Exemple #1
def launch_rv(client_vm, guest_vm, params):
    Launches rv_binary with args based on spice configuration
    inside client_session on background.
    remote-viewer will try to connect from vm1 from vm2

    :param client_vm - vm object
    :param guest_vm - vm object
    :param params
    rv_binary = params.get("rv_binary", "remote-viewer")
    rv_ld_library_path = params.get("rv_ld_library_path")
    display = params.get("display")

    proxy = params.get("spice_proxy", None)
    if proxy:
            socket.inet_aton(params.get("proxy_ip", None))
        except socket.error:
            raise error.TestNAError("Parameter proxy_ip not changed from default values")

    host_ip = utils_net.get_host_ip_address(params)
    host_port = None
    if guest_vm.get_spice_var("listening_addr") == "ipv6":
        host_ip = "[" + utils_misc.convert_ipv4_to_ipv6(host_ip) + "]"
    host_tls_port = None

    disable_audio = params.get("disable_audio", "no")
    full_screen = params.get("full_screen")

    check_spice_info = params.get("spice_info")
    ssltype = params.get("ssltype")
    test_type = params.get("test_type")

    # cmd var keeps final remote-viewer command line
    # to be executed on client
    cmd = rv_binary
    if client_vm.params.get("os_type") != "windows":
        cmd = cmd + " --display=:0.0"

    # If qemu_ticket is set, set the password
    #  of the VM using the qemu-monitor
    ticket = None
    ticket_send = params.get("spice_password_send")
    qemu_ticket = params.get("qemu_password")
    if qemu_ticket:
        guest_vm.monitor.cmd("set_password spice %s" % qemu_ticket)
        logging.info("Sending to qemu monitor: set_password spice %s" % qemu_ticket)

    gencerts = params.get("gencerts")
    certdb = params.get("certdb")
    smartcard = params.get("smartcard")
    host_subj = None
    cacert = None

    rv_parameters_from = params.get("rv_parameters_from", "cmd")
    if rv_parameters_from == "file":
        cmd += " ~/rv_file.vv"

    client_session = client_vm.wait_for_login(timeout=int(params.get("login_timeout", 360)))

    if display == "spice":

        ticket = guest_vm.get_spice_var("spice_password")

        if guest_vm.get_spice_var("spice_ssl") == "yes":

            # client needs cacert file
            cacert = "%s/%s" % (
                "rm -rf %s && mkdir -p %s"
                % (guest_vm.get_spice_var("spice_x509_prefix"), guest_vm.get_spice_var("spice_x509_prefix"))

            host_tls_port = guest_vm.get_spice_var("spice_tls_port")
            host_port = guest_vm.get_spice_var("spice_port")

            # cacert subj is in format for create certificate(with '/' delimiter)
            # remote-viewer needs ',' delimiter. And also is needed to remove
            # first character (it's '/')
            host_subj = guest_vm.get_spice_var("spice_x509_server_subj")
            host_subj = host_subj.replace("/", ",")[1:]
            if ssltype == "invalid_explicit_hs":
                host_subj = "Invalid Explicit HS"
                host_subj += host_ip

            # If it's invalid implicit, a remote-viewer connection
            # will be attempted with the hostname, since ssl certs were
            # generated with the ip address
            hostname = socket.gethostname()
            if ssltype == "invalid_implicit_hs":
                spice_url = " spice://%s?tls-port=%s\&port=%s" % (hostname, host_tls_port, host_port)
                spice_url = " spice://%s?tls-port=%s\&port=%s" % (host_ip, host_tls_port, host_port)

            if rv_parameters_from == "menu":
                line = spice_url
            elif rv_parameters_from == "file":
                cmd += spice_url

            if not rv_parameters_from == "file":
                cmd += " --spice-ca-file=%s" % cacert

            if params.get("spice_client_host_subject") == "yes" and not rv_parameters_from == "file":
                cmd += ' --spice-host-subject="%s"' % host_subj

            host_port = guest_vm.get_spice_var("spice_port")
            if rv_parameters_from == "menu":
                # line to be sent through monitor once r-v is started
                # without spice url
                line = "spice://%s?port=%s" % (host_ip, host_port)
            elif rv_parameters_from == "file":
                cmd += " spice://%s?port=%s" % (host_ip, host_port)

    elif display == "vnc":
        raise NotImplementedError("remote-viewer vnc")

        raise Exception("Unsupported display value")

    # Check to see if the test is using the full screen option.
    if full_screen == "yes" and not rv_parameters_from == "file":
        logging.info("Remote Viewer Set to use Full Screen")
        cmd += " --full-screen"

    if disable_audio == "yes":
        logging.info("Remote Viewer Set to disable audio")
        cmd += " --spice-disable-audio"

    # Check to see if the test is using a smartcard.
    if smartcard == "yes":
        logging.info("remote viewer Set to use a smartcard")
        if not rv_parameters_from == file:
            cmd += " --spice-smartcard"

        if certdb is not None:
            logging.debug("Remote Viewer set to use the following certificate" " database: " + certdb)
            cmd += " --spice-smartcard-db " + certdb

        if gencerts is not None:
            logging.debug("Remote Viewer set to use the following certs: " + gencerts)
            cmd += " --spice-smartcard-certificates " + gencerts

    if client_vm.params.get("os_type") == "linux":
        cmd = "nohup " + cmd + " &> /dev/null &"  # Launch it on background
        if rv_ld_library_path:
            cmd = "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=" + rv_ld_library_path + ";" + cmd

    if rv_parameters_from == "file":
        print "Generating file"
        utils_spice.gen_rv_file(params, guest_vm, host_subj, cacert)
        print "Uploading file to client"
        client_vm.copy_files_to("rv_file.vv", "~/rv_file.vv")

    # Launching the actual set of commands
        if rv_ld_library_path:
            print_rv_version(client_session, "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib " + rv_binary)
            print_rv_version(client_session, rv_binary)

    except (ShellStatusError, ShellProcessTerminatedError):
        # Sometimes It fails with Status error, ingore it and continue.
        # It's not that important to have printed versions in the log.
            "Ignoring a Status Exception that occurs from calling " "print versions of remote-viewer or spice-gtk"

    logging.info("Launching %s on the client (virtual)", cmd)

    if proxy:
        if "http" in proxy:
            split = proxy.split("//")[1].split(":")
            split = proxy.split(":")
        host_ip = split[0]
        if len(split) > 1:
            host_port = split[1]
            host_port = "3128"
        if rv_parameters_from != "file":
            client_session.cmd("export SPICE_PROXY=%s" % proxy)

    if not params.get("rv_verify") == "only":
        except ShellStatusError:
            logging.debug("Ignoring a status exception, will check connection" "of remote-viewer later")

