby_labels'])

        df['sort_order'] = df.apply(lambda x: find_sort_order(x), axis=1)
        df = df.sort_values(by='sort_order')
        df = df.drop(columns=['sort_order'])
        return df
Exemple #9
    f = interpolate.interp1d(eta, z_s[i], kind='nearest', assume_sorted=True)
    z += (f(proj[i])).reshape(N, M)

z /= np.sqrt((float)(lines_num))

# point variance
print("\nsigma = ", np.sqrt(np.var(z.ravel())))

# resulted variogram
data = np.array([
    x[:(int)(N / 2), :(int)(M / 2)].ravel(),
    y[:(int)(N / 2), :(int)(M / 2)].ravel(),
    z[:(int)(N / 2), :(int)(M / 2)].ravel()
#data = np.array([x.ravel(), y.ravel(), z.ravel()]).transpose()
pwdist = pairwise(data)
tol = dx / 2.0
lags = np.arange(0.7 * dx, cov_model.length * 6.0, 2.0 * tol)
y_model = cov_model.variogram(lags)
index = [lagindices(pwdist, lag, tol) for lag in lags]
v = [semivariance(data, indices) for indices in index]
pts_lag_size = [len(indices) for indices in index]

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1)
ax.set_xticks(lags + tol, minor=True)
ax.xaxis.grid(True, which='minor')
ax.plot(lags, v, '-o', markersize=5)
ax.plot(lags, y_model, '-o', markersize=5)

ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2)