def __call__(self, fname):
        with as img:
            img = img.convert('RGB')
        img_size = Size(img.size[0], img.size[1])

        if self.dataset == 'VOC':
            #fname : '~/VOC/JPEGImages/002222.jpg'
            with open(
                    os.path.join(fname[:-21], 'Annotations',
                                 fname[-10:-4] + '.xml'), 'r') as f:
                doc = lxml.etree.parse(f)
                boxes = []
                objects = doc.xpath('/annotation/object')

                for obj in objects:
                    label = obj.xpath('name')[0].text
                    xmin = float(obj.xpath('bndbox/xmin')[0].text)
                    xmax = float(obj.xpath('bndbox/xmax')[0].text)
                    ymin = float(obj.xpath('bndbox/ymin')[0].text)
                    ymax = float(obj.xpath('bndbox/ymax')[0].text)

                    labels = self.label2idx[label]

                    center, size = abs2prop(
                        xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax,
                        img_size)  # make gt to 0~1 important!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                    box = Box(obj, labels, center, size)

        elif self.dataset == 'KITTI':
            with open(
                    os.path.join(fname[:-18], 'label_2',
                                 fname[-10:-4] + '.txt'), 'r') as fp:
                objs = [line.split(' ') for line in fp.readlines()]
            boxes = []
            for obj in objs:
                if not obj[0] == 'DontCare':
                    xmin = float(obj[4])
                    ymin = float(obj[5])
                    xmax = float(obj[6])
                    ymax = float(obj[7])
                    label = self.label2idx[obj[0]]
                    center, size = abs2prop(
                        xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, img_size
                    )  # Convert the absolute min-max box bound to proportional center-width bounds
                    # (/300 , /1300) -> (0~1, 0~1)
                    box = Box(obj[0], label, center, size)

        sample = Sample(fname, boxes, img_size)
        return img, labels, sample
def transform_box(box, orig_size, new_size, h_off, w_off):
    # Compute the new coordinates of the box
    xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = prop2abs(, box.size, orig_size)
    xmin += w_off
    xmax += w_off
    ymin += h_off
    ymax += h_off

    # Check if the center falls within the image
    width = xmax - xmin
    height = ymax - ymin
    new_cx = xmin + int(width / 2)
    new_cy = ymin + int(height / 2)
    if new_cx < 0 or new_cx >= new_size.w:
        return None
    if new_cy < 0 or new_cy >= new_size.h:
        return None

    center, size = abs2prop(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, new_size)

    return Box(box.label, box.labelid, center, size)
 def __build_sample_list(self, root, annot_files, dataset_name):
     image_root = root + '/JPEGImages/'
     samples = []
     for fn in tqdm(annot_files, desc=dataset_name, unit='samples'):
         with open(fn, 'r') as f:
             doc = lxml.etree.parse(f)
             filename = image_root + doc.xpath(
             if not os.path.exists(filename):
             img = cv2.imread(filename)
             imgsize = Size(img.shape[1], img.shape[0])
             boxes = []
             objects = doc.xpath('/annotation/object')
             for obj in objects:
                 label = obj.xpath('name')[0].text
                 if label == myObject:
                     xmin = int(float(obj.xpath('bndbox/xmin')[0].text))
                     xmax = int(float(obj.xpath('bndbox/xmax')[0].text))
                     ymin = int(float(obj.xpath('bndbox/ymin')[0].text))
                     ymax = int(float(obj.xpath('bndbox/ymax')[0].text))
                     center, size = abs2prop(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax,
                     box = Box(label, self.lname2id[label], center, size)
             if not boxes:
             sample = Sample(filename, boxes, imgsize)
     return samples
    def __build_sample_list(self, root, annot_files):
        Build a list of samples for the VOC dataset (either trainval or test)
        image_root = os.path.join(root, 'rgb-images')
        samples = []
        # Process each annotated sample
        for fn in tqdm(annot_files, desc='ucf_24_frame', unit='samples'):
            act = fn.split('/')[4]
            video = fn.split('/')[5]
            frame_id = fn.split('/')[-1][:-4]
            image_path = os.path.join(image_root, act, video,

            # Get the file dimensions
            if not os.path.exists(image_path):

            img = cv2.imread(image_path)
            imgsize = Size(img.shape[1], img.shape[0])

