Exemple #1
    def parse(self, argument: str):
        this method simply splits up the tokens and returns self for
        the `resolve` method to resolve

        argument = argument.lower()
        self.tokens = dict()

        for (token) in argument.split(" "):
            match = re.fullmatch(regex.Regex.FLAG_TOKEN, token)
            if (not match):
                raise error.ParserError(self,
                                        "invalid token '{0}'".format(token))

            flag = match.group("flag")
            value = match.group("value")

            if (flag in self.tokens.keys()):
                raise error.ParserError(self,
                                        "duplicate token '{0}'".format(token))

            if (value):
                self.tokens[flag] = value
                self.tokens[flag] = None

        return self
Exemple #2
    async def resolve(self, ctx: commands.Context, flags: list) -> dict:
        dict_ = dict()

        for (flag) in flags:
            if (flag.required):
                if (flag.name not in self.tokens.keys()):
                    raise error.ParserError(
                        self, "missing required flag '{0}'".format(flag.name))

            if (flag.value):
                if (flag.name in self.tokens.keys()):
                    if (not self.tokens[flag.name]):
                        raise error.ParserError(
                            "missing value for flag '{0}'".format(flag.name))
                if (flag.name in self.tokens.keys()):
                    if (self.tokens[flag.name]):
                        raise error.ParserError(
                            "was given an extraneous value for flag '{0}'".

            if (flag.name in self.tokens.keys()):
                value = self.tokens[flag.name]

                if (flag.converter):
                    flag.converter = self._get_converter(flag.converter)
                    converter_name = flag.converter.__name__.lower()

                    if (issubclass(flag.converter, commands.Converter)):
                            value = await flag.converter().convert(ctx, value)
                        except (Exception) as e:
                            if (converter_name.endswith("converter")):
                                converter_name = converter_name[:-9]

                            raise error.ParserError(
                                "failed to convert value '{0}' to {1}".format(
                                    value, converter_name))
                            value = flag.converter(value)
                        except (Exception) as e:
                            raise error.ParserError(
                                "failed to convert value '{0}' to {1}".format(
                                    value, converter_name))
                    value = True

                dict_[flag.name] = value
                dict_[flag.name] = None

        return dict_
Exemple #3
def version(version_: str):
    match = re.fullmatch(regex.Regex.VERSION, version_)
    if (not match):
        raise error.ParserError(
            None, "couldn't parse version from '{0}'".format(version_))

    return match.groups()
Exemple #4
def snowflake(snowflake_: int):
    timestamp = ((snowflake_ >> 22) + DISCORD_EPOCH) / 1000

        return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp)
    except (OSError) as e:
        raise error.ParserError(None,
                                "invalid snowflake '{0}'".format(snowflake_))
Exemple #5
    def parse(self, argument: str) -> datetime.datetime:
        calls super().parse() but raises if the datetime is not in the

        result = super().parse(argument)

        if (result >= self.now):
            raise error.ParserError(self, "datetime is not in the past")

        return result
Exemple #6
    def parse(self, argument: str) -> datetime.time:
        calls super().parse() but raises if the time is not in the

        result = super().parse(argument)

        now = datetime.time(self.now.hour, self.now.minute, self.now.second)
        if (result >= now):
            raise error.ParserError(self, "time is not in the past")

        return result
Exemple #7
def boolean(string: str) -> bool:
    string = string.lower()

    true = ["yes", "y", "true", "t", "enable", "on", "1"]
    false = ["no", "n", "false", "f", "disable", "off", "0"]

    if (string in true):
        return True
    elif (string in false):
        return False

    raise error.ParserError(None,
                            "couldn't parse bool from '{0}'".format(string))
Exemple #8
    def parse(self, argument: str) -> datetime.date:
        calls super().parse() but raises if the date is not in the

        result = super().parse(argument)

        now = datetime.date(self.now.year, self.now.month, self.now.day)
        if (result <= now):
            raise error.ParserError(self, "date is not in the future")

