Exemple #1
    async def undertale(
        self, ctx: commands.Context, texto: str, usuario: nextcord.Member = None
        """Bajo cuento"""

        avatar_info = [
                "url": get_user(ctx, usuario).avatar.url,
                "size": 160,
                "x": 120,
                "y": 88,
        character_image_size = 200

        # Get user
        avatar_url = get_user(ctx, usuario).avatar.url

        sprite = (
            .resize((character_image_size, character_image_size))

        # Open resources
        image = Image.open(meme_resources_path + "dialogue_box.png")
        font = ImageFont.truetype(
            meme_resources_path + "Determination-Sans.otf", size=60
        txtPic1 = Image.new("RGBA", (800, 270))
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(txtPic1)

        # Convert character picture
        wpercent = character_image_size / float(sprite.size[0])
        hsize = int((float(sprite.size[1]) * float(wpercent)))
        sprite = sprite.resize((character_image_size, hsize), Image.ANTIALIAS)
        image.paste(sprite, (70, 90))

        # Add text
        lines = textwrap.wrap(texto, width=25)
        Y = 20
        for line in lines:
            width, height = font.getsize(line)
            draw.text(((10, Y)), line, font=font, fill=(255, 255, 255, 255))
            Y = Y + height

        image.paste(txtPic1, (350, 50), txtPic1)

        # Send image
        bytes_io = io.BytesIO()
        image.save(bytes_io, "PNG")

        await ctx.send(file=nextcord.File(bytes_io, "output.png"))
Exemple #2
    async def quien(
        ctx: commands.Context,
        text1: str,
        text2: str,
        user: nextcord.Member = None,
        """Quien ha sido?

            fur quien <texto1> <texto2> @<usuario>

            fur quien "Le gustan los chilenos?" "Si" @Thedax

        Y = 20
        Y_aux = 10

        avatar_info = [
                "url": get_user(ctx, user).avatar.url,
                "size": 130,
                "x": 210,
                "y": 570,

        # Get user avatar
        avatarUrl = get_user(ctx, user).avatar.url

        meme = create_meme("quien", avatar_info)
        txtPic = Image.new("RGBA", (200, 200))
        img = Image.open(meme).convert("RGBA")
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(txtPic)
        font = ImageFont.truetype(meme_resources_path + "Calibri.ttf", 24)

        lines = textwrap.wrap(text1, width=18)
        for line in lines:
            draw.text(((0, Y)), line, font=font, fill=(0, 0, 0, 255))
            Y = Y + 25

        draw.text(((170, 170)), text2, font=font, fill=(0, 0, 0, 255))
        img.paste(txtPic, (180, 10), txtPic)

        # Save
        bytes_io = io.BytesIO()
        img.save(bytes_io, "PNG")

        # Send meme
        await ctx.send(file=nextcord.File(bytes_io, "output.png"))
Exemple #3
    async def patada(self, ctx: commands.Context, user: nextcord.Member = None):
        """Te vas a comer mi pie"""

        # Create meme
        avatar_info = [
                "url": get_user(ctx, user).avatar.url,
                "size": 110,
                "x": 198,
                "y": 229,
                "url": get_user(ctx, user).avatar.url,
                "size": 85,
                "x": 348,
                "y": 915,
        meme = create_meme("patada", avatar_info)

        # Send meme
        await ctx.send(file=nextcord.File(meme, "output.png"))
Exemple #4
    async def cute(self, ctx: commands.Context, user: nextcord.Member = None):
        """You are cute"""

        avatar_info = [
                "url": get_user(ctx, user).avatar.url,
                "size": 387,
                "x": 210,
                "y": 75,
        meme = create_meme("cute", avatar_info)

        # Send meme
        await ctx.send(file=nextcord.File(meme, "output.png"))
Exemple #5
    async def impostor(self, ctx: commands.Context, user: nextcord.Member = None):
        """Quién es el impostor?"""

        avatar_info = [
                "url": get_user(ctx, user).avatar.url,
                "size": 205,
                "x": 323,
                "y": 175,
        meme = create_meme("impostor", avatar_info)

