Exemple #1
    print("i am the signal %d with payload: %s" % (num, payload))

def hello_file(num, filename):
    print("file %s has been modified !!!" % filename)

def hello_timer(num, secs):
    print("%s seconds elapsed" % secs)

# uwsgi.register_signal(30, uwsgi.SIGNAL_KIND_WORKER, hello_signal)
uwsgi.register_signal(30, "workers", hello_signal)
uwsgi.register_signal(22, "worker", hello_signal2, "*** PAYLOAD FOO ***")

uwsgi.register_file_monitor(3, "/tmp", "workers", hello_file)
uwsgi.register_timer(26, 2, "worker", hello_timer)
uwsgi.register_timer(17, 4, "worker2", hello_timer)
uwsgi.register_timer(5, 8, "worker3", hello_timer)

def application(env, start_response):

    start_response('200 Ok', [('Content-Type', 'text/html')])

    # this will send a signal to the master that will report it to the first available worker

    return "signals sent to workers"
Exemple #2
def hello_signal2(num, payload):
    print "i am the signal %d with payload: %s" % (num, payload)

def hello_file(num, filename):
    print "file %s has been modified !!!" % filename

def hello_timer(num, secs):
    print "%s seconds elapsed" % secs

# uwsgi.register_signal(30, uwsgi.SIGNAL_KIND_WORKER, hello_signal)
uwsgi.register_signal(30, "workers", hello_signal)
uwsgi.register_signal(22, "worker", hello_signal2, "*** PAYLOAD FOO ***")

uwsgi.register_file_monitor(3, "/tmp", "workers", hello_file)
uwsgi.register_timer(26, 2, "worker", hello_timer)
uwsgi.register_timer(17, 4, "worker2", hello_timer)
uwsgi.register_timer(5, 8, "worker3", hello_timer)

def application(env, start_response):

    start_response('200 Ok', [('Content-Type', 'text/html')])

    # this will send a signal to the master that will report it to the first available worker

    return "signals sent to workers"
Exemple #3
import uwsgi
import time
import rrdtool

# rrdtool create test.rrd --start 1270879004 -s 10 DS:requests:COUNTER:300:U:U RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:3:105120

s_freq = 10

# this task will be executed every s_freq seconds
def rrdtool_updater(sig, sec):
	rrdtool.update('test.rrd', str(int(time.time()))+':'+str(uwsgi.total_requests()))

uwsgi.register_timer(0, s_freq, uwsgi.KIND_WORKER, rrdtool_updater)

def hello_world(env, start_response):
	start_response('200 Ok', [('Content-type', 'text/plain')])
	return 'Hello world !'

def graph(env, start_response):
	start_response('200 Ok', [('Content-type', 'image/png')])
	now = int(time.time())
	graph_range = (3600*24)
	rrdtool.graph('uwsgi_graph.png', '--start', str(now - graph_range), '--end', str(now), 'DEF:urequests=test.rrd:requests:AVERAGE', 'LINE2:urequests#00FF00')
	# send file to client

uwsgi.applications = {'/': hello_world, '/graph':graph}