        return result
Exemple #9
def mention(mention_: str):
    match = re.fullmatch(regex.Regex.MENTION, mention_)
    if (not match):
        raise error.ParserError(
            None, "couldn't parse mention '{0}'".format(mention_))

    member = match.group("member")
    role = match.group("role")
    channel = match.group("channel")
    id = int(match.group("id"))

    if (member != None):
        # member can be an empty string
        # yet still be a member mention
        type = "member"
    elif (role):
        type = "role"
    elif (channel):
        type = "channel"

    return (type, id)
Exemple #10
    def parse(self, argument: str) -> datetime.datetime:
        parses humanized datetime and returns a timezone naive
        datetime.datetime object or None

        argument = argument.lower()
        self.now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

            date = Date.parse(argument)
            return datetime.datetime(date.year, date.month, date.day, 0, 0, 0)
        except (error.ParserError) as e:

            time = Time.parse(argument)
            return datetime.datetime(self.now.year, self.now.month,
                                     self.now.day, time.hour, time.minute,
        except (error.ParserError) as e:

        match = re.fullmatch(regex.Regex.TOMORROW_AT_HOUR, argument)
        if (match):
            # tomorrow at 0
            # tomorrow at 0am
            # tomorrow at 0 am
            # tomorrow at 0pm
            # tomorrow at 0 pm
            # tomorrow at 00
            # tomorrow at 00am
            # tomorrow at 00 am
            # tomorrow at 00pm
            # tomorrow at 00 pm
            # until tomorrow at 0
            # until tomorrow at 0am
            # until tomorrow at 0 am
            # until tomorrow at 0pm
            # until tomorrow at 0 pm
            # until tomorrow at 00
            # until tomorrow at 00am
            # until tomorrow at 00 am
            # until tomorrow at 00pm
            # until tomorrow at 00 pm

            hour = int(match.group("hour"))

            meridies = match.group("meridies")
            if (meridies == "pm"):
                hour += 12

            if (hour not in range(0, 24)):
                raise error.ParserError(
                    self, "hour '{0}' is out of range".format(hour))

            tomorrow = self.now + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
            return datetime.datetime(tomorrow.year, tomorrow.month,
                                     tomorrow.day, hour, 0, 0)

        match = re.fullmatch(regex.Regex.TOMORROW_AT_TIME, argument)
        if (match):
            # tomorrow at 00:00
            # tomorrow at 00:00:00
            # until tomorrow at 00:00
            # until tomorrow at 00:00:00

            hour = int(match.group("hour"))
            minute = int(match.group("minute"))

            second = match.group("second")
            if (second):
                second = int(second)
                second = 0

            if (hour not in range(0, 24)):
                raise error.ParserError(
                    self, "hour '{0}' is out of range".format(hour))
            elif (minute not in range(0, 60)):
                raise error.ParserError(
                    self, "minute '{0}' is out of range".format(minute))
            elif (second not in range(0, 60)):
                raise error.ParserError(
                    self, "second '{0}' is out of range".format(second))

            tomorrow = self.now + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
            return datetime.datetime(tomorrow.year, tomorrow.month,
                                     tomorrow.day, hour, minute, second)

        match = re.fullmatch(regex.Regex.US_DATE_TIME, argument)
        if (match):
            # 12/31/00 00:00
            # 12/31/00 at 00:00
            # 12/31/00 00:00:00
            # 12/31/00 at 00:00:00
            # 12/31/0000 00:00
            # 12/31/0000 at 00:00
            # 12/31/0000 00:00:00
            # 12/31/0000 at 00:00:00
            # 12-31-00 00:00
            # 12-31-00 at 00:00
            # 12-31-00 00:00:00
            # 12-31-00 at 00:00:00
            # 12-31-0000 00:00
            # 12-31-0000 at 00:00
            # 12-31-0000 00:00:00
            # 12-31-0000 at 00:00:00
            # on 12/31/00 00:00
            # on 12/31/00 at 00:00
            # on 12/31/00 00:00:00
            # on 12/31/00 at 00:00:00
            # on 12/31/0000 00:00
            # on 12/31/0000 at 00:00
            # on 12/31/0000 00:00:00
            # on 12/31/0000 at 00:00:00
            # on 12-31-00 00:00
            # on 12-31-00 at 00:00
            # on 12-31-00 00:00:00
            # on 12-31-00 at 00:00:00
            # on 12-31-0000 00:00
            # on 12-31-0000 at 00:00
            # on 12-31-0000 00:00:00
            # on 12-31-0000 at 00:00:00
            # until 12/31/00 00:00
            # until 12/31/00 at 00:00
            # until 12/31/00 00:00:00
            # until 12/31/00 at 00:00:00
            # until 12/31/0000 00:00
            # until 12/31/0000 at 00:00
            # until 12/31/0000 00:00:00
            # until 12/31/0000 at 00:00:00
            # until 12-31-00 00:00
            # until 12-31-00 at 00:00
            # until 12-31-00 00:00:00
            # until 12-31-00 at 00:00:00
            # until 12-31-0000 00:00
            # until 12-31-0000 at 00:00
            # until 12-31-0000 00:00:00
            # until 12-31-0000 at 00:00:00