        # Send command line through monitor since url was not provided
        if rv_parameters_from == "menu":
            str_input(client_vm, line)

        # client waits for user entry (authentication) if spice_password is set
        # use qemu monitor password if set, else, if set, try normal password.
        if qemu_ticket:
            # Wait for remote-viewer to launch
            str_input(client_vm, qemu_ticket)
        elif ticket:
            if ticket_send:
                ticket = ticket_send

            utils_spice.wait_timeout(5)  # Wait for remote-viewer to launch
            str_input(client_vm, ticket)

        utils_spice.wait_timeout(5)  # Wait for conncetion to establish

    is_rv_connected = True

            client_vm, host_ip, host_port, rv_binary, host_tls_port, params.get("spice_secure_channels", None)
    except utils_spice.RVConnectError:
        if test_type == "negative":
            logging.info("remote-viewer connection failed as expected")
            if ssltype in ("invalid_implicit_hs", "invalid_explicit_hs"):
                # Check the qemu process output to verify what is expected
                qemulog = guest_vm.process.get_output()
                if "SSL_accept failed" in qemulog:
                    raise error.TestFail("SSL_accept failed not shown in qemu" + "process as expected.")
            is_rv_connected = False
            raise error.TestFail("remote-viewer connection failed")

    if test_type == "negative" and is_rv_connected:
        raise error.TestFail("remote-viewer connection was established when" + " it was supposed to be unsuccessful")

    # Get spice info
    output = guest_vm.monitor.cmd("info spice")
    logging.debug("INFO SPICE")

    # Check to see if ipv6 address is reported back from qemu monitor
    if check_spice_info == "ipv6":
        logging.info("Test to check if ipv6 address is reported" " back from the qemu monitor")
        # Remove brackets from ipv6 host ip
        if host_ip[1 : len(host_ip) - 1] in output:
            logging.info("Reported ipv6 address found in output from" " 'info spice'")
            raise error.TestFail("ipv6 address not found from qemu monitor" " command: 'info spice'")
        logging.info("Not checking the value of 'info spice'" " from the qemu monitor")

    # prevent from kill remote-viewer after test finish
    if client_vm.params.get("os_type") == "linux":
        cmd = "disown -ar"
Exemple #2
    # client waits for user entry (authentication) if spice_password is set
    # use qemu monitor password if set, else check if the normal password is set
    if qemu_ticket:
        # Wait for remote-viewer to launch
        send_ticket(client_vm, qemu_ticket)
    elif ticket:
        if ticket_send:
            ticket = ticket_send

        utils_spice.wait_timeout(5)  # Wait for remote-viewer to launch
        send_ticket(client_vm, ticket)
    utils_spice.wait_timeout(5)  # Wait for conncetion to establish
        utils_spice.verify_established(client_vm, host_ip, host_port, rv_binary)
    except utils_spice.RVConnectError:
        if test_type == "negative":
            logging.info("remote-viewer connection failed as expected")
            raise error.TestFail("remote-viewer connection failed")

    #prevent from kill remote-viewer after test finish
    cmd = "disown -ar"

def run_rv_connect(test, params, env):
    Simple test for Remote Desktop connection
    Tests expectes that Remote Desktop client (spice/vnc) will be executed
Exemple #3
def run_rv_vmshutdown(test, params, env):
    Tests clean exit after shutting down the VM.
    Covers two cases:
    (1)Shutdown from the command line of the guest.
    (2)Shutdown from the qemu monitor.

    Verify after the shutdown:
    (1)Verifying the guest is down
    (2)Verify the spice connection to the guest is no longer established
    (3)Verify the remote-viewer process is not running

    :param test: QEMU test object.
    :param params: Dictionary with the test parameters.
    :param env: Dictionary with test environment.

    # Get the required variables
    rv_binary = params.get("rv_binary", "remote-viewer")
    host_ip = utils_net.get_host_ip_address(params)
    shutdownfrom = params.get("shutdownfrom")
    cmd_cli_shutdown = params.get("cmd_cli_shutdown")
    cmd_qemu_shutdown = params.get("cmd_qemu_shutdown")
    host_port = None

    guest_vm = env.get_vm(params["guest_vm"])
    guest_session = guest_vm.wait_for_login(
        timeout=int(params.get("login_timeout", 360)),
        username="******", password="******")

    client_vm = env.get_vm(params["client_vm"])
    client_session = client_vm.wait_for_login(
        timeout=int(params.get("login_timeout", 360)),
        username="******", password="******")

    if guest_vm.get_spice_var("spice_ssl") == "yes":
        host_port = guest_vm.get_spice_var("spice_tls_port")
        host_port = guest_vm.get_spice_var("spice_port")

    # Determine if the test is to shutdown from cli or qemu monitor
    if shutdownfrom == "cmd":
        logging.info("Shutting down guest from command line:"
                     " %s\n" % cmd_cli_shutdown)
        output = guest_session.cmd(cmd_cli_shutdown)
        logging.debug("Guest is being shutdown: %s" % output)
    elif shutdownfrom == "qemu_monitor":
        logging.info("Shutting down guest from qemu monitor\n")
        output = guest_vm.monitor.cmd(cmd_qemu_shutdown)
        logging.debug("Output of %s: %s" % (cmd_qemu_shutdown, output))
        raise error.TestFail("shutdownfrom var not set, valid values are"
                             " cmd or qemu_monitor")

    # wait for the guest vm to be shutoff
    logging.info("Waiting for the guest VM to be shutoff")
    utils_misc.wait_for(guest_vm.is_dead, 90, 30, 1, "waiting...")
    logging.info("Guest VM is now shutoff")

    # Verify there was a clean exit by
    #(1)Verifying the guest is down
    #(2)Verify the spice connection to the guest is no longer established
    #(3)Verify the remote-viewer process is not running
        raise error.TestFail("Guest VM is still alive, shutdown failed.")
    except VMDeadError:
        logging.info("Guest VM is verified to be shutdown")

            client_vm, host_ip, host_port, rv_binary)
        raise error.TestFail("Remote-Viewer connection to guest"
                             "is still established.")
    except utils_spice.RVConnectError:
        logging.info("There is no remote-viewer connection as expected")
        raise error.TestFail("Unexpected error while trying to see if there"
                             " was no spice connection to the guest")

