Exemple #1
    def update(self):
        """ Checks for new trades and updates the candle data. """

        new_trades = self.tradesource.new_trades
        if new_trades:
            self.active_trades += [{'timestamp': int(trade['timestamp']),
                                    'price': Decimal(trade['price']),
                                    'amount': Decimal(trade['amount'])}
                                   for trade in new_trades]

            if not self.next_start:
                first = ut_to_dt(self.active_trades[0]['timestamp'])
                start = datetime(
                    year=first.year, month=first.month, day=first.day)
                while start + self.step < first:
                    start += self.step
                self.next_start = start + self.step
                self.active_candle = get_candle(
                    dt_to_ut(start), self.active_trades)
                self.last_closed_known = False

            # dump older trades if active candle has closed,
            # accounting for possible gaps
            while ut_to_dt(
                    self.active_trades[-1]['timestamp']) > self.next_start:

            # update active candle
            new_candle = get_candle(self.active_candle[0], new_trades)
            self.active_candle = self.update_candle(
                self.active_candle, new_candle)
Exemple #2
    def update(self):
        """ Checks for new trades and updates the candle data. """

        new_trades = self.tradesource.new_trades
        if new_trades:
            self.active_trades += [{
                'timestamp': int(trade['timestamp']),
                'price': Decimal(trade['price']),
                'amount': Decimal(trade['amount'])
            } for trade in new_trades]

            if not self.next_start:
                first = ut_to_dt(self.active_trades[0]['timestamp'])
                start = datetime(year=first.year,
                while start + self.step < first:
                    start += self.step
                self.next_start = start + self.step
                self.active_candle = get_candle(dt_to_ut(start),
                self.last_closed_known = False

            # dump older trades if active candle has closed,
            # accounting for possible gaps
            while ut_to_dt(
                    self.active_trades[-1]['timestamp']) > self.next_start:

            # update active candle
            new_candle = get_candle(self.active_candle[0], new_trades)
            self.active_candle = self.update_candle(self.active_candle,
Exemple #3
    def dump(self):
        """ Run once the candle is completed, to close the candle and record 
        it to the candle data file. 
        to_dump = [t for t in self.active_trades if ut_to_dt(t['timestamp']) < self.next_start]
        to_keep = [t for t in self.active_trades if ut_to_dt(t['timestamp']) >= self.next_start]

        if len(to_dump):
            if not self.quiet:
                print '{} {}{} candle closed at {} with {} trades'.format(self.exchange, self.p_value, self.p_unit, to_dump[-1]['price'], len(to_dump))
            dump_candle = get_candle(self.active_candle[0], to_dump)
            if self.record_candles:
                # if last entry not closed, pop out the last entry before rewriting with update
                if not self.last_closed_known:
                    save_candlefile(self.closed_candles, self.period, self.candlefile, replace=True)
                    save_candlefile([dump_candle], self.period, self.candlefile, replace=False)
        self.active_trades = to_keep
        self.active_candle = get_candle(dt_to_ut(self.next_start), [to_keep[0]])
        self.next_start += self.step

        # only closed candles are saved, so last will always be closed on further updates
        self.last_closed_known = True 
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self, tradesource, period, record_candles=True, start=None, quiet=False):
        self.tradesource = tradesource
        self.p_value, self.p_unit = parse_period(period)
        self.period = period
        self.step = pdelta(self.p_value, self.p_unit)
        self.exchange, self.base, self.alt = tradesource.exchange, tradesource.base, tradesource.alt
        self.candlefile = CANDLES + '{}_{}_{}_{}{}'.format(self.exchange, self.base, self.alt, self.p_value, self.p_unit)
        self.record_candles = record_candles
        self.quiet = quiet

        # check for candle directory
        if not os.path.exists(CANDLES):

        # check for candle file
        if os.path.exists(self.candlefile):
            with open(self.candlefile, 'rb') as readfile:
                reader = csv.reader(readfile, delimiter=',')
                if start:
                    self.closed_candles = [[int(candle[0])] + [Decimal(x) for x in candle[1:]] for candle in reader if ut_to_dt(candle[0]) < start]
                    self.closed_candles = [[int(candle[0])] + [Decimal(x) for x in candle[1:]] for candle in reader]
            self.active_candle = self.closed_candles.pop() 

        # if no candle file, check for trades in tradesource
        elif self.tradesource.trades:
            if not self.quiet: print 'No candlefile found; generating from tradesource...'
            if start:
                self.closed_candles = [[int(candle[0])] + [Decimal(x) for x in candle[1:]] 
                                        for candle in trades_to_candles(self.tradesource.trades, period)
                                        if ut_to_dt(candle[0]) < start]
                self.closed_candles = [[int(candle[0])] + [Decimal(x) for x in candle[1:]] 
                                        for candle in trades_to_candles(self.tradesource.trades, period)]
            # assume the last candle is still active
            self.active_candle = self.closed_candles.pop()
        # if no candles or trades
            if not self.quiet: print 'No candlefile found; no tradefile found; waiting for new trades...'
            self.closed_candles = []
            self.active_candle = []
            self.active_trades = []
            self.next_start = None
        if self.active_candle: # at least one candle was found
            self.next_start = ut_to_dt(self.active_candle[0]) + self.step       
            # assume last candle is not closed yet (check in update)
            self.last_closed_known = False
            # get trade data from most recent candle
            self.active_trades = [trade for trade in self.tradesource.trades 
                                    if trade['timestamp'] >= self.active_candle[0]]
Exemple #5
    def update(self):
        self.new_trades = []
        response = self.api.trades({}, self.symbol)
        if response:
            trades = sorted(response, key=lambda x: int(x['timestamp']))

            new_trades = [{
                'timestamp': int(t['timestamp']),
                'price': Decimal(t['price']),
                'amount': Decimal(t['amount'])
            } for t in trades
                          if t['timestamp'] > self.last_trade()['timestamp']
                          and t['exchange'] == self.exchange]

            if new_trades:
                self.new_trades = new_trades
                # print each new trade, and add it to the
                # trade file if record_trades==True
                for trade in new_trades:
                    if not self.quiet:
                        print "{}   {}   {} {}   {} {}".format(
                            ut_to_dt(trade['timestamp']), self.exchange,
                            trade['price'], self.alt, trade['amount'],