            month = int(match.group("month"))
            day = int(match.group("day"))

            year = match.group("year")
            if (len(year) == 2):
                year = str(self.now.year)[:2] + year

            year = int(year)

            hour = int(match.group("hour"))
            minute = int(match.group("minute"))

            second = match.group("second")
            if (second):
                second = int(second)
                second = 0

            return datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)

        match = re.fullmatch(regex.Regex.EU_DATE_TIME, argument)
        if (match):
            # 31/12/00 00:00
            # 31/12/00 at 00:00
            # 31/12/00 00:00:00
            # 31/12/00 at 00:00:00
            # 31/12/0000 00:00
            # 31/12/0000 at 00:00
            # 31/12/0000 00:00:00
            # 31/12/0000 at 00:00:00
            # 31-12-00 00:00
            # 31-12-00 at 00:00
            # 31-12-00 00:00:00
            # 31-12-00 at 00:00:00
            # 31-12-0000 00:00
            # 31-12-0000 at 00:00
            # 31-12-0000 00:00:00
            # 31-12-0000 at 00:00:00
            # on 31/12/00 00:00
            # on 31/12/00 at 00:00
            # on 31/12/00 00:00:00
            # on 31/12/00 at 00:00:00
            # on 31/12/0000 00:00
            # on 31/12/0000 at 00:00
            # on 31/12/0000 00:00:00
            # on 31/12/0000 at 00:00:00
            # on 31-12-00 00:00
            # on 31-12-00 at 00:00
            # on 31-12-00 00:00:00
            # on 31-12-00 at 00:00:00
            # on 31-12-0000 00:00
            # on 31-12-0000 at 00:00
            # on 31-12-0000 00:00:00
            # on 31-12-0000 at 00:00:00
            # until 31/12/00 00:00
            # until 31/12/00 at 00:00
            # until 31/12/00 00:00:00
            # until 31/12/00 at 00:00:00
            # until 31/12/0000 00:00
            # until 31/12/0000 at 00:00
            # until 31/12/0000 00:00:00
            # until 31/12/0000 at 00:00:00
            # until 31-12-00 00:00
            # until 31-12-00 at 00:00
            # until 31-12-00 00:00:00
            # until 31-12-00 at 00:00:00
            # until 31-12-0000 00:00
            # until 31-12-0000 at 00:00
            # until 31-12-0000 00:00:00
            # until 31-12-0000 at 00:00:00

            day = int(match.group("day"))
            month = int(match.group("month"))

            year = match.group("year")
            if (len(year) == 2):
                year = str(self.now.year)[:2] + year

            year = int(year)

            if (not year):
                raise error.ParserError(
                    self, "year '{0}' is out of range".format(year))

            hour = int(match.group("hour"))
            minute = int(match.group("minute"))

            second = match.group("second")
            if (second):
                second = int(second)
                second = 0

            if (hour not in range(0, 24)):
                raise error.ParserError(
                    self, "hour '{0}' is out of range".format(hour))
            elif (minute not in range(0, 60)):
                raise error.ParserError(
                    self, "minute '{0}' is out of range".format(minute))
            elif (second not in range(0, 60)):
                raise error.ParserError(
                    self, "second '{0}' is out of range".format(second))

