Exemple #1
    def test_collapse(self):
        result = utils.collapse("   ")
        assert_equal(result, "")

        result = utils.collapse("  foo")
        assert_equal(result, "foo")

        result = utils.collapse("foo   ")
        assert_equal(result, "foo")

        result = utils.collapse("  foo    bar  ")
        assert_equal(result, "foo bar")

        result = utils.collapse("foo\t\nbar\r")
        assert_equal(result, "foo bar")
Exemple #2
    def test_collapse(self):
        result = utils.collapse("   ")
        assert_equal(result, "")

        result = utils.collapse("  foo")
        assert_equal(result, "foo")

        result = utils.collapse("foo   ")
        assert_equal(result, "foo")

        result = utils.collapse("  foo    bar  ")
        assert_equal(result, "foo bar")

        result = utils.collapse("foo\t\nbar\r")
        assert_equal(result, "foo bar")
Exemple #3
def test_collapse():
    t1, t2 = get_test_trees()

    t3 = collapse(t1, t2)

    print("T1, T2 Collapsed:")
Exemple #4
    def _find_license(self, comment):
        """Find all matching licenses in a particular comment. Entry function
        for the recursively-called function below. Returns a sorted list.
        retval = None
        linear_comment = " ".join(comment)
        linear_comment = utils.collapse(linear_comment)

        # log.debug("Looking in text: '%s'\n\n" % linear_comment)
        tags = self._find_license_against(self._license_data, linear_comment)

        if len(tags):
            # Remove all tags that other tags cancel
            for tag in tags.copy():
                data = self._flat_license_data[tag]
                if 'cancel' in data:

            # Also permit "Ignore" semantics
            retval = [tag for tag in tags if not tag.startswith("Ignore_")]
            log.info("Found license(s): %s" % "/".join(retval))
            log.debug("No license found in comment")
        return retval
Exemple #5
    def _find_license(self, comment):
        """Find all matching licenses in a particular comment. Entry function
        for the recursively-called function below. Returns a sorted list.
        retval = None

        linear_comment = " ".join(comment)
        linear_comment = utils.collapse(linear_comment)

        # log.debug("Looking in text: '%s'\n\n" % linear_comment)
        tags = self._find_license_against(self._license_data, linear_comment)

        if len(tags):
            # Remove all tags that other tags cancel
            for tag in tags.copy():
                data = self._flat_license_data[tag]
                if 'cancel' in data:

            # Also permit "Ignore" semantics
            retval = [tag for tag in tags if not tag.startswith("Ignore_")]
            log.info("Found license(s): %s" % "/".join(retval))
            log.debug("No license found in comment")

        return retval
Exemple #6
 def _clean_copyrights(self, copyrights):
     """Clean up individual copyright lines"""
     for i in range(len(copyrights)):
         copyrights[i] = utils.collapse(copyrights[i])
         # Remove end cruft
         copyrights[i] = re.sub("[\*#\s/]+$", "", copyrights[i])
     return copyrights
Exemple #7
    def _clean_copyrights(self, copyrights):
        """Clean up individual copyright lines"""
        for i in range(len(copyrights)):
            copyrights[i] = utils.collapse(copyrights[i])
            # Remove end cruft
            copyrights[i] = re.sub("[\*#\s/]+$", "", copyrights[i])

        return copyrights
Exemple #8
def make_hash(thing):
    if type(thing) == str:
        thing = [thing]

    line = " ".join(thing)
    line = re.sub("[\*\.,\-\d]+", "", line)
    line = collapse(line)

    line = line.encode('ascii', errors='ignore')
    line = line.lower()
    hash = hashlib.md5(line).hexdigest()

    return hash
Exemple #9
def make_hash(thing):
    if type(thing) == str:
        thing = [thing]

    line = " ".join(thing)
    line = re.sub("[\*\.,\-\d]+", "", line)
    line = collapse(line)

    line = line.encode('ascii', errors='ignore')
    line = line.lower()
    hash = hashlib.md5(line).hexdigest()

    return hash
def find_approx(G: nx.Graph) -> Tuple[tl.Tree, float]:
    n = len(G.nodes())
    # Initialize C
    C = []
    for v in G.nodes():
        # create a tree with a single root and a leaf.
        T = tl.Tree()
        root = uid()
        T.create_node(-1, root)
        T.create_node(v, v, parent=root)