                        'timestamp': int(trade['timestamp']),
                        'price': Decimal(trade['price']),
                        'amount': Decimal(trade['amount'])
                    self.price = self.trades[-1]['price']

                    # write new trades to tradefile
                    if self.record_trades:
                        tradefile = TRADES + '{}_{}_{}'.format(
                            self.exchange, self.base, self.alt)
                        if not os.path.exists(TRADES):

                        with open(tradefile, 'a') as writefile:
                            writer = csv.writer(writefile, delimiter=',')
                                trade['timestamp'], trade['price'],

        return self.new_trades
Exemple #6
    def update(self):
        self.new_trades = []
        response = self.api.trades({}, self.symbol)
        if response:
            trades = sorted(response, key=lambda x: int(x['timestamp']))

            new_trades = [{'timestamp': int(t['timestamp']),
                           'price': Decimal(t['price']),
                           'amount': Decimal(t['amount'])}
                          for t in trades
                          if t['timestamp'] > self.last_trade()['timestamp']
                          and t['exchange'] == self.exchange]

            if new_trades:
                self.new_trades = new_trades
                # print each new trade, and add it to the
                # trade file if record_trades==True
                for trade in new_trades:
                    if not self.quiet:
                        print "{}   {}   {} {}   {} {}".format(
                            ut_to_dt(trade['timestamp']), self.exchange,
                            trade['price'], self.alt, trade['amount'],

                    self.trades.append({'timestamp': int(trade['timestamp']),
                                        'price': Decimal(trade['price']),
                                        'amount': Decimal(trade['amount'])})
                    self.price = self.trades[-1]['price']

                    # write new trades to tradefile
                    if self.record_trades:
                        tradefile = TRADES+'{}_{}_{}'.format(
                            self.exchange, self.base, self.alt)
                        if not os.path.exists(TRADES):

                        with open(tradefile, 'a') as writefile:
                            writer = csv.writer(writefile, delimiter=',')
                                            trade['price'], trade['amount']])

        return self.new_trades
Exemple #7
 def get_candles_from(self, timestamp):
     timestamp = dt_to_ut(ut_to_dt(timestamp) - self.step)
     g = itertools.dropwhile(
         lambda c: c[0] < timestamp, self.closed_candles)
     return list(g)
Exemple #8
    def plot(self, candles, period, ncandles=100, indicators=[]):

        self.p_value, self.p_unit = parse_period(period)

        self.candles = candles
        starts, opens, closes, highs, lows, volumes = np.array(
        dates = [mdates.date2num(ut_to_dt(start)) for start in starts]
        self.candles = np.array([dates, opens, closes, highs,
                                lows, volumes]).transpose()

        start = ut_to_dt(starts[-ncandles]) - pdelta(self.p_value, self.p_unit)
        end = ut_to_dt(starts[-1]) + pdelta(self.p_value, self.p_unit)


        candlestick(self.ax1, self.candles[-ncandles:],
                    width=self.candleWidth(), colorup='cyan', colordown='blue')

        self.ax1.set_xlim(mdates.date2num(start), mdates.date2num(end))

        self.ax2.yaxis.set_ticklabels([])  # hide volume numbers

        self.ax2.set_xlim(mdates.date2num(start), mdates.date2num(end))

        # indicators
        plot_volume = True  # default case
        for indicator in indicators:
            values = indicator.calculate(self.candles)[-ncandles:]
            if indicator.plot_type == 'primary':
                self.ax1.plot(dates[-ncandles:], values[-ncandles:],
            if indicator.plot_type == 'secondary':
                self.ax2.plot(dates[-ncandles:], values[-ncandles:],
                              '#00ffe8', linewidth=0.8, label=indicator.label)
                self.ax2.fill_between(dates[-ncandles:], 0,
                                      [float(x) for x in values],
                                      facecolor='#00ffe8', alpha=0.5)
                plot_volume = False

        if plot_volume:
            bar = False
            if bar:
                self.ax2.bar(dates[-ncandles:], volumes[-ncandles:],  # bar
                             width=self.candlewidth(), facecolor='#00ffe8')
                self.ax2.plot(dates[-ncandles:], volumes[-ncandles:],  # curve
                              '#00ffe8', linewidth=0.8)
                self.ax2.fill_between(dates[-ncandles:], 0,
                                      [float(x) for x in volumes[-ncandles:]],
                                      facecolor='#00ffe8', alpha=0.5)

        # legend
        if indicators:
            self.ax1.legend(loc=2, fancybox=True, prop={'size': 9})


        self.canvas.draw()  # update
Exemple #9
 def get_candles_from(self, timestamp):
     timestamp = dt_to_ut(ut_to_dt(timestamp) - self.step)
     g = itertools.dropwhile(lambda c: c[0] < timestamp,
     return list(g)
Exemple #10
 def get_candles_from(self, timestamp): # candles containing timestamp and beginning after timestamp
     timestamp = dt_to_ut(ut_to_dt(timestamp) - self.step)
     g = itertools.dropwhile(lambda c: c[0] < timestamp, self.closed_candles)
     return list(g)