                return datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute,
            except (ValueError) as e:
                raise error.ParserError(
                    self, "day '{0}' is out of range".format(day))

        match = re.fullmatch(regex.Regex.ISO8601, argument)
        if (match):
            year = int(match.group("year"))
            month = int(match.group("month"))
            day = int(match.group("day"))
            hour = int(match.group("hour"))
            minute = int(match.group("minute"))

            if (not year):
                raise error.ParserError(
                    None, "year '{0}' is out of range".format(year))
            elif (hour not in range(0, 24)):
                raise error.ParserError(
                    None, "hour '{0}' is out of range".format(hour))
            elif (minute not in range(0, 60)):
                raise error.ParserError(
                    None, "minute '{0}' is out of range".format(minute))

                return datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, 0)
            except (ValueError) as e:
                raise error.ParserError(
                    None, "day '{0}' is out of range".format(day))

        match = re.fullmatch(regex.Regex.ANY_HUMANIZED_TIME, argument)
        if (match):
            new = datetime.timedelta()

            seconds = match.group("seconds")
            if (seconds):
                seconds = int(seconds)
                if (seconds):
                    new += datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds)

            minutes = match.group("minutes")
            if (minutes):
                minutes = int(minutes)
                if (minutes):
                    new += datetime.timedelta(minutes=minutes)

            hours = match.group("hours")
            if (hours):
                hours = int(hours)
                if (hours):
                    new += datetime.timedelta(hours=hours)

            days = match.group("days")
            if (days):
                days = int(days)
                if (days):
                    new += datetime.timedelta(days=days)

            weeks = match.group("weeks")
            if (weeks):
                weeks = int(weeks)
                if (weeks):
                    new += datetime.timedelta(weeks=weeks)

            if (new > datetime.timedelta()):
                return self.now + new

        raise error.ParserError(
            self, "couldn't parse datetime from '{0}'".format(argument))
Exemple #11
    def parse(self, argument: str) -> datetime.time:
        parses humanized datetime and returns a timezone naive
        datetime.time object or None

        argument = argument.lower()
        self.now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

        match = re.fullmatch(regex.Regex.DIGITS, argument)
        if (match):
            # 0+

            minutes = int(match.group("digits"))
            if (minutes):
                new = self.now + datetime.timedelta(minutes=minutes)
                return datetime.time(new.hour, new.minute, new.second)

        match = re.fullmatch(regex.Regex.HOUR, argument)
        if (match):
            # 0
            # 0am
            # 0 am
            # 0pm
            # 0 pm
            # 00
            # 00am
            # 00 am
            # 00pm
            # 00 pm
            # at 0
            # at 0am
            # at 0 am
            # at 0pm
            # at 0 pm
            # at 00
            # at 00am
            # at 00 am
            # at 00pm
            # at 00 pm
            # until 0
            # until 0am
            # until 0 am
            # until 0pm
            # until 0 pm
            # until 00
            # until 00am
            # until 00 am
            # until 00pm
            # until 00 pm

            hour = int(match.group("hour"))

            meridies = match.group("meridies")
            if (meridies == "pm"):
                hour += 12

            if (hour not in range(0, 24)):
                raise error.ParserError(
                    self, "hour '{0}' is out of range".format(hour))

            return datetime.time(hour, 0, 0)

        match = re.fullmatch(regex.Regex.TODAY_AT_HOUR, argument)
        if (match):
            # today at 0
            # today at 0am
            # today at 0 am
            # today at 0pm
            # today at 0 pm
            # today at 00
            # today at 00am
            # today at 00 am
            # today at 00pm
            # today at 00 pm
            # until today at 0
            # until today at 0am
            # until today at 0 am
            # until today at 0pm
            # until today at 0 pm
            # until today at 00
            # until today at 00am
            # until today at 00 am
            # until today at 00pm
            # until today at 00 pm

            hour = int(match.group("hour"))

