Exemple #1
def get_config():
    loopback = deepcopy(default_config_data)
    conf = Config()

    # determine tagNode instance
    if 'VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE' not in os.environ:
        raise ConfigError('Interface (VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE) not specified')

    loopback['intf'] = os.environ['VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE']

    # Check if interface has been removed
    if not conf.exists('interfaces loopback ' + loopback['intf']):
        loopback['deleted'] = True

    # set new configuration level
    conf.set_level('interfaces loopback ' + loopback['intf'])

    # retrieve configured interface addresses
    if conf.exists('address'):
        loopback['address'] = conf.return_values('address')

    # retrieve interface description
    if conf.exists('description'):
        loopback['description'] = conf.return_value('description')

    # Determine interface addresses (currently effective) - to determine which
    # address is no longer valid and needs to be removed from the interface
    eff_addr = conf.return_effective_values('address')
    act_addr = conf.return_values('address')
    loopback['address_remove'] = list_diff(eff_addr, act_addr)

    return loopback
Exemple #2
def get_config():
    dummy = deepcopy(default_config_data)
    conf = Config()

    # determine tagNode instance
    if 'VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE' not in os.environ:
        raise ConfigError('Interface (VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE) not specified')

    dummy['intf'] = os.environ['VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE']

    # check if we are a member of any bridge
    dummy['is_bridge_member'] = is_member(conf, dummy['intf'], 'bridge')

    # Check if interface has been removed
    if not conf.exists('interfaces dummy ' + dummy['intf']):
        dummy['deleted'] = True
        return dummy

    # set new configuration level
    conf.set_level('interfaces dummy ' + dummy['intf'])

    # retrieve configured interface addresses
    if conf.exists('address'):
        dummy['address'] = conf.return_values('address')

    # retrieve interface description
    if conf.exists('description'):
        dummy['description'] = conf.return_value('description')

    # Disable this interface
    if conf.exists('disable'):
        dummy['disable'] = True

    # Determine interface addresses (currently effective) - to determine which
    # address is no longer valid and needs to be removed from the interface
    eff_addr = conf.return_effective_values('address')
    act_addr = conf.return_values('address')
    dummy['address_remove'] = list_diff(eff_addr, act_addr)

    # retrieve VRF instance
    if conf.exists('vrf'):
        dummy['vrf'] = conf.return_value('vrf')

    return dummy
Exemple #3
def get_config():
    conf = Config()
    vrf_config = deepcopy(default_config_data)

    cfg_base = ['vrf']
    if not conf.exists(cfg_base):
        # get all currently effetive VRFs and mark them for deletion
        vrf_config['vrf_remove'] = conf.list_effective_nodes(cfg_base +
        # set configuration level base

        # Should services be allowed to bind to all VRFs?
        if conf.exists(['bind-to-all']):
            vrf_config['bind_to_all'] = '1'

        # Determine vrf interfaces (currently effective) - to determine which
        # vrf interface is no longer present and needs to be removed
        eff_vrf = conf.list_effective_nodes(['name'])
        act_vrf = conf.list_nodes(['name'])
        vrf_config['vrf_remove'] = list_diff(eff_vrf, act_vrf)

        # read in individual VRF definition and build up
        # configuration
        for name in conf.list_nodes(['name']):
            vrf_inst = {
                'description': '',
                'members': [],
                'name': name,
                'table': '',
                'table_mod': False
            conf.set_level(cfg_base + ['name', name])

            if conf.exists(['table']):
                # VRF table can't be changed on demand, thus we need to read in the
                # current and the effective routing table number
                act_table = conf.return_value(['table'])
                eff_table = conf.return_effective_value(['table'])
                vrf_inst['table'] = act_table
                if eff_table and eff_table != act_table:
                    vrf_inst['table_mod'] = True

            if conf.exists(['description']):
                vrf_inst['description'] = conf.return_value(['description'])

            # append individual VRF configuration to global configuration list

    # set configuration level base

    # check VRFs which need to be removed as they are not allowed to have
    # interfaces attached
    tmp = []
    for name in vrf_config['vrf_remove']:
        vrf_inst = {'interfaces': [], 'name': name, 'routes': []}

        # find member interfaces of this particulat VRF
        vrf_inst['interfaces'] = vrf_interfaces(conf, name)

        # find routing protocols used by this VRF
        vrf_inst['routes'] = vrf_routing(conf, name)

        # append individual VRF configuration to temporary configuration list

    # replace values in vrf_remove with list of dictionaries
    # as we need it in verify() - we can't delete a VRF with members attached
    vrf_config['vrf_remove'] = tmp
    return vrf_config
Exemple #4
def get_config():
    ifname = os.environ.get('VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE', '')
    if not ifname:
        raise ConfigError('Interface not specified')

    conf = ConfigurationState('interfaces tunnel ' + ifname,
    options = conf.options
    changes = conf.changes
    options['ifname'] = ifname

    # set new configuration level

    if changes['section'] == 'delete':
        conf.get_effective('type', mapping['type'][0])
        conf.set_level('protocols nhrp tunnel')
        options['nhrp'] = conf.list_nodes('')
        return conf.to_dict()

    # load all the configuration option according to the mapping

    # remove default value if not set and not required
    afi_local = get_afi(options['local'])
    if afi_local == IP6:
        conf.remove_default('ttl', 'tos', 'key')
    if afi_local == IP4:
        conf.remove_default('encaplimit', 'flowlabel', 'hoplimit', 'tclass')

    # if the local-ip is not set, pick one from the interface !
    # hopefully there is only one, otherwise it will not be very deterministic
    # at time of writing the code currently returns ipv4 before ipv6 in the list

    # XXX: There is no way to trigger an update of the interface source IP if
    # XXX: the underlying interface IP address does change, I believe this
    # XXX: limit/issue is present in vyatta too

    if not options['local'] and options['dhcp-interface']:
        # XXX: This behaviour changes from vyatta which would return if
        # XXX: the interface was not DHCP. As there is no easy way to find if an
        # XXX: interface is using DHCP, and using this feature to get
        # XXX: makes little sense, I feel the change in behaviour is acceptable
        picked = get_interface_ip(options['dhcp-interface'])
        if picked == '':
            picked = ''
                'Could not get an IP address from {dhcp-interface} using instead'
        options['local'] = picked
        options['dhcp-interface'] = ''

    # get interface addresses (currently effective) - to determine which
    # address is no longer valid and needs to be removed
    # could be done within ConfigurationState
    eff_addr = conf.return_effective_values('address')
    options['addresses-del'] = list_diff(eff_addr, options['addresses-add'])

    # allmulticast fate is linked to multicast
    options['allmulticast'] = options['multicast']

    # check that per encapsulation all local-remote pairs are unique
    conf.set_level('interfaces tunnel')
    ct = conf.get_config_dict()['tunnel']
    options['tunnel'] = {}

    for name in ct:
        tunnel = ct[name]
        encap = tunnel.get('encapsulation', '')
        local = tunnel.get('local-ip', '')
        if not local:
            local = get_interface_ip(tunnel.get('dhcp-interface', ''))
        remote = tunnel.get('remote-ip', '<unset>')
        pair = f'{local}-{remote}'
        options['tunnel'][encap][pair] = options['tunnel'].setdefault(
            encap, {}).get(pair, 0) + 1

    return conf.to_dict()
Exemple #5
def get_config():
    macsec = deepcopy(default_config_data)
    conf = Config()

    # determine tagNode instance
    if 'VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE' not in os.environ:
        raise ConfigError('Interface (VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE) not specified')

    macsec['intf'] = os.environ['VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE']
    base_path = ['interfaces', 'macsec', macsec['intf']]

    # check if we are a member of any bridge
    macsec['is_bridge_member'] = is_member(conf, macsec['intf'], 'bridge')

    # Check if interface has been removed
    if not conf.exists(base_path):
        macsec['deleted'] = True
        # When stopping wpa_supplicant we need to stop it via the physical
        # interface - thus we need to retrieve ir from the effective config
        if conf.exists_effective(base_path + ['source-interface']):
            macsec['source_interface'] = conf.return_effective_value(
                base_path + ['source-interface'])

        return macsec

    # set new configuration level

    # retrieve configured interface addresses
    if conf.exists(['address']):
        macsec['address'] = conf.return_values(['address'])

    # retrieve interface description
    if conf.exists(['description']):
        macsec['description'] = conf.return_value(['description'])

    # Disable this interface
    if conf.exists(['disable']):
        macsec['disable'] = True

    # retrieve interface cipher
    if conf.exists(['security', 'cipher']):
        macsec['security_cipher'] = conf.return_value(['security', 'cipher'])

