Exemple #1
def sobbynorm(k1,k2, lnorm,theta,delta1,delta2,m):
	D1 = []
	D2 = []
	norm_list = []
	for i in range(len(k1)):
	return np.sum(norm_list)
def lars_one(x,y,k=1,tune=50,eps=0.01,cvx_solver=0):
	# possible solvers to choose from: typically CVXOPT works better for simulations thus far.  
	solvers = [cvx.SCS,cvx.CVXOPT] # 0 is SCS, 1 CVXOPT
	default_iter = [160000,3200][cvx_solver] # defaults are 2500 and 100

	# Create T: the knots
	T = knots(x=x,k=k)
	D = utils.form_Dk(n=x.size,k=k)

	# Create G-matrix (truncated power basis): specify n and k
	G = tpb(x=x,t=T,k=k)

	# Solve convex problem.

	theta = cvx.Variable(x.size)
	obj = cvx.Minimize(0.5 * cvx.sum_squares(y - G*theta)
                   + tune * cvx.norm(D*theta, 1) )
	prob = cvx.Problem(obj)
	prob.solve(solver=solvers[cvx_solver],verbose=False,max_iters = default_iter)

	# Check for error.
	# This while loop only works for SCS. CVXOPT terminates after 1 iteration. 
	counter = 0
	while prob.status != cvx.OPTIMAL:
		maxit = 2*default_iter
		default_iter = maxit
		counter = counter +1
		if counter>4:
			raise Exception("Solver did not converge with %s iterations! (N=%s,d=%s,k=%s)" % (default_iter,n,ncuts,k) )
	output = {'theta.hat':np.array(theta.value),'fitted': G.dot(np.array(theta.value)),'x':x,'y':y,'eps':eps}  
	return output
def disc_one(x,y,ncuts,k=1,segs=None,lnorm=1,tune=50,constant=True,eps=0.01,cvx_solver=2):
	# possible solvers to choose from: typically CVXOPT works better for simulations thus far.  
	solvers = [cvx.SCS,cvx.ECOS,cvx.CVXOPT] # 0 is SCS, 1 is ECOS, 2 CVXOPT
	n = x.size
	# Create D-matrix: specify n and k
	if segs==None:
		segs = np.linspace(min(x)-eps,max(x)+eps,ncuts)
	D = utils.form_Dk(n=ncuts,k=k)

	# Create O-matrix: specify x and number of desired cuts
	O = utils.Omatrix(x,ncuts,constant=constant,eps=eps,segs=segs)
	# Solve convex problem.
	theta = cvx.Variable(ncuts)
	obj = cvx.Minimize(0.5 * cvx.sum_squares(y - O*theta)
                   + tune * cvx.norm(D*theta, lnorm) )
	prob = cvx.Problem(obj)
	# Use CVXOPT as the solver

	print 'Solver status: ', prob.status
	# Check for error.
	if prob.status != cvx.OPTIMAL:
		raise Exception("Solver did not converge!")
	if constant==True: return [segs, np.array(theta.value),x,y,segs,constant,eps]
	if constant==False: return [x, O.dot(np.array(theta.value)),x,y,segs,constant,eps] 
Exemple #4
def meshy_one(x,y,m,k=1,interp=1,mesh=None,lnorm=1,tune=50,eps=0.01,cvx_solver=0):
	# interp = 0 for natural splines
	# interp = 1 for banded piecewise polynomials

	# possible solvers to choose from: typically CVXOPT works better for simulations thus far.  
	solvers = [cvx.SCS,cvx.CVXOPT] # 0 is SCS, 1 CVXOPT
	default_iter = [160000,3200][cvx_solver] # defaults are 2500 and 100

	n = x.size
	# Create D-matrix: specify n and k
	if mesh==None:
		mesh = np.linspace(min(x)-eps,max(x)+eps,m)
	delta = np.diff(mesh)[0]
	D = utils.form_Dk(n=m,k=k)*(delta**(1/lnorm-k))

	# Create O-matrix: specify x and number of desired cuts
	O = utils.interpO(data=x,mesh=mesh,k=k,key=interp)
	# Solve convex problem.
	theta = cvx.Variable(m)
	obj = cvx.Minimize(0.5 * cvx.sum_squares(y - O*theta)
                   + tune * cvx.norm(D*theta, lnorm) )
	prob = cvx.Problem(obj)
	prob.solve(solver=solvers[cvx_solver],verbose=False,max_iters = default_iter)

	counter = 0
	while prob.status != cvx.OPTIMAL:
		maxit = 2*default_iter
		default_iter = maxit
		counter = counter +1
		if counter>4:
			raise Exception("Solver did not converge with %s iterations! (N=%s,d=%s,k=%s)" % (default_iter,n,m,k) )
	output = {'mesh': mesh, 'theta.hat': np.array(theta.value),'fitted':O.dot(np.array(theta.value)),'x':x,'y':y,'k':k,'interp':interp,'eps':eps,'m':m}  
	return output
def l1tf_one(x,y,k=1,tune=50,eps=0.01,cvx_solver=0):
	# possible solvers to choose from: typically CVXOPT works better for simulations thus far.  
	solvers = [cvx.SCS,cvx.CVXOPT] # 0 is SCS, 1 CVXOPT
	default_iter = [160000,3200][cvx_solver] # defaults are 2500 and 100

	n = x.size
	# Create D-matrix: specify n and k
	D = utils.form_Dk(n=n,k=k)
	# Create falling factorial basis
	H = fallfac(x=x, k=k)
	print H.shape

	# Solve convex problem.
	theta = cvx.Variable(n)
	obj = cvx.Minimize(0.5 * cvx.sum_squares(y - H*theta)
                   + tune * cvx.norm(D*theta, 1) )
	prob = cvx.Problem(obj)
	prob.solve(solver=solvers[cvx_solver],verbose=False,max_iters = default_iter)

	#print 'Solver status: ', prob.status
	# Check for error.
	#if prob.status != cvx.OPTIMAL:
	#	raise Exception("Solver did not converge!")
	# This while loop only works for SCS. CVXOPT terminates after 1 iteration. 
	counter = 0
	while prob.status != cvx.OPTIMAL:
		maxit = 2*default_iter
		default_iter = maxit
		counter = counter +1
		if counter>4:
			raise Exception("Solver did not converge with %s iterations! (N=%s,d=%s,k=%s)" % (default_iter,n,ncuts,k) )
	output = {'theta.hat':np.array(theta.value),'fitted': H.dot(np.array(theta.value)),'x':x,'y':y,'eps':eps}  
	return output