Exemple #1
    def notify(self, event, trace):
        if self.impapi != None:
            # cached

        self.impapi = viv_impapi.getImportApi(trace.getMeta('Platform'), trace.getMeta('Architecture'))
        cc = self.impapi.getImpApiCallConv(self.vte)
        emu = vtrace.getEmu(trace)
        self.cc = emu.getCallingConvention(cc)
        self.argc = len(self.impapi.getImpApiArgs(self.vte))
Exemple #2
    def notify(self, event, trace):
        if self.impapi is not None:
            # cached

        self.impapi = viv_impapi.getImportApi(trace.getMeta('Platform'),
        cc = self.impapi.getImpApiCallConv(self.vte)
        emu = vtrace.getEmu(trace)
        self.cc = emu.getCallingConvention(cc)
        self.argc = len(self.impapi.getImpApiArgs(self.vte))
Exemple #3
    def render(self, mcanv, va):
        trace = mcanv.mem
        if va != trace.getStackCounter():
            return DerefRenderer.render(self, mcanv, va)

        pc = trace.getProgramCounter()
        sym, is_thunk = trace.getSymByAddrThunkAware(pc)
        if sym is None:
            return DerefRenderer.render(self, mcanv, va)

        # TODO: this code also exists in win32stealth and in hookbreakpoint
        # we should put this somewhere common
        platform = trace.getMeta('Platform')
        arch = trace.getMeta('Architecture')
        impapi = viv_impapi.getImportApi(platform, arch)
        cc_name = impapi.getImpApiCallConv(sym)
        emu = vtrace.getEmu(trace)
        cc = emu.getCallingConvention(cc_name)
        args_def = impapi.getImpApiArgs(sym)
        if args_def is None:
            # sym did not exist in impapi :(
            logger.warning('sym but no impapi match: {}'.format(sym))
            return DerefRenderer.render(self, mcanv, va)

        argc = len(args_def)

        curop = trace.parseOpcode(trace.getProgramCounter())

        # use the calling convention to retrieve the args
        args = None
        if curop.isCall() or is_thunk:
            args = cc.getPreCallArgs(trace, argc)
            args = cc.getCallArgs(trace, argc)

        # since we are 'normalizing' the calls by visualizing all calling
        # conventions in a stdcall fashion, some args (like the ones in
        # registers don't have a stack va.
        mcanv.addText('%s :\n' % sym)
        fmt = '  arg%%d (%%s) 0x%%0%dx %%s\n' % (trace.getPointerSize() * 2, )
        for index, arg in enumerate(args):
            argtype = args_def[index][0]
            argva = arg
            if trace.isValidPointer(arg):
                argva = trace.readMemoryFormat(arg, 'P')[0]
            smc = e_canvas.StringMemoryCanvas(trace)
            e_canvas_rend.AutoBytesRenderer(maxrend=64).render(smc, argva)
            desc = str(smc)
            mcanv.addText(fmt % (index, argtype, arg, desc))
        mcanv.addText('-' * 5)

        return DerefRenderer.render(self, mcanv, va)
Exemple #4
    def render(self, mcanv, va):
        trace = mcanv.mem
        if va != trace.getStackCounter():
            return DerefRenderer.render(self, mcanv, va)

        pc = trace.getProgramCounter()
        sym, is_thunk = trace.getSymByAddrThunkAware(pc)
        if sym == None:
            return DerefRenderer.render(self, mcanv, va)

        # TODO: this code also exists in win32stealth and in hookbreakpoint
        # we should put this somewhere common
        platform = trace.getMeta('Platform')
        arch = trace.getMeta('Architecture')
        impapi = viv_impapi.getImportApi(platform, arch)
        cc_name = impapi.getImpApiCallConv(sym)
        emu = vtrace.getEmu(trace)
        cc = emu.getCallingConvention(cc_name)
        args_def = impapi.getImpApiArgs(sym)
        if args_def == None:
            # sym did not exist in impapi :(
            print(('sym but no impapi match: {}'.format(sym)))
            return DerefRenderer.render(self, mcanv, va)

        argc = len(args_def)

        curop = trace.parseOpcode(trace.getProgramCounter())

        # use the calling convention to retrieve the args
        args = None
        if curop.isCall() or is_thunk:
            args = cc.getPreCallArgs(trace, argc)
            args = cc.getCallArgs(trace, argc)