    # Verify the remote-viewer process is not running
    logging.info("Checking to see if remote-viewer process is still running on"
                 " client after VM has been shutdown")
        pidoutput = str(client_session.cmd("pgrep remote-viewer"))
        raise error.TestFail("Remote-viewer is still running on the client.")
    except ShellCmdError:
        logging.info("Remote-viewer process is not running as expected.")
Exemple #4
    # set
    if qemu_ticket:
        # Wait for remote-viewer to launch
        str_input(client_vm, qemu_ticket)
    elif ticket:
        if ticket_send:
            ticket = ticket_send

        utils_spice.wait_timeout(5)  # Wait for remote-viewer to launch
        str_input(client_vm, ticket)

    utils_spice.wait_timeout(5)  # Wait for conncetion to establish
    is_rv_connected = True
        utils_spice.verify_established(client_vm, host_ip, host_port,
    except utils_spice.RVConnectError:
        if test_type == "negative":
            logging.info("remote-viewer connection failed as expected")
            if ssltype in ("invalid_implicit_hs", "invalid_explicit_hs"):
                # Check the qemu process output to verify what is expected
                qemulog = guest_vm.process.get_output()
                if "SSL_accept failed" in qemulog:
                    raise error.TestFail(
                        "SSL_accept failed not shown in qemu" +
                        "process as expected.")
            is_rv_connected = False
            raise error.TestFail("remote-viewer connection failed")
Exemple #5
def launch_rv(test, client_vm, guest_vm, params):
    Launches rv_binary with args based on spice configuration
    inside client_session on background.
    remote-viewer will try to connect from vm1 from vm2

    :param client_vm - vm object
    :param guest_vm - vm object
    :param params
    rv_binary = params.get("rv_binary", "remote-viewer")
    rv_ld_library_path = params.get("rv_ld_library_path")
    display = params.get("display")

    proxy = params.get("spice_proxy", None)
    if proxy:
            socket.inet_aton(params.get("proxy_ip", None))
        except socket.error:
            test.cancel('Parameter proxy_ip not changed from default values')

    host_ip = utils_net.get_host_ip_address(params)
    host_port = None
    if guest_vm.get_spice_var("listening_addr") == "ipv6":
        host_ip = ("[" + utils_misc.convert_ipv4_to_ipv6(host_ip) + "]")
    host_tls_port = None

    disable_audio = params.get("disable_audio", "no")
    full_screen = params.get("full_screen")

    check_spice_info = params.get("spice_info")
    ssltype = params.get("ssltype")
    test_type = params.get("test_type")

    # cmd var keeps final remote-viewer command line
    # to be executed on client
    cmd = rv_binary
    if client_vm.params.get("os_type") != "windows":
        cmd = cmd + " --display=:0.0"

    # If qemu_ticket is set, set the password
    #  of the VM using the qemu-monitor
    ticket = None
    ticket_send = params.get("spice_password_send")
    qemu_ticket = params.get("qemu_password")
    if qemu_ticket:
        guest_vm.monitor.cmd("set_password spice %s" % qemu_ticket)
        logging.info("Sending to qemu monitor: set_password spice %s",

    gencerts = params.get("gencerts")
    certdb = params.get("certdb")
    smartcard = params.get("smartcard")
    host_subj = None
    cacert = None

    rv_parameters_from = params.get("rv_parameters_from", "cmd")
    if rv_parameters_from == 'file':
        cmd += " ~/rv_file.vv"

    client_session = client_vm.wait_for_login(
        timeout=int(params.get("login_timeout", 360)))

    if display == "spice":

        ticket = guest_vm.get_spice_var("spice_password")

        if guest_vm.get_spice_var("spice_ssl") == "yes":

            # client needs cacert file
            cacert = "%s/%s" % (
            client_session.cmd("rm -rf %s && mkdir -p %s" %
            remote.copy_files_to(client_vm.get_address(), 'scp',
                                 params.get("shell_port"), cacert, cacert)

            host_tls_port = guest_vm.get_spice_var("spice_tls_port")
            host_port = guest_vm.get_spice_var("spice_port")

            # cacert subj is in format for create certificate(with '/' delimiter)
            # remote-viewer needs ',' delimiter. And also is needed to remove
            # first character (it's '/')
            host_subj = guest_vm.get_spice_var("spice_x509_server_subj")
            host_subj = host_subj.replace('/', ',')[1:]
            if ssltype == "invalid_explicit_hs":
                host_subj = "Invalid Explicit HS"
                host_subj += host_ip

            # If it's invalid implicit, a remote-viewer connection
            # will be attempted with the hostname, since ssl certs were
            # generated with the ip address
            hostname = socket.gethostname()
            if ssltype == "invalid_implicit_hs":
                spice_url = r" spice://%s?tls-port=%s\&port=%s" % (
                    hostname, host_tls_port, host_port)
                spice_url = r" spice://%s?tls-port=%s\&port=%s" % (
                    host_ip, host_tls_port, host_port)

            if rv_parameters_from == "menu":
                line = spice_url
            elif rv_parameters_from == "file":
                cmd += spice_url

            if not rv_parameters_from == "file":
                cmd += " --spice-ca-file=%s" % cacert

            if (params.get("spice_client_host_subject") == "yes"
                    and not rv_parameters_from == "file"):
                cmd += " --spice-host-subject=\"%s\"" % host_subj

            host_port = guest_vm.get_spice_var("spice_port")
            if rv_parameters_from == "menu":
                # line to be sent through monitor once r-v is started
                # without spice url
                line = "spice://%s?port=%s" % (host_ip, host_port)
            elif rv_parameters_from == "file":
                cmd += " spice://%s?port=%s" % (host_ip, host_port)

    elif display == "vnc":
        raise NotImplementedError("remote-viewer vnc")

        raise Exception("Unsupported display value")

    # Check to see if the test is using the full screen option.
    if full_screen == "yes" and not rv_parameters_from == "file":
        logging.info("Remote Viewer Set to use Full Screen")
        cmd += " --full-screen"

    if disable_audio == "yes":
        logging.info("Remote Viewer Set to disable audio")
        cmd += " --spice-disable-audio"