        # Send meme
        await ctx.send(file=nextcord.File(meme, "output.png"))
Exemple #6
    async def stonks(self, ctx: commands.Context, user: nextcord.Member = None):

        avatar_info = [
                "url": get_user(ctx, user).avatar.url,
                "size": 236,
                "x": 63,
                "y": 25,

        meme = create_meme("stonks", avatar_info)

        # Send meme
        await ctx.send(file=nextcord.File(meme, "output.png"))
Exemple #7
    async def coding(self, ctx: commands.Context, user: nextcord.Member = None):
        """Programa como un pro hacker"""

        avatar_info = [
                "url": get_user(ctx, user).avatar.url,
                "size": 167,
                "x": 218,
                "y": 137,

        meme = create_meme("coding", avatar_info)

        # Send meme
        await ctx.send(file=nextcord.File(meme, "output.png"))
Exemple #8
    async def unsee(self, ctx: commands.Context, user: nextcord.Member = None):
        """No por favor"""

        avatar_info = [
                "url": get_user(ctx, user).avatar.url,
                "size": 108,
                "x": 256,
                "y": 112,

        meme = create_meme("unsee", avatar_info)

        # Send meme
        await ctx.send(file=nextcord.File(meme, "output.png"))
Exemple #9
    async def mierda(self, ctx: commands.Context, user: nextcord.Member = None):
        """Menudo montón de mierda"""

        avatar_info = [
                "url": get_user(ctx, user).avatar.url,
                "size": 270,
                "x": 476,
                "y": 161,

        meme = create_meme("mierda", avatar_info)

        # Send meme
        await ctx.send(file=nextcord.File(meme, "output.png"))
Exemple #10
    async def radiopatio(self, ctx: commands.Context, user: nextcord.Member = None):
        """Es hora del cotilleo"""

        avatar_info = [
                "url": get_user(ctx, user).avatar.url,
                "size": 88,
                "x": 188,
                "y": 45,

        meme = create_meme("radiopatio", avatar_info)

        # Send meme
        await ctx.send(file=nextcord.File(meme, "output.png"))
Exemple #11
    async def omni(self, ctx: commands.Context, user: nextcord.Member = None):

        avatar_info = [
                "url": get_user(ctx, user).avatar.url,
                "size": 470,
                "x": 210,
                "y": 388,

        meme = create_meme("omni", avatar_info)

        # Send meme
        await ctx.send(file=nextcord.File(meme, "output.png"))
Exemple #12
    async def reviento(self, ctx: commands.Context, user: nextcord.Member = None):
        """a que me reviento"""

        avatar_info = [
                "url": get_user(ctx, user).avatar.url,
                "size": 78,
                "x": 315,
                "y": 80,

        meme = create_meme("reviento", avatar_info)

        # Send meme
        await ctx.send(file=nextcord.File(meme, "output.png"))
Exemple #13
    async def slap(self, ctx: commands.Context, user: nextcord.Member = None):

        avatar_info = [
                "url": get_user(ctx, user).avatar.url,
                "size": 160,
                "x": 120,
                "y": 88,

        meme = create_meme("slap", avatar_info)

        # Send meme
        await ctx.send(file=nextcord.File(meme, "output.png"))
Exemple #14
    async def palomitas(self, ctx: commands.Context, user: nextcord.Member = None):
        """Este drama está interesante"""

        avatar_info = [
                "url": get_user(ctx, user).avatar.url,
                "size": 125,
                "x": 278,
                "y": 67,

        meme = create_meme("palomitas", avatar_info)

        # Send meme
        await ctx.send(file=nextcord.File(meme, "output.png"))
Exemple #15
    async def horny(self, ctx: commands.Context, user: nextcord.Member = None):
        """Mucho horny"""

        avatar_info = [
                "url": get_user(ctx, user).avatar.url,
                "size": 300,
                "x": 410,
                "y": 180,