    # fill out the initial costs (lower diagonal only). (4 for each pair)
    costs = np.zeros(
        (n, n, 4))  # len(C) (tree 1) x len(C) (tree 2) x 4 (merged tree)
    for j in range(n):
        for k in range(j):
            # only consider a merge if that pair would add an edge to the graph.
            # otherwise, it is an uninformative merge.
            if share_any_edges(G, C[j], C[k]):

                # join and collapse are symmetric.
                join_cost = our_cost(G, join(C[j], C[k]))
                collapse_cost = our_cost(G, collapse(C[j], C[k]))

                # b/c absorb is asymmetric, must do both ways for absorb.
                absorb_into_j_cost = our_cost(G, absorb(C[j], C[k]))
                absorb_into_k_cost = our_cost(G, absorb(C[k], C[j]))

                costs[j, k, 0] = join_cost
                costs[j, k, 1] = collapse_cost
                costs[j, k, 2] = absorb_into_j_cost
                costs[j, k, 3] = absorb_into_k_cost
            # if dont share an edge, don't consider the pair.
                costs[j, k, 0] = 1e15
                costs[j, k, 1] = 1e15
                costs[j, k, 2] = 1e15
                costs[j, k, 3] = 1e15

    # Main Loop.
    for i in range(1, n):
        # debug the trees at this step:
        print(f"Step {i}")
        for tree in C:

        # length of costs array currently.
        c_len = costs.shape[0]

        # add absurdly high cost to upper diagonal to not consider these.
        costs = costs + (1e20 * np.triu(np.ones((c_len, c_len)))).reshape(
            (c_len, c_len, 1))

        # find cost-minimizing pair and merge type
        min_pair_index_flat = np.argmin(
            costs)  # This gives index of flattened.

        # recover indices.
        j_min = min_pair_index_flat // costs.shape[2] // c_len
        k_min = min_pair_index_flat // costs.shape[2] % c_len
        l_min = min_pair_index_flat % costs.shape[2]

        # print(f"min: {j_min}, {k_min}, {l_min} = {costs[j_min,k_min,l_min]}")

        # get the resulting minimizing tree.
        if l_min == 0:
            new_tree = join(C[j_min], C[k_min])
        elif l_min == 1:
            new_tree = collapse(C[j_min], C[k_min])
        elif l_min == 2:
            new_tree = absorb(C[j_min], C[k_min])
            new_tree = absorb(C[k_min], C[j_min])

        # get the new set of trees
        C = [tree for ti, tree in enumerate(C) if ti not in [j_min, k_min]]

        # recalculate the new costs (again, only need lower diagonal)

        # add in new row
        costs = np.append(costs,
                          np.zeros((1, costs.shape[1], costs.shape[2])),
        costs = np.append(costs,
                          np.zeros((costs.shape[0], 1, costs.shape[2])),

        # get rid of old rows.
        costs = np.delete(costs, (j_min, k_min), axis=0)
        costs = np.delete(costs, (j_min, k_min), axis=1)

        # fill in new row
        j = -1
        for k in range(costs.shape[1] - 1):
            if share_any_edges(G, C[j], C[k]):
                join_cost = our_cost(G, join(C[j], C[k]))
                collapse_cost = our_cost(G, collapse(C[j], C[k]))

                # b/c absorb is asymmetric, must do both ways for absorb.
                absorb_into_j_cost = our_cost(G, absorb(C[j], C[k]))
                absorb_into_k_cost = our_cost(G, absorb(C[k], C[j]))

                costs[j, k, 0] = join_cost
                costs[j, k, 1] = collapse_cost
                costs[j, k, 2] = absorb_into_j_cost
                costs[j, k, 3] = absorb_into_k_cost
                costs[j, k, 0] = 1e15
                costs[j, k, 1] = 1e15
                costs[j, k, 2] = 1e15
                costs[j, k, 3] = 1e15

        print(f"min k: {l_min}")

    assert len(C) == 1
    return C[0], our_cost(G, C[0])