    # Check to see if the test is using a smartcard.
    if smartcard == "yes":
        logging.info("remote viewer Set to use a smartcard")
        if not rv_parameters_from == "file":
            cmd += " --spice-smartcard"

        if certdb is not None:
                "Remote Viewer set to use the following certificate"
                " database: %s", certdb)
            cmd += " --spice-smartcard-db " + certdb

        if gencerts is not None:
            logging.debug("Remote Viewer set to use the following certs: %s",
            cmd += " --spice-smartcard-certificates " + gencerts

    if client_vm.params.get("os_type") == "linux":
        cmd = "nohup " + cmd + " &> /dev/null &"  # Launch it on background
        if rv_ld_library_path:
            cmd = "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=" + rv_ld_library_path + ";" + cmd

    if rv_parameters_from == "file":
        logging.info("Generating file")
        utils_spice.gen_rv_file(params, guest_vm, host_subj, cacert)
        logging.info("Uploading file to client")
        client_vm.copy_files_to("rv_file.vv", "~/rv_file.vv")

    # Launching the actual set of commands
        if rv_ld_library_path:
                             "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib " + rv_binary)
            print_rv_version(client_session, rv_binary)

    except (ShellStatusError, ShellProcessTerminatedError):
        # Sometimes It fails with Status error, ingore it and continue.
        # It's not that important to have printed versions in the log.
        logging.debug("Ignoring a Status Exception that occurs from calling "
                      "print versions of remote-viewer or spice-gtk")

    logging.info("Launching %s on the client (virtual)", cmd)

    if proxy:
        if "http" in proxy:
            split = proxy.split('//')[1].split(':')
            split = proxy.split(':')
        host_ip = split[0]
        if len(split) > 1:
            host_port = split[1]
            host_port = "3128"
        if rv_parameters_from != "file":
            client_session.cmd("export SPICE_PROXY=%s" % proxy)

    if not params.get("rv_verify") == "only":
        except ShellStatusError:
            logging.debug("Ignoring a status exception, will check connection"
                          "of remote-viewer later")

        # Send command line through monitor since url was not provided
        if rv_parameters_from == "menu":
            str_input(client_vm, line)

        # client waits for user entry (authentication) if spice_password is set
        # use qemu monitor password if set, else, if set, try normal password.
        if qemu_ticket:
            # Wait for remote-viewer to launch
            str_input(client_vm, qemu_ticket)
        elif ticket:
            if ticket_send:
                ticket = ticket_send

            utils_spice.wait_timeout(5)  # Wait for remote-viewer to launch
            str_input(client_vm, ticket)

        utils_spice.wait_timeout(15)  # Wait for conncetion to establish

    is_rv_connected = True

            client_vm, host_ip, host_port, rv_binary, host_tls_port,
            params.get("spice_secure_channels", None))
    except utils_spice.RVConnectError:
        if test_type == "negative":
            logging.info("remote-viewer connection failed as expected")
            if ssltype in ("invalid_implicit_hs", "invalid_explicit_hs"):
                # Check the qemu process output to verify what is expected
                qemulog = guest_vm.process.get_output()
                if "SSL_accept failed" in qemulog:
                    test.fail("SSL_accept failed not shown in qemu"
                              "process as expected.")
            is_rv_connected = False
            test.fail("remote-viewer connection failed")

    if test_type == "negative" and is_rv_connected:
        test.fail("remote-viewer connection was established when"
                  " it was supposed to be unsuccessful")

    # Get spice info
    output = guest_vm.monitor.cmd("info spice")
    logging.debug("INFO SPICE")

    # Check to see if ipv6 address is reported back from qemu monitor
    if (check_spice_info == "ipv6"):
        logging.info("Test to check if ipv6 address is reported"
                     " back from the qemu monitor")
        # Remove brackets from ipv6 host ip
        if (host_ip[1:len(host_ip) - 1] in output):
            logging.info("Reported ipv6 address found in output from"
                         " 'info spice'")
            test.fail("ipv6 address not found from qemu monitor"
                      " command: 'info spice'")
        logging.info("Not checking the value of 'info spice'"
                     " from the qemu monitor")

    # prevent from kill remote-viewer after test finish
    if client_vm.params.get("os_type") == "linux":
        cmd = "disown -ar"
Exemple #6
def run_rv_gui(test, params, env):
Tests GUI automation of remote-viewer

@param test: QEMU test object.
@param params: Dictionary with the test parameters.
@param env: Dictionary with test environment.

    #Get required paramters
    host_ip = utils_net.get_host_ip_address(params)
    screenshot_dir = params.get("screenshot_dir")
    #screenshot_name = params.get("screenshot_name")
    screenshot_exp_name = params.get("screenshot_expected_name")
    expected_rv_corners_fs = "Corners:  +0+0  -0+0  -0-0  +0-0"
    screenshot_exp_file = ""
    host_port = None
    guest_res = ""
    guest_res2 = ""
    rv_res = ""
    rv_res2 = ""
    rv_binary = params.get("rv_binary", "remote-viewer")
    changex = params.get("changex")
    changey = params.get("changey")
    accept_pct = params.get("accept_pct")
    tests = params.get("rv_gui_test_list").split()
    rv_version = params.get("rv_version")
    rv_version_el7 = params.get("rv_version_el7")
    ticket = params.get("spice_password", None)
    errors = 0

    guest_vm = env.get_vm(params["guest_vm"])
    guest_session = guest_vm.wait_for_login(
        timeout=int(params.get("login_timeout", 360)))
    guest_root_session = guest_vm.wait_for_login(timeout=int(
        params.get("login_timeout", 360)),

    #update host_port
    host_port = guest_vm.get_spice_var("spice_port")

    client_vm = env.get_vm(params["client_vm"])
    client_session = client_vm.wait_for_login(
        timeout=int(params.get("login_timeout", 360)))

    output = client_session.cmd('cat /etc/redhat-release')
    isRHEL7 = "release 7." in output

    client_session.cmd("export DISPLAY=:0")
    guest_session.cmd("export DISPLAY=:0")
    #if isRHEL7:
    # pass
    # client_session.cmd('mkdir /home/test/.dbus/session-bus/
    # client_session.cmd('. /home/test/.dbus/session-bus/`cat ' + \
    # '/etc/machine-id`-0')
    client_session.cmd('. /home/test/.dbus/session-bus/`cat ' + \
    client_session.cmd('export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS ' + \

    client_session.cmd("cd %s" % params.get("test_script_tgt"))
    rv_res_orig = getrvgeometry(client_session, host_port, host_ip)
    logging.info("Executing gui tests: " + str(tests))