            meridies = match.group("meridies")
            if (meridies == "pm"):
                hour += 12

            if (hour not in range(0, 24)):
                raise error.ParserError(
                    self, "hour '{0}' is out of range".format(hour))

            return datetime.time(hour, 0, 0)

        match = re.fullmatch(regex.Regex.TIME, argument)
        if (match):
            # 00:00
            # 00:00:00
            # at 00:00
            # at 00:00:00
            # until 00:00
            # until 00:00:00

            hour = int(match.group("hour"))
            minute = int(match.group("minute"))

            second = match.group("second")
            if (second):
                second = int(second)
                second = 0

            if (hour not in range(0, 24)):
                raise error.ParserError(
                    self, "hour '{0}' is out of range".format(hour))
            elif (minute not in range(0, 60)):
                raise error.ParserError(
                    self, "minute '{0}' is out of range".format(minute))
            elif (second not in range(0, 60)):
                raise error.ParserError(
                    self, "second '{0}' is out of range".format(second))

            return datetime.time(hour, minute, second)

        match = re.fullmatch(regex.Regex.TODAY_AT_TIME, argument)
        if (match):
            # today at 00:00
            # today at 00:00:00
            # until today at 00:00
            # until today at 00:00:00

            hour = int(match.group("hour"))
            minute = int(match.group("minute"))

            second = match.group("second")
            if (second):
                second = int(second)
                second = 0

            if (hour not in range(0, 24)):
                raise error.ParserError(
                    self, "hour '{0}' is out of range".format(hour))
            elif (minute not in range(0, 60)):
                raise error.ParserError(
                    self, "minute '{0}' is out of range".format(minute))
            elif (second not in range(0, 60)):
                raise error.ParserError(
                    self, "second '{0}' is out of range".format(second))

            return datetime.time(hour, minute, second)

        raise error.ParserError(
            self, "couldn't parse time from '{0}'".format(argument))
Exemple #12
    def parse(self, argument: str) -> datetime.date:
        parses humanized datetime and returns a timezone naive
        datetime.date object or None

        argument = argument.lower()
        self.now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

        match = re.fullmatch(regex.Regex.US_DATE, argument)
        if (match):
            # 12/31/00
            # 12/31/0000
            # 12-31-00
            # 12-31-0000
            # on 12/31/00
            # on 12/31/0000
            # on 12-31-00
            # on 12-31-0000
            # until 12/31/00
            # until 12/31/0000
            # until 12-31-00
            # until 12-31-0000

            month = int(match.group("month"))
            day = int(match.group("day"))

            year = match.group("year")
            if (len(year) == 2):
                year = str(self.now.year)[:2] + year

            year = int(year)

            if (not year):
                raise error.ParserError(
                    self, "year '{0}' is out of range".format(year))

                return datetime.date(year, month, day)
            except (ValueError) as e:
                raise error.ParserError(
                    self, "day '{0}' is out of range".format(day))

        match = re.fullmatch(regex.Regex.EU_DATE, argument)
        if (match):
            # 31/12/00
            # 31/12/0000
            # 31-12-00
            # 31-12-0000
            # on 31/12/00
            # on 31/12/0000
            # on 31-12-00
            # on 31-12-0000
            # until 31/12/00
            # until 31/12/0000
            # until 31-12-00
            # until 31-12-0000

            day = int(match.group("day"))
            month = int(match.group("month"))

            year = match.group("year")
            if (len(year) == 2):
                year = str(self.now.year)[:2] + year

            year = int(year)

            if (not year):
                raise error.ParserError(
                    self, "year '{0}' is out of range".format(year))

                return datetime.date(year, month, day)
            except (ValueError) as e:
                raise error.ParserError(
                    self, "day '{0}' is out of range".format(day))

        match = re.fullmatch(regex.Regex.DAYS, argument)
        if (match):
            # 1d
            # in 1d
            # for 1d
            # 1 day
            # in 1 day
            # for 1 day
            # 2 days
            # in 2 days
            # for 2 days

