Exemple #1
 def outputRes(self,df_final,timestamp,buyCount):
     trade = self.__config.get_t1()['trade']
     if buyCount <= 0:
        return None
     buyMoney = (float(df_final['price']) + trade['addPrice']) * trade['volume']  
     if buyMoney > self.__balance:
        return None   
     price = str('%.2f' % (float(df_final['price']) + trade['addPrice']))
     info = '[%s] 在 %s 以 %s 买入 [%s]%s %s 股' % (Utils.getCurrentTime(),str(df_final['date']) + ' ' + str(df_final['time']), price, df_final['code'], df_final['name'], str(trade['volume']))
     now = dt.datetime.now()
     deltaSeconds = (now - timestamp).seconds
     if deltaSeconds > trade['timestampLimit']:
        MyLog.info('[%s] 行情超时 %s秒 放弃买入' % (df_final['code'],deltaSeconds)) 
        return None
     if trade['enable']:
        res = str(self.__trade.buy(df_final['code'],trade['volume'],float(price)))
        if 'entrust_no' in res:
           self.__buyedCount = self.__buyedCount + 1
           self.__balance = self.__balance - buyMoney
           return df_final['code']
        return None  
     if trade['enableMock']:
        res = self.__mockTrade.mockTrade(df_final['code'],float(price),trade['volume'])
        if res == 0:
           self.__buyedCount = self.__buyedCount + 1
           self.__balance = self.__balance - buyMoney
           return df_final['code']
        return None  
     return df_final['code']  
Exemple #2
 def isBigMoneyMatch(self, stock, conf):
     p = stock.get_net() / stock.getBigMoneyIn()
     flag = p > self.__config.get_t1()['big_money']['threshold']
     if flag == True:
         last_line = stock.get_Lastline()
         info = '[%s] *** [%s] match big_money at %s %s,net=%s,in=%s,p=%s ***' % (
             Utils.getCurrentTime(), stock.get_code(), last_line['date'],
             last_line['time'], str(
                 stock.get_net()), str(stock.getBigMoneyIn()), str(p * 100))
     return flag
Exemple #3
 def cancelBuyIfNeed(self, stock, dh, timestamp, lock, balance):
     trade = self.__config.get_t1()['trade']
     last_second_line = stock.get_LastSecondline()
     now_line = stock.get_Lastline()
     last_second_buy1_v = self.convertToFloat(last_second_line['b1_v'])
     last_second_buy1_amount = float(
         last_second_line['b1_p']) * last_second_buy1_v * 100
     now_buy1_v = self.convertToFloat(now_line['b1_v'])
     now_buy1_amount = float(now_line['b1_p']) * now_buy1_v * 100
     stop_price = round(float(now_line['pre_close']) * 1.1, 2)
     max_b1_amount = stock.get_cache('max_b1_amount')
     deal_amount = self.convertToFloat(
         now_line['amount']) - self.convertToFloat(
     cancel_b1_amount = self.__config.get_t1()['hit10']['cancel_b1_amount']
     strTime = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time()))
     if strTime > '13:30:00':
         cancel_b1_amount = self.__config.get_t1(
     if strTime > '14:30:00':
         cancel_b1_amount = self.__config.get_t1(
     if max_b1_amount is None:
         max_b1_amount = -1
     sum_last_10_deal_amount = 0
     last_10_deal_amount = stock.get_cache('deal_amount')
     if last_10_deal_amount is not None:
         sum_last_10_deal_amount = sum(last_10_deal_amount)
     if float(now_line['price']) == stop_price:
         if float(now_line['b1_p']) == stop_price and self.convertToFloat(
         ) == 0 and (
                 now_buy1_amount < cancel_b1_amount
                 or now_buy1_v < last_second_buy1_v *
                 or now_buy1_amount < max_b1_amount *
                 or deal_amount >= now_buy1_amount *
                 or sum_last_10_deal_amount > now_buy1_amount *
             info = '[%s] 在 [%s] 撤单 [%s],b1_v=%s' % (
                 Utils.getCurrentTime(), str(now_line['date']) + ' ' +
                 str(now_line['time']), stock.get_code(), now_buy1_v)
             if trade['enable'] or trade['enableMock']:
                 self.cancelBuy(trade, stock, dh, lock, balance)
Exemple #4
 def isSpeedMatch(self, stock, conf):
     v30 = stock.get_speed('v30')
     v120 = stock.get_speed('v120')
     v300 = stock.get_speed('v300')
     p = self.getCurrentPercent(stock)
     v_list = [v30, v120, v300]
     flag = False
     if v_list[0] * 30 >= (
             10 - p) * self.__config.get_t1()['speed']['v30_ratio']:
         flag = True
     elif v_list[0] >= self.__config.get_t1()['speed']['v30'] and (
             v_list[1] >= self.__config.get_t1()['speed']['v120']
             or v_list[2] >= self.__config.get_t1()['speed']['v300']):
         flag = True
     if flag == True:
         last_line = stock.get_Lastline()
         info = '[%s] *** [%s] match speed at %s %s,v30=%s,v120=%s,v300=%s ***' % (
             Utils.getCurrentTime(), stock.get_code(), last_line['date'],
             last_line['time'], str(v30), str(v120), str(v300))
     return flag
Exemple #5
 def isReach10Again(self, stock):
     now_line = stock.get_Lastline()
     stop_price = round(float(now_line['pre_close']) * 1.1, 2)
     if float(now_line['b1_p']) == stop_price and self.convertToFloat(
             now_line['a1_v']) == 0:
         stock.set_cache('min_break', None)
         stock.set_cache('status', None)
         return False
         if self.convertToFloat(now_line['a5_v']) != 0:
             return False
         if stock.get_cache('min_break') is None or stock.get_cache(
                 'min_break') > self.__config.get_t1(
             return False
         if stock.get_cache('break_time') is None or (
                 dt.datetime.now() - stock.get_cache('break_time')
         ).seconds > self.__config.get_t1()['hit10']['break_time']:
             return False
         if stock.get_cache('hit_top_time') is None or (
                 stock.get_cache('break_time') -
         ).seconds < self.__config.get_t1()['hit10']['hit_break_inter']:
             return False
         total_sell = 0
         for i in range(1, 6):
             total_sell += self.convertToFloat(
                 now_line['a' + str(i) + '_v']) * self.convertToFloat(
                     now_line['a' + str(i) + '_p']) * 100
         if total_sell > stock.get_cache(
                 'max_b1_amount') * self.__config.get_t1(
             return False
         info = '[%s]在[%s][%s] match 10,b1_v=%s' % (
             Utils.getCurrentTime(), str(now_line['date']) + ' ' +
             str(now_line['time']), stock.get_code(), now_line['b1_v'])
         return True