    # Enable optional MACsec encryption
    if conf.exists(['security', 'encrypt']):
        macsec['security_encrypt'] = True

    # Secure Connectivity Association Key
    if conf.exists(['security', 'mka', 'cak']):
        macsec['security_mka_cak'] = conf.return_value(
            ['security', 'mka', 'cak'])

    # Secure Connectivity Association Name
    if conf.exists(['security', 'mka', 'ckn']):
        macsec['security_mka_ckn'] = conf.return_value(
            ['security', 'mka', 'ckn'])

    # MACsec Key Agreement protocol (MKA) actor priority
    if conf.exists(['security', 'mka', 'priority']):
        macsec['security_mka_priority'] = conf.return_value(
            ['security', 'mka', 'priority'])

    # IEEE 802.1X/MACsec replay protection
    if conf.exists(['security', 'replay-window']):
        macsec['security_replay_window'] = conf.return_value(
            ['security', 'replay-window'])

    # Physical interface
    if conf.exists(['source-interface']):
        macsec['source_interface'] = conf.return_value(['source-interface'])

    # Determine interface addresses (currently effective) - to determine which
    # address is no longer valid and needs to be removed from the interface
    eff_addr = conf.return_effective_values(['address'])
    act_addr = conf.return_values(['address'])
    macsec['address_remove'] = list_diff(eff_addr, act_addr)

    # retrieve VRF instance
    if conf.exists(['vrf']):
        macsec['vrf'] = conf.return_value(['vrf'])

    return macsec
def get_config():
    bridge = deepcopy(default_config_data)
    conf = Config()

    # determine tagNode instance
    if 'VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE' not in os.environ:
        raise ConfigError('Interface (VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE) not specified')

    bridge['intf'] = os.environ['VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE']

    # Check if bridge has been removed
    if not conf.exists('interfaces bridge ' + bridge['intf']):
        bridge['deleted'] = True
        return bridge

    # set new configuration level
    conf.set_level('interfaces bridge ' + bridge['intf'])

    # retrieve configured interface addresses
    if conf.exists('address'):
        bridge['address'] = conf.return_values('address')

    # Determine interface addresses (currently effective) - to determine which
    # address is no longer valid and needs to be removed
    eff_addr = conf.return_effective_values('address')
    bridge['address_remove'] = list_diff(eff_addr, bridge['address'])

    # retrieve aging - how long addresses are retained
    if conf.exists('aging'):
        bridge['aging'] = int(conf.return_value('aging'))

    # retrieve interface description
    if conf.exists('description'):
        bridge['description'] = conf.return_value('description')

    # get DHCP client identifier
    if conf.exists('dhcp-options client-id'):
        bridge['dhcp_client_id'] = conf.return_value('dhcp-options client-id')

    # DHCP client host name (overrides the system host name)
    if conf.exists('dhcp-options host-name'):
        bridge['dhcp_hostname'] = conf.return_value('dhcp-options host-name')

    # DHCP client vendor identifier
    if conf.exists('dhcp-options vendor-class-id'):
        bridge['dhcp_vendor_class_id'] = conf.return_value(
            'dhcp-options vendor-class-id')

    # DHCPv6 only acquire config parameters, no address
    if conf.exists('dhcpv6-options parameters-only'):
        bridge['dhcpv6_prm_only'] = True

    # DHCPv6 temporary IPv6 address
    if conf.exists('dhcpv6-options temporary'):
        bridge['dhcpv6_temporary'] = True

    # Disable this bridge interface
    if conf.exists('disable'):
        bridge['disable'] = True

    # Ignore link state changes
    if conf.exists('disable-link-detect'):
        bridge['disable_link_detect'] = 2

    # Forwarding delay
    if conf.exists('forwarding-delay'):
        bridge['forwarding_delay'] = int(conf.return_value('forwarding-delay'))

    # Hello packet advertisment interval
    if conf.exists('hello-time'):
        bridge['hello_time'] = int(conf.return_value('hello-time'))

    # Enable Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) querier
    if conf.exists('igmp querier'):
        bridge['igmp_querier'] = 1

    # ARP cache entry timeout in seconds
    if conf.exists('ip arp-cache-timeout'):
        bridge['arp_cache_tmo'] = int(
            conf.return_value('ip arp-cache-timeout'))

    # ARP filter configuration
    if conf.exists('ip disable-arp-filter'):
        bridge['ip_disable_arp_filter'] = 0

    # ARP enable accept
    if conf.exists('ip enable-arp-accept'):
        bridge['ip_enable_arp_accept'] = 1

    # ARP enable announce
    if conf.exists('ip enable-arp-announce'):
        bridge['ip_enable_arp_announce'] = 1

    # ARP enable ignore
    if conf.exists('ip enable-arp-ignore'):
        bridge['ip_enable_arp_ignore'] = 1

    # Enable acquisition of IPv6 address using stateless autoconfig (SLAAC)
    if conf.exists('ipv6 address autoconf'):
        bridge['ipv6_autoconf'] = 1

    # Get prefix for IPv6 addressing based on MAC address (EUI-64)
    if conf.exists('ipv6 address eui64'):
        bridge['ipv6_eui64_prefix'] = conf.return_value('ipv6 address eui64')

    # Disable IPv6 forwarding on this interface
    if conf.exists('ipv6 disable-forwarding'):
        bridge['ipv6_forwarding'] = 0

    # IPv6 Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) tries
    if conf.exists('ipv6 dup-addr-detect-transmits'):
        bridge['ipv6_dup_addr_detect'] = int(
            conf.return_value('ipv6 dup-addr-detect-transmits'))

    # Media Access Control (MAC) address
    if conf.exists('mac'):
        bridge['mac'] = conf.return_value('mac')

    # Interval at which neighbor bridges are removed
    if conf.exists('max-age'):
        bridge['max_age'] = int(conf.return_value('max-age'))

    # Determine bridge member interface (currently configured)
    for intf in conf.list_nodes('member interface'):
        # cost and priority initialized with linux defaults
        # by reading /sys/devices/virtual/net/br0/brif/eth2/{path_cost,priority}
        # after adding interface to bridge after reboot
        iface = {'name': intf, 'cost': 100, 'priority': 32}

        if conf.exists('member interface {} cost'.format(intf)):
            iface['cost'] = int(
                conf.return_value('member interface {} cost'.format(intf)))

        if conf.exists('member interface {} priority'.format(intf)):
            iface['priority'] = int(
                conf.return_value('member interface {} priority'.format(intf)))


    # Determine bridge member interface (currently effective) - to determine which
    # interfaces is no longer assigend to the bridge and thus can be removed
    eff_intf = conf.list_effective_nodes('member interface')
    act_intf = conf.list_nodes('member interface')
    bridge['member_remove'] = list_diff(eff_intf, act_intf)

    # Priority for this bridge
    if conf.exists('priority'):
        bridge['priority'] = int(conf.return_value('priority'))

    # Enable spanning tree protocol
    if conf.exists('stp'):
        bridge['stp'] = 1

    # retrieve VRF instance
    if conf.exists('vrf'):
        bridge['vrf'] = conf.return_value('vrf')

    return bridge
def get_config():
    wifi = deepcopy(default_config_data)
    conf = Config()

    # determine tagNode instance
    if 'VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE' not in os.environ:
        raise ConfigError('Interface (VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE) not specified')

    wifi['intf'] = os.environ['VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE']

    # check if wireless interface has been removed
    cfg_base = 'interfaces wireless ' + wifi['intf']
    if not conf.exists(cfg_base):
        wifi['deleted'] = True
        # we can not bail out early as wireless interface can not be removed
        # Kernel will complain with: RTNETLINK answers: Operation not supported.
        # Thus we need to remove individual settings
        return wifi

    # set new configuration level

    # retrieve configured interface addresses
    if conf.exists('address'):
        wifi['address'] = conf.return_values('address')

    # get interface addresses (currently effective) - to determine which
    # address is no longer valid and needs to be removed
    eff_addr = conf.return_effective_values('address')
    wifi['address_remove'] = list_diff(eff_addr, wifi['address'])

    # 40MHz intolerance, use 20MHz only
    if conf.exists('capabilities ht 40mhz-incapable'):
        wifi['cap_ht'] = True
        wifi['cap_ht_40mhz_incapable'] = True

    # WMM-PS Unscheduled Automatic Power Save Delivery [U-APSD]
    if conf.exists('capabilities ht auto-powersave'):
        wifi['cap_ht'] = True
        wifi['cap_ht_powersave'] = True