            days = int(match.group(days))
            if (days):
                new = self.now + datetime.timedelta(days=days)
                return datetime.date(new.year, new.month, new.day)

        if (argument == "yesterday"):
            new = self.now - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
            return datetime.date(new.year, new.month, new.day)
        elif (argument == "today"):
            return datetime.date(self.now.year, self.now.month, self.now.day)
        elif (argument == "tomorrow"):
            new = self.now + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
            return datetime.date(new.year, new.month, new.day)

        raise error.ParserError(
            self, "couldn't parse date from '{0}'".format(argument))
Exemple #13
    def parse(self, argument: str) -> tuple:
        parses hexadecimal or rgb/argb values and returns a
        tuple of (int, hex, rgb, cmyk)

        argument = argument.upper()

        match = re.fullmatch(regex.Regex.HEXADECIMAL, argument)
        if (match):
            # 000
            # #000
            # 0x000
            # 000000
            # #000000
            # 0x000000

            if (argument.startswith("0X")):
                argument = argument[2:]
            elif (argument.startswith("#")):
                argument = argument[1:]

            if (len(argument) == 3):
                argument = "".join(i * 2 for i in argument)

            int_ = self.hexadecimal_to_int(argument)
            rgb = self.hexadecimal_to_rgb(argument)
            cmyk = self.rgb_to_cmyk(*rgb)

            return (int_, argument, rgb, cmyk)

        match = re.fullmatch(regex.Regex.RGB, argument)
        if (match):
            # 000,000,000
            # 000, 000, 000
            # (000,000,000)
            # (000, 000, 000)

            r = int(match.group("r"))
            g = int(match.group("g"))
            b = int(match.group("b"))

            if (r > 255):
                raise error.ParserError(self,
                                        "red out of range '{0}'".format(r))
            elif (g > 255):
                raise error.ParserError(self,
                                        "green out of range '{0}'".format(g))
            elif (b > 255):
                raise error.ParserError(self,
                                        "blue out of range '{0}'".format(b))

            hexadecimal = self.rgb_to_hexadecimal(r, g, b)
            int_ = self.hexadecimal_to_int(hexadecimal)
            cmyk = self.rgb_to_cmyk(r, g, b)

            return (int_, hexadecimal, (r, g, b), cmyk)

        match = re.fullmatch(regex.Regex.CMYK, argument)
        if (match):
            # 000,000,000,000
            # 000, 000, 000, 000
            # (000,000,000,000)
            # (000, 000, 000, 000)

            c = int(match.group("c"))
            m = int(match.group("m"))
            y = int(match.group("y"))
            k = int(match.group("k"))

            if (c > 100):
                raise error.ParserError(self,
                                        "cyan is out of range '{0}'".format(c))
            elif (m > 100):
                raise error.ParserError(self,
                                        "magenta out of range '{0}'".format(m))
            elif (y > 100):
                raise error.ParserError(self,
                                        "yellow out of range '{0}'".format(y))
            elif (k > 100):
                raise error.ParserError(self,
                                        "key out of range '{0}'".format(k))

            rgb = self.cmyk_to_rgb(c, m, y, k)
            hexadecimal = self.rgb_to_hexadecimal(*rgb)
            int_ = self.hexadecimal_to_int(hexadecimal)

            return (int_, hexadecimal, rgb, (c, m, y, k))

        match = re.fullmatch(regex.Regex.DIGITS, argument)
        if (match):
            int_ = int(match.group("digits"))

                hexadecimal = self.int_to_hexadecimal(int_)
            except (ValueError) as e:
                raise error.ParserError(
                    "integer '{0}' too large to convert to hexadecimal".format(

            rgb = self.hexadecimal_to_rgb(hexadecimal)
            cmyk = self.rgb_to_cmyk(*rgb)

            return (int_, hexadecimal, rgb, cmyk)

        raise error.ParserError(
            self, "couldn't parse color from '{0}'".format(argument))
Exemple #14
def url(url_: str):
    match = re.fullmatch(regex.Regex.URL, url_)
    if (not match):
        raise error.ParserError(None, "couldn't parse url '{0}'".format(url_))

    return match.groups()