    #Make sure Accessibility is enabled before running the GUI tests
    if isRHEL7:
        logging.info("Enabling accessibility")
        client_session.cmd("export DISPLAY=:0.0")
        client_session.cmd("gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface"
                           " toolkit-accessibility true")

    #Go through all tests to be run
    for i in tests:
        logging.info("Test: " + i)

        #Verification that needs to be done prior to running the gui test.
        if "zoom" in i or "autoresize" in i:
            #Get preliminary information needed for the zoom tests
            guest_res = getres(guest_session)
            rv_res = getrvgeometry(client_session, host_port, host_ip)

        # if i in ("screenshot"):
        if "screenshot" in i:
            screenshot_exp_file = os.path.join(screenshot_dir, \
                client_session.cmd('[ -e ' + screenshot_exp_file + ' ]')
                client_session.cmd('rm ' + screenshot_exp_file)
                logging.info("Deleted: " + screenshot_exp_file)
            except ShellCmdError:
                logging.info(screenshot_exp_name + " doesn't exist, continue")

        cmd = "./unittests/%s_rv.py" % i

        #Verification of the printscreen test prior to the test being run
        if "printscreen" in i:
            output = client_session.cmd('cat /etc/redhat-release')
            if "release 7." in output:
                output = guest_session.cmd(
                    'rm -vf /home/test/Pictures/Screen*')
                logging.info("Screenshots removed: " + output)

        #Adding parameters to the test
        if (i == "connect"):
            cmd += " 'spice://%s:%s'" % (host_ip, host_port)
            if ticket:
                cmd += " %s > /dev/null 2>&1" % ticket

        #Run the test
        client_session_dt = client_vm.wait_for_login(
            timeout=int(params.get("login_timeout", 360)))
        client_session_dt.cmd("export DISPLAY=:0.0")
        client_session_dt.cmd('. /home/test/.dbus/session-bus/`cat ' + \
        client_session_dt.cmd('export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS ' + \
                              'DBUS_SESSION_BUS_PID DBUS_SESSION_BUS_WINDOWID')
        print "Running test: " + cmd
            logging.error("Status: FAIL")
            errors += 1
            logging.info("Status: PASS")

        #Wait before doing any verification

        #Verification Needed after the gui test was run
        if "zoom" in i:
            guest_res2 = getres(guest_session)
            rv_res2 = getrvgeometry(client_session, host_port, host_ip)
            #Check to see that the resolution doesn't change
            logstr = "Checking that the guest's resolution doesn't change"
            checkresequal(guest_res, guest_res2, logstr)
            if "zoomin" in i:
                #verify the rv window has increased
                errorstr = "Checking the rv window's size has increased"
                checkgeometryincrease(rv_res, rv_res2, errorstr)
            if "zoomout" in i:
                #verify the rv window has decreased
                errorstr = "Checking the rv window's size has decreased"
                checkgeometryincrease(rv_res2, rv_res, errorstr)
            if "zoomnorm" in i:
                errorstr = "Checking the rv window's size is the same as " + \
                           "it was originally when rv was started."
                checkresequal(rv_res2, rv_res_orig, errorstr)

        if "quit" in i or "close" in i:
            #Verify for quit tests that remote viewer is not running on client
                rvpid = str(client_session.cmd("pgrep remote-viewer"))
                raise error.TestFail("Remote-viewer is still running: " +
            except ShellCmdError:
                logging.info("Remote-viewer process is no longer running.")
        if "screenshot" in i:
            #Verify the screenshot was created and clean up
                client_session.cmd('[ -e ' + screenshot_exp_file + ' ]')
                client_session.cmd('rm ' + screenshot_exp_file)
                print screenshot_exp_name + " was created as expected"
            except ShellCmdError:
                raise error.TestFail("Screenshot " + screenshot_exp_file + \
                                     " was not created")
        if i == "fullscreen" or i == "fullscreen_shortcut":
            #Verify that client's res = guests's res
            guest_res = getres(guest_session)
            client_res = getres(client_session)
            rv_geometry = getrvgeometry(client_session, host_port, host_ip)
            rv_corners = getrvcorners(client_session, host_port, host_ip)
            if (client_res == guest_res):
                    "PASS: Guest resolution is the same as the client")
                #Verification #2, client's res = rv's geometry
                if (client_res == rv_geometry):
                    logging.info("PASS client's res = geometry of rv window")
                    raise error.TestFail("Client resolution: " + client_res + \
                            " differs from the rv's geometry: " + rv_geometry)

                raise error.TestFail("Guest resolution: " + guest_res + \
                      "differs from the client: " + client_res)
            #Verification #3, verify the rv window is at the top corner
            if (rv_corners in expected_rv_corners_fs):
                logging.info("PASS: rv window is at the top corner: " + \
                raise error.TestFail("rv window is not at the top corner " + \
                                     "as expected, it is at: " + rv_corners)
        #Verify rv window < client's res
        if i == "leave_fullscreen" or i == "leave_fullscreen_shortcut":
            rv_corners = getrvcorners(client_session, host_port, host_ip)
            if (rv_corners not in expected_rv_corners_fs):
                logging.info("PASS: rv window is not at top corner: " + \
                raise error.TestFail("rv window, leaving full screen failed.")

        if "printscreen" in i:
            output = client_session.cmd('cat /etc/redhat-release')
            if "release 7." in output:
                output = guest_session.cmd(
                    'ls -al /home/test/Pictures | grep Screen*')
                logging.info("Screenshot Taken Found: " + output)
                output = guest_root_session.cmd(
                    "ps aux | grep gnome-screenshot")
                index = 1
                found = 0
                plist = output.splitlines()
                for line in plist:
                    print str(index) + " " + line
                    index += 1
                    list2 = line.split()
                    #get gnome-screenshot info
                    gss_pid = str(list2[1])
                    gss_process_name = str(list2[10])
                    #Verify gnome-screenshot is running and kill it
                    if gss_process_name == "gnome-screenshot":
                        found = 1
                        guest_root_session.cmd("kill " + gss_pid)
                if not (found):
                    raise error.TestFail("gnome-screenshot is not running.")