    # Supported channel set width
    if conf.exists('capabilities ht channel-set-width'):
        wifi['cap_ht'] = True
        wifi['cap_ht_chan_set_width'] = conf.return_values('capabilities ht channel-set-width')

    # HT-delayed Block Ack
    if conf.exists('capabilities ht delayed-block-ack'):
        wifi['cap_ht'] = True
        wifi['cap_ht_delayed_block_ack'] = True

    # DSSS/CCK Mode in 40 MHz
    if conf.exists('capabilities ht dsss-cck-40'):
        wifi['cap_ht'] = True
        wifi['cap_ht_dsss_cck_40'] = True

    # HT-greenfield capability
    if conf.exists('capabilities ht greenfield'):
        wifi['cap_ht'] = True
        wifi['cap_ht_greenfield'] = True

    # LDPC coding capability
    if conf.exists('capabilities ht ldpc'):
        wifi['cap_ht'] = True
        wifi['cap_ht_ldpc'] = True

    # L-SIG TXOP protection capability
    if conf.exists('capabilities ht lsig-protection'):
        wifi['cap_ht'] = True
        wifi['cap_ht_lsig_protection'] = True

    # Set Maximum A-MSDU length
    if conf.exists('capabilities ht max-amsdu'):
        wifi['cap_ht'] = True
        wifi['cap_ht_max_amsdu'] = conf.return_value('capabilities ht max-amsdu')

    # Short GI capabilities
    if conf.exists('capabilities ht short-gi'):
        wifi['cap_ht'] = True
        wifi['cap_ht_short_gi'] = conf.return_values('capabilities ht short-gi')

    # Spatial Multiplexing Power Save (SMPS) settings
    if conf.exists('capabilities ht smps'):
        wifi['cap_ht'] = True
        wifi['cap_ht_smps'] = conf.return_value('capabilities ht smps')

    # Support for receiving PPDU using STBC (Space Time Block Coding)
    if conf.exists('capabilities ht stbc rx'):
        wifi['cap_ht'] = True
        wifi['cap_ht_stbc_rx'] = conf.return_value('capabilities ht stbc rx')

    # Support for sending PPDU using STBC (Space Time Block Coding)
    if conf.exists('capabilities ht stbc tx'):
        wifi['cap_ht'] = True
        wifi['cap_ht_stbc_tx'] = True

    # Require stations to support HT PHY (reject association if they do not)
    if conf.exists('capabilities require-ht'):
        wifi['cap_req_ht'] = True

    # Require stations to support VHT PHY (reject association if they do not)
    if conf.exists('capabilities require-vht'):
        wifi['cap_req_vht'] = True

    # Number of antennas on this card
    if conf.exists('capabilities vht antenna-count'):
        wifi['cap_vht'] = True
        wifi['cap_vht_antenna_cnt'] = conf.return_value('capabilities vht antenna-count')

    # set if antenna pattern does not change during the lifetime of an association
    if conf.exists('capabilities vht antenna-pattern-fixed'):
        wifi['cap_vht'] = True
        wifi['cap_vht_antenna_fixed'] = True

    # Beamforming capabilities
    if conf.exists('capabilities vht beamform'):
        wifi['cap_vht'] = True
        wifi['cap_vht_beamform'] = conf.return_values('capabilities vht beamform')

    # VHT operating channel center frequency - center freq 1 (for use with 80, 80+80 and 160 modes)
    if conf.exists('capabilities vht center-channel-freq freq-1'):
        wifi['cap_vht'] = True
        wifi['cap_vht_center_freq_1'] = conf.return_value('capabilities vht center-channel-freq freq-1')

    # VHT operating channel center frequency - center freq 2 (for use with the 80+80 mode)
    if conf.exists('capabilities vht center-channel-freq freq-2'):
        wifi['cap_vht'] = True
        wifi['cap_vht_center_freq_2'] = conf.return_value('capabilities vht center-channel-freq freq-2')

    # VHT operating Channel width
    if conf.exists('capabilities vht channel-set-width'):
        wifi['cap_vht'] = True
        wifi['cap_vht_chan_set_width'] = conf.return_value('capabilities vht channel-set-width')

    # LDPC coding capability
    if conf.exists('capabilities vht ldpc'):
        wifi['cap_vht'] = True
        wifi['cap_vht_ldpc'] = True

    # VHT link adaptation capabilities
    if conf.exists('capabilities vht link-adaptation'):
        wifi['cap_vht'] = True
        wifi['cap_vht_link_adaptation'] = conf.return_value('capabilities vht link-adaptation')

    # Set the maximum length of A-MPDU pre-EOF padding that the station can receive
    if conf.exists('capabilities vht max-mpdu-exp'):
        wifi['cap_vht'] = True
        wifi['cap_vht_max_mpdu_exp'] = conf.return_value('capabilities vht max-mpdu-exp')

    # Increase Maximum MPDU length
    if conf.exists('capabilities vht max-mpdu'):
        wifi['cap_vht'] = True
        wifi['cap_vht_max_mpdu'] = conf.return_value('capabilities vht max-mpdu')

    # Increase Maximum MPDU length
    if conf.exists('capabilities vht short-gi'):
        wifi['cap_vht'] = True
        wifi['cap_vht_short_gi'] = conf.return_values('capabilities vht short-gi')

    # Support for receiving PPDU using STBC (Space Time Block Coding)
    if conf.exists('capabilities vht stbc rx'):
        wifi['cap_vht'] = True
        wifi['cap_vht_stbc_rx'] = conf.return_value('capabilities vht stbc rx')

    # Support for the transmission of at least 2x1 STBC (Space Time Block Coding)
    if conf.exists('capabilities vht stbc tx'):
        wifi['cap_vht'] = True
        wifi['cap_vht_stbc_tx'] = True

    # Support for VHT TXOP Power Save Mode
    if conf.exists('capabilities vht tx-powersave'):
        wifi['cap_vht'] = True
        wifi['cap_vht_tx_powersave'] = True

    # STA supports receiving a VHT variant HT Control field
    if conf.exists('capabilities vht vht-cf'):
        wifi['cap_vht'] = True
        wifi['cap_vht_vht_cf'] = True

    # Wireless radio channel
    if conf.exists('channel'):
        wifi['channel'] = conf.return_value('channel')

    # retrieve interface description
    if conf.exists('description'):
        wifi['description'] = conf.return_value('description')

    # get DHCP client identifier
    if conf.exists('dhcp-options client-id'):
        wifi['dhcp_client_id'] = conf.return_value('dhcp-options client-id')

    # DHCP client host name (overrides the system host name)
    if conf.exists('dhcp-options host-name'):
        wifi['dhcp_hostname'] = conf.return_value('dhcp-options host-name')

    # DHCP client vendor identifier
    if conf.exists('dhcp-options vendor-class-id'):
        wifi['dhcp_vendor_class_id'] = conf.return_value('dhcp-options vendor-class-id')

    # DHCPv6 only acquire config parameters, no address
    if conf.exists('dhcpv6-options parameters-only'):
        wifi['dhcpv6_prm_only'] = conf.return_value('dhcpv6-options parameters-only')

    # DHCPv6 temporary IPv6 address
    if conf.exists('dhcpv6-options temporary'):
        wifi['dhcpv6_temporary'] = conf.return_value('dhcpv6-options temporary')

    # Disable broadcast of SSID from access-point
    if conf.exists('disable-broadcast-ssid'):
        wifi['disable_broadcast_ssid'] = True

    # ignore link state changes on this interface
    if conf.exists('disable-link-detect'):
        wifi['disable_link_detect'] = 2

    # Disassociate stations based on excessive transmission failures
    if conf.exists('expunge-failing-stations'):
        wifi['expunge_failing_stations'] = True

    # retrieve real hardware address
    if conf.exists('hw-id'):
        wifi['hw_id'] = conf.return_value('hw-id')

    # Isolate stations on the AP so they cannot see each other
    if conf.exists('isolate-stations'):
        wifi['isolate_stations'] = True

    # ARP filter configuration
    if conf.exists('ip disable-arp-filter'):
        wifi['ip_disable_arp_filter'] = 0

    # ARP enable accept
    if conf.exists('ip enable-arp-accept'):
        wifi['ip_enable_arp_accept'] = 1

    # ARP enable announce
    if conf.exists('ip enable-arp-announce'):
        wifi['ip_enable_arp_announce'] = 1

    # Enable acquisition of IPv6 address using stateless autoconfig (SLAAC)
    if conf.exists('ipv6 address autoconf'):
        wifi['ipv6_autoconf'] = 1

    # Get prefix for IPv6 addressing based on MAC address (EUI-64)
    if conf.exists('ipv6 address eui64'):
        wifi['ipv6_eui64_prefix'] = conf.return_value('ipv6 address eui64')