        # since we are 'normalizing' the calls by visualizing all calling
        # conventions in a stdcall fashion, some args (like the ones in
        # registers don't have a stack va.
        mcanv.addText('%s :\n' % sym)
        fmt = '  arg%%d (%%s) 0x%%0%dx %%s\n' % (trace.getPointerSize()*2,)
        for index, arg in enumerate(args):
            argtype = args_def[index][0]
            argva = arg
            if trace.isValidPointer(arg):
                argva = trace.readMemoryFormat(arg, 'P')[0]
            smc = e_canvas.StringMemoryCanvas(trace)
            e_canvas_rend.AutoBytesRenderer(maxrend=64).render(smc, argva)
            desc = str(smc)
            mcanv.addText(fmt % (index, argtype, arg, desc))
        mcanv.addText('-' * 5)

        return DerefRenderer.render(self, mcanv, va)
Exemple #5
    def _getOpcodeSuffix(self, trace, va, op):
        pc = trace.getProgramCounter()
        if va != pc:
            return ''

        ovals = []
        for o in op.opers:

            if o.isDeref():
                ova = o.getOperAddr(op, trace)
                ova = o.getOperValue(op, trace)

            sym = None
            if trace.isValidPointer(ova):
                rova = trace.readMemoryFormat(ova, '<P')[0]
                sym = trace.getSymByAddr(rova)

            if sym is None:
                sym = trace.getSymByAddr(ova)

            if sym:
            elif o.isDeref():
                ovals.append('[0x%.8x]' % ova)
                ovals.append('0x%.8x' % ova)

        if [
                branch for branch, flag in op.getBranches()
                if flag & envi.BR_COND
            emu = self.emu_cache.get(self.arch, vtrace.getEmu(trace))
            nextpc = emu.getProgramCounter()
            if va + len(op) != nextpc:
                ovals.append('Branch taken: 0x%08x' % nextpc)
                ovals.append('Branch not taken: 0x%08x' % nextpc)

        return ','.join(ovals)
Exemple #6
    def _getOpcodeSuffix(self, trace, va, op):
        pc = trace.getProgramCounter()
        if va != pc:
            return ''

        ovals = []
        for o in op.opers:

            if o.isDeref():
                ova = o.getOperAddr(op, trace)
                ova = o.getOperValue(op, trace)

            sym = None
            if trace.isValidPointer(ova):
                rova = trace.readMemoryFormat(ova, '<P')[0]
                sym = trace.getSymByAddr(rova)

            if sym == None:
                sym = trace.getSymByAddr(ova)

            if sym:
            elif o.isDeref():
                ovals.append('[0x%.8x]' % ova)
                ovals.append('0x%.8x' % ova)

        if [branch for branch, flag in op.getBranches() if flag & envi.BR_COND]:
            emu = self.emu_cache.get(self.arch, vtrace.getEmu(trace))
            nextpc = emu.getProgramCounter()
            if va + len(op) != nextpc:
                ovals.append('Branch taken: 0x%08x' % nextpc)
                ovals.append('Branch not taken: 0x%08x' % nextpc)

        return ','.join(ovals)
Exemple #7
    def resolvedaddr(self, trace, addr):
        When we get resolved, lookup in impapi the calling convention and other
        details about the function.  Do not do this if we were explicitly told
        what to do.
        # told explicitly what to do, don't go look anything up
        if self.cc != None and self.argc != None:

        # TODO: move this out of here after we move impapi to a top-level
        # package.
        import vivisect.impapi as viv_impapi
        # this code also exists in win32stealth, we should put this somewhere
        # common
        platform = trace.getMeta('Platform')
        arch = trace.getMeta('Architecture')
        self.impapi = viv_impapi.getImportApi(platform, arch)
        cc = self.impapi.getImpApiCallConv(self.vte)
        emu = vtrace.getEmu(trace)
        self.cc = emu.getCallingConvention(cc)
        apiargs = self.impapi.getImpApiArgs(self.vte)
        if apiargs != None:
            self.argc = len(apiargs)
Exemple #8
    def resolvedaddr(self, trace, addr):
        When we get resolved, lookup in impapi the calling convention and other
        details about the function.  Do not do this if we were explicitly told
        what to do.
        # told explicitly what to do, don't go look anything up
        if self.cc != None and self.argc != None:

        # TODO: move this out of here after we move impapi to a top-level
        # package.
        import vivisect.impapi as viv_impapi
        # this code also exists in win32stealth, we should put this somewhere
        # common
        platform = trace.getMeta('Platform')
        arch = trace.getMeta('Architecture')
        self.impapi = viv_impapi.getImportApi(platform, arch)
        cc = self.impapi.getImpApiCallConv(self.vte)
        emu = vtrace.getEmu(trace)
        self.cc = emu.getCallingConvention(cc)
        apiargs = self.impapi.getImpApiArgs(self.vte)
        if apiargs != None:
            self.argc = len(apiargs)