        #Verify the shutdown dialog is present
        if "ctrl_alt_del" in i:
            #looking for a blank named dialog will not work for RHEL 7
            #Will need to find a better solution to verify
            #the shutdown dialog has come up
            if isRHEL7:
                #wait 80 seconds for the VM to completely shutdown
                    raise error.TestFail(
                        "Guest VM is still alive, shutdown failed.")
                except VMDeadError:
                    logging.info("Guest VM is verified to be shutdown")
                guest_session.cmd("xwininfo -name ''")

        #If autoresize_on is run, change window geometry
        if i == "autoresize_on" or i == "autoresize_off":
            logging.info("Attempting to change the window size of rv to:" + \
                         str(changex) + "x" + str(changey))
            #wmctrl_cmd = "wmctrl -r 'spice://%s?port=%s (1) - Remote Viewer'" \
            #       % (host_ip, host_port)
            wmctrl_cmd = "wmctrl -r %s" % window_title
            wmctrl_cmd += " -e 0,0,0," + str(changex) + "," + str(changey)
            output = client_session.cmd(wmctrl_cmd)
            logging.info("Original res: " + guest_res)
            logging.info("Original geometry: " + rv_res)

            #Wait for the rv window to change and guest to adjust resolution

            guest_res2 = getres(guest_session)
            rv_res2 = getrvgeometry(client_session, host_port, host_ip)
            logging.info("After test res: " + guest_res2)
            logging.info("After test geometry: " + rv_res2)

            #Get the required information
            width2 = int(guest_res2.split('x')[0])
            rvwidth2 = int(rv_res2.split('x')[0])

            #The second split of - is a workaround because the xwinfo sometimes
            #prints out dashes after the resolution for some reason.
            height2 = int(guest_res2.split('x')[1].split('-')[0])
            rvheight2 = int(rv_res2.split('x')[1].split('-')[0])

            #the width and height that was specified is changed w/alotted limit
            percentchange(accept_pct, changey, rvheight2, "Height parameter:")
            percentchange(accept_pct, changex, rvwidth2, "Width parameter:")

            if i == "autoresize_on":
                #resolution is changed, attempted to match the window
                logging.info("Checking resolution is changed, attempted" + \
                             " to match the window, when autoresize is on")
                percentchange(accept_pct, rvheight2, height2, "Height param:")
                percentchange(accept_pct, rvwidth2, width2, "Width param:")
            if i == "autoresize_off":
                #resolutions did not change
                logging.info("Checking the resolution does not change" + \
                             ", when autoresize is off")
                logstr = "Checking that the guest's resolution doesn't change"
                checkresequal(guest_res, guest_res2, logstr)

        #Verify a connection is established
        if i == "connect":
                utils_spice.verify_established(client_vm, host_ip, \
                                               host_port, rv_binary)
            except utils_spice.RVConnectError:
                raise error.TestFail("remote-viewer connection failed")

    if errors:
        raise error.TestFail("%d GUI tests failed, see log for more details" \
                             % errors)
Exemple #7
def run(test, params, env):
    Tests clean exit after shutting down the VM.
    Covers two cases:
    (1)Shutdown from the command line of the guest.
    (2)Shutdown from the qemu monitor.

    Verify after the shutdown:
    (1)Verifying the guest is down
    (2)Verify the spice connection to the guest is no longer established
    (3)Verify the remote-viewer process is not running

    :param test: QEMU test object.
    :param params: Dictionary with the test parameters.
    :param env: Dictionary with test environment.

    # Get the required variables
    rv_binary = params.get("rv_binary", "remote-viewer")
    host_ip = utils_net.get_host_ip_address(params)
    shutdownfrom = params.get("shutdownfrom")
    cmd_cli_shutdown = params.get("cmd_cli_shutdown")
    cmd_qemu_shutdown = params.get("cmd_qemu_shutdown")
    host_port = None

    guest_vm = env.get_vm(params["guest_vm"])
    guest_session = guest_vm.wait_for_login(timeout=int(
        params.get("login_timeout", 360)),

    client_vm = env.get_vm(params["client_vm"])
    client_session = client_vm.wait_for_login(timeout=int(
        params.get("login_timeout", 360)),

    if guest_vm.get_spice_var("spice_ssl") == "yes":
        host_port = guest_vm.get_spice_var("spice_tls_port")
        host_port = guest_vm.get_spice_var("spice_port")

    # Determine if the test is to shutdown from cli or qemu monitor
    if shutdownfrom == "cmd":
        logging.info("Shutting down guest from command line:"
                     " %s\n" % cmd_cli_shutdown)
        output = guest_session.cmd(cmd_cli_shutdown)
        logging.debug("Guest is being shutdown: %s" % output)
    elif shutdownfrom == "qemu_monitor":
        logging.info("Shutting down guest from qemu monitor\n")
        output = guest_vm.monitor.cmd(cmd_qemu_shutdown)
        logging.debug("Output of %s: %s" % (cmd_qemu_shutdown, output))
        test.fail("shutdownfrom var not set, valid values are"
                  " cmd or qemu_monitor")

    # wait for the guest vm to be shutoff
    logging.info("Waiting for the guest VM to be shutoff")
    utils_misc.wait_for(guest_vm.is_dead, 90, 30, 1, "waiting...")
    logging.info("Guest VM is now shutoff")

    # Verify there was a clean exit by
    #(1)Verifying the guest is down
    #(2)Verify the spice connection to the guest is no longer established
    #(3)Verify the remote-viewer process is not running
        test.fail("Guest VM is still alive, shutdown failed.")
    except VMDeadError:
        logging.info("Guest VM is verified to be shutdown")

        utils_spice.verify_established(client_vm, host_ip, host_port,
        test.fail("Remote-Viewer connection to guest is still established.")
    except utils_spice.RVConnectError:
        logging.info("There is no remote-viewer connection as expected")
        test.fail("Unexpected error while trying to see if there"
                  " was no spice connection to the guest")

    # Verify the remote-viewer process is not running
    logging.info("Checking to see if remote-viewer process is still running on"
                 " client after VM has been shutdown")
        pidoutput = str(client_session.cmd("pgrep remote-viewer"))
        test.fail("Remote-viewer is still running on the client.")
    except ShellCmdError:
        logging.info("Remote-viewer process is not running as expected.")
Exemple #8
            str_input(client_vm, qemu_ticket)
        elif ticket:
            if ticket_send:
                ticket = ticket_send

            utils_spice.wait_timeout(5)  # Wait for remote-viewer to launch
            str_input(client_vm, ticket)

        utils_spice.wait_timeout(5)  # Wait for conncetion to establish

    is_rv_connected = True

            client_vm, host_ip, host_port, rv_binary, host_tls_port,
            params.get("spice_secure_channels", None))
    except utils_spice.RVConnectError:
        if test_type == "negative":
            logging.info("remote-viewer connection failed as expected")
            if ssltype in ("invalid_implicit_hs", "invalid_explicit_hs"):
                # Check the qemu process output to verify what is expected
                qemulog = guest_vm.process.get_output()
                if "SSL_accept failed" in qemulog:
                    raise error.TestFail(
                        "SSL_accept failed not shown in qemu" +
                        "process as expected.")
            is_rv_connected = False
Exemple #9
def run_rv_gui(test, params, env):
Tests GUI automation of remote-viewer

@param test: QEMU test object.
@param params: Dictionary with the test parameters.
@param env: Dictionary with test environment.