        # Create meme
        meme = create_meme("horny", avatar_info)

        # Send meme
        await ctx.send(file=nextcord.File(meme, "output.png"))
Exemple #16
    async def jojo(self, ctx: commands.Context, user: nextcord.Member):
        """Za warudo"""

        avatar_info = [
                "url": get_user(ctx, user).avatar.url,
                "size": 65,
                "x": 162,
                "y": 19,
                "url": ctx.author.avatar.url,
                "size": 65,
                "x": 469,
                "y": 130,

        meme = create_meme("jojo", avatar_info)

        # Send meme
        await ctx.send(file=nextcord.File(meme, "output.png"))
Exemple #17
    async def quote(
        ctx: commands.Context,
        quote: str,
        title: str,
        user: nextcord.Member = None,
        """Crea una quote en imagen

        Uso: fur quote "<quote>" "<titulo>" <@usuario para poner foto>

        - Si el quote tiene " reemplazar por '
        Ejemplo: fur quote "Gala: 'Ala Teko que racista'" "Gala, antiracistas" @Gala

        - Si se quiere poner algo tipo:
            Gala:"Hola que ase"
            Enana:"He reparido"
        se tiene que poner una / entre las dos lineas.
        Ejemplo: fur quote "Gala:'Hola que ase'/Enana:'He reparido' "Gala, antiracistas" @Gala
        # Variables

        userName = get_user(ctx, user)
        avatarSize = 300
        txtSize = 40
        textX = 10
        textY = 10
        textOffsetX = 420
        textOffsetY = 200
        avatarX = 50
        avatarY = 150
        lineWidth = 31

        # Change ' with " because the command needs "" to get the quote and the title
        if "'" not in quote:
            quote = quote.replace("'", '"')
        quote = '"' + quote + '"'

        # Open images
        txtPic = Image.new("RGBA", (620, 500))
        pic = Image.open(meme_resources_path + "quote.png").convert("RGBA")
        avatar = (
            .resize((avatarSize, avatarSize))

        # Set up fonts
        fontQuote = ImageFont.truetype(meme_resources_path + "Sofia.ttf", txtSize)
        fontTitle = ImageFont.truetype(meme_resources_path + "Calibri.ttf", txtSize - 5)
        d = ImageDraw.Draw(txtPic)

        # Write quote
        cont = 0
        if "/" in quote:  # quote with line break
            lines = quote.split("/")
            for line in lines:
                width, height = fontQuote.getsize(line)

                if len(line) > lineWidth:
                    lines2 = textwrap.wrap(line, width=lineWidth)
                    for line in lines2:
                        width, height = fontQuote.getsize(line)
                        d.text((textX, textY), line, font=fontQuote, fill=None)
                        textY += height
                        cont += 1

                    d.text((textX, textY), line, font=fontQuote, fill=None)
                    textY += height
                    cont += 1

        else:  # quote without line break
            lines = textwrap.wrap(quote, width=lineWidth)
            if lines[-1] == '"':  # If last line is only a "
                lines[-2] = lines[-2] + '"'  # Put " in line before
                lines.pop(-1)  # Remove line with "

            firstLine = True

            for line in lines:
                width, height = fontQuote.getsize(line)
                if firstLine is True:  # put the first line furthest to the left
                    d.text(((textX - 10), textY), line, font=fontQuote, fill=None)
                    firstLine = False
                    d.text(((textX), textY), line, font=fontQuote, fill=None)
                cont += 1
                textY += height

        # Write title
        firstLine = True
        lines = textwrap.wrap(title, width=lineWidth)
        if len(lines) > 1:
            textY += 15
            for line in lines:
                width, height = fontTitle.getsize(line)
                d.text(((textX), textY), line, font=fontTitle, fill=None)
                cont += 0.4
                textY += height + 5
            d.text(((textX) + 5, textY + 30), title, font=fontTitle, fill=None)

        # Paste in meme picture
        pic.paste(avatar, (avatarX, avatarY), avatar)
        pic.paste(txtPic, (textOffsetX, int(220 - 20 * cont)), txtPic)

        # Save picture
        bytes_io = io.BytesIO()
        pic.save(bytes_io, "PNG")

        await ctx.send(file=nextcord.File(bytes_io, "output.png"))