    # ARP enable ignore
    if conf.exists('ip enable-arp-ignore'):
        wifi['ip_enable_arp_ignore'] = 1

    # Disable IPv6 forwarding on this interface
    if conf.exists('ipv6 disable-forwarding'):
        wifi['ipv6_forwarding'] = 0

    # IPv6 Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) tries
    if conf.exists('ipv6 dup-addr-detect-transmits'):
        wifi['ipv6_dup_addr_detect'] = int(conf.return_value('ipv6 dup-addr-detect-transmits'))

    # Wireless physical device
    if conf.exists('physical-device'):
        wifi['phy'] = conf.return_value('physical-device')

    # Media Access Control (MAC) address
    if conf.exists('mac'):
        wifi['mac'] = conf.return_value('mac')

    # Maximum number of wireless radio stations
    if conf.exists('max-stations'):
        wifi['max_stations'] = conf.return_value('max-stations')

    # Management Frame Protection (MFP) according to IEEE 802.11w
    if conf.exists('mgmt-frame-protection'):
        wifi['mgmt_frame_protection'] = conf.return_value('mgmt-frame-protection')

    # Wireless radio mode
    if conf.exists('mode'):
        wifi['mode'] = conf.return_value('mode')

    # retrieve VRF instance
    if conf.exists('vrf'):
        wifi['vrf'] = conf.return_value('vrf')

    # Transmission power reduction in dBm
    if conf.exists('reduce-transmit-power'):
        wifi['reduce_transmit_power'] = conf.return_value('reduce-transmit-power')

    # WEP enabled?
    if conf.exists('security wep'):
        wifi['sec_wep'] = True

    # WEP encryption key(s)
    if conf.exists('security wep key'):
        wifi['sec_wep_key'] = conf.return_values('security wep key')

    # WPA enabled?
    if conf.exists('security wpa'):
        wifi['sec_wpa'] = True

    # WPA Cipher suite
    if conf.exists('security wpa cipher'):
        wifi['sec_wpa_cipher'] = conf.return_values('security wpa cipher')

    # WPA mode
    if conf.exists('security wpa mode'):
        wifi['sec_wpa_mode'] = conf.return_value('security wpa mode')

    # WPA default ciphers depend on WPA mode
    if not wifi['sec_wpa_cipher']:
        if wifi['sec_wpa_mode'] == 'wpa':

        elif wifi['sec_wpa_mode'] == 'wpa2':

        elif wifi['sec_wpa_mode'] == 'both':

    # WPA personal shared pass phrase
    if conf.exists('security wpa passphrase'):
        wifi['sec_wpa_passphrase'] = conf.return_value('security wpa passphrase')

    # WPA RADIUS source address
    if conf.exists('security wpa radius source-address'):
        wifi['sec_wpa_radius_source'] = conf.return_value('security wpa radius source-address')

    # WPA RADIUS server
    for server in conf.list_nodes('security wpa radius server'):
        # set new configuration level
        conf.set_level(cfg_base + ' security wpa radius server ' + server)
        radius = {
            'server' : server,
            'acc_port' : '',
            'disabled': False,
            'port' : 1812,
            'key' : ''

        # RADIUS server port
        if conf.exists('port'):
            radius['port'] = int(conf.return_value('port'))

        # receive RADIUS accounting info
        if conf.exists('accounting'):
            radius['acc_port'] = radius['port'] + 1

        # Check if RADIUS server was temporary disabled
        if conf.exists(['disable']):
            radius['disabled'] = True

        # RADIUS server shared-secret
        if conf.exists('key'):
            radius['key'] = conf.return_value('key')

        # append RADIUS server to list of servers

    # re-set configuration level to parse new nodes

    # Wireless access-point service set identifier (SSID)
    if conf.exists('ssid'):
        wifi['ssid'] = conf.return_value('ssid')

    # Wireless device type for this interface
    if conf.exists('type'):
        tmp = conf.return_value('type')
        if tmp == 'access-point':
            tmp = 'ap'

        wifi['op_mode'] = tmp

    # re-set configuration level to parse new nodes
    # Determine vif interfaces (currently effective) - to determine which
    # vif interface is no longer present and needs to be removed
    eff_intf = conf.list_effective_nodes('vif')
    act_intf = conf.list_nodes('vif')
    wifi['vif_remove'] = list_diff(eff_intf, act_intf)

    if conf.exists('vif'):
        for vif in conf.list_nodes('vif'):
            # set config level to vif interface
            conf.set_level(cfg_base + ' vif ' + vif)

    # disable interface
    if conf.exists('disable'):
        wifi['disable'] = True

    # retrieve configured regulatory domain
    if conf.exists('wifi-regulatory-domain'):
        wifi['country_code'] = conf.return_value('wifi-regulatory-domain')

    return wifi
def get_config():
    peth = deepcopy(default_config_data)
    conf = Config()

    # determine tagNode instance
    if 'VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE' not in os.environ:
        raise ConfigError('Interface (VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE) not specified')

    peth['intf'] = os.environ['VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE']
    cfg_base = ['interfaces', 'pseudo-ethernet', peth['intf']]

    # Check if interface has been removed
    if not conf.exists(cfg_base):
        peth['deleted'] = True
        return peth

    # set new configuration level

    # retrieve configured interface addresses
    if conf.exists(['address']):
        peth['address'] = conf.return_values(['address'])

    # get interface addresses (currently effective) - to determine which
    # address is no longer valid and needs to be removed
    eff_addr = conf.return_effective_values(['address'])
    peth['address_remove'] = list_diff(eff_addr, peth['address'])

    # retrieve interface description
    if conf.exists(['description']):
        peth['description'] = conf.return_value(['description'])

    # get DHCP client identifier
    if conf.exists(['dhcp-options', 'client-id']):
        peth['dhcp_client_id'] = conf.return_value(['dhcp-options', 'client-id'])

    # DHCP client host name (overrides the system host name)
    if conf.exists(['dhcp-options', 'host-name']):
        peth['dhcp_hostname'] = conf.return_value(['dhcp-options', 'host-name'])

    # DHCP client vendor identifier
    if conf.exists(['dhcp-options', 'vendor-class-id']):
        peth['dhcp_vendor_class_id'] = conf.return_value(['dhcp-options', 'vendor-class-id'])

    # DHCPv6 only acquire config parameters, no address
    if conf.exists(['dhcpv6-options parameters-only']):
        peth['dhcpv6_prm_only'] = True

    # DHCPv6 temporary IPv6 address
    if conf.exists(['dhcpv6-options temporary']):
        peth['dhcpv6_temporary'] = True

    # disable interface
    if conf.exists(['disable']):
        peth['disable'] = True

    # ignore link state changes
    if conf.exists(['disable-link-detect']):
        peth['disable_link_detect'] = 2

    # ARP cache entry timeout in seconds
    if conf.exists(['ip', 'arp-cache-timeout']):
        peth['ip_arp_cache_tmo'] = int(conf.return_value(['ip', 'arp-cache-timeout']))

    # ARP filter configuration
    if conf.exists(['ip', 'disable-arp-filter']):
        peth['ip_disable_arp_filter'] = 0

    # ARP enable accept
    if conf.exists(['ip', 'enable-arp-accept']):
        peth['ip_enable_arp_accept'] = 1

    # ARP enable announce
    if conf.exists(['ip', 'enable-arp-announce']):
        peth['ip_enable_arp_announce'] = 1

    # ARP enable ignore
    if conf.exists(['ip', 'enable-arp-ignore']):
        peth['ip_enable_arp_ignore'] = 1

    # Enable proxy-arp on this interface
    if conf.exists(['ip', 'enable-proxy-arp']):
        peth['ip_proxy_arp'] = 1

    # Enable private VLAN proxy ARP on this interface
    if conf.exists(['ip', 'proxy-arp-pvlan']):
        peth['ip_proxy_arp_pvlan'] = 1

    # Enable acquisition of IPv6 address using stateless autoconfig (SLAAC)
    if conf.exists('ipv6 address autoconf'):
        peth['ipv6_autoconf'] = 1

    # Get prefix for IPv6 addressing based on MAC address (EUI-64)
    if conf.exists('ipv6 address eui64'):
        peth['ipv6_eui64_prefix'] = conf.return_value('ipv6 address eui64')

    # Disable IPv6 forwarding on this interface
    if conf.exists('ipv6 disable-forwarding'):
        peth['ipv6_forwarding'] = 0

    # IPv6 Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) tries
    if conf.exists('ipv6 dup-addr-detect-transmits'):
        peth['ipv6_dup_addr_detect'] = int(conf.return_value('ipv6 dup-addr-detect-transmits'))

    # Physical interface
    if conf.exists(['source-interface']):
        peth['source_interface'] = conf.return_value(['source-interface'])
        tmp = conf.return_effective_value(['source-interface'])
        if tmp != peth['source_interface']:
            peth['source_interface_changed'] = True

    # Media Access Control (MAC) address
    if conf.exists(['mac']):
        peth['mac'] = conf.return_value(['mac'])

    # MACvlan mode
    if conf.exists(['mode']):
        peth['mode'] = conf.return_value(['mode'])

    # retrieve VRF instance
    if conf.exists('vrf'):
        peth['vrf'] = conf.return_value('vrf')

    # re-set configuration level to parse new nodes
    # get vif-s interfaces (currently effective) - to determine which vif-s
    # interface is no longer present and needs to be removed
    eff_intf = conf.list_effective_nodes('vif-s')
    act_intf = conf.list_nodes('vif-s')
    peth['vif_s_remove'] = list_diff(eff_intf, act_intf)

    if conf.exists('vif-s'):
        for vif_s in conf.list_nodes('vif-s'):
            # set config level to vif-s interface
            conf.set_level(cfg_base + ['vif-s', vif_s])

    # re-set configuration level to parse new nodes
    # Determine vif interfaces (currently effective) - to determine which
    # vif interface is no longer present and needs to be removed
    eff_intf = conf.list_effective_nodes('vif')
    act_intf = conf.list_nodes('vif')
    peth['vif_remove'] = list_diff(eff_intf, act_intf)

    if conf.exists('vif'):
        for vif in conf.list_nodes('vif'):
            # set config level to vif interface
            conf.set_level(cfg_base + ['vif', vif])

    return peth
Exemple #9
def get_config():
    conf = Config()
    base = ['interfaces', 'wireguard']

    # determine tagNode instance
    if 'VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE' not in os.environ:
        raise ConfigError('Interface (VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE) not specified')

    wg = deepcopy(default_config_data)
    wg['intf'] = os.environ['VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE']

    # check if interface is member if a bridge
    wg['is_bridge_member'] = is_member(conf, wg['intf'], 'bridge')

    # Check if interface has been removed
    if not conf.exists(base + [wg['intf']]):
        wg['deleted'] = True
        return wg

    conf.set_level(base + [wg['intf']])

    # retrieve configured interface addresses
    if conf.exists(['address']):
        wg['address'] = conf.return_values(['address'])

    # get interface addresses (currently effective) - to determine which
    # address is no longer valid and needs to be removed
    eff_addr = conf.return_effective_values(['address'])
    wg['address_remove'] = list_diff(eff_addr, wg['address'])

    # retrieve interface description
    if conf.exists(['description']):
        wg['description'] = conf.return_value(['description'])

    # disable interface
    if conf.exists(['disable']):
        wg['disable'] = True

    # local port to listen on
    if conf.exists(['port']):
        wg['listen_port'] = conf.return_value(['port'])

    # fwmark value
    if conf.exists(['fwmark']):
        wg['fwmark'] = int(conf.return_value(['fwmark']))

    # Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU)
    if conf.exists('mtu'):
        wg['mtu'] = int(conf.return_value(['mtu']))

    # retrieve VRF instance
    if conf.exists('vrf'):
        wg['vrf'] = conf.return_value('vrf')

    # private key
    if conf.exists(['private-key']):
        wg['pk'] = "{0}/{1}/private.key".format(
            kdir, conf.return_value(['private-key']))

    # peer removal, wg identifies peers by its pubkey
    peer_eff = conf.list_effective_nodes(['peer'])
    peer_rem = list_diff(peer_eff, conf.list_nodes(['peer']))
    for peer in peer_rem:
            conf.return_effective_value(['peer', peer, 'pubkey']))

    # peer settings
    if conf.exists(['peer']):
        for p in conf.list_nodes(['peer']):
            # set new config level for this peer
            conf.set_level(base + [wg['intf'], 'peer', p])
            peer = {
                'allowed-ips': [],
                'address': '',
                'name': p,
                'persistent_keepalive': '',
                'port': '',
                'psk': '',
                'pubkey': ''

            # peer allowed-ips
            if conf.exists(['allowed-ips']):
                peer['allowed-ips'] = conf.return_values(['allowed-ips'])

            # peer address
            if conf.exists(['address']):
                peer['address'] = conf.return_value(['address'])

            # peer port
            if conf.exists(['port']):
                peer['port'] = conf.return_value(['port'])

            # persistent-keepalive
            if conf.exists(['persistent-keepalive']):
                peer['persistent_keepalive'] = conf.return_value(['persistent-keepalive'])

            # preshared-key
            if conf.exists(['preshared-key']):
                peer['psk'] = conf.return_value(['preshared-key'])

            # peer pubkeys
            if conf.exists(['pubkey']):
                key_eff = conf.return_effective_value(['pubkey'])
                key_cfg = conf.return_value(['pubkey'])
                peer['pubkey'] = key_cfg

                # on a pubkey change we need to remove the pubkey first
                # peers are identified by pubkey, so key update means
                # peer removal and re-add
                if key_eff != key_cfg and key_eff != None:

            # if a peer is disabled, we have to exec a remove for it's pubkey
            if conf.exists(['disable']):

    return wg
def get_config():
    eth = deepcopy(default_config_data)
    conf = Config()

    # determine tagNode instance
    if 'VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE' not in os.environ:
        raise ConfigError('Interface (VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE) not specified')

    eth['intf'] = os.environ['VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE']

    # check if ethernet interface has been removed
    cfg_base = ['interfaces', 'ethernet', eth['intf']]
    if not conf.exists(cfg_base):
        eth['deleted'] = True
        # we can not bail out early as ethernet interface can not be removed
        # Kernel will complain with: RTNETLINK answers: Operation not supported.
        # Thus we need to remove individual settings
        return eth

    # set new configuration level

    # retrieve configured interface addresses
    if conf.exists('address'):
        eth['address'] = conf.return_values('address')

    # get interface addresses (currently effective) - to determine which
    # address is no longer valid and needs to be removed
    eff_addr = conf.return_effective_values('address')
    eth['address_remove'] = list_diff(eff_addr, eth['address'])

    # retrieve interface description
    if conf.exists('description'):
        eth['description'] = conf.return_value('description')

    # get DHCP client identifier
    if conf.exists('dhcp-options client-id'):
        eth['dhcp_client_id'] = conf.return_value('dhcp-options client-id')

    # DHCP client host name (overrides the system host name)
    if conf.exists('dhcp-options host-name'):
        eth['dhcp_hostname'] = conf.return_value('dhcp-options host-name')

    # DHCP client vendor identifier
    if conf.exists('dhcp-options vendor-class-id'):
        eth['dhcp_vendor_class_id'] = conf.return_value(
            'dhcp-options vendor-class-id')

    # DHCPv6 only acquire config parameters, no address
    if conf.exists('dhcpv6-options parameters-only'):
        eth['dhcpv6_prm_only'] = True

    # DHCPv6 temporary IPv6 address
    if conf.exists('dhcpv6-options temporary'):
        eth['dhcpv6_temporary'] = True

    # ignore link state changes
    if conf.exists('disable-link-detect'):
        eth['disable_link_detect'] = 2

    # disable ethernet flow control (pause frames)
    if conf.exists('disable-flow-control'):
        eth['flow_control'] = 'off'

    # retrieve real hardware address
    if conf.exists('hw-id'):
        eth['hw_id'] = conf.return_value('hw-id')

    # disable interface
    if conf.exists('disable'):
        eth['disable'] = True

    # interface duplex
    if conf.exists('duplex'):
        eth['duplex'] = conf.return_value('duplex')

    # ARP cache entry timeout in seconds
    if conf.exists('ip arp-cache-timeout'):
        eth['ip_arp_cache_tmo'] = int(
            conf.return_value('ip arp-cache-timeout'))

    # ARP filter configuration
    if conf.exists('ip disable-arp-filter'):
        eth['ip_disable_arp_filter'] = 0

    # ARP enable accept
    if conf.exists('ip enable-arp-accept'):
        eth['ip_enable_arp_accept'] = 1

    # ARP enable announce
    if conf.exists('ip enable-arp-announce'):
        eth['ip_enable_arp_announce'] = 1

    # ARP enable ignore
    if conf.exists('ip enable-arp-ignore'):
        eth['ip_enable_arp_ignore'] = 1

    # Enable proxy-arp on this interface
    if conf.exists('ip enable-proxy-arp'):
        eth['ip_proxy_arp'] = 1

    # Enable private VLAN proxy ARP on this interface
    if conf.exists('ip proxy-arp-pvlan'):
        eth['ip_proxy_arp_pvlan'] = 1

    # Enable acquisition of IPv6 address using stateless autoconfig (SLAAC)
    if conf.exists('ipv6 address autoconf'):
        eth['ipv6_autoconf'] = 1

    # Get prefix for IPv6 addressing based on MAC address (EUI-64)
    if conf.exists('ipv6 address eui64'):
        eth['ipv6_eui64_prefix'] = conf.return_value('ipv6 address eui64')

    # Disable IPv6 forwarding on this interface
    if conf.exists('ipv6 disable-forwarding'):
        eth['ipv6_forwarding'] = 0

    # IPv6 Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) tries
    if conf.exists('ipv6 dup-addr-detect-transmits'):
        eth['ipv6_dup_addr_detect'] = int(
            conf.return_value('ipv6 dup-addr-detect-transmits'))

    # Media Access Control (MAC) address
    if conf.exists('mac'):
        eth['mac'] = conf.return_value('mac')

    # Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU)
    if conf.exists('mtu'):
        eth['mtu'] = int(conf.return_value('mtu'))

    # GRO (generic receive offload)
    if conf.exists('offload-options generic-receive'):
        eth['offload_gro'] = conf.return_value(
            'offload-options generic-receive')

    # GSO (generic segmentation offload)
    if conf.exists('offload-options generic-segmentation'):
        eth['offload_gso'] = conf.return_value(
            'offload-options generic-segmentation')

    # scatter-gather option
    if conf.exists('offload-options scatter-gather'):
        eth['offload_sg'] = conf.return_value('offload-options scatter-gather')

    # TSO (TCP segmentation offloading)
    if conf.exists('offload-options tcp-segmentation'):
        eth['offload_tso'] = conf.return_value(
            'offload-options tcp-segmentation')

    # UDP fragmentation offloading
    if conf.exists('offload-options udp-fragmentation'):
        eth['offload_ufo'] = conf.return_value(
            'offload-options udp-fragmentation')

    # interface speed
    if conf.exists('speed'):
        eth['speed'] = conf.return_value('speed')

    # retrieve VRF instance
    if conf.exists('vrf'):
        eth['vrf'] = conf.return_value('vrf')

    # re-set configuration level to parse new nodes
    # get vif-s interfaces (currently effective) - to determine which vif-s
    # interface is no longer present and needs to be removed
    eff_intf = conf.list_effective_nodes('vif-s')
    act_intf = conf.list_nodes('vif-s')
    eth['vif_s_remove'] = list_diff(eff_intf, act_intf)

    if conf.exists('vif-s'):
        for vif_s in conf.list_nodes('vif-s'):
            # set config level to vif-s interface
            conf.set_level(cfg_base + ['vif-s', vif_s])

    # re-set configuration level to parse new nodes
    # Determine vif interfaces (currently effective) - to determine which
    # vif interface is no longer present and needs to be removed
    eff_intf = conf.list_effective_nodes('vif')
    act_intf = conf.list_nodes('vif')
    eth['vif_remove'] = list_diff(eff_intf, act_intf)

    if conf.exists('vif'):
        for vif in conf.list_nodes('vif'):
            # set config level to vif interface
            conf.set_level(cfg_base + ['vif', vif])

    return eth
def get_config():
    bridge = deepcopy(default_config_data)
    conf = Config()

    # determine tagNode instance
    if 'VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE' not in os.environ:
        raise ConfigError('Interface (VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE) not specified')

    bridge['intf'] = os.environ['VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE']

    # Check if bridge has been removed
    if not conf.exists('interfaces bridge ' + bridge['intf']):
        bridge['deleted'] = True
        return bridge

    # set new configuration level
    conf.set_level('interfaces bridge ' + bridge['intf'])

    # retrieve configured interface addresses
    if conf.exists('address'):
        bridge['address'] = conf.return_values('address')

    # Determine interface addresses (currently effective) - to determine which
    # address is no longer valid and needs to be removed
    eff_addr = conf.return_effective_values('address')
    bridge['address_remove'] = list_diff(eff_addr, bridge['address'])

    # retrieve aging - how long addresses are retained
    if conf.exists('aging'):
        bridge['aging'] = int(conf.return_value('aging'))

    # retrieve interface description
    if conf.exists('description'):
        bridge['description'] = conf.return_value('description')

    # get DHCP client identifier
    if conf.exists('dhcp-options client-id'):
        bridge['dhcp_client_id'] = conf.return_value('dhcp-options client-id')

    # DHCP client host name (overrides the system host name)
    if conf.exists('dhcp-options host-name'):
        bridge['dhcp_hostname'] = conf.return_value('dhcp-options host-name')

    # DHCP client vendor identifier
    if conf.exists('dhcp-options vendor-class-id'):
        bridge['dhcp_vendor_class_id'] = conf.return_value(
            'dhcp-options vendor-class-id')

    # DHCPv6 only acquire config parameters, no address
    if conf.exists('dhcpv6-options parameters-only'):
        bridge['dhcpv6_prm_only'] = True

    # DHCPv6 temporary IPv6 address
    if conf.exists('dhcpv6-options temporary'):
        bridge['dhcpv6_temporary'] = True

    # Disable this bridge interface
    if conf.exists('disable'):
        bridge['disable'] = True

    # Ignore link state changes
    if conf.exists('disable-link-detect'):
        bridge['disable_link_detect'] = 2

    # Forwarding delay
    if conf.exists('forwarding-delay'):
        bridge['forwarding_delay'] = int(conf.return_value('forwarding-delay'))

    # Hello packet advertisment interval
    if conf.exists('hello-time'):
        bridge['hello_time'] = int(conf.return_value('hello-time'))

    # Enable Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) querier
    if conf.exists('igmp querier'):
        bridge['igmp_querier'] = 1

    # ARP cache entry timeout in seconds
    if conf.exists('ip arp-cache-timeout'):
        bridge['arp_cache_tmo'] = int(
            conf.return_value('ip arp-cache-timeout'))

    # ARP filter configuration
    if conf.exists('ip disable-arp-filter'):
        bridge['ip_disable_arp_filter'] = 0

    # ARP enable accept
    if conf.exists('ip enable-arp-accept'):
        bridge['ip_enable_arp_accept'] = 1

    # ARP enable announce
    if conf.exists('ip enable-arp-announce'):
        bridge['ip_enable_arp_announce'] = 1

    # ARP enable ignore
    if conf.exists('ip enable-arp-ignore'):
        bridge['ip_enable_arp_ignore'] = 1

    # Enable acquisition of IPv6 address using stateless autoconfig (SLAAC)
    if conf.exists('ipv6 address autoconf'):
        bridge['ipv6_autoconf'] = 1

    # Get prefixes for IPv6 addressing based on MAC address (EUI-64)
    if conf.exists('ipv6 address eui64'):
        bridge['ipv6_eui64_prefix'] = conf.return_values('ipv6 address eui64')

    # Determine currently effective EUI64 addresses - to determine which
    # address is no longer valid and needs to be removed
    eff_addr = conf.return_effective_values('ipv6 address eui64')
    bridge['ipv6_eui64_prefix_remove'] = list_diff(eff_addr,

    # Remove the default link-local address if set.
    if conf.exists('ipv6 address no-default-link-local'):
        # add the link-local by default to make IPv6 work

    # Disable IPv6 forwarding on this interface
    if conf.exists('ipv6 disable-forwarding'):
        bridge['ipv6_forwarding'] = 0

    # IPv6 Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) tries
    if conf.exists('ipv6 dup-addr-detect-transmits'):
        bridge['ipv6_dup_addr_detect'] = int(
            conf.return_value('ipv6 dup-addr-detect-transmits'))

    # Media Access Control (MAC) address
    if conf.exists('mac'):
        bridge['mac'] = conf.return_value('mac')

    # Find out if MAC has changed - if so, we need to delete all IPv6 EUI64 addresses
    # before re-adding them
    if (bridge['mac']
            and bridge['intf'] in Section.interfaces(section='bridge') and
            bridge['mac'] != BridgeIf(bridge['intf'], create=False).get_mac()):
        bridge['ipv6_eui64_prefix_remove'] += bridge['ipv6_eui64_prefix']

    # to make IPv6 SLAAC and DHCPv6 work with forwarding=1,
    # accept_ra must be 2
    if bridge['ipv6_autoconf'] or 'dhcpv6' in bridge['address']:
        bridge['ipv6_accept_ra'] = 2

    # Interval at which neighbor bridges are removed
    if conf.exists('max-age'):
        bridge['max_age'] = int(conf.return_value('max-age'))

    # Determine bridge member interface (currently configured)
    for intf in conf.list_nodes('member interface'):
        # defaults are stored in util.py (they can't be here as all interface
        # scripts use the function)
        memberconf = get_bridge_member_config(conf, bridge['intf'], intf)
        if memberconf:
            memberconf['name'] = intf

    # Determine bridge member interface (currently effective) - to determine which
    # interfaces is no longer assigend to the bridge and thus can be removed
    eff_intf = conf.list_effective_nodes('member interface')
    act_intf = conf.list_nodes('member interface')
    bridge['member_remove'] = list_diff(eff_intf, act_intf)

    # Priority for this bridge
    if conf.exists('priority'):
        bridge['priority'] = int(conf.return_value('priority'))

    # Enable spanning tree protocol
    if conf.exists('stp'):
        bridge['stp'] = 1

    # retrieve VRF instance
    if conf.exists('vrf'):
        bridge['vrf'] = conf.return_value('vrf')

    return bridge
Exemple #12
def get_config():
    openvpn = deepcopy(default_config_data)
    conf = Config()

    # determine tagNode instance
    if 'VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE' not in os.environ:
        raise ConfigError('Interface (VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE) not specified')

    openvpn['intf'] = os.environ['VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE']
    openvpn['auth_user_pass_file'] = f"/run/openvpn/{openvpn['intf']}.pw"

    # check if interface is member of a bridge
    openvpn['is_bridge_member'] = is_member(conf, openvpn['intf'], 'bridge')

    # Check if interface instance has been removed
    if not conf.exists('interfaces openvpn ' + openvpn['intf']):
        openvpn['deleted'] = True
        return openvpn

    # bridged server should not have a pool by default (but can be specified manually)
    if openvpn['is_bridge_member']:
        openvpn['server_pool'] = False
        openvpn['server_ipv6_pool'] = False

    # set configuration level
    conf.set_level('interfaces openvpn ' + openvpn['intf'])

    # retrieve authentication options - username
    if conf.exists('authentication username'):
        openvpn['auth_user'] = conf.return_value('authentication username')
        openvpn['auth'] = True

    # retrieve authentication options - username
    if conf.exists('authentication password'):
        openvpn['auth_pass'] = conf.return_value('authentication password')
        openvpn['auth'] = True

    # retrieve interface description
    if conf.exists('description'):
        openvpn['description'] = conf.return_value('description')

    # interface device-type
    if conf.exists('device-type'):
        openvpn['type'] = conf.return_value('device-type')

    # disable interface
    if conf.exists('disable'):
        openvpn['disable'] = True

    # data encryption algorithm cipher
    if conf.exists('encryption cipher'):
        openvpn['encryption'] = conf.return_value('encryption cipher')

    # disable ncp-ciphers support
    if conf.exists('encryption disable-ncp'):
        openvpn['disable_ncp'] = True

    # data encryption algorithm ncp-list
    if conf.exists('encryption ncp-ciphers'):
        _ncp_ciphers = []
        for enc in conf.return_values('encryption ncp-ciphers'):
            if enc == 'des':
            elif enc == '3des':
            elif enc == 'aes128':
            elif enc == 'aes128gcm':
            elif enc == 'aes192':
            elif enc == 'aes192gcm':
            elif enc == 'aes256':
            elif enc == 'aes256gcm':
        openvpn['ncp_ciphers'] = ':'.join(_ncp_ciphers)

    # hash algorithm
    if conf.exists('hash'):
        openvpn['hash'] = conf.return_value('hash')

    # Maximum number of keepalive packet failures
    if conf.exists('keep-alive failure-count') and conf.exists(
            'keep-alive interval'):
        fail_count = conf.return_value('keep-alive failure-count')
        interval = conf.return_value('keep-alive interval')
        openvpn['ping_interval'] = interval
        openvpn['ping_restart'] = int(interval) * int(fail_count)

    # Local IP address of tunnel - even as it is a tag node - we can only work
    # on the first address
    if conf.exists('local-address'):
        for tmp in conf.list_nodes('local-address'):
            tmp_ip = ip_address(tmp)
            if tmp_ip.version == 4:
                if conf.exists('local-address {} subnet-mask'.format(tmp)):
                    openvpn['local_address_subnet'] = conf.return_value(
                        'local-address {} subnet-mask'.format(tmp))
            elif tmp_ip.version == 6:
                # input IPv6 address could be expanded so get the compressed version

    # Local IP address to accept connections
    if conf.exists('local-host'):
        openvpn['local_host'] = conf.return_value('local-host')

    # Local port number to accept connections
    if conf.exists('local-port'):
        openvpn['local_port'] = conf.return_value('local-port')

    # Enable acquisition of IPv6 address using stateless autoconfig (SLAAC)
    if conf.exists('ipv6 address autoconf'):
        openvpn['ipv6_autoconf'] = 1

    # Get prefixes for IPv6 addressing based on MAC address (EUI-64)
    if conf.exists('ipv6 address eui64'):
        openvpn['ipv6_eui64_prefix'] = conf.return_values('ipv6 address eui64')

    # Determine currently effective EUI64 addresses - to determine which
    # address is no longer valid and needs to be removed
    eff_addr = conf.return_effective_values('ipv6 address eui64')
    openvpn['ipv6_eui64_prefix_remove'] = list_diff(
        eff_addr, openvpn['ipv6_eui64_prefix'])

    # Remove the default link-local address if set.
    if conf.exists('ipv6 address no-default-link-local'):
        # add the link-local by default to make IPv6 work

    # Disable IPv6 forwarding on this interface
    if conf.exists('ipv6 disable-forwarding'):
        openvpn['ipv6_forwarding'] = 0

    # IPv6 Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) tries
    if conf.exists('ipv6 dup-addr-detect-transmits'):
        openvpn['ipv6_dup_addr_detect'] = int(
            conf.return_value('ipv6 dup-addr-detect-transmits'))

    # to make IPv6 SLAAC and DHCPv6 work with forwarding=1,
    # accept_ra must be 2
    if openvpn['ipv6_autoconf'] or 'dhcpv6' in openvpn['address']:
        openvpn['ipv6_accept_ra'] = 2

    # OpenVPN operation mode
    if conf.exists('mode'):
        openvpn['mode'] = conf.return_value('mode')

    # Additional OpenVPN options
    if conf.exists('openvpn-option'):
        openvpn['options'] = conf.return_values('openvpn-option')

    # Do not close and reopen interface
    if conf.exists('persistent-tunnel'):
        openvpn['persistent_tunnel'] = True

    # Communication protocol
    if conf.exists('protocol'):
        openvpn['protocol'] = conf.return_value('protocol')

    # IP address of remote end of tunnel
    if conf.exists('remote-address'):
        for tmp in conf.return_values('remote-address'):
            tmp_ip = ip_address(tmp)
            if tmp_ip.version == 4:
            elif tmp_ip.version == 6:

    # Remote host to connect to (dynamic if not set)
    if conf.exists('remote-host'):
        openvpn['remote_host'] = conf.return_values('remote-host')

    # Remote port number to connect to
    if conf.exists('remote-port'):
        openvpn['remote_port'] = conf.return_value('remote-port')

    # OpenVPN tunnel to be used as the default route
    # see https://openvpn.net/community-resources/reference-manual-for-openvpn-2-4/
    # redirect-gateway flags
    if conf.exists('replace-default-route'):
        openvpn['redirect_gateway'] = 'def1'

    if conf.exists('replace-default-route local'):
        openvpn['redirect_gateway'] = 'local def1'

    # Topology for clients
    if conf.exists('server topology'):
        openvpn['server_topology'] = conf.return_value('server topology')

    # Server-mode subnet (from which client IPs are allocated)
    server_network_v4 = None
    server_network_v6 = None
    if conf.exists('server subnet'):
        for tmp in conf.return_values('server subnet'):
            tmp_ip = ip_network(tmp)
            if tmp_ip.version == 4:
                server_network_v4 = tmp_ip
                # convert the network to format: "" for later use in template
                    tmp_ip.with_netmask.replace(r'/', ' '))
            elif tmp_ip.version == 6:
                server_network_v6 = tmp_ip

    # Client-specific settings
    for client in conf.list_nodes('server client'):
        # set configuration level
        conf.set_level('interfaces openvpn ' + openvpn['intf'] +
                       ' server client ' + client)
        data = {
            'name': client,
            'disable': False,
            'ip': [],
            'ipv6_ip': [],
            'ipv6_remote': '',
            'ipv6_push_route': [],
            'ipv6_subnet': [],
            'push_route': [],
            'subnet': [],
            'remote_netmask': ''

        # Option to disable client connection
        if conf.exists('disable'):
            data['disable'] = True

        # IP address of the client
        for tmp in conf.return_values('ip'):
            tmp_ip = ip_address(tmp)
            if tmp_ip.version == 4:
            elif tmp_ip.version == 6:

        # Route to be pushed to the client
        for tmp in conf.return_values('push-route'):
            tmp_ip = ip_network(tmp)
            if tmp_ip.version == 4:
                    tmp_ip.with_netmask.replace(r'/', ' '))
            elif tmp_ip.version == 6:

        # Subnet belonging to the client
        for tmp in conf.return_values('subnet'):
            tmp_ip = ip_network(tmp)
            if tmp_ip.version == 4:
                data['subnet'].append(tmp_ip.with_netmask.replace(r'/', ' '))
            elif tmp_ip.version == 6:

        # Append to global client list

    # re-set configuration level
    conf.set_level('interfaces openvpn ' + openvpn['intf'])

    # Server client IP pool
    if conf.exists('server client-ip-pool'):
        conf.set_level('interfaces openvpn ' + openvpn['intf'] +
                       ' server client-ip-pool')

        # enable or disable server_pool where necessary
        # default is enabled, or disabled in bridge mode
        openvpn['server_pool'] = not conf.exists('disable')

        if conf.exists('start'):
            openvpn['server_pool_start'] = conf.return_value('start')

        if conf.exists('stop'):
            openvpn['server_pool_stop'] = conf.return_value('stop')

        if conf.exists('netmask'):
            openvpn['server_pool_netmask'] = conf.return_value('netmask')

        conf.set_level('interfaces openvpn ' + openvpn['intf'])

    # Server client IPv6 pool
    if conf.exists('server client-ipv6-pool'):
        conf.set_level('interfaces openvpn ' + openvpn['intf'] +
                       ' server client-ipv6-pool')
        openvpn['server_ipv6_pool'] = not conf.exists('disable')
        if conf.exists('base'):
            tmp = conf.return_value('base').split('/')
            openvpn['server_ipv6_pool_base'] = str(IPv6Address(tmp[0]))
            if 1 < len(tmp):
                openvpn['server_ipv6_pool_prefixlen'] = tmp[1]

        conf.set_level('interfaces openvpn ' + openvpn['intf'])

    # DNS suffix to be pushed to all clients
    if conf.exists('server domain-name'):
        openvpn['server_domain'] = conf.return_value('server domain-name')

    # Number of maximum client connections
    if conf.exists('server max-connections'):
        openvpn['server_max_conn'] = conf.return_value(
            'server max-connections')

    # Domain Name Server (DNS)
    if conf.exists('server name-server'):
        for tmp in conf.return_values('server name-server'):
            tmp_ip = ip_address(tmp)
            if tmp_ip.version == 4:
            elif tmp_ip.version == 6:

    # Route to be pushed to all clients
    if conf.exists('server push-route'):
        for tmp in conf.return_values('server push-route'):
            tmp_ip = ip_network(tmp)
            if tmp_ip.version == 4:
                    tmp_ip.with_netmask.replace(r'/', ' '))
            elif tmp_ip.version == 6:

    # Reject connections from clients that are not explicitly configured
    if conf.exists('server reject-unconfigured-clients'):
        openvpn['server_reject_unconfigured'] = True

    # File containing TLS auth static key
    if conf.exists('tls auth-file'):
        openvpn['tls_auth'] = conf.return_value('tls auth-file')
        openvpn['tls'] = True

    # File containing certificate for Certificate Authority (CA)
    if conf.exists('tls ca-cert-file'):
        openvpn['tls_ca_cert'] = conf.return_value('tls ca-cert-file')
        openvpn['tls'] = True

    # File containing certificate for this host
    if conf.exists('tls cert-file'):
        openvpn['tls_cert'] = conf.return_value('tls cert-file')
        openvpn['tls'] = True

    # File containing certificate revocation list (CRL) for this host
    if conf.exists('tls crl-file'):
        openvpn['tls_crl'] = conf.return_value('tls crl-file')
        openvpn['tls'] = True

    # File containing Diffie Hellman parameters (server only)
    if conf.exists('tls dh-file'):
        openvpn['tls_dh'] = conf.return_value('tls dh-file')
        openvpn['tls'] = True

    # File containing this host's private key
    if conf.exists('tls key-file'):
        openvpn['tls_key'] = conf.return_value('tls key-file')
        openvpn['tls'] = True

    # File containing key to encrypt control channel packets
    if conf.exists('tls crypt-file'):
        openvpn['tls_crypt'] = conf.return_value('tls crypt-file')
        openvpn['tls'] = True

    # Role in TLS negotiation
    if conf.exists('tls role'):
        openvpn['tls_role'] = conf.return_value('tls role')
        openvpn['tls'] = True

    # Minimum required TLS version
    if conf.exists('tls tls-version-min'):
        openvpn['tls_version_min'] = conf.return_value('tls tls-version-min')
        openvpn['tls'] = True

    if conf.exists('shared-secret-key-file'):
        openvpn['shared_secret_file'] = conf.return_value(

    if conf.exists('use-lzo-compression'):
        openvpn['compress_lzo'] = True

    # Special case when using EC certificates:
    # if key-file is EC and dh-file is unset, set tls_dh to 'none'
    if not openvpn['tls_dh'] and openvpn['tls_key'] and checkCertHeader(
            '-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----', openvpn['tls_key']):
        openvpn['tls_dh'] = 'none'

    # set default server topology to net30
    if openvpn['mode'] == 'server' and not openvpn['server_topology']:
        openvpn['server_topology'] = 'net30'

    # Convert protocol to real protocol used by openvpn.
    # To make openvpn listen on both IPv4 and IPv6 we must use *6 protocols
    # (https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/ticket/360), unless the local-host
    # or each of the remote-host in client mode is IPv4
    # in which case it must use the standard protocols.
    if openvpn['protocol'] == 'tcp-active':
        openvpn['protocol_real'] = 'tcp6-client'
    elif openvpn['protocol'] == 'tcp-passive':
        openvpn['protocol_real'] = 'tcp6-server'
        openvpn['protocol_real'] = 'udp6'

    if (is_ipv4(openvpn['local_host']) or
            # in client mode test all the remotes instead
        (openvpn['mode'] == 'client'
         and all([is_ipv4(h) for h in openvpn['remote_host']]))):
        # takes out the '6'
        openvpn['protocol_real'] = openvpn['protocol_real'][:3] + openvpn[

    # Set defaults where necessary.
    # If any of the input parameters are wrong,
    # this will return False and no defaults will be set.
    if server_network_v4 and openvpn['server_topology'] and openvpn['type']:
        default_server = None
        default_server = getDefaultServer(server_network_v4,
        if default_server:
            # server-bridge doesn't require a pool so don't set defaults for it
            if openvpn['server_pool'] and not openvpn['is_bridge_member']:
                if not openvpn['server_pool_start']:
                    openvpn['server_pool_start'] = default_server['pool_start']

                if not openvpn['server_pool_stop']:
                    openvpn['server_pool_stop'] = default_server['pool_stop']

                if not openvpn['server_pool_netmask']:
                    openvpn['server_pool_netmask'] = default_server[

            for client in openvpn['client']:
                client['remote_netmask'] = default_server[

    if server_network_v6:
        if not openvpn['server_ipv6_local']:
            openvpn['server_ipv6_local'] = server_network_v6[1]
        if not openvpn['server_ipv6_prefixlen']:
            openvpn['server_ipv6_prefixlen'] = server_network_v6.prefixlen
        if not openvpn['server_ipv6_remote']:
            openvpn['server_ipv6_remote'] = server_network_v6[2]

        if openvpn['server_ipv6_pool'] and server_network_v6.prefixlen < 112:
            if not openvpn['server_ipv6_pool_base']:
                openvpn['server_ipv6_pool_base'] = server_network_v6[0x1000]
            if not openvpn['server_ipv6_pool_prefixlen']:
                openvpn['server_ipv6_pool_prefixlen'] = openvpn[

        for client in openvpn['client']:
            client['ipv6_remote'] = openvpn['server_ipv6_local']

        if openvpn['redirect_gateway']:
            openvpn['redirect_gateway'] += ' ipv6'

    # retrieve VRF instance
    if conf.exists('vrf'):
        openvpn['vrf'] = conf.return_value('vrf')

    return openvpn