    #Get required paramters
    host_ip = utils_net.get_host_ip_address(params)
    screenshot_dir = params.get("screenshot_dir")
    #screenshot_name = params.get("screenshot_name")
    screenshot_exp_name = params.get("screenshot_expected_name")
    expected_rv_corners_fs = "Corners:  +0+0  -0+0  -0-0  +0-0"
    screenshot_exp_file = ""
    host_port = None
    guest_res = ""
    guest_res2 = ""
    rv_res = ""
    rv_res2 = ""
    rv_binary = params.get("rv_binary", "remote-viewer")
    changex = params.get("changex")
    changey = params.get("changey")
    accept_pct = params.get("accept_pct")
    tests = params.get("rv_gui_test_list").split()
    rv_version = params.get("rv_version")
    rv_version_el7 = params.get("rv_version_el7")
    ticket = params.get("spice_password", None)
    errors = 0

    guest_vm = env.get_vm(params["guest_vm"])
    guest_session = guest_vm.wait_for_login(
            timeout=int(params.get("login_timeout", 360)))
    guest_root_session = guest_vm.wait_for_login(
            timeout=int(params.get("login_timeout", 360)),
            username="******", password="******")

    #update host_port
    host_port = guest_vm.get_spice_var("spice_port")

    client_vm = env.get_vm(params["client_vm"])
    client_session = client_vm.wait_for_login(
            timeout=int(params.get("login_timeout", 360)))

    output = client_session.cmd('cat /etc/redhat-release')
    isRHEL7 = "release 7." in output

    client_session.cmd("export DISPLAY=:0")
    guest_session.cmd("export DISPLAY=:0")
    #if isRHEL7:
    # pass
    # client_session.cmd('mkdir /home/test/.dbus/session-bus/
    # client_session.cmd('. /home/test/.dbus/session-bus/`cat ' + \
    # '/etc/machine-id`-0')
    client_session.cmd('. /home/test/.dbus/session-bus/`cat ' + \
    client_session.cmd('export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS ' + \

    client_session.cmd("cd %s" % params.get("test_script_tgt"))
    rv_res_orig = getrvgeometry(client_session, host_port, host_ip)
    logging.info("Executing gui tests: " + str(tests))

    #Make sure Accessibility is enabled before running the GUI tests
    if isRHEL7:
        logging.info("Enabling accessibility")
        client_session.cmd("export DISPLAY=:0.0")
        client_session.cmd("gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface"
                           " toolkit-accessibility true")

    #Go through all tests to be run
    for i in tests:
        logging.info("Test: " + i)

        #Verification that needs to be done prior to running the gui test.
        if "zoom" in i or "autoresize" in i:
            #Get preliminary information needed for the zoom tests
            guest_res = getres(guest_session)
            rv_res = getrvgeometry(client_session, host_port, host_ip)

        # if i in ("screenshot"):
        if "screenshot" in i:
            screenshot_exp_file = os.path.join(screenshot_dir, \
                client_session.cmd('[ -e ' + screenshot_exp_file +' ]')
                client_session.cmd('rm ' + screenshot_exp_file)
                logging.info("Deleted: " + screenshot_exp_file)
            except ShellCmdError:
                logging.info(screenshot_exp_name + " doesn't exist, continue")

        cmd = "./unittests/%s_rv.py" % i

        #Verification of the printscreen test prior to the test being run
        if "printscreen" in i:
            output = client_session.cmd('cat /etc/redhat-release')
            if "release 7." in output:
                output = guest_session.cmd('rm -vf /home/test/Pictures/Screen*')
                logging.info("Screenshots removed: " + output)

        #Adding parameters to the test
        if (i == "connect"):
            cmd += " 'spice://%s:%s'" % (host_ip, host_port)
            if ticket:
                cmd += " %s > /dev/null 2>&1" % ticket

        #Run the test
        client_session_dt = client_vm.wait_for_login(
                                 timeout=int(params.get("login_timeout", 360)))
        client_session_dt.cmd("export DISPLAY=:0.0") 
        client_session_dt.cmd('. /home/test/.dbus/session-bus/`cat ' + \
        client_session_dt.cmd('export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS ' + \
                              'DBUS_SESSION_BUS_PID DBUS_SESSION_BUS_WINDOWID')
        print "Running test: " + cmd
            logging.error("Status: FAIL")
            errors += 1
            logging.info("Status: PASS")

        #Wait before doing any verification

        #Verification Needed after the gui test was run
        if "zoom" in i:
            guest_res2 = getres(guest_session)
            rv_res2 = getrvgeometry(client_session, host_port, host_ip)
            #Check to see that the resolution doesn't change
            logstr = "Checking that the guest's resolution doesn't change"
            checkresequal(guest_res, guest_res2, logstr)
            if "zoomin" in i:
                #verify the rv window has increased
                errorstr = "Checking the rv window's size has increased"
                checkgeometryincrease(rv_res, rv_res2, errorstr)
            if "zoomout" in i:
                #verify the rv window has decreased
                errorstr = "Checking the rv window's size has decreased"
                checkgeometryincrease(rv_res2, rv_res, errorstr)
            if "zoomnorm" in i:
                errorstr = "Checking the rv window's size is the same as " + \
                           "it was originally when rv was started."
                checkresequal(rv_res2, rv_res_orig, errorstr)