            # Get boxes for all the objects
            boxes = []
            with open(fn, 'r') as fin:
                objects = fin.readlines()
            for line in objects:
                line = line[:-1]
                # Get the properties of the box and convert them to the
                # proportional terms
                obj = line.split(' ')
                label = int(obj[0]) - 1
                xmin = int(float(obj[1]))
                ymin = int(float(obj[2]))
                xmax = int(float(obj[3]))
                ymax = int(float(obj[4]))

                center, size = abs2prop(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, imgsize)
                box = Box(self.lid2name[label], label, center, size)
            if not boxes:
            sample = Sample(image_path, boxes, imgsize)

        return samples
    def _build_sample_list(self, root, annot_files):
        image_root = root + 'VOC_Jpeg/'
        image_seg_root = root + 'VOC_Segmentation/'
        samples = []

        for fn in tqdm(annot_files, unit='samples'):
            with open(fn, 'r') as f:
                doc = lxml.etree.parse(f)
                filename = image_root + doc.xpath(
                with open(fn, 'r') as f1:
                    doc1 = lxml.etree.parse(f1)
                    seg_gt = image_seg_root + doc1.xpath(
                    seg_gt = seg_gt.replace('jpg', 'png')
                    seg_gt_to_compare = seg_gt

                # Get the file dimensions
                if not os.path.exists(filename):

                img = cv2.imread(filename)
                img_seg_gt = cv2.imread(seg_gt)
                imgsize = Size(img.shape[1], img.shape[0])

                # Get boxes for all the objects
                boxes = []
                objects = doc.xpath('/annotation/object')
                for obj in objects:
                    # Get the properties of the box and convert them to the
                    # proportional terms
                    label = obj.xpath('name')[0].text
                    xmin = int(float(obj.xpath('bndbox/xmin')[0].text))
                    xmax = int(float(obj.xpath('bndbox/xmax')[0].text))
                    ymin = int(float(obj.xpath('bndbox/ymin')[0].text))
                    ymax = int(float(obj.xpath('bndbox/ymax')[0].text))
                    center, size = abs2prop(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, imgsize)
                    box = Box(label, self.lname2id[label], center, size)
                if not boxes:
                sample = Sample(filename, boxes, imgsize, seg_gt,

        return samples
    def __build_sample_list(self, root, dataset_name):
        Build a list of samples for the VOC dataset (either trainval or test)
        image_root = root + '/JPEGImages/'
        annot_root = root + '/Annotations/'
        annot_files = glob(annot_root + '/*xml')
        samples = []

        # Process each annotated sample
        for fn in tqdm(annot_files, desc=dataset_name, unit='samples'):
            with open(fn, 'r') as f:
                doc = lxml.etree.parse(f)
                filename = image_root + doc.xpath(

                # Get the file dimensions
                if not os.path.exists(filename):

                img = cv2.imread(filename)
                imgsize = Size(img.shape[1], img.shape[0])

                # Get boxes for all the objects
                boxes = []
                objects = doc.xpath('/annotation/object')
                for obj in objects:
                    # Get the properties of the box and convert them to the
                    # proportional terms
                    label = obj.xpath('name')[0].text
                    xmin = int(float(obj.xpath('bndbox/xmin')[0].text))
                    xmax = int(float(obj.xpath('bndbox/xmax')[0].text))
                    ymin = int(float(obj.xpath('bndbox/ymin')[0].text))
                    ymax = int(float(obj.xpath('bndbox/ymax')[0].text))
                    center, size = abs2prop(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, imgsize)
                    box = Box(label, self.lname2id[label], center, size)
                if not boxes:
                sample = Sample(filename, boxes, imgsize)

        return samples
 def __build_sample_list(self, root,image_dir,info_dir):
     Build a list of samples for the VOC dataset (either trainval or test)
     samples     = []
     file = open(root+info_dir ,'r')
     All =
     lines = All.split('\n')
     # Process each annotated sample
     while i<(len(lines)-1)/10:
         # Get the file dimensions
         filename = root+image_dir+lines[i]
         img = cv2.imread(filename)
         imgsize = Size(img.shape[1], img.shape[0])
         # Get boxes for all the objects
         boxes    = []
         num_objects  = int(lines[i])
         if not num_objects:
         for obj in range(num_objects):
             # Get the properties of the box and convert them to the
             # proportional terms
             label = 'face'
             xmin = int(lines[i+obj].split()[0])-int(lines[i+obj].split()[2])/2
             xmax = int(lines[i+obj].split()[0])+int(lines[i+obj].split()[2])/2
             ymin = int(lines[i+obj].split()[1])-int(lines[i+obj].split()[3])/2
             ymax = int(lines[i+obj].split()[1])+int(lines[i+obj].split()[3])/2
             center, size = abs2prop(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, imgsize)
             box = Box(label, self.lname2id[label], center, size)
         sample = Sample(filename, boxes, imgsize)
     return samples