        if "quit" in i or "close" in i:
            #Verify for quit tests that remote viewer is not running on client
                rvpid = str(client_session.cmd("pgrep remote-viewer"))
                raise error.TestFail("Remote-viewer is still running: " + rvpid)
            except ShellCmdError:
                logging.info("Remote-viewer process is no longer running.")
        if "screenshot" in i:
            #Verify the screenshot was created and clean up
                client_session.cmd('[ -e ' + screenshot_exp_file + ' ]')
                client_session.cmd('rm ' + screenshot_exp_file)
                print screenshot_exp_name + " was created as expected"
            except ShellCmdError:
                raise error.TestFail("Screenshot " + screenshot_exp_file + \
                                     " was not created")
        if i == "fullscreen" or i == "fullscreen_shortcut":
            #Verify that client's res = guests's res
            guest_res = getres(guest_session)
            client_res = getres(client_session)
            rv_geometry = getrvgeometry(client_session, host_port, host_ip)
            rv_corners = getrvcorners(client_session, host_port, host_ip)
            if(client_res == guest_res):
                logging.info("PASS: Guest resolution is the same as the client")
                #Verification #2, client's res = rv's geometry
                if(client_res == rv_geometry):
                    logging.info("PASS client's res = geometry of rv window")
                    raise error.TestFail("Client resolution: " + client_res + \
                            " differs from the rv's geometry: " + rv_geometry)

                raise error.TestFail("Guest resolution: " + guest_res + \
                      "differs from the client: " + client_res)
            #Verification #3, verify the rv window is at the top corner
            if(rv_corners in expected_rv_corners_fs):
                logging.info("PASS: rv window is at the top corner: " + \
                raise error.TestFail("rv window is not at the top corner " + \
                                     "as expected, it is at: " + rv_corners)
        #Verify rv window < client's res
        if i == "leave_fullscreen" or i == "leave_fullscreen_shortcut":
            rv_corners = getrvcorners(client_session, host_port, host_ip)
            if(rv_corners not in expected_rv_corners_fs):
                logging.info("PASS: rv window is not at top corner: " + \
                raise error.TestFail("rv window, leaving full screen failed.")

        if "printscreen" in i:
            output = client_session.cmd('cat /etc/redhat-release')
            if "release 7." in output:
                output = guest_session.cmd('ls -al /home/test/Pictures | grep Screen*')
                logging.info("Screenshot Taken Found: " + output)
                output = guest_root_session.cmd("ps aux | grep gnome-screenshot")
                index = 1
                found = 0
                plist = output.splitlines()
                for line in plist:
                    print str(index) + " " + line
                    index += 1
                    list2 = line.split()
                    #get gnome-screenshot info
                    gss_pid = str(list2[1])
                    gss_process_name = str(list2[10])
                    #Verify gnome-screenshot is running and kill it
                    if gss_process_name == "gnome-screenshot":
                        found = 1
                        guest_root_session.cmd("kill " + gss_pid)
                if not (found):
                    raise error.TestFail("gnome-screenshot is not running.")

        #Verify the shutdown dialog is present
        if "ctrl_alt_del" in i:
            #looking for a blank named dialog will not work for RHEL 7
            #Will need to find a better solution to verify
            #the shutdown dialog has come up
            if isRHEL7:
                #wait 80 seconds for the VM to completely shutdown
                    raise error.TestFail("Guest VM is still alive, shutdown failed.")
                except VMDeadError:
                    logging.info("Guest VM is verified to be shutdown")
                guest_session.cmd("xwininfo -name ''")

        #If autoresize_on is run, change window geometry
        if i == "autoresize_on" or i == "autoresize_off":
            logging.info("Attempting to change the window size of rv to:" + \
                         str(changex) + "x" + str(changey))
            #wmctrl_cmd = "wmctrl -r 'spice://%s?port=%s (1) - Remote Viewer'" \
            #       % (host_ip, host_port)
            wmctrl_cmd = "wmctrl -r %s" % window_title
            wmctrl_cmd += " -e 0,0,0," + str(changex) + "," + str(changey)
            output = client_session.cmd(wmctrl_cmd)
            logging.info("Original res: " + guest_res)
            logging.info("Original geometry: " + rv_res)

            #Wait for the rv window to change and guest to adjust resolution

            guest_res2 = getres(guest_session)
            rv_res2 = getrvgeometry(client_session, host_port, host_ip)
            logging.info("After test res: " + guest_res2)
            logging.info("After test geometry: " + rv_res2)

            #Get the required information
            width2 = int(guest_res2.split('x')[0])
            rvwidth2 = int(rv_res2.split('x')[0])

            #The second split of - is a workaround because the xwinfo sometimes
            #prints out dashes after the resolution for some reason.
            height2 = int(guest_res2.split('x')[1].split('-')[0])
            rvheight2 = int(rv_res2.split('x')[1].split('-')[0])

            #the width and height that was specified is changed w/alotted limit
            percentchange(accept_pct, changey, rvheight2, "Height parameter:")
            percentchange(accept_pct, changex, rvwidth2, "Width parameter:")

            if i == "autoresize_on":
                #resolution is changed, attempted to match the window
                logging.info("Checking resolution is changed, attempted" + \
                             " to match the window, when autoresize is on")
                percentchange(accept_pct, rvheight2, height2, "Height param:")
                percentchange(accept_pct, rvwidth2, width2, "Width param:")
            if i == "autoresize_off":
                #resolutions did not change
                logging.info("Checking the resolution does not change" + \
                             ", when autoresize is off")
                logstr = "Checking that the guest's resolution doesn't change"
                checkresequal(guest_res, guest_res2, logstr)

        #Verify a connection is established
        if i == "connect":
                utils_spice.verify_established(client_vm, host_ip, \
                                               host_port, rv_binary)
            except utils_spice.RVConnectError:
                raise error.TestFail("remote-viewer connection failed")

    if errors:
        raise error.TestFail("%d GUI tests failed, see log for more details" \
                             % errors)
Exemple #10
            str_input(client_vm, qemu_ticket)
        elif ticket:
            if ticket_send:
                ticket = ticket_send

            utils_spice.wait_timeout(5)  # Wait for remote-viewer to launch
            str_input(client_vm, ticket)

        utils_spice.wait_timeout(5)  # Wait for conncetion to establish

    is_rv_connected = True

        utils_spice.verify_established(client_vm, host_ip,
                                       host_port, rv_binary,
    except utils_spice.RVConnectError:
        if test_type == "negative":
            logging.info("remote-viewer connection failed as expected")
            if ssltype in ("invalid_implicit_hs", "invalid_explicit_hs"):
                # Check the qemu process output to verify what is expected
                qemulog = guest_vm.process.get_output()
                if "SSL_accept failed" in qemulog:
                    raise error.TestFail("SSL_accept failed not shown in qemu" +
                                         "process as expected.")
            